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"Crime and Punishment" main characters. The novel "Crime and Punishment" - penetration into the depths of the human spirit. The main cases of the use of negative particles

So the last page of F. M. Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment" has been turned over ... This work made me think about many important issues. At first I thought that killing a person is the most terrible sin, and there is no justification for the one who committed it. But when I got to know the hero of the novel better, I began to doubt: maybe, after all, Raskolnikov is right about something, and is there a certain amount of truth in his reasoning?

Let's remember what state it was in. main character before the crime.

The former university student had reached the point of extreme need. He does not have a penny for his soul, so there is no way to get dressed, feed himself, or pay for his studies and the room he rents. “He was so poorly dressed that another, even a familiar person, would be ashamed to go out into the street in such rags during the day,” - this is exactly how Rodion Raskolnikov appears before us at the beginning of the novel. Due to the disastrous financial situation, the young man becomes irritable and gloomy. He Proud and proud, Rodion refuses the help of his mother and friend Razumikhin, considering such help humiliating.

An extraordinary mind, a sick pride and a beggarly position give rise in the head young man the idea according to which all people on Earth are divided into "trembling creatures" and "having the right" who are allowed "blood according to their conscience". Wanting to check himself, to which category of people he belongs, Raskolnikov goes to kill the pawnbroker. He considers the old woman stupid and worthless, because the titular adviser lives by profiting from the troubles of people, giving money on bail and taking high interest. By killing her, the hero, in his opinion, will be able to start a new prosperous life and make humanity happy.

"To make mankind happy" - that's what Raskolnikov is right about. After all, what he strives for in the end is the noblest goal. The young man dreams of helping his mother, who lives in poverty, to save Dunya from the humiliating position in which she is due to poverty. Raskolnikov needs power in order to devote himself to serving people. Because he loves people! He cannot pass by the suffering of the “humiliated and offended”. A young man is always ready to help people and give the last thing he has. He helps the Marmeladov family, gives Ekaterina Ivanovna his last savings to organize her husband's funeral. He is worried about the fate of the drunk girl whom Rodion meets on the boulevard, and again gives the last money so that the policeman hires a cab and takes her home. As a student, he helps his sick friend.

Rodion Raskolnikov is right that he does not want to put up with his miserable existence, with the fact that there is so much cruelty, injustice, and deceit in the world. He, nurturing a certain theory in his inflamed brain, is trying to change life for the better.

However, the idea that the protagonist is obsessed with is inhumane in nature. You cannot make some people happy at the cost of the lives of others. Killing the old woman - pawnbroker and her sister, he makes a terrible mistake. Murder is, first of all, a crime against a person, it is a grave sin, and it cannot be justified by any theory. All people are equal, dividing them into "trembling creatures" and "rulers" is unnatural. Caught in the power of a false idea, Raskolnikov, a kind and noble person by nature, becomes a criminal.

Struggling with social injustice and hopelessness, the hero of the novel, unfortunately, chose the wrong path. For this, he suffered a just punishment, having gone through the pangs of conscience, chilling fear, unbearable suffering.

“My name is a psychologist; not true, I am only a realist in the highest sense, that is, I depict all the depths of the human soul, ”wrote F.M. Dostoevsky. In his novels, he describes not so much empirical events and human states as, first of all, spiritual events, dialectics spiritual realities. Dostoevsky is one of the founders of the personalistic way of thinking in Russian culture; he is a personalist in ideological and creative settings, like most Russian philosophers of the twentieth century. He is interested, first of all, in the individual, in which the universal content is revealed.

His heroes are individual characters, at the same time they embody certain ideas in their ultimate expression - "Dostoevsky became a great artist of ideas" (M.M. Bakhtin). These are not abstract and rationalistic, but existential ideas, ideas-individuals capable of being embodied, a kind of living spiritual beings with its own will, its own individual appearance. This kind of combination of peculiar idealism and personalism creates a unique look for the characters. The hero of Dostoevsky is obsessed with an idea, a “man of an idea” (M.M. Bakhtin), but, at the same time, idea-man is the expression of a particular idea. Therefore, Dostoevsky's characters are both artificial and lifelike, extremely fantastic and extremely real. They are in an unnatural and often supernatural situation, in an unusual state, anguish, breakdown, incredible tension of experiences and actions, when much seems unconditioned, spontaneous, unforeseen and unpredictable, illogical. From the point of view of ordinary consciousness So do not act So living people do not speak. But in characters who from an ordinary point of view appear to be criminals and madmen, an intense struggle of ideas is described. For all their unusualness and improbability, Dostoevsky's characters are psychologically reliable.

The empirical artificiality and deliberateness of their actions on the spiritual plane turns out to be adequate and consistent. Dostoevsky's images are justified from the point of view of the psychology of an extreme situation, from which his heroes almost never come out. In states of extreme spiritual tension, incredible events happen to them in everyday life: supernatural guesses, recognition of other people's thoughts, And denia, committing unexpected, unmotivated acts. Dostoevsky's works are dominated by a border or pre-border situation (experiencing the deepest shocks: fear, suffering, struggle, death; these are states in which a person recognizes himself as something unconditional). Such intensity of meanings and affects is difficult to bear, and many are repelled by the incredible spiritual energy of the writer's works and the apparent ugliness of his characters and actions. It seems to many that Dostoevsky describes a mental pathology or some kind of phantasmagoria that has nothing to do with real life. Dostoevsky himself spoke about the realism of his works: “Many critics reproached me for taking the wrong topics in my novels, not real, and so on. On the contrary, I don’t know anything more real than just these topics.” He meant another reality - not ordinary, but deep the reality of the spirit. “The new reality created by a brilliant artist is real, because it reveals the very essence of being, but not realistic, because it does not produce our reality. Perhaps, of all the world's writers, Dostoevsky possessed the most unusual vision of the world and the most powerful gift of embodiment ”(K.V. Mochulsky).

Dostoyevsky’s images can be applied to his formulation, expressed on a close occasion: “Of course, they are absurd in the ordinary sense, but in a different, internal sense, it seems, they are fair.” This is an image not of empirical persons and events, but of mental states and processes. The inner life of a person is spontaneous, ragged, illogical, although at the level of consciousness it looks logical. Intense spiritual life is a struggle of conflicting forces, constant anguish and split. In a strong character, any idea can capture the imagination, subjugate the spiritual life, deprive it of diversity, and we have before us a man of ideas or an idea-man. The heroes of Dostoevsky personify the inner forces that we generate in our souls and which are capable of enslaving us. To the extent that we manifest ourselves as free, creative beings, as individuals, we create images of a true, beautiful and good being. Surrendering to self-will, selfishness, selfish instincts, the elements of evil, we breed false ideas and evil forces. The struggle of good and evil motives gives rise to a conflict of inner life, a tragic collision - a clash of opposing aspirations and interests.

So, the field of action of Dostoevsky's individual spiritual essences is the human soul. “In the world, the devil fights with God, and the battlefield is the hearts of people” - this statement of Dostoevsky expresses the intention of his work. Therefore, the sense of aesthetic balance and the criterion of artistic completeness of the image of the writer are largely motivated ethically. His moral and religious feeling participates in the search, development, differentiation and collection of artistic images. In literary form, as the most adequate to his way of thinking, Dostoevsky tries to think over, understand and solve his own metaphysical problems. This gives a unique originality to his poetics - the system artistic means. It cannot be understood and justified only aesthetically. In his work, Dostoevsky tries to solve the main, most painful and hidden questions of human existence. This is where he focuses his energy. Hence the tension, eccentricity of feelings and relationships of his characters. What is not in his main interest is rewarded with a fleeting sketch and therefore gives the impression of artificiality.

Until now, the discussion has not stopped: Dostoevsky's work is polyphonic or monological. He dialectically combines both. This is polyphony, since in Dostoevsky's novels there is an obvious polyphony of opposing and mutually exclusive positions and ideas. The writer saw the initial conflict mental life man, split, inconsistency of his consciousness and feelings. But this is imonological, since everything happens within the framework of the single human soul, which is the battlefield of the world's good and evil. In Dostoevsky's novels, there is one main character, absorbing most of the images of the rest. The monologism of the writer's work is also reflected in the fact that he affirms the metaphysical unity of the personality as target norm. The main thing is that Dostoevsky's work is a projection of his own solution of existential problems. His characters are driven and they are united by the obligatory initial question and the creative problem of the writer himself. So, many voices in their combination express the author: Dostoevsky's work is most of all symphonic - it is a combination, a combination of many contradictory states, ideas.

Like all great Russian writers, starting with Pushkin, literary work for Dostoevsky was at the same time self-creation, the creation of a new personality and a new way of life. The thread of Dostoevsky's painful fate is woven into the fabric of his works. On the other hand, in his works he tried to understand and resolve the issues of life that tormented him. His work is existential, first of all, in that it is rooted and embraced by the unity of the existence of the author himself.

This is the way Dostoevsky comprehended reality: personal experience is embodied in art form and then fully understood. IN artistic image he plunges into the metaphysical depth of the problem, investigates its dialectical content, and then formulates it directly. These are not purely literary pursuits, not a game of fantasy, which have little effect on the appearance and fate of the author, but type of life. Dostoevsky could not help but write novels, primarily because he resolved in them the problems of his own existence. Hence the need for missionary work - the spread of one's views, hence the prophetic quality - a sense of the prophetic significance of one's statements. A writer who creates in purely literary traditions and associations cannot be imbued with the pathos of possessing an integral truth that is saving for mankind. At the same time, formal aesthetic searches were not alien to Dostoevsky, he was in the thick of literary life and reacted vividly to it. But the literary process was not self-sufficient for him, but served as a material in which he could most adequately embody his vision of world problems. So, in terms of its tasks, Dostoevsky's work is existentially monologue.

Another question is: where and to what extent is the text of the works a monologue of the author? Dostoevsky is not a writer describing everyday life, but visionary who survived the tragedy of life, depicting what torments his soul. He was a titanic and complex personality, torn apart by contradictions, but seeking harmony. He, as a truly brilliant person, was aware of the states of both intense spiritual upsurge and fall, both high and low were discovered. His soul has been both in heaven and in the underworld. This tragic spiritual experience was embodied in the images of Dostoevsky's heroes. Therefore, to the question: through which of the characters Dostoevsky speaks, one can answer: each individually and all together. But to another question: with which hero the author's position is identified, it is unambiguously difficult to answer. This or that hero, sometimes completely unexpected, can express the cherished thoughts of Dostoevsky.

But the closest to the author's worldview is that anonymous hero who can have a personal image, but whose soul field is wider than this particular person and absorbs the properties of other heroes. By analogy with the concept of "lyrical hero" in poetry, one can say that in Dostoevsky's novels a certain life lives metaphysical hero- the embodiment of former delusions, real suffering and searches, craving for harmony of the author himself. The metaphysical hero can be personified in one character, but it is not his complete expression. In this case, most of the characters are captured by the horizon of the soul of the metaphysical hero and gravitate towards its obvious center - the protagonist.

The novel "Crime and Punishment" therefore produces the most holistic impression that its main character Raskolnikov is also a metaphysical hero. In other novels, the image of the metaphysical hero is dispersed. Raskolnikov is not only the main, but in in a certain sense the only character in the novel. All the rest are projections of certain states of Raskolnikov's soul. Since the author is primarily interested in the dynamics and outcome of mental transformations, they are depicted in a limiting state. Most of the characters in the novel are an extreme expression and personification of Raskolnikov's ideas or feelings. Some heroes personify certain objective principles: positive (Sonya) or negative (old woman), affecting Raskolnikov both from the outside and through his mind or heart.

the main problem Dostoevsky's creativity - the nature and origin of evil in man, the possession of evil spirits. Dostoevsky describes the clash of good and evil in the fate and soul of man. Therefore, his novels depict more metaphysical than empirical realities. The most ideological novel "Demons" in this dimension turns out to be the most polemical-empirical work of the mature period of the writer's work. Since problems are expressed in it in social, psychological and everyday projections, the description looks the closest to real life. Hence the presence, more than anywhere else, of specific historical events and facts, topicality and relevance of the novel. At the same time, in "Demons" the spirits of evil appear as naked, abstract, although specific characters can be their carriers; hence some rationality of "Demons". It was necessary for Dostoevsky to express himself in such a way that he himself would fully understand the issue, formulate some topical problems and, at the same time, be heard by his contemporaries. In Possessed, the writer directly expressed what he experienced and identified in Crime and Punishment. This, in turn, was preparation for a direct sermon in the Writer's Diary. In the novel "Crime and Punishment" Dostoevsky considers the problem of evil at the level metaphysical psychology. Here his images acquire the greatest artistic poignancy and capacity. They are personalistically fuller than in Possessed. "Crime and Punishment" is Dostoevsky's most complete and complete work, both spiritually and aesthetically. In subsequent works, the writer deepened and detailed the meanings that were revealed in the novel Crime and Punishment.

The main questions of the theme of evil in the novel are as follows.

Under what circumstances and in what states is a person possessed by evil spirits? What is the phenomenology - the forms of the manifestation of evil? This is problem crimes.

What happens to the soul of a person who has generated an evil idea and is enslaved by it? How do evil spirits actualize - become real, exist and manifest in life, what is their essence in the ultimate expression? This is problem punishment.

What is the way to get rid of evil and spiritual healing? This is problem redemption and resurrection.

The circumstances and conditions of a person possessed by evil spirits are revealed by the plot - the plot basis, the arrangement of persons and events of the novel. Raskolnikov grew up in a healthy family with a traditional way of life, among people he loved and loved. But outside the family, he turns out to have fallen out of the organic way of life. His inner appearance is formed outside of traditions and legends that could nurture the healthy principles of the soul. In adulthood, Raskolnikov's ties with what Dostoevsky calls earth, soil. New soil the hero could not find: being outside the traditional culture, his soul could not take root in an alien artificial civilization, which, according to Dostoevsky, opposes the organic land. Raskolnikov could not find himself either in a rationalized, secularized - secularized, torn away from the religious foundations of scholarship, or in professional studies that emasculate the soul, or in a career that Petersburg could provide opportunities for ("He completely stopped his urgent affairs and did not want to do") . Dostoevsky wrote to Katkov for what reasons his hero comes to crime: “Out of frivolity, out of precariousness in concepts, succumbing to some strange “unfinished” ideas that are in the air.” A fragile soul outside a healthy lifestyle falls into contaminated spiritual atmosphere.

This is not only a personal tragedy: “This is a fantastic, gloomy matter, a modern matter, of our time, a case, sir, when the human heart was clouded.” Dostoevsky shows that traditional life foundations are collapsing in Russia, organic ties between people are breaking, the era of restlessness: "In our educated society, there are no especially sacred traditions." Russia, like the hero of the novel, has just come out of adolescence, the positive foundations of life have not yet been formed, but a period of destruction has already begun: “No grounds our society does not survive the rules, because there was no life. A colossal shock and everything is interrupted, falls, is denied, as if it did not exist. And not only externally, as in the West, but internally, morally” (from drafts for the novel “The Teenager”). Dostoevsky's work is "a depiction of extreme blasphemy and the grain of the idea of ​​the destruction of our time in Russia, among young people divorced from reality" (from a letter to K.P. Pobedonostsev).

collapsing the soil gets infected floating in the air false ideas. “There is nothing to believe in, nothing to stop at,” is written in the rough drafts for the novel. In an educated society, an egotistical individualistic ethic was asserted, denying national-historical and Orthodox traditions. Raskolnikov is seduced by a form of utilitarian morality, which asserts that the goal of human actions should be only personal well-being, that human behavior is determined by reasonable benefit. Raskolnikov's crime, according to Dostoevsky, is "the theory of rational egoism brought to its consequences." At the beginning of the formation of the atheistic materialistic ideology that would prevail in the future, Dostoevsky understood that the triumph of the so-called economic principle did not lead to universal prosperity, but to mutual extermination.

It is known that the initial ideas of the novel were influenced by Dostoevsky's polemic with the socialists. But then the writer plunges into the study of metaphysical collisions in the soul of his hero. For man is the creator of false ideas, and in order to understand and explain their appearance, one must go deep, first of all, into his soul. Like a true personalist, Dostoevsky turns to the principles of world existence: in the depths of individual personal existence, universal patterns are revealed.

Petersburg according to Dostoevsky is the capital of modern civilization, a place of concentration of false ideas, floating in the air, the embodiment of artificiality, inorganicity, ill health and the decay of life: “An inexplicable cold always blew on him from this magnificent panorama; this sumptuous picture was full of a mute and deaf spirit for him. The image of Petersburg is drawn with the help of deathly, terrifying details, but on the whole it is extremely ghostly. This is a kind of unreality filled with shadows and ghosts, some kind of phantasmagoria - a bizarre unreal vision that provokes a painful state of mind. In The Teenager, Dostoevsky wrote about Pushkin’s Hermann, Raskolnikov’s spiritual brother: “On such a St. Petersburg morning, rotten, damp and foggy, the wild dream of some Pushkin’s Hermann from The Queen of Spades (a colossal face, an extraordinary, completely Petersburg type - a type from Petersburg period), it seems to me that it should become even stronger. The city described by Dostoevsky displays inner world Raskolnikov: both the atmosphere and the landscape of the city, and the details of his life are a reflection of the state of mind of the hero. The horizons of Raskolnikov's soul and the soul of civilized Petersburg almost merge. This is how the spiritual field is outlined, in which the events of the novel, spiritual in their essence, take place.

The soul of the metaphysical hero is in an unhealthy, feverish state. “Extremely hot time…”, “the heat was terrible…”, the author repeatedly reminds of the suffocating atmosphere of the city and the inner state of the metaphysical hero. "For some time he was in an irritable and tense state, similar to hypochondria" - depression, unhealthy suspiciousness, obsessions, accompanied by painful sensations, in particular fever. All this plunges the soul into a hopeless darkness. Falling out of the traditional way of life leads to self-isolation and internal devastation: “... he went deep into himself and retired from everyone ... He resolutely left everyone, like a turtle in his shell ...”, - not only from all people, but from everything in general, from moral and reasonable.

The hero finds himself in a spiritual void, his consciousness plunges into the “underground”. The shell-dwelling is an image of his spiritual space: “It was a tiny cell, six paces long, which had the most miserable appearance with its yellowish, dusty and everywhere lagging behind the wall wallpaper, and so low that it was a little tall man it became terrifying in it, and it seemed that you were about to hit your head on the ceiling. Raskolnikov's soul is unnaturally squeezed by some kind of imperious force, it is personified by a dark, dead space closed and separated from the world (Raskolnikov's housing is compared with a closet, chest and coffin), in which it is no longer possible to feel oneself in full height human dignity (it’s creepy for a tall person) and in which only crazy ideas can form (the yellow closet is associated with the “yellow house” - the insane asylum): “Do you know, Sonya, that low ceilings and cramped rooms crowd the soul and mind!”. Such is the spiritual space in which Raskolnikov’s idea is formed: “... there, in the corner, in this terrible closet, everything ripened this it's been over a month now." It is no coincidence that in the moment of enlightenment after receiving a letter from his mother, “he felt stuffy and cramped in this yellow closet ... His gaze and thought asked for space.”

What was the state of the metaphysical hero that anticipated and prepared the crime? Complete idleness(“lying all day long”) makes life meaningless. Having lost the true guidelines, the consciousness of the hero languidly but indomitably focuses on fantasies: "... the youth educated from inaction burns out in unrealizable dreams and dreams." Dostoevsky notes that a person, as a creature destined for creative creation, is not capable of falling into complete indifference - indifference, indifference, indifference. The battlefield of good and evil is the hearts of people, and therefore spiritual drowsiness and apathy do not free from the drama of being. A soul without will is sooner or later enslaved by evil spirits. At first, Raskolnikov's innocent, but empty fantasy (“So, for the sake of fantasy, I amuse myself; toys!”) Gradually turns into criminal daydreaming (“ugly dream”). The affinity of Raskolnikov’s idea to Manilovism is revealed at the moment when Raskolnikov goes to commit the murder: “Walking past the Yusupov Garden, he was even very busy thinking about arranging tall fountains and how well they would freshen the air in all squares. Little by little he came to believe that if Summer garden to the entire Field of Mars and even to connect with the palace Mikhailovsky Garden, it would be a wonderful and most useful thing for the city. This kind of fantasizing is sinful because it absorbs energy and empties the soul, distorts consciousness, preparing the ground for pathological and criminal ideas: “Long ago, all this present longing was born in him, grew, accumulated and recently matured and concentrated, taking the form terrible, wild, and fantastic question that tormented his heart and mind, irresistibly demanding resolution. A painful question forms certain images, concepts and attitudes that get out of control of conscience and consciousness, develop spontaneously and in crisis situations can be realized spontaneously. Raskolnikov was an empty dreamer before he received a letter from his mother, from which it turned out that chronic lack of money was haunting his family and that his sister was sacrificing herself for the sake of his future. Life itself called for action. Unexpectedly for Raskolnikov, a fantastic idea, which “a month ago, and even yesterday, it was only a dream, and now ... now it suddenly appeared not a dream, but in some new, formidable and completely unfamiliar form, and he himself suddenly realized this ... He was hit in the head, and darkened in his eyes. What is the content of the fantasy that made its creator shudder?

Gradually, Raskolnikov's mental strength concentrates around an idea on which consciousness is painfully fixed: "This happens with other monomaniacs who are too focused on something." At its inception, the idea is completely harmless, but in a soul that has lost its organic structure, deprived of true criteria, it grows into a monstrous fantasy - a bizarre vision, a ghost. It all starts with the desire to devote oneself to some "useful" cause. Raskolnikov is an outstanding person in all respects, endowed with intelligence, talent, beauty. As such, he recognizes himself, and therefore the matter must be a match for the dormant forces - unusual, large-scale. Like his idealistic peers, he probably would like to make happy in one fell swoop, if not all of humanity, then, in any case, many people. This could be achieved by disposing of capital, which is unfairly and unnaturally concentrated in the hands of worthless and useless people (“the old woman is a malicious louse”). The point is to seize capital and dispose of it according to natural justice. This is how the second leading theme in the idea of ​​a hero is born. Although all this is still a fantasy, he begins to feel like a creator, manager, arbiter of events, destinies. Formed syndrome of Napoleonism, megalomania.

In his notebooks, Dostoevsky formulates Raskolnikov's idea: “Am I not such a person as to allow a bastard to destroy a defenseless weakness. I will intervene. I want to join. And for this I want power ... I take power, I get power - whether money, power, or not for evil. I bring happiness ... ". When “a strange thought pecked in his head like a chicken from an egg, and very, very occupied him”, a “non-random accident” happens to Raskolnikov - he hears his own idea in the tavern: “I would have killed and robbed this damned old woman, and I assure you that without any shame of conscience! ”,“ ... on the one hand, a stupid, senseless, insignificant, evil, sick old woman, no one needs and, on the contrary, harmful to everyone, who herself does not know what she lives for, and who tomorrow herself will die by itself... On the other hand, young, fresh forces, wasted in vain without support, and this is in the thousands, and this is everywhere! A hundred, a thousand good deeds and undertakings that can be arranged and corrected for the old woman's money, doomed to the monastery! Hundreds, thousands, perhaps, of beings pointing towards the road; dozens of families saved from poverty, from decay, from death, from debauchery, from venereal hospitals - and all this with her money. Kill her and take her money, so that with their help you can later devote yourself to the service of all mankind and the common cause: do you think that one tiny crime will not be atoned for by thousands of good deeds? In one life, thousands of lives saved from decay and decay. One death and a hundred lives in return - why is there arithmetic here? .. Of course, all this was the most ordinary and most frequent, heard by him more than once, in other forms and on other topics, young conversations and thoughts.

Before flying in the air absurd thoughts did not touch a healthy soul. Now, in the inflamed imagination of the hero, they receive a painful echo, like poisonous trichinas strike a soul that has lost moral immunity: “This insignificant tavern conversation had an extraordinary influence on him in the further development of the case: as if there really was some kind of predestination, an indication.” Thus, the born false idea of ​​the good gives rise in the inflamed soul to a feeling of false messianism - a feeling of being a savior. Maniacal self-aggrandizement leads to extreme conclusions: the moral laws that exist for the infantile souls of the majority, the base crowd, do not apply to the superman. The "trembling creature" must obey a chosen minority - those in power. A strong personality is outlawed. It is above ordinary morality, as it were, beyond the limits of good and evil. Therefore, true greatness lies in striving for a given goal, canceling moral prescriptions and drowning out the voice of conscience, as a relapse of weakness and mediocrity.

Dostoevsky shows the psychology of the formation of megalomania. There are strengths, skills, talents, an idea, a goal are clear - this is already a sign of greatness for Raskolnikov. In order to establish oneself at this “height”, it is necessary not only to find a specific way to achieve the goal (a matter of the technique of reason), but also to decide on its implementation. An act in the name of an idea turns out to be a decisive line leading from the realm of fantasy to the realm of reality. It will also be a test and criterion for the truth of a position, an assertion of one's own greatness. So the means to an end replaces the end. It is no coincidence that Raskolnikov does not know how to dispose of the stolen wealth. Dostoevsky opens internal dialectics of seduction: the achievement of good goals by vicious means cannot be morally justified, which inevitably become an end in itself, crowding out the most good intentions.

Before the decisive line, Raskolnikov becomes numb in indecision. That's the problem crimes- transgressions through the immutable laws of God ("God's truth, earthly law", according to Dostoevsky), which are based on freedom, sovereignty and inviolability human personality. Man is the crown of God's creation and co-creator with God; he cannot be a means to achieve even the highest goals. Is it possible for the happiness of many to kill one innocent soul? This is the problem of justifying God's creation. The remnants of a moral sense do not allow Raskolnikov to put this question in a finished and naked form. He tries to escape from remorse, giving the problem a justifying form: is it possible for the happiness of many to take the life of one insignificant human ("malicious louse").

The soul of Raskolnikov in the period preceding the crime, in confusion and struggle. Pushed her back positive traits and base aspirations are exposed. The phantasmagoric idea gradually captures him completely. She suppresses a surge of conscience in a dream about a horse, where Raskolnikov opens up as a kind person by nature, capable of compassion. Through a dream, Raskolnikov felt the murder not as an algebraic sign, but as real blood shed: “God,” he exclaimed, “yes, really, really, I’ll take an ax, I’ll beat her on the head, I’ll crush her skull ... I’ll slide in sticky , warm blood, break open the lock, steal and tremble ... hide, all covered in blood ... with an ax ... Lord, really? Have you been hurting yourself yet?" He abandons his plan: “Lord! After all, I still won’t make up my mind! .. Lord! .. show me my path, and I will renounce this accursed ... dream of mine. ”And he even experiences the euphoria of sobering:“ Freedom, freedom! He is now free from these spells, from sorcery, charm, from obsession! But a surge of conscience and a thirst for liberation from infernal haunting were not voluntarily approved, therefore they are overturned by a wave of muddy passions. A suppressed moral feeling is manifested only in moments of sobering up: “Oh God! how disgusting this is! And really, really I... no, this is nonsense, this is absurdity! he added decisively. “And how could such horror have crossed my mind? What filth, however, my heart is capable of! The main thing: dirty, dirty, disgusting, disgusting! .. And I have been for a whole month ... ”. But bursts of conscience are gradually fading. The remnants of reason and conscience are expressed only in fear and indecision, which delayed the crime. Raskolnikov felt that behind this step was an abyss. But idea already irrevocably captures his whole being.

What alternative can the weak, human mind offer? The embodiment of the rational-rational side of Raskolnikov is Intelligence- ikhin. At the decisive moment, when the idea became a command, Raskolnikov was thrown to him. But he stopped himself: “Well, did I really want to correct the whole thing with Razumikhin alone and did I find the outcome of everything in Razumikhin?” The arguments of reason are pushed aside, now reason is only called upon to legalize the crime: "I will go to him ... the next day after that I will go." And Razumikhin is the first person Raskolnikov communicates with after the crime. But they have no contact. In an everyday situation, Razumikhin could personify a real way out. Razumikhin is a healthy, holistic, but mundane, rational person. He does not have many questions, because his consciousness is superficial and thus beyond problems. Raskolnikov, on the other hand, is a complex, in-depth and refined personality. He is aware of the flawed partiality and artificiality of the world of the specialist scientist and the petty-bourgeois limitations of his life. And he rejects rational alternative. saving holistic his soul cannot generate ideas, for the foundations of life are shattered.

The image of Raskolnikov becomes depersonalized as it approaches the moment of the crime. The will is paralyzed. He did not seem to make a "final decision", because, "despite all his painful inner struggle, he never for a single moment could believe in the feasibility of his plans during all this time." But the crime lies in the fact that at the decisive moment he did not oppose the manic idea of ​​a conscientious volitional act that gripped him. A person is called to continuous creative tension, and the more responsible the situation, the more so. Refusing the freedom and responsibility of the decision, showing lack of will, the hero thereby internally already crosses the line, leaves the realm of personal existence and falls under the power of naturalistic forces, fatal and fatal elements. Manifesting himself as a responsible free personality, a person paves his own unique path, overcoming world empiricism, for free creative self-determination takes him out of the power of the forces of this world. On the contrary, an impersonal maniac falls into an impersonal dimension and turns out to be a puppet of evil forces, fatally leading to death. “He did not reason about anything and could not reason at all; but with all his being he suddenly felt that he no longer had any freedom of mind or will ... ". Raskolnikov makes the final decision completely limply. Inflamed consciousness perceives idea no longer as a fantasy, but as an imperative. From that moment on, he has no power over himself, falls into the hands of fatal predestination: “The last day, which came so unexpectedly and decided everything at once, affected him almost completely. mechanically: as if someone took him by the hand and pulled him along, irresistibly, blindly, with unnatural force, without objection. As if he had hit a piece of clothing in wheel machine, and he began to be drawn into it.

(To be continued.)

Job directory.
Tasks of training and diagnostic work

Version for printing and copying in MS Word

(Un)mowed meadows exude a wondrous aroma.

(Not) able to realize himself in life, Bazarov shows his best qualities in the face of death.

In the still (not) dry house, it was damp and cold.

The birds are driven south by (not) the coming cold, but the lack of food.

(Not)luck ensures success in the exam, but good knowledge of the subject.


A person who (does not) know what he is doing.

I was upset by the (un)polite, rude remark of a friend.

Not at all (not) embarrassed, she only smiled in response.

The rains charged for a long time, and I was (un)prepared for the wet weather and got wet to the skin.

This is (not) finished work, but some sketches.



The painting of I.K. Aivazovsky received the recognition of the audience (UN)USUALLY early: already in his youth, the artist was awarded a silver medal for the sketch “Air over the Sea”.

The poetry of A.A. Akhmatova returns things to their original meaning and draws attention to what we normally (NOT) EVALUATE.

(NOT) A strong east wind that did not stop all night raised large waves.

From the dark sky, from the shaggy clouds, crushing each other in confusion, (NOT) ceasing, thunder is heard.


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

When we were sailing on a boat along the flooded river, we now and then came across dirty gray patches - (NOT) FLOODED still tubercles.

During the day in the city it was always very (NOT) QUIET.

Solntseva was sitting in the compartment, (NOT) REMOVING her coat and scarf.

The sofa turned out to be (NOT) HEAVY at all, and two movers easily brought it into the apartment.

Nina (NOT) LOVELY looked at Yegorushka, but somehow evil, aloof.


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

A deep silence, (UN)touched even by the rustle of a dry leaf, stretched across the meadows.

This reservoir had (UN)USUAL solid banks, but a dense plexus of calla, wild rosemary, grasses, roots and mosses.

I (NOT) ONCE in my life got into difficult situations, but always on my way there were good people who helped me.

It burned outside the window, the (NOT) BRIGHT, but very beautiful sunset could not go out.

The conversation was still (NOT) ENDED when the secretary entered the office and said that Nikolai Sergeevich was asked to urgently go down to the shop.


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

By midnight, all the guests had left, Maria was left alone, but now she was already (NOT) SO sad.

A new acquaintance of Natalya Petrovna turned out to be a far (NOT) SIMPLE person.

Still (NOT) FURNISHED, the room seemed frighteningly huge, alien and cold.

(NOT) FAR from our house was Birch Grove and I could walk there for days on end.

Maksimka, (NOT) THINKING about the danger, rushed to help his friend.


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

The tight buds of still (NOT) FLOWING roses exuded a delicate aroma.

A (NOT) LOUD but unexpected knock on the door startled Yuri.

Marusya could not be called a beauty, but she was (NOT) devoid of charm.

(NOT) WAITING for permission, Grigory resolutely entered the room.

It was (NOT) WHO other than my friend Borka.


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

Silence settled in the garden: not a single bird (NOT) CHIRTERED in the trees.


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

The lilac bush under the window is (NOT) LESS than ten years old.

(NOT) CORRECT, but pleasant facial features gave Nastya a resemblance

with Mother.


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

I received in response nothing (NOT) SIGNIFICANT explanations.

Even a stone (NOT) PROCESSED by the master struck with an original pattern.

There was already (NOT) childish diligence in Natasha's singing.

The depth of the idea in the novel is (NOT) EXCEPTIONALLY combined with artistry.

From above it was possible to see several (NOT) COVERED buildings.


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

Griboyedov also introduces realistic techniques into comedy: the main character is far from (NOT) IDEAL and chooses the worst from rivals in love.

I am convinced of one thing: inspiration is (NOT) BORN by itself, but comes during labor.

Masha looked at me, as a daydreaming person looks at a distant object: it is (NOT) POSSIBLE to tear yourself away from it.

The public baths in Rome soon turned into magnificent buildings containing (NOT) ONLY swimming pools and gymnastics halls, but also libraries.

Our house has been (NOT) RENOVATED: the glass has faded, the walls looked dull and not pleasing to the eye.


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

It is impossible to master higher mathematics, (NOT) KNOWING elementary mathematical concepts.

It is impossible to allow anything (UN) JUSTIFIED denial of the new in science.

The heroine was (NOT) FATED to connect her life with the life of a loved one.

When Arthur got to the opposite bank, he found himself at a sheep pen (NOT) he had previously (NOT) NOTICED.


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

Lingonberry bushes are strewn with (NOT) RIPE berries.

Even the smell of gasoline (NOT) COULD drown out the meadow aroma.

In the (NOT) LARGE, but spacious hall, it was light and quiet.

(UN) REALIZING their destiny, the heroes of the plays by A.P. Chekhov often live their lives mechanically.


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

M. Vrubel created a fabulously symbolic image of girlish beauty, freshness (not) fading over the years, mystery and majesty.

The Don at the crossing point is far (not) wide, only about forty meters.

According to Bazarov, the role of society is more important than the influence of an individual: "Fix society, and there will be (no) diseases."

Somewhere here, a few steps away, the (un)forgettable trills of a nightingale were heard, and the silence was filled with wondrous sounds.

Bunin draws in the story a (not) definite personality, but an established social type.


Indicate all the numbers in the place of which E is written.

Where n (1) come from, a puppy jumped out, which n (2) a little n (3) was afraid of the horse, on the contrary, began to desperately attack it, which n (4) amused the passers-by a little.


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

I.A. Bunin leads to the idea that, obviously, the meaning of life is not in the acquisition of wealth, but in something else, (NOT) AVAILABLE in monetary value or aesthetic wisdom.

According to subtle, (NOT) SIGNIFICANT, it would seem, details, a specialist is able to accurately attribute an archaeological find.

In the forest, in addition to the well-known boletus, Masha found a mushroom that was (UN) Familiar to any of the summer residents.

(NOT) ONLY in the kitchen, but also in the rooms there was a delicious smell of baked apples.

(NOT) WANTING to upset her mother, Natasha did not dare to tell her about Alexei's illness.


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

Raskolnikov is a (NOT) COMMON killer, but a gifted young man with a philosophical mindset.

IN THE (NOT) FINISHED youthful “Tale” by M.Yu. Lermontov describes the childhood of Sasha Arbenin, the double of the author himself.

I will tell everything as it really was, (NOT) MISTORTING a single word.

Everything was there: a sea of ​​music, beautiful costumes, luxurious scenery and that same atmosphere. Bolshoi Theater, which is already long years keeps a (NOT) REVEALED secret.

Petka slept a lot, but for some reason he wanted to sleep more, and it often seemed that everything around him was (NOT) REAL, but a long, unpleasant dream.


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

(NOT) WISHING to compromise partners decided to break the contract.

The nearest station turned out to be (NOT) CLOSE at all, so I was pretty tired by the time I got to it.

Varya's new admirer turned out to be a (NOT) HANDY, but incredibly charismatic person.

One mystery in this whole story has remained (NOT) OPEN.

Due to an injury, the athlete, a favorite of the fans, (NOT) RUNNED to the finish line: he fled the race on the first lap.


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

A group of scientists had to go to the (NOT) EXPLORED part of the island.

After everything that Nikita heard that evening, he realized that his position was by no means (NOT) FAVORABLE.

The old house, decorated with wooden carvings, stood on a (NOT) HIGH, but for some reason stood out against the background of the rest of the hillocks.

Some fragments of the manuscript are still (NOT) FOUND.

(Not) DECIDED to approach his father, Deniska stood and shifted from foot to foot.


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

In some places, the light did (NOT) PENETRATE under the thick canopy of pine branches.

(NOT) I WANT to think badly about people.

Ahead appeared (IN)CLEAR outlines of huge trees.

Far (UN) HOSPITAL forest stretched to Nerekhta itself.

Each writer has a single, main, (NOT) WRITTEN book.


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

The recruits were (NOT) LIKE the locals.

Hermann heard an (UN)FAMILIAR gait: someone was walking, quietly shuffling his shoes.

I began to explain to him the position of second, but Ivan Ignatich could not (NOT) understand me.

Although there was cold fall, the soldiers were forced to spend the night in long (NOT) HEATED barracks.

The window in the small room was (NOT) CURTAINED.


Determine the sentence in which NOT (NOT) with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

Archaeologists of the Rostov region are concerned about the development of (NOT) RESEARCHED territories by scientists.

By no means (NOT) Idle curiosity brought us to this city.

Through the (NOT) CLOSED curtains, one could see a large, brightly lit room.

The book is still (NOT) READ.

(NOT) MORE THAN a third of students gave correct answers to tasks of increased complexity.


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

What was scary in childhood was now (NOT) SCARY at all.

I have never been a big fan of keeping birds in (NON)WILL, but sometimes in winter forest songbirds lived with me.

The gray feather grass, still (NOT) FLOWING, was creeping along the boundless plain.

(NOT) LOOKING around, Mikhail walked to the stage with a confident step.

"(NOT) BETTER for you, son, to postpone your trip?" asked the mother cautiously.


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY.

Open the brackets and write out this word.

Life in field conditions is far (NOT) EASY.

Drops of (NOT) DRY dew sparkled on birches and bushes.

The windows were dark, although the shutters were (NOT) CLOSED.

The thunderstorm was (NOT) FAR, but very close: the sky was splitting into pieces, it rumbled so that the earth trembled underfoot.

Nothing is (NOT) visible, only the sound of the wind in the crowns of the trees is heard.


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

I (NOT) TIME visited the Caucasus, but still each visit opened something new for me, and I loved this region more and more.

The Russian peasantry before the reform was a far (NOT) HOMOGENEOUS mass.

They say stupidity is a (NOT) CURABLE disease.

The morning air, (NOT) HOT by the burning sun, was fresh and pleasant.

Maria stood in the gallery and looked at great picture(NOT) BREATHING, with reverence and awe.


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

If a person is used to quitting, (NOT) BRINGING it to the end, it is very difficult to eradicate this bad habit.

The closer we got to the sea, the more clearly the (NON) SILENT noise of restless waves was heard.

The dish was still (NOT) READY, but a delicious aroma was already flowing throughout the kitchen.

For the inhabitants of the taiga, hunting was (NOT) FUN, but a way of survival.

From indifference is by no means (NOT) FAR to vice.


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

M. Gorky received every day (NOT) LESS than five or six letters.

The air, still (NOT) BECOME sultry, pleasantly refreshes.

(NOT) SULI a crane in the sky, give a titmouse in your hands.

(NOT) CORRECT, but pleasant facial features gave Nastya a resemblance to her mother.

Ambition is a (NOT) DESIRE to be honest, but a thirst for power.


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

The puppy, which had (NOT) LEARNED how to bark, whimpered plaintively.

Ivan was a person (NOT) DIFFERENT, but highly self-confident.

Tatyana reacted to the latest news with (NOT) JOY, as we expected, but with sadness and longing.

(NOT) SUCCESSFUL to take a break from one work, the master immediately set to another.

During the excavations, archaeologists discovered (NOT) THING more than a warehouse for food storage.


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

The boy, (NOT) noticing anything around, continued to build his sandcastles.

Lusya answered her father's questions incoherently, (IN) UNDERSTANDING.

Among the gloomy, still (NOT) CLEARED trees, this bush with green leaves seemed like a miracle.

Although the chick was (NOT) COMPLETELY stronger, it was already trying to fly.

Listening to the same story again was (NOT) INTERESTING for me at all, so I wished everyone good night and went to my room.


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

Everything in nature froze before dawn: the rye was already (NOT) WORRIED, and the rustle of its stems did not disturb the birds.

Father stood with a sullen look, and on his forehead a wrinkle of (IM)PATIENT waiting for an answer was sharply indicated.

The sea has merged with the blue southern sky and is fast asleep, reflecting the fabric of the clouds, (NOT) HIDING the stars.

It is often difficult to draw a line between languages ​​and dialects, since (NOT) ALL of their features are still known to linguists.

NOT INTERESTED in anything, Natalya looked indifferently at the blackening sky, at the raging ocean.


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

A (NOT) HIGH cloudy sky could be seen over the mountains.

There are, as it often seems to us, nothing (UN) SIGNIFICANT meetings with people, but communication with them can be the beginning of a long friendship.

In this city you rarely meet an idle, (UN) BUSY person.

A short acquaintance did not (NOT) prevent us from talking in a friendly way.

The buildings of St. Petersburg with its brown iron roofs are (NOT) DESIGNED to be viewed from above.


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

The meeting was held in the (NOT) BIG, but luxurious apartment of Lyubov Markovna.

The story "Heart of a Dog" is distinguished by an extremely clear author's idea: the revolution that took place in Russia was (NOT) THE RESULT of the natural spiritual development of society, but irresponsible and premature


The envelope with the wax seal is still (NOT) PRINTED.

The man took a deep breath, pulled on his hat and left in an (UN)KNOWN direction.

All the thoughts (NOT) SPOKEN aloud, I painstakingly wrote down in the evenings in a thick notebook.


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

The action of V. Nabokov's novel "Under the sign of the illegitimate" takes place in an (UN) NAMED police state headed by the dictator Paduc.

In the story "Cut off" Shukshin showed the villager in a by no means (NOT) CHARACTERISTIC role.

Our trains stood side by side, like twin brothers, (NOT) RECOGNIZING each other, and parted forever.

(NOT) LOOKING at his comrades, Kirill quickly walked down the corridor.

In life, he was overly diplomatic and tried to act (NOT) DIRECTLY, as his father would have done, but in a blunt, hint.


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

It was already far (NOT) HOT, but sunny September day, the huntsman and I went to the swamps to watch birds.

Cold moonlight poured into the windows (NOT) SHUTTERED even with tulle.

When Elizabeth, the muse of the writer, left him, he began to draw inspiration from (NOT) WHERE.

Appreciating sincerity in people and (NOT) ACCEPTING falsehood most of all, this nobleman preferred to be friends with the peasants than with the people of his


Olga, having learned about Sasha's arrival, ran out with her (NOT) COVERED head into the snowy yard.


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

During the years of the Great Patriotic War(NOT) FEW poems appeared, but most significant work became "Vasily Terkin" Tvardovsky.

The basis of the plot becomes far (NOT) NEW in literature, the clash of a strong personality and the crowd.

“Sometimes it is more important (NOT) WHAT is said, but how it is said!” - With this phrase, Igor completed our argument.

The door turned out to be (NOT) LOCKED, and I cautiously entered the house.

(UN)SHAVED for almost a week, with tousled hair, haggard, my brother was a pitiful sight.


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

We lived in poverty, constantly (NOT) EATING, exchanged for food those things that we brought with us.

My trained eye determined that the area was (NOT) DIVINED, but I still decided to look for at least some signs of human presence.

It is still far (NOT) CLEAR whether such an evaluation criterion is applicable to everyone and to the same extent.

Zoo accepts (NOT)SOLD OUT on New Year fruits that elephants, kangaroos, bears and artiodactyls will feast on.

She is an amazing Russian actress, he is an (UN)KNOWN genius teacher, and both are true servants of the theater.


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

People came to the aid of the city, memory, art, (NOT) WANTING to submit to the pressure of militant indifference.

He imagined himself a martyr and partly even proudly thought that the cup was (NOT) DRINKED to the bottom, that he would still suffer for his honesty.

I shook her hand twice; the second time she pulled it out, (NOT) SAYING a word.

The French were repulsed at all points, but we (NOT) HAVE the strength to cross the river on the same day and complete the rout.

Let it be (NOT) MY way, I'm ready to compromise.


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

Winter (NOT) is angry for nothing, its time has passed ...

His home life, which was (NOT) INTERESTING to anyone around him, went on as usual.

It was a month of (NOT) clouded happiness.

My new friend was by no means (NOT) POOR, but his stinginess discouraged me.

(NOT) WELCOMELY and affably met Olga Stas, but coldly and aloofly.


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

The door to the veranda was (NOT) CLOSED.

This manuscript sheds light on a country that is (UN)KNOWN in detail to no one until now.

The dressing gown had in the eyes of Oblomov the darkness of (UN) APPRAISED merits.

The air here was (NOT) OURS, alien, and my heart ached.

The crate turned out to be (NOT) THAN other than ammo storage.


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

This person, UNKNOWN to anyone, behaved as if he knew everyone well.

Money to our hero was constantly (NOT) ENOUGH, because they were spent quickly and stupidly.

Today's performance turned out to be (NOT) MORE INTERESTING than yesterday's.

(NOT) ABLE to speak in public, Demidov was very worried before the meeting.

I did not know how to start a conversation in such an (UN)USUAL environment.


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

That long, not at all (NOT) UNDERSTANDABLE to other people's ears conversation brought Oleg and Nastya closer.

(NOT) DOUBTING his decision for a minute, Arkasha left the house.

Vasily (DID NOT) HAVE the courage to admit to himself that it was time to retreat, to surrender.

The (NOT) reedy shore attracted us, and we decided to spend the night here.

I was offended by the (IN) POLITE remark of a friend, but by the icy tone in which it was made.


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

The son's (INAUDIBLE) answer aroused suspicion, and the father was forced to ask a few more questions.

Vasilisa returned home, (NOT) SUCCESSFUL to do the most important thing: she did not learn anything about Andrei's fate.

Former students, in shabby overcoats, with (NOT) HEALED wounds, returned to their families.

In I. S. Turgenev's story "Unfortunate", the hero talks about the impression that the sonata made on him, which he had previously (NOT) HEARD.

(UN) REALIZING their destiny, the heroes of A.P. Chekhov's plays often live their lives meaninglessly.


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY.

Open the brackets and write out this word.

We met in the (UN)FURNISHED room to discuss its future design.

All this testifies to the extraordinary kindness of his quiet and not at all (NOT) RESPONSIBLE heart.

Some of the tasks were (NOT) COMPLETE, so Sasha had to hurry.

This box is (NOT) SMALLER than that one, but much lighter.

(NOT) SUCCESSFUL to finish one novel, he immediately began writing the next.


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

A (UN)FAMILIAR person entered the living room, but numerous guests did not even pay attention to him.

The day was (NOT) HOT, but stuffy: the wind had died down completely.

(NOT) LOOKING BACK, Katya left the room.

Ripened bread, corn, sunflowers - where they are harvested, where they are (NOT) TOUCHED yet.

The (NON) STOP rainstorm for three days has turned our garden plot into a swamp.


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY.

Open the brackets and write out this word.

He entered a room that did (NOT) LIKE the first one.

Eduard spoke though (NOT) LOUD, but everyone in the room heard his every word.

Alla at that time put potatoes on the fire, which for some reason was (NOT) WASHED.

“I got this product (NOT) for FREE, I paid for it in gold!” Father explained.

The gray irons of the British ironclads sat low in the water of the bay, among the (NOT) MELTED ice floes.


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY.

Open the brackets and write out this word.

Daughter Zoya, not at all like her mother, was a thin, narrow, ethereal blonde.

The windows in the room were washed, but (NOT) WIPE dry.

(NOT) IS IT TIME to take a break and get some rest?


ONE. Open the brackets and write out this word.

Shine like lips, (NOT) wiped by hand, and willow vines, and oak leaves.

We remained in (NOT) CONFUSION when the strange guest suddenly left.

(UN) REALIZING their destiny, the heroes of the plays by A.P. Chekhov often live their life meaninglessly.

Potatoes in the gardens are still (NOT) DIGGED.

Little tragedies of an individual remain (NOT) NOTICED by anyone.


Determine the sentence in which NOT with the highlighted word is written ONE. Open the brackets and write out this word.

This Martyr was (NOT) WHO other than Gavrila Severov.

The foreigner spoke Russian very (NOT) BAD, but sometimes he made long pauses: he chose the right words.

The office is (NOT) EQUIPPED with everything you need.

(NOT) UNDERSTOOD by anyone present, Merkulov decided to leave the audience.

In this strange book, under the cover were (UN)USUAL white pages with printed words, and dark gray sheets with yellowish muddy spots.


Determine the sentence in which NOT with the highlighted word is written CLEARLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

A (NOT) BRIGHT, but very beautiful sunset was burning over the lake.

The still (NOT) FINISHED conversation was forcibly interrupted when a frightened maid flew into the office.

“(DO NOT) HAVE to think about it,” she whispered to herself.

The doctor (NOT) HURRY put on gloves and muttered something under his breath.

We were absolutely (NOT) READY for the difficulties we are facing now.


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

This young actress, who did not (NOT) CLAIMS for world fame, but at the same time had healthy ambitions, conquered the journalist.

Grandfather Vadim had a chance to live a long and very (NOT) EASY life.

Elvira (NOT) ONCE told him that it was not necessary to see her off.

I myself read the book only a month after taking office and, I confess, did (NOT) OFTEN re-read it afterwards.

The boy told as dryly as possible, (NOT) GOING INTO details.


Identify the sentence in which NOT is written with the word ONE. Open the brackets and write out this word.

We pretended that nothing (UN)PLEASANT happened.

A (NOT) DECENT person does this, but the one in whom there is not a penny of honor.

It turned out that this was (NOT) WHO other than the same seller that the Zubr, without any reason, remembered before leaving.

I waited (NOT) MORE THAN ten minutes for an answer.

The territory was wild, still (NOT) DIVINED, the work was huge.


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

No one (NOT) CONTAINED stone quickly rolled down the slope.

The house was (NOT) HOT, and we could not get warm in any way.

It is impossible to blame anyone, (NOT) UNDERSTANDING.

She was afraid of (NOT) GETTING, not seeing, not experiencing everything that is possible in life.

Vera's mother was a (NOT) EVIL woman at all.


Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

It is (NOT) EXCLUDED that the solution of this question would bring us closer to the solution of another.

Here is the color of some new society, still (NOT) STEADY, still boiling in the whirlpool of selection.

This theme in the story sounds (NOT) CLEARLY and openly, as is often the case in the works of this author, but gradually, muffled.

Did your (NOT) FRIEND send this letter?

And somewhere not far from this sacred place (NOT) WHO was buying cheap mahogany palace furniture, crystal, porcelain, paintings in gold frames.


Identify the sentence in which NOT is written with the word ONE. Open the brackets and write out this word.

This room only seems big, but it is (NOT) SPACIOUS at all.

(NOT) MANAGED to cope with emotions, the guest behaved rudely.

Olya kept telling us something all the time, hiding it.

He tried to convince me that my attempt to get away from the conversation is (NOT) NOTHING but the fear of facing the truth.

I told all this simply, calmly, (NOT) HURRYING.

Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

Raskolnikov is a (NOT) COMMON killer, but a gifted young man with a philosophical mindset.

IN THE (NOT) FINISHED youthful “Tale” by M.Yu. Lermontov describes the childhood of Sasha Arbenin, the double of the author himself.

I will tell everything as it really was, (NOT) MISTORTING a single word.

Everything was there: a sea of ​​music, beautiful costumes, luxurious scenery and the very atmosphere of the Bolshoi Theater, which for many years has been keeping an (UN) DISCLOSURED secret to anyone.

Petka slept a lot, but for some reason he wanted to sleep more, and it often seemed that everything around him was (NOT) REAL, but a long, unpleasant dream.

Explanation (see also Rule below).

Here is the correct spelling.

Raskolnikov is NOT a COMMON killer, but a gifted young man with a philosophical mindset (as opposed to union A).

IN THE UNFINISHED (communion without dependent words) youthful "Tale" by M.Yu. Lermontov describes the childhood of Sasha Arbenin, the double of the author himself.

I will tell everything as it really was, WITHOUT DISTORTING (not spelled separately with a gerund) not a single word.

Everything was there: a sea of ​​music, beautiful costumes, luxurious scenery and the very atmosphere of the Bolshoi Theater, which for many years has kept an UNDISCLOSED secret (participle as part of participle turnover is written with NOT separately) secret.

Petka slept a lot, but for some reason he wanted to sleep more, and it often seemed that everything around him was NOT REAL (contradiction follows), but a long, unpleasant dream.

Answer: unfinished.

Answer: unfinished

Rule: Task 13. Continuous and separate spelling NOT and NOR with different parts speeches

Spelling NOT and NOR.

According to the specification, the task of this type checks:

− the ability to distinguish a particle NOT from a particle NI;

- the ability to distinguish the prefix NOT from the prefix NI;

- the ability to write together or separately NOT with all parts of speech.

In this regard, we draw attention to the fact that the condition of tasks, depending on its goals, can vary significantly. At the same time, we also note that in typical USE assignments(authors Tsybulko I.P., Lvov, Egoraeva) only the ability to write together or separately NOT with different parts of speech is checked, and in the tasks of other authors, including Senina, MMIO (StatGrad), tasks are also presented to choose from NOT or NOR. The editors of RESHUEGE also consider it necessary to expand the types of this task within the specification of the current year.

We also draw attention to the fact that a number of rules by which spelling is checked are not studied in the school course. Such rules are marked with *.

12.1 Merged and separate spelling of particles NE and NI.

The particle is not written separately:

1) If there is or is implied opposition with names, adverbs and participles.

It is necessary to distinguish between direct opposition, in which one of the two features called adjectives is denied, and the second is affirmed, and opposition with a concessive shade of meaning, in which both features, called adjectives, are attributed to the object, i.e. there is a contrast, but without negation .

Wed: The lake is not deep, but shallow (the sign "deep" is denied and the sign "shallow" is affirmed). - The lake is shallow, but wide (both signs are affirmed: "both shallow and wide"; "although shallow, but wide") .

1) This is not happiness, but grief. The river is not shallow (deep). You are not my friend. They didn't go fast, but slowly. Not a silent, but a growing rumble.
2) * With adjectives, adverbs in -o and participles, words in -my, if the opposition is implied and the negation is reinforced by the words:

a) not at all, not at all, not at all, not at all, not at all;

b) negative pronominal words: not at all, not at all, no one, no one, no one, never, nowhere, not at all, nothing, nothing, nothing, etc.

For convenience of explanation, we call them negative amplifiers.

a) This is not true at all; This case is by no means unique; This is by no means obvious; She is far from brave; He is by no means stupid; It's no fun to talk about it; Not in the least embarrassed; She is by no means more educated than her husband;

b) The case is in no way suitable; A worthless project; He is no friend of mine; not at all envious, not needed by anyone, in no way useless, good for nothing, incapable of anything, not interesting in anything; He is not in the least prettier than his sister;

3) *With short adjectives that are not used in full.3) not happy, not supposed to, not right, not visible, not intending, not disposed, not ready, not obligated, not needed, not agreeing.
4) With full participles in the presence of dependent words (except for the words of degree enhancers, see the list) or opposition (as a general rule)4) Fields of rye not yet harvested could be seen. Not a laughing, but a crying child.
4) * With verbal adjectives formed from transitive imperfective verbs with the help of suffixes -em-, -im- only if there is a dependent word in the instrumental case.4) The subject I did not like was to be taken this year.

This case requires further explanation. It is necessary to distinguish between writing not with words in -my, formed from transitive imperfective verbs: such words can be both passive present participles and adjectives (in the first case, the spelling with is not separate, in the second - merged). They are participles if they use the instrumental case as an explanatory word. actor, less often creative tools (the so-called instrumental); in the presence of other explanatory words, they become adjectives (lose the meaning of passiveness and the meaning of time and acquire a qualitative meaning). Compare: a child not loved by the mother - games unloved in childhood (in the second case, the word unloved indicates a permanent sign, meaning approximately the same as “unpleasant”, “undesirable”); motion not inhibited by air - the side of the moon invisible from the Earth.

Adjectives of this type include: invisible, insane, inflammable, inextinguishable, immovable, indivisible, unforgettable, invisible, unchangeable, unloved, unthinkable, untaxable, inalienable, untranslatable, incommunicable, unknowable, unverifiable, unconjugated, intolerant and etc. Wed. their writing in the presence of explanatory words: a number that is indivisible by three, meetings that are unforgettable for us, through tears invisible to the world, records unthinkable in the recent past, feelings that cannot be expressed in simple words, accounts that have not been verified for a long time, mud that is impenetrable in springtime, nouns that are indeclinable in Russian , intolerant behavior in our society, etc.

5) With verbs, gerunds, short participles, with numerals, conjunctions, particles, prepositions:5) was not, could not, without recognizing, not ordered, not removed, not one, not five, not that ... not that, not only, not above us.
6) * With adverbs and words of the state category

a) comparatively

b) as a predicate impersonal predicate

6) moved no louder, spoke no faster

I don't need, she doesn't need

7) in negative pronouns with an accented preposition7) not with anyone, not in anything, not about anyone
7) in negative pronouns with a preposition without stress7) with no one, in nothing, about no one

12.2 Continuous spelling NOT and NOR.

The particle is not written together:

1) If the word without NOT is not used.but) Nouns: fable, tumbler, ignorance, ignoramus, adversity, unseen, invisible, slave, scoundrel, touchy, ailment, forget-me-not, hatred, bad weather, malfunctions, fidget, slob, foolish, loser, non-Christ;

b) adjectives and adverbs derived from them: negligent, inconspicuous, irrevocable, unharmed, inevitable, unchanging, absurd, necessary, invincible, incessant, inseparable, inexpressible, endless, incessant, undoubted, incomparable, awkward, unfortunate, clumsy, unbearable, unshakable, indisputable, indomitable; carelessly, absurdly, necessary, undoubtedly;

in) Verbs: to dislike, to dislike, to be indignant, to be unwell, to be unwell, to hate, to be unwell, to be sick, to be perplexed, to be numb, to be numb;

G) adverbs and other invariable words: unbearable; unbearable; unbearable in spite of, in spite of (prepositions)

2) *NOT is part of the prefix NEDO, which gives the verbs the meaning of incompleteness, insufficiency in comparison with some norm. The same rule also works in participles formed from verbs with the prefix NEDO. The prefix NEDO- is often antonymous with the prefix PERE-: undersalt - oversalt, underfulfilled - overfulfilled, underfilled - overfilled, underfilled - pass.2) The child was very lacking in the care of his parents. During the war, children were undernourished and undersleeped. Rozhdestvensky believed too much in his own strength, considering himself a genius, but underestimated the abilities of his opponent.
3) With nouns, adjectives, adverbs in -o, -e, when a new word, a new concept is formed, often with a negative quality.3) misfortune (trouble), difficult (difficult), difficult, ugly, not far (close), nearby
4) * In combination with adjectives and adverbs of the word denoting the degree of quality: very, extremely, quite, extremely, obviously, quite (pretty much), enough do not affect the continuous or separate spelling, therefore it is NOT written together.

For the convenience of explanations, we call them strengths and degrees.

4) A very unpleasant incident. A completely uninteresting game was invented. He spoke rather incomprehensibly.
5) With full participles in the absence of dependent words or *when dependent words are degree enhancers5) We walked along the unlit streets of the town. I made a very rash decision.
6) * In verbal adjectives formed from intransitive verbs or transitive perfective verbs with the help of suffixes -em-, -im-. These are not participles, since participles with suffixes -em, -them should only be imperfective, they are the present tense.6) unfading, inexhaustible, irreconcilable, irresistible, indomitable, inexhaustible, indestructible.
7) in negative and indefinite pronouns and adverbs, depending on the stress, E or I, but together.7) nobody-nobody, nothing-nothing, nobody-nobody, nothing-nothing, nowhere-nowhere, nowhere-nowhere, no need-nothing, once-never.

12.3. Particles NOT and NI differ in meaning:

For the correct choice of NE and NI particles, their semantic differences should be taken into account. Let's show them in tables.

The main uses of negative particles

Particle NOT usedNI particle is used
1) to express negation:

There were no letters or telegrams.

Brother does not look like a liar.

Not the moon, not the stars interest me, but only meteorites.

1) to strengthen the negation expressed by the particle NOT

There were no letters or telegrams.

The brother does not look like a deceiver or a joker.

I'm not interested in the stars or the moon.

2) to express a statement with a hint of obligation (double negation):

He couldn't call.

We couldn't help but notice.

2) to express quantitative negation:

The sky is clear.

Not a dewdrop in my mouth.

3) to express impossibility in impersonal sentences:

Do not catch up with you crazy trio!

Do not be war-fire!

3) for the emotional expression of a prohibition, order, duty:

Not one step back!

Not a sound! Not a day without a line!

4) when expressing uncertainty, fear or admiration:

Are you my guest?

No matter how frost strikes!

Why not a hero!

4) for the expression of uncertainty:

He is neither old nor young, neither fat nor thin (cf.: He is either old or young).

In phraseological units: Neither this nor that, neither fish nor meat.

5) in interrogative-exclamatory sentences when expressing an underlined statement:

Who didn't curse stationmasters who did not fight with them!

(A. Pushkin)

Is it not true that we have grown wiser?

With your condition, how not to get married? (L. Tolstoy)

5) in subordinate clauses with a generalized amplifying meaning (with allied words: whoever .., whatever .., wherever .. etc.).

Whatever the child amuses, if only she does not cry.

Whenever you ask him, he will not reach into his pocket for a word.

Difficult cases of distinguishing between NI and NOT

1. In subordinate clauses. Compare:
Does NOT express negation:

When the brother did not come, everyone felt bored.

There are no wars where soldiers do not die.

NI expresses a statement with a touch of generality:

Whenever a brother came, he always brought animation and joy.

Wherever soldiers die, they should be remembered and honored.

2. In revolutions not one and none; not once and never. Compare:
Doesn't express negation

Not one of us (ie many) was ready for the ascent.

More than once (that is, many times) I had to meet with a wild beast.

Ni expresses the strengthening of negation:

None of us (i.e. none) were to ascend.

Not once (i.e. never) did I have to meet with a wild beast.

3. In pronominal phrases. Compare:
Emphasizing phrases with NOT contain the meaning of hidden opposition and are used in affirmative proposals(cf .: no one else, but ..)

None other than a woodpecker thumped dully in the forest.

Before us was nothing but an ancient cave.

These turns are used in negative sentences and serve to strengthen the negation: nobody ... not; nothing is not:

No one else would lead us to the right path.

Nothing but music fascinated me so much.


Composite amplifying revolutions with a particle neither:

no matter what, no matter what, wherever, wherever, as if nothing had happened, etc.

Spelling varies not with verbal adjectives my and with participles -my; in the presence of explanatory words, the first ones are written together (like denominative adjectives), the second ones - separately, for example:

but) uninhabited long time island insoluble crystals in water indistinguishable figures of people in the dark;

b) reserves not visited by hunters, unreadable non-specialist magazines, not favorite mother child.

For adjectives on my include words formed from intransitive verbs (for example: independent, waterproof, fireproof) or from perfective verbs (for example: incorrigible, unworkable, indestructible). These words are subject to the general spelling rules not with adjectives, i.e. they are written together and in the presence of explanatory words (see examples above), as well as in short form (for example: island uninhabited, disease incurable, these countries are economically independent). However, the rule of separate writing of adjectives with not, if pronouns and adverbs starting with neither, or combinations far from, not at all, not at all(see above, paragraph 6, note 1. subparagraph 2), for example: with nothing incomparable impression, countries not dependent on anyone, by no means insoluble crystals; this phenomenon is neither from life nor from art not removable. The exception is words that not not used, for example: by no one invincible army, for no one incomprehensible case, under no circumstances unique experiment.


The spelling must be distinguished not with words to my formed from transitive imperfective verbs: such words can be either passive present participles or adjectives (in the first case, writing with not separate, in the second - merged). They are participles if they use the instrumental case of the actor as an explanatory word, less often the instrumental instrument (the so-called instrumental); in the presence of other explanatory words, they become adjectives (lose the meaning of passiveness and the meaning of time and acquire a qualitative meaning). Wed: not favorite mother child - unloved in childhood, play (in the second case, the word unloved indicates a permanent feature, meaning approximately the same as “unpleasant”, “undesirable”); motion, not braked air - invisible from the Earth side of the Moon.

Adjectives of this type include: invisible, insane, inflammable, inextinguishable, immovable, indivisible, unforgettable, invisible, unchangeable, unloved, unthinkable, tax-free, inalienable, untranslatable, incommunicable, unknowable, unverifiable, unconjugated, intolerant, etc. Cf. their spelling in the presence of explanatory words: indivisible for three number unforgettable meeting for us, through invisible world tears, unthinkable recent records, non-transferable in simple terms feelings unverifiable for a long time accounts, impassable mud in the spring indeclinable nouns in Russian intolerable behavior in our society, etc.