
Bloggers have exposed a pseudo-cockpit that told about staged filming of the us landing on the moon. Apollo's moon landing was filmed by Stanley Kubrick in a Hollywood studio Stanley Kubrick's interview in Russian

There are always 2 camps in the lunar epic: those who believe that the Americans were on the moon, and those who do not. And if the chief director from NASA himself said that he filmed the Lunar landing on Earth, would that convince you? Because this video appeared in December 2015, 15 years after Kubrick's death in 1999, so that his family would not be hurt.

1. Why did you decide on this interview? Because he has matured as a person, he says “has gone through personal evolutionary growth,” when morality means more to him than money and fame. This happened with him against the background of how the former astronaut Neil Armstrong, who is considered the first person to be on the surface of the moon, withdrew into himself and drank himself, because of all this false government and NASA, which was forbidden to talk to anyone from others.

2. Kubrick made a video about the lunar landing, filmed on Earth. For this, the technology was used “ FRONT PROJECTIONS “, Already tested in“ A Space Odyssey 2001 ″, so that it seemed to you that there was an endless lunar landscape behind the astronauts, although each film set where they moved was only a few tens of meters.

3. Kubrick regrets that he made this fake, although he is proud of it, calling it "the greatest masterpiece." A double feeling for him seems to be bad, but very pleasant and warm, he does not want to give it up.

4. Long breaks between his films are explained by the fact that within the director's personality there was a struggle for fame, and by observing the effect of spreading lies. Therefore, after the movie "" in 1980, which we reviewed in the previous article, he waited as much as 7 years to shoot " Full metal shell", And then another 13 years to film" With eyes wide shut" in 1999 year... By the way, " With eyes wide shut"Was released in July 1999, exactly 30 years after the Lunar landing (July 1969). Kubrick has always loved symbolic language, saying that people (we all) live with " eyes wide shut «.

5. He filmed the "lunar landing" to keep pace with the promise of President John F. Kennedy: "The Americans will be on the moon until the late 1960s." Therefore, the landing was shown in 1969, exactly as predicted. It was necessary to report to the voters.

6. In the beginning, it was planned that they would film everything on Earth, type for safety net, if they do not keep up, and as soon as the technical opportunity arises, they will send Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins there first, so that they do not feel like the world's deceivers, but they have to wait a bit. Then it was postponed more and more, and at the end they were told that it was unrealistic. But, the video with the lunar landing had already gone to the masses, and it was too late to admit to the fake.

7. Werner von Braun, the head of the NASA Space Flight Center, immediately said that this project is nonsense, and it is impossible for people to fly to the moon with current technologies, but they did not listen to him, but told him to draw a rocket. In parallel with this, a video was filmed and the scenery was prepared in the form of modules and rovers. How did it happen that the respected engineer Wernher von Braun got involved in the scam? So he was taken out of Germany after the war, he was an advanced specialist, made excellent FAU and FAU-2 missiles for Hitler, and now his life depended only on the United States. He was told: "We are flying." He saluted and until 1970 headed this center, designed a gigantic pseudo-missile Saturn 5, which after only 2 test launches, one of which was unsuccessful, was accepted for manned flights. After the "successful lunar landings", and the closure of the "successful" lunar program, the rocket no longer flew. Moreover, the German left NASA in 1972 "very disappointed", and the flights lasted until 1975. 11 successful launches in a row, and also the successful launch of the American Skylab laboratory into orbit. Are directors fired for this? Or get fired when you have fulfilled your role as "technical set" and are no longer needed?

Blueprints for the Saturn 5 rocket and F1 engines were, naturally, "Lost by NASA." Today, Americans buy and fly on Soviet RD-180 and NK-33 engines.

So that you understand the dimensions of what the Americans allegedly flew, then the picture below. Number 1 and number 2 are the Soyuz and Proton rockets, developed from the 1960s lunar race. Working technology. They exist, they are built, they fly. They are used today to deliver crews and cargo to the ISS. Number 3 - Saturn 5. Fucking a huge canoe, could put several ready-made modules into orbit today, deploy a ready-made station. After all, every single launch costs money, right? Deliver the goods, yeah. If ... I flew ...

8. Kubrick even filmed absurd videos of astronauts (for example, Apollo 13) who even play golf on the moon, because people in America needed to show something, preferably entertaining. They already jumped, ran, rode a car, something new is needed. The golf idea struck him as "American." They took off the golf! After all, it is for this that they are sent to the moon ... to play golf!

There seems to be nothing more to add here. No, though. There is something else.

American super-emotions
landing on the moon!

This is how the first interview of Americans Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Michael Collins looks like in 1969, after the flight.

Just appreciate their delight, because they have just become the first earthlings in the history of mankind (!), Who got and returned from the Moon ... This is a success! The performance boiled down to showing videos and photos that everyone had already seen, but they commented on them that Felt at the time of filming that Felt before the frame that after the moment. Do they look like people who have just completed an incredible flight by all measures and difficulties?

Or do they fearfully glance at each other, so as not to "puncture" completely?

The renowned cosmonaut, personally preparing to participate in the Soviet lunar exploration program, denied long-standing rumors that American astronauts had not been on the Moon, and that the footage, broadcast on television around the world, was allegedly edited in Hollywood.

He spoke about this in an interview with RIA Novosti on the eve of the 40th anniversary of the first landing of US astronauts in the history of mankind, celebrated on July 20 Neil Armstrong and Edwina Aldrin to the surface of an Earth satellite.

Correspondent: So were the Americans on the moon or were they not?

“Only absolutely ignorant people can seriously believe that the Americans have not been on the moon. And, unfortunately, this whole ridiculous epic about frames allegedly fabricated in Hollywood began with the Americans themselves. By the way, the first person who began to spread these rumored to have been jailed for libel, " - noted in this regard

Illustrious cosmonaut Alexey Leonov

Correspondent:Where did the rumors come from?

"It all started with the fact that when, at the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the famous American film director Stanley Kubrick, based on the book of science fiction writer Arthur Clarke created his brilliant film "The Odyssey of 2001" journalists who met with kubrick's wife,asked to talk about her husband's work on the film in Hollywood studios. And she honestly said that there are only two real lunar modules on Earth - one is in a museum, where no filming has ever been carried out, and it is even forbidden to walk with a camera, and the other is in Hollywood, where, to develop the logic of what is happening on the screen, additional filming of the landing was made. Americans to the Moon " - the Soviet cosmonaut specified.

Correspondent:Why was studio filming used?

He explained that in order for the viewer to see the development of what is happening from beginning to end on the movie screen, elements of additional filming are used in any cinema.

"It was impossible, for example, to shoot a real discovery Neil Armstrong the hatch of the descent ship on the moon - there was simply no one to remove it from the surface! For the same reason, it was impossible to film the descent of Armstrong to the moon along the stairs from the ship. These moments are really captured By Kubrick in Hollywood studios to develop the logic of what is happening, and laid the foundation for numerous gossip that the entire landing was allegedly simulated on the set, " - explained

Correspondent:Where does the truth begin and the editing ends?

"Real shooting began when Armstrong, who set foot on the moon for the first time, got used to it a little, installed a highly directional antenna through which the transmission to the Earth was carried out. His partner Buzz Aldrin then he also left the ship on the surface and began to film Armstrong, who in turn filmed his movement on the surface of the moon ", - the astronaut specified.

Is it so?

Let us ask ourselves the question: what is the volume of the final images in the Kubrick pavilion?

There is no atmosphere on the moon and in near-earth orbit to scatter sunlight. Therefore the shadows are completely dark and the sky is black even when the sun is shining. The harsh lighting creates a striking effect.

Sun and Earth's View from Orbit, Apollo 11; AS11-36-5293. Image Collection: 70mm Hasselblad; Lens Focal Length: 80 mm; Film Width: 70 mm.

Photo taken by astronaut Gregory Harbau. The photo shows his colleague Joseph Tanner during the second spacewalk, related to the maintenance of the Space Telescope. Hubble in February 1997. The photo also shows the stern of the space shuttle Discovery and the Sun hanging over the thin crescent of the Earth's limb. Tanner holds a test sheet in his left hand, and Harbau is reflected in the helmet of his spacesuit. NASA

That is how it should be. At the same time, Hasselblad is used on the surface of the "moon" with a focal length of 60 mm than in the top image of Apollo 11. This means that objects in the images will be 25% smaller, in particular the Sun. However, in the photographs of a person's stay on the Moon in 1969-1972, everything is different - around the sun there is an optical crown and a halo, the angular dimensions of the "sun" are 10 degrees! This is twenty times the actual size of 0.5 degrees (the apparent size of the Sun in the vicinity of the Earth). Below are some pictures.

View of the sun near the LM landing site. Apollo 12. AS12-46-6739

View of the sun 100 meters from the LM landing site. Apollo 12. AS12-46-6763

View of the sun 300 meters from the LM landing site. Apollo 14. AS14-64-9177

View of the sun 4 km from the LM landing site. Apollo 15 AS15-87-11745

View of the sun near the LM landing site. Apollo 15 AS15-85-11367

View of the sun 300 m from the LM landing site. Apollo 16. AS16-109-17856

View of the sun 100 m from the LM landing site. Apollo 17. AS17-134-20410

View of the sun 50 m from the LM landing site. Apollo 17. AS17-147-22580. Image Collection: 70mm Hasselblad; Lens Focal Length: 60 mm; Sun Elevation: 16 °; Description: STA ALSEP; Film Width: 70 mm.

The halo and crown around the sun in Apollo 12, 14, 15, 16 and 17 are indicative of the atmosphere. Details about the halo and optical phenomena. Below are pictures of the halo and crown of light sources on Earth in the presence of an atmosphere.

The sun and the halo around it for terrestrial conditions.

Sun beams and crown for earthly conditions

Crowns of the Sun.

Halo and crowns of street lamps

1. Optical phenomena are associated with refraction and diffraction by water droplets in the atmosphere.

The diagram shows how two points on the surface of a droplet can scatter light and act as sources of a diverging spherical wave. The light increases where the crests of the waves coincide or are of the same sign. The light intensity decreases where the waves have different amplitudes. The scattered light from the entire surface of the droplet plus the contribution of the reflected and transmitted waves are combined in a diffraction pattern - the corona.

In the first picture shows the corona from light diffraction by small particles. Each point of the illuminated surface is a source of scattered diverging spherical waves (Huygens-Fresnel principle). Diverging waves intersect, where they add up to give areas of increased brightness, and where they subtract - dark areas.
In the second picture the scattering from only two points along the central axis is shown, the direction of the incident light, the crests of the two scattered waves always coincide with the shape of the region with a bright light intensity.
In the third picture the sum of all crowns from each spectrum and each particle is shown.

All images of Apollo with optical phenomena from the sun completely fit within the framework of refraction and diffraction on atmospheric water droplets.

2. Increasing the angular dimensions of the "Sun"

In the case of a vacuum, the angular dimensions of the sun, like any light source, remain the same. In the presence of an atmosphere, the situation is different.

Any light wave is scattered by electrons, atoms and molecules of the atmosphere. Moreover, the intensity of the scattered light is inversely proportional to the fourth power of the light wavelength. Because of this, every particle becomes a light source, especially for blue rays. This is roughly like a diverging wave from a float, after the main wave has passed through it. As a result, due to the presence of the atmosphere, the molecules emit light in all directions, especially brightly near the light source. At very high brightness and exposure, it leads to flare on the film and an increase in the angular size of the light source. An example is shown below.

Electric arc; size is about 5 millimeters. Due to the scattering of light on air molecules, the size of the light ball is tens of times larger than the size of the plasma channel of the arc.

Finally, when the light source is slightly covered, the halo is retained due to light scattering in the atmosphere. We see this in the pictures of Apollo. There are no such optical phenomena in a real vacuum.

Apollo 14. AS14-66-9305

3. Dust is the cause of optical phenomena on the Moon.

On Earth, we often see a blurry sun, for example, through a cloud. This is the scattering of sunlight by aerosols (fog, smoke, dust). Their volume in the earth's atmosphere is no more than 0.1% of the volume of gases that make up atmospheric air. Likewise, one can assume for the Moon. This means that in order to observe at least approximately the same optical phenomena (corona, crown and light scattering), the total mass of particles on the Moon per unit volume must be at least 1 g / m³. This is a huge amount of particles and is tantamount to the existence of an aerosol atmosphere on the Moon. Until now, nothing of the kind has been found.


We have more than 5% of the volume of images of human stay on the Moon 1969-1972 with images of halos, crowns of the Sun and light scattering, which indicates the presence of the atmosphere. Considering that 5% of the images are included in the terrain panoramas, it can be firmly asserted that 30% of the images from the entire volume of photographic materials or more than 70% of the astronauts' stay on the surface of the "Moon" were made in the presence of the atmosphere.

Panorama Apollo 12 (a12pan1162447) consists of more than two dozen photographs, two of which are with the Sun.

More than 70% of the photo documents are the final images of Stanley Kubrick! The statement of the renowned cosmonaut Alexei Leonov in support of the American stay on the Moon and a minor studio filming is untenable.
In addition, all pictures are linked to libraries: 1) expeditions, 2) picture numbers, 3) audio conversations, 4) Apollo videos on the official website of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). And this means that images of terrestrial origin, together with audio conversations to them, NASA passes off a person's stay on the moon as documents.

Conclusion: This is a falsification of a person's stay on the Moon, which has been maintained at the highest official level for over 40 years.

+ Glare and optical effects from the "sun" for Apollo 11.

First, what is important to note is the presence of up to 10 different optical axes (the optical axis is the lens) and the absence of one axis of the light source (in this case, the sun) in the images.

According to the laws of Optics, all flares on the optical axes for one light source converge at one point. This is not in any photograph of Apollo 11 when they were on the surface of the moon.

At the same time, for images from the orbit of Apollo 11, we see one optical axis of the light source, the Sun, the absence of a huge number of light effects is also noticeable, in particular, the absence of an optical halo.

Several light sources in the sky on the "Moon" for Apollo 11 are also indicated by the double vision of the lunar module's shadow.

Below pictures

Several axes of the light source. Apollo 11, AS11-40-5872HR. Image Collection: 70mm Hasselblad; Film Width: 70 mm

Three axes of the light source. Apollo 11, AS11-40-5935HR. Image Collection: 70mm Hasselblad; Film Width: 70 mm

These patterns are evident in other images with optical highlights.
Below are the glare from the Sun in the same Hasselblad Apollo 11 camera:

View of Earth from orbit, Apollo 11; AS11-36-5293. Image Collection: 70mm Hasselblad; Lens Focal Length: 80 mm; Film Width: 70 mm.

View of the Earth from orbit; Apollo 11, AS11-36-5299. Image Collection: 70mm Hasselblad; Lens Focal Length: 80 mm; Film Width: 70 mm

We see one optical axis of the light source, the Sun, the absence of a huge number of light effects is also noticeable, in particular, the absence of an optical halo.

Several light sources in the sky on the "Moon" for Apollo 11 are also indicated by the double vision of the lunar module's shadow:

Doubling shadows from the lunar module indicate multiple light sources above the lunar surface. AS11-37-5463, AS11-37-5475, AS11-37-5476 and with increased contrast, brightness. Image Collection: 70mm Hasselblad; Magazine: 37; Description: LUNAR MODULE SHADOW ON SURFACE; Film Width: 70 mm.

Two shadows exactly follow the contour of the lunar module and details: an antenna for long-distance communications and for radio communications of astronauts, a system of auxiliary engines, and more. And this is not one random shot, not three shots, but a series of Magazine 37 photos - about 20 shots!

One could suggest that there are always two shadows on the Moon - one from the Sun, the other from the huge and bright crescent of the Earth!

However, look - this is Earth in the Apollo 11 images:

View of the lunar module and the Earth for Apollo 11; AS11-40-5923, AS11-40-5924. LUNAR MODULE; EARTH.

Compare with the brightness of the Sun (see pictures above). In general, the Sun is far from the most powerful star of all, but it is relatively close to the Earth and therefore shines very brightly - 500,000 times brighter than the full Moon and 5,000 times brighter than the full Earth when viewed from the Moon. Our planet shines several orders of magnitude lower! Also, keep in mind that the Earth is at its zenith. And what is the shadow of the Earth ?! Under you!

All this together is NASA's absurdities and lack of knowledge.

But even after the publication of this fact that the images of Apollo 11 stay on the "Moon" indicate the presence of several sources of light in the sky and this is a falsification, the defenders of NASA persist in their own: "The Americans walked on the Moon." The amazing nature of debaters!

This remark about multiple light sources in the sky on the Moon does not apply to glare for the rest of the stay: Apollo 12, Apollo 14, Apollo 15, Apollo 16, Apollo 17. For the shots of these missions, we have one axis of the light source. And here it should be noted that the shooting conditions are the same - the low position of the Sun above the horizon, the optical equipment is the same - a Hasselblad camera, the shooting technique is the same, the image is the same as for the Orlov ... However, the axis of the light source is unique. Photos of Apollo 11 fall out of the general pattern. Probably, NASA in the "first" flight to the moon lacked the power of one searchlight.

It is also possible to note the secondary "oddities" of the glare on the Apollo 11 optics, the Apollo mission in general:

  • the presence of equidistant twisted spirals in the glare, as in a long-range searchlight;
  • asymmetry of glare elements, which is possible if the light source itself does not have symmetry;
  • glare from the presence of a liquid droplet on the lens (re-reflection on the droplet surface);
  • a halo and a crown (crown) around the sun for Apollo 12, Apollo 14, Apollo 15, Apollo 16, Apollo 17, which is possible only with the presence of an atmosphere;
  • others.

The halo and crown around the sun in Apollo 17 (AS17-147-22580) indicates the presence of an atmosphere. Details about the halo and optical phenomena. Image Collection: 70mm Hasselblad; Lens Focal Length: 60 mm; Sun Elevation: 16 °; Description: STA ALSEP; Film Width: 70 mm.

Conclusion: in front of us, several sources of light illuminate the surface of the "Moon" for the Apollo 11 astronauts. This indicates a hoax by NASA of lunar conditions in the pavilion on Earth.

Stanley Kubrick's interview about filming the moon landing, after 3 days he was gone.

A dying interview of the famous film director Stanley Kubrick was published, in which he spoke in detail and in detail that all the moon landings were fabricated by NASA and how he filmed all the footage of American lunar expeditions on Earth ...

The interview was published 15 years after his death. Director T. Patrick Murray interviewed Stanley Kubrick three days before his death in March 1999. Previously, he was forced to sign an 88-page non-disclosure agreement (NDA) for the content of the interview within 15 years from the date of Kubrick's death.

Kubrick's suicide interview in recent days has become a real sensation around the world.

In 1971, Kubrick left the United States for the United Kingdom and did not appear in America again. All his subsequent films were shot only in England. Long years the director led a reclusive life, fearing murder. According to the British newspaper The Sun, the director "was afraid of being killed by the American secret services, following the example of other participants in the television support of the US lunar scam."

The director died suddenly, allegedly of a heart attack, at the end of the editing period of Eyes Wide Shut, starring Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. It was Kidman who in July 2002 in an interview with the American newspaper "The National Enquirer" reported that Kubrick had been killed. The director called her 2 hours before the official time of "sudden death" and asked not to come to Hertfordshire, where, as he put it, "we will all be poisoned so quickly that we will not even have time to sneeze." According to British journalists, employees of the US National Security Agency tried to assassinate Kubrick for the first time back in 1979.

The violent nature of the death of Kubrick on March 7, 1999 in an English estate near Harpenden (Hertfordshire) later became the reason for the revelations of his widow. In the summer of 2003, in an interview on French television, and later, on November 16, 2003 in the program "The Dark Side of the Moon" (CBC Newsworld), the director's widow, German actress Christiane Susanne Harlan made a public confession, the essence of which is as follows:

At a time when the USSR was already exploring space with might and main, US President Richard Nixon, inspired, according to the widow, by her husband's sci-fi epic film, which went down in history as one of the best Hollywood masterpieces 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), urged the director, along with other Hollywood professionals, "to save the national honor and dignity of the United States." What the masters of the "dream factory" led by Kubrick did. The decision on falsification was made personally by the President of the United States.

Similar statements from the participants of the "project" have been made before.

In particular, Bill Kaysing, a rocket engineer who worked at Rocketdyne, the company that built rocket engines for the Apollo program, is the author of We Never Goed to the Moon. American Deception Worth $ 30 Billion "(" We Never Went to the Moon: America's Thirty Billion Dollar Swindle "), published in 1974 and co-authored with Randy Reid, also stated that under the guise of a live report on the landing of NASA's lunar module circulated a fake filmed on Earth. For filming, a military training ground in the Nevada desert was used. On the pictures taken at different times by Soviet reconnaissance satellites, one can clearly see huge hangars, as well as a large area of \u200b\u200bthe "lunar surface" dotted with craters. It was there that all the "lunar expeditions", filmed by Hollywood specialists, took place.

Daredevils were even among the astronauts themselves. For example, the American astronaut Brian O'Leary, answering a direct question, said that "he cannot give a 100% guarantee that Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin really visited the moon."

P.S.Excerpt from the book by A. Novykh "Sensei VI"

Yes, it's cool for America, ”said Kostik enthusiastically. - Who would have thought!

I feel sorry for the people who live there, - Victor said sympathetically. - Behind the outward show of "freedom" such slavery is in the shackles of the Archon "democracy"!

Yeah, ”Kostik assented,“ but they said that this is the coolest country in the world, that everything there is of the highest order - from the standard of living to advanced technologies, even the first to be on the Moon ...

No, but really, why the Americans were the first to visit the moon, and ours were not? - hurt Ruslan. - We were the first to fly into space!

Do you want me to open big secret, - Sensei said with a barely noticeable smile, watching the guys' conversations. - The Americans have never been to the moon. And indeed, no human has ever set foot there, ”and humorously clarified,“ in the sense of being a creature, not a print from his shoe.

How is it that you haven't been to the moon ?! - Kostik and Ruslan were surprised at the same time.

It's very simple. People haven’t been to the moon, ”Sensei repeated again.

What, really? Nikolai Andreevich asked, intrigued.

Yes. "Flight to the Moon" is a big hoax, misinformation and a large-scale scam, which, however, brought considerable income to its organizers.

Zhenya glanced at Sensei with curiosity.

Yes? This is getting interesting ...

Wait, - Nikolai Andreevich stopped Zhenya and turned to Sensei: - How can this be a swindle, if, as far as I know, it is a well-known fact. At the same time, the landing of astronauts on the moon was watched, as they say, by more than half a million TV viewers around the globe. And this lunar epic lasted practically from 1969 to 1972, when American astronauts flew there almost every six months. And in general, after all, then the USA and the USSR had a whole race for the primacy of the flight to the moon. If Americans were cheating, I think Soviet Union would not keep silent about it.

It's not as simple as you think. Behind the world PR you are talking about stood the highest level "Freemasons". From this project, they downloaded from only one American people, as law-abiding taxpayers, almost forty billion dollars. Although in reality there was no human flight to the moon, and even with those technologies, Sensei chuckled. - Even now, at the current level of development of science, this is simply not realistic. So all this was just another successful party of the Archons in big politics.

Hmm, in more detail, - Volodya expressed his general desire, looking at Sensei.

You can, of course, in more detail, ”Sensei shrugged his shoulders. - Although this information, in my opinion, is not of particular interest. These are just games of big politics ...

But as nerves tickle, heels itch, - Zhenya "froze", making the guys laugh.

You need to wash more often! - Victor answered him with humor.

No, really, Sensei, tell me, ”Volodya asked again.

What to tell. A dirty story. So many good people died because of this ... This scam was started by the Archons during the years of the so-called "great space race" between the USSR and the USA. Loyal servants of the Archons - "Freemasons" - very prudently played on the ambitions of big politicians ... At that time the USSR was in the lead. - And somehow smiling kindly, as if remembering something good, Sensei warmly said: - Still not to lead! After all, the cosmonautics was headed by Sergei Pavlovich Korolev himself. He was a good man, of high decency and morality, and very responsible for his thoughts, actions and decisions.

Korolev? Who is this? Politician? - asked Slavik.

What are you doing! - Andrey grinned. - It's a scientist!

An outstanding scientist, ”Sensei emphasized. - A talented design engineer.

Now I know, - the guy answered with a smile.

Korolev was not only an outstanding scientist-practitioner, Sensei stated, but also a talented organizer. Everyone who worked with him on the same team admired his incredible enthusiasm. He simply infected people with his absolute confidence in victory. And as they say now, "intuitively" he developed promising directions. It `s naturally. After all, Korolev was far from an ordinary person. Few people know that in the early thirties, then still a young engineer Sergei Korolev met not only Tsiolkovsky, but also with quite extraordinary non-public personalities who revealed to him, in addition to the "theory" of astronautics, many very interesting things. It was after those meetings that Korolev "fell ill" with the theme of the development of jet interplanetary flights. It was thanks to those meetings that he was able, as they will write later, to "predetermine and predict" the future of aviation and astronautics for many years ahead, ahead of his time.

Who did he meet? Ruslan said impatiently.

Sensei only smiled mysteriously and without answering his question continued the story.

So, thanks to Korolev's inexhaustible enthusiasm, a whole era of astronautics began in the Union. Already in 1957, the USSR launched the first Earth satellite. Then there were launches of automatic interplanetary stations, including those to the moon, where soil samples were repeatedly taken. Again, it was the Soviet automatic station "Luna-2" that first reached the lunar surface in 1959. The first ever human flight into space on the Vostok spacecraft is also a merit of the USSR, and so on and so forth. The Americans, too, did not lag behind and, as they say, stepped on the heels of the Union in space exploration. If Yuri Gagarin flew on April 12, 1961, then the American Alan Shepard - on May 5, 1961. That is, with a slight time difference. However, the American was already the second person to visit space. And now it was about the country's prestige on the world stage. The Archons took advantage of this situation and the exorbitant ambitions of the people.

Through the then US President John F. Kennedy, the lunar conquest program was prioritized. By the way, the technical development of this project was carried out by none other than the German designer of rocket and space technology, the former SS Sturmbannfuehrer, the chief designer of the A-4 (V-2) rocket (used in the Second World War to shell the cities of Great Britain, Belgium) - Werner von Braun. This man also came from the family of a prominent German financier and influential politician, Baron Magnus von Braun, who was on the same "team" from the Freemasons as Hjalmar Schacht. And after the war, Wernher von Braun will receive American citizenship and will calmly work for the military-industrial complex of the United States, as in his time for Nazi Germany. Moreover, on the career ladder, he will be elevated to senior management posts in NASA (the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration).

So, the media will begin to persuade the American people that since their astronauts did not manage to be the first to fly into space, they simply have to make sure that it is the American who first entered the lunar surface. As a result of all these manipulations and speculations, the US Congress allocated simply astronomical at the time appropriations for this "lunar" program, taking them out of taxpayers' pockets, as if the Americans had no other problems than conquering the moon. And for these tens of billions of dollars, they showed the whole world a cheap series about "the epic of man's conquest of the moon", calling it the loud name "The Apollo Program."

Is it in honor of the ancient Greek Olympian god? - Kostya asked with an air of "expert".

Nikolai Andreevich spoke, as if completing the guy's words:

-… a healer, a soothsayer, and a patron of arts… I see that the Archons are great lovers of ancient Greek poetry.

You bet, ”Sensei smiled. - Who did the creation of the Olympic religion of Homer belong to ... Only the name of this program did not arise in honor of the mythical god Apollo, although it was presented to the masses in such a beautiful package. Archons are great lovers of double meanings. In fact, with the emergence of the name of the program, everything was much easier. It's just that the Archon who invented this whole large-scale swindle is called in narrow circles for his brilliant mind only as “Phoebus” (which is translated from the Greek as “phoibos” as “brilliant”). And if we consider the word Phoebus in the context of mythology, then this is just another name for Apollo, as “the all-seeing solar deity”.

Well, yes, - Victor laughed together with the team, - as they say, everything ingenious is simple!

They staged such a "cosmic" performance, what can the famous scriptwriters compete with them! Six expeditions have successfully landed on the moon without a hitch. Twelve people have visited the moon. But the spacecraft "Apollo 13" by no means could land on the lunar surface due to an accident on board. It flew around the moon and returned to Earth with nothing.

So all this was actually a performance ?! - Kostik could not believe it.

Of course. They just played on people's ambitions and stole a lot of money. So not only was the American people ripped off as sticky, but also the Soviet Union was dragged into this senseless race.

So, wait, ”Nikolai Andreevich said doubtfully. - What, didn't our specialists know that it was a "linden tree"?

Of course they knew. But in exchange for silence and support for the "lunar version", the Soviet Union received huge benefits on the international market ... And then, how did the Freemasons cover their tracks, starting from government reshuffles and ending with the elimination of "unreliable" individuals ?! And I will not be surprised if in the future someone is seriously interested in this scam, then it suddenly turns out that the originals of the shooting of this performance, in which a lot of lapses were allowed, will disappear without a trace. And, as you know, there are no documents, no subject of conversation.

So American astronauts never landed on the moon? - Victor specified again.

Of course not. To get to the moon, one must overcome the belts of enormous radiation.

But how do astronauts fly into space, go out into open space and return from there alive?

Well, they are also protected by the gravitational, magnetic field of the earth and do not go beyond it. That is, they fly in near-earth space within acceptable limits from the surface of the Earth. And then, when the increased cosmic radiation penetrates into these layers, they are forced to lower the flight altitude ... Naturally, in the future, with the development of nanotechnology, flights to the Moon and other nearby planets will be quite possible for humans.

The moon is not a bad place. Definitely deserves a short visit.
Neil Armstrong

Almost half a century has passed since the Apollo flights, but the debate about whether the Americans were on the Moon does not subside, but becomes more and more fierce. The piquancy of the situation is that the supporters of the theory of the "lunar conspiracy" are trying to dispute not real historical events, but their own, vague and error-ridden idea of \u200b\u200bthem.

Moon epic

Facts first. On May 25, 1961, six weeks after Yuri Gagarin's triumphant flight, President John F. Kennedy made a speech before the Senate and House of Representatives, in which he promised that the American would land on the moon by the end of the decade. Having suffered defeat at the first stage of the space "race", the United States set out not only to catch up, but also to overtake the Soviet Union.

The main reason for the lag at that time was that the Americans underestimated the importance of heavy ballistic missiles. Like Soviet colleagues, American specialists studied the experience of German engineers who built A-4 (V-2) missiles during the war, but did not give these projects serious development, believing that in a global war, long-range bombers would be sufficient. Of course, the team of Wernher von Braun, taken out of Germany, continued to create ballistic missiles in the interests of the army, but they were not suitable for space travel. When the Redstone rocket, the successor to the German A-4, was refined to launch the first American ship, the Mercury, it was only able to lift it to suborbital altitude.

Nevertheless, resources were found in the United States, so American designers quickly created the necessary "line" of carriers: from "Titan-2", which put into orbit a two-seat maneuvering ship "Gemini", to "Saturn-5", capable of sending a three-seat ship "Apollo" "To the moon.


Of course, a colossal amount of work was required before sending expeditions. The Lunar Orbiter series spacecraft carried out a detailed mapping of the nearest celestial body - with their help it was possible to outline and study suitable landing sites. The Surveyors made soft lunar landings and provided excellent images of the surrounding area.

Lunar Orbiter spacecraft have carefully mapped the Moon, identifying future astronaut landings

The Surveyor spacecraft studied the moon directly on its surface; the parts of the Surveyor-3 were picked up and delivered to Earth by the Apollo 12 crew

The Gemini program developed in parallel. After unmanned launches on March 23, 1965, the Gemini 3 spacecraft was launched, which maneuvered by changing the speed and inclination of the orbit, which was an unprecedented achievement at that time. Gemini 4 flew shortly thereafter, in which Edward White performed the first spacewalk for the Americans. The spacecraft worked in orbit for four days, testing orientation systems for the Apollo program. The Gemini 5, launched on August 21, 1965, tested electrochemical generators and a docking radar. In addition, the crew set a record for the duration of their stay in space - almost eight days (the Soviet cosmonauts managed to beat it only in June 1970). By the way, during the Gemini 5 flight, the Americans first encountered the negative consequences of weightlessness - the weakening of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, measures have been developed to prevent such effects: a special diet, drug therapy and a series of physical exercises.

In December 1965, the ships Gemini 6 and Gemini 7 approached each other to simulate docking. Moreover, the crew of the second ship spent more than thirteen days in orbit (that is, the total time of the lunar expedition), proving that the measures taken to maintain physical fitness are quite effective during such a long flight. On the ships Gemini-8, Gemini-9 and Gemini-10, they practiced the docking procedure (by the way, the commander of Gemini-8 was Neil Armstrong). Onboard Gemini 11 in September 1966, they tested the possibility of an emergency launch from the Moon, as well as flying through the Earth's radiation belts (the ship climbed to a record altitude of 1369 km). On Gemini 12, the astronauts tried out a series of manipulations in outer space.

During the flight of the Gemini 12 spacecraft, astronaut Buzz Aldrin proved the possibility of complex manipulations in outer space

At the same time, the designers were preparing for testing the "intermediate" two-stage rocket "Saturn-1". During its first launch on October 27, 1961, it surpassed the Vostok rocket in thrust, which was used by Soviet cosmonauts. It was assumed that the same rocket would launch the first Apollo-1 into space, but on January 27, 1967, a fire broke out at the launch site, in which the crew of the ship died, and many plans had to be revised.

In November 1967, tests began on the huge three-stage Saturn-5 rocket. During the first flight, it lifted into orbit the Apollo-4 command and service module with a lunar module model. In January 1968, the Apollo-5 lunar module was tested in orbit, and the unmanned Apollo-6 went there in April. The last launch due to the failure of the second stage almost ended in disaster, but the rocket pulled the ship out, demonstrating good "survivability".

On October 11, 1968, the Saturn-1B rocket launched the Apollo-7 command and service module with a crew into orbit. For ten days, the astronauts tested the ship, conducting complex maneuvers. Apollo was theoretically ready for the expedition, but the lunar module was still raw. And then a mission was invented, which was not originally planned at all - a flight around the moon.

The flight of the Apollo 8 spacecraft was not planned by NASA: it became an improvisation, but it was carried out brilliantly, securing another historical priority for the American astronautics

On December 21, 1968, the Apollo 8 spacecraft without a lunar module, but with a crew of three astronauts, set off for a neighboring celestial body. The flight went relatively smoothly, but before the historic landing on the Moon, two more launches were needed: the Apollo 9 crew worked out the procedure for docking and undocking of the spacecraft modules in near-earth orbit, then the Apollo 10 crew did the same, but already close to the Moon ... On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong and Edwin (Buzz) Aldrin stepped onto the lunar surface, thereby proclaiming US leadership in space exploration.

The Apollo 10 crew performed a “dress rehearsal”, completing all the operations required to land on the Moon, but without the landing itself

Lunar module of the ship "Apollo-11", named "Eagle" ("Eagle") leaves for landing

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin on the Moon

Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin's moonwalk was broadcast via the Parkes Observatory radio telescope in Australia; the originals of the recording of the historical event were also preserved and recently discovered there

Then new successful missions followed: "Apollo-12", "Apollo-14", "Apollo-15", "Apollo-16", "Apollo-17". As a result, twelve astronauts visited the moon, conducted a survey of the area, installed scientific equipment, collected soil samples, and tested rovers. Only the crew of Apollo 13 was unlucky: on the way to the moon, a tank of liquid oxygen exploded, and NASA specialists had to work hard to return the astronauts to Earth.

Falsification theory

Devices for creating an artificial sodium comet were installed on the Luna-1 spacecraft

It would seem that the reality of expeditions to the moon should not have been in doubt. NASA regularly published press releases and bulletins, experts and astronauts gave numerous interviews, many countries and the world scientific community took part in the technical support, tens of thousands of people watched the takeoffs of huge rockets, and millions watched live TV broadcasts from space. Lunar soil was brought to Earth, which many selenologists were able to study. International scientific conferences were held to understand the data that came from instruments left on the moon.

But even in that eventful time, people appeared who questioned the facts of the landing of astronauts on the moon. A skeptical attitude towards space achievements manifested itself back in 1959, and the likely reason for this was the secrecy policy pursued by the Soviet Union: for decades it even hid the location of its cosmodrome!

Therefore, when Soviet scientists announced that they had launched the Luna-1 research apparatus, some Western experts spoke in the spirit that the communists were simply fooling the world community. The specialists foresaw the questions and placed a device for vaporizing sodium on Luna-1, with the help of which an artificial comet was created, equal in brightness to the sixth magnitude.

Conspiracy theorists even dispute the reality of Yuri Gagarin's flight

Claims arose later: for example, some Western journalists doubted the reality of Yuri Gagarin's flight, because the Soviet Union refused to provide any documentary evidence. There was no camera on board the Vostok ship; the external appearance of the ship itself and the launch vehicle remained classified.

But the US authorities have never expressed doubts about the reliability of what happened: even during the flight of the first satellites, the National Security Agency (NSA) deployed two observation stations in Alaska and Hawaii and installed radio equipment there capable of intercepting telemetry that came from Soviet vehicles. During Gagarin's flight, the stations were able to receive a TV signal with an image of an astronaut transmitted by an onboard camera. Within an hour, the printouts of individual footage from this broadcast were in the hands of government officials, and President John F. Kennedy congratulated the Soviet people on their outstanding achievement.

Soviet military specialists working at the Scientific and Measuring Point No. 10 (NIP-10), located in the Shkolnoye village near Simferopol, intercepted data coming from the Apollo spacecraft throughout the flights to the Moon and back.

Soviet intelligence did the same. At the station NIP-10, located in the village of Shkolnoe (Simferopol, Crimea), a set of equipment was assembled that allows intercepting all information from the Apollo, including live TV broadcasts from the Moon. The head of the interception project, Aleksey Mikhailovich Gorin, gave the author of this article an exclusive interview, in which, in particular, he said: “For the guidance and control of a very narrow beam, a standard drive system in azimuth and elevation was used. Based on the information about the location (Cape Canaveral) and the launch time, the flight trajectory of the spacecraft was calculated in all areas.

It should be noted that during about three days of flight, only sometimes there was a deviation of the beam pointing from the calculated trajectory, which was easily corrected manually. We started with Apollo 10, which made a test flight around the moon without landing. This was followed by flights with the landing of the "Apollo" from the 11th to the 15th ... They took rather clear images of a spacecraft on the Moon, the exit of both astronauts from it and travel on the surface of the Moon. Video from the Moon, speech and telemetry were recorded on appropriate tape recorders and transmitted to Moscow for processing and translation. "

In addition to intercepting data, Soviet intelligence also collected any information on the Saturn-Apollo program, since it could be used for the USSR's own lunar plans. For example, the scouts followed the missile launches from the Atlantic Ocean. Moreover, when preparations began for the joint flight of the Soyuz-19 and Apollo CSM-111 spacecraft (ASTP mission), which took place in July 1975, Soviet specialists were admitted to the official information on the ship and the rocket. And, as you know, no complaints were made against the American side.

The Americans themselves had complaints. In 1970, that is, even before the end of the lunar program, a brochure was published by a certain James Kraini "Did a man land on the moon?" (Did man land on the Moon?). The public ignored the brochure, although it, perhaps, was the first to formulate the main thesis of the "conspiracy theory": an expedition to the nearest celestial body is technically impossible.

Technical writer Bill Kaysing can rightfully be called the founder of the theory of the "lunar conspiracy"

The topic began to gain popularity a little later, after the release of Bill Kaysing's self-published book We Never Went to the Moon (1976), which lays out the now “traditional” arguments for conspiracy theory. For example, the author seriously argued that all the deaths of participants in the Saturn-Apollo program are associated with the elimination of unwanted bystanders. I must say that Kaysing is the only one of the authors of books on this topic who was directly related to the space program: from 1956 to 1963 he worked as a technical writer at the Rocketdyne company, which was engaged in the design of the super-powerful F-1 engine for the rocket. Saturn-5 ".

However, after being fired "of his own free will," Kaysing became a beggar, grabbed hold of any job, and probably did not have warm feelings for his former employers. In the book, which was reprinted in 1981 and 2002, he argued that the Saturn 5 rocket was a "technical fake" and could never send astronauts on an interplanetary flight, so in reality the Apollo flew around the Earth, and the TV broadcast was carried out using unmanned vehicles.

Ralph René made a name for himself by accusing the US government of rigging flights to the moon and organizing the September 11, 2001 attacks

Bill Kaysing's creation was also ignored at first. Fame was brought to him by the American conspiracy theorist Ralph Rene, who posed as a scientist, physicist, inventor, engineer and scientific journalist, but in reality did not graduate from any higher educational institution. Like his predecessors, Rene published the book "How NASA showed America the Moon" (NASA Mooned America !, 1992) at his own expense, but at the same time he could already refer to other people's "research", that is, he looked not like a lonely psycho, but like a skeptic in search for truth.

Probably, the book, the lion's share of which is devoted to the analysis of certain photographs taken by astronauts, would also have remained unnoticed if the era of television shows had not come, when it became fashionable to invite all kinds of freaks and outcasts to the studio. Ralph Renee managed to get the most out of the sudden interest of the public, since he had a well-hung tongue and did not hesitate to make absurd accusations (for example, he claimed that NASA had deliberately damaged his computer and destroyed important files). His book was reprinted many times, and each time increasing in volume.

Among the documentaries devoted to the theory of the "lunar conspiracy" come across outright hoaxes: for example, the pseudo-documentary French film "The Dark Side of the Moon" (Opération lune, 2002)

The topic itself also begged for adaptation, and soon there were films claiming to be documentary: "Was it just a paper moon?" (Was It Only a Paper Moon ?, 1997), "What Happened on the Moon?" (What Happened on the Moon ?, 2000), "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon" (2001), "Astronauts Gone Wild: Investigation Into the Authenticity of the Moon Landings, 2004) and the like. By the way, the author of the last two films, filmmaker Bart Seabrell, twice harassed Buzz Aldrin with aggressive demands to confess to deception and was eventually hit in the face by an elderly astronaut. A video recording of this incident can be found on YouTube. The police, by the way, refused to open a case against Aldrin. Apparently, she thought that the video was faked.

In the 1970s, NASA tried to collaborate with the authors of the lunar conspiracy theory and even issued a press release, which analyzed the claims of Bill Kaysing. However, it soon became clear that they did not want a dialogue, but they were happy to use any mention of their fabrications for self-promotion: for example, Kaysing had a lawsuit in 1996 with astronaut Jim Lovell for calling him a "fool" in an interview.

However, what else can you call the people who believed in the credibility of the film "The Dark Side of the Moon" (Opération lune, 2002), where the famous director Stanley Kubrick was directly accused of filming all the astronauts on the moon in the Hollywood pavilion? Even in the film itself, there are indications that it is a fictional fiction in the mocumentari genre, but this did not prevent the conspiracy theorists from accepting the version with a bang and quoting it even after the creators of the hoax openly confessed to hooliganism. By the way, another "proof" of the same degree of reliability has recently appeared: this time an interview with a man similar to Stanley Kubrick surfaced, where he allegedly took responsibility for falsifying the materials of lunar missions. The new fake was exposed quickly - it was made too clumsy.

Concealment operation

In 2007, science journalist and popularizer Richard Hoagland co-authored the book Dark Mission. The Secret History of NASA ”(Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA), which immediately became a bestseller. In this weighty volume, Hoagland summarized his research on the "cover-up operation" - it is allegedly carried out by US government agencies, concealing from the world community the fact of contact with a more developed civilization that mastered the solar system long before humanity.

Within the framework of the new theory, the "lunar conspiracy" is viewed as a product of the activities of NASA itself, which deliberately provokes an illiterate discussion of the falsification of landings on the moon so that qualified researchers disdain to deal with this topic for fear of being branded as "marginalized." Hoagland cleverly fitted all modern conspiracy theories to fit his theory, from the assassination of President John F. Kennedy to flying saucers and the Martian Sphinx. The journalist was even awarded the Shnobel Prize, which he received in October 1997, for his vigorous activity in exposing the cover-up operation.

Believers and unbelievers

The supporters of the theory of the "lunar conspiracy", or, more simply, the "anti-Apolloists" are very fond of accusing their opponents of illiteracy, ignorance, or even blind faith. A strange move, given that it is the "anti-Apollo people" who believe in a theory that is not supported by any significant evidence. There is a golden rule in science and law: an extraordinary statement requires extraordinary proof. An attempt to accuse space agencies and the world scientific community of falsifying materials that are of great importance to our understanding of the Universe must be accompanied by something more weighty than a couple of self-published books published by an offended writer and a narcissistic pseudo-scientist.

All hours of film footage of the Apollo lunar expeditions has long been digitized and available for study

If we imagine for a minute that a secret parallel space program existed in the United States using unmanned vehicles, then we need to explain where all the participants in this program have gone: the designers of the “parallel” technology, its testers and operators, as well as the filmmakers who prepared kilometers of films of lunar missions. We are talking about thousands (or even tens of thousands) of people who needed to be involved in the "lunar conspiracy." Where are they and where are their confessions? Let's say they all, including foreigners, swore to remain silent. But there should be piles of documents, contracts-orders with contractors, corresponding structures and landfills. However, apart from nit-picking some of NASA's public materials, which are indeed often retouched or presented in a deliberately simplified interpretation, there is nothing. Nothing at all.

However, the "anti-Apollo people" never think about such "trifles" and persistently (often in an aggressive form) demand more and more evidence from the opposite side. The paradox is that if they, asking "tricky" questions, themselves tried to find answers to them, it would not be difficult. Let's consider the most typical claims.

During the preparation and implementation of the joint flight of the Soyuz and Apollo spacecraft, Soviet specialists were admitted to the official information of the American space program

For example, anti-Apollo people ask: why was the Saturn-Apollo program interrupted, and its technologies were lost and cannot be used today? The answer is obvious to anyone with a general idea of \u200b\u200bwhat was happening in the early 1970s. It was then that one of the most powerful political and economic crises in the history of the United States happened: the dollar lost gold content and was devalued twice; the protracted war in Vietnam drained resources; the youth were engulfed in the antiwar movement; Richard Nixon is on the verge of impeachment in connection with the Watergate scandal.

At the same time, the total costs of the Saturn-Apollo program amounted to $ 24 billion (in terms of current prices, we can talk about $ 100 billion), and each new launch cost $ 300 million (1.3 billion in modern prices) - it is clear that further funding became exorbitant for the meager American budget. The Soviet Union experienced something similar in the late 1980s, which led to the inglorious closure of the Energia-Buran program, the technologies of which are also largely lost.

In 2013, an expedition led by Jeff Bezos, founder of the Internet company Amazon, lifted from the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean fragments of one of the F-1 engines of the Saturn 5 rocket that brought Apollo 11 into orbit

Nevertheless, despite the problems, the Americans tried to squeeze a little more out of the lunar program: the Saturn-5 rocket launched the Skylab heavy orbital station (which was visited by three expeditions in 1973-1974), a joint Soviet-American flight took place. Soyuz-Apollo "(ASTP). In addition, in the Space Shuttle program, which replaced the Apollo, the launch facilities of the Saturns were used, and some technological solutions obtained during their operation are used today in the design of the promising American SLS launch vehicle.

Lunar Sample Laboratory Facility Moonstone Work Crate

Another popular question: where did the lunar soil, brought by astronauts, go? Why isn't it being studied? Answer: it has not gone anywhere, but is stored where it was planned - in the two-story building of the Lunar Sample Laboratory Facility, which was built in Houston (Texas). Applications for the study of soil should also be addressed there, but only organizations that have necessary equipment... Each year, a special commission reviews applications and satisfies from forty to fifty of them; on average, up to 400 samples are sent. In addition, 98 samples with a total weight of 12.46 kg are exhibited in museums around the world, and dozens of scientific publications were published on each of them.

Images of the landing sites of the ships Apollo 11, Apollo 12 and Apollo 17, taken by the main optical camera of the LRO: the lunar modules, scientific equipment and the "paths" left by the astronauts are clearly visible

Another question in the same vein: why is there no independent evidence of a visit to the moon? Answer: they are. If we discard the Soviet evidence, which is still far from completeness, and the excellent space photographs of the lunar landing sites, which were made by the American LRO apparatus and which the “anti-Apollo people” also consider “fake”, then the materials provided by the Indians (Chandrayaan-1 ), the Japanese (the Kaguya apparatus) and the Chinese (the Chang'e-2 apparatus): all three agencies officially confirmed that they had found the tracks left by the Apollo ships.

"Moon Deception" in Russia

By the late 1990s, the theory of the "lunar conspiracy" came to Russia, where it gained ardent supporters. Its wide popularity, obviously, is facilitated by the sad fact that very few historical books on the American space program are published in Russian, so an inexperienced reader may get the impression that there is nothing to study there.

The most ardent and talkative adherent of the theory was Yuri Mukhin, a former engineer-inventor and publicist with radical pro-Stalinist convictions, noticed in historical revisionism. In particular, he published the book "The Corrupt Girl Genetics", in which he refutes the achievements of genetics in order to prove that the repressions against the domestic representatives of this science were justified. Mukhin's style repels with deliberate rudeness, and he builds his conclusions on the basis of rather primitive distortions.

The cameraman Yuri Elkhov, who participated in the filming of such famous children's films as "The Adventures of Buratino" (1975) and "About Little Red Riding Hood" (1977), undertook to analyze the footage made by the astronauts, and came to the conclusion that they were fabricated. True, for testing he used his own studio and equipment, which has nothing to do with NASA equipment of the late 1960s. As a result of the "investigation," Elkhov wrote the book "Prop Moon", which never came out on paper due to lack of funds.

Perhaps the most competent of the Russian "anti-Apollo men" remains Alexander Popov, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, a specialist in lasers. In 2009, he published the book "Americans on the Moon - a great breakthrough or a space scam?", In which he gives almost all the arguments of the "conspiracy" theory, supplementing them with his own interpretations. For many years he has been running a special website dedicated to the topic, and at present he has agreed that not only the flights of the Apollo, but also the ships of Mercury and Gemini are falsified. Thus, Popov claims that the Americans made their first flight into orbit only in April 1981 - on the Columbia shuttle. Apparently, the respected physicist does not understand that it is simply impossible to launch such a complex reusable aerospace system like the Space Shuttle without a great previous experience.

* * *

The list of questions and answers can be continued indefinitely, but this does not make any sense: the views of the "anti-Apollonites" are based not on real facts that can be interpreted in one way or another, but on illiterate ideas about them. Unfortunately, ignorance persists, and not even Buzz Aldrin's hook can make a difference. It remains to rely on time and new flights to the Moon, which will inevitably put everything in its place.

In the video, someone who introduces himself as the director's name makes a supposedly dying confession that the main US space mission was filmed in the pavilion.

Another "exposure of the big lie" - historical fact American landing on the moon in 1969 - made by American director Patrick Murray. By at least, on his behalf, a video interview of Stanley Kubrick, made 15 or 16 years ago, was posted on the Internet, where the famous director admits that all videos of the moon landing by Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin are fake.

In a conversation that allegedly took place before the filmmaker's death, Stanley Kubrick states: “I have committed a huge fraud against the American public. Featuring the United States government and NASA. The moon landing was faked, all landings were fake, and I was the person who filmed it. " According to the director, in fact, the footage was filmed by him in an ordinary studio on Earth. According to him, landing on the moon was a fantasy of President Nixon, who really wanted to make it a reality. The government offered the director a large sum of money to implement the idea, and he agreed to make a "movie".

However, people interested in astronautics immediately suspected the trick with the video and saw on it the dissimilarity of Kubrick speaking on behalf of the famous director. In particular, blogger Vitaly Egorov posted a real photo of Kubrick, whose face is really different from that in the video. On it, you can immediately note several inconsistencies, for example, the absence of a real Kubrick's moles on his cheek, a different face shape.

Other researchers of the issue recalled that NASA at one time really admitted that it filmed some footage of Armstrong and Aldrin's moon landings, fearing that the real footage turned out to be very weak and did not express the solemnity of the moment.

As for the very essence of the issue, then, as reported to "MK" at the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the main proof that the Americans were on the moon was and remains the lunar soil, brought by them in large quantities. Its elemental and isotopic composition, which has no analogue on Earth, completely coincided with those samples of regolith that were delivered at different times by three Soviet automatic lunar stations.

According to igor MITROFANOV, Head of the Laboratory of Space Gamma Spectroscopy of IKI RAS, all these disputes about the American landing on the moon, most likely, will not subside until we again begin to systematically, professionally investigate our eternal companion. “We took the last soil sample from the Moon back in 1976, and since then there hasn't been a single mission! But the Moon is our seventh continent, it is the future bridgehead of mankind, which we must study, first, of course, with the help of automatic stations, - says Igor Georgievich. - If everything goes as we plan, and in 2020 our Luna-26 orbiter will enter the satellite orbit, then the cameras installed on it with a resolution of 1 meter will “see” and provide everyone with a photo of the Soviet lunokhod, and traces of the stay on the moon of NASA astronauts.

Help "MK".The very first Russian mission after a 42-year hiatus "Luna-25" calculated for November 2018. It involves the delivery of a spacecraft with scientific equipment to the lunar surface in the southern circumpolar region, as well as testing the technology of soft landing and survival during the lunar night.

Project "Luna-26" planned to be implemented in 2020. It involves the launch of a spacecraft into the Moon's orbit with an altitude of 50-100 kilometers, followed by a transition to an altitude of 500 km.

Project "Luna-27" involves the delivery to the lunar surface, to the South Pole region, of a lander with scientific equipment.

Project "Luna-28" assumes delivery to the Moon of an apparatus with a soil sampling device for taking cryogenic samples of regolith from a depth of up to 2 meters and delivering them to Earth.