
What Russian names of noble origin. Noble surnames of Russia (2010) Title meaning and privileges

The documentary "Noble Surnames of Russia" is a story about the most famous noble births of Russia - Gagarins, Golitsins, Apraksins, Yusupov, Stroganov. The nobles were initially in the service of the boyar and the princes and replaced the warriors. For the first time in the history of the noblemen, they are mentioned in 1174 and this is due to the killing of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky. Already starting from the XIV century, the nobles begin to receive in possession of the estate for their service. But unlike the Boyarsky layer, they could not transmit land by inheritance. In the creation and formation of a single state, the nobles became a reliable support for the great princes. Starting from the XV century, their influence in the political and economic life of the country has increasingly intensified. Gradually, the nobles merged with the boyars. The concept of "nobles" began to denote the highest class of the population of Russia. The final differences between the nobility and the boyars disappeared at the beginning of the XVIII century, when the estates and wrappers were equated with each other.

Russian Princely Rod, whose hence, Prince Mikhail Ivanovich Golibesovsky, the descendant of the Starodubsk Prince (XVIII knees from Rurik), had five sons; Of these, three senior, Vasily, Yuri and Ivan Mikhailovichi, had a nickname of Gagar and were the founders of the three branches of the Gagarin princes. The older branch, according to some researchers, stopped at the end of the 17th century; Representatives of the last two exist and today. Princes of Gagarines are recorded in the V part of the partitions of the provinces: Nizhny Novgorod, Ryazan, Saratov, Sybirskaya, Tver, Tambov, Vladimir, Moscow, Kherson and Kharkov.

Russian Princely Rod, originating from the Grand Prince Lithuanian Gedimin. Mikhail Ivanovich Mikhail Ivanovich was the direct attitude of the genus, the son of Boyarin Prince Ivan Vasilyevich Bulgaka. In the 5th generation from the ancestor, the genus of the princes of Golitsyna was divided into four branches, of which three exist. From the kind of this it was 22 Boyarin, 3 okolnichih, 2 kravichi. According to the princes of the princes of Golitsyn (see "Rod of Princes of Golitsyna", Op. KN. H. H. Golitsyn, St. Petersburg., 1892, t. I) In 1891, there were alive 90 people of male, 49 princess and 87 Prinjeon Golitsyn. One branch of Golitsyn in the person of the Moscow Governor Governor Governor Dmitry Vladimirovich Golitsyn received the title of lightness in 1841. The genus of the princes of Golitsynye is included in the V part of the pedigree book of St. Petersburg, Moscow, Tverskaya, Kursk, Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod, Ryazan, Smolenskaya, Tambov, Tula and Chernihiv province (Hercobov, I, 2).

Russian noble and graphic genus coming from Salhomira-Murza. In the old days were written as defrassic. Salhomira had a great-grandfather Andrei Ivanovich, the nickname of the Obrax, from which the genus went, whose representatives were first written by Obraxins, and then aproarious. The grandchildren of Andrei Obraxes (Apraks), Yerofey Yerof, and Proophyal Matveyevich, with the Grand Duza Moscow Ivan III moved from Ryazan to the service to Moscow. From Yerofey Matveyevich, on the nickname, the branch, whose representatives were subsequently erected into County dignity. From Brother Yerofi, Ivan Matveyevich, the nicknamed dark, the other branch of the kind of apraksyni went. Stepan Fedorovich (1702-1760) and his son Stepan Stepanovich (1757 / 47-1827) Apraksins.

The Russian dashed princely genus originating from Yusuf-Murza (mind in 1556), the son of Musa-Murza, who in the third generation was a descendant of the mangita bit (1352-1419), the powerful Khan of the Nogai Horde and the commander who was in the service of Tamerlane. Yusuf-Murza had two sons, Il-Murza and Ibrahim (Abray), which in 1565 sent the killer of their father to Moscow, Uncle Izmail. The descendants in the last years of the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich took the holy baptism and wrote by the princes of Yusupovy or Yusupovo-Prince until the end of the XVIII century, and after it began to be written just by the princes Yusupov.

The genus of Russian merchants and industrialists, from which major landowners and state figures of the XVI-XX centuries occurred. Suites from the rejected Pomeranian peasants. Since the XVIII century - barons and graphs of the Russian Empire. Their name is called the direction in the Russian Iconopy of the late XVI - the beginning of the XVII centuries (Stroganovskaya School of Icon Pouring) and the best school of church facial sewing XVII century (Stroganovsky facial sewing), as well as the Stroganovsky direction of the Moscow Baroque. The genus of Stroganov leads its origin from the Novgorod of Spiridon, the contemporary of Dmitry Donsky (the first mention - 1395), whose grandson owned by the lands in the Dvina Region. According to another version, no confirmed, the surname is allegedly from Tatar, who accepted the name of Spiridon in Christianity.

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1. Body as a historical source

Studying names - the occupation is far from idle. In some cases, it helps historians shed light on the events of the distant past and even make important discoveries. What can the names tell?

The names of the Russian princes, minted on the coins, represent a scholar riddle. The chronicle claims that after the death of Prince Vladimir in 1015, the Kiev table briefly departed to his son Svyatopolka Okayannoye, and then the Grand Duke became Yaroslav Wise. The board of each of these princes is certified among other things by the release of coins with their names. However, archaeologists also found coins related to the same time, named Peter. Moreover, none of these princes wore such a baptizing name. It turns out that the chronicles deliberately or involuntarily missed one of the great princes of the beginning of the XI century.

Vladimir Monomakh was an exclusive hunter. That's how he himself described his adventures: "Two rounds Metalie me horns along with a horse, a deer buried me, the legs fetched me, the Warrior swirls me on the hip, the Bear to my knee was bitten, the bunch of the beast jumped me on the hips and the horse with me overturned. "

Now we know that during one of such hunting martial arts, Vladimir Monomakh lost the golden amulet found in 1821 in the forests under Chernihiv. Slavic inscription on it reads: "God, helping the slave of your Vasily." This thing is very valuable, and could only belong to the princess. Meanwhile, it is known that Vasily was the baptized name of Vladimir Monomakh.

As you can see, the person's name can tell a lot to a deliberate researcher. Not by chance, there is even a science of names - anthroponymics.

2. The origins of Slavic names

Like everything in the world, the names have their own history.

In deep antiquity, the name was given to a person as a sign, according to which he could be distinguished from the family and the kind. This is what one old Russian manuscript says about it: "People of the first birth and times gave children their names, like a father or mother of a child, or by the appearance of the brainchild, or from a thing, or from parachi." Thus, for each name I was understandable to all the meaning, the meaning of the name was completely transparent.

The names could be given depending on the order and time of birth (firsthand, obli, Tretyak, Devyatko, Saturday, Veshnyak); They could characterize the circumstances of the appearance of a child to the light (waiting, necheko, Eastom, Tomilko); The names could also determine the physical appearance of a child (Square, Ushak, Slim, Rusinko, Chernysh), or the features of his character, behavior (sullen, Buyan, Dyzhava, Molchanka, Culture). The special formation of the names was the names that were given to the child a gentle mother: Bogdan, Lyubava, love, etc.

A group of security names, faith names (waging, failure, no-main, mug) was also highlighted. It was done to take unclean power from the child. In addition, giving the child the name of failure, they believed that he, on the contrary, would be lucky, everything would be settled and the like.

The group of the most ancients belonged to the so-called zoorological names, ascending to the names of animals, fish, birds and reflecting the remnants of Totemism (bear, wolf, horse, eagle, spleen and others).

In-family personal name was given to the child immediately after birth. Having matured, the man received another, the so-called street name. The widespread street names were commonly common in Russia, such as: Guliaiko, Pianko, Likhachko, Kislyak, Chudinko, Kisel, Yarga, Nedomaliko, Horregheka.

Street personal names scientists are called no more nicknames. As can be seen from what was said, the nicknames were given, as a rule, not very flattering, referred to, however, like most modern nicknames. It so happened that people usually stand out by no better than their qualities.

After the adoption of Christianity, ancient Russian names (they are also called pagan) began to be crowded out with new names - church. Hundreds of ancient Slavic male and female names completely out of use.

3. Christian names

Christian names in Russia were known long before official baptism. It is enough to remember that the Christian was Olga Princess (in the baptism of Elena). But then there were still isolated cases.

Indigenous changes Russian namesmen underwent in 989, when the Grand Duke Vladimir baptized Kiev.

The chronicle says that on this day, a lot of people of both sexes and all ages gathered on the shore of the Dnieper. They were divided into groups and ordered in turn to enter the river, which replaced the font. The priests read the laid prayers, and then they gave each group of those who were backed Christian names: one men's one - common for all men, another female - common to all women. There was no domestic inconvenience from this, since the former worldly names were still used in everyday use. The names of the church were used in rare cases: when making a spiritual testament, when merged, etc.

As Christianity approves, the church is the church of Onastics - a set of names given during baptism. At the beginning of his jurisdiction, Vladimir, being also a pagan, sacrificed the ancient Russian gods of two Varyagov Christians - Ivan and Fedor. With the adoption of Christianity, the names of Ivan and Fedor became extremely popular. Also gained widespread the names of the apostles. They are loved and Donyn - Peter, Paul, Andrei, Philip, Mark. Along with the names of Greek, a lot of heraldaries, as well as the names of the ancient Roman, Syrian, Egyptian saints, has fallen into the Christian name.

As for the Russians actually, worldly names, they were still long used together with church in the meaning of personal. In the chronicles and documents of the XI-XIV centuries, you can meet the Novgorod priest "Hermann, a sowing war," Boyarina Fedor, a calling road. " The correspondence of the ancient Russian book - the so-called Ostromirov of the Gospel, subscribed: "In the baptism of Joseph, and Mirsky Ostromir."

But since the XV century, worldly names are increasingly used in the meaning of the nickname: "Prince Lithuanian Ivan, and the nickname to him Baba" "Kazak Bogdan, and the name of him God is news."

In the XVII-XVIII centuries, church names almost completely displaced the Old Russian. But the latter did not disappear without a trace. On their basis thousands of Russian surnames were created: Belyaev, Glazies, Tretyakov, Orlov, Ragozins, Medvedev, Putin and many, many others.

4. Svyattsy

The sacraticles, or a month, is a church calendar, indicating the holidays and days of the memory of the saints. According to church rules, only these, consecrated names, and should be given newborns.

Translated from the Greek sacraments significantly limited the names of the names: only 330 male and 64 female names are in the oldest siblings. In addition, new names were alien to the ancient Russian language: after all, they were not translated, and phonetically passed exactly to Slavic sounds. Let's say, the name of the Eustoly, given by one Christian martyr, in translation means "well dressed." Greek didim and the Hebrew Thomas (in Latin gear - Thomas) meant "twin", etc. Many of the Christian names find even quite accurate parallels among the names of the Old Russian: Agafon ("good") in Slavyansky would be kind, Latin Paul ( "Small") corresponds to the Russian small, or Malyuta, the Hebrew David - love.

But our ancestors all these correspondences were unknown. In 1596 (600 years after the introduction of Christian names!) The author of one Azbukovnik complained: "We, Slave, inconver the current names of our own names, it is interpreted (ie, which means) Andrei, that Vasily or Danila."

It is worth saying that in the saints themselves did not cost without misses. For example, 3 Scythians mentioned there, which were executed for adherence to Christianity in the first century AD. They were called Inna, Pinna and Rimma. But in Russia, these male names began to give girls. Apparently, the little rustic priests took them for women - at the characteristic ending on A. The mistake was accustomed, and then she was "legalized".

The sacraticles are popular among believers and today. Choosing the name across the sacnesses, usually look at the birthday of a child. If the names of the saints whose memory is celebrated on this day are not too harmful, it is permissible to choose the name among those saints whose memory is celebrated on the eighth day from birth. If I could not choose a name in the first and eighth day, then look at the 40th day from birth, because It is on this day that the child is brought to the temple to commit the sacrament of saint baptism.

5. Princely names

Rurikovich's Breaking Dynasty for 700 years of its existence has developed its special names, which is very popular and in our day.

Unlike ordinary people, the Russian princes were called complex, twisted names with the roots of "Holy", "Slav", "Volody", "Yar". Their sacred nature is obvious, because at least some of them coincides with the names of the pagan gods: Yaril, Svyatynd.

The cult of ancestors led to the fact that the newborn Princely ordinaryly received a name in honor of his grandfather. In some kind of birth, for centuries have kept only two or three names transmitted from generation to generation. Therefore, in the chronicle, Oleji Svyatoslavichi is infinitely alternate with Svyatoses of Olegovichi, Mstislavichi Mstislavichi Mstislavii.

With the adoption of Christianity, the tradition of endowed the prince "significant" name was transferred to baptized names. Vladimir Monomakh writes about himself that he was "naschen in the baptism of Vasily, and the Russian name Volodimer."

However, the princes were called both names - worldly and baptizing - almost exclusively at the mention of church events: their birth, baptism or burial. For example, in the Chronicler of Pereslavl Suzdalsky under 1211, we read: "There is a son from Kostyutnin, and the name of him in the holy baptism of John, but in the prince of Vsevolod." In the huge majority of cases, the princes in the chronicles are called only by Russian names, which are given the name of the main, "princess" names. It was them that they were minted on the coins: "Prince Volodir, and his Srebro."

So it lasted until the end of the XIII century. But then, due to the strengthening of the positions of the Christian Church, the princes begin to be called only one, the church name - Ivan, Fyodor, Andrei, Konstantin, Mikhail, Dmitry ...

However, several ancient Russian names still retained in the princely nameslo. This is, first of all, Vladimir, Boris (abbreviated from Borislav) and Vsevolod - the names of the princes, canonized by the Russian Church. Later, the church recognized another six Slavic names - Yaroslav, Mstislav, Rostislav, Svyatoslav, Oleg, and Vyacheslav - the Russian equivalent of the Czech St. Century, Prince Waclav.

Thanks to the inclusion in church calendars, these names lived to this day. Now "Princely" names are the overwhelming majority of the rather narrow circle of ancient Russian names that parents make their children.

6. Women's names

The history of the female half of the human race is the story of gradually gaining equal rights with a man. The stages of this long process that occupied not one hundred years is particularly vividly visible on the example of women names.

In the monuments of the ancient Russian writing of the XI-XIV centuries, women appear faceless, almost nameless creatures. Of course, they had personal names, but their mention - a big rarity: a few, for example, princess Olga were honored. In most cases, the naming of the woman was mediated in nature - through the name of her husband or father. As we know, Yaroslavna in the "Word about the regiment of Igor" is the middle name of the daughter of Prince Yaroslav Praskovia. In the chronicle, the "Princess Vsevlegent" is also found - the wife of the Grand Prince Vsevolod. But according to the patronymic, they were solely to know exclusively, and women from the nurse had enough one derived from the name of her husband - Ivanich, Pavlich. Even in the documents, such entries were familiar: "Yakova daughter Ivanovo wife of a shoemaker." As you can see, this woman is marked by the name of the Father and her husband, and even on the lesson of her husband, and her personal name is not indicated, no one used it.

Only in the XV-XVII centuries, the formula of female names begins to approach the male, since its first component is already the personal name of a woman. Moreover, in most cases, we are talking about widows, after the death of her husband inherited land and other property: the widow of Praise, or the Kappeck widow, Yakovlevskaya's wife of Kurayanov. The naming of unmarried women at that time was content with an indication of the Father: Annitsa Ignatiev Daughter.

At the beginning of the XVIII century, the formula of the naming of a woman has undergone further changes: now in addition to the personal name in its composition, half-day appears. We confine ourselves to one example: Paraskova Paraskov's Paraskov's daughter Prokofievsky wife Nikiforova Son Elteva. In our opinion, this is Praskovna Pankratovna, the wife of Prophia Nikiforovich Loktev. The naming forms of the unmarried woman during this period were as follows: Posad girl ulita Guseva daughter, or: Girl Marya Alekseeva Daughter.

Finally, in the XIX century, the formula of the naming of a woman made the last transformation, completely coinciding with the male: for example, Maria Ivanovna Postnikov. The long process of turning a woman in man safely ended. The smallest thing remained: briefly cramped, put on pants, play sports and master men's professions.

7. "Revolutionary" names

The new era in the life of Russian personal names began with the decree of the Sovnarkom dated January 23, 1918, proclaimed the complete and final branch of the church from the state and school. The sacraticles were discarded with "religious prejudices", instead of baptism, civil registration was adopted, and the names were allowed to give any.

Since 1924, the "Soviet Slanders" and tear-off calendars began to be published - desktop and tear-off calendars, which brought advisory lists of new names and proposed the ways of creative search. For example, they advised to choose any beautiful word: "Poem", "abstraction" or something like that. Remember how Bulgakovsky balls took a name on a new calendar - Polygraph Polygraphovich? Do you think the writer joked or exaggerated reality? Not at all. For example, the disruptive calendar of the North-West Prombury for 1925 recommended such names: February 7. The writer-Utopist Thomas Mor born was born. Names are offered - Thomas and Mora (depending on the floor of the child). On September 23, in memory of the conference held on this day in 1865, the conferences of 1 of the girls were recommended to call internals. There were ideas and sparks, Volga and Eurasia, breaks, and even artillery academies in this calendar. The boys were made by the stands, tractors, Oyushaminalds (Otto Yulievich Schmidt on the ice), and someone and grasparts! And if the name of Vilen (Vladimir Ilyich Lenin) sounds still quite acceptable, then fourth (five-year plan in four years) seems just a nightmare.

Of course, fools in Russia have always been eliminated. But sensible people, thank God, more. Despite the revolutionary innovations, Russia remained faithful to the names of its saints, martyrs and heroes. Sergei, Alexandra, Ilya, Catherine, Olga and many other proud, gentle, romantic names remain loved for us. Children were called and will be called in honor of the grandfathers and grandmothers, and no revolution to prevent this could. Yes, and today, judging by the statistics, 95 percent of Russians are traditional calendar Russian names.

8. Western European names

What is common between Agafei Lykova and Agatha Christie? Or Ivan Grozny with Johann Sebastian Bach, John Lennon, Gianni Versace and Jean Mare? Yes, in fact, nothing, except that these people are the theses. But why are your usual names sound to the European Federation so alone for our ear?

All Europe (and for her America) also called children for church calendars. But the Orthodox world borrowed the names of Christian saints through the medium of Greek, and Catholics and Protestants through Latin. Therefore, the same name in Russian sounds not at all as in English or French. It is enough to compare the names of Gavrille and Gabriel, Veniamin and Benjamen, Marfa and Martha, Barbara and Barbara.

The passion of Russians by Western European names began in the XIX century, in connection with the Poval Franco, and then the Englishman. With the school lessons of literature, we remember Helene Kuragin and Pierre Dunzhanov, as well as an excerpt from Evgenia Onegin about how Tatiana's mother called Polino Praskov and spoke of Naraspov. " Of course, the troll of the newborn, the Russian noblemen, as it was supposed to choose the name of the sacrats to the child. But from the earliest childhood, the baby was called not by this name, but in a similar French or English - complete (like helen and Pierre) or a diminutive (as a Steve of the Oblon or Kitty Shcherbatskaya in Anna Karenina).
The new takeoff of the popularity of foreign names and the Western options for common Russian names we survived in the late 60s - early 70s of the last century. It was due to the expansion of relations with the countries of the West: the growth of the popularity of Western European and American literature and cinema, which has become worshiped with foreigners. Then numerous Arthuri Semenovichi and John Tikhonovichi, Angelica, Zhanna, Eduard, and even Romualda appeared.

Now the times have changed: over the past 10-15 years we have revised their attitude towards themselves, and to the countries of the West. About the former outbreak of love for everything foreignly reminds only the name of Christina, replaced in the list of modern names more familiar to the Name of the Russian language.

9. Name and fate

The ancients were confident that the fate of a person, cities and even the state is destined by his name. Today we are far from such ideas, considering them by prejudices. However, the grain of truth in this is probably still there.

The Russian researcher of the Ministry of Finals wrote about the striking homogeneity of the characters and properties of carriers of the same name. Based on the analysis of the names of the outstanding personalities of the past, he came to the conclusion that there are most often calculating people among Alexeyev, Alexandra, as a rule, merchant, and Petra in most people are quiet, quiet, but with a solid and stubborn character. Sergei, according to the observations of the Ministry of Falls, very often the fathers of outstanding people: Pushkin, Griboedov, Turgenev, Dargomyzhsky were Sergeevichi.

The outstanding Russian scientist and philosopher Pavel Florensky believed that the name Alexander corresponds to a santomic character. The name Elena marks women's nature, Nikolai in a character's warehouse is very kind, Vasily is usually hiding gentle feelings in themselves, Konstantin is distinguished by impermanence.

Touching the mysticism of the names, it is impossible not to remember the story of Jack London, in which one woman calls her sons with the name of the deceased Brother Samuel, and their all four, one after another, takes death.

In 1986, American psychiatrists conducted a study and found out that people with strange names are four times the rest of the rest are predisposed to various kinds of mental complexes. Specialists from San Diego and Georgia universities found that the teachers in schools stubbornly put low graders with students with one names, high - with others. Girls with attractive names are poorly progress in the service in the business world, but can achieve noticeable success in show business. The English Therapist Trevor Weston determined that persons whose names begin with the letters of the last third of the alphabet, are three times more often cardiovascular diseases.

So a certain relationship between the name of a person and his mental features, apparently, is still there. Of course, it can not be absoluticized, but also not to take into account this connection would also be unreasonable.

10. Select name

The name is the first gift of the parents of the newborn baby, and this gift is for life. What should be guided when choosing a name to your child?

Of course, there are no instructions on this bill today. Christian saints facilitated and simplified the task, but they have contacted their age. What can the criteria for all names may now consist?

Beautiful names in the world a lot, like beautiful clothes. But the name, in contrast to the dress, can not be random. First of all, it must correspond to the national culture and be not too long and difficult at the same time. The name is obliged to sound beautiful, be elegant in shape to like your media. "I was given when baptism, the name Anna, the sweetest for the lips of people and hearing ..." - so not without pride responded about his name Anna Akhmatov.

The person, in essence, wears the three names at once: own name, patronymic and surname. And, choosing a name, we must not forget that he will have to sound in the circle of these neighbors and over time to turn into patronymic. It is unacceptable that the name, no matter how beautiful it, sounded complete dissonance with the surname of the man. Writer Lev Uspensky recalled such a case: "In a pre-revolutionary gymnasium I had a friend, who wore a beautiful proud Spanish name Rodrigo: he had a Spanish mother. But his father was Russian. The combination of Rodrigo Stepanov did not seem like us as a majestic nor beautiful, we considered it just ridiculous. "
It is desirable that the name does not make it difficult to form the formation of a burning forms (Sveta, Sanechka, Vasilek, etc.). This makes it possible to transfer various nuances of relation to man.

And finally, the last advice: do not originate. Remember that you will not wear a name, and your child, but to judge him - not only you, but also others.

Marina Tsvetaeva once writing:

Your name is a bird in hand,
Your name is iceclock in the language.
The ball caught on the fly
Silver tambourine in the mouth,

So let them sound the names of our children.
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Several hundred Russian naval surnames may indicate the origin of them from the South Baltic Pomerania.

As you know, several hundred Russian nobility surnames have legends about the founders of the founders, "leaving German" or "from Pyrus". These instructions are equivalent and may indicate origin from the South Baltic Pomerania. Thus called Russian childbirth, forced to leave their native land due to a gradual German attack on the Baltic States.

Apparently, the resettlement from the Southern and Southeast Coast of the Baltic Sea to Novgorod and in Pskov took place over several centuries since Rurik. It began to end only by the time the crusaders completely captured Pomorie and Prussia. Suites from there received a nickname "from the German", indicating the eviction of the land captured by the "Germans", or "from the pear" by the name of the region, which was preserved even after German conquest.

An attempt to imagine that the genealogical attack "From German" is a later fiction cannot be considered successful. For example, the compiler of the two-volume "HISTORY OF THE REDGES OF THE RUSSIAN NOILANCE" PN Petrov indicated that in the XIII century there was no independent state Prussia, therefore, it was unclear where "Prussian subjects or Prussian people could appear in Russia." In his opinion, subsequently, during the time of Ivan the Terrible Prescription "From Pruss", allegedly replaced for a more appropriate time for a prescription "from German", as if indicating German prisoners captured during the Livonian war. But the same the author himself writes that "such people-captive immigrants we can count less than a dozen, and childbirth" leaving from German "whole hundreds" (the history of the birth of Russian nobility / ed. P.N. Petrov. T.1. - St. Petersburg, 1886. - P. 13).

At the same time, about 8-10% of the medieval nobility and burgher surnames from the Mecklenburg region (front Pomerania) find direct analogies among Russian surnames, including the same noble. Here are a dozen most indicative examples:

Thus, not only Rurik and Rurikovichi, but many other Russian childbirth occurred "from German", that is, from the South Baltic coast - from Meclandburg and Pomerania. But even more Russian surnames correspond to Mecklenburg toponymy (with direct analogies in Russian toponyms):

Barkova (Meckles. Barkow, Borkow)

Bibov / Bibikov (Meckles Bibow)

Bruusi / Brussov (Meckles Brusow)

Drills (meckl. Burow)

Welzin (Meckles. Welzin)

Vicin (Meckles. Witzin)

Volkov (meckl. Wolkow)

Glazov (Mecl Glasow)

Dashov / Dashkov (Meckl. Daschow)

Demmin (Mecl. Demmin)

Zurow (Meckles Zurow)

Ilow (Meckle. ILow)

Karlovy (Meckle. Carlow)

Karpov (Meckle Karpow)

Carpins (Meckle Carpin, Karpin)

Paddow (Meckles. Kladow)

Cobrov (Meckles Kobrow)

Kolzow Kolzow)

Krassow (Meckles. Krassow)

Kreckow Kreckow

Hooks (Mecl. Krukow, Kruckow)

Lubkovy (Meckles Lubkow)

Lukow (Meckles Lukow, Luckow)

Lyutovy (Meckles Lütow)

Maltsov / Maltsev (Mekl Malzow)

Maslov (Mekl Masslow, Maßlow)

Milovo / Miltsov (Meckles Milow, Miltzow)

World Millom (Mekl Mirow)

Muchow (Mekl. Muchow)

Unbelief / Nevelov (Meckles. Neverin, Neverow)

Perov (Meckle PEROW)

Pluschow (Mecl. Pluschow)

Pustovs (Mecl Pustow)

Puchow Puchow)

Cancers (Meckles Rakow)

Rubkov (Mecl Rubkow)

Rudow (Mecl. Rudow)

Roggow (Meckles Roggow)

Salow (Mecl Salow)

SAMKOW (Meckles. Samkow)

Starkows (Mecl Starkow)

Stasova (Meckles. Stassow)

TEterins (Mecl. Teterin)

Tutow (Meckles Tutow)

Fedorow (Meckles. Federow)

Shitovy (Meckles Schutow)

What else can serve more convincing evidence of durable relations between Russia with the South Baltic coast? Naturally, along with numerous archaeological, anthropological and written data. And of course, in line with historical logic and in the actual absence of serious counterators. All this unequivocally indicates the initial item of the Varangian resettlement: South Baltika (Mecklenburg-Pomerania).

After that, you can forever forget the political myths about the "Scandinavian origin of Konung Rüric", which have no scientific foundations. However, especially stubborn "norms", most likely, will continue their song. They do not pay attention to scientific arguments for a long time. Is that confused among themselves whether the "Scandinavian expansion" was massive or in Russia was only the "elite" in the form of a squad on several dragkars. But, as we see, there was no one or the other. In fact, completely different people moved away from the other shores of the Baltic Sea.

Of course, this does not exclude Contacts of Russia with close in cultural and ethnic terms Scandinavia. At all times, the peoples associated trade. In the annals, there are also reports on the adoption of individual Vikings to the Russian service and their participation in the socio-political life of ancient Russia. There is nothing surprising here. But, of course, the origin of Russia from Scandinavia does not testify in any way. Let him argue romantics that are under a strong impression of the colorful Scandinavian mythology or from films about Vikings.

Those whims, from which "the Russian land", the chronicler confidently distinguishes from Scandinavians, and from others including the Slavic tribes. The same do the remaining historical sources. They themselves talked about themselves - "We are from the genus Russian," perfectly realizing themselves with their own people.

(Archaeologist-linguist A. M. Miklyaev analyzed in the surrounding district to hundreds of toponyms, including consonance "-Gost-; -", and allowed their wide appearance from the VIII century. Archaeological searches in the early layers of Novgorod and Ladoga also indicate distribution from the IX-X century warehouses of Western Slavic type characteristic for the coast of Baltic, which may indicate both developed trading connections and on the migration to the area of \u200b\u200bprimary parts of the West Slavic tribes.)

If you take the Russian nobility, then there is a special collection of childbirth, compiled at the end of the XIX century, where 136 surnames mentioned. Of course, time has made its own adjustments in terms of adding a list on the results of various studies, but the main data is still relevant. When there is a need to establish the accuracy of a nasty name, then you must refer to this collection.

The nobility in Russia appeared in approximately the XII - XIII centuries as a military service, belonging to which could be obtained thanks to the diligence in the service of Prince or Boyarin. Hence the meaning of the word "nobleman" - a man "Court", "From the Princely Court." This lower layer of nobles differed from the boyars, which was considered the aristocracy, and the title was inherited. After a couple of centuries, two estates are equal in the rights, including in the right of the continuity of the titles, regalia.

When the nobles began to receive land on the condition of the service (the similarity of the feudal militia was formed), then there was a need to designate them in lists as independent units, and not attached to the princes and boyars. They decided that it was more convenient to do this on the basis of binding to the location of his lands. So the first noble surnames appeared: Arkhangelsk, Ukhtomsky, Suzdal, Shui, Belozerski.

Another option of the origin of noble names - from the nickname: Torn, Pennia.

Sometimes for clarification, they were given a dual name, taking the place of one by the place of one and the nickname: Nemirovichi-Danchenky.

Gradually, the penetration of representatives of foreign powers to the territory of Russia was reflected in the birth noble surnames: Matskevichi, the background of Plev, Lukovsky.

The era of the Board of Peter I was marked by many changes in the device of the Russian state, including the strengthening of the role of the nobility. It was possible to get the title through the zealous service of the sovereign than and the many active and landless people of the lower estates took advantage. So the noble genus of Menshikov appeared on the list, according to the name of the associate of the king - Alexander Menshikov. Unfortunately, the ancient genus of the Male line, namely, this factor is determining when transferring hereditary rights.

Based on the origin and antiquity of the genus, the existing wealth and proximity to the highest power, as well as on the left trace in the history of the state, the nobility was divided into several categories. This is: pillars, titled, foreign, hereditary and personal. They can also be determined by last name. For example, the descendants of noble prince and boyars of soda, edges made up the branches of the ancient nobility, or pillars.

The weakening of the positions of this class in the XIX century was due to changes in the political structure of the state, as well as the reforms carried out. A great influence was the abolition of serfdom in 1861, after which the dominant role of the nobility weakened. And after 1917, all classes were completely abolished at all.

But the names remained! True, it is possible to determine their belonging to some specific clan after a thorough study of documents, because over the past century, too many events happened. Also, the clarification can be referred to to the "The list of noble births entered into the general gerbowik of the Russian Empire" (there is such). And only possessors of rare surnames can not worry - they are also known without reference books. They can only correspond to high rank.

    The list of noble births made to the general gerbank of the Russian Empire Common Hercobnik of the noble childbirth of the Russian Empire Arms Arms of Russian nobles, established by Decree of Emperor Paul I of January 20, 1797. Includes more ... ... Wikipedia

    Annex to the article General Hercobnik of the noble childbirth of the Russian Empire Common Hercobnik of the noble childbirth of the Russian Empire Arms Arms of Russian Noble Births, established by Decree of Emperor Paul I dated January 20, 1797. Includes more ... ... Wikipedia

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    - ... Wikipedia

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