
Oleg vasilievich volkov plunge into darkness. Oleg Volkov: Immersion in darkness Oleg Volkov immersion in darkness review

1900, January 21... - Born in the Tver province into a noble family. Father - Vasily Alexandrovich Volkov, director of the board of the Russian-Baltic factories, mother Alexandra Arkadyevna- from the clan of the Lazarev naval commanders. Sister - Natalya (married to Golitsyn), brother - Vsevolod.

1917. - Graduated from the Tenishevsky school. Preparation for entering the university.

1917-1919. - Family life on the estate (Nikolskaya volost, Novotorzhsky district, Tver province).

1922-1928. - Work as a translator in the Nansen Mission, for the Associated Press correspondent, for the concessionaires, in the Greek embassy.

1924. - Marriage with Sofia Vsevolodovna Mamontova (1904-1991). The birth of his daughter Maria (1924-2005), married Ignatchenko.

1928, February. - The first arrest of O.V. Volkova. Internal prison of the NKVD in Moscow. Butyrskaya prison. G.M. Osorgin.

1928-1929. - The verdict of the Special Meeting at the NKVD: 3 years in labor camp. Stage to Solovki. Kem transit point. Solovetsky special purpose camp. Conditions of detention in the camp. Clergy. Musavatists. Sectarians. Yakuts. Work as a statistician of the medical unit.

1920s - Expulsion of my sister from Leningrad.

1929-1931. - Work as a translator of technical literature.

1931, March. - The second arrest, together with his brother Vsevolod. Prison of the Tula NKVD. The investigation of the peasants. Hunger strike. Free brother (died during the construction of the White Sea-Baltic Canal). Transfer to the Tula regional prison.

1931, autumn - 1933, end of summer. - Sending through the Kem transit point to Solovki. Work as an accountant of the forestry department, a stoker and a cleaner in the forestry, a laborer at a fur farm. Escape preparation.

1932. - The first arrest of his wife (the second time was arrested in 1949, she was in the camps in Mariinsk, Kaluga. Syktyvkar).

1933, end of summer - 1936. - Decree on replacing the remaining term with exile to Arkhangelsk. Arrival of the wife to exile. Work in the branch of the Research Institute of Electrification of the Timber Industry. The story of N.M. Putilova about the mass execution in Solovki. Meetings with Bishop Luka (V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky).

1935. -Birth of the son of Vsevolod.

1937, January. - The verdict of the Special Meeting under the NKVD on imprisonment in a labor camp for 5 years as a socially dangerous element.

1937, April - end of July. - Transfer to the Arkhangelsk city prison. Stage to the Kotlassky transit point.

1937-1941, June. - Ukhta camps (Komi ASSR). Working as a lumberjack in felling. Stay in a sangorodok. L.Yu. Novosiltsev. The beginning of the Great Patriotic War... Release from the camp due to the end of the term.

1941-1942, spring. - Determination of civilian employees in the geological party in Syktyvkar. Work in the deep taiga. Arrest in Ust-Kulom. Return to Knyazh-Pogost (Ukhta camps). The investigation in the camp.

1942, March - 1944, April. - Sentence: 4 years in labor camp (art. 58-10). Disease. Liberation. Choosing a place of residence in Azerbaijan.

1944, spring-1946, summer. - Arrival to Kirovobad. Work as a teacher foreign languages... Sore throat. Return to family in Maloyaroslavets.

1946-1950. - Work as a translator in Moscow publishing houses. Moving to Kaluga.

1950, spring - 1951. - Fifth arrest. Kaluga prison. The verdict of the Special Meeting at the MGB: 10 years of exile in remote regions of the USSR. Krasnopresnenskaya transit prison in Moscow. Link to Yartsevo (Krasnoyarsk Territory).

1955-1980s - Return to Moscow. Admission to the Writers' Union of the USSR (1957). Stories, essays, journalism. Work on the memoirs "Plunge into darkness".
Second marriage (1960).

1992. - Awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation.

1996, February. - O.V. Volkov. (The funeral service was held in the Church of St. Nicholas in Stary Vagankovo.)

additional information

Volkov O. V. Collected op. : in 3 volumes - M.: Encyclopedia. grew up. villages, 1994. - T. 1: Two capital cities. - 640 p. : ill.

* information outside the scope of memories are in italics

Oleg Vasilievich Volkov

Plunging into darkness

White paper of Russia

... I got up late, and on the road I was caught at night by Rome.

F.I. Tyutchev. Cicero.

And I looked, and, behold, a pale horse and on him a rider, whose name was death, and hell followed him ...

The revelation of St. John (ch. 6, verse 8)

To Olga, my daughter, I dedicate

A FEW INTRODUCTORY STROKES (instead of a preface)

... Bare whitewashed walls. The bare square of the window. Blind door, with a peephole. From the high ceiling hangs a bright, never extinguished lapel. In its blinding light, the chamber is especially empty and sterile; everything is tough and clear. Even the folds of the blanket on the flat bed felt stiff.

This light is glamor. A source of unconscious worry. One cannot isolate oneself from him, distract oneself. Whether you walk with a pendulum with turns in five steps or, whirling around, sit on a stool, your eyes, tired of the familiar drips of paint on a parasha, cracks in plaster, cracks between the floorboards, from the heads of bolts in the door counted a hundred times, turn upwards against their will, so that here same, blinded, rush to the corners. And even after the evening verification, when you are allowed to lie down and plunge into the agonizing nocturnal oblivion, through the passing half-memories, half-dreams you feel yourself in a cell, you are not free from the oppressive impossibility of leaving, getting rid of this light beating into your eyes. Soulless, obsessive, penetrating everywhere. Filling with endless fatigue ...

This nakedness of objects under constant strong illumination gives rise to heightened ideas. Reason throws away the shading, softening veils, and for short moments you see everything around you and your fate with hopelessly sober eyes. This is the same searchlight as the border guards will suddenly pull out from the darkness dark coastal stones or a sand spit protruding into the sea with gray-winged seabirds caught by surprise.

I remember that it was in this solitary confinement of the Arkhangelsk prison, where I was held for about a year, in one of the endless hours of vigil with a relentlessly guarding light bulb that erased the line between day and night, I especially mercilessly and nakedly revealed how great and formidable the "blazing abyss ... "How irresistible are the forces of evil that flooded the world! And all attempts to fence off him with the barriers of faith and myths about divine beginning life seemed pitiful, untenable.

A thought like a merciless ray ran through the pictures of past years, filled with memories of cruel persecution and reprisals. No no! It would be impossible for them to have such unbridled revelry, such exposing to shame and ridicule of the moral foundations of life, if the world was ruled by the supreme good power. With a hot iron, the concepts of love, compassion, mercy are burned out of everyday life - but the heavens did not open up ...

In the mid-thirties, during the dress rehearsals of the bloody mysteries of the thirty-seventh, I managed to go through the circles of two consequences and subsequent imprisonment in the Solovetsky camp. Now, on the verge of a third term, with all my being, my skin felt the complete impunity of violence. And if before this sudden insight - or darkening? - of hope that had chopped off my wings, with passion, intensified by persecution, I resorted to secret consolatory prayer, stubbornly held on to the faith of the fathers and was in a sacrificial mood, then after him it became impossible for me even to force myself to be baptized ... The Solovetsky camp by a priest who died later.

That was the period when clergy were dressed in camp pea coats, forcibly cut and shaved. For sending any demands they were shot. For the laity who have resorted to the help of religion, an extension of the term was introduced - a five-year "supplement". And yet, Father John, no longer the former noble priest in a cassock and with a beard, but a stooped, weak and humiliated prisoner in dirty, patched uniforms, with ugly short hair - they cut his hair and shaved him tied up - from time to time managed to get out of the zone: someone- then he got him a pass through the gates of the monastery fence. And he went into the forest.

There, in a small clearing covered with young pine trees, a group of believers gathered. The antimension and the utensils necessary for the service, which were kept with great caution by reliable and fearless people, were brought. Father John put on an epitrachelion and a phelonion, crumpled and wiped, and began in an undertone. He proclaimed and the soft singing of our timid choir was carried away to the empty northern sky; they were swallowed by the thicket that surrounded Msharina ...

It was scary to get into an ambush, we saw the Vohrovites jumping out from behind the trees - and we tried to leave with all our thoughts to the mountain intercessors. And, it happened, it was possible to get rid of the oppressive worries. Then the heart was filled with blissful peace and in every person "a brother in Christ" was perceived. Pleasant, enlightened minutes! Love and faith were seen as a weapon against hatred tearing people apart. And the legends about the first centuries of Christianity, familiar from childhood, were resurrected.

There was a miraculous connection between this handful of persecuted prisoners who listened with faith and hope to every word of Father John and the saints and martyrs born of persecution. Maybe two thousand years ago, the apostles, with the same weak and cold voice, instilled courage and hope in the doomed, frightened by the murmur of the crowd on the circus benches and the roar of predators in the vivariums, which is now so simply and sincerely admonishing us, approaching the cross, this persecuted Russian priest. Modest, unknown and great ...

We went one by one so as not to attract attention.

Three-tiered bunks under the echoing arches of a devastated cathedral, crammed with a motley people, marked with fear, ready to do anything to survive, with their strife, ferocity, abuse and squalor, very soon absorbed the vision of a swampy meadow turned into a church, pure, like a legend about Orthodox saints. But they were not forgotten ...

After all, it was not the secularized church that overcame evil, but simple words love and forgiveness, the gospel covenants, which seemed to answer the eternal craving of people for good and justice. If the right of the church to rule in the world and persecution of dissent were disputed at different times, then no state regulations, social reforms and theories have ever infringed upon the original Christian virtues. Religion and clergy were abolished and the gospel truths crucified remained unwavering. That is why faK was stunned and frightened by the openly proclaimed principles of proletarian "morality," which rejected the irrelevant notions of love and goodness.

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Oleg Vasilievich Volkov

Plunging into darkness

White paper of Russia

Oleg Volkov's autobiographical narrative covers the period from 1917 to the seventies. The book recreates the circumstances of the life of a person who was subjected to illegal persecution, but who managed to preserve a sense of human and civic dignity, love for the Motherland, who worked a lot in the field of national culture.

A few introductory touches. (Instead of a preface)

Chapter one. The beginning of a long journey

Chapter two. I am wandering

Chapter three. In Noah's Ark

Chapter four. Garrotte

Chapter five. In the land of unafraid birds

Chapter six. At the crossroads

Chapter seven. Sixty more months to live

Chapter Eight. And so, the horse is pale

Chapter nine. And the winds return to square one

Chapter ten. On the road of the Decembrists


E.F. Volodin. Afterword

I got up late, and on the road I was caught at night by Rome.

F.I. Tyutchev. Cicero.

And I looked, and, behold, a pale horse and on him a rider, whose name was death, and hell followed him ...

The revelation of St. John (ch. 6, verse 8)

To Olga, my daughter, I dedicate


(instead of a preface)

Bare whitewashed walls. The bare square of the window. Blind door, with a peephole. From the high ceiling hangs a bright, never extinguished lapel. In its blinding light, the chamber is especially empty and sterile; everything is tough and clear. Even the folds of the blanket on the flat bed felt stiff.

This light is glamor. A source of unconscious worry. One cannot isolate oneself from him, distract oneself. Whether you walk with a pendulum with turns in five steps or, whirling around, sit on a stool, your eyes, tired of the familiar drips of paint on a parasha, cracks in plaster, cracks between the floorboards, from the heads of bolts in the door counted a hundred times, turn upwards against their will, so that here same, blinded, rush to the corners. And even after the evening verification, when you are allowed to lie down and plunge into the agonizing nocturnal oblivion, through the passing half-memories, half-dreams you feel yourself in a cell, you are not free from the oppressive impossibility of leaving, getting rid of this light beating into your eyes. Soulless, obsessive, penetrating everywhere. Filling with endless weariness ...

This nakedness of objects under constant strong illumination gives rise to heightened ideas. Reason throws away the shading, softening veils, and for short moments you see everything around you and your fate with hopelessly sober eyes. This is a searchlight beam, with which the border guards will suddenly pull out from the darkness dark coastal stones or a sand spit that has sunk into the sea with gray-winged seabirds caught by surprise.

I remember that it was in this solitary confinement of the Arkhangelsk prison, where I was held for about a year, in one of the endless hours of vigil with a relentlessly guarding light bulb that erased the line between day and night, I especially mercilessly and nakedly revealed how great and formidable the "blazing abyss ... "How irresistible are the forces of evil that flooded the world! And all attempts to fence off him by the barriers of faith and myths about the divine beginning of life seemed pitiful, untenable.

A thought like a merciless ray ran through the pictures of past years, filled with memories of cruel persecution and reprisals. No no! It would be impossible for them to have such unbridled revelry, such exposing to shame and ridicule of the moral foundations of life, if the world was ruled by the supreme good power. With a hot iron, the concepts of love, compassion, mercy are burned out of everyday life - but heaven did not open ...

In the mid-thirties, during the dress rehearsals of the bloody mysteries of the thirty-seventh, I managed to go through the circles of two consequences and subsequent imprisonment in the Solovetsky camp. Now, on the verge of a third term, with all my being, my skin felt the complete impunity of violence. And if before this sudden insight - or darkening? - of hope that had chopped off my wings, with passion, intensified by persecution, I resorted to secret consolatory prayer, stubbornly held on to the faith of the fathers and was in a sacrificial mood, then after it it became impossible for me even to force myself to be baptized ... committed in the Solovetsky camp by a later deceased priest.

That was the period when clergy were dressed in camp pea coats, forcibly cut and shaved. For sending any demands they were shot. For the laity who have resorted to the help of religion, an extension of the term was introduced - a five-year "supplement". And yet, Father John, no longer the former noble priest in a cassock and with a beard, but a stooped, weak and humiliated prisoner in dirty, patched uniforms, with ugly short hair - they cut his hair and shaved him tied up - from time to time managed to get out of the zone: someone- then he got him a pass through the gates of the monastery fence. And he went into the forest.

There, in a small clearing covered with young pine trees, a group of believers gathered. The antimension and the utensils necessary for the service, which were kept with great caution by reliable and fearless people, were brought. Father John put on an epitrachelion and a phelonion, crumpled and wiped, and began in an undertone. He proclaimed and the soft singing of our timid choir was carried away to the empty northern sky; they were swallowed by the thicket that surrounded Msharina ...

It was scary to get into an ambush, we saw the Vohrovites jumping out from behind the trees - and we tried to leave with all our thoughts to the mountain intercessors. And, it happened, it was possible to get rid of the oppressive worries. Then the heart was filled with blissful peace and in every person "a brother in Christ" was perceived. Pleasant, enlightened minutes! Love and faith were seen as a weapon against hatred tearing people apart. And the legends about the first centuries of Christianity, familiar from childhood, were resurrected.

There was a miraculous connection between this handful of persecuted prisoners who listened with faith and hope to every word of Father John and the saints and martyrs born of persecution. Maybe two thousand years ago, the apostles, with the same weak and cold voice, instilled courage and hope in the doomed, frightened by the murmur of the crowd on the circus benches and the roar of predators in the vivariums, which is now so simply and sincerely admonishing us, approaching the cross, this persecuted Russian priest. Modest, unknown and great ...

We went one by one so as not to attract attention.

The three-tiered bunks under the echoing arches of the ruined cathedral, crammed with a motley people, marked with fear, ready to do anything to survive, with their strife, ferocity, abuse and squalor, very soon swallowed up the vision of a swampy meadow turned into a church, pure as a legend about Orthodox saints. But they were not forgotten ...

After all, it was not the secularized church that overcame evil, but simple words of love and forgiveness, the Gospel covenants, which seemed to answer the eternal craving of people for good and justice. If the right of the church to rule in the world and persecution of dissent were disputed at different times, then no state regulations, social reforms and theories have ever infringed upon the original Christian virtues. Religion and clergy were abolished and the gospel truths crucified remained unwavering. That is why faK was stunned and frightened by the openly proclaimed principles of proletarian "morality," which rejected the irrelevant notions of love and goodness.

Over the expanses of Russia with its churches and bell towers, from century to century reminiscent of the radiance of crosses and the voices of bells of lofty spiritual truths that called "to lift up the eyes of grief" and think about the soul, about good deeds, awakening the voice of conscience in the most hardened hearts, fiercely and mercilessly the winds were played, spreading the seeds of cruelty, turning away from spiritual quests and demanding a renunciation of Christian morality, of their fathers and traditions.

Class hatred and intransigence were preached. Denunciation and betrayal were encouraged. Laughed at the "good ones". Tolerance of other people's opinions, human sympathy and kindness were outlawed. A plunge into the abyss of lack of spirituality began, the undermining and destruction of the moral foundations of society. They were to be replaced by the norms and laws of the class struggle, which opened the way for misanthropic theories that gave rise to fascism, the tares of zoological nationalism, racist slogans that filled the pages of the history of the 20th century with blood.


Immersion in darkness (Oleg Volkov)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Oleg Volkov
Year of issue: 2011
Genre: Biographies and Memoirs
Publisher: Can't Buy Nowhere
Executor: Erisanova Irina
Duration: 20:04:55
Description: This main book by the oldest Russian writer Oleg Vasilyevich Volkov is his story about twenty-eight years spent in Soviet prisons, camps and exile. The authenticity of the events described makes the book a document recent history on a par with the "Gulag Archipelago" by A. I. Solzhenitsyn. At the same time, this is a novel of such artistic power, such a linguistic spring purity, which she has not known for a long time. domestic literature.
First of all, "Immersion in Darkness" is a book about the preservation of human dignity in inhuman conditions, about the victory human spirit over the forces of evil. This book is about the true new martyrs for the faith, who are spoken of here with great love. The book was published by the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Solovetsky Monastery. It was written by Volkov Oleg Vasilievich, born in 1900. A nobleman, a pupil of pre-revolutionary Tsarist Russia, a famous Russian writer of an extraordinary spirit. A man who miraculously survived the Bolshevik meat grinder. He had to go through the circles of hell in order to see his sight and find inner freedom. 27 years of prisons, camps and exile. With excellent clarity of mind, he lived to be 97 years old. Became a legend of the 21st century. After his death, they wrote about him - “His death, in spite of his advanced age, is staggering. The fortress that protected us fell. Now you have to yourself "...

Read by edition: M. Soviet writer 1989
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Oleg Vasilievich Volkov (1900-1996) - Russian prose writer, publicist, memoirist. Published under the pseudonym Osugin, which in a number of sources (including Wolfgang Kazak) is named as real surname.
His father was the director of the board of the Russian-Baltic factories, his mother was from the Lazarev family (granddaughter of Admiral Lazarev). He grew up in St. Petersburg and on his father's estate in the Tver province. He attended the Tenishevsky School, where the teaching of sciences and crafts was combined (he was a classmate of Vladimir Nabokov). In 1917 he entered the Petrograd University, but did not become a student. In 1917-1919 he lived on the family estate (Nikolskaya volost, Novotorzhsky district, Tver province). In 1922-28 he worked as a translator in the Nansen mission, for the Associated Press correspondent, for the concessionaires, in the Greek embassy.
In February 1928 he was arrested, refused to become an informant, was sentenced to 3 years in a camp on charges of counterrevolutionary agitation and sent to the Elephant. In April 1929, the prison term was replaced by deportation to the Tula region, where he worked as a translator of technical literature. In March 1931 he was again arrested and sentenced to 5 years in a camp on charges of counter-revolutionary agitation. Was directed to the ELEPHANT again. In 1936, the remaining term was replaced by exile to Arkhangelsk, where Volkov worked at a branch of the Research Institute for the Electrification of the Timber Industry. On June 8, 1936, he was again arrested, sentenced to 5 years in prison as a "socially dangerous element" and sent to UkhtPechLag. In 1941 he was released and began to work as a geologist in the Komi ASSR.
In March 1942 he was again arrested and sentenced to 4 years in a camp on charges of counter-revolutionary agitation. In April 1944 he was released due to disability and moved to Kirovabad, where he worked as a teacher of foreign languages, in 1946-50 he lived in Maloyaroslavets and Kaluga, worked as a translator in Moscow publishing houses. In 1950 he was arrested for the fifth time and was exiled to the village of Yartsevo (Krasnoyarsk Territory), where he worked as a carpenter and then as a trapper. In 1955 he was released from exile and came to Moscow.
Volkov became a writer and in 1957 on the recommendation of S. Mikhalkov - a member of the USSR Writers' Union. Published over a dozen books (stories, short stories and essays), and in addition translated the works of Balzac, Zola and other French writers, "Greek Civilization" by A. Bonnard. He attached particular importance to the struggle for the preservation of nature and ancient monuments; he is considered one of the founders of the Soviet environmental movement.
His autobiographical main work "Immersion in Darkness", written in the early 60s and not published by A. Tvardovsky in the magazine "New World", was first published in Paris in 1987.


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Artist: Andrey Kravets
Duration: 15:52:38
Description: What do people go to in order to achieve their goal? What are you ready to go to escape from the gloomy and dangerous world in which you find yourself? What will you do to stay with the woman you love? What will you sacrifice for her? Why, in spite of everything, man remains the most terrible enemy of man? And how can one still remain human where it is difficult for them to remain? Cycle "On the threshold of darkness" ...


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Year of issue: 1965
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Publisher: Art
Russian language
Number of pages: 180
Description: The book of the classic of Egyptology M. Mathieu is devoted to Egyptian art during the reign of the pharaohs Akhenaten and Tutankhamun. It tells about the excavations of ancient Egyptian cities, the famous tomb of Tutankhamun, about the architecture, sculpture and painting of the Egyptians. Designed for anyone interested in the culture and art of Ancient Egypt. Screenshots

but I

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Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Tatiana Shubina
Year of issue: 2002
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Publisher: Veche
Russian language
Number of pages: 256
Description: It is interesting for naughty people to live, but sometimes very troublesome. Galya did not obey and ended up in a mad space. And there ... Feisty witches, werewolves, goblins and even a serial killer. Well, why did Dima get it? He, neither in sleep, nor in spirit, did not suspect about his powerful enemies and patrons too ... And the duel between Darkness and Light began. Who has won? Only those who read this book will know about it. ...


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Format: 128kb / s MP3
Year of issue: 2010
Genre fiction
Publisher: DIY audiobook
Author: Sergey Musanif
Artist: Gennady Korshunov
Duration: 12:10:58
Description: Homer, Sophocles, Euripides, Virgil ... They wrote many words about the Trojan War, but at the end of the twenty-first century, mankind's technologies advanced so far that viewers can see the events of bygone days with their own eyes. Mighty Hector, invulnerable Achilles, cunning Odysseus, power-hungry Agamemnon, unlucky Menelaus, beautiful Elena, loving Paris, Big and Small Ajax, Aeneas the Founder ...


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Publisher: Can't Buy Nowhere
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Length: 04:40:56
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Year of issue: 2013
Genre: Novel
Publisher: Can't Buy Nowhere
Artist: Vyacheslav Gerasimov
Length: 05:50:46
Description: Debut novel by the author of The Best Country in the World and Naively. Super; it is in this book that the influence of the writer whom Lou called his teacher, Richard Brautigan, is most clearly visible. The main character falls under the power of a decisive young woman and tells in a self-ironic manner characteristic of the heroes of Lou about her joys and ordeals, losses and gains, internal evolution and attempts to remain themselves. Add. inf ...

Add. Information: Read from: M., Olma-Press, 1997
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Russian language
Number of pages: 480
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Artist: Orobchuk Sergey
Duration: 01:11:50
Description: Escaping the pursuit, Elric Melniboni and Munglam find themselves in the terrible Troos forest, where they meet the beautiful Zarinia from Karlaak. The desire to take revenge on the ogres almost ends tragically for Elric and his friends, they find themselves in the tomb of the king from under the Hill.


Ray in the dark (Chernyak S.Ya.)

Format: DjVu, Scanned pages
Author: Chernyak S.Ya.
Year of issue: 1965
Genre: documentary story, history
Publisher: Politizdat
Series: Stories about the deeds and people of the party
Russian language
Number of pages: 161
Description: "A Ray in the Dark" is a documentary story about the unknown exploits of the Kiev underground workers during the Great Patriotic War. Led by the former secretary of the party organization of the People's Commissariat of Finance of the Ukrainian SSR Grigory Kochubey, who escaped from the prisoner of war camp, the daredevils created a widely branched party organization "Death to the German invaders!" Its battle groups operated in a number of cities ...