
English for children 7-8 years old. English for children in games and interesting activities

Every experienced teacher knows how difficult it is to deal with preschoolers, the attention of the kids is very difficult to keep, and even harder to get the kids to sit in one place. But, given that the children have a good memory, they remember rhymes and games that captivate them, so it is worth turning the study of English into an interesting game.

Each teacher in stock should have at least a small number of such games that will turn English lessons into enjoyable entertainment. Be sure to change the activities during the lesson so that preschoolers do not get tired and do not lose concentration.

The first English language game is called “What is missing?”. For the game you will need pictures with images of animals. Kids have a few minutes to remember. You can also ask the children to first name the animals that are shown in the pictures. The game begins when one of the students closes his eyes and the teacher removes one of the pictures.

First of all, children must learn:

  1. Think fast;
  2. Be able to choose the right answer;
  3. Learn to quickly pronounce the name of animals, etc .;
  4. Be able to describe objects;
  5. Share opinions with other participants;
  6. To be active;
  7. Timely respond and have time to respond with other participants in the game.

Other kids in the game can swap pictures. After the teacher’s words “Open your eyes and look!”, The child should open his eyes and name the picture that was removed. If the baby cannot name the picture or cannot remember the name of the animal depicted on it, the teacher may ask other students to help.

  The game can be easily modified depending on what words should be studied in such a game form. It is important that there are no more than five or seven cards, otherwise it will be difficult for children to keep more words in their memory.

Learning English can also be done with outdoor games. The next game is better to play when the children have learned a lot of teams and they are well oriented. The host should confuse the children by calling them one command, for example, clap their hands “Clap hands!”, And at the same time he can raise his hands up.

Children should be attentive and carry out only those commands that the leader says, and does not show. Such lessons can be carried out in the fresh air or as a warm-up, children are always interested in playing, and not just learning something. On the network you can find a video with such a game and see how it goes in a team of children.

Children can play the Crocodile game on their own, the teacher can only observe or act as a judge. It’s very good to use this game, going through the theme of animals, so for kids their names will be better deposited in memory.

It is very simple to play, the leader must show any animal without making sounds, and the children will have to guess it. Whoever guesses, the word itself becomes the lead. On the Internet there are a huge number of similar video games, you can watch to know how to practice the game in the classroom.

If the lessons are held in a group with a large number of children, then learning the English language can be carried out using the “Change places” game. From it can participate from eight children who sit down so that a circle forms. Each of the children is issued cards that need to be duplicated, each picture must have at least one dubbing.

The teacher reads the words that are shown on the cards, and the children who hold cards with this word in their hands will have to switch places. The task of each child to independently perceive a word by ear and compare it with what is shown on his card. You can also find this game on video and evaluate it for working with it in the classroom.

There is another fun and moving game, which is easy to diversify the lessons on which it is studied. english. This game can even be used during open lesson   and record on video. Children should sit on a carpet or high chairs in a circle. The more kids will participate, the better.

One of the children is chosen as a leader and he goes in a circle, uttering the same word and at the same time touches the shoulder of each of those sitting in a circle. For example, the leader can say “Big, big, big, little!” As soon as the leader says “little,” one of the children touched by the leader along with the utterance of this word will have to catch up with the leader before he runs through a circle of seated players and take up free space.

  •   , and during the game they remember new information much better than during simple boring exercises.
  • On the Internet you can find a sufficient number of videos with games for children who learn English. They should be put into practice and then your students will please you with new achievements and successes.

It is easier for children to hold attention and maintain interest in learning activities if the training takes place in a playful way. If a child practices English while playing, this will strengthen his linguistic knowledge, replenish his vocabulary and retain motivation.Games for children   bright colorful, informative and fascinating.

The list of the most interesting sites for learning English and other foreign languages   children:

This game is quite simple, contains various topics and is designed for a younger audience. The site provides an opportunity to learn about 70 different foreign languages.

Interesting and colorful online games that teach English are developed by the University of Cambridge and are designed for the level from Elementary to Advanced.

This is an interesting online language learning game. They are located on the British site. A feature of these games are linguistic puzzles, they also allow you to replenish your vocabulary and improve your grammar. Designed games for people with Elementary knowledge.

Lingualeo is an interesting and effective way to learn English. Before starting to learn the language, it is proposed to take a test, during which the level of language proficiency is determined and a special training program is selected. The game involves a lion cub Leo, who earns awards, and the child thereby learns grammar, replenishes vocabulary and reads books.

A fun and exciting study of English and other foreign languages \u200b\u200b(Spanish, French, German, Italian ...) awaits you with Duolingo. There is a mobile application for iPhone and Android.

An interesting way to study grammar and replenish vocabulary, receiving as a reward for correctly completed tasks - rice!

This game for learning English is different in that it takes into account the time taken to complete the task, i.e. designed for speed. Choosing the topic, you must as soon as possible, complete one task and move on to another. Not only knowledge is important, but also the speed of thinking.

The site contains interesting and exciting games for learning English in a playful way.

This is a free site that contains a lot of games, among which there are for learning English - “Learn English”. Here are games for every taste and age, for boys and girls.

It is useful to play online games for learning foreign languages \u200b\u200bnot only for children, but also for their parents. It will not be superfluous to practice or tighten up language knowledge!

And remember that everything is good in moderation. If you devote too much time to working at a computer (tablet, smartphone, TV), it is unhealthy!

It’s not a secret for any teacher that it’s difficult to deal with children, especially for preschoolers. Children of this age have not yet developed a sense of responsibility, the obligation of academic studies; the attention of the kids is difficult to keep. At the same time, preschoolers have an excellent memory, they are happy to do what they are interested in and remember games, songs and poems that they liked. Given these psychological characteristics of the kids, every competent English teacher knows that classes with beginners should be carried out in a playful way, changing activities with an interval of about five minutes. English for children in games is a fun and exciting alternative to boring academic activities for which preschoolers are not at all ready.

Every competent teacher working with children has a whole arsenal in stock interesting games. Alternating them, it is important to remember that a calm game of attention may follow a mobile game or; that is, it is important to alternate activities so that the kids do not get tired, and their attention is not scattered.

English for children - games for quick learning

1.What is missing? - What is missing?

All children love when there is an element of competition in the game. They especially like this game, because it gives children the opportunity to show their attentiveness. The teacher puts pictures on the table with images of, for example, animals, and gives the children some time to memorize them. Alternatively, for repetition, you can first show the pictures to the children and ask them to name them (“What’s this?” - “It’s a bear”).

One child closes his eyes (the teacher’s team is “close your eyes!’ ”), The teacher hides one picture and mixes the rest. You can ask the children to shuffle the cards. After the command “Open your eyes and look!” (Or the question “What’s missing?”), The child opens his eyes and names the missing card. If the child cannot remember, you can give a hint (for example, “it's’s big and brown”) or ask the children for help.

The game can vary depending on what words are learned. You can use not only pictures, but also colored pencils or toys. It is important to consider that it is difficult for children to keep many words in their memory, so their number should not exceed six to seven.

2.Red, red, yellow! - Red, red, yellow!

Mobile, noisy and fun game. Children sit in a circle on chairs or on a carpet. The presenter goes around the outer circle, repeating one word loudly and touching the head of the seated person. At some point, he calls another word. The task of the seated child, touched by the leader at that moment, is catch him   before he has time to go around the circle and sit on the vacant seat.

3.Hands up! - Hands up!

A mobile game of mindfulness. IN kindergarten   warm-ups are often held. This game is good to conduct when the children have already learned a sufficient number of teams. Before the start of the game, you can carry out the usual warm-up so that the children repeat the commands.

The presenter’s task is to confuse the children by naming one team while performing another. For example, the presenter says “Clap hands!” (“Clap your hands”), while he himself jumps. Children should be very attentive, performing the commands that the leader calls. If the child is mistaken, he leaves the game. The most attentive becomes the leader.

4.Crocodile - Crocodile

The game not only allows you to consolidate the vocabulary on the topic "Animals", but also develops in children such a quality as artistry. The rules are simple: the facilitator portrays any animal, and the rest children guess it. You can’t make sounds, for example, meow, etc. The person who guessed the word first becomes the lead.

5.Swap places - Swap places

This game is held in large groups of children, from eight people. Children sit in a circle, the teacher gives them cards with the image of animals, fruits, etc. At the same time, all cards are duplicated, the kit must have at least two identical ones. The facilitator calls a word, and the children who heard their word should switch places.

Obviously, English for beginners, preschool children, can be a favorite pastime in the kindergarten. Kids are a grateful audience for creativity, so preparing for classes gives the teacher a great opportunity to reveal their creative potential.

Many adults and children learn english . Our family is also passionate about studying it. Our interest arose because our daughter started learning English at school. Zlata, a 5th grade student, talks about her personal experience in learning foreign languages.

Now the English language is generally accepted - they understand it in any country. Some parents begin to teach their children English from an early age using new-fashioned methods or with tutors in a variety of schools ...

Learn English

But for some children, acquaintance with English begins only at school. And here they have to tight! After all, a sea of \u200b\u200bnew information will flood over them, which must not only be learned, but also understood.

Today I want to tell how I learned English from scratch.

I will start with my history of acquaintance with foreign languages.

I became interested in foreign languages \u200b\u200bfrom the age of three. My dad speaks German fluently and he taught me the simplest words "mom-dad-grandmother-grandfather-hello-goodbye."

In childhood, interests change quickly and I abandoned the German language, seriously interested in reading and modeling.

When I was 4 years old, my mother took me to English courses, but I did not like them.

I resumed acquaintance with languages \u200b\u200bat the age of five. I was given the video courses “English with Piggy and ...” I began to actively study the manuals, but after watching several episodes, I was tired of it, and again I abandoned the languages.

Soon, I enrolled in a music school, where I had to learn terms in Italian and works in Ukrainian. But, although I really liked the music school, I had to take a break until the second grade, because after recording in a music school I broke my arm - I had to interrupt classes.

And now it's time to go to secondary school. When I found out that German, French and Italian were not taught at our place, it upset me. As a naive child, I thought I already knew these three languages. The fact that languages \u200b\u200bare very complex sciences, I realized a little later.

I moved to the second grade, and in the second grade, they begin to study English. Our teacher was kind - she put fives to everyone who did their homework. And our homework was very simple: write letters, which I naturally did easily.

But, from time to time, the teacher asked additional difficult questions that she did not evaluate. But I evaluated myself myself, because in my studies I always strive to be the first. I couldn’t always answer some questions and this upset me very much. I was particularly offended by the fact that some classmates who were additionally engaged in a school of foreign languages \u200b\u200bknew the answers to the teacher's questions.

Learning English just by writing letters is impossible. I realized that there are few school classes to learn a foreign language, so I decided .

To begin with, I began to memorize words in a wonderful program. The program is wonderful, with its help, in a year I learned about four thousand words.

Then I began to learn the language with cards "Two - no!" With their help, I consolidated the words learned in VX MEMO. I did not just consider these cards. We played cards with the whole family, organizing real competitions with their help: we took a card and tried to say its transfer faster than other players.

Finally, I began to study grammar with the book “ Modern Encyclopedia elementary school. English language ”G. P. Shalaeva . A convenient book, in which there are quite a few examples of colloquial speech, words - exceptions, rules, puzzles.

The VX MEMO program, cards and grammar books were enough for me to catch up and overtake my class. Now at each lesson I received not only five for homework, but also 2-3 fives for work in the lesson.

English really interested me. And in the third grade I started reading English literature. I read about 20 books in English, including several books on.

English interested me more and more and my parents enrolled me in private lessons with a tutor. Soon, I began to speak English quite fluently.

In addition to English, I began to study French a little.

In the fourth grade, I decided that it was no longer necessary to deal with a tutor, as I found a wonderful service (LinguaLeo).

The service fascinated me so much that I studied English all my free time. I watched a video, listened to audio, read texts.

The training has paid off. From the fourth grade, we began the Olympiads in English. I took first place among six parallel classes. True, I was not alone in the first place. It turned out that I scored one point more than another girl from the parallel, but the jury found this difference not significant - I awarded the first place to two at once.

Shortly after the Olympics, I came across the Polyglot reality show. The show seemed very interesting to me, and I began to watch it. Here you can easily and simply learn the grammar of the language, new words. I recommend everyone to watch it and feel how your English will improve. Mine, for example, has improved very much. I realized this on vacation in Turkey, when I was able to make foreign friends with whom we spoke English. These were residents of Serbia, Germany, England, France and Macedonia.

I wish you all success in learning foreign languages, because learn english on your own   easy and interesting.