
Indian reservations of the XXI century through the eyes of the Russian traveler. Where the Indians live as preschoolers to tell about the Indians

What do children have the whole world with Indians? Chocolate, popcorn, chewing and skill freely run with martial scratches for any space! All listed goodies came up with the Indians: Popcorn - finding the ability to "sick" in the grains of Mais, a cheek from the Jewie Juice (Kauchuk), and the word "chocolate" first sounded from the mouth of the Maya tribe.

Despite such amusing inventions, the eyes of the Indian are always sad, this is a sad people, and even when watching photos in search engines, you rarely find a smiling representative of the indigenous population of America. But the incredible natural depth and an amazing desire to keep his story - it can be found in any Indian.


Many of the nationalities in the modern world gradually lose their traditions. Much of them do not know the stories of their families. The efforts of folkloristers on the grains to restore the scenarios of holidays, songs, epics, legends, folk recipes "go to the sand": Next, the writing of books and conversations does not go, the traditions are not returned to the daily life.


And the view of the Indian from any portrait or photography speaks of his pride in his great people, because his greatness in knowledge is that they, in spite of everything, transmit grandchildren and thus retain each action and skill.

Indians today

The Indians are resettled throughout South and North America, from Alaska to Argentina, one of them lives in reservations (example: Navajo tribe), someone is a full-fledged citizen of the country (Maya, 80% of the population of Guatemala), and others are still We live in the jungle of Amazon (Guarani) and have no connection with civilization. Therefore, there is all different ways of life, but the traditions of education of children and attitudes towards adults are saved in an amazing way.


North America Indians are mainly Catholics and Protestants, Latin America Indians - mostly Catholics. Most Indians of South and Central America, Dupispan beliefs were inextricably merged with Christianity. Many Indians retain traditional cults. Now it is usually theatrical representations, accompanied by dances in masks, including during the Catholic and Protestant holidays.

Each tribe has its own adverbs, many own two languages, their own and English, but some tribes do not even have their own writing, therefore elders are the most respected adult and beloved children in tribes. They teach wisdom, retain and tell stories and legends, know the subtleties of any skill - weaving carpets, making dishes, fishing and hunting. They follow the observance of all rituals, and in the wild tribes even for the routine of the day.

The Indians preserved the tradition to sit down, forming a circle, and share with all the fact that on the heart. Some tribes are going to a circle on certain days, while others are divided into all that happened in the day, asking advice, they tell stories and sing.

Song for the Indian since childhood as air, they can talk with nature through songs, express their emotions and transfer the history of the whole people. There are ritual songs, festive, and the cofane tribe has their own song for everyone.

The same "FigaVam", which drew the ball from the cartoon "Prostokvashino" on the stove and, what we build, playing in the Indians, do not actually vigvam, and the portable dwelling of the TIPI used by steppe nomads.


And Vigvam is a slash on the frame, coated with straw. Visually, this dwelling is similar to a large stack of hay and is traditional for North America Indians. The Amazonian tribes live in such wigvamams or houses on stilts covered with straw or leaves. Close to civilization the peoples of the Indians in the US reservations, for example, Navajo tribes, live in houses similar to our ordinary Russian logs or Mazanka.

I will pay attention to that the Vigvama women and children are usually built. Almost all work in the village is considered to be in the wild tribes of female - cooking, sewing, education of children, all agricultural work, search for firewood. The male task is to hunt, to study military business daily to confidently use a spear, onions and a tube with poisonous arrows. Because the necklace from Yagairei Fangs is a document, the only document living in the jungle of Indians, certifying his fearlessness. Only boys become shamans, Shaman teaches many in the village and conveys their knowledge, but after his death, Shaman is one of his young patients, and not a student, because it is believed that all the knowledge of the shaman is transmitted to the patient with the energy of treatment.


The main food is that they got on the hunt, and in families who are engaged in agriculture, the main dishes are potatoes, porridge, rice, chicken, turkey and, naturally, all kinds of legumes, favorite pumpkin and corn dishes. Special place in the nutrition of Indians, sweet maple syrups and dried forest berries.

The attitude to strangers in tribes varies, only "white" for all the Indians is definitely unambiguous guests. As for cross-bodied and clan relations, then, for example, for cofans there is no concept of their and other children. Parents-cofanes take themselves the name of their firstborn and enjoy them up to their wedding. Then they take the name of the next children who are not married. The study of related relationships in this case becomes a rather complex occupation.

Even those indians who live in major cities are adhere to the natural flow of labor. More often give birth at home, sometimes in the presence of an obstetrician or in a hospital, observing the basic principles of natural genera - without cesarean sections, stimulating drugs and anesthesia. The tribes in which the standard of living does not allow to give birth with an obstetrician and especially in the hospital, childbirth pass in the sand or in the water, often a woman gives birth to one. Indians feel great attachment towards children and are very careful about them. According to people, we have long studied Indian morals and customs, "the best features of the Indians character appear in relation to parents for children."


From the very birth, children are present at any activity of parents, the baby is worn in a scarf, manta (special transit to wearing not only children, but also products, any things), or in a portable baby cot from a tree or cane made by the Father.

According to the researchers, in some tribes they were not allowed to drink colosure and gave breasts only when a confident jet of milk appears. Access to milk in children is always, at any time of the day and night they do not refuse feeding and drink Mother's milk until the milk will not end. Even if for several years an Indian gave birth to several children, then the elders do not leave the chest.

Indian women rarely punish children, but it is early to introduce them to work, believing that there is no better way to know life. From an early age, children inspire that being noisy and crying very badly, which must be respected by the elders. Therefore, the children of the Indians are non-pecked, unfriendly and non-collective, are very independent and friendly.

Children do not forbid anything, and adults are so confident in them, which does not happen to children and does not happen. The relationship between parents and children is so closely that they really are as one. The kids themselves know what they need, and parents-the Indians allow them to receive it and try their lives to taste, live in unity with nature and its laws.

Now the Indian "natural parenthood" is a whole science that has acquired popularity in America and Europe in the 70s. Jeanland, who made an expedition to the Indian tribes, was so amazed that he was seen that all his life was devoted to the study of the Indian "methods" of the education of children, wrote a book "How to grow a happy child" and became the foundation of the so-called "natural parenthood".

Before the icecloff in the world, the pedagogy reigned Dr. Benjamin Spock, all read it with his works and "brought up children in Spock" - fed on the clock, they talked about the lack of communication between the health of the child and the type of his feeding, they did not indulge, observed the day the day. , believing that the child must have authorities. The new theory JeanCoff turned the idea that it was necessary to be strict and restrained with a child, to excommunicate from the chest, not to indulge peaks and set their own, adult rules. Icelloff also watched the Indians and saw that they had all the opposite, and there were no happier children.

Indian supporters of "natural parenthood" adhere to the basic rules:

    natural childbirth;

    during the so-called "manual period" while the child has not learned to crawl, he can be in his arms from the mother how much. This uses slings or other devices that facilitate carrying;

    frequent breastfeeding, at the request of the child, and at least two years;

    the presence of a child in all matters mom, and later dad, it is important that the child gets used to and watched the activities, socialized faster;

    indians believe that the baby does not need too much. Thoughtful Moms are learning to treat the world with fear, as if there are many dangers in it and only they;

    in most Indian languages \u200b\u200bthere are no words denoting time. Until the oldest, the Indians know only the concept of "now." As, however, all the children of the world. Therefore, it is necessary to treat their requests with understanding, without postponing for tomorrow or for some "later";

March 6, 2012, 14:13

The US Indians live in 199 reservations that are scattered in small areas in 26 US states. Reservations arose in 1871, when the US government signed an agreement with representatives of the Indians, according to which 137 million acres of land was given to the Eternal Collective Property of the Indians. For the Indians, the very bad land was diverted, on which there were white colonialists before it. And nevertheless, when oil, stone coal and other natural wealth were found in this non-ferrous land, under the pressure of private capital, the US government in 1887 canceled the former law and issued a new one for which the land owned by the Indians can be divided between the members of the tribe And every Indian has the right to sell his plot. Only over the next 40 years, the Indians lost 63 percent of their lands. The life of the Indians in reservations is similar to the liquid smoke of the fading fire, slowly floating through the hole in the roof of Wigwam. The average life expectancy is 37 years old. Tuberculosis in the Indians meets eight times more often than other residents of the United States, child mortality is three times higher than the mortality rate of white people. Indians are lagging behind most Americans for health, welfare and education. In 1984, unemployment among the Indians was 39 percent - it is five times higher than its level across the country. Approximately a quarter of all Indian families lives below the poverty line. Diabetes, pneumonia, influenza and alcoholism are twice as many Indian lives than the lives of other Americans. Now in the United States lives about one million Indians, and because once they belonged to the whole continent! People on Earth are like a multicolor rainbow. Some of her colors go one into another, but still do not merge - otherwise there was no rainbow. Indians make a certain strip in this rainbow, and no one will be able to erase it. Humiliation gives rise to perseverance, flour - pride, injustice carves the spark of struggle! Indian reservations of the United States and the fate of their population are given in the hands of the Ministry of the Interior. Reservation is a kind of American death camp. Indian, the former owner and the rule of his country, deprived of lands and forest land, was in the humiliating bole. The free son of nature was turned into an eternal captive, forced to live under guard, in poverty and oppression. Navigating the Indians in reservation and almost deprived of their livelihoods, White suddenly "found" the Indians have enormous abilities to perform extremely dangerous, difficult and responsible work - welding metal structures of giant skyscrapers. For Indians, slow death in the reservation is no better than quick death when falling from the forests. Life in different reservations is different. The reserve of the Navajo tribe, located on the territory, which includes the areas of three states in the southwest, is the largest in the country. She is the poorest. On 16 million acres (6667000 hectares), 160,000 Indians live. Houses built by the government, adjacent to mobile houses and hogs. These eight-marched traditional Navajo tribe houses, consisting of one room, are made of logs and have an earthen roof. In many homes in the reservation there are no electricity and sewage. There are few cities and few jobs in the reservation. In 1983, unemployment here was 80 percent.
In contrast, the reservation of Apache Mescalero, located near New Mexico, is one of the richest in the country. It is located at 460384 acres (186390 hectares) among the highest mountains of this territory. The tribe owns and manages a refinery company and a cattle farm. And the one and the other - enterprises with multimillion turnover. Recently, they built a luxury resort worth $ 22 million, where there are sun - from skiing to riding riding. Three quarters of the reservation inhabitants live in new two-storey houses built on large areas of land. Most of those who want to work work. Now manage some enterprises help white. But the purpose of Apache is independence; They hope to take their own management of all their endeavors. Now reservations are managed by the tribal council. Many reservations have their own police, schools and courts where small things are dealt. Like the Apacham, most of the other Indian tribes put their goal to gain economic independence. They try to attract business in reservation. Others hope that natural resources in their reservations will provide them with the income in which they need. For example, the Navajo tribe owns oil, coal and uranium deposits. Other reservations are rich in forest, gas, minerals and water. Today, most Indians hope to get the best of what is in both worlds. This is what Fred Cadazinn says, the great-grandfather of the famous soldier of Apaches, who received education in college: "My generation spent all his time to study the customs of white. We learned them, but we lost a lot from our Indian heritage. Now we are trying to restore what was lost. " Updated 06/03/12 15:10:
Updated 06/03/12 15:22: SKVO:

Scenario of Indian Party for Junior Schoolchildren

Lyapina Vera Valerievna Primary Class Teacher MBOU School No. 47 of the District of Samara.
Description: This event in primary school teachers can be held at the end of the school year, as the day of the birthday party for students of primary classes and middle links.
Purpose: Attracting children and adolescents to a healthy lifestyle, organization of meaningful leisure.
- Teach children actively act with each other, quickly make the right decision;
- consolidate the ability of children to compete in collective gaming activities, form in children work skills in groups;
- develop mental, creative, physical abilities, erudition;
- to educate the feelings of collectivism, responsibility for their comrades.

Particular move

The musical screensaver of Indian music sounds.

I invite you here
So that a cheerful game passed.
We need to worship,
Move, obey.
It's time to start a holiday,
Land of Indians open!
American continent
These peoples inhabited
While one day white
He did not accidentally recognize them.
Their life, religion and morals -
Everything has opened due to
Columbus. He was brave small,
Fallenly floated, yes no in vain.

And let the error crept
In that name, that he gave them,
Probably you guessed
How those nations he called.
Children choir:
Maize, sunflower, cocoa,
Cotton and tomatoes -
I was glad all this
The whole world is sometime for them.
Potatoes, pepper, zucchini ... -
I do not know how to live
We are without everything when
Accidentally did not open.
Children choir:
Children dressed in the costumes of the Indians get into the circle and greet each other and lead.
All children
Hau! (waving his hand)
In honor of the Sun today a celebration.
Hurry! The holiday started!
Neighbors all to one
To the neighbors to visit the guests.
To step on the land of the Indians, you need to go through the ritual of dedication to the Indians:
1. Start on your knees and raise your hands to the sky, shout: Hayya!
2. The right hand through the back hug your tribesman.
3. Jump three times in place and jump 360 degrees.
4. Circle in a circle of tribe and slam each other with the right hand.
Repeat for the lead:
I do not build homes
Before the skies of bricks, Indian raises her hand up, showing a multi-storey building.
And talking with grass, Indian squats and gently strokes his palm imaginary grass.
I know that sings the stream. Indian applies his hand to the ear.
With each bird, with each beast
I can live in Lada. Indian extends his hands to the hall.
And the Great Spirit, I believe
I will not get to get into trouble. Indian extends his hands to the sky.
All our world holds a heart Indian presses his arms to the chest.
Red Indian.

Today, two tribes that will now name themselves and will present their tribe, went on the track path. Our main priests (parents) will appreciate the game of each tribe and call the winner. The tribes must show their dexterity, accuracy, smelting, erudition. For the victory in the competition, each tribe receives a pen. At the end of the game, when calculating the feather of each tribe, we learn the winner.
The main priests come out,
Behind them the main singers
On their heads they have a crown
Colored bird feathers

We will read God,
Game rules to follow
The leader for the tribe isacon.
Well, a tribe, you're talking about yourself!
Here the tambourines beat
How can the rain rain
All stunned straight!
See -
The main leader came out
From the main Wigwam.
First test "Presentation of the tribe."

Tribe Aropaareau
The leader gets into the center of the circle of his tribe and performs the movements and shouts the crurch
Wow! - Wow!
Wow-Wai! - Wow-Wai!
Wow-Wai-in! - Wow-Wai-Way!
Chiki Ricky Lumba! - Chica Ricky Lumba!
Mumba la Columbus! - Mumba la Columbus!
A-le Balle Mulul! - A-le Balle Mululness!
Kilis Lamb ESEMES! - Kilis Lamb ESEMES!

Shirley-Merlya Karabas! - Shirley-soar Karabas!
Bala Amber Honduras! - Bala Amba Honduras!
Kvistz Ts-c-c-cedy - Kvistz Ts-c-c-ts-c-cherry!
Musi-Pusi \u200b\u200bWell done! - Musi-Pusi \u200b\u200bWell done!
Shows his totem that every tribe prepared in advance.

Tribe Jaguara
Boten Boten-Bom!
Bimbo-Tili Bimbo!
Oh, I'm waiting for Bizon!
And then catching!
Oh-oh, ahi-ohh-hey
Oh-oh, Fifty Scale!
Oh-oh, taste Nyam Smok!
Oh-o, Vispa Snovers Yok!

Shows her totem.

The jury evaluates the presentation of the tribes.
You are just Indian. Wind in your hair.
You are just Indian. Rain Your paint washed away.
In your hands your power, dance in your legs.
You will go until your strength is enough.
Go to the following test:
"The most wise"
The tribes are sitting around the leader and guess the quizzes' questions, each tribe is given a question if it does not answer, the question proceeds to another tribe.
1. Smoking harms health,
But, in order not to be a war,
Indian leaders are ready
Smoking her even in a dream.

(Peace Tube)
2. Educated Indian, self-respecting,
Wear a stunning ax with him -
Reliable and comfortably falls in hand, -
Such a military trail is useful.

3.Indisc look
Mysfect is very, -
Not leaf and many lines,
And cord and nodules.
(novel letter)

4.INDERS Great Canadian Plains
The dwelling was only one type,
Here is what you know about this with you -
In tents of conical, covered branches
And lived skins, not knowing the seafood
Funny dominates calling their own.

5. In conventional affairs and care
Indian community lived,
Yes, only here suddenly from something
The trouble came to their land, -
The enemies surrounded the village.
And how, tell me, here to be, -
Indians are ancient weapon
Can not, alas, protect.
But the trick is simple saved them,
And, wind caught the direction
In wide plates burned
Some people are a plant.
In the smoke, the enemies teared,
Sihani. Their eyes got drunk ...
Tell me, - And you guessed, -
So what did the Indians fit?

6. Ladily - these Indians
Everyone has surpassed their fellow
And in one of the spring months
The name was accidentally found.

7.INDERS Central America
Left the world a secret, -
Such pyramids in general light
As in their settlements, no.
Talented were those architects,
Although they lived a century ago.
Scientists would like very
They ask many questions.

But some kind of ask now.
Only stone living pyramids
The people of the Grand Name
And the ancient memory stores.
(Maya, Aztec)

Indians are very famous.
Here, let's say, with basketball skulls.
Although their secrets are not fully disclosed,
But how shop is scientifically - so joke.

For example, Maya - stars watched
That many centuries ago.
In Egypt, "twice two" did not know yet
And Maya picked their eyes in the sky.

8.I - Indian Talisman
Do not get through me
Evil spirits to sleeping.

But good dream will pass,
Affectionate and light.
Who will call a talisman?
Who is familiar with the answer?

Dream catcher is the magic talisman of North America Indians, protecting a person from bad dreams. The dream catcher is a dormant hoop inside which the web is woven, and feathers are located outside. Such a talisman is hanging over the headboard sleeping.
Sning keeper spell
Discover me all your dreams,
Open me
Melodies of your heart
And I can enhance them
Blue cloud blanket,
And save from coarse fingers
Of this world.
The jury summarizes.
Next Test "Cross"

At the river, the Indians lived
Easy man dreded,
Swang on the river on it,
And rowing one oars.
What were the boats called the Indians?
(Pies or Canoes)
Each tribe should cross on its boat to the other side of the river. Two Indians are sitting in the boat (hoop). Swim on the other side, one landed ashore, the second returns for the third. Floating again in the other coast, the second is planted, and the third floats in the fourth and so on. As soon as the whole tribe is swimming, the game stops.

The jury summarizes.
To go to the next test you need to guess the riddle.
He is thrown over the river.
Conveniently became a man
Move through water
I completely forget about bad weather.
The stamps are fixed.
Called this miracle - ...
Yes, right, only our bridge is suspended.
The test is called "Go Bridge"
It is necessary to move around the bridge all over the tribe, walking on a thin rope and keeping the rope for a while. If the foot occurs by, you flew into the river. What kind of tribe will make it faster and more accurate.

The jury summarizes.
Another test is called "fishing".
There are a lot of fish in the bucket, the numbers are written on each. Each Indian tribe in turn with closed eyes catches fish in the bucket. After the total number of points is calculated on the whole catch. Who has more points, the tribe and won.

Leading Check now the reaction rate of each Indian.
Test "Who is the fastest"
Each tribe exhibits one Indian. Rivals get back to each other at a distance. Under the feet, rivals stretch the rope, each under the foot is one end. It is necessary to pull the rope in its direction for the end. So it makes all the tribe. What kind of tribe will pull the rope more time gets a pen for victory.

And who hunted the Indians? (on bison, elk, bears, beavers)
And of course the Indians were well versed in wild and domestic animals. Now we will check how your tribes disassemble this.
Test "Wild or home".
One tribe rises in a column for each other. Lead calls an animal. Indian who believes that this pet jumps left, and if wild to the right. If all the tribe Indians do everything correctly get a feather. Then the same test passes the second tribe.

And summarize.
Test "Fast Rider"
Each tribe should slip on the horse (inflatable ball), the rider's task is to slip the distance on the scakun. Then transfer to your tribesman. For a while.

"Indian" Questions and Answers

1) Who are the Indians?

There are millions of people with Indian origins, but it does not make them Indians in the eyes of the tribes or the federal government. Federal government

he considers an Indian who belongs to the tribe recognized at the federal level. Separate tribes have an exceptional right to determine their own membership. The tribal government establishes certain criteria for registration. Some of which require careful study of origin, and some, simply providing evidence.

By definition of the US Department of Internal Affairs, the Indians usually include a person, in the veins of which the definite percentage of Indian blood flows and which is recognized by an Indian one of the tribes and (or) the US government. A single federal or tribal criterion for the individualization of the Indians does not exist. Government agencies use various criteria to determine the right of a person to participate in programs and services. In different tribes there are also various criteria of eligibility. It is important to understand the difference between the ethnological and political and legal aspects of the meaning of the term "Indian". Protection and services provided by the US government for members of the tribes are not due to the status of a person as an American Indian in an ethnological sense, but by the fact that it is a member of a tribe that is recognized by the United States and with which the United States supports special trust relationships. These special trusting relationships entail certain obligations and obligations that have claims.

2) What is the origin of the Indians?

Most anthropologists are confident that the Indians made the transition from Asia to North America through Bering Strait, approximately 35,000 years ago. However, most of the tribes have their own history of origin based on the fact that the indigenous inhabitants of the continent have always lived in America.

3) Why are American indigenous people call Indians?

The indigenous population of the United States was first named by the Indians Christopher Columbus, who mistakenly counted, stepping as the coast of the continent, which reached India. Currently, many of America's indigenous people prefer to call themselves by American Indians to avoid stereotypes associated with Indians.

4) How correct: Native American or American Indian?

Any of these terms is acceptable, although there are preferences. For the first time, the term "indigenous American" was used in the 1960s. To determine the Indians and the indigenous people of Alaska. Over time, the term has become widespread, including all the indigenous peoples of the United States and their territory, including Hawaiian Aboriginal, Chamorro (the indigenous population of the Mariana Islands) and American Samoa (7 Eastern Islands of Samoa Archipelago) (Indigenous Americans and American Indians are interchangeable In this document).

5) What is the number of Indians and Arabianov Alaska?

According to the US census, in 1997 there were 2.3 million people. This is about 1 percent of the total population. Before the arrival of Europeans in North America, indigenous people, for some approximate estimates, there were more than 10 million. By the time the colonists began to keep records, the number of peoples was significantly reduced due to wars, hunger, European diseases and forced labor. An approximate number of people who are only American Indians and indigenous residents of Alaska or American Indians and Alaska's indigenous people in combination with accessories to one or more other races: 4.4 million (as of July 1, 2003).

6) Does the Indians have a family?

Almost two-thirds, from the total number of indigenous population, are married, 27% of families are headed by single women. The birth rate among the Indians is much higher than in the families of America inhabiting America and this, despite the fact that the average annual income of the Indian family is significantly lower than the average annual income of the other Americans. The number of families of American Indians and Alaska indigenous people: 484,000.

7) Does the number of indigenous population decrease?

The number of the indigenous population is young and steadily growing. Since July 1990, the Indians and the indigenous people of Alaska have become 12 percent more, while the population has increased only 3 percent.

8) What are the reasons for this growth?

Healthcare was largely improved and life expectancy increased. In addition, many want to identify themselves as an Indian or a native resident of Alaska.

9) Why does the government define the indigenous peoples of Alaska, as the indigenous people of Alaska, and not as the Indians?

Alaska's indigenous people are Eskimos (Inupait and Jupik), Alaska Indians (Atapa, Heyda, Tribecte and Timshian) and Aleuts. They have their own culture and prefer to call themselves indigenous people of Alaska.

10) Indigenous Hawaiians are considered Indians?

No, the indigenous Hawaiians are known as Cana Maoli, lead their pedigree and language from Polynesians, including Taitian, Samoa and Maori. Since 2000, the federal government does not recognize indigenous Hawaiians and residents of the Pacific Islands as a separate group. Indigenous Hawaiians are often united with indigenous Americans in matters of self-government and self-determination.

11) What is a tribe?

Initially, the tribes are a society of people connected by blood bonds, family relationships and a general language that have their own religion and political system. When members of various tribes were forced to live together, in reservations, some new tribal groups were formed.

12) How much is the tribes?

According to the data of the Indian Affairs Bureau in 1998, the Tribes recognized at the federal level was 554, (in 2003 -562), included 226 villages of Alaska indigenous people. The federal recognition of the tribe gives it a government status and provides certain federal subsidies.

13) Indian tribes do not apply to one group?

Indian tribes are the same different as, for example, Irish and Italians. Tribes have their culture, language and traditions. Some of them were sometime sworn enemies.

14) Which tribes is the most numerous?

In 1990, the number of the people of the Cherokee was 308,132, it is the largest of the American tribes. Most of the Cherokee live in Oklahoma and the reservation of North Carolina (more than 5,000 people). The largest tribal group of Alaska's indigenous residents: Eskimos, has 37,000 people.

15) Is the concepts of the Indian people and the Indian tribe identified?

Yes, the tribes recognized at the federal level have self-government, and the federal government is dealing with political units, and not by representatives of a particular race. The political status of the tribes is registered in the Constitution: "Congress has the right ... regulate trade with foreign states ... and with Indian tribes."

16) How is the tribe recognized at the federal level?

The Bureau of Indian Affairs in the Department of Internal Affairs of the United States approves. Many nations were recognized as tribes at the federal level, according to concluded agreements in the 18th - 19th centuries, although several groups apply for their recognition as such today.

17) Which of the last tribes was recognized at the federal level?

In 1996, Guron Potavatomi from Michigan received the status of the Indian people at the federal level. In 1998, another 14 tribes filed statements to the Indian Affairs Bureau.

18) What powers are the tribes like nations?

Possessing the national status, they have all the powers of the government, with the exception of those that contradict the main provisions of the Congress or are canceled by the United States Supreme Court. The tribes are entitled to form its government, to determine its composition, collect taxes, to make justice, have the right to commercial activities. The tribal people regulate issues on Indian land, its resources and issues related to the behavior of tribal participants in Indian Earth.

19) How is the tribal government formed?

Most tribal governments have a developed democratic system for the election of government members who have formed long before the arrival of European colonizers. Although according to its structure, similar to the US government, the tribal authorities are much less and have much less permissions.

20) What is the tribal council?

Tribal Council is usually the governing body of the tribe. Chapter Board - Chosen Chairman, President, Chief or Governor, is a recognized leader. The Council fulfills the legislative aspects of the breeding government.

21) Reservation governments and tribal - is this one and the same?

Not. Tribal governments existed long before the reservation was founded. However, the governing body in the reservation is the tribal council. In cases where various tribes are in one reservation, governments work separately, for example, like Shoshoni and Araphah, in Wyoming.

22) What is the reservation?

Indian reservations are sites belonging to the federal government as land for continuously residence of the tribes. The United States has developed a reservation policy for Indians in 1787. Some reservations were created on the basis of contracts, while others - in accordance with laws or government orders. To date, there are 314 reservations.

23) Why are they called reservations?

The term "reservation" originates in the acts of the federal government about land intended for federal purposes. In the US, there are two types of such lands: military and Indian.

24) Does all the Indians live in reservations?

Not. According to the census, more than 60 percent lives outside the reservation. Nevertheless, many attend reservations, visiting relatives and participating in ceremonies.

25) Does the Earth allocate many land?

About 56 million acres in reservations and in trust property. Navajo's reservation is the largest, numbering 16 million acres, occupying part of Arizona, Utah and New Mexico. Most of the reservations are less than 1000 acres.

26) What does "are in trustworthy" mean?

Almost all the land of trustworthy is in reservations and belong to the United States. Their status is aimed at use and for the benefit of Indian tribes. The tribes are entitled to acquire this land, to apply to the federal government about the trust management of it, to protect against encroachment or arrest. Actions committed in relation to trustworthy property, including the sale, are subject to approval by the Secretary of Internal Affairs.

27) Who owns the reservation?

The United States has the right to ownership of tribal lands, speaking with the Department of Internal Affairs as a trustee. The tribe or owner are the owners of the Earth in trust management. Non-Indians also own a significant part of the reservation lands, although the tribes can carry out jurisdiction over them.

28) What is the responsibility of the federal government to the Indians in connection with the trust relationships?

The responsibility of the federal government to the Indians in connection with trust relations is a legal obligation, in accordance with which the United States "has taken over the obligations of the highest moral responsibility and trust" in front of Indian tribes (the case "Seminols against the United States", 1942). For the first time, the chairman of the Supreme Court of the USA, John Marshall, spoke about him in the case of "Cherokees against PCS. Georgia" (1831). Over time, the doctrine of trusting relations has become the cornerstone of many other cases considered by the Supreme Court. This is one of the most important principles set out in the federal law on the Indians. The responsibility of the federal government to the Indians in connection with trust relations is the claims of the US government's obligation to protect tribal land, assets, resources and rights under contracts, as well as the obligation to carry out the instructions of federal legislation against the tribes of American Indians and the indigenous people of Alaska. In a number of cases concerning responsibility in connection with trust relations, the Supreme Court used the wording, from which it follows that it entails legal obligations, moral obligations and the fulfillment of agreements and expectations arising in the process of contacts between the US government and tribes.

29) The government tried to take tribal land?

Since the 1880s before the 1930s, Congress led by trading in tribal lands, as a result, reservations lost two thirds of their lands. In 1950, the Eisenhower Administration held a policy of closing reservations in order to assimilate the Indians in the White Society.

30) Does the reserve of minerals have breeding land?

Reservations are located: 5 percent of the country and gas reserves, 50 percent of uranium and 30 percent of coal with low sulfur content. Other reserves of minerals include phosphates, crystalline quartz, gravel, sand, potassium and sodium. Even if the tribes do not have a margin of minerals, they can rent the land with those.

31) What is the Indian territory?

The "Indian Territory" is a legal term used in section 18 of the US Code of Laws. It is widely defined by federal and tribal jurisdictions on crimes concerning Indians in reservations. But the term is also widely walking, designating reservations and areas with the Indian population.

32) What are the living conditions in Indian territory?

Despite the improvements in the health, education and economy over the years, the Indian communities are still behind the rest of the country in all sectors. Their income level is significantly lower and the mortality rate is significantly higher than the country as a whole. Reservations die from accidents, alcoholism, diabetes, pneumonia, suicides, murders and tuberculosis.

33) What is tribal sovereignty?

Just as the states, tribes have sovereignty in management of territories and internal affairs. This tribal status is confirmed by a number of agreements, case-law and the constitution. Scientists believe that tribes are independent from the very beginning, i.e. Their appearance was before the formation of the United States.

34) How does sovereignty work?

The tribal sovereignty doctrine was confirmed by three decisions of the Supreme Court in the 1800s. They recognize the right to self-government and the management of internal affairs, the so-called "internal, dependent nations", which prevent the state intervention, but it allows the Congress to override Indian powers.

35) Is sovereignty to a large extent symbolic today?

There is nothing more important for the Indian government and the people than sovereignty, Tribal leaders say. This is the fundamental principle of the US Constitution. Recently, the tribes seek to restore control over their economies and resources, arguing their rights as sovereign, while often conflicting with neighboring states.

36) What is sovereign immunity?

This government's ability to determine the conditions on the basis of which, a lawsuit may be brought. Tribes use sovereign immunity in claims relating to their territories. Congress tried to limit sovereign immunity, however, these attempts did not bring the desired results.

37) Does the US jurisdiction extend to Indian territories?

The United States has neither civil or criminal jurisdiction on the territory of the Indians. Since 1988, the Law on the Regulation of Gambling Business in Indian Reservations (Indian Gaming Regulatory Act), adopted by Congress, obliges tribes and states to enter into contracts or agreements before opening a gaming institution in Indian territory.

38) Indians must perform the same laws as not the Indians?

Outside the reservation on the Indians, local, state and federal laws are distributed. In reservations, they obey only federal and tribal laws. In accordance with federal law, known as Assimilative CRIMES ACT, any criminal offense is a federal crime.

39) Indians are American citizens?

Indians have dual citizenship as members of a tribe and as American citizens. Congress gave American citizenship Indians in 1924.

40) Indians pay state or federal taxes?

They pay the same taxes as everyone else, but there are exceptions: indigenous Americans living on the territory of reservations do not pay state taxes on income. Indians living in trust areas do not pay local and government real estate taxes. State sales taxes are not charged if the transactions are concluded on the territory of the reservation. Indians do not pay income tax on the income received from trust lands for the right of grazing and drilling oil wells.

41) What kind of relationships exist between tribal and regular governments?

Since the Constitution gives the federal government to the authority to address the issues of relationship with the Indians, the States, as a rule, do not have the authority over the tribal governments. Tribal governments retain the right to accept and lead more stringent or softer legislative and regulations than legislative and regulatory acts of the neighboring state (states). However, although the tribes have the right and power to regulate the activities on their lands, regardless of the government of the neighboring state, in practice they often cooperate and interact with the States on the basis of contracts and other agreements. Relations between tribes and states are also intergovernmental relations.

42) What are the contracts?

From 1777 to 1871, contracts were concluded between the United States and Indian peoples. These treaties or agreements between tribal governments and the United States have formed the right to property and obligations of the parties. There are 371 contracts that enshrines the Indian tribes of law, mainly relating to their land.

43) What in these treaties or agreements?

In the treaties, the Indians promised protection, property, services, the right to self-government and breeding territories in exchange for cooperation and land.

44) Why did the tribes agree to contracts?

Faced with the seizure of land, losses as a result of wars, diseases and stream of immigrants The Indians were forced to enter into contracts and considered them as serious moral obligations.

45) Have agreements were made?

The inconsistency of federal policies and court decisions led to the fact that indigenous peoples lost part of their civil rights and lands. One of the first examples of this was the path of tears, march 14000 Cherokee from Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee in Oklahoma, although the contract 1791 has already defined their land of permanent residence. About 4,000 Cherokee - mostly children, old people and children - died from hunger, cold and diseases on the road.

46) What is confidential responsibility?

This is one of the most important principles in the Federal Indian Law. Legally, it enshrines the fiduciary obligations from the United States to protect tribal lands, assets, resources and contractual rights. Resolutions of the Supreme Court indicate that confidential responsibility entails as legal and moral obligations.

47) Contracts guarantee special rights to Indians today?

In the north-west coast of the Pacific, tribes have rights to hunt, catch fish and extract food as they did the ancestors. On the territory of all reservations, tribes are eligible for free education and medicine from the federal government.

48) contracts dug?

Such attempts were repeated. Most recently, Congress tried to limit the self-government tribes and expand the powers of the state over tribes.

49) What is the movement of American Indians (Dai)?

Dai was formed in 1968 as a movement for the rights of the Indians. Leaders Dai arranged sediment strikes and other protests, so in 1972, members of Dahi from different states passed through the country with a protest march of "path violated contracts". Now let me continue to actively work.

50) What does the Indian Bureau do?

The Bureau is the federal body for working with tribes. His task is to submit services and / or funds for tribes services. In the 1800s, the main goal of the Bureau was assistance to tribes in self-determination. The Affairs Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is responsible for the management of 55.7 million acres (22.540.990.27 hectares) of land in the trust management of the US government in the interests of American Indians, Indian tribes and indigenous people of Alaska.

51) Who can qualify for the services of BDI?

Only persons belonging to the tribes recognized at the federal level.

52) What services does BDI provide?

The development of forest land, the delivery of assets on these lands, management of agricultural programs, the protection of water and land rights, the development and content of infrastructure, as well as ensuring economic development - all this is included in the terms of responsibilities of the BDI. In addition, BDI provides educational services 48,000 Indian schoolchildren. At 56 million acres of land that are in the trust management of the US government, the BDI manages more than 100,000 lease agreements with individual Indians who have more than 10 million acresses of land, and with tribes that own almost 45 million acresses of lands. In the 2003 fiscal year, Trust received revenues from the rental, issuing permits for the use, sales and interest in the amount of $ 195 million for 240,000 individual Indian accounts and in the amount of $ 375 million for 1,400 tribal accounts. The Office of the Special Representative on Trust Relations with American Indians (Oddo) manages investments of tribal trust funds in the amount of 2.9 billion dollars and individual accounts, which lies a total of $ 400 million. Employees Operations meet with representatives of the tribes to determine investment goals, restrictions and preferences to achieve maximum profitability.

53) Other federal agencies work with tribes?

Almost all federal departments work with Indian tribes. The Department of Health and Social Services, for example, works with the Indian Health Service, which provides medical assistance in the territory or near reservations. The Ministry of Justice works with the management of tribal justice, which coordinates law enforcement agencies in Indian territory.

54) Can Indians occupy elective posts?

Indians have the same rights as all other United States citizens. Charles Kurtis, Crowe, was the vice-president in Herbert Goole, Ben Nighthors Campbell, a republican from Colorado, Northern Chayen. Campbell also served three deadlines in the US Chamber of Representatives as Democrat.

55) Indians serve in the US Army?

In the 20th century, among the soldiers awarded the US Higher Military Awards - Honors' Honor - five were Indians. Every fourth Indian military veteran. Heroism manifested by Indians in the First World War pushed the government to adopt a law on citizenship in 1924. During World War II, the marines of Navajo used their language as a cipher which enemies could not decipher, no matter how they tried. The number of American Indian Indian residents, which are veterans of the US Armed Forces: 159,000.

56) Who regulates Indian Casino?

The Indian National Game Association, approved by Congress, oversees the operations of bingo, casino and some other types of gambling on tribal lands. It establishes the licensing rules, the reviews of the Annual Audit and approves the rulings that are developing tribes to run gaming operations. The Department of Treasury, Justice and Internal Affairs of the United States has its own definite impact on the gambling business. Indian tribes possess their own gambling commissions, tribal police and judicial system.

57) What is the "Law on the Regulation of Gambling Business in Indian Reservations (Indian Gaming Regulatory Act)"?

The law adopted in 1988 allowed the tribes to open gambling establishments in reservations if the staff on the territory of which reservations were posted, already legalized gambling business. The law requires that the States would conclude agreements with tribal governments that plan to open casinos, including installing slot machines and blackjack. Treaties are approved by the Secretary General of the Interior.

58) Is there a big income brings a gambling business?

In 1997, 6.4 billion dollars arrived in the total casino. But not all tribes get rich. The big half of these income fell on six tribes whose territory is located near major cities. (In 2003, Arnold Schwarzenegger, who was the Governor of California, agreed with the 10th Indian tribes on the construction of new casinos in the territories of reservations. The Indians gave their consent and now 25% of the profits from these casinos go to the treasury of California).

59) What place is the Indian Gambling Business in the Gambling Industry?

Indian gambling business is growing rapidly, but its share accounts for only 8% of the total profit of the US gambling business. (Many casinos located in the territories of the Indians are bait for the criminal world and are controlled by gambling mafia).

60) Is all the tribes have their own gambling business?

Approximately one third of the 554 tribes are engaged in gambling business and many of this third are limited only by Bingo.

(Masfi's Indian tribe is doing everything possible and impossible to get the opportunity to build a casino on the northeast of Massachusetts. Now the Indians have no land for construction. The tribes managed to agree on the issue with local authorities, but the federal government refused the Indians in the right to the construction of the institution.

In a desperate attempt to realize his project in Massachusetts, who recently legalized gambling resorts on its territory, the tribe appealed to the agreement of 250 years ago with the English king of Georg Third, who gave the Liberty Indians and the right to their land.

To build your casino, the Indians should get land for rent from the federal authorities, and then get approval from local authorities if they want to see Indian casinos in their region.

In the complaint that the Indians filed the federals, it says that the United States "constantly forgets his responsibility to protect Masfi Valparang, making a tribe to the poor and landless").

61) Tribes pay tax from your income?

Not. As sovereign governments, they do not pay taxes from their income to a staff or federal government, but employees of the salary casino deduct the income tax, like all Americans. States have the right to charge fees with tribes for the costs of regulating gambling business and administration. In some states, such as Michigan, Connecticut and Washington, there are official agreements with tribes to collect additional fees.

62) How many tribes have helped get rich gambling business?

Gambling business helped such tribes for example as Grand Traverse Band Ottawa and Chippev But the Indians are still among the poorest segments of the population.

(Casino, built in Indian reservations, bring large revenues to some tribes, and some do not bring substantial profits. Such a popular casino, like a "mysterious lake" feeds all the Mdvakanant tribe, and the seminal tribe Indians became the owners of the popular network Cafe Hard Rock. U American politicians attitude to the Indian Casino Casino are ambiguous, some relate to them negatively, motivating their relationship with religion and narrow specialization of young Indians, the second offer to deprive the Indians of all benefits in order to replenish the US treasury, and the third acts for keeping the situation former. Now It is impossible to give an accurate answer to how the gambling business will develop in the territories of Indian reservations, it will show only time).

63) Are the treasures of individual representatives of the Indians?

The law on the regulation of gambling business in Indian reservations requires breeding governments to spend income on social needs, economics and charity. Only after that, with the permission of the Minister of Internal Affairs, the remains can be distributed among specific persons. Forty-seven tribes practiced similar.

64) Why are casino popular among tribes?

Gambling is a generally accepted tradition that appeared in celebrations and rites long before Europeans. For many reservations, gambling business is one of the few sources of employment and income. (Indians in their most gambling azart are not subject to. More than 90% of casino revenues bring white visitors).

(From the history of the casino on the Indian Territories: "In the state of New York, the people of Oreida live. In the mid-70s, they lived very poorly. In order to somehow improve the financial position of the tribe, one of his members opened the salon With a bingo in the trailer. Indian decided to raise the gaming rates above the level that was indicated by law. The authorities became interested in this salon and wanted to close it. But Indian graduated from Harvard and knew his rights perfectly. He said that these laws did not work on the reservation. So far, they walked off, the new Indian casino was open in the state of Florida. It belonged to the seminol tribe. Actively played in this casino mostly white, tribe income increased significantly.

The country's district prosecutor decided to close the gambling house of Seminols. In response, the tribe filed a lawsuit against the prosecutor, and the famous lawsuit began, which the Indians won. Thanks to this trial, all the Indians living in the United States have received the right to open a casino on the territory of their reservations. Moreover, the authorities adopted the law, according to which income from gambling entertainment on the territory of the reservations was not taxed.

So the Nevada and New Jersey gambling had new competitors. The owners of luxury casinos began to lobby their interests in Congress, and already in 1988, an act of regulation of Indian gambling was adopted. According to this act, the permission to open a new casino Indians issued state authorities. In some regions, the Indians were forbidden to open a casino, but after numerous proceedings, a compromise solution was found. They agreed that the Indians should share their income with the state. Since the facts, the Indians can open a casino, only a significant profit from business they must be given to the state treasury).

65) Does all the Indians support the casino?

Not. Some argue that the gambling business undermines the foundations of culture and those tribes that have already have their own casinos depart from the traditional lifestyle.

66) What are tribal schools?

Since the beginning of the 1800s, the Bureau for Indian Affairs assumed a function to raise children from reservation in Indian schools. Since 1978, the federal government has transferred the management of schools to tribes while maintaining the control over them and financing. Today there are 187 tribal schools with 50,000 students in them.

67) How many Indian children study in public schools outside the reservations?

Approximately 480,000 Indian children attend public schools outside the reservations. In some states with a large population, Indian schoolchildren stand out for the study of the Indian language and native culture.

(In January 2013 in the small American town of Shavano in the northeast of Wisconsin. 13-year student of the 7th grade of Miranda Washing workers, menomini dared at the lesson in his school to pronounce three phrases in his native Indian language and then translate them into English for Odnoklassniki. Here are these words - "I love you", "Hello" and "Thank you" ... After that, the girl was waiting for the real repression ...

When her mother Tanais began to ask the offended and upset girl, what happened, it turned out that Julia Gurta teacher roughly grabbed her for both hands and, heavily hit them on the table, she said loudly that she should not talk loudly that she should not talk in the language of menomini, that is, The native language of his tribe, and what to do is so very bad ... In the next lesson, another teacher said to the girl that she did not do good, and, besides, she was deprived of the opportunity to play basketball: the whole game Miranda promoted on the bench. Mother's attempt to know, for which her child was removed from the game, ended with nothing: the coach stated that he did not know anything about this decision ... Richie Plass, cousin Miranda, knows well what racism is. He said: "This is ignorance and the form of national intolerance, it is closer to fascism ...". They wrote a letter with apologies, but ... as Miranda says, they didn't apologize in this letter, but they tried ... to justify their actions! So, Julia Gurta argued that students are obliged to respect other students, and behavior that creates a sense of elitism, "able to increase racial and cultural tensions." And the punishment of Miranda, according to these ladies, was undertaken in response to disrespectful comments and the girl's behavior throughout the day ...)

68) How many Indians graduated from high school?

According to the US census in 1990, 66% of the Indians who were 25 years old graduated from high school. The percentage of American Indians and Alaska's indigenous people aged 25 and older among those who have a certificate or diploma on the end of the educational institution not lower than high school: 75%.

69) How do the tribes use their sovereignty?

In New Mexico, for example, Pueblo demands from residents of Albuquerque to comply with the standards for clean water, which are more stringent and demanding unlike government. In the North-West of the Pacific, tribes together with states and federal government participate in solving issues related to fisheries and salmon protection.

70) What are tribal colleges and how do they function?

More than 30 colleges appeared from the 1960s. They are located directly in the territories of reservations or about them and provide 2-year education. Some of them were built on money reversed from gambling business. Teaching in colleges of this type is responsible for the needs and requests of the indigenous population and is focused on those students who then continue their education outside the reservations. The first college, which was fully controlled by the tribal authorities, was created in the reservation of the Navajo tribe in 1968. The reason for the creation of such an Indian college was a large number of Navajo students who did not graduate from the formation institutions. That is why the tribal authorities decided to establish their own college with biennium training - Navajo Community College. Among the advantages of a similar type of educational institute was called that "students experienced a smaller number of financial and psychological problems, and also studied the culture and system of vital values \u200b\u200bof the Navajo tribe." An example of Navajo followed other tribes. By 1990, there were already 24 Indian Colleges in the United States, where students could get a diploma of the younger specialist. Two colleges - Challenge Lakota College and Sinte Gleyka College - Provide the ability to study on the undergraduate system. Modern Indian College is usually located in several buildings, which were presented by the Indian community or are rented by a tribe. Sometimes other premises adapt under educational institutions. For example, Little Big Horn College is based in the former sports center, one of the premises of Fort Berthold College is the former post office, Sinte Gleyka College rebuilt the bookstore under the classroom. And only a few Indian colleges have spacious buildings at their disposal. In the reservation of Navajo, students are trained in college located in the very center of reservation: a six-story administrative building is built in a national style and is surrounded by other university units (hostel, gym and student center).

However, despite the fact that in the second half of the twentieth century, indigenous Americans were able to base their own educational institutions and place them in the territories of reservations, the number of students who these colleges could take was limited - primarily due to the fact that the college themselves were small. A distinctive feature of the tribal colleges is that along with the general education program, they are teaching traditionally Indian items, which, in the opinion of the reservation population and teachers, will prepare students, on the one hand, to reservation life, and on the other - to communicate with the maintenance, External environment. Thus, three main characteristics of Indian colleges can be distinguished. First, curricula in such colleges are always built with a support for traditional Indian culture. Pupils are studying tribal, art and philosophy are not as additional objects, but as basic. Secondly, the main focus is on the teaching of such disciplines that are most in demand in the life of a particular reservation. As a result, most graduates do not experience great difficulties in search of work in a particular Indian community. Thirdly, scientific and practical studies are often held on the basis of colleges that meet the urgent community requirements and are sponsored by the tribal authorities. This leads to the fact that Indian educational institutions combine the functions of college and research center.

As an example, you can give the already mentioned Community College Navajo. Its statutory document says that the main task of college is to increase the educational level of students based on Indian traditions. Among the most important disciplines are the study of the philosophy of the tribe, language, history, culture, training, and allowing graduates to successfully exist in the multicultural and technological society, conducting scientific research that makes the social and economic development of the reservation community.

71) How many Indians have a higher education?

In 1960, only about 3.5 thousand Indians studied at universities and colleges of the United States, in 1970, more than 14.4 thousand Indians were credited to colleges. However, the share of Indian youth, covered by higher education, is still low: in 1970, only 12% of the Indians aged 18 and 24 were trained in the colleges of the country compared to 15% of African Americans and 27% of the White Americans. In the period from 1970 to 1980, the number of Indian students in a different type of higher educational institutions of the United States increased only by 12 thousand people. Currently, there is a relatively considerable number of Indians who achieved even scientists by degrees. By the mid-80s, for example, at the University of South Dakota 200 Indians received a master's degree, and 23 - Doctors of Sciences. It is characteristic that they all specialized in school pedagogy and techniques (problems of primary, secondary and higher education, features of adult learning, specificity of work in the state of school administration, etc.).

The need for the Indians to diversify their classes clearly expressed the forum of Indian scientists who had a place in the early 1970s, Indian from the Northern Chayenov Group D. Wu denleghz. Condeming the fact that in many reservations almost all positions, ranging from medical sisters, doctors, teachers and school educators and ending with managers, BDI staff, etc., etc., were busy non-Indians, he said: " If non-Indian can be trained in how to lead and monitor the affairs of the Indians, then why do not the Indian dispose of themselves and other Indians? " . Despite the fact that indigenous Americans enjoy significant benefits when entering higher education institutions, the level of education among the Indians is extremely low. 28 percent of Americans have a higher education - for the Indians, this indicator is only 16 percent.% Number of American Indian Indian residents at the age of 25 and older who have the highest degree degree (Master, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor Medicine or Doctor of Law): 50,500 people.

72) Indians speak native language?

The overwhelming majority of the Indians speak English as a basic language, although some know their native language. When Europeans for the first time arrived at the American continent existed 350 Indian languages.

73) In what languages \u200b\u200bdo the Indians say?

The exact number is not calculated, but it is known that they say about 200 languages. Indian languages \u200b\u200bare classified geographically, not linguistically, since they do not belong to one language family. The number of people aged 5 years and older who speak in the language of one of the indigenous peoples of North America: 381,000 people. The most common of all languages \u200b\u200bof indigenous peoples of North America is Navaoj's language, which speaks 178,014 people.

74) The languages \u200b\u200bof the Indians continue to dying and how they save them?

Yes. Basically, only elders speak native languages. Communities take care of the introduction of training in Native Indian language to school programs, books and methodological benefits are published, some languages \u200b\u200bare taught at universities. Recently, researchers have increasingly talking about the revival of interest of Indian youth to culture and ancestors.

75) Indians had writing?

To European colonization writing in the Indians existed in the form of pictographic.

76) Indians have religion?

There is no single religion. Each people have their own religion, their traditional practices. Many indigenous Americans believe in the Great Spirit, which manifests themselves through nature and affects life. Everyday life is filled with numerous spirits. In the 19th century, the indigenous Americans have lost many of their religious customs, the colonists have paid them into Christianity, sending children to missionary schools, forbiving many rites.

77) How many Christians among the Indians?

In the 1990s, more than two thirds of the native Americans pointed to their belonging to Christians. Others united Christian beliefs with their native religion. There are among Indians and Muslims.

78) Indians are free now in the practice of their religions?

Until the 1930s, the United States prohibited Indian religious rites, including the dance of perfume, the dance of the Sun and the Cult of Peyot. In 1978, Congress adopted a law on religious freedom for Indians in his first section states that from now on the United States policies will be the protection of traditional religions "American Indians, Eskimos, Aleuts and Indigenous Hawaiians" in several fields, "including unlimited access to rites, Storage and use of sacred objects and freedom of prayer through traditional ceremonies. " Section The second obliges the Government to follow its policies and practice, consulting with Indian traditionalists and report annually to Congress, as an act is carried out.

79) Where are the Indians pray?

The followers of the Indian spirituality at all do not consider their practice to religion and they do not need any buildings to send their prayers, because prayers have various forms, including songs, and dancing, tobacco and corn flour offerings.

80) What is Pau-Wau?

The word "Pau-wow" came from Narraganzette. This is a holiday of reverence of sacred Indian traditions through dancing, drum fighting, singing and a meeting of people. Pau-Wow can be held in honor of individuals or for special occasions. Most often, Pau-Wow is a social event.

81) Non-Indians may be present on Pau-Wau?

There are ceremonial Pau-Wow that are closed to others, but on public Pau-wow, non-Indians welcome guests.

82) Where do the Indians take the eagle feathers?

Eagles are under state security, but feathers are available for religious Indian practices from eagles that die natural death or by chance.

Translation and additions: Alexander Caksi * Two wolves *. Editorial Text: Christina Makhova.

tagPlaceHolder.Tags: questions

Vulbaeva Botagoz Amzholovna,

Psychologist teacher

State communal treasury

enterprises "Children's pre-school organization

3 cities of Aksai Akimat Education

Bulinsky district of the West Kazakhstan region

Classes - training

"We are courageous Indians!"


Form of work: Classes - training"We are courageous Indians!"

Group: senior Group "Chamomile"



Preliminary work:

Visual material:

Bilingual component: people - ate -nation

Courage - battle -daring

Traditions - Dosst V.- tradition

Stages of activity

Personal Action - Psychologist

Actions of children

Motivational and motivating

Today you are today

Waiting for an occupation-game

There will be many transformations

Very different adventures

We will play in the Indians

We find out very much

Chika, Chika, Chika boom, boom

Chika, Chika, Chika boom

Chika, Chika boom, boom!

Ha! Ha!

Ahh ... .. !!! UU ...... !!!

And I!!! AND I!!! AND I!!! U !!!

Children answer chorus "Yes!"

Organizational search

Slide number 1 - Slide number 2. Slide number 3.

Slide number 4.

Slide number 5.

Slide number 6.

Vanchain Nopa-Yamni Top

There were three cyclop

Three cyclopa on the mountain

In a very small hole

Zapap-Sappa Ishdasha

I wanted to eat

On the hunt with an ax

The worst came out

Vanchain Nopa-Yamni Top

Here are two cyclopes

With tomahawk and spear

The oldest came out!


Medium crying at the threshold

Publishes outstay

Just not coming out!

Vanchain Nopa-Yamni Top

The mystery of the third cyclopa

Is that he is she -

Mom younger cyclopa

And for the older - wife!

Ishundush - on top of the mountain

Slide number 7.

Slide number 8.

The music of world turbans of the Indians sounds, children play drums

Children semi-circle sit on the carpet around the sacred fire

Children look at the screen

Children dancing the ritual dance of the Indians

It is chosen by the leading, all together are pronounced the reader of the Indians "Dakota"

The child on whom he pointed out the leading should hide in Wigwam, carefully listen and call who called him.

Children rip the elements (from salt dough) on the laces

Children call positive features of a child sitting on the throne

Children lay on individual mats, closed eyes, relax

Children talk about their feelings


And now the guys thank each other for a beautiful game. Grasp your hands, let's see each other in the eyes, let's say thanks to the eyes. Let's finish our classes in words:

We are all friendly guys

We are the guys reoxoith.

No one offended. How to care we know.

I will not throw anyone in trouble. Do not take away, but ask.

Let everyone be fine, will be joyful, light!

Children remember what games and exercises were held with them in the lesson and discuss what they most liked.

They say goodbye to guests, under fun music leave the hall.

Expected Result:

Know: about life, about life, about the people's music of the Indians.

Have: interest in the life and culture of the Indians.

To be able to: co-overlook, get rid of psycho-emotional clamps, express through dancing, to be tolerant in relation to their peers, improving self-esteem.

Classes - training

"We are courageous Indians!"


organized learning activities

Form of work: Classes - training"We are courageous Indians!"

Group: senior Group "Chamomile"

Purpose: to acquaint children with life, life, folk music of people living in North America - Indians, the upbringing of tolerance, cause interest in the life and culture of Indians.

Tasks: To form a positive relationship in the group, to remove psycho-emotional clamps, develop a sense of cohesion, co-recovery ability, teach children a self-expression in dancing through musical and rhythmic movements, develop imagination, empathy.

Preliminary work: The conversation "Where did the Indians come from?", "Myths and the legends of the Indians",consider illustrations, photographs, slides with the image of the Indians, listening to ritual music, tricks made of salted dough for amulets.

Visual material: headgear with feathers, Wigwam, Tuben, Drums (from tin cans), Indian costume, crafts from salt dough (multicolored), masks, bonfire (from firewood and gaffered paper), paints, wet wipes. Tape recorder (Music videos "Ethnic Music of Indians", "Dance of Spirit", "Flight of the Soul", "Latin America", "Shamann Drums", Multimedia Projector

Bilingual component: people - ate -nation

Courage - battle -daring

Traditions - Dosst V.- tradition

Guests came to us today! To them now you turn! Smile! Make friends!

Today you are today

Waiting for an occupation-game

There will be many transformations

Very different adventures

We will play in the Indians

We find out very much

My friends, want to turn into real Indians?

And for this we must commit the rite of reincarnation. Repeat the ancient tribal spell

Wow! AND! Wow! AND! Chika, Chika, Chika boom

Chika, Chika, Chika boom, boom

Chika, Chika, Chika boom

Chika, Chika boom, boom!

Ha! Ha!

Ahh ... .. !!! UU ...... !!!

And I!!! AND I!!! AND I!!! U !!!

And when the Indians do it particularly welcome each other, what do they say? ("About metako ash") What does this mean? (all around the brothers)

Greeting: Prophoving the words "About Metako Ash" and the implementation of the gesture - raising the right revealed palm)

How to go? All this opinion? All without exception? Are we anything else? We are Indians - in! I am a black and white tribe feather greeting you valiant warriors!

What should be a real Indian? (smart, fast, clever, bold, strong, persistent, cleaner, smart, attentive and observant) if you agree with that and do not be afraid of the test, I ask you

Children under the merry (ethnic music of the Indians) enter the hall, welcome guests in three languages \u200b\u200b"Good morning, friends! ArmaMyndar, Lost! GoodMorning!

Children answer chorus "Yes!"

Children become each other, go in a circle, repeat the psychologist

All the choir pronounces the extent of Aaa-aaa-aa-A, rhythmically overlapping the palm airflow

Children say "About Metako Ash!", Raise the right revealed palm, after which everyone hug

- Guests came to us today! To them now you turn! Smile! Make friends!

Today you are today

Waiting for an occupation-game

There will be many transformations

Very different adventures

We will play in the Indians

We find out very much

My friends, want to turn into real Indians?

And for this we must commit the rite of reincarnation. Repeat the ancient tribal spell

Wow! AND! Wow! AND! Chika, Chika, Chika boom

Chika, Chika, Chika boom, boom

Chika, Chika, Chika boom

Chika, Chika boom, boom!

Ha! Ha!

Ahh ... .. !!! UU ...... !!!

And I!!! AND I!!! AND I!!! U !!!

And when the Indians do it particularly welcome each other, what do they say? ("About metako ash") What does this mean? (all around the brothers)

Greeting: Prophoving the words "About Metako Ash" and the implementation of the gesture - raising the right revealed palm)

How to go? All this opinion? All without exception? Are we anything else? We are Indians - in! I am a black and white tribe feather greeting you valiant warriors!

What should be a real Indian? (Smart, fast, clever, bold, strong, persistent, material, smart, attentive and observant) If you agree with this and do not be afraid of the tests, I ask you all together to portray the combat cry of the Indians (Clean).

Brave Indians to raise the morale, I suggest you, listening to music, play the drums! All ready?

And now I suggest you sit down with a semicircle around the sacred fire. Meets mine! What do you think who gave the Indians their name?Slide number 1 - In 1492, the famous navigator Christopher Columbus went into the world journey and got to the new continent. This was America. Columbus himself thought that his ships were moored to the shores of India. Therefore, he called the Aboriginal (locals) Indians.Slide number 2. - Indians settled American continent for several millennia ago. Among the tribes in numbers you can select Aztecs, Pueblo, Apache.Slide number 3.

For Indians, nature is this sacred live book, through which the Great Spirit communicates with them. Flying bird, running the beast, a busting of the wind, the noise of foliage, floating the cloud - all these live signs are symbols that Indian reads as we let's and words.

Slide number 4.

The most important person in the Indian tribe was Shaman - a person marked with a special gift to communicate with spirits.Slide number 5.

Dances had an important religious value. It was believed that with the help of a dance - spells establish contact with "spirits" (the ethnic music of the Indians "Dance of the Spirit" sounds)

Slide number 6.

All the Indians are very friendly, they live in Wigwams, which are made from the skin of Bizonon. Men go hunting, and women are engaged in economy and children. Indians have a very good rumor. They can always guess who calls them. Now we will play the game "Who called?" And we will choose the familiar to us by the Indian count

Vanchain Nopa-Yamni Top

There were three cyclop

Three cyclopa on the mountain

In a very small hole

Zapap-Sappa Ishdasha

I wanted to eat

On the hunt with an ax

The worst came out

Vanchain Nopa-Yamni Top

Here are two cyclopes

With tomahawk and spear

The oldest came out!


Medium crying at the threshold

Publishes outstay

Just not coming out!

Vanchain Nopa-Yamni Top

The mystery of the third cyclopa

Is that he is she -

Mom younger cyclopa

And for the older - wife!

And now the leading hide in Wigwam. That I will touch, loudly calls the name of the leading.

Brave Indians! Are you curious, what does this count mean? The reader was invented on the basis of the words of the Dakota Tribe Indian language:

Nopa-Nopa-Yamni-Top - one, two, three, four

Ishundush - on top of the mountain

Ba-Vouroka - Virtuous Wife

Slide number 7.

All the Indians are very likely to decorate, but they are not easy, and the magicians, the Indians believe that they protect them from failures, help them to be strong, dexterous and fast, they are called talismans. And now we will make such jewelry with you - Talismans. Latin American music sounds)

What wonderful decorations you got, put your talismans, and let them always protect you!

Slide number 8.

The life of the Indians is very interesting, but every little Indian dreams of growing and become the leader of the tribe, wise, brave, strong, beautiful, kind, I suggest you a few minutes to become a leader. Outcasting "Magic Throne"

Hay! Tula! Yumba! Hay! Tula! Yumba! Apinaau-kei! Apinaua Kay! I am an Indian better than everyone! I love humor! Love laughter! In our sunny wigwam, they were all a long time! Know adults and children the best I am in the world!

It's time to relax and relax.

Relaxation "Magic Flower of Good" (video show accompanied by beautiful music)

Valorous Indians! What did you feel when you closed your eyes? Did you manage to relax?

Meets mine! I want to ask you a question. Why did the Indians paint face? With coloring, the Indians protected their skin from the Sun. The smell of paint was distilled off from people of corporate flies. And the coloring page made it possible to understand what tribe belonged to Indian, and how many feats made. I suggest you to make creative work to paint the masks and give them to your loved ones and relatives, as well as our guests. So that the masks brought them good luck and success!