
Lincoln Memorial (Lincoln Memorial) in Washington: description, history. Memorial Lincoln Lincoln Memorial: Description

Lincoln Memorial - Lincoln Memorial

In the capital of the United States of America, there is a memorial, a fadedly beloved by each resident of this country. It was created in honor of the 16th president of the country - Abraham Lincoln. The Lincoln Memorial is located in the center of the capital, in the tourist part of the city, next to and as well as the US President's residence, is today one of the main.

Lincolnaetto Memorial One of the most famous works of American architect Henry Bekon, he also engaged in the creation of a memorial complex in the city of Lincoln, in Nebraska. The construction of the monument was launched in 1914, and ended in 1922. When opening a monument, 50 thousand people visited him.

Inside the Lincoln Memorial, there are two large marble plates, on one of which the inaugural speech of the president is engraved, and on the other of his most famous Goetisberg speech spoken by the President on November 18, 1863

Lincoln Memorial attracts tourists not only because of the personality of the American president. His execution was conceived by the architect as a reference to the Greek temples, for whom huge, imaginable imagination, impressive columns and dazzling white stone. Many experts compare Lincoln Memorial with Parfenon.

Even a hundred years later, tourists from all countries of the world are admired by the size and fundamental nature of this monument. Lincoln Memorial meets visitors to the inscription "In this temple, the memory of the American president Abraham Lincoln is stored. Let the memory be stored for centuries. "

On the perimeter of the memorial, columns made from solid marble, affecting tourists with an amazing clean and clear color tide. In total there are 36 columns, and of course, their number is no longer due, the fact is that it was 36 states that were part of the country during the presidency of Abraham Lincoln.

Lincoln Memorial is today a special symbol of the integrity of the nation, because at the time of the Lincoln president, the country fell a cruel test of the Civil War, while the United States of America could hardly be broken down into two separate states, but Lincoln was able to restore and maintain the country's integrity.

I would not like to be a slave, and I would not want to be a slave owner. This expresses my understanding of democracy.

- Abraham Lincoln

Inside the Memorial, in the center of the Big Hall, the huge statue of Abraham Lincoln's authorship of the sculptor Daniel Chester Frencha rises on a high chair. Lincoln fixed his gaze on, his posture radiates confidence and peace of mind for the future of the Great country. Lincoln always distinguished by purposefulness and unshakable confidence in himself.

On the interior walls of the facility there are numerous paintings. They symbolize the unity of the nation, the principles of democracy and justice for all citizens of the country. Along one of the walls, the names of 48 states are written. It is so much that they were part of the country, when the construction of the complex was completed.

Every year, on February 12, patriots are gathering near the monument to give the tribute to Abraham Lincolnu on his birthday after 2 centuries. No one remains indifferent to this majestic complex. Being near this unique landmark, each person will feel the powerful energy and will take with me memories for many years.

Lincoln Memorial (Lincoln Memorial) is one of the most popular attractions of Washington, erected in honor. The monument towers in the middle of the National Alley. It is a snow-white antique structure made in the style of neoqulassics. The building resembles ancient Greek buildings. Its decoration is numerous doric columns. Abraham Lincoln - a widespread historical personality. His merits in front of the country, the Americans remember, to this day - he was a tary fighter against a slave-owned building. Thanks to him, most of the United States was delivered from this ill-fated yoke. For freedom from slavery, the president had to pay a terrible price. In 1865, he was shot dead in the building of the Ford Theater Supporter by John Bot. Today, the memorial has tremendous importance for Americans. Many come to him to give a tribute to the great political figure and wrestling for freedom to Abraham Lincoln.

A bit of history

After the tragic death of the president, the locals decided to build a memorial of memory. At the end of 1865, the Association responsible for the construction of a monument, announced a competition for the best architectural project. After hot disputes, the jury took a unanimous decision - to recognize the best projects of the sculptor Henry Bacon and the architect Daniel Franch. The construction of the Memorial began in 1914 and lasted 8 years. The solemn opening of the townspeople celebrated in May 1922.

Excursion to Memorial


Lincoln Memorial is a real masterpiece of architectural art. It is located in the heart of Washington. Building height - 57 meters, width - 36 meters. He seemed to come down from the pages of the magazine about ancient Greece. The construction can be compared unless with the Great and Mighty Parthenon. The decoration of the memorial is its numerous columns made of white marble. The facade of the building was written by the covered phrases of Lincoln. The frescoes tell about the vital priorities of the Great Worker. Nearby stretched a picturesque pond, in which, as if in the mirror, it is reflected this snow-white miracle. The entrance to the building has a huge sculpture of Lincoln. With proudly raised head, he sacrows on a huge carved chair, as if on the throne. His pensive view is filled with anxiety and determination. It is directed at the Washington Monument Located nearby. The total weight of the sculpture is 150 tons. From the pond to the memorial leads a solemn staircase.

Interior decoration

Overcoming several parade steps, visitors are holy saints - in the Memorial Building. A spacious bright lounge appears the surrounding of tourists, the walls of which are decorated with original paintings. On one of the walls, the names of all American states are carved. Two huge stone plates are placed in the center of the hall. On the first - the commemorative speech of Lincoln in Gettisburgs. On another plate - appeal to citizens after joining the position of president. The doors of the complex are open to visitors daily. At night, the memorial is especially beautiful illuminated by powerful electric spotlights, it looks even more mysterious and charming. Early admire this snow-white architectural miracle come millions of tourists from all over the world. Every year on the birthday of Lincoln, the inhabitants come out here from all over America to give a tribute to the great man and politics. On this occasion in the building of the Memorial, festive events are arranged. People remember what an invaluable contribution made this extraordinary person in the history of the country.

A special service personnel is caught daily at the memorial. Therefore, at any time of the day it looks amazing. For several decades, Lincoln's monument has been going for several decades. Some claim that the face of the American General Edward Lee was wung on his head. Others suggest that the position of the hands of the president in gestures denotes his initials. In 1959, the US Bank issued a coin in one cent, with the image of the Lincoln Memorial. Interestingly, the creator of coins actually never saw this monument.

The address: 2 Lincoln Memorial Cir NW, Washington, DC 20037, USA

Telephone: +1 202-426-6841

Opening hours:open 24 hours a day

The results of sociological surveys indicate that it is Abraham Lincoln, - the sixteenth President of America, "causes the greatest love and respect of the residents of not only their country, but also other states in the world. His board, as is well known from the history, accounted for the period of the Civil War. In honor of the great president, the Majestic Lincoln Memorial (Memorial Lincoln) was built in the very center of the American capital. This is a tribute to the great man who entered the story as a charismatic and volitional personality, which became the initiator of the proclamation of freedom in his country and the elimination of slavery.

Great President of the Great Country

The name of Abraham Lincoln is associated with Americans with such concepts as honesty, tolerance and resistance. After his reign, the nation considered it necessary to pay tribute to the memory of the beloved president and erect in the historic center of Washington, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe National Alley, the Lincoln Memorial Memorial Complex, which was the symbol that all people, regardless of race, religion, gender and education - Equal! Unfortunately, the sixteenth president of the United States was killed. It was a big blow for all residents of the country.

Idea and preparatory work

After the tragic day, the citizens of America wanted to build a memorial. It was 1865 ... After the government decided to create a monument, a competition was announced among architects and sculptors. The best projects were recognized as drawings represented by Daniel Chester Frençes and Henry Bacon - two famous US sculptors. Nevertheless, the construction of Lincoln Memorial has begun only in 1914. It lasted until 1922. The solemn discovery took place on the last day of the spring of 1922. At the event there were about 50,000 people, among whom was the son of President Robert Todd Lincoln. Finally, the nation sighed calmly: henceforth in the centuries the memory of the great man will continue!

Lincoln Memorial: Description

This monument is one of the most majestic structures throughout the United States. It rises in the center of the American capital. He has very impressive sizes. Its height is 57 meters, and the width is 36 meters. In general, the complex is similar to the Greek Temple - the famous Parfenon. Memorial is surrounded by 36 snow-white marble columns. And this number is not accidental, since at the time of the murder of Lincoln in the country included it was thirty-six states. In the center there is a six-meter statue of Lincoln. He sends on his chair and looks thoughtfully on the monument of one of the favorite presidents of Americans, George Washington, and the Capitol. There is information that the weight of the sculpture is about 150 tons. Despite the fact that the monument seems absolutely whole, as if made from a monolithic piece of marble, in fact it consists of many parts. However, the seams are not discerning.

Interior decoration

Walls from the inside are decorated with paintings. They allegorically depicts such principles as justice, fraternity, unity and freedom. Despite the fact that by the time of the murder of Lincoln's president in the country there were 36 states (as much as the columns around the perimeter), the names of the 48 states have already broken down along the outer wall, which by the end of the construction of the complex was part of the United States. The name of two more states - Alaska and Hawaii, who joined the United States later, are knocked out on the name of the wall.

Inside the Lincoln Memorial, you can see two stone slabs. They contain texts that are familiar to any American: the first is the hettisberg speech of the president, and the second is the inaugural appeal. About 300,000 dollars were spent on the construction of the memorial. Colorado marble and limestone from Indiana were chosen from building materials.


Tourists who come to the American capital from different ends of the world admires not only the appearance of the monument, but also in which ideal form it is contained. Of course, the tourists in the eye immediately falls the sign, where it is written: "In the temple of this, as in the human hearts, with whom he gave the unity, the memory of the US President Abraham Lincoln will continue to last." Tourists can visit the monument at any time of the day. For the year it come to see about 6 million people. According to its importance as a tourist facility, Lincoln Memorial is the seventh listed.

City's legends

With a memorial, or rather, several legends are associated with a statue. Some argue that in the occipital part of the monument carved the face of the owner of Castis Lee Robert Edward Lee, and that it was directed towards Arlington, where his majestic residence is. Another legend says that the gesture of President Lincoln, or rather, the position of his hands, in the American gestures demonstrate his initials, that is, the letters A and L. But the Directorate of the US National Parks denies this, although the fact that the author of the sculpture has owned the language of gestures, is confirmed Since his son was deaf, and the Father had to communicate with him in this way.

Monetary signs and image of the Lincoln Memorial

In 1959, by the 150th anniversary of the birth of the sixteenth president of the United States, one-charged coins were released on which Lincoln Memorial was depicted. It is very interesting that this image created engraving, which before that I had never seen my own eyes and did not even know where Lincoln Memorial is located. The Minister of Finance approved this drawing, but the numismatists critically reacted to him, calling it similar to trolleybus.

The image of the monument can be seen at bills in 5 American dollars.

Features of the Lincoln Memorial

As already noted, this majestic complex is open to visit 24 hours a day. Powerful searchlights emphasize the greatness of this architectural structure in the dark. Every year more than 6 million visitors arrive here. And on February 12 - on the day of his birth - residents arrive here from all States of America to honor the memory of the beloved president.

In 1963, it was especially crowded here - more than 250,000 freedom fighters and their rights passed here. It was here that Martin Luther King said his fiery speech. He shared his vision of life in his free, democratic and equal for all the country, where there is no place for racial discrimination with the gathering at the rally. After 40 years, a memorial stove was installed here with the first words from King's speech "I have a dream!" (I Have a Dream!)

Lincoln Memorial (USA) - description, history, location. Accurate address, telephone, website. Tourist reviews, photos and videos.

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The Lincoln Memorial in the central part of Washington is devoted to the 16th US president - A. Lincoln. This great American leader was the head of state during the civil war between the North and South in 1861-65, he believed in democracy and freedom of citizens and supported the liberation struggle against slavery.

The complex of memory, located on the National Alley of the capital, is one of the 10 most visited buildings in the country, it is visited by more than 6 million people a year, it is depicted on a banknote in 5 USD. The mausoleum is built in the style of an ancient Greek temple with a colonnade, in the center of which a monument to Lincoln is minted. There is no exhibition exposition in the memorial, they come here to pay tribute to one of the most revered political figures of the United States and feel the spirit of democracy and freedom.


Abraham Lincoln was killed by opponents of his politics, and in 1865 the citizens grateful to him initiated the construction of the Memorial in honor of her idol. In the competition for the best project, one of the most famous sculptors was defeated by 19-20 centuries D. Ch. Frenc in photograph made by G. Bacon. The construction of the complex went in 1914-22, the long-awaited monument was opened in the presence of 50 thousand people.

What to watch

Dimensions of Pantheon are impressive - width 56 m, height 57 m, the appearance is similar to the famous Athenian parfenon. In the perimeter, it is discovered by a white marble column in 36 columns: this was the number of North American states during the Memorial Construction. The names of these and attached late states are carved on the walls of the complex, and Hawaii and Alaska - when approaching it.

In the center of the hall with open walls - a 6-meter monument, sacrifting in the presidential chair face to Washington Column and to the Capitol Building.

It seems that the sculpture is sharpened from solid marble blocks, in fact it is composed of several pieces of stone, perfectly fitted to each other.

On huge stone plates inside the complex, the two most famous speeches of the president were knocked out. One of them addressed the American people to the inauguration for the new term of the presidency in 1865. He uttered another in 1963 at the opening of the military cemetery in Gettisburg: the battle took place in this town, which brought victory to Northerners in the Civil War against Confederates from the South. This performance is only two minutes about the principles of the equality of the population and unity of the United States became one of the most significant presidential appeals. Engravings on the walls of the Memorial illustrate the symbols of freedom of people from slavery and justice, proclaimed by the Great Reformer.

The address: Washington
Start of construction: 1914
Ending construction: 1922 year
The authors of the project: Daniel Frenc (sculptor), Henry Bacon (architect)
Coordinates: 38 ° 53 "21.5" N 77 ° 03 "00.4" W


Short description

Perhaps, Abraham Lincoln enjoys the greatest honor and respect from all the well-known presidents of the United States of America.

Lincoln Memorial from Bird's Height

However, according to sociological surveys, it was the 16th President of America, whose board had to be for the years of the Civil War (1861-1865) causes the greatest reverence and in residents of other countries. Lincoln Memorial or Lincoln Memorial, erected in the center of Washington - perpetuated tribute to a person who entered the story as a person who managed to free the greatest democratic country from slavery.

The perimeter of the American "Temple" is surrounded by 36 snow-white marble columns. They are a kind of symbol of the states of America (today they are much more, however, it was 36 states that were part of the North American state at the time when Abraham Lincoln was killed).

In the center of the Memorial itself there is a statue of squeaking on the chair Abraham Lincoln, whose face is addressed to the Washington monument and the legendary capitol. The height of the figure of the sixteenth president is almost 6 meters, and its weight is exceeded in 150 tons. "Approaching the statue, it seems that all it is made of one monolithic piece of marble, however, as they tell the monument's careors, the sculpture actually consists of a variety of parts. It was not possible to see the connection places, work was so professionally performed, "a tourist visits his impressions, who visited the Memorial to President Lincoln.

There are also two large stone slabs in the memorial place, on which the two most significant speeches of Abraham Lincoln are engraved: appeal to the people during its second inauguration in 1865 and the Gettisburg speech, spoken by the President during the opening of the National Soldier Cemetery in the city of the same name in 1863 -M year. On the outside of the building, 48 state names were knocked out (by the 1922th year, by the time the construction of the monument is completed, they were so much in the US). As you know from history, a little later, the United States of America included 2 more states: Alaska and Hawaii (at the entrance then they hung signs and with their names).

Lincoln Monument: Significant Events and Useful Information for the tourist

Lincoln's monument is a fascinating sight, which, by the way, can be visited at night. In the dark, the Monumental Lincoln complex is illuminated by powerful spotlights, emphasizing the greatness of the architectural structure. According to statistics, more than 6 million people attend the memorial complex annually (!) From around the world. In addition to the city's guests on February 12, the indigenous residents of the United States gather near the Memorial in order to give a tribute to Abraham Lincoln on his birthday.

Near Lincoln Memorial, more than once unfolded the most important events that influenced the history of the country. So, for example, a rally for freedom and jobs in 1963, which sounded in the framework of the Marsh workers in Washington was becoming the most famous. Then more than 250 thousand people gathered on the square (!), Who witnessed the speech of Martin Luther King. He shared his vision of life with the "democratic and free country where there is no place for racial discrimination" with his vision of life at the rally. 40 years after King was spoken by speech, in honor of this event by the authorities of the city, it was decided to establish a memorial plate with the initial words of the speech of an outstanding personality: "IHAVE A DREAM!" (I have a dream!).