
Illegitimate daughter of Picasso. Interesting facts from the life of Pablo Picasso. Pablo Picasso and Fernanda Olivier

Olga suffered endlessly from loneliness and despair. Not only did her husband leave her - he also disliked their son ... In fact, Picasso could not forgive Paulo for the fact that he turned out to be a man completely devoid of any talent.

Without any doubt, Paulo caused Picasso a lot of trouble, but he was sincerely attached to his father, unlike other children who prudently try to please their rich fathers.

Françoise Gilot describes him thus:

“The first time I saw Paulo was in a large photograph that hung in a long room on the Rue de la Grande Augustins, where Sabartes worked. I liked his direct, open gaze, which presented him in a different light than the trouble he sometimes got into and Pablo's angry reactions to them. Whenever I asked Pablo about his son, he angrily replied that Paulo was a quitter, completely devoid of ambition, unable to find a decent job, and showered him with other reproaches with which the bourgeois often reward unhurried adult sons to take up the cause. Then he sharply attacked Olga, Paulo's mother, letting me know that with such a heredity, she could not get any sense out of her.

Paulo spent the entire war in Switzerland and returned to Paris only after his release. He did not have any work, and often had to humiliate himself in front of his father, begging for money. And it took a lot of money.

Once (it was in June 1946) Paulo looked into his father's workshop. This twenty-five-year-old young man looked, according to Francoise Gilot, as follows:

“He was over six feet tall, red-haired, not at all Spaniard-like, and carried himself in a casual, affable manner, confirming the impression I had of him from the photograph.”

Picasso introduced his son to Francoise and said that she now lives here. Paulo seemed pleased with this, spoke in a friendly manner, and then withdrew from Picasso. They talked about something for a long time. After that, Paulo left as suddenly as he appeared, rushing off on his favorite motorcycle back to Switzerland.

Then he came more than once and often lived with his father for a long time.

Françoise Gilot assures us:

“He gave his father a lot of worries in the process of growing up - sometimes it seemed that this process was too long - but in all his behavior it was not hidden self-interest that was clearly visible, but sincere, direct affection for Pablo.”

Perhaps Paulo was direct. But he was not attached to Picasso. Or rather, he was, but he was tied only by constant material dependence, artificially supported by a wealthy artist. In any case, Paulo's daughter characterizes his relationship with Picasso in a completely different way:

“He reigns over the father and reduced him to a beggarly and servile state. He's the cause of my mother's mental breakdown. Pablito and I depend on his whims. He has subjugated us all to his unquenchable thirst to command. He uses us and deceives us. The feeling of his own genius, in which the admirers of his art convinced him, made him seriously believe that his virtues are such that they allow him to rise above humanity. Manipulator, despot, destroyer, vampire."

And as for the immediacy of Paulo, it manifested itself in different ways. For example, one evening, having gone around all the bars of Juan-les-Pins, he and his friend brought two girls of "easy virtue" to the restaurant "At Marseilles". As a result, they scared both of them half to death, the girls began to scream, and the case ended with the intervention of the local police commissioner.

He, of course, told Picasso about everything, and his father became gloomier than a cloud.

Bring Paulo here, he said.

When the young man arrived, Picasso attacked him:

Worthless creature! Last night you behaved like the last creature!

But even this was not enough for him, and he continued:

Offspring of the White Guard! I have the most disgusting son in the world! Anarchist! Plus, you're spending too much money! What are you good for?!

When Paulo Picasso got older, he married Emilienne Lott. About this marriage, Marina Picasso, daughter of Paulo, says this:

“One fine day, my father and mother, in the presence of the mayor, expressed a desire to unite their destinies forever. Answering “yes”, both swore love and fidelity to each other and vowed to surround their children with tenderness, support and patronage.

But neither me nor Pablito was destined for such a fate. Paulo Picasso and Emilienne Lott, who was so proud to be called Madame Picasso, separated when I was six months old and my brother was less than two years old. Their break was inevitable. Neither mother nor father had the talent to be happy themselves and give happiness to us.

Recall that Pablito was born from this marriage on May 5, 1949, and Marina on November 14, 1950.

Marina Picasso tells us the following about her mother:

“My mother always thought that being Picasso's daughter-in-law was a divine right. She never thought about the future, for us, like her, the good arrangement of the stars made Picasso.

Picasso became a special companion throughout her life. She looked only at him, thought with an eye on him, talked only about him: with merchants, just with passers-by on the streets, often even with strangers. "I'm Picasso's daughter-in-law."

Something like a trophy, an exemption to bypass the law, an excuse for the manifestation of any eccentricity.

I remember how ashamed I was when one summer she went to the beach in a silver or gold bikini, hugging a youngster fourteen years younger than her, I remember the feeling of humiliation when I saw her at the parents' meeting at school in a miniskirt in the company of a baby older than me, I remember the effort I had to make myself call her Mienna - a diminutive of Emilienne - because it was youthful and American-style, my fear when she opened her mouth, and painful awkwardness when she talked to someone about the painting of Picasso, she never looked not only in the catalog, but even in a small brochure with reproductions of my grandfather.

Her speeches varied depending on who was listening to her. Speaking to those she barely knew, she put Picasso on a pedestal: “My father-in-law is a genius. I admire him, but he really appreciates me, that's for sure. To people closer to her, she spoke without ceremony about all the difficulties: “Just imagine that with all his wealth, this brat leaves us without a single penny.”

People laughed. People always laugh when others are in trouble.

I don’t remember my mother ever telling us stories like Little Red Riding Hood or taking us on a carousel ride. But I know one thing - despite all her pathologies, she was the only one we could count on. No one needed us in this family, except for her. Despite her megalomania and psychopathy, she brought us her warmth, maternal smell, voice.

And yet, in May 1950, Paulo Picasso and Emilienne Lott divorced.

Then Paulo was married to Christina Poplen, about whom Marina Picasso speaks like this:

“I remember her very vaguely. Perhaps only that she was very worried, as if not to quarrel with dad. She was quiet, of course, without any feelings for us, but she let us play with children from neighboring farms [...] We collected eggs in the chicken coop, milked the cows, drank their foamy milk. I liked the warm smells of the barn, freshly cut hay. I could touch everything with my hands: delve into the mud, in the straw, stroke the croup of a heifer or a bull. I had a feeling that for me there is nothing dirty here. Life was serene, and the father was full of joy. He laughed, it was amusing for him to see our independence, he was also pleased that he could feel like himself. There was no grandfather here with his trap.

It never crossed Christine's mind to idealize my father. She accepted him for who he was, good and bad. It never even crossed her mind to try to seduce Picasso. Of course, the yoke around my father's neck had driven her into despair more than once, but she knew very well that there was nothing she could do about it. She was one of those women who, once they fell in love with a man, accepted everything in him.

From this marriage in September 1959 they had a son - Bernard Picasso.

Paulo Picasso's life was full of humiliation. According to his daughter, one day he picked them up with Pablito to visit their grandfather in Vallauris. It was “an official visit to grandfather, who kindly agreed to receive his son and grandchildren”, it was agreed in advance, and it was impossible to be late. But the gates of the villa were tightly locked. Paulo started calling. For a long time no one answered, and then a displeased voice was heard from the intercom:

Who's there?

As if they did not know who came and why ...

It's Paulo! - forced to explain the son of the Great Picasso. He seems to be justified.

The electric lock clicked viciously, and the son and grandchildren walked slowly along the gravel path lined with magnificent cypresses.

Marina Picasso describes her impressions of such visits as follows:

“Our presence disturbed Picasso's peace, prevented him from [...]

There were also such visits when Pablito and I did not dare to utter a word, fearing that we would be noticed. This usually happened when my father was forced to endure grandfather’s reproaches with us: “You are not able to educate them”, “They need a father with a sense of responsibility ...”

These sermons of the tyrant seemed humiliating to me, and the way my father behaved in front of his tormentor aroused pity for him.

This time they quietly entered the room where Picasso received rare guests. He looked at them over his glasses and smiled faintly.

So, how are you doing in school? he asked Pablito.

And immediately, without bothering to listen to the answer, he asked the following question:

How are you, Marina?

She did not have time to open her mouth, as the following question followed:

Are you leaving for holidays?

He "strung" question after question without even looking at his grandchildren. He didn't give a damn about their progress in school, their vacations and everything else. His son's affairs interested him exactly to the same extent.

Paulo was not happy. Happy people do not take drugs or drink. In fact, he suffered greatly due to the fact that his father did not perceive him at all. Rather, he perceived it, but as an empty place. In 1954, after severe pneumonia, he was on the verge of death. The doctor sent Picasso a telegram asking him to urgently come to Cannes. There was no answer.

Responding to his father's endless reproaches, Paulo always said that he could drive a motorcycle perfectly. He even took part in a motorcycle race that started from Monte Carlo, and in competition with professional racers came to the finish line second. But this achievement of his son did not make any impression on Picasso.

Françoise Gilot writes:

“I think Paulo would have achieved a lot if his mother had not been held back. He had plenty of intelligence and a sense of humor."

Of course, she said this from the words of Picasso, and he blamed all the problems of his son on Olga. In fact, the relationship between mother and son was good, and no one was holding back. When Paulo was in the hospital, Olga, already partially paralyzed by that time and lying with cancer in one of the Cannes hospitals, became worse. Paulo was unable to move and was very worried, realizing that he could not be near his mother, and she was dying alone.

He himself will outlive Olga by twenty years, but he will die ten years younger than her. However, this will be discussed later.

As I wrote in a previous post about the film "Picasso", after watching it I wanted to learn more about the life and work of this artist.

Found this wonderful collection rigenser

This post contains a lot of interesting facts, most of which became known to me thanks to the movie "Picasso".

I copy for myself (Neznakomka_18)

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"Whenever I want to say something, I speak in the manner in which,
I feel like it should be said." Pablo Picasso.

When he was born, the midwife thought he was stillborn.
Picasso was rescued by his uncle. “Doctors at that time smoked big cigars, and my uncle
was no exception. When he saw me lying motionless
he blew smoke in my face, to which I, with a grimace, let out a roar of rage."

Above: Pablo Picasso in Spain
Photo: LP / Roger-Viollet / Rex Features

Pablo Picasso was born on October 25, 1881 in Malaga, Andalusian
provinces of Spain.
At baptism, Picasso received full name Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula
Juan Nepomuseno Maria de los Remedios Crispin Crispignano de la Santisima
Trinidad Ruiz and Picasso - which, according to Spanish custom, was a series of names
revered saints and relatives of the family.
Picasso - mother's surname, which Pablo took, since his father's surname
seemed too ordinary to him, besides, Picasso's father, José Ruiz,
he himself was an artist.

Above: Painter Pablo Picasso in Mougins, France in 1971,
two years before his death.
Photo: AFP/Getty Images

Picasso's first word was "Piz" - which is short for "La piz",
which means pencil, in spanish.

Picasso's first painting was called "Picador"
man riding a horse in a bullfight.
The first exhibition of Picasso took place when he was 13,
in the back room of the umbrella shop.
At the age of 13, Pablo Picasso entered the
Barcelona Academy of Arts.
But in 1897, at the age of 16, he came to Madrid to study at the School of Arts.

"First Communion". 1896 The painting was created by 15-year-old Picasso

"Self-portrait". 1896
Technique: Oil on canvas. Collection: Barcelona, ​​Picasso Museum

"Knowledge and Mercy". 1897 The painting was painted by 16 year old Pablo Picasso.

As an adult and having once visited an exhibition of children's drawings, Picasso said:
"At their age, I drew like Raphael, but it took me a lifetime to
to learn how to draw like them."

Pablo Picasso painted his masterpiece in 1901,
when the artist was only 20 years old.

Picasso was once interrogated by the police for having stolen the Mona Lisa.
After the painting disappeared from the Louvre in Paris in 1911, the poet and "friend"
Guillaume Apollinaire pointed his finger at Picasso.

Child and dove, 1901. Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)
currently on display as part of the Courtauld Gallery's Becoming Picasso exhibition.
Picture: Private collection.

Picasso burned some of his paintings when he was an aspiring artist in Paris,
to keep warm.

Above: The Absinthe Drinker, 1901. Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)

Photo: State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg

Pablo Picasso.Ironer.1904
Allegedly in this work is a disguised self-portrait of Picasso!
(maybe it was my fantasy, but I see at least four of his self-portraits here! (Neznakomka_18)

Picasso's sister Conchita died of diphtheria in 1895.

Picasso met French painter Henri Matisse in 1905
at the home of writer Gertrude Stein.

Above: Dwarf-Dancer, 1901 Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)
currently exhibited as part of the Courtauld Gallery's Become Picasso exhibition.

Photo: Picasso Museum, Barcelona (gasull Fotografia)

Pablo Picasso. Woman with a crow. 1904

Picasso had many mistresses.
Women of Picasso - Fernanda Olivier, Marcel Humbert, Olga Khokhlova,
Maria Theresa Walter, Françoise Gilot, Dora Maar, Jacqueline Roque...

The first wife of Pablo Picasso was the Russian ballerina Olga Khokhlova.
In the spring of 1917, the poet Jean Cocteau, who collaborated with Sergei Diaghilev,
invited Picasso to sketch costumes and scenery for the future ballet.
The artist went to work in Rome, where he fell in love with one of the dancers of the Diaghilev troupe -
Olga Khokhlova. Diaghilev, noticing Picasso's interest in the ballerina, considered it his duty
to warn the hot Spanish rake that Russian girls are not easy -
they should be married...
They got married in 1918. The wedding took place in Paris Orthodox Cathedral
Alexander Nevsky, among the guests and witnesses were Diaghilev, Apollinaire, Cocteau,
Gertrude Stein, Matisse.
Picasso was convinced that he would marry for life, and therefore in his marriage contract
included an article stating that their property is common.
In the event of a divorce, this meant dividing it equally, including all the paintings.
And in 1921 their son Paul was born.
However, the life of a married couple did not work out ...
but it was the only official wife of Pablo,
they were not divorced.

Pablo Picasso and Olga Khokhlova.

Pablo Picasso. Olga.

Picasso painted her a lot in a purely realistic manner, which she herself insisted on.
a ballerina who did not like incomprehensible experiments in painting.
“I want,” she said, “to know my face.”

Pablo Picasso.Portrait of Olga Khokhlova.

Françoise Gilot.
This amazing woman managed to fill Picasso with strength without wasting her own.
She gave him two children and managed to prove that the family idyll is not a utopia,
but a reality that exists for free and loving people.
The children of Francoise and Pablo received the surname Picasso and after the death of the artist became
part of his fortune.
Françoise put an end to her relationship with the artist herself, having learned about his infidelity.
Unlike many of the master's lovers, Françoise Gilot did not go mad and did not commit suicide.

Feeling that the love story came to an end, she herself left Picasso,
not giving him the opportunity to replenish the list of abandoned and devastated women.
By publishing the book “My Life with Picasso”, Françoise Gilot went against the will of the artist in many ways,
but gained worldwide fame.

Françoise Gilot and Picasso.

With Francoise and children.

Picasso had four children with three women.
Above: Pablo Picasso with the two children of his mistress Françoise Gilot,
Claude Picasso (left) and Paloma Picasso.
Photo: REX

Children of Picasso.Claude and Paloma.Paris.

Marie-Therese Walter gave birth to his daughter Maya.

He married his second wife, Jacqueline Rock, when he was 79 (she was 27).

Jacqueline remains the last and faithful woman of Picasso and looks after him,
already sick, blind and hard of hearing, until his death.

Picasso. Jacqueline with crossed arms, 1954

One of Picasso's many muses was the dachshund Lump.
(That's right, in the German manner. Lump in German - "scumbags").
The dog belonged to photographer David Douglas Duncan.
She died a week before Picasso.

There are several periods in the work of Pablo Picasso: blue, pink, African ...

The "blue" (1901-1904) period includes works created between 1901 and 1904.
Gray-blue and blue-green deep cold colors, colors of sadness and despondency, constantly
are present in them. Picasso called blue "the color of all colors".
Frequent subjects of these paintings are emaciated mothers with children, vagabonds, beggars, and the blind.

"A beggar old man with a boy" (1903) Museum of Fine Arts. Moscow.

"Mother and Child" (1904, Fogg Museum, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA)

Blind Man's Breakfast. 1903 Collection: New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art

"Pink period" (1904 - 1906) is characterized by more cheerful tones - ocher
and pink as well as enduring image themes - harlequins, itinerant actors,
Fascinated by the comedians who became the models for his paintings, he frequented the Medrano Circus;
at this time, the harlequin is Picasso's favorite character.

Pablo Picasso, two acrobats with a dog, 1905

Pablo Picasso, Boy with a pipe, 1905

"African" period (1907 - 1909)
In 1907, the famous "Girls of Avignon" appeared. The artist worked on them for more than a year -
long and carefully, as he had not worked on his other paintings before.
The first reaction of the public is shock. Matisse was furious. Even most of my friends didn't accept this job.
"It feels like you wanted to feed us tow or give us gasoline to drink,"
said the painter Georges Braque, new friend Picasso. Scandalous picture, whose name he gave
poet A. Salmon, was the first step in painting on the way to cubism, and many art critics consider
its starting point for modern art.

Queen Isabella. 1908 cubism Museum of Fine Arts. Moscow.

Picasso was also a writer. He wrote about 300 poems and two plays.

Above: Harlequin and Companion, 1901. Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)
currently exhibited as part of the Courtauld Gallery in the Become Picasso exhibition.
Photo: State Museum A. S. Pushkin, Moscow

Acrobats. Mother and son. 1905

Pablo Picasso. Lovers. 1923

Picasso's "Nude, Green Leaves and Bust" painting depicting him
mistress Marie-Thérèse Walter, was sold at auction for $106.5 million.
This broke the record for paintings sold at auction,
which was set by Munch's painting "The Scream".

More Picasso paintings have been stolen than any other artist.
550 of his works are listed as missing.
Up: crying woman 1937 Pablo Picasso
Photo: Guy Bell / Alamy

Together with Georges Braque, Picasso founded cubism.
He also worked in styles:
Neoclassicism (1918 - 1925)
Surrealism (1925 - 1936), etc.

Pablo Picasso. Two girls reading.

Picasso donated his sculptures to the society in Chicago, USA in 1967.
He gave unsigned paintings to his friends.
He said: otherwise you will sell them when I die.

Olga Khokhlova in last years lived in Cannes all alone.
She was ill for a long time and painfully, and on February 11, 1955, she died of cancer.
at the city hospital. Only her son and a few friends attended the funeral.
Picasso at that time in Paris was finishing the painting "Women of Algeria" and did not come.

Picasso's two mistresses, Marie-Thérèse Walter and Jacqueline Roque (who became his wife)
committed suicide. Maria Theresa hanged herself four years after his death.
Rock shot herself in 1986, 13 years after Picasso's death.

Pablo Picasso's mother said: "With my son, who was created only for himself
and for no one else, no woman can be happy"

Above: Seated Harlequin, 1901. Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)
currently exhibited as part of the Courtauld Gallery in the Become Picasso exhibition.
Photo: Metropolitan Museum of Art Metropolitan Museum / Art Resource / Scala, Florence

According to the proverb, Spain is a country where men despise sex,
but live for it. "In the morning - a church, in the afternoon - bullfighting, in the evening - a brothel" -
This credo of the Spanish machos was sacredly adhered to by Picasso.
The artist himself said that art and sexuality are one and the same.

Pablo Picasso and Jean Cacto at a bullfight in Vallauris, 1955

Above: Pablo Picasso's Guernica, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia in Madrid.

Painting by Picasso "Guernica" (1937).

Guernica is a small Basque town in northern Spain, almost wiped off the face of the earth by German aircraft on May 1, 1937.
In 3 hours, several thousand bombs were dropped on Guernica, as a result of which the 6,000th city was destroyed.

Picasso was so struck by what happened that he expressed his emotions on the canvas. "Guernica" was written in just a month.

One day the Gestapo ransacked Picasso's house. A Nazi officer, seeing a photograph of Guernica on the table, asked: "Did you do that?" "No," the artist replied, "you did it."

(This story was included in the film and I was very impressed. What fearlessness and what resourcefulness !!! (Neznakomka_18 )

During the Second World War, Picasso lives in France, where he becomes close to the communists.
members of the Resistance (in 1944, Picasso even joins the French Communist Party).

In 1949, Picasso paints his famous "Dove of Peace" on a poster.
World Peace Congress in Paris.

In the photo: Picasso paints a dove on the wall of his house in Mougins. August 1955.

Picasso's last words were "Drink for me, drink for my health,
you know I can't drink anymore."
He died while he and his wife, Jacqueline Rock, were entertaining friends over dinner.

Picasso was buried at the base of the castle he bought in 1958.
in Vauvenargues, in the south of France.
He was 91 years old. Shortly before his death, distinguished by a prophetic gift
artist said:
“My death will be a shipwreck.
When a large ship dies, everything that is around it is drawn into the funnel.

And so it happened. His grandson Pablito asked to be allowed to attend the funeral,
but the artist's last wife, Jacqueline Rock, refused.
On the day of the funeral, Pablito drank a bottle of decoloran, a bleaching chemical
liquid. Save Pablito failed.
He was buried in the same grave in the cemetery in Cannes, where Olga's ashes rest.

On June 6, 1975, 54-year-old Paul Picasso died of cirrhosis of the liver.
His two children are Marina and Bernard, Pablo Picasso's last wife Jacqueline
and three more illegitimate children - Maya (daughter of Marie-Therese Walter),
Claude and Paloma (children of Francoise Gilot) - were recognized as the heirs of the artist.
Long battles for the inheritance began

Marina Picasso, who inherited her grandfather's famous mansion "Residence of the King" in Cannes,
lives there with her adult daughter and son and three adopted Vietnamese children.
She makes no distinction between them, and has already made a will, according to which
her entire vast fortune after her death will be divided into five equal parts.
Marina created a foundation bearing her name, which she built in the suburbs of Ho Chi Minh City
village of 24 houses for 360 Vietnamese orphans.

“Love for children,” emphasizes Marina, “I inherited from my grandmother.
Olga was the only person from the entire Picasso clan who treated us, grandchildren,
with tenderness and care. And my book "Children living at the end of the world" I in many ways
wrote in order to restore her good name.

Pablo Picasso is one of the most expensive and profitable artists in history. He is also the author of the most expensive painting ever sold at public auction. Picasso's name is a real brand. How do the descendants of the legendary artist live?

In our time, the Picasso dynasty manages the colossal legacy of their great ancestor. The descendants of Picasso are considered the wealthiest people in the art world. Here's an example: just one of Picasso's paintings, Women of Algeria (Version O), was sold at Christie's on May 11, 2015 for $179.4 million.

Copyright business

Today, Picasso remains the most popular artist, which is copied by a mass of followers. His works become champions not only in the number of fakes, but also thefts. The Picasso Administration, an organization founded in 1996 by his son Claude, deals with these “dirty” affairs on a daily basis. She received the status of the legal manager of Picasso's property. The purpose of the Administration is to manage the legacy of a great artist, protect copyright in copying paintings and organizing exhibitions, as well as combat fakes and maintain the reputation of Picasso.

There are only eight employees of the Administration, so many complain about the slow processing of applications for permission to use paintings or the name of Picasso. In turn, Claude complains that they receive about 900 applications a year, some of which are incorrectly written.

Other dissatisfied people note that the Administration should publish a catalog of Picasso's reason and convene a council of qualified experts, because among the artist's heirs no one is a scientist in the field of art. However, despite the criticisms, Claude Picasso is considered a talented, sometimes even uncompromising manager.

Pablo Picasso left behind more than fifty thousand paintings, drawings, engravings, sculptures, ceramics, but never wrote a will. Five descendants of the artist from two wives negotiated for six years over the division of the inheritance. This process cost the family $ 30 million. These people are son Claude, daughters Maya Widmayer-Picasso and Paloma, as well as grandchildren Marina and Bernard Picasso.

After his father's death, Claude Picasso allegedly said this about the family legacy: "We'll have to rent the Empire State Building to house all these paintings." In addition to them, Pablo Picasso left three houses, two castles, securities, $4.5 million in cash and $1.3 million in gold. Experts note that even after the family loses their inherited copyright in 2043 (70 years after the death of the artist), their money will be enough for a cloudless life for the next two generations.

formal relatives

The whole problem is the loving nature of the artist. It is known about six women Picasso with whom he had a long-term relationship. The mistresses of the artist are countless.

Paulo, Claude, Françoise Gillot, Paloma, Pablo Picasso and Maya on the Côte d'Azur, 1954. Photo: Edward Quinn

Although he had four children from three women, but, apparently, he never felt strong affection for them and, above all, associated them with their mothers, with whom relations were not easy. The artist himself cynically said: "For me, there are only two types of women - goddesses and rags for wiping feet." Moreover, Picasso quickly turned all the goddesses into rags.

The titan dragged almost all of his women to the grave, and his children and grandchildren still continue to dispute some of the points of his wills and the texts of his biographies.

Formally, being members of the same family, the artist's relatives did not like each other very much and tried to meet as rarely as possible. If during the lifetime of the genius they succeeded, then after the death of Picasso, closer contacts could not be avoided.

After 1973, family gatherings became a necessity that Picasso's descendants did not enjoy. By that time, each of them had acquired his own lawyer, notary and art expert.

From the very beginning, everything was very difficult. The son from the first marriage, Paulo, inherited most of the fortune, the second wife, Jacqueline, received everything else. Illegitimate children - Maya, Paloma and Claude - were left empty-handed. Of course, they began to attack the courts and, in the end, they achieved recognition as legal heirs. After that, negotiations on the legacy continued in an expanded format, but this did not help their participants find a common language.

No one thought about the reputation and good name of the family, no one tried to maintain even the appearance of decorum. The heirs swore among themselves and happily spoiled each other's lives with the help of the press.

When the division of the inheritance almost came to an end, Paulo asked that he get his own childhood portrait, painted by his father. The family members, without any undue sentimentality, offered to contribute the approximate cost of the work to the total amount of the inheritance. In the same 1975, Paulo, who was experiencing health problems, died suddenly.

Despite all the disagreements, each of the family members did not want to sort things out in court. But not at all because they did not want to harm the name of their father, but because of the fear of losing the lawsuit. Picasso's descendants worked out the final decision only in seven years, it was considered an out-of-court compromise. In 1980, the agreement was signed by all family members who, for the sake of this event, gathered together for the last time.

After receiving the artistic legacy of Picasso, each of his descendants received the right to be an active participant in a large creative market. But for this it was necessary to deal with random sales of works. As a result, the heirs again had to develop agreements, create societies and independent commissions. Meanwhile, Jacqueline, Picasso's second wife, could not stand the seven-year struggle and committed suicide in 1986.

Picasso's drawing from the collection of Marina Picasso - "Portrait of a Family" (1962). Photo by Sotheby's

“Family” disagreements

During the life of Pablo Picasso, his relationship with children could hardly be called ideal. When the memoirs of his former mistress Françoise Gilot “Life with Picasso” (the mother of Claude and Paloma) were published in 1964, the artist practically stopped communicating with them. The second wife of Picasso, Jacqueline, only contributed to the intensity of passions. Only she was present at the funeral of the artist (he and Picasso had no children) and Pablo's son from his first marriage to Olga Khokhlova.

In 2012, one of the biggest scandals happened in the Picasso family. Until then, all major auction houses in the process of authenticating Picasso's paintings, they consulted with his children - Claude and Maya. This created a lot of problems, since the opinions of the descendants often differed. To change the situation, four years ago, Claude, Paloma, Bernard and Marina wrote a letter in which they established a new procedure for determining the authenticity of Picasso's paintings - they recognized Claude's exclusive right to this activity.

However, no one reported this to Maya, who later admitted that when she heard about the letter, she "almost dropped dead." Rumor has it that since then she has a very tense relationship with her family. Although her son Olivier assures that even now the mother takes part in the activities of the Administration, meets with Claude and Bernard, searches for the necessary information and helps in the process of authenticating works.

Neither the bitter experience of the past, nor the existence of the Administration could completely protect the family from the emergence of new disagreements about the father's heritage. After signing a contract with Citroën for the production of cars of the Picasso series, some family friends declared this deal a betrayal of the Picasso name by Claude. Marina Picasso also opposed this decision. Then she stated: “I can't accept that my grandfather's name was used to sell something as trivial as a car. He was a genius and now his name is being used in such a stupid way.”

But still there is one thing that unites the descendants of Picasso - amazing generosity. Without loud statements, they transferred Picasso's works to museums different countries and gave to charity money from the sale of paintings. Marina Picasso is the mother of five children, three of whom are adopted Vietnamese.

The daughter of Jacqueline Picasso from her first marriage, Catherine, having inherited the paintings after the death of her mother, gave them to the Picasso Museum in Paris. She also regularly lets visitors into her Pablo Vauvenargues castle.
In 2015, Maya created The Maya Picasso Foundation for Arts Education. In 2017, she is going to open a studio in Paris, where her father once worked, as an educational and research institution.

Jean-Jacques Neuer, a lawyer for the Picasso Administration, says that the cost of Picasso's paintings has increased in recent years. This provoked a wave of fakes. Sometimes there are thefts. For example, during one of the latest incidents, 271 paintings by the artist were found in the garage of a pensioner who previously worked as an electrician in the Picasso family.

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"For me, there are only two types of women - goddesses and rags for wiping feet." Pablo Picasso

"Mystery", "Madness", "Magic" - these are the first words that came to the minds of patrons when they tried to describe the creation of Pablo Picasso. The special aura of the artist was colored by his explosive, Spanish temperament and genius. This is a combination that women could not resist.

site publishes for you the love story of the great painter.

Picasso in his youth and older age

Picasso was an amazing man with the very attractive charm that is now called charisma. However, many women could not come to terms with the character of the artist and committed suicide or went crazy. At the age of 8, Pablo had already written his first serious work, Picador. At the age of 16, Picasso, as if jokingly, entered the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando. He dropped out just as easily. Instead of poring over books, Pablo and his friends began to play tricks on the Madrid brothels.

At the age of 19, the artist went to conquer Paris. Before leaving, Picasso painted a self-portrait. At the top of the picture, he signed in black paint: "I am the king!". However, in the capital of France, the “king” had a hard time. There was no money. One winter, in order not to freeze, he stoked a stone fireplace with his own work.

On the personal front, things were much better.

Women have always adored Picasso.

The first beloved Fernanda Olivier

His first lover was Fernanda Olivier (she was 18, he was 23 years old). In Paris, Pablo Picasso lives in a poor quarter in Montmartre, in a hostel where aspiring artists settled, and where Fernanda Olivier sometimes poses for them. There she meets Picasso, becomes his model and his girlfriend. The lovers lived in poverty. In the mornings they stole croissants and milk. Gradually, Picasso's paintings began to be bought.

Pablo Picasso, Fernanda Olivier and Jaquin Reventos. Barcelona, ​​1906

They lived together for almost a decade, and a large number of portraits of Fernanda, and in general, remained from this period. female images written from her.

"Fernanda in a black mantilla", 1905

According to the researchers, she was also a model for the creation of the Avignon Maidens, one of the main paintings by Picasso, a turning point for the art of the twentieth century.

But there was a time when they lived apart (summer and autumn 1907). This summer left bad memories. Both he and she had affairs with others. But the worst thing was that he lived with a woman who did not understand cubism at all, she did not like him. Perhaps Picasso was experiencing an organic depression; later, when he returned to Paris, he was struck by a stomach ailment. His pre-ulcerative state. From now on, the relationship between the brush and the canvas will not go to waste for the artist - cubism, as a complex, was as simple as playing chess in three dimensions. And they parted - Picasso and Fernanda.

Russian ballerina Olga Khokhlova

True love came to the artist in 1917, when he met one of Sergei Diaghilev's ballerinas, Olga Khokhlova. The history of their relationship began on May 18, 1917, when Olga danced at the premiere of the ballet "Parade" at the Chatelet Theater. The ballet was created by Sergei Diaghilev, Eric Satie and Jean Cocteau, with Pablo Picasso responsible for the costumes and set design.

Photo portrait of Olga Khokhlova.

Olga Khokhlova, Picasso, Maria Shabelskaya and Jean Cocteau in Paris, 1917.

After they met, the troupe went on tour to South America, and Olga went with Picasso to Barcelona. The artist introduced her to his family. Mother didn't like her. Olga is a foreigner, Russian, not a match for her brilliant son! Life will show that the mother was right. Olga and Picasso were married on June 18, 1918 in the Alexander Nevsky Orthodox Cathedral. Jean Cocteau and Max Jacob were witnesses at the wedding.

"Portrait of Olga in an armchair", 1917

After they met, the troupe went on tour to South America, and Olga went with Picasso to Barcelona. The artist introduced her to his family. Mother didn't like her. Olga is a foreigner, Russian, not a match for her brilliant son! Life will show that the mother was right.

Olga and Picasso were married on June 18, 1918 in the Alexander Nevsky Orthodox Cathedral. Jean Cocteau and Max Jacob were witnesses at the wedding.

In July 1919, they went to London for the new premiere of the Russian Ballet - the ballet "Cocked Hat" (Spanish "El Sombrero de tres Picos", French "Le Tricorne"), for which Picasso again created costumes and scenery.

The ballet was also performed at the Alhambra in Spain and was a great success at the Paris Opera in 1919. It was a time when they were happily married and often participated in public events.

On February 4, 1921, Olga's son Paulo (Paul) was born. From that moment on, the relationship of the spouses began to deteriorate rapidly.

Olga squandered her husband's money, and he was desperately angry. And the most important reason for disagreement was the role imposed by Olga Picasso. She wanted to see him as a salon portrait painter, a commercial artist, spinning in high society and receiving orders there.

"Nude in a red armchair", 1929

Such a life bored the genius to death. This was immediately reflected in his paintings: Picasso portrayed his wife exclusively in the form of an evil old woman, whose distinctive feature was threatening long sharp teeth. Picasso saw his wife this way for the rest of his life.

Marie-Therese Walther

Photo portrait of Marie-Therese Walther.

"Woman in a red chair", 1939

In 1927, when Picasso was 46 years old, he ran away from Olga to 17-year-old Marie-Therese Walter. It was a fire, mystery, madness.

The time of love for Marie-Therese Walter was special, both in life and in creativity. The works of this period differed sharply from the previously created paintings both in style and in color. The masterpieces of the period of Marie Walter, especially before the birth of his daughter, are the pinnacle of his work.

In 1935, Olga learned from a friend about her husband's affair, and also that Maria Theresa was pregnant. Taking Paulo with her, she immediately left for the south of France and filed for divorce. Picasso refused to divide the property equally, as required by French law, and therefore Olga remained his legal wife until her death. She died of cancer in 1955 in Cannes. Picasso didn't go to the funeral. He just breathed a sigh of relief.

Dora Maar

Photograph of Dora Maar.

After the birth of a child, he cools off to Marie and gets himself another mistress - 29-year-old artist Dora Maar. One day, Dora and Marie-Thérèse met by chance in Picasso's studio when he was working on the famous Guernica. The angry women demanded that he choose one of them. Pablo replied that they should fight for him. And the ladies attacked each other with their fists.
Then the artist said that the fight between his two mistresses was the most striking event in his life. Marie-Thérèse soon hanged herself. And Dora Maar, who will forever remain in the painting "Weeping Woman".

"Weeping Woman", 1937

For the passionate Dora, the break with Picasso was a disaster. Dora ended up in the Paris psychiatric hospital of St. Anne, where she was treated with electric shocks. She was rescued from there and brought out of the crisis by an old friend, the famous psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan. After that, Dora completely withdrew into herself, becoming for many a symbol of a woman whose life is broken by love for the cruel genius of Picasso. Secluded in her apartment near the Rue Grand-Augustin, she plunged into mysticism and astrology, and converted to Catholicism. Her life stopped, perhaps in 1944, when there was a break with Picasso.

Later, when Dora returned to painting, her style changed radically: now lyrical views of the banks of the Seine and landscapes of the Luberon came out from under her brush. Friends organized an exhibition of her work in London, but it went unnoticed. However, Dora herself did not come to the vernissage, explaining later that she was busy, as she was painting a rose in a hotel room ... Having survived for a quarter of a century the one who, according to Andre Breton, was the "crazy love" of her life, Dora Maar died in July 1997 at the age of 90, alone and in poverty. And about a year later, her portrait "Weeping Woman" was sold at auction for 37 million francs.

The love of Picasso and Dora Maar, which blossomed during the war, did not stand the test of the world. Their romance lasted seven years, and it was a story of broken, hysterical love. Could she be different? Dora Maar was passionate in feelings and creativity. She had an unbridled temperament and a fragile psyche: her bursts of energy were followed by periods of deep depression. Picasso is usually called the "sacred monster", but it seems that in human terms he was just a monster.

Françoise Gilot

The artist quickly forgot the mistresses he had abandoned. Soon he began to meet with 21-year-old Francoise Gilot, who was suitable for the master as a granddaughter. Met her in a restaurant and immediately invited her... to take a bath. In occupied Paris, hot water was a luxury, and Picasso was one of the few who could afford it.

Françoise Gilot with a flower, Vallauris, 1949

The most productive painter in the history of mankind.

He also became the most successful artist, earning more than a billion dollars in his life.

He became the founder of modern avant-garde art, starting his journey with realistic painting, discovering cubism and paying tribute to surrealism.

Great Spanish painter founder of cubism. During his long life (92 years), the artist has created so much great amount paintings, engravings, sculptures, ceramic miniatures, that it cannot be accurately calculated. According to different sources, the heritage of Picasso is from 14 to 80 thousand works of art.

Picasso is unique. He is fundamentally alone, because the destiny of a genius is loneliness.

On October 25, 1881, a joyful event happened in the family of Jose Ruiz Blasco and Maria Picasso Lopez. Their firstborn was born, a boy who was named in Spanish tradition long and ornate - Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuseno Maria de los Remedios Crispignano de la Santisima Trinidad Ruiz and Picasso. Or just Pablo.

The pregnancy was difficult - thin Maria could hardly bear the baby. And childbirth and at all have stood out heavy. The boy was born dead...

So thought the doctor, older brother Jose Salvador Ruiz. He took the baby, examined him and immediately realized - a failure. The boy was not breathing. The doctor spanked him, turned him upside down. Nothing helped. Dr. Salvador hinted at the obstetrician to carry away the dead child, and lit a cigarette. A club of bluish cigar smoke enveloped the baby's bluish face. He tensed convulsively and screamed.

It happened small miracle. The stillborn child was alive.

Picasso was born in the house on Malaga's Merced Square, which now houses the artist's house-museum and the foundation that bears his name.

His father was an art teacher at the art school in Malaga and part-time was the curator of the local Art Museum.

Jose after Malaga, having moved with his family to the town of La Coruña, got a place in the school of fine arts, teaching children painting. He also became the first and, perhaps, the main teacher of his brilliant son, giving humanity the very outstanding artist XX century.

We don't know much about Picasso's mother.

It is interesting that mother Mary lived to see her son's triumph.

Three years after the birth of her first child, Maria gave birth to a girl, Lola, and three years later, the youngest Conchita.

Picasso was a very spoiled boy.

He was allowed to do everything positively, but he almost died in the first minutes of his life.

At the age of seven, the boy was sent to a regular high school but he studied badly. Of course, he learned to read and count, but he wrote poorly and with errors (this remained for the rest of his life). But he was not interested in anything other than drawing. He was kept at school only out of respect for his father.

Even before school, his father began to let him into his workshop. He gave me pencils and paper.

José noted with delight that his son had an innate sense of form. He had a fantastic memory.

At the age of eight, the kid began to draw on his own. What the father did for weeks, the son was able to complete in two hours.

The first painting painted by Pablo has survived to this day. Picasso never parted with this canvas, painted on a small wooden board with his father's paints. This is a Picador from 1889.

Pablo Picasso - "Picador" 1889

In 1894, his father took Pablo out of school and transferred the boy to his lyceum - a school of fine arts in the same La Coruña.

If in a regular school Pablo did not have a single good grade, then at his father's school he did not have a single bad one. He studied not only well but brilliantly.


In 1895, during the summer, the Ruiz family moved to the capital of Catalonia. Pablo was only 13 years old. The father wanted his son to study at the Barcelona Academy of Arts. Pablo, still quite a boy, applied as an applicant. And then he got rejected. Pablo was four years younger than the first-year students. Father had to look for old acquaintances. Out of respect for this honored person, the selection committee of the Barcelona Academy decided to allow the boy to participate in the entrance exams.

In just a week, Pablo painted several paintings and completed the task of the commission - he painted several graphic works in the classical style. When he took out and unfolded these sheets in front of professors from painting, the members of the commission were dumbfounded with surprise. The decision was unanimous. The boy is accepted into the Academy. And immediately to the senior course. He did not need to learn to draw - a fully formed professional artist sat in front of the commission.

The name "Pablo Picasso" appeared precisely during the period of study at the Barcelona Academy. Pablo signed his first works with his own name - Ruiz Blesco. But then a problem arose - the young man did not want his paintings to be confused with those of his father Jose Ruiz Blasco. And he took his mother's surname - Picasso. And it was also a tribute and love to mother Mary.

Picasso never talked about his mother. But he loved and respected his mother very much. He painted his father in the image of a doctor in the painting “Knowledge and Mercy”. Portrait of mother - painting "portrait of the artist's mother" in 1896.

But even more interesting is the painting “Lola, sister of Picasso”. It was written in 1899, when Pablo was under the influence of the Impressionists.

In the summer of 1897, changes came in the family of José Ruiz Blasco. An important letter came from Malaga - the authorities decided to reopen the Art Museum and invited an authoritative person, Jose Ruiz, to the position of its director. June 1897. Pablo graduated from the Academy and received a diploma professional artist. And after that, the family moved on.

Picasso did not like Malaga. For him, Malaga was like a provincial creepy hole. He wanted to study. Then at the family council, in which the uncle also participated, it was decided that Pablo would go to Madrid to try to enter the most prestigious art school countries to the Academy of San Fernando. Uncle Salvador volunteered to finance the education of his nephew.

He entered the San Fernando Academy without much difficulty. Picasso was simply out of competition. At first, he received good money from his uncle. The unwillingness to learn what Pablo already knew without the lessons of professors led to the fact that after a few months, he dropped out. The money from the uncle immediately stopped, and Pablo fell on hard times. He was then 17 years old, and by the spring of 1898 he decided to go to Paris.

Paris surprised him. It became clear that it was necessary to live here. But without money, he could not stay in Paris for a long time and in June 1898 Pablo returned to Barcelona.

Here he managed to rent a small workshop in old Barcelona, ​​painted several paintings and was even able to sell. But it couldn't go on like this for long. And again I wanted to return to Paris. and even convinced his friends, the artists Carlos Casagemas and Jaime Sabartes, to go with him.

In Barcelona, ​​Pablo often dropped in at the Santa Creu Hospital for the Poor, where prostitutes were treated. His friend worked here. Wearing a white coat. Picasso spent hours on inspections, quickly making pencil sketches in a notebook. Subsequently, these sketches will turn into paintings.

In the end, Picasso moved to Paris.

At the Barcelona station, his father saw him off. In parting, the son presented his father with his self-portrait, on which he inscribed “I am the king!” on top.

In Paris, life was poor and hungry. But Picasso had all the museums in Paris at his service. Then he became interested in the work of the Impressionists - Delacroix, Toulouse-Lautrec, Van Gogh, Gauguin.

He became interested in the art of the Phoenicians and ancient Egyptians, Japanese engraving and Gothic sculpture.

In Paris, he and his friends had a different life. Available women, drunken conversations with friends after midnight, weeks without bread and, most importantly, OPIUM.

The sobering up happened in one moment. One morning he went into the next room where his friend Casagemas lived. Carlos lay on the bed with his arms outstretched. There was a revolver nearby. Carlos was dead. Later it turned out that the cause of suicide was drug withdrawal.

The shock of Picasso was so great that he immediately left the passion for opium and never returned to drugs. The death of a friend turned Picasso's life upside down. After living in Paris for two years, he returned to Barcelona again.

Cheerful, temperamental, seething with cheerful energy, Pablo suddenly turned into a thoughtful melancholic. The death of a friend made me think about the meaning of life. In the self-portrait of 1901, a pale man looks at us with tired eyes. Pictures of this period - everywhere depression, loss of strength, everywhere you see those tired eyes.

Picasso himself called this period blue - "the color of all colors." Against the blue background of death, Picasso paints life with bright colors. Two years spent in Barcelona, ​​he worked at the easel. I almost forgot my youthful trips to brothels.

“Ironer” this painting was painted by Picasso in 1904. Tired fragile woman leaned on the ironing board. Weak thin hands. This picture is a hymn to the hopelessness of life.

He reached the pinnacle of excellence at a very early age. But he continued to search, to experiment. At 25, he was still an aspiring artist.

One of the amazing pictures blue period” is “Life” of 1903. Picasso himself did not like this picture, considered it incomplete and found it too similar to the work of El Greco - and yet Pablo did not recognize secondary. The picture shows three times, three periods of life - past, present and future.

In January 1904, Picasso again went to Paris. This time, determined to secure here by any means. And in no case should he return to Spain - until he succeeds in the capital of France.

He was close to his "Pink Period".

One of his Parisian friends was Ambroise Vollard. Having organized the first exhibition of Pablo's works in 1901, this man soon became Picasso's "guardian angel". Vollard was a painting collector and very essentially, a successful art dealer.

Having managed to charm Waller. Picasso secured a sure source of income for himself.

In 1904, Picasso met and became friends with Guillaume Apollinaire.

In the same 1904, Picasso met the first true love of his life - Fernando Olivier.

It is not known what attracted Fernanda in this dense, knocked down, undersized Spaniard (Picasso's height was only 158 centimeters - he was one of the "great shorties"). Their love blossomed rapidly and magnificently. Tall Fernanda was crazy about her Pablo.

Fernanda Olivier became Picasso's first permanent model. Since 1904, he simply could not work if there was no female nature in front of him. Both were 23 years old. They lived easily, cheerfully and very poorly. Fernanda turned out to be a useless housewife. And Picasso could not stand this in his women, and their civil marriage went downhill.

“Girl on a ball” - this picture, painted by Picasso in 1905, experts in painting refer to the transitional period in the artist’s work - between “blue” and “pink”.

During these years, Picasso's favorite place in Paris was the Medrano Circus. He loved the circus. because they are circus performers, people of unfortunate fate, professional wanderers, homeless vagrants, forced to portray fun all their lives.

Nude figures on the canvases of Picasso in 1906 are calm and even peaceful. They no longer look lonely - the theme of loneliness. anxiety about the future faded into the background.

Several works of 1907, including "Self-Portrait", are made in a special "African" technique. And the experts in the field of painting will call the very time of passion for masks the “African period”. Step by step, Picasso moved towards cubism.

“Avignon girls” - Picasso worked especially concentrated on this picture. For a whole year he kept the canvas under a thick cape, not allowing even Fernanda to look at it.

The picture was of a brothel. In 1907, when everyone saw the picture, a serious scandal erupted. Everyone looked at the picture. The reviewers unanimously declared that Picasso's painting is nothing but a publishing house on art.

At the beginning of 1907, in the midst of the scandal around the "Avignon girls", the artist Georges Braque came to his gallery. Braque and Picasso immediately became friends and took up the theoretical development of cubism. The main idea was to achieve the effect of a three-dimensional image using intersecting planes and constructing geometric shapes using the tool.

This period fell on 1908-1909. The paintings painted by Picasso during this period were still not much different from the same “Avignon Maidens”. For the first paintings in the style of cubism, there were buyers and admirers.

The period of so-called "analytical" cubism fell on 1909-1910. Picasso departed Cezanne's softness of colors. Geometric figures decreased in size, the images took on a chaotic character, and the paintings themselves became more complex.

The final period of the formation of cubism is called "synthetic". It fell on 1911-1917.

By the summer of 1909, Pablo, who was in his thirtieth year, had become rich. It was in 1909 that so much money accumulated that he opened his own bank account, and by autumn he was able to afford both new housing and a new workshop.

Eva-Marcel became the first woman in the life of Picasso, who left him herself, without waiting for the artist himself to leave her. She died of consumption in 1915. With the death of the adored Eva, Picasso lost the ability to work for a long time. The depression lasted for several months.

In 1917, Picasso's social circle expanded - he met amazing person poet and painter Jean Cocteau.

Then Cocteau convinced Picasso to go with him to Italy, Rome, to unwind and forget sadness.

In Rome, Picasso saw the girl and instantly fell in love. It was a Russian ballet dancer Olga Khokhlova.

“Portrait of Olga in an armchair” - 1917

In 1918, Picasso proposed. Together they went to Malaga so that Olga met Picasso's parents. Parents gave good. In early February, Pablo and Olga went to Paris. Here, on February 12, 1918, they became husband and wife.

Their marriage lasted a little over a year and cracked. This time the reason was, most likely. in temperature differences. Convinced of her husband's infidelity, they no longer lived together, but still Picasso did not divorce. Olga remained the artist's wife, albeit formally, until her death in 1955.

In 1921, Olga gave birth to a son, who was named Paulo or simply Paul.

Pablo Picasso gave 12 years to surrealism creative life, periodically returning to cubism.

Following the principles of surrealism formulated by Andre Breton, Picasso, however, always went his own way.

"Dance" - 1925

A strong impression is left by the very first painting by Picasso, painted in a surrealist style in 1925 under the influence of artistic creativity Breton and his supporters. This is the painting "Dance". In the work that Picasso designated new period in his creative life, a lot of aggression and pain.

It was January 1927. Pablo was already very rich and famous. One day on the banks of the Seine, he saw a girl and fell in love. The girl's name was Marie-Therese Walter. They were separated by a huge difference in age - nineteen years. He rented an apartment for her near his home. And soon he wrote only Marie-Therese.

Maria Theresa Walter

In the summer, when Pablo took the family to the Mediterranean, Maria Teresa followed. Pablo settled her next to the house. Picasso asked Olga for a divorce. But Olga refused, because day after day Picasso became even richer.

Picasso managed to buy the castle of Bouagelou for Marie-Therese, in which he actually moved himself.

In the autumn of 1935, Maria Teresa gave birth to his daughter, whom she named Maya.

The girl was registered in the name of an unknown father. Picasso swore that immediately after the divorce he would recognize his daughter, but when Olga died, he never kept his promise.

"Maya with a doll" - 1938

Marie-Therese Walther became the main inspiration. Picasso for several years. It was to her that he dedicated his first sculptures, on which he worked in the castle of Bouagelou during 1930-1934.

"Maria-Therese Walter", 1937

Fascinated by surrealism, Picasso completed his first sculptural compositions in the same surrealist vein.

The Spanish war for Picasso coincided with a personal tragedy - two weeks before it began, mother Maria died. Having buried her, Picasso lost the main thread connecting him with his homeland.

There is a tiny town in the Basque country in northern Spain called Guernica. On May 1, 1937, German aircraft raided this city and practically wiped it off the face of the earth. The news of the death of Guernica shocked the planet. And soon this shock was repeated when a painting by Picasso called “Guernica” appeared at the World Exhibition in Paris.

Guernica, 1937

In terms of the strength of the impact on the viewer, not a single pictorial canvas can be compared with “Guernica”.

In the autumn of 1935, Picasso was sitting at a table in a street cafe in Montmartre. Here he saw Dora Maar. and …

It wasn't long before they ended up in a shared bed. Dora was Serbian. The war separated them.

When the Germans launched their invasion of France, there was a great exodus. Artists, writers and poets moved from Paris to Spain, Portugal, Algeria and America. Not everyone managed to escape, many died ... Picasso did not go anywhere. He was at home and wanted to spit on both Hitler and his Nazis. It's amazing they didn't touch him. It is also surprising that Adolf Hitler himself was a fan of his work.

In 1943, Picasso became close to the communists, and in 1944 he announced that he was joining the French Communist Party. Picasso was awarded the Stalin (in 1950). and then the Lenin Prize (in 1962).

At the end of 1944, Picasso went to the sea, to the south of France. Dora Maar found him in 1945. It turned out she was looking for him throughout the war. Picasso bought her a cozy house here, in the south of France. And he announced that everything was over between them. The disappointment was so great that Dora took Pablo's words as a tragedy. Soon she suffered from her mind and landed in a psychiatric clinic. There she lived the rest of her days.

In the summer of 1945, Pablo briefly returned to Paris, where he saw Francoise Gilot and immediately fell in love. In 1947, Pablo and Francoise moved to the south of France in Valoris. Soon Pablo learned the good news - Francoise is expecting a baby. In 1949, Picasso's son, Claude, was born. A year later, Francoise gave birth to a girl, who was given the name Paloma.

But Picasso was not Picasso if the family relationship lasted long. They were already arguing. And suddenly Francoise quietly left, it was the summer of 1953. Because of her departure, Picasso began to feel like an old man.

In 1954, Fate brought Pablo Picasso together with his last companion, who at the end of the great painter would become his wife. It was Jacqueline Rock. Picasso was older than Jacqueline by as much as 47 years. At the time of their acquaintance, she was only 26 years old. He is 73.

Three years after Olga's death, Picasso decided to buy a large castle where he could spend the rest of his days with Jacqueline. He chose Vauvering Castle on the slopes of Mount Saint Victoria, in the south of France.

In 1970, an event took place that became his main award in these last years. The city authorities of Barcelona turned to the artist with a request for permission to open a museum of his paintings. It was the first Picasso museum. The second - in Paris - opened after his death. In 1985, the Salé Hotel in Paris was turned into the Picasso Museum.

In the last years of his life, he suddenly began to rapidly lose his hearing and vision. Then the memory began to weaken. Then the legs gave out. By the end of 1972, he was completely blind. Jacqueline has always been there. She loved him very much. No moaning, no complaining, no tears.

April 8, 1973 - on this day he died. According to Picasso's will, his ashes were buried next to Woverang Castle...

Source - Wikipedia and Informal Biographies (Nikolai Nadezhdin).

Pablo Picasso - biography, facts, paintings - the great Spanish painter updated: January 16, 2018 by: site