
History of creating a shock installation. Impact musical instruments What is a drum on

Date: 18-11-2015, 21:31

Briefly about the story:

The drums existed in the ancient state of the Sumer. It was about 2,000 BC. During the excavations that took place in Mesopotamia, the first percussion instruments were found. They had a cylindrical shape. The drum in the ancient world was used to serve signals, and he also accompanied dancing, rites, military hiking.

The drum came to Europe from the Middle East. His prototype was borrowed from Arabs in Palestine and in Spain. The drum has a long history. Therefore, what only the drums today are not! They are distinguished by forms, sizes, material.

In the Russian army, the drum is first mentioned when taking Kazan. It was 1552 years old. Then, among the Russian military, the tambourines were popular, or as they also called the chips. These are covered with leather copper boilers. Nears have always been tied by the saddle in front of the rider. They beat into these drums not by drum chopsticks, and the handle of the plenty. The chips shared on large and small. Small tambourines were distributed to the chiefs of small detachments, and the big were transported by horses, eight people beat them.

Drums have their own classification. They are divided into types.

Turkish drum (big). It is mostly bilateral. It is hit by a big beater with a soft tip. The sound of such a drum is deaf, pretty low and very strong. Therefore, a large drum is designed for a single impact. It was first used on military processions, and then switched to the opera orchestra.

Small drum. This is a tool with two leather membranes that are stretched to the lowest cylinder. Along this cylinder are strings. It is they who give the drum roofing, a rattling shade. Musicians playing on a small drum, mainly use a fraction. They hit with wooden chopsticks with small thickening at the end. In the Opera Orchestra it was not immediately introduced, approximately in the XIX century. Today, a small drum is a major tool in jazz groups.

Bass-drum is the largest of the drums. It has a very low sound. It is he who sets the rhythm, adapt to it

Impact tools are the most ancient on the planet.

The drums appeared at the dawn of humanity, and the history of their creation is very interesting and too different, so we will pay attention to its basic aspects.

Different civilizations used drums or similar tools in order to execute music, warn about danger or instruct armies during hostilities. Therefore, the drum was the best tool for performing such tasks, because it is easy to make it, creates a lot of noise and its sound spreads well to long distances.

For example, American Indians used made from pumpkins or dried drums for various ceremonies and rituals or raising combat spirit in military campaigns. The first drums appeared about six thousand years before our era. When excavations in Mesopotamia were found alone from the oldest shock tools made in the form of small cylinders, and the origin of which dates back to the third millennium BC.

The rock paintings found in Peruvian caves suggest that the drums used for various aspects of social life, but most often the drums were used in religious rites. It consists of a drum from a hollow body (it is called a bowl or a ride) and membranes stretched from both sides.

To adjust the drum, the membrane was tightened by animal cores, ropes, and later steel fasteners began to use. In some tribes, it was customary to use the skin membrane from the body of a killed enemy, since these times went into unprecedented, and now we use various plastics made of polymeric compounds.

At first, the sound from the drum was removed with their hands, and later began to use rounded sticks.

The drum setting was made by tightening the membranes, as mentioned above, by the veins, rods and later with the help of metal tension fasteners, which stretched or weakened the membrane, and due to this the sound of the drum changed its tone. At different times and different peoples were absolutely no similar to the tools.

And in connection with this, there is a reasonable question, as it has become possible that completely different cultures, with their unique drums, united in one, so say the "standard" set, which we use today, and which is universally suitable for the fulfillment of the music of different styles and directions ?

Small drum and tom-toms (Snare Drum & Tom-Toms)

Looking at the standard installation, it is likely that many think that tom languors are the most ordinary drums, but not so simple. Tom languages \u200b\u200bcome from Africa and they called tamamama truly. They used their aborigine sound in order to bring tribes into combat readiness, transfer an important message, as well as for the execution of ritual music.

The drums from hollow trunks of trees and animal skins were manufactured. And the most interesting thing is that Africans have created various samples of rhythmic drawings, many have become the basis for various styles of music that we perform today.

Later, when the Greeks fell into Africa, about two thousand years BC. They learned about the African drums and were very surprised by the powerful and strong sound of tom volumes. Some drums they took with them, but did not find a special application for them, the drums were used very often.

Some time later, the Roman Empire led the struggle for new lands, and Catholics moved to the crusade. Approximately 200 years before er, their troops invaded Greece and North Africa.

They also learned about African drums and unlike Greeks, they really found the use for drums. They began to use in military orchestras.

But at the same time, using African drums, Europeans did not use their rhythms, since they did not have such a sense of rhythm, which was developed by Africans in their music. Times changed and here for the Roman Empire came bad times, she collapsed, and numerous tribes invaded the empire.

Bass Drum (Bass Drum)

This is the largest, low-gone and vertically vertically drum, which is the basis for all rhythms, can be said by the foundation. With it, it is formed by rhythm, it is the starting point for the entire orchestra (group), and for all other musicians.

We must be grateful for such a tool to the Hindus and the Turks who have long used him in their practice. Approximately 1550 bass drum falls into Europe from Turkey.

In those days, the Turks had a great kingdom and their trading routes were laid by the world. The military orchestras of the Turkish army used a large drum in music. His powerful sound conquered many, and it became fashionable to use this sound in musical works, and thus the drum spread across Europe and conquered it.

From 1500 of our era, most Western European countries tried to conquer America in order to create their settlements there. There sent many slaves from their colonies to trade: Hindus, Africans, and thus in America there were many diverse peoples in America, and everyone had their own eaves. In this large boiler, the mass of ethnic rhythms and the shock tools themselves were stirred.

Blackwood slaves from Africa mixed with local people, as well as with everyone who arrived in this country.

But they were not allowed to fulfill their indigenous music, which is why they had to create a kind of recruitment of drums with the addition of their national instruments. And no one could guess that this drums by origin are African.

Who needs music of slaves? No one, and therefore, no one knew the true origin of the drums and rhythms who were played on them, black slaves were allowed to use such drum kits. In the 20th century, more and more people began to get involved in playing instruments, many began to study African rhythms and execute them because they are very good and incended!

Increasingly began to use the plates for the game, their size increased, and the sound has changed.

Over time, Chinese languages \u200b\u200bthat were previously used were replaced by Afro-European drums, Hay Hat's plates increased in the amount to play with chopsticks. Thus, the drums transformed and have the form, almost like that we have now.

With the advent of electrical musical instruments, like an electric guitar, electrician, electric violin, etc., people have come up with the same set of electronic shock tools.

Instead of wooden risks with a different set of leather or plastic membranes, flat pads with microphones were made, they were connected to a computer, which can reproduce thousands of sounds that imitate any drums.

So you can select those sounds from the data bank that you need for your style of music. If you combine two sets of drums (acoustic and electronic), you can mix both of these sounds, and get unlimited possibilities for creating a sound palette in a musical product.

Of all the above, you can make a clear conclusion: modern drumset was not invented by some individual at a certain time, in some place.

This line has evolved during the early part of the 20th century, and has been brought to perfection, both musicians and tools manufacturers. By the 1890s, the drummers began to fit the drums of the traditional military orchestra for the game on the scene. We experimented with the accommodation of a small drum, bass barrels and volumes so that there was an opportunity for one person to play all the drums at the same time.

At the same time, Novoorlean musicians developed a game style based on collective improvisation, which we now call the word jazz.

William Ludwig Small Drum Released 1910 Pedal Master Ludwig

In 1909, the drummer and manufacturer of the drum tools William F. Ludwig made a truly first pedal for the baz drum. Although for several years, there were other mechanisms managed by foot or manually, but the Pedal Ludwig allowed to play the bass drum to the foot more quickly and easily, freeing the player's hands to concentrate attention on a small drum and other tools.

By 1920, Novoorlean drummers used a set consisting of a bass drum with a plate attached to it, a small drum, Chinese tom tomas, cow bells (COWBELL), and small Chinese plates.

Such sets, often with the addition of sirens, whistles, birds, etc. used drummers playing watervilles, restaurants, circuses, and other theatrical actions.

At the beginning of the 1920s, appeared on the stage "Charleston" pedal. This invention consisted of a foot pedal attached to the rack to which small plates were put.

Another name of the pedal "Low Boy" or "Sock Plates". Approximately from 1925, the drummers began to use the Charleston pedal for playing in the orchestra, but its device was very low and a plate of small diameter. And now since 1927, improved "high hats", or Hi Hat appeared. The rack for Hat has become higher and made it possible to play the drummer to play with hands, or combine versions.

By the 1930s, the set of drums included the bass drum, a small drum, one or several volume volumes, Zildjian "Turkish" plates (better resonant and more musical than Chinese plates), a bell with a cow neck (Cowbell) and wooden blocks. Of course, each drummer could collect its own combination. Many used a variety of additions, such as vibrafon, bells, gongs and much more.

During the 1930s and 1940s, manufacturers of drums more carefully developed and selected the components of the shock installation, in order to respond to all requests for popular drummers. The racks became stronger, the suspended equipment is more convenient, the pedals worked faster.

In the mid-1940s, with the advent of new musical directions and styles in the drum kit, minor changes were made. Bass drum has become less, plates, slightly increased, and in general, the kit remained unchanged. Drumset began to grow again at the beginning of the 1950s, from the moment when they began to use the second bass drum.

At the end of the 50s, Evans and Remo mastered the production of plastic membranes, thereby freeing the drummers from the fighters sensitive to the weather of calf skins.

To strengthen the sound of the drums, which began to drown out guitars connected to amplifiers, in the 60s of the rock drummers began to use deeper and voluminous drums.

Impact installation is one of the oldest musical instruments. The first drums appeared about 6,000 years before our era. The current impact set is different from those that were before. Each it element deserves separate attention.


Bass-drum can not be viewed without its main element - pedals. Its invention also passed through numerous stages before it became such as we used to see it at the present time. Read about the history of the creation of pedals for bass drum.

Bass Barrel is the largest and low-viscing element of the shock installation. It was invented by Hindus and Turks. They have long used him in their rituals. In April 15, the bass drums found out in Europe. He was brought there from Turkey.

In many Turkish military orchestras, a large drum was used, which published a very strong bass sound, which fits out all listeners. Later, such a sound became stylish, and many European musical teams adopted him into their creativity.

Small drum and volumes

Many believe that volumes are the most modern drums, but it is not quite so. They were created in Africa, they were named otherwise - "there-Tama." The natives used them to bring their tribe to military readiness. The Africans have created many classic rhythmic drawings that modern musicians play and to this day in various styles of music.

The small drum is very similar to the volumes, only it is stretched above, and also has a stroy in its structure. Its progenitors can also be considered Africans and the 19th century military orchestras.


Initially, the plates tried to apply in music as an experiment and for fun. This happened in the 20th century mainly in America, when people massively began to be interested in African rhythms and searched for a new sound. Later, realizing that the plates are very well complemented by any genre of music, iron producers began to create various variations of the plates, thus the High-Hat, Ride, Crash, Chain, Right, etc. appeared.

The oldest shock tools were found after the excavations of archaeologists in Mesopotamia. Also in Peruvian caves, the researchers discovered the rock paintings on which the drums participating in religious rites were depicted. Each civilization used drums for various purposes: Some - as rituals, others - to raise the combat spirit during the war.

Initially, the drums were played with their hands and later began to use sticks. The tuning of the drums occurred by pulling membranes by ropes.

With the development of technologies and with the advent of the electric guitar at the end of the 20th century, an electronic shock installation was invented.

Summing up, we can conclude that the impact unit was not invented by someone specifically. This musical instrument was created by centuries.

To date, the impact setting is an indispensable tool of most songs, and drummers - in demand by musicians of any genre.

Drum - Musical instrument from the drum family. Most peoples are distributed in many musical ensembles. The performer on the drum - drummer.

A typical representative is a membrane drum, consisting of a hollow corps-resonator of a particular shape or frame, to which a leather or plastic membrane is stretched. Its tension adjusts the relative height of the sound. The hull of the drum is made of wood, metal (steel, brass), acrylic plastic or even clay.

The sound is removed by a blow on the membrane with a wooden beater with a soft tip, a stick, brushes, hands, and sometimes friction. To use multiple tools at the same time, the drums are collected in the shock installation.

Types of drums

The modern orchestra may include the following drums:

Big drum (Turkish drum) - bilateral, less often one-sided. It is played by a massive beater with a soft tip; His sound is strong, deaf and low. In addition to the beater, sometimes used sticks, sweatshops, etc. The main purpose of the Big Drum is single blows (from Pianissimo to such a Fortissimo thunder discharge). European composers have a large drum first applied in the military orchestra; From the beginning of the XVIII century - in the opera. The predecessor of the Big is the Turkish drum used in the "Yanychar Music". A large drum is often used to simulate it. The bass drum has a little smaller size than a large (concert) drum - 20-22 "(50-56 cm). Enters the impact installation, they play legs on it using the pedal.

Small drum - with two membranes stretched to a low cylinder. Along the lower membrane, strings are stretched (from 10 to 34, depending on the application), which give the sound dry roofing, rolling and rattling tint. When the strings are disconnected with a special lever, this characteristic crack disappears. The game is based on rudiments: fraction, fast tremolo. They play on it with two wooden chopsticks with thickening at the ends. Boots on the line (ROMSHOT) are also used, other techniques (eg, blast bits, gravity roll, characteristic of extreme music styles, or rotation of sticks in the marching orchestras). Using a set of small drums of various sizes, when playing - put on the stand, in the Marshav orchestra - are carrying on the belt or a special frame at the belt level. In the opera and symphony orchestra, a small drum is introduced in the XIX century; Often used in military scenes. Today is the leading tool of the rhythmic group of jazz.

Tom Tom (Do not confuse with there - there (gong)) - a cylindrical drum without strings. It comes from indigenous American or Asian peoples, was used by the Aboriginal for the military, religious purposes. Made from hollow trunks of trees and animal skins. From the beginning of the 20th century, the volume is included in the shock installation (from 2 to 4 or more pieces).

Litavra - The system (from two to seven or more) copper boilers, on which the membrane is stretched. Have a specific sound height adjustable during the game. They became known in the XV century, the orchestra entered later. In addition to the orchestra, the predecessors of the Litavre - the chips were used in cavalry, to manage the system.

Classification in shape:

  1. framework;
  2. in the form of a cup;
  3. cylindrical;
  4. boil-shaped;
  5. in the form of "hourglass";
  6. in the form of a cone.

How is the easiest way to get a sound without voice? That's right - hit by something for what is at hand.

The history of the drum tools is conducted from the depths of centuries. Primitive man knocked out rhythm using stones, animal bones, wooden bars and clay jugs. In ancient Egypt, they were knocked (played with one hand) on special wooden boards, at the festivities in honor of the goddess of Hathor music. The funeral rites, prayers against disasters were accompanied by strikes in the system - a tool like rattles in the form of a frame with metal rods. In ancient Greece, a crotone or a rattle was common, it was used to accompany the dances at various festivities dedicated to the God of winemaking.

In Africa, there are "speaking" drums that serve to transfer information over long distances by the language of rhythm and imitation of traditional tone speech. There, as well as in Latin America, rattles are currently common to maintain folk dances. Bells and plates are also drum tools.

The modern drum has a cylindrical wooden case (less often metallic), covered with two sides of the skin. You can play on the drum by hand, chopsticks or beasts covered with felt or cork. The drums are different in size (the largest reaches 90 cm in diameter) and are used by musicians depending on what sound you need to "knock out" - low or higher.

The large drum in the orchestra is necessary to underline important places in the work - strong share of tact. This is a low-sound tool. They can imitate thunder, imitate the cannon shots. Play on it with a foot pedal.

A small drum comes from combat troops and signal drums. Inside, under the skin of a small drum, tensioned metal strings (4-10 - in a concert, up to 18 in jazz). When playing strings vibrate, and a specific cracking occurs. Play on it with wooden chopsticks or metal belt. Use it in orchestras for the rhythm task. Small drum is a constant member of marches and parades.


With me hike easy to go,

With me having fun on the way,

And I'm crying, and I Buyan,

I'm ringing, round ... (drum).

Silent himself

And beat - grumbling ...