
Roman Zlotnikov - Ruigat. Birth. Book: Ruigat. Birth - Roman Zlotnikov Roman Zlotnikov birth

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Publication city: Moscow
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ISBN: 978-5-17-070847-5, 978-5-271-31646-3 The size: 442 Kb

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Book Description

How many people does it take to change the fate of an entire civilization?

What is violence - a relic of a dark past or an important resource that humanity cannot do without?

Can mortal enemies, warriors of desperately fighting armies, stop being enemies?

Is there at least one of these questions that worries you?

If you have, read the first book of Roman Zlotnikov's new fantasy cycle, Ruigat.

Last impression of the book
  • goodv1n:
  • 30-09-2016, 00:03

This book is not at all about the Papadans, as it might seem at first glance. Of course, in fact, there are hitmen available - ideologically opposite, absolutely incompatible: Russian and Nazi officers, an American Jew and a Japanese.

Everyone is against everyone and, as it turned out, shoulder to shoulder against the whole world: without wars, diseases, hunger, worries and problems, an ideal but dead-end world. The world described in the book is a model of human life enlarged to a planetary scale. Here he lives his own life, everything around is good, his parents feed him, he has an interesting hobby, a lot of free time, everything is great, and then fuck! Rose-colored glasses shatter into small pieces, along with a pair of teeth knocked out by a pound fist. And a man stands, not knowing what to do - he was not prepared for this and was not even told about this. And if there is a whole planet of such people: write wasted! This is exactly what one of the greatest minds on the planet understood and "invited" people from another world, straight from the front line, in order to somehow influence the passive herd of people. Those who served in the army probably remember how civilian nonsense is etched out of the young replenishment: how stereotypes and behavior patterns break down, how quickly they unlearn asking stupid questions and wasting time ... But then, trained and prepared, returning to their usual environment, they look at the world with completely different eyes, and much that used to seem so important is now seen as sheer nonsense, and completely different things appear in priority. The book tells how people change when they go through the crucible of physical and moral stress: someone comes out as hardened steel, and someone as burnt out slag. Changing priorities and reassessing values ​​is hard work, but having gathered the experience of four earthlings and the resources of the last scientist on the planet, they manage to turn this planetary flywheel with a creak.

New hit, in this story has a more recent format. And now it’s not Engineer Vasya who gets into the time of Peter the Great and begins to install diesel engines from KAMAZ trucks on sailboats, a hit man (each of them famous person) are trying to change the society of herbivorous natives, from the inside. Generally, good work, if only slightly drawn out and almost completely devoid of action, so beloved by the popadants. The story has a sluggish plot development, but there are plenty of lines in the form of: Russian, Japanese, German and American. Each of them must be described and disclosed as a person. At first, the author honestly tried to reveal everyone, but after that, he spat and began to add portraits of natives ... In total, it turned out to be porridge ...

This work is by no means about hits, as one might think at first. Of course, in the plot you can meet fellows - opposite in their ideology, completely incompatible: officers of the Russian and German fascist armies, a Jew from America and a Japanese. Everyone for himself, and subsequently, jointly enter into a struggle with the whole world: without wars, illness, hungry time, troubles and problems. The atmosphere of the world, which is described in the work, is enlarged to the size of a planet human life. Or rather, her model. Today he does not need to think about how to feed himself, because the way he lives with his parents has interesting activity, a lot of personal time, everything is fine, and then - once! A pood fist knocks out a couple of teeth, simultaneously knocking down the glasses of rose-colored glasses. And he remains at a loss how to live on, because he was not ready for such a turn of events. If the whole planet has such individuals, you can grab your head! One of the best minds of that world came to this and “summoned” representatives of another universe from the real front line in order to somehow reason with a lot of amorphous people. Those who happened to pay their debt to the Motherland probably remember the speed with which the civic dope disappears from young conscripts: the speed with which stereotypes and behavior patterns change, and the habit of asking stupid questions and meaningless spending time disappears. But after that, these people return to their usual lives trained and prepared. Now the world is perceived by them in a completely different way, and what was previously seen as so important is now perceived as sheer nonsense. Priorities change. The work tells how people who go through a large number of trials physically and morally can change: some come out like hardened steel, others - burnt slag. Changing priorities and reevaluating values ​​is not an easy job, but thanks to the experience of 4 representatives of the Earth and that very great mind of this world, they manage, although not immediately, to change the course of this planetary flywheel.

A very unusual book. If not for my respect for the author, I would write that it is pure plagiarism. The book is almost entirely written off from Nikolai Andreev (with the exception of trifles), except that the language is clumsier, more boring and boring. There is no dynamics. If you want to get acquainted with the original, I advise you to read Andreev, in any case, he will not have to wait for the continuation, because it has already come out a long time ago, they managed to read it and comment on it.

Roman Zlotnikov

Ruigat. Birth

The "ladle" had not yet completely stopped, and Shi Oiental had already jumped out of it resiliently and looked around. Yes, nothing has changed here. A wide marble staircase, running up from a very small parking lot for "ladles" (the teacher did not really like it when visitors disturbed him), led to a spacious terrace trimmed with onyx and plastolithol, on which dozens of trees grew, fancifully intertwined with branches, forming a living space above the stone platform. , fluttering, but from this serving as no less reliable protection from rain and the bright rays of the luminary canopy. Oienthal closed his eyes and sniffed the air. Yes, the nostrils still felt the smells of onula and lyolle, diluted with bitterish tones, and had a barely noticeable sweetish dope of shoi ... The smell of harmony. The smell of calmness, the smell of wisdom, halls, immediately showing anyone approaching this iouala that he is entering the habitat of one of the greatest minds of our time. And Shi suddenly felt like a young student again, who had just passed the exams for the third level of the Independent and risked sending the Request to ALOM himself. Benolgo, the titan of Kiola's scientific thought, who has been refusing to take an Apprentice for twenty years and generally professes a closed type of communication with society. However, for the nine Coloreds, this was not so unusual. In addition to Scarlet, three others behaved the same way. With the amount of Public Gratitude that was at the disposal of each of the Coloreds, everything they needed - instruments, units, and even materials for related research - could be ordered from the side. So none of the Coloreds experienced an urgent need to form their own large research team. And the presence or absence of such was the personal choice of each, a reflection of his inner needs. Four, including Scarlet Benol, preferred to create alone.

Student… I'm on the sea terrace, - the voice of the Teacher whispered in the air. Well, yes, the trees of the terrace had already told him everything about who had dared to break the privacy he so loved. Everything, including the psychological state of the visitor. Shi, even during his apprenticeship, was under no illusion that Scarlet Benol's juela contained ordinary, unmodified trees.

Oienthal smiled gleefully and bouncily moved up the stairs.

Oienthal knew the location of the halls and laboratories of the ihuela, which was built for Scarlet Benol by one of the greatest architects of modern Kiola, Taoi Ahuel, by heart. Why, he spent ten years here. Happy years. Therefore, I quickly reached the sea terrace.

Iuela Uchitsa was on a rock above the Thermic Gulf of the Savian Sea - from the sea terrace a breathtaking view of the sea opened up. Shi slowed down, absorbed with his eyes a picture that had not been seen for a long time, but such a familiar picture - the sea, clouds, Two Girlfriends (that was the name of two closely spaced rocks, touching their tops, which made them seem like two girls bowing their heads to each other to keep secrets), and then stepped on the lapis lazuli mosaic of the terrace.

The Master sat in his favorite seat, a wide couch of purple queerian, whose solid stone base, Oienthal remembered, was covered with a warm coveole of the same purple color. He himself had the same, though not purple, but yellow-orange. These pseudo-living structures, or rather even empathic creatures, were able not only to maintain the mosaic temperature of their surface, heating up or, conversely, cooling its various fragments in contact with different parts body, but also with the help of a pile to ventilate the desired areas of the skin and lightly massage. Therefore, they were used by everyone who started his own home. But the Teacher's coveol was already more than forty years old, and during this time he not only studied the slightest nuances of the desires of the owner, as well as his closest and most frequent guests (although the word "frequent" sounded dissonant with regard to the guests of Scarlet Benol), but also permeated the entire juela thousands of shoots. So in any, even the farthest corner of Ihuela, one could always count on his warm care ... On both sides of the bed, two luxurious lyolles bowed the branches.

Shi walked closer and stopped, waiting for Master to pay attention to him.

Sit down, Apprentice,” Benol said softly, and Shi carefully lowered himself onto the edge of the coveole, which immediately moved under him, adjusting its thickness, configuration, temperature, degree of softness and elasticity to the new object.

The teacher was silent for a while. It looks like Shi arrived at the very end of the meditation session. Most usually do it either early in the morning or late in the evening, but Master may have been contemplating some difficult and important issue that required him to feed himself with extra energy in the middle of the day. Judging by the fact that the Teacher almost immediately reacted to the appearance of the guest, Benol had already left the state of complete concentration, but his immobility and detachment suggested that his spirit and consciousness had not yet completely left the ocean of the shining lue and he had not yet fully returned to the "solid " world. Under such conditions, there was no point in starting a conversation, and Shi could only sit, admiring the harmony around him and waiting for the Teacher to finally deign to address him. The fact that Scarlet Benol not only let him into Ihuela until he was completely out of the state of meditation, but also allowed him to enter the place of meditation, and even sit next to him, filled Shi’s heart with joy and pride. For this meant that the Teacher still considers him, the Pupil, who has already left this house for twenty years and began to build an independent life, a part of his harmony. In principle, Shi had no doubt about it. He loved the Master and knew that Scarlet Benol also loved him. But to receive one more, but so obvious and at the same time very personal confirmation of this knowledge was very exciting and pleasant ...

Finally, Master stirred and turned to Shi:

Good to see you, student. What caused my unexpected joy and brought you to me?

Oienthal bowed his head in a modest, but filled with true happiness and infinite gratitude, bow:

I thought I was coming to see you on a matter related to the future Decision, Master, but now I understand that the real reason my arrival is that I… missed you very much.

Well, yes, - Benol smiled slyly, - in four years it was possible.

Shi blushed a little: indeed, the last time he visited Teacher's ehuela was four long years back. And then he laughed: The teacher was in his repertoire, he never missed an opportunity to pry.

Let's go," Benol said suddenly, rising to his feet in one fluid motion.

Shi knew that in his youth, the Teacher was a famous dancer, and even in those years when Shi was his student, Scarlet Benol did not completely leave this occupation. There was no reason to think that something had changed even now. In addition, he knew that two of the Master's three regular Beloveds were also dancing. Although it would be the height of injustice to say “trained” about Isila Lagenok, one of the most talented dancers of our time. Yes, and in the requirements for the Applicants, which were stated in the Teacher's profile on his portal, dance classes were indicated among the priorities. Shi himself loved dancing, although in the development of the body ray of his personality he preferred water sports. He generally loved the water. And therefore, the sea terrace of Ihuela Scarlet Benol was also his favorite place.

They went down two levels and out into the Garden. Shi laughed happily: The teacher was steadfast in his habits, so on the familiar table made of solid topaz crystal, two cups of strong, fragrant ploe and a plate with thin, crunchy macaroons were already waiting for them - it crumbles in your fingers, you just need to squeeze it a little harder in your hands weightless, almost transparent plate. The teacher smiled kindly. He knew that his Apprentice was able to consume these biscuits made by servisio ihuela in boxes and bags.

I swear, Teacher, - Shi said with feeling, sitting down on another coveole sprout, which had already unfolded warningly on the seat of a light chair next to a topaz crystal, - I have never tasted better macaroons than yours. Benol said nothing, but a spark of pleasure flashed in his eyes.

They slowly tasted the ploye. Traditions commanded to drink it in silence, enjoying the color, taste, aroma of the drink given to people by the ancient gods, so that they could feel at least a shadow of Divine Grace, as well as the opportunity to share all this with a dear person. For it was possible to drink good only together with someone close. For all other cases, there were other drinks, from kava to alkaloid solutions. But bad...

Ruigat. Birth Roman Zlotnikov

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Name: Ruigat. Birth
Author: Roman Zlotnikov
Year: 2011
Genre: Science Fiction, Action Fiction, Social Fiction, Hits

About the book Ruigat. Birth» Roman Zlotnikov

How many people does it take to change the fate of an entire civilization?
What is violence - a relic of a dark past or an important resource that humanity cannot do without?
Can mortal enemies, warriors of desperately fighting armies, stop being enemies?
Is there at least one of these questions that worries you?
If you have, read the first book of Roman Zlotnikov's new fantasy cycle, Ruigat.

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Quotes from the book "Ruigat. Birth» Roman Zlotnikov

Understand, any person, even the most developed and possessing the most advanced intellect, still lives under the control of myths. For example, the myth about the limitless possibilities of man. Or the myth of freedom. Or the myth of the incredible victories and achievements of the civilization to which he belongs, overshadowing everything else. And when this myth at some point collapses due to a collision with reality - a person who has not managed to grow to the realization that most of what he perceived as an indisputable truth is just a myth, an illusion, remains either to go crazy, or come up with a new myth. And most often one that explains that the discrepancy between reality and the old myth is a unique accident, or the machinations of powerful and secret enemies, or betrayal, and so on.

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