
The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe tale is the nightingale of andersen. Encyclopedia of fairy-tale heroes: "Nightingale". The main characters of the fairy tale "Nightingale" and their characteristics

What does Andersen's "Nightingale" teach? and got the best answer

Answer from L and I [guru]
In the fairy tale "Nightingale" people communicate on equal terms with the little feathered singer. They invite him to the palace, they want to reward him for the wonderful art with money and jewelry. But it was the nightingale who managed to convince the emperor that gold is not the greatest wealth in this world. In a fairy tale, not people, but a bird understands that in real life the most valuable things are love and friendship, delight and true gratitude, because you cannot buy them for any money. And also, thanks to the writer, the emperor invented by him gets the opportunity to talk with his Death, and, consequently, to evaluate the life he lived and the deeds done over the long years of reign - "some are disgusting, others are cute." The selfless help of the nightingale and his amazing singing helped the great ruler drive away Death and change his attitude to everything that happens in his life.

Answer from Katya *******[newbie]

Answer from Daria Ershova[newbie]
In the fairy tale "Nightingale" people communicate on equal terms with the little feathered singer. They invite him to the palace, they want to reward him for the wonderful art with money and jewelry. But it was the nightingale who managed to convince the emperor that gold is not the greatest wealth in this world. In a fairy tale, not people, but a bird understands that in real life the most valuable things are love and friendship, delight and true gratitude, because you cannot buy them for any money. And also, thanks to the writer, the emperor invented by him gets the opportunity to talk with his Death, and therefore, to evaluate the life he lived and the deeds done over the long years of reign - "some are nasty, others are cute." The unselfish help of the nightingale and his amazing singing helped the great ruler drive away Death and change his attitude to everything that happens in his life.

Answer from Irina irina[active]
In the fairy tale "Nightingale" people communicate on equal terms with the little feathered singer. They invite him to the palace, they want to reward him for the wonderful art with money and jewelry. But it was the nightingale who managed to convince the emperor that gold is not the greatest wealth in this world. In a fairy tale, not people, but a bird understands that in real life the most valuable things are love and friendship, delight and true gratitude, because you cannot buy them for any money. And also, thanks to the writer, the emperor invented by him gets the opportunity to talk with his Death, and therefore, to evaluate the life he lived and the deeds done over the long years of reign - “some are disgusting, others are cute”. The selfless help of the nightingale and his amazing singing helped the great ruler drive away Death and change his attitude to everything that happens in his life.

The writing

In the fairy tale "Nightingale" there are many beautiful and outlandish things: a palace made of precious porcelain, wonderful flowers with silver bells, an artificial nightingale showered with diamonds and rubies. But the best thing is a little bird living in a nearby forest. "This is the best of all," said overseas travelers about the nightingale's singing and considered the little gray bird the "main attraction" of the great state of the Chinese emperor. All ordinary people loved her, only the emperor could not truly appreciate the bird until he was convinced himself of the power of the art of nightingale singing.
When the emperor fell ill, a living nightingale flew in to cheer and console him. With his singing, he drove away death itself, and tears appeared in the eyes of the emperor.
A live nightingale, of course, is not outwardly as beautiful as an artificial one. But his singing is beautiful, because it is a living soul who is able to be sad and happy, to understand someone else's pain, to yearn for freedom and will. She knows how to love unselfishly: “I love you for your heart more than for your crown,” the nightingale says to the emperor. Flying away, he promises the emperor to visit him: "I will sing to you about the happy and the unfortunate, about the good and the evil that lurk around you ... my song will delight you and make you think."
This is how much a little gray bird with a wonderful voice and a living soul can do!

Andersen's fairy tale "Nightingale"

Genre: fairy tale legend

The main characters of the fairy tale "Nightingale" and their characteristics

  1. Nightingale, a small, freedom-loving bird with a magical beauty of voice. I appreciated only sincerity.
  2. Emperor, he loved everything beautiful, but did not understand that a living nightingale is better than an artificial
  3. Death, at first glance cruel, turned out to be sentimental after hearing the nightingale singing
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "Nightingale"
  1. Beautiful garden near the palace
  2. Books about the nightingale
  3. The search for the nightingale in the palace
  4. Little girl in the kitchen
  5. Courtiers in the forest
  6. Nightingale gives a concert in the palace
  7. Nightingale lives in the palace
  8. Artificial nightingale from Japan
  9. Escape the nightingale
  10. Artificial nightingale breakage
  11. Emperor's disease
  12. Death and evil deeds
  13. Return of the nightingale
  14. The Emperor's Promise
The shortest content of the fairy tale "Nightingale" for the reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. A nightingale lived in the forest behind the imperial garden, whose singing was admired by all foreign guests and wrote about him in their books.
  2. The emperor reads the book and orders the nightingale to be delivered to the palace
  3. In search of the nightingale, a little girl helps and the courtiers are amazed at the voice of the nightingale
  4. The nightingale gives a concert in front of the emperor and the emperor cries
  5. An artificial nightingale replaces the real one, but soon breaks down
  6. The emperor is sick, but the nightingale returns and chases away death.
The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale "Nightingale"
Feigned admiration costs nothing, and real emotions are more valuable than anything else.

What does the "Nightingale" fairy tale teach
This fairy tale teaches us to love and appreciate the beauty of nature, teaches us to understand the beautiful, teaches that no perfect machine, made by human hands, will never replace the works of nature. This tale also teaches gratitude.

Review of the fairy tale "Nightingale"
I really like this tale. It tells about the triumph of a real nightingale, whose singing was always different, over a mechanical toy that could sing only one melody, and which could break. The emperor of China realized his mistake, he could feel sincere feelings and therefore the nightingale forgave him and helped him when he fell ill. This is a very beautiful fairy tale.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "Nightingale"
The nightingale is small, but the voice is great.
Small spool but precious
A domestic calf is better than an overseas cow.

A summary, a short retelling of the fairy tale "Nightingale"
In distant China, near the imperial palace, there was a wonderful garden in which magic bells grew. The garden was very large and even the gardener did not know where it ended. A nightingale lived in the forest behind the garden. And all the foreigners who came to the garden were amazed at the beauty of the nightingale's voice.
They returned home and wrote books about China, in which they said that the best thing there is a nightingale.
Once the emperor read a book and was surprised, because he had never heard of a nightingale. He ordered the minister to bring him a nightingale to listen to his singing.
The minister and the courtiers ran around the entire palace, but no one heard of the nightingale. And only a little girl in the kitchen said that she knew where the nightingale lived.
She led the courtiers into the forest, and they mistook the mooing of cows and the croaking of frogs for nightingale singing. But then they heard the nightingale singing and were amazed. They invited the nightingale to the palace to sing to the emperor, and the nightingale agreed.
He sang to the emperor and he was amazed, he even cried, and the nightingale said that these tears were the best reward for him.
The nightingale began to live in the palace and the courtiers watched that he did not fly away. And all the people fell in love with the nightingale.
But one day an artificial nightingale was brought from Japan, which sang only one song. The real nightingale flew away, but no one was saddened by this. Everyone in the palace fell in love with the artificial nightingale.
But soon the artificial nightingale broke down; the watchmaker repaired it, but now the nightingale was only allowed to be wound once a year.
Five years passed and the emperor fell ill. Everyone believed that he was dead, but he just lay cold and sick on his bed.
The emperor saw death and his deeds - evil and good. He begged the artificial nightingale to sing for him, but he had to be turned on. And then a real nightingale arrived. He sang his song and death receded. The nightingale promised that he would fly to the emperor and sing his songs to him, because he saw tears in the eyes of the emperor.
And the emperor recovered and greeted the stunned courtiers.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "Nightingale"

Literature lesson in grade 5

H.K. Andersen. "Nightingale": the instructive meaning of the tale

Lesson objectives: in the process of textual analysis of Andersen's fairy tale; to reveal the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe tale - the idea of \u200b\u200bimmortality of genuine art and the impossibility of replacing it with a "mechanism"; determine the artistic features of the work;

develop the skill of expressive, thoughtful, "slow" reading, selective retelling, literary and creative skills;

to help students, using the example of a work, to master the cultural norm-sample (the relationship between art and reality, the purpose of art).

Equipment: portrait of H.K. Andersen, illustrations for the fairy tale by E. Narbut.

Epigraph to the lesson:

No outer beauty can be complete

If she is not animated by the beauty of the interior.

Victor Hugo

During the classes

  1. Organizational stage.
  2. Motivational stage.

Introductory speech of the teacher.

Today in the lesson we will talk about an interesting and difficult fairy tale of the great storyteller Hans Christian Andersen "The Nightingale". In the course of the lesson, we will try to understand what is the meaning of this tale, what it can teach us.

- Did you like this fairy tale?

- What do you think it is about?

(Students cannot yet accurately answer the question, so you need to return to it at the end of the discussion)

III. Analysis of the fairy tale "Nightingale".The main technique used in the lesson is “reading with stops”: repeated slow movement along the text, accompanied by a problematic conversation and commenting on individual details.

1. Read the description of the Chinese emperor's palace. Do you think it is convenient, is it good to live in a palace made of the most precious porcelain, so fragile “that it was scary to touch it”?

- Why were the bells tied to the "most wonderful flowers" in the Emperor's garden?

(To once again admire the beauty of flowers, the ringing of silver, the shine of porcelain, in a word, the external splendor, the splendor of the imperial house)

- Why did the emperor know nothing about the nightingale? Why did the courtiers hear nothing about him?

2. Read carefully the passage in which the author talks about the place where the nightingale lived.

Why does he live “in a dense forest that begins behind the garden”?

Don't you think that the nightingale and the inhabitants of the palace live in some different worlds? Describe these worlds: what does the nightingale hear and what does the nightingale see and what - the courtiers and the emperor?

What's so funny about the scene of the courtiers searching for the nightingale? Did you feel a little sorry for them?

4.What is the first minister trying to compare the singing of the nightingale with? Why is his comparison ridiculous?

5. Why did the nightingale agree to fly to the emperor's palace, despite the fact that his songs "are much better to listen to in the green forest"?

6. How did the emperor react to the singing of the nightingale? Reread this scene.

Why did the nightingale refuse the award - a gold shoe around his neck? Find the answer in the text of the tale.

7. Find in the text the answer to the question: how did the courtiers try to imitate the nightingale? What, in your opinion, is the absurdity of the glory of the nightingale in the city?

Tell us about what happened during the competition between the two nightingales. Where did the real nightingale go?

8. Find in the text the answer to the question: what does the “court supplier of nightingales” see as the advantages of an artificial nightingale? Why does the writer depict him in such detail, and the portrait of a natural nightingale is so short?

9. Read what the poor fishermen said about the artificial nightingale. What did the courtiers particularly like about the artificial nightingale?

10. Retell the episode "The Emperor's Disease" (work with an illustration by artist E. Narbut).

Why was the emperor left alone during his illness? Why was the emperor so scared?

(It was not death that turned out to be terrible, but the life revealed on the day of judgment by a scroll of good and evil deeds)

How did the nightingale manage to save the emperor? What was the nightingale singing about? What does he ask the emperor for, what does he promise him?

(The cemetery in the nightingale's song evokes not fear, but a feeling of humility, it is full of beauty - special, but not cold, like the imperial palace. Salvation is that the nightingale awakened "good feelings" both in death and in the emperor, who had good business, because he cried when he first listened to the nightingale)

11. What does the nightingale sing about and will always sing about? Reread this snippet..

IV. How would you answer now what this tale is about?

(Students draw the conclusion that the world of the nightingale (nature) and the world of the imperial palace are two completely different worlds. "Mechanism" (the creation of human hands) is opposed in Andersen's tale to nature, its living voice - the voice of the nightingale. The voice of nature would never reach the limits of the palace (of another world), if not for the nightingale and his songs.

What heroes of Andersen's fairy tale can we attribute to the natural world and to the world of the palace? Let's call them.

V. Conclusions. The nightingale sang and will sing to the emperor about that real, living life that cannot be seen from the walls of the palace and which cannot be replaced by any flowers with crystal bells and magnificent gardens.

Nightingale is the image of a free singer, an allegorical image of art that speaks in the language of nature itself about everything in the world; only it is capable of conquering death and even those evil forces that live in the soul of the person himself; art makes a person better, cleaner, more beautiful.

Justification and Grading.

Vi. Homework.

Compose a letter from the Chinese emperor to the Japanese after recovery, or a letter to Andersen about the fairy tale read (optional).

Genre... Literary fairy tale

Heroes... Emperor, Living Nightingale, Artificial Nightingale, Death

Theme - the power of real art, its power over death

Idea - the victory of real art over artificial art and death. Only soul, mercy, compassion, become evidence of true beauty

home thought - Real beauty in a sincere, merciful and compassionate soul.

Conflict... Contrasting artificial and real nightingale

Elements of the plot

- Exposition: Interests of people in the garden, forest, palace of the Chinese emperor. But the nightingale's singing is the best.

- Outset - the emperor orders the nightingale to sing, to live in his palace

- Development of actions - a) singing of a live nightingale and singing of an artificial bird; b) the nightingale leaves the emperor's palace

- Climax - Singing of a living nightingale saves the emperor from death

- Denouement - the Emperor's recovery

What does the "Nightingale" fairy tale teach? You need to be able to forgive, treat people kindly, help them in difficult times, be faithful. People always have the ability to distinguish real beauty from not real. Beauty combined with good is a great power. Real art has an amazing, miraculous effect on humans

The author's intention of K. Andersen's fairy tale "The Nightingale" is to oppose true beauty and artificial beauty, affirm the all-conquering power of art and ridicule ignorance, lack of understanding of nature and art, heartlessness and servility before the princes by people.