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Amazon: Women warriors or an ancient myth? Who is the Amazon woman? Myth or reality? Mention of Amazons in different sources

Amazons in ancient times called the tribe of militant self-sufficient women who conquered the Earth, fought with men, took some captive (to continue the kind), but in everyday life did without them. Looks like a beautiful fairy tale, right? But still, if there are myths and legends about such women, if the famous scientists of antiquity mention them (and modern do not dispute the possibility of the existence of Amazons), then, probably, there is some kind of truth in this.

What does "Amazon mean" mean?

According to one sources, Amazon means "A Mazos" - harmful. Teenage girls from the tribe of hot coals burned the right chest, so as not to interfere in battle. But this source can be questioned, because no rendered image of Amazons does not show volatile women. Other sources argue that this name comes from the Iranian word "Ha-Mazan" - warriors. Another option is from the word "A Masso" - inviolable (for men).

The kingdom of Amazon

Where did they come and where they lived? And here the scientists are broken in opinions. Some say that Amazons were nomads, others - that they had their own kingdom on the Mediterranean coast (or in the Crimea). Third sources argue that the tribe came of militant women from Asia Minor (somewhere from the foot of the Caucasus) or from the coast of the Azov Sea.

There is still such a myth: the Amazons were so good in battle that God Dionysus asked for their help to overthrow titans. After the victory over them, Dionysis ... broke the Amazons. Few managed to hide from a cunning and vengeful God in the temple of Artemis. Next, we went to conquer Asia, fought in the Crimea, conquered Syria, built the cities of Ephesus, Smyrna, and others. On the River Fermodon Amazon captured the Greeks and wanted to send the sea to their homeland. But the warranty did not want to subjoin - killed the ship's team, soon the wind will be born with Amazons nailed to the Scythian lands. Scythians were placed to get offspring from such wonderful women, and sent a detachment of beautiful young men to conquer them. So there was a new nation - Savramati.

Amazon in mythology

In Greek mythology, these Virgin Chariters behaved their origin from the god of the war of Ares and Niada Harmony. The first amazon is considered Lisippa. His patronage of Amazon was called the goddess Artemis, and in every way he won it. During the Trojan War, Amazon fought on the side of the Trojans, and the famous Greek hero Achill was forced to kill their queen. The Amazons fought more Beller and Teskey. And the Herculeous ninth feat was the task - to take the magic belt from the leader of the warrior. He had to become a repurchase for the abduction of the Ippolitis, the daughter of Queen Antipa.

According to legends, Amazons perfectly owned onions, a small bilateral combat ax (Labrs), a short sword and a light shield. Armor and the Amazon helmets made themselves.

Amazon Images in Fine Arts

The myths about Amazons spawned many works of art in painting and sculpture depicting the viritatives. This is a popular plot in ancient visual art of the 7th century BC. And in painting already in our time (the era of baroque and classicism). The plots of battles with Amazons are present in the pictures of Y. Palma of the Elder, Ya. Tintoretto, Reni, etc.

Amazon as characters of literature and cinema

Amazons and their feats inspired by such poets and European playwrights as R. Grande ("Ippolit"), Tirsto de Molina ("Amazons in India"), Lope de Vega ("Amazoni"), Kleist ("Penfissile") and others . In the 20-21 century, Amazons perform fantasy characters.

Many, I think, is famous in the 90s of the last century the series about the Warrior woman and her companion Gabriel "Xena - Princess Warrior".

Amazonian company

This phenomenon took place in April 1787. In the Crimea waited for the arrival of Empress Catherine the second. By order, Gregory Alexandrovich Potemkin to this event was created by the company, consisting of women (100 people). The Empress once heard from Prince about the unprecedented miracle - Greek warriors. Potemkin decided to surprise Catherine, and he succeeded. The empress was genuinely happy, and shoved Potemkin honors.

For the creation of an Amazonian company in Crimea, the Premier Major of the Balaklava Greek Regiment on the surname Chaponi (Greek by origin) took. He handed over his young wife 19 years old from the genus, Elena Ivanovna Sarandova. The company consisted of wives and daughters of noble Balaclava Greeks. Women were taught to march and welcome Catherine the second. We have reached us about the visit of the Empress described in the "Notes on Amazon Rote" Dusi. From these memories, we learn that seeing the company "under the parade" - in green velvet jackets and raspberry skirts, in white turbans with ostrich feathers (the "senior at the title" there were even a rifle with three cartridges), Empress Catherine was very happy and said Elena Sarandova: "Congratulations to you, Amazonian captain, - Your company is properly, - I am very pleased with it." Soon after leaving the Empress Rota was disbanded. This fun stood her over 100,000 rubles.

Militant virgins of modernity

I think all women sometimes had a feeling when I want to conquer and enslave the whole world. Each feels non-lawyer, she is all over shoulder. Modern Amazons go through the streets, travel, stand at the head of large corporations and raise children. They are strong, self-sufficient, smart and are formed. They conquer the hearts and bind to smile, who will like. They know their price, and know that everything is in their hands.

P.S. The legends of the militant tribes of women exist among many nations of the world. These are either legends on existing tribes, or common antique myths that have increasing new details. And I personally have a great suspicion that, firstly, the Amazons were not so bloodthirsty (the Greeks could distribute false information about them), and secondly, they could also be not so elegant as in the images that came to us from Ancient times, or created in our time. Huge exercise in battles and early training (from 10-12 years old) made their bodies with more muscular, and less "formy". Remember modern professional athletes.

Very often in books, films are mentioned Amazons. But who are they really, why are they so called and do they exist at all? Let's try to figure out.

What does the concept of "Amazon" mean

In the past century, Amazons were called militant women who could fight and do without male protection. It is said that to continue the genus Amazon they were captured by men. This, of course, is very similar to an unreal fairy tale.

However, if the Amazons say so many centuries later, it means not in vain.

There are several opinions about the value of the word "Amazon". Some consider what it means "harmful" - teenage girls in the tribes burned the right chest with hot coal. It was done so that the chest did not interfere with fighting. But this source is pretty doubtful, because it is not mentioned about it in some annals.

Others argue that the word "Amazon" occurred from Iranian and means "warriors" or "inviolable". One way or another, but the meaning of this word is close in different sources.

Where did Amazon appear from

Where did these interesting Amazons appear where they lived? Many scientists worked on this issue, and no matter how much they wanted, but in opinions they still diverged. Someone believes that Amazons led a nomadic lifestyle, constantly replacing the habitat.

Other scientists suggest that Amazon had its kingdom somewhere in the Crimea, or on the Mediterranean coast. And some scientists argue that Amazon appeared from Asia or the Caucasus. Unfortunately, it is impossible to prove one or another point.

Therefore, it remains only to guess about their place of birth and habitat. One know for sure: Amazons lived only with women, men were used to continue the kind.

What is the essence of the Amazons

So what was the essence of these warlord women? The Amazons perfectly owned weapons, fought on a par with men, were famous for their unshakable and militia. They won new lands, did not have pity and sympathy.

Men were not recognized, so they lived in the distance from them. If the Amazon was born a boy - he was just killed. In rare cases, they gave the Father and removed the Mount-Parent of the Euscation. These women are an excellent example of a matriarchate, where the dominant role of a woman is obvious.

From the smallest years of girls taught horseback riding, the art of possession of weapons, combat receptions. After all, for Amazons, the war was always considered the usual matter, even the meaning of their existence. The detachments from the Amazons were considered elite, and any, even the most experienced commander, considered to fight in the Union with Amazons. However, women's warriors alliated quite rarely, only in the case of the danger of their tribe.

Amazons did not do homemade, did not prepare food. Some historians believe that men were present in the tribes of Women's tribes - either as slaves, or as servants engaged in cooking and other household matters. The Amazons were fought and diligently engaged in the upbringing of girls, future women warriors.

From the point of view of psychology and philosophy, women and men differ not only by physical characteristics, but also by the norms of behavior. The Amazons are both types of behavior: male and female. On the one hand, Amazons are women who are inherent to love, bring up children and maintain in the house of comfort and order. On the other hand, Amazon - Women, since childhood accustomed to kill, perfectly own weapons and greatly ride.

The main weapon of Amazons is considered to be Sagaris. This is a kind of ax with two blades. He appeared in the Scythians, hence the name. Sagaris was distributed on Crete Island, symbolized the natural feminine. In addition to the ax, Amazon loved to use onions with arrows.

There are many historically proven facts, such as excavations, testifying to amazingly perfect ownership of these weapons of Amazons. Amazon rarely went into battle. Almost always they managed saddled horses, which were perfectly riding.

Thus, the Amazons preferred a universal set of Scythians: an ax and onions with arrows. They had both more weapons with which they owned well. These are metal plates, and spears, and tips.

Origins of origin

It is known that from the 600th century to our era in Athens, the woman did not have the right to vote. In many states, such as Sparta, women simply were engaged in their homework, brought up children. In addition, in Sparta, the birth of girls was not very pleased, preference was given to boys as future soldiers.

Perhaps this is exactly what has become a peculiar impetus to the emergence of amazons - independent, self-sufficient, strong and fearless women who wanted to participate in battles, voting on a par with men. Soon, after the first mention of the Amazons, it became clear: not only men are able to defend their homeland, well-trained, physically trained women can cope with this.

Herodoto first in Iliad announced the existence of Amazons. And in European legends, Ehor gave his own variant of these Women's Women. He wrote that some men went to Europe, where they were killed. Their wives, sisters and children remained alone.

They were forced to take control of the country for themselves. Pompei wrote that Amazon, this is simply the wives of the Scythians who lost their husbands. And in order not to disappear, they were forced to take control and protection against themselves.

As can be seen, according to many authors, the appearance of Amazons is associated with permanent wars in which all capable men died. In order to survive, women learned to fight, horseback riding. And then, over time, the legend of women who fight better than men began to "figure out" new details, which brightly describe the cruel temper of the Amazons, hatred for men, the desire to fight, kill and take prisoners.

Amazon and art

Amazons are depicted in the pictures, they write poems about them, adventure novels and remove movies. The direction with Amazons in the literature, painting and filmography is very popular.

The pictures of these women soldiers depict mainly with a spear or a sword, jumping on a horse. This is the main image of amazons in painting. The peak of popularity Theme Amazon reached in the 7th century BC, when and in the sculpture and in painting was actively depicted by the Virgin Chariters.

Pictured amazons and in sculpture, namely reliefs, statues. As in painting, Amazons in the sculpture were transferred with weapons, on horseback. There are even plot sculptures, such as the "Battle of Amazons and Tisay", "Amazon and Tisay".

Arkady Krunyakov wrote a whole novel, who proudly referred to as Amazon. This book is fully dedicated to these women. But, in addition to this book, there are many interesting literary works in which Amazon takes place.

The films also removed many on this subject. "Tarzan and Amazon", "Amazon on the Moon", "Amazon and Gladiators" - and this is not a complete list of films, not to mention television series, in which Amazons occupy honorary places.

Interestingly, the fact that Amazon left their mark even in astrology. In honor of the most famous female warriors, such asteroids were named as a hippolyte, climax, asteria.

Amazon and mythology

Legends and myths about women warriors exist in all the tribes of the world. They differ only with some minor details.

In Greek mythology, Amazon occupy a certain honorable place. Many other legends narrate these women.

The origin of Greek mythology, Amazon takes from the niada of the harmony and the god of the war of Ares. The very first of the Amazons is known as Lisippa. These women had their own patroness - the goddess of Artemis, which they won in every way, worshiped her and prayed, built in honor of her temples, they were erected by statues. According to legends, Amazons during the famous Trojan war, fought on the side of the Great Troy.

About the feats of Hercules, probably knows every schoolboy. Here, for example, in the thirteenth feat of this mythical hero, there was a task: to get an amazon belt to redeemed the princess of the andpolytes. Hercules made this feat, but not without difficulty, then he and the feat. In this myth, it was shown how difficult it was to win, inflict the Amazon, which once again proves the power of these women.

The myth of the needle of Amazon tells, about the taste, which was once the Great Athens. He, together with Hercules, went to the country of Amazons, and led from there with antiopu, the princess of Amazons. However, Amazons did not share the opinions of the Tereus that the princess would be good with him.

Therefore, Amazons went for the antiopay, to rescue it from the "captivity", and at the same time and take revenge on the Greeks. As you know, Athens has never been different in their combat training. Their society preferred all the forces to invest in science, painting, rhetoric, oratory, literature, painting. Therefore, with the arrival of Amazons, they could not unsubsion.

Athenians had to hide in the walls of the city. However, it did not help them. The Amazon tribe was well armed, in addition, each representative of the tribe perfectly owned weapons. As a result, the Acropolis was besieged. The Athenians took several attempts to expel the city witnessed Amazons. However, they did not succeed.

Interestingly, in the decisive battle of Amazons and Athenians, Antiopa itself was on the side of her husband and fought against his own tribe. As it turned out, Tsarevna loved her husband, so I could not oppose him. But tragically ended the decisive battle for both sides. A wonderful antiopa died, Tesheus threw a weapon, bending over his young wife. The Amazons, full of grief and sadness about the untimely deceased young princes, went home.

There is a myth on how Amazon came to help the Great Three. It is known that after Achilles killed the eldest son of the Trojan Trojan, Hector, live the Trojans was restless. After all, the famous Achilles was invulnerable, and in the whole three was not a hero who could resist Achilles.

It was obvious that the battle with the Greeks from the Troyans will be lost. But unexpectedly, for all Amazons, they decided to help three. In brilliant armor, with excellent weapons, the warrior attacked Greeks. One by one fell by the Greeks on the battlefield, and it would seem, never to defeat the Great Amazons. But here Achilles appeared, who mercilessly killed the Queen of Amazons. Having removed from her a helmet, the warrior was struck by her beauty, and with the Great sadness took the body of the queen.

The ancestor of Amazons is rightfully taken to consider the goddess of fertility and hunting, Artemis, appearing on the island of Crete. Over time, she "moved" to Greece, where and "asslaved". The goddess is considered for the prodigal, in all the senses of this word. It is from Artemis and all women warriors originated.

According to Herodotus, Dionysus and Ares worshiped, over the existence, Amazon. Dioiodor, known as the Sicilian historian, argued that the Virgin Chariot took part in the hunt of Artemis.

According to some other myths, Amazon were sisters of the nymph of rain, referred to as Giada. One of the famous Ephesian legends talks about how Amazon decided to ask the patronage from Dionysus himself. However, the so desired patronage could not be obtained.

But according to Eurypid, everything happened on the contrary, and Amazon became deserved companions of Dionysus. However, it is just myths. Homer also describes that Amazons were repeatedly attennered to Frigians.

"Amazon Rota"

This concept came from the distant 1787. Crimea intended to visit, Empress Catherine Second. Potemkin Grigory Alexandrovich issued an order for creating in honor of this significant event, the company, which should consist only of women. The number of fine sex representatives should have been hundred.

Where did Potemkin come from such an idea? Just Catherine The second heard once from Prince that somewhere in distant Greece there are unprecedented warriors, in their art of conducting wars of superior to the most experienced men. Therefore, Gregory Aleksandrovich Potemkin decided to surprise the empress, thus creating the army that the Amazonian company nicknamed. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe prince was appreciated. Catherine The second showered Potemkin with unprecedented honors.

Who did the creation of this troops? Greek, by origin, Premier Major Balaklavashelf, famous Chaponi. And the command of the mouth, he graciously provided his young, nineteenth-year-old wife of noble blood. The same origin of the wife and daughter of the famous commander of the princes and majors were the army.

Raspberry skirts, green velvet jackets, on the headwhite turbans with ostrich feathers - all this completely conquered the heart of Catherine the second. And the older girls had rifles with three cartridges. However, after the departure of the Empress, the company existed for a long time, and was soon disbanded.

Expensive pleasure turned out to be necessary for several days. After all, why do you need a company in which the new"Amazons" do not know how to keep weapons, not to mention the art of riding and moral qualities.

Mention of Amazon

The first mention of women warriors, noted by scientists from the epic poem of Homer, about the famous Trojan War, "Iliad". Homer notes that during battles, they took part in the battles of women who fought like men, even better.

After Homer, other ancient authors began to write about Amazons. For example, Herodotus, ancient Greek historian, called militant women - "killing men." In addition, Herodotus described many very interesting stories about Amazons.

Some compilers of the biography of Alexander Macedonsky, told about the meeting of the Great Command with the Queen of Amazons. Interestingly, the fact that there were rumors about that allegedly the queen of militant women and the great commander was a child. However, this information is in doubt, because there is no evidence of the truthfulness of information.

In the "Diary of the Trojan War" of Dokyca Crytsky, Amazons are also mentioned as women who can wage war. In the famous diary, it is described in detail about the participation of Amazons and their role in the war for Troy.

Athens's Appolodora in his "Historical Library" also mentions women warriors. Namely, the campaign of Amazons on Athens is well described in his chronicles.

Diodor Sicilian gives valuable information about the military campaign of the Libyan Amazons, which Egypt passed, Arabia, conquered Syria and left behind the many erected temples and sanctuations, based new cities.

If you thoroughly analyze all sources in which the Amazons are mentioned, it can be concluded that each of the sources gives its own defined material that is contradictory. It is clearly visible in the name of the names of the Amazons, the localization of their tribes. What is this explained?

Ancient times of events, a variety of material used, a peculiar opinion of each historian, lyrics and a political scientist. Disagreements and discrepancies in opinions albeit small, but the accuracy of information in itself is not carried. However, despite this, we can conclude and summarize all the information about these mysterious women.

Sarmati - descendants of Amazons

Many legends and myths have survived about the tribe of Sarmatov, who considered themselves the descendants of the Great Amazons. They have their customs difference from the customs of the Amazons. Sarmatians lived not purely female tribe, and men were present. However, it did not prevent them from raising all the girls as real warriors and defenders.

The same riding lessons, possession elements with a variety of weapons. In order to marry, the girls of the Sarmatians tribe should have won three times over the enemies. After that, the girl was considered completely prepared for marriage.

It is interesting to note that after entering into marriage, the women of the Sarmatian tribe ceased to ride and use weapons until the tribe had to fight anyone. As in the legends of Amazons, women and this tribe had a right chest as a child.

In the footsteps of the Great Amazons

Where they just did not search for these uncharted women warriors. Historians found confirmation of the presence of Amazons in the Caucasus, in Russia, Asia, Greece, Turkey. This suggests that the Epoch of Amazons spread to all corners of the planet, or their tribe was really nomad. One way or another, but thanks to the records in the chronicles, paintings, sculptures and other remnants of the past, one can judge the existence of these women.

In the middle of the 16th century, Spanish Conquistadors became interested in rumors about civilization, allegedly hidden in the depths of the South American continent. Since their interest in the treasures of Mexico and Peru was exhausted, Conquistadors decided to find the tribe of mysterious Amazons.

For about ten months, we needed the winds, in order to get from Peru deep into the continent, because the colossal dimensions of rivers and jungle leading to the mysterious civilization, created a rather difficult barrier. In addition, they complicated the promotion of the consistence of hostile tribes of the natives, as well as unfavorable weather conditions. Only in 1544 the first fairly reliable information began to appear. Francisco de Orellana headed this reckless journey.

However, the clashes with the natives, the exhaust road, the terrible weather conditions did not interfere with him to admire the smacks with the Amazons themselves, for whom he went to this crazy journey. He described the Amazons, as women of high and white, road, covered only certain places. To capture none of the Amazons failed. And this is despite the fact that the Spaniards had a whole arsenal of weapons, while the Amazon of Firearms was not at all.

This additionally confirms their excellent combat training. A fold of one of the native tribes, spoke about Amazons, as fierce women, perfectly fighting and mercilessly killing men. He told that Amazon burned the right chest for better ownership of the onions and arrows.

As well as once a year, they come into contact with men, to continue the kind. The boys Amazon are killed, and girls leave and raise in their rules and customs.

After one of the travels of Christopher Columbus, the first stories about the Amazons appeared. In 1493, returning, Columbus found out from local natives, which is not far from the island of Espanyol, there is an island that is completely populated by women.

At a certain time, these strange women brought to the island of men, who later sent away. These women were beautiful warriors, they have brilliant lats and other weapons, they are perfectly shooting out of the bow and perfectly ride horses.

All subsequent travels Columbus desperately tried to find this mysterious island populated by women. Unfortunately, he could not find it. In essence, this island remained not found by anyone at all. But, despite the fact that only rumors were Vitaly, were not supported by anything, it did not prevent many years to talk about women warriors.

One of the Spanish authors was confident that Amazonian storing incredible treasures that could enrich the world. But, perhaps, this assumption was caused by the pathologically intrusive idea of \u200b\u200bthe conquestadors about treasures. In fact, during the entire existence they only were engaged in search of treasures.

In addition to the Spaniards, the Portuguese tried to open the country of habitat. However, they expected the same failure as the Spaniards.

It should be noted that when Orellan and Columbus tried to collect information about Amazons at the local tribes of the natives, they had to communicate through translators. However, local adverbs are so diverse that the probability of a translation error is quite high. In addition, except for rumors, none of the famous travelers brought reliable evidence confirming the existence of "one-body" female Amazons.

Northern Black Sea Castle is also famous for the historic trees of Amazons. The myths and stories about the Black Sea region, told by Herodot and other scientists, historians and philosophers, pronounced that the world of Amazons once reigned here.

There are rumors around the world about the diverse location of Amazons: in Brazil, Jungle America, in the Caucasus, Greece, Turkey, Asia, Russia, in Ukraine. And this is not the entire list of places in which the evidence of the existence of Amazons was found.

Amazon in Russia

When excavations under the city of Rostov-on-Don, the capital of Amazons was found, the city of Tanais. Not far from this place, archaeologists found a female burial, where a sword was sworn next to the bodies of women. Nearby found women's decorations. This speaks of existence in Russia in a period of female warriors.

In addition, many fairy tales of Slavic peoples tell about the Amazons and their great exploits, as well as little terrible stories available in these fairy tales: heads at the fences of great heroes, cruel bloody structures. It is interesting to note that first, finding the first reminders about the Amazons on the outskirts of Russia and Ukraine, archaeologists did not associate the weapons and mass remains of women with women with a weapon. Indeed, in the world where men rule the war, women who spelling women look ridiculous, even thought about it.

Some scientists have a weapon in the burials associated with rites, cults, some ritual use, but not with the instrument of resistance and murder. However, after some time after the excavations, in Russia appeared from the west of Europe, as well as with the United States, a multinational group.

This group actively promoted the presence of women capable of martial art and horseback riding. After that, the Russian and Ukrainian scientists began to think seriously over once existed Amazons.

On some of the excavations, archaeologists found the remains of a teenage girl, approximately fourteen years. It happened at the beginning of the 20th century. At first, scientists thought that the guy was buried, because next to him, in the grave, lay a weapon. However, having conducted an examination, scientists were able to install the floor: it was clearly a girl.

The bones of its lower limbs were twisted, this is an explicit certificate of constant riding riding. The body was formed as a real modern athlete, which speaks of the beautiful physical and combat training, weapon possession. To the same, a good set of various weapons was found in the grave, including arrows.

Amazon in the Caucasus and in Asia

Traces of the Great Amazons were found on the distant Caucasus. Near the Caucasian rivers, Lesken and the Cherk are a large burial of amazons with a variety of decorations and weapons. The era of the life of Amazons in the Caucasus can be bold to the era of the decline of the great commander Alexander Macedonian.

Further, the story indicates the active settlement of Amazons in Asia, Russia. Excavations show that the burial of Amazons was found in different areas of Turkey, Russia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Czechoslovakia.

In African dogma, a rather interesting legend was recorded, which tells about the existence of two villages: female and male. It is noteworthy that the inhabitants of both villages did not know about the existence of each other. After a random meeting of two representatives from different villages, they have a child.

Since then, women and men began to live together. New Guinea also exists their ancient legends. For example, one of them tells about a man whom a huge turtle swallowed, so he was in the village where there were no men. With one woman managed to get closer, and soon they had a child. Other village inhabitants also wanted children. So the men's and women's village appears.

None of the legends the aggressiveness of the Amazon is not focused. So were they generally aggressive?

"Amazon. Socio-political side "

From sociology and politics, it is possible to judge that the origin and era of Amazons well reveals the political and social side. After all, the Epoch of Amazons is a vivid example of the heyday of the matriarchy, the desire of women to protect their land, their descendants, while men disappear in war and are often not able to manage the state.

The period of the matriarchate in history was remembered not only by the chronicles, tales, but also works by art, which reached our time. These are figurines of women, paintings, poems, chants, tales and myths. Interestingly, women are always in art depicted with naked breasts.

This is a sign of fertility, the importance of continuing the kind, responsibility and great worship.

Mogiles of Amazon

The fact that makes believe that Amazons had no time, prove the graves of female warriors. The Russian scientist known as Count Bobrinsky, at the end of the 19th century, conducted active studies of Kurgans intended for burial in Ukraine.

The burials turned out to be a lot, and all the Kurgan's excavated mounds contained a rich variety of weapons, armor and lats. In addition, women were in almost all burials. The first grave, which the scientist opened, is supposed to refer to 4 centies to our era.

It contained two skeletons, one of which occupied a high position in society. The second skeleton was a man, he lay at the feet of a woman. There were a variety of gifts around the first skeleton, a variety of gifts were laid out: weapons, decorations, home accessories.

The male skeleton did not have a weapon, and the gifts were quite stingy: two bronze bells and two decorative shoes. The rest of the burial, open by Bobrinsky were filled with the same composition or alone, the same laid women.

In the area of \u200b\u200bPokrovka, many burials were found, of which about a quarter belonged to women. Some bodies of the found women dated by the Iron Age testifies to their high position in society. This makes it possible to assume that they hunted, defended their tribesmen, and also performed many rituals for their families.

It should be noted that it is under cover, women were buried first, putting them in the center of the pit. This indicates a real matriarchal society when women were a central figure.

The steppes of Sarmatia also found many purely female graves. This region is once Herodotus nicknamed the center of the preserved heritage of Amazons. In the graves, onions and arrows were found to be found, which confirms rumors that the Amazons were excellent wheels, as well as swords, axes, plates and other weapons.

Despite the large amount of Amazonian graves found by archaeologists around the world, some scientists reacted to the judgments of Amazonian supporters. This part of scientists believed that burials could enter into a purely ritual meaning. However, the facts are contrary to the fact that the burial was a ritual.

After all, the weapons found in the graves, curved bones of the female skeleton feet found in the graves. This suggests that these women have learned from childhood to horseback riding. In addition, many turtles have traces of the Russian Academy of Sciences, indicating that they received Amazons with the help of a variety of weapons. And one skeleton in the foot was found an arrow, which firmly sat down in the bone and had a safely reached our time with its owner.

Modern Amazon

The existence of Amazons left a deep mark, which easily swept through the century. Now you can often encounter modern "Amazons". Of course, they do not live separately, the warrior does not lead and men do not kill. However, women who want to surrender to the male profession appear more and more, with ease of cope with the business of men.

Many really enjoy male sex only to continue their kind. However, they completely do not well and without men. The so-called "Amazons" received the so-called "Amazon" in modern Europe.

Modern Amazons According to our society's ideas are a man-like women, strong spirit and well-developed physically. In fact, the Amazons can easily be called a strong one who does not depend on the woman.

Amazon: Myth or Reality

Of course, various myths and legends do not prove the real existence of women warriors. But excavations that actively began to be conducted worldwide from the 20th century, prove that such women existed. It may not be as described by their legends and myths, but the fact that there were such women who perfectly owned all types of weapons and perfectly drove up, remains a fact.

A variety of ideas about their man's husband and killing boys who were born to them, it is possible to prompt, which are more and more in mind with new information, transmitting from generation to generation.

Excavations show that in Russia and Ukraine, in various parts of Asia, in the Caucasus, there were settlements of such incredible women in Turkey. The facts, intertwining with myths and legends, give us the most interesting information that is still better to pre-sort.

To say exactly, Amazons existed or not, it is impossible to be accuracy, since there are no facts that would fully confirm the fact of the existence of Women's Worders. However, not to believe that the Amazons had no time, it was also incorrect.

After all, there are still new and new evidence of the existence of Amazons, which would be ridiculous to leave unnoticed.

Confidence that you are a "shorter bachelor" can not come immediately. You can remember several times to get married, signing up in the registry office - as a confirmation that you are striving for creating a solid social cell. Sometimes, with the arrival of a child, everything finally becomes in its place: love and family are children, and sex and other physical joys are men.

Why do women want to marry?

The probability that a unique character will appear, almost a demigod, which perfectly expands with the child, will agree with the plumber and builders at the cottage, pay the Internet, scares delicious food and dry wine, will prepare dinner on his own, and also pleases sexual problems, without creating utility problems Of course, it remains.

Make a prince or live with a man?

But the possibility of such sublime relations with an ideal often seems likely to be direct contact with alien civilization. So imperceptibly it can come confidence that you are just a "launched bachelor".

By the way, did you pay attention to the fact that there is no such thing as a "launched bachelor"? "Lonely woman", "Old Virgo", "breeding", "unmarried" - anywhere, just not "bachelor." And you know why? Because it is considered: any lady a priori dreams of getting married. But the strengths of this world are not in a hurry.

After holding a mini-survey among unmarried girlfriends aged 30-40 years, you can find out that many of them are not at all interested in registration of relations with a man. Surely every dreams of a prince on a white horse, but when the "parsing panel" begins, the thought sounds that it is better to have a lover than to associate ourselves commitments. In addition, there is a feeling that live with a man for many years is a hard work. Cleaning, cooking and dreams to stay alone and even a little silent for yourself. But how to do it, so that the child does not suffer? And how to share the living space and other good?

Real advantages or dubious decency?

Here they are modern Amazons. Nowadays, it's time to say goodbye to the stereotypes that, they say, men are disappeared from marriage, and for women only marriage! Who is now a "launched bachelor"? Woman or man? It seems that the roles changed.

Searching in the blogosphere of opinions about whether a free woman lives well, you can find a lot of arguments "for" and not one "against". Such recognition sounds: "Woman-Bachelor always looks great and all because it is poured - she does not need to listen to the terrible grudge snoring at night ..."
It seems that the only negative opinion is a quote from the film: "A lonely woman is indecent!" And then it is already pure anachronism.

If a man is needed only for sex, doubts arise in what is marriage. There is always any reason or a claim to the applicant. If you are not ready to exercise patience and tact, you have everything and you are happy with everyone, the search for a husband is a tribute to tradition.

Nadezhda Matveev


Psychologists say that there is a huge difference in the motivation of their life orientations between a free man and free woman. The "Old Bachelor" has some carefully hidden problems. It may be former unsuccessful relationships with his spouse, or health problems, or complexity in business ... marriage for him is the last way out of the impending dead end.

And the "old bachelor" is a woman without problems. It is well maintained, self-sufficient, financially independent, is provided with housing, often having adults arranged in the life of children. Such a woman dreams of love ... See you with a real applicant. As soon as she closely looks after the bridegroom, her independent mind begins to calculate the balance between the difficulties and benefits from new relations ... and, of course, punctacies against the new connection turns out to be much larger.

Amazon - who are they?

Franz von pieces. Amazon and Centaur. 1901.

Amazon - who are they?

The concept of "Amazon" theoretically could form from the Iranian "HA-Mazan" (warriors). If the Greek phrase "a Mazos" can be considered an amplifying part of the Greek phrase "A Mazos", then this phrase would be approximately translated as "full-boring".

There are many other options for the origin of the word "Amazon". For example, "A Masso" (from "Masso" - touch, concerned) could mean "not touching" (to men). By the way, in North Caucasian languages, the word "MAZA" - "Moon" has been preserved, which may be echoing of the distant time, when the inhabitants of this region deified the moon - the goddess of the hunt, corresponding to Greek Artemis.

For the ancient Greeks, Amazons were no less real than any other inhabitants of the Nordic Lands.

It is believed that they were the daughters of the god of war Ares and Nymphs of harmony; At the same time, it is specified that Ares was not Greek, but by the Thracian God, the country located in the east of the Balkan Peninsula. Strabo, an ancient Greek geographer and traveler, offered three ethnonym connected to them with Amazons: Chelason, Alason and Amazon (Geography, XI, 5,1-4, XII, 3,21-24). Osam Strapen, whose childhood has passed from the coast of black The sea (in Amazee) was leaning towards Ethnonym Amazon.

Herodotus in his "history" reports that the capital of Amazons was called Femiskira, and she stood on the banks of the Fermodon River (South of the Black Sea, modern Turkey). There is a version according to which Amazon came to Greece from Meotiy Lake, that is, from the Azov Sea. From there they made military campaigns throughout Malaya Asia, reaching even to Syria and Egypt. According to legends, the Amazons founded such cities as Ephesus, Smyrna (now - Turkish Izmir), Sinop and Paphos.

The kingdom of Amazons with the capital of the daemiscra founded the Queen of Lisippa, which also became the first amazon. She laid the basic laws and rules of the life of Amazons, she won new lands for her new kingdom.

The three famous Southern Amazon Queens of Marpess, Lampado and Hippo seized the Earth in South Asia and Syria, founded the cities of Ephesus, Smyrna (Izmir), Fibe, Sinopo. It was during this campaign that the Amazon captured Troy, where the future king at the time was still a child. Then Amazon went with great prey, leaving small garrisons in conquered cities. These garrisons were expelled by the alliance of the barbaric tribes, with the result that in one of the battles Amazon lost the Queen of Marpessa (according to Paul, the Orosia Amazoni again invaded Asia together with the Kimmerians in 723 BC).

Dioiodor Sicilian believed that Amazons lived on the Tanais River (modern Don). She was called so in honor of the son of Amazon Lisippa, who fell in love with his mother and rushed into the river to avoid criminal heap.

Especially read the Amazons Artemis-hunter and went to her retinue, hunted with her and with nymphs. Also Amazons patronized the goddess Hera, the wife of Zeus. Amazons were even held their Olympic games, only for women, and they were dedicated to the hero, and not Zeus, like Greeks.

The army led the whole life of Amazons - and military, and peaceful. She was relatively small - no more than a quarter of the tribe, while the "soldier" there was a lot of responsibilities: they had to constantly extract food, protect the tribe from enemies, maintain their combat readiness - and they continued the genus. Thus, the strongest link due to overload turned out to be the most vulnerable. Therefore, the most cruel.

Amazon kidnapped their marriage partners from hostile or neighboring tribes and used them. The difference is only that instead of the bride mined the grooms, and not to create a family, but for a short-term "procedure." After that, the captives, like born boys, were ruthlessly killed, apparently, without feeling any love or hate to them.

Murders were needed: they ensured the stability of the tribe. After all, it was almost impossible to provide all women with husbands. And to keep a few "stallions" among many women who have passed the school life in the saddle and in the war, it was dangerous: they could become or contenders for power, or the cause of constant fights. And since the tsarins steppe amazons became the strongest, then the problem was solved accordingly.

However, gradually the Virgin Chariot began to use peaceful ways to resolve disputes. As a rule, in the spring Amazon for a month converged on a neutral territory with men from the neighboring tribes, and after the last time they gave the happy fathers of newborn boys, leaving girls in the tribe. In the book of Diodorus Sicilian, describes how Queen Amazon Falestra came to Alexander Macedonsky and said: "I arrived to give you my son, and if my daughter is born - to pick it up yourself, because there is no higher women in strength and courage and no men norny " It doesn't matter, the myth is or a real event, in any case the "branded" approach is visible.

To reproduce the offspring Amazon, they joined the men of other nations. The born boys were sent to the fathers (on another legend, they were simply killed or neutered), girls left and brought up new Amazons from them.

Diodor Sicilian reports that Amazon, it happened, cried male children immediately after their birth: they twisting their hands and legs in order to make them unable to fight in the future against their "mothers." This motive echoes the Chechen myth of Piharmat ("Kuznets Country"), telling that the goddess of the focus of Ts'iK'ur-Nana, the wife of the flame and the mother of Phaharmat, appealed to his sons in the same way as Amazons with newborn boys. She had many sons whom she loved. But it happened that she brutally punished them for healing, except the youngest - Piharmat, to which was especially attached. One day one of her sons committed serious misconduct. An angry mother wanted to unscrew his arms and legs (Kjjgash-Kogash TSHRA DAXA). Piharmat, who rushed to the revenue of his brother, came running when the mother had already managed to unscrew that one foot (Xa TSHRA MA Diakxineh). He managed to dismiss it to let go of the unfortunate, which has since remained chrome (Xonushxa).

In Iliad, Homer called the Amazons "Antianemi" (those who fight like men). Herodotus called them "Andrkton" (murderers of men).

The battle of the inhabitants of Athens with Amazons spawned a separate genre of ancient Greek art - the so-called "Amazonacia", that is, the tradition of the image of warlike amazons on the battlefield (drawings on terracotta, carving on the mramor).

Over time, the mention of Amazon is becoming less and less. During the lifetime of Alexander Macedonsky, rumors were rumored about how one day the Queen of Amazon Tilestris arrived in the camp of the Great Commissioner with three hundred tribmennels. Allegedly Talester wanted to offer all this considerable "harem" Alexander to get from the famous ruler as much as possible girls, the same strong and clever, as a father.

On the Amazons who fought as part of the enemy troops wrote the Roman general of Gnei Pompey, and Vergil in his poem "Aneida" clearly wrote off the Volskaya (Volski - the people opposed Rome) Warring Camilla from the ancient Amazons.

Mention of Amazons in different sources

The Amazons settled in the Femiskere, on the Fermodon River (probably the term Kay in modern Turkey).
Amazons were the first to steal horses and use iron.
Fox. Funeral speech, 4

The Battle of Amazons with Bellerofon (the legendary Greek hero, the owner of the famous cant of Pegasus, presented to him by Athena).
Apollodor. Chronicle of Greek History, Book 1, 2.3
Homer. Iliad, 6.219.
Pindar. Olympic, 13.91 and 130
Plutarch. Moral, 17.248.
Floating Argonauts by Amazon Lands on the way to Collid.
Pindar. Pythiy
Apollonium Rhodes. Argonautics<

The battle of Amazons with Frigian kings Migdon, withdraw and Priam (later thanked the king of Troy).
The battle of Amazons with a squad of Hercules-Tereus for the Belt of the Hippolytes. Antiope (or Ippolitis, depending on the legend) was abducted and married to Tsar Greece Tereus.
The assault of Athens Amazons to return the belt of the hippolytes. Some sources are narrated by a truce and contract between Amazons and the King of the Tsee.
Plutarch. The life of the Tereus (Plutarch is based on the data of the early historians of Cleidem and Helennik, the works of which are not preserved)
Isocrate. PanFenik, 192, 194 (in the panegonic, 68, he claims that they were defeated and were all killed or expelled)
Fox. Funeral speech, 6

The Amazons fought on the side of the Trojans against the aggression of the Greeks (~ 1080 BC). Pentseillia was headed by the Amazon detachment, which all died.
Homer. Iliad 3.239; 6.186-223 (Flexible mention - the story of the Iliad ends with the death of the hector)
Arctic Miletsky. Etopus (continues the story of the Trojan War from the place on which the oriad ended)
Barl. Overview etopia; Gediy and Homeriad in the classic library, 1967, p. 507
Quinty Smirnsky. Hommeron or Postgomerick, 1.20-46

Amazon took part in the Peloponess War between Athens and Sparta (431-404 AD)
Fucidide. History of the Peloponess War
Alexander Macedon met with Queen Amazon Faleztria. (~ 352-323 BC). He tried to take her to his wife in Girkania (Antique Province in Northern Persia).
Stramp. Geography, 2.5.4-5 (denied)
Queentus Smirnsky. History, 6.5.29
Diodor. Sicul, 17.77.1

Amazon fought with the Greeks in the daemiscra. Apparently, the last war of Amazons with the Greeks. After the defeat of Amazons in the daemissy, they were captured and shipped to Greek ships. The Amazons successfully broke away from the Greeks and sailed, where the wind will withdraw, until they reached the lake Motis (Azov Sea), where, in the end, married Sarmatov and fought on their side. They formed a new Sarmatian culture.
Herodotus. History of Greco-Persian Wars, 4.110

Legends about Amazon

Where did the legends about Amazons come from? What are these vague memories of those archaic times when people lived in matriarchy, or really existing "female" peoples of the ancient era?

Many theories are put forward on this score.

The source of the myths about Amazons is very ancient, giving roots to the Minoan civilization. Interestingly, the Amazon's favorite weapon was the Labris Dual Mine Topor, and that the Goddess of Artemis is the patroness of Amazons. The cult of Artemis moved from the island of Crete for mainland Greece and continued its existence in Greek culture.

Amazon according to one of these theories of Amazon could be the daughters of Ares and the ministers of Artemis, and this suggests that their prototype could be a closed community of temple servants. In such a context, the mythical caustication of the chest can be interpreted as applying ritual injections.

Legendary amazon stories directly associate them with two heroes - Hercules and Teshem. It is likely that the Terrible Amazons symbolized the dangers with which Greek colonists had to face the Black Sea coast.

Amazon image in history

In the early samples of Greek painting, Amazon wore helmet and long tunics, discovering the similarity with the militant goddess Athena. Later, their clothes have become more sophisticated and lightweight, highly subjected (to relieve running) - that is, the style of the goddess of the Hunt Artemis. The Greek origin of the Amazons confirms the fact that in battle they usually used a small shield "Pell", which had a shape of a crescent.

The latest images of Amazons show them dressed on the Persian manner - in tightballs and a high pointed headdress, "Kidaris".

Plutarch wrote that the Amazons wore a short, to knees a dress, a shield that resembled a leaf of ivy, and a helmet, fastened under the chin belts. The helmet was often tightened by a conical Frigian cap from felt with headphones, descended to shoulders, progress and strings. It was the only "wardrobe subject", which Amazon was decorated with embroidery or pearls.

Weapon Amazon

The main weapon of Amazon was considered Sagaris - the Scythian name of the ax with a double blade known to the Greeks as a "pelkenus" or "Labris". The latter was spread on the island of Crete in the Bronze Age (3 Millennium BC), symbolizing the feminine beginning.

In addition to the battle ax, the Amazons were actively used onions with arrows and small spears - a typical "Scythian set". They rarely fought foot - the shock force of their army was the cavalry, which also could not make no thoughts on the Scythian tribes.

Abode of legendary Amazonov

At the expense of the Amazons, the most diverse versions, the birthplace of legendary warriors could be the same Greece, or the Black Sea Caucasia, the Mountains of the Caucasus, Turkey, the Don Steppes, and even North Africa. In general, Amazons could have been completely divided into different tribes who lived in different lands.

Amazon accommodation is definitely unknown. They call the lands from the Black Sea coast of Turkey to the south of Russia, Libya and even Atlantis. Perhaps admiring stories of noble travelers about steppe women and other, more believable stories have completed the myth of Amazon already existed in ancient Greece. However, fearless women could personify the myths unknown dangers, and maybe even barbarism as a whole, with whom the ancient Greeks who ventured to go on new lands, such as the Black Sea coast. It is curious that, according to the ancient Greeks, Amazons always lived on the very edge of Okumen, where civilization ends. With the expansion of their ideas about the world, the Motherland of the Amazons moved farther and further. Probably, that is why the geographical data associated with them is so contradictory.

Thus, in the oldest written sources, the story about Amazon begins with the fact that they lived east of ancient Greece in Malaya Asia (Turkey) and, probably, were the founders of the cities of Ephesus and Smirns on the east coast. In Herodote (V c. BC), they moved to the south of Russia, and by the time of writing the "historical library" of Diodorus Sicilian, in I B. BC E., Western Libya was already considered the homeland of Amazons.

Dionysius, who lived in Alexandria in the middle of the II century. BC e. He reported that the most ancient Amazon kingdom was located in North Africa, in Libya, which disappeared for many generations to the Trojan War. The capital of this kingdom was located at the northeastern part of Sherdy's lake (Atlas Mountains Algeria). The south of the capital, the southeast coast of this lake had rock tips and palace-religious facilities of Amazons. In Libya, Algeria, Tunisia had a lot of women's tribes, distinguished militia and courage. For example, Gorgonian women practiced in military business and during a certain time carried military service, while men were engaged in the economy and raising children. Under the leadership of the queen Mirina, many lands were conquered. Mirina's tribesmen who died in battles were buried in three huge mounds, which are still called "Amazon Kurgans".

Historian A. B. Bliszarenko believes that the habitat of the tribe almost coincides with the contours of the Turkish Vilats Amias (perhaps this toponym is related to the etymology of the name of the tribe) and Samsun. From here, Amazon took their hiking to Asia. They built Ephesus, Smyrna and other cities.

Considering the estimated homeland of Amazons - the Don Steppes and the Sea coast, the Asian theory of their origin looks the most likely. The Greeks, who settled in the Black Sea region, were constantly faced with militant and semi-divine nomads. Herodotus straight stated that Sarmatians are descendants of Amazons and Scythians.

It happened that I became amazons and women living in the mountains. But only for a while: when their men went to distant pastures or hiking. Sometimes such ever lasted years. Mountain Amazons prepared for independent life in advance. We trained the military case, built for them inaccessible fortresses, the famous Kiz-Kala - "Maiden Towers". So far, the customs of some Caucasian peoples prescribe women and men to live in strict isolation from each other. Even spouses, according to the ancient rule, should be met secretly, under the cover of the night. Perhaps the custom of taking food in different rooms has the same origin.


Until recently, scientists considered the Amazons with fiction, emphasizing the unusualness of steppe barbarians in the eyes of the Greeks.

However, at the end of the 20th - early 21st centuries, the situation has changed. First in the north of Turkey, large female graves were found in the province of Samsun, and then on Taman, the Kuban archaeologists came off the graves of a whole tribe. There were buried exclusively women. Incredibly, but a fact - a weapon lay next to their bodies: Lukes, Quiver and Daggers, and in the skull, one of the dead was shaking the arrow tip.

These finds proved that in the Northern Black Sea region lived if not completely female tribes, then, at least, a woman played the main role in society in society. However, it is unlikely that these "amazons" formed those communities of the closed type, which the Greeks were told. Cruelty in relation to men was also probably exaggerated - for people with different types of cultures, it is characteristic of creating such legends about the land, where life is indigenously different from their own.

One way or another, these tribal unions were few and unstable. The dilapidated traditions of the matriarchy, miraculously preserved to the new era, could not resist the campaigns of Alexander Macedonian, the mixing of cultures and the great resettlement of peoples in the 4-7 century. It was then that Amazon ceased to exist.

Further. The English archaeologist Casson discovered the graves of female warriors in Heroe and Megara. We will quote the PAsania, the author who wrote the first and so far the most detailed guide to the attractions of Eldlands: "When Amazons, because of the antipa, they went to the Athenians and were defeated by the Teshem, the majority of them were destined to die in the battle; Ippolita, the sister of the antipa and at that time the head of women, with few of them fled to Megara; In the consciousness that she caused the troop such misfortune, she fell in spirit, especially with this state of affairs, and even more so seeing the impossibility of returning home to the daemiscru, so she died from grief, and when she died, she was buried here; In appearance, her monument is similar to the AMAZONS shield. " Obviously, the English archaeologist found the grave of the Hippolytes or her warriors. What once again confirms that Greek myths are not at all myths in the modern meaning of this word, but a poetic image of real events of the history of ancient allala.

There is a beautiful story about warlike women who held all the ancient world in fear and fought out not only with their beauty, but also weapons. Call their Amazons. Is this story by myth or reality, and who are the Amazons? The answer will be found in the deep past.

Who are the Amazons?

For the first time and once mention the warlike beauties of their patroness, these ladies are attributed to extensive possessions, starting with the lands of the River Firmont in and ending with the Syrian and Thracian lands. At that time, the Amazon tribes were standing out among the others with their iron weapons and a combat confinement. But the most significant feature is that there were not a single man in their troops. On the contrary, the women of this tribe were not respected by a strong floor, believed him with rampant and heyl. Men were needed by excellent warriors only to continue the kind. In stories about who are such Amazons, it often meets the opinion that they were captured by men with whom the offspring concealed. However, it is possible that the brave maids for this goal were married to the young men from the neighboring tribes, and achieving the desired, expelled them from their community. Some sources indicate that men were in the tribes of Amazons, but did not participate in hostilities, but only were engaged in household. The right to become a mother was only among those Amazons who killed at least three enemies. If boys were born in their tribes, then in the first version they were immediately killed, according to the second - gave the fathers. In order to deal with those amazons, you should find out the meaning of their name. In the literal translation, the Greek word Amazes is a "harmful". According to the ancient legends, each wild amazon for greater convenience when using onion and other weapons deprived himself with the right chest. Some historians believe that they called these women hargless because they were not feminine in the full sense of the word.

Amazon in myths

For the first time, these ladies are mentioned in one of the ways, according to the myths of ancient Eldla, the gallant's hero was instructed to deliver the belt of the hippolyts, the Queens of Amazons. In order to get this thing, Hercules had to kill all militant maids. What, however, did not prevent them from appearing in the stories about the waist. In accordance with this legend, this hero was pretty friendly with Hercules and even participated with him in a campaign on the Amazons, from where he brought his wife - their queen Ippolit. Desperate women immediately rushed to fight for their ladies. But in the end, they themselves were killed: the Ippolita took on a blow, intended for her husband.

Myth or reality?

Legends about who are the Amazons, do not explain the main thing - whether they actually existed or were the fruit of the imagination of the ancient Greeks. Some believe that the story about them is just a fairy tale, as evidenced by their appearance in myths. Others believe that Amazon is an unreasonable tribe that could exist in the territories of modern Turkey, Greece, Asia or even Russia. Until now, this question is unresolved.