
After the rain (wet terrace). After the rain, Gerasimov: historical facts, year of writing where the picture of Gerasimov is stored after the rain

Alexander Mikhailovich Gerasimov is a bright representative of socially identity in painting. He became famous for portraits depicting party leaders. But there is in his work and very lyrical work, landscapes, still lifes, images of Russian life. Thanks to them and known today "After the rain" (description of the picture, the history of creation, expressiveness) is the topic of this article.

Biographical reference

Gerasimov A.M. Born in the family of a merchant from the city of Kozlov (modern Michurinsk) of the Tambov region on August 12, 1881. His childhood and youth passed in this town, he loved to come here and then when he became a famous artist.

From 1903 to 1915 he studied at the Moscow Art School, immediately after the end of which was mobilized to the front, the First World War was. From 1918 to 1925, the artist lived and worked in his hometown, and then returned to Moscow, joined the Association of Artists and after a few years he became her president.

Gerasimov A.M. I survived the periods of the takeoffs and falls, I loved the artist Stalin, received a large number of professional awards and ranks. And during the time of Khrushchev, fell into disfavor.

The artist died in 1963, 3 weeks before his 82 birthday.

Creative path of the artist

Gerasimov studied from the largest painters of the end of the XIX - early XX centuries - K.A. Korovina, A.E. Arkhipova, at the beginning creative path He wrote mainly the paintings of the people's life, depicted Russian nature with her modest and touching beauty. During this period, they were created: "Rye bounced" (1911), "Knowing" (1912), "Bouquet of flowers. Window "(1914).

In Soviet times, the artist appealed to Gerasimov discovered the talent surprisingly to grasp specific traits, achieving large portrait similarity. Gradually, people high-ranking, party leaders and leaders are beginning to prevail among the heroes of his canvases: Lenin, Stalin, Voroshilov and others. Its paintings are characterized by a solemn mood and a few poster pathos are not deprived of.

By the mid-30s of the 20th century, the artist became the largest representative of socially identity in painting. In 1935 he went to native cityTo relax from work and spend time with your family. It was in Kozlov wrote A.M. Gerasimov "After the rain" - a picture that brought him the glory of a beautiful landscape player.

In the years of the Stalin rule, Gerasimov ranked responsible leadership posts. He headed the Moscow Branch of the Union of Artists, the Association of Soviet Artists, the Academy of Arts of the USSR.

The history of the painting "After the rain" Gerasimov

The sister of the artist told about the history of the painting. The family rested on the terrace of her house when heavy rain unexpectedly began. But Alexander Mikhailovich did not hide him, as the rest of the household did. He was shocked by how water drops accumulated on the foliage, on the floor, on the table, shimmer different colorsWhich fresh and transparent air became, how, having embarrassed on the land of shower, began to be brightened and cleared the sky. He ordered to bring him a palette and only for three hours he created a stunning landscape in his expressiveness. I called this picture the artist Gerasimov - "After the rain".

However, the landscape, written so quickly and rapidly, was not random in the artist's work. While learning in the school, he loved to portray wet objects: roads, plants, roofs of houses. He managed to convey the glare of the world, bright, washed paints with rain. Perhaps many years walked to this landscape A.M. Gerasimov. "After the rain" was the result of creative quest in this direction. There would be no such prehistory, we would not see the web described.

A.M. Gerasimov "After Rain": Description of the picture

The plot of the paintings is surprisingly simple and laconic. The angle of a wooden terrace, a bouquet of flowers on a round dining table and a juicy grain of foliage, component background. In the brilliance of wooden surfaces, the viewer understands that he recently ended heavy rain. But the moisture does not create a feeling of dampness and unwind. On the contrary, it seems that the shower fucked the summer heat and filled the space with freshness.

It is felt that the picture was created in one breath. It has no sociality and heavyness. She absorbed the artist's mood: lightweight, peaceful. The greens of trees and flowers in a bouquet are written slightly carelessly. But the viewer easily forgives it by the artist, realizing that he was in a hurry to catch up to catch this beautiful moment of harmony with nature.

Expressive means

This landscape (A.M. Gerasimov "After the rain"), a description of the paintings, expressive funds used by the artist, give art historians to talk about the high picturesque technology technique. Despite the fact that the picture looks simple and even carelessly, the masters talent appeared in it. Rainwater made paints more saturated. Wooden surfaces are not only shiny, but also reflect the color of greenery, colors and sun, cast silver and gold.

Attracts attention and tilted glass on the table. Such, it would seem, a slight detail clarifies a lot, makes the plot easily readable. It becomes clear that the rain began unexpectedly and rapidly, found people by surprise, made them hastily collect dishes from the table. Only one glass and a bouquet of garden flowers were forgotten.

One of their own best work considered himself A.M. Gerasimov - "After the rain". The description of the painting presented in this article shows that this work is one of the most significant not only in the artist's work, but also in all Soviet painting.

/ Album Gerasimov Aleksandr Mikhailovich Alexander Gerasimov
Posted by: Ivasiv Alexander

"After the rain (wet terrace)"

1935 Canvas, oil 78 x 85

State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

For this painting in 1937, the artist received the Grand Prix of the World Exhibition in Paris.

A.M. Gerasimov recalled: "At my exhibition" 25 years of creativity "was an etude, known under the double name" Wet terrace "and" after the rain "(now he is in the Tretyakov Gallery). I made an etude one and a half hours. It happened like this: I wrote On the terrace a group portrait of my family. The sun was sitting on the sun, bright stains ran around the greenery. And suddenly ... a gusty wind, tearing the petals from roses and scattering them on the table, tilted the glass with water. Shot rain, ... I was covered with an indescribable delight from Fresh greenery and sparkling water flows, a pouring table with a bouquet of roses, a bench and floorboards ... I feverly started writing ...

I did not like somehow much meaning to this etude and only at the exhibition, I noticed that many viewers pay more attention to the "Wet Terrace" etude, the wet painting "First Horse" ... "

(Quot. By ed.: Gerasimov A.M. Life of the artist. M., 1963. P. 157-158).


By 1935, writing many portraits V.I. Lenina, I.V. Stalin and other Soviet leaders, A.M. Gerasimov nominated to the largest masters of socialism. The charter of the struggle for official recognition and success, he left to relax in his native and beloved city of Kozlov. Here was created "wet terrace."

The sister of the artist recalled how the picture was written. Her brother was literally shocked by the view of their garden after one extraordinarily heavy rain. "In nature, freshness fragrant. Water lay the whole layer on the foliage, on the floor of the arbor, on the bench and glitter, creating an extraordinary picturesque chord. And then, behind the trees, was cleaned and Belalo Sky.

- Mitya, rather a palette! - shouted Alexander to his assistant Dmitry Rodionovich Panin. The picture that brother called the "wet terrace", arose with lightning speed - it was written for three hours. Our modest garden gazebo with a corner of the garden received a poetic expression under the brush. "

At the same time, the picture that arose spontaneously is written in no coincidence. The picturesque motive of the refreshing rain of nature attracted the artist in the years of teaching in the School of Painting. He managed wet objects, roofs, roads, grass. Alexander Gerasimov, perhaps, not guessing himself, went to this picture long years And we desperately wanted to see the first thing that we are now visible on the canvas. Otherwise, he could simply not pay attention to the rain of the terrace.

There are no social skins in the picture, there are no rewritten pieces and invented plot. It is really written in one breath, the same fresh, as well as the breath of green foliage, washed rain. The image bribes with the immediacy, it seems the ease of feelings of the artist.

The artistic effect of the picture largely predetermined a high picturesque technique, built on reflexes (see Fragment). "The terrace lay down the juicy reflections of garden greenery, on the wet surface of the table - pinkish, blue. Shadows are colorful, even multicolored. Reflections on coated moisture boards are cast silver. The artist used lescing, causing new layers of paint, translucent and transparent, as if lacquered. On the contrary, some details, such as garden flowers, are written pastose, emphasized as textured strokes. A major, raised note makes a picture of counsels, receiving lighting from behind, focusing, crowns of trees with something remotely reminiscent of flickering stained glass "(Metzpetov I.A. Gerasimov. After the rain // Young artist. 1988. No. 3. S. 17. ).

In the Russian painting of the Soviet period there is a bit of works, where the state of nature would be so expressively. I suppose it best picture A.M. Gerasimova. The artist lived a long life, wrote a lot of cauldons for different stories for which he received many awards and premiums, but at the end of the way, looking at the past, considered it particularly this product.

Artist Alexander Mikhailovich Gerasimov stood at the origins of the new, Soviet picturesque art. His brushes belongs to many official, "parade" and informal, "household" portraits of the heads of the states of the state, including Lenin and Stalin, representatives of the Bolshevik, Communist Intelligentsia. He captured I. essential events In the life of the country - the launch of the metro station, the round date of the celebration October revolution. The multiple laureate of the Stalin Prize, awarded by medals and orders, including the Order of Lenin, Honored Artist, First President of the Academy of Arts, Alexander Mikhailovich At the same time, the main works in his work did not consider these works. The most expensive brainchild was a small canvas, very simple in the plot, in which, however, reflected the true soul of a large artist, the master.

"Wet terrace"

This is a picture of Gerasimov "After the rain", the second name of which is the "wet terrace". She is known to each schoolchildren who already have a generation, included in school Program As a manual for learning writing writings. Reproductions from the canvas are placed in Russian language textbooks for grades 6-7 (varying editors). The very same picture of Gerasimov "After the rain" is located in one of the exhibition halls of the Tretyakov Gallery. It is written by oil on canvas, the size of the work is small - 78 per 85 cm. The audience is invariably crowded before the web, carefully peeled into the details, study, admire, absorb them.

Best creation

In Soviet painting, especially the first half of the 20th century, there are quite a few works of this type as the picture of Gerasimov "after the rain". Slim lyricism, surprisingly accurate gear of a poetic, fresh atmosphere of summer nature, washed rain, juicy flavor, special energy - all this makes the work of the artist perfectly special. No wonder her master and only her believed his best creation. Time confirmed the placement of priorities. Of course, the bright talent of the author is clearly demonstrated in other works. But it was the picture of Gerasimov "After the rain", I experienced ideological storms and disputes and was out of time, outside the politicization of art, provinging its real aesthetic value.

Creating a masterpiece

Let's be transferred to the distant 1935. What happens at this time in the USSR? First, the 7th Congress of Soviets, significant state decisions. The congress of the drummers-collective farmers, where the labor peasantry reports to the government of loyalty to the selected course. The movement of the Multi-Points begins. The first line of the Moscow metro is launched. Being in the most thick of events, Gerasimov responds with bright, original creativity. By 1935, he put forward in the first rows of the best masters of socialist painting. However, the artist of a certain spiritual dorm, fatigue and desire to throw everything and go home, in the distant provincial town of Kozlov, which is to relax on Tambovschina.

There was a picture of Gerasimov "After the rain". The history of the creation of a masterpiece reached us in the memoirs of his sister. The artist was delighted with completely transformed after the strongest shower of a garden, a wet terrace, sparkling, like a mirror, an extraordinary freshness and air fragrance, the most unusual atmosphere reigning in nature. In feverish impatience, holding a palette, Alexander Mikhailovich in one breath, just for 3 hours he wrote a canvas, which entered the Golden Fund of Russian and Soviet landscape painting.

Getting to the analysis of the work (lesson element)

As already mentioned, the picture of Gerasimov "after the rain" is dealt with in the school year. The essay on it helps to develop the skills of a society written speech, the creative abilities of students, contributes to the formation of aesthetic taste, the subtle perception of nature. Let us and we entrusted to the wonderful canvase. In which year, the picture of Gerasimov "After the rain" was written, we already know - in 1935, in the summer. In the foreground, we see the corner of a wooden terrace. It shines dazzling, as if carefully polished and covered with varnish. Just ended the strongest summer shower. Nature has not yet had time to come to themselves, all is alarmed and closed, and the last drops are not yet no, no yes and break off with a muddy knock on wooden floorboards. Dark brown, with standing puddles, they reflect as a mirror every object. Punching sun leaves its warm golden reflections on the floor.


What is an unusual picture of Gerasimov "After the rain"? The description of the canvas is difficult to do in parts, fragments. Awesome impression has it to the viewer entirely. Each detail of Gerasimov is significant and harmonious. Here is the railing and bench. Closer to the inside of the veranda, they are darker, since this part of the terrace is less illuminated. And here, where even rare sunshine gets, more and more golden glare, and the color of wood warm, yellow-brown shades.

To the left of the viewer on the terrace there is a table on elegant carved legs. The curly table, the dark itself, it seems completely black because the wood is wet. Like everything around, it mirroredly sparkles, reflecting and an inverted glass, and a jug with a bouquet, and more and more brighten after a thunderstorm sky. Why did the artist need this subject of furniture? It organically fits into the surrounding situation, without him the terrace would be empty, created an impression of an unlawful, uncomfortable. The table contributes to the picture of a hint of a friendly family, hospitable tea drinking, joyful, heart atmosphere. Glass glass, inverted with swirl and miraculously not fallen, indicates how strong the wind and shower were. The disheveled flowers in the bouquet, scattered petals hinting about this. White, red and pink roses look particularly touching and defenseless. But we can imagine how sweetly and gently smell now, washed by rain. This pitcher and roses in it looks extremely poetic.

Back plan pictures

And outside the terrace is noise and buffets the garden. With wet foliage, rain drops are still rolling. It is clean, dark green, bright, fresh, what happens only after a refreshing shower. Looking at the picture, you begin to feel very clearly feeling the foxing smell of wet greenery and the sun-heated sun, flowers from the garden and something else very native, close, dear, for which we love nature. Behind the trees is visible the roof of the barn, in the lumens of the branches - whites, brightening after the throat of the sky. Easy, enlightenment, the joy of being, we feel, admiring the wonderful work of Gerasimov. And learn to be attentive to nature, love her, notice an amazing charm.

Artist Alexander Mikhailovich Gerasimov stood at the origins of the new, Soviet picturesque art. His brushes belongs to many official, "parade" and informal, "household" portraits of the heads of the states of the state, including Lenin and Stalin, representatives of the Bolshevik, Communist Intelligentsia. He captured the most important events in the life of the country - the launch of the metro station, the round date of the celebration of the October Revolution. Multiple laureate awarded by medals and orders, including the Honored Artistic Worker, the first president of the Academy of Arts, Alexander Mikhailovich at the same time, the main works in his work did not consider these works. The most expensive brainchild was a small canvas, very simple in the plot, in which, however, reflected the true soul of a large artist, the master.

"Wet terrace"

This is a picture of Gerasimov "After the rain", the second name of which is the "wet terrace". She is known to each schoolchildren who already have a generation already, is included in the school program as a manual for learning writing writings. Reproductions from the canvas are placed in Russian language textbooks for grades 6-7 (varying editors). The very same picture of Gerasimov "After the rain" is in one of the exhibitions, it is written by oil on canvas, the size of the work is small - 78 per 85 cm. The audience is invariably crowded, carefully peeled into the details, study, admire, absorb them.

Best creation

In Soviet painting, especially the first half of the 20th century, there are quite a few works of this type as the picture of Gerasimov "after the rain". Slim lyricism, surprisingly accurate gear of a poetic, fresh atmosphere of summer nature, washed rain, juicy flavor, special energy - all this makes the work of the artist perfectly special. No wonder her master and only her believed his best creation. Time confirmed the placement of priorities. Of course, the bright talent of the author is clearly demonstrated in other works. But it was the picture of Gerasimov "After the rain", I experienced ideological storms and disputes and was out of time, outside the politicization of art, provinging its real aesthetic value.

Creating a masterpiece

Let's be transferred to the distant 1935. What happens at this time in the USSR? First, the 7th Congress of Soviets, significant state decisions. The congress of the drummers-collective farmers, where the labor peasantry reports to the government of loyalty to the selected course. The movement of the Multi-Points begins. The first line of the Moscow metro is launched. Being in the most thick of events, Gerasimov responds with bright, original creativity. By 1935, he put forward in the first rows of the best masters of socialist painting. However, the artist of a certain spiritual dorm, fatigue and desire to throw everything and go home, in the distant provincial town of Kozlov, which is to relax on Tambovschina.

There was a picture of Gerasimov "After the rain". The history of the creation of a masterpiece reached us in the memoirs of his sister. The artist was delighted with completely transformed after the strongest shower of a garden, a wet terrace, sparkling, like a mirror, an extraordinary freshness and air fragrance, the most unusual atmosphere reigning in nature. In feverish impatience, holding a palette, Alexander Mikhailovich in one breath, just for 3 hours he wrote a canvas, which entered the Golden Fund of Russian and Soviet landscape painting.

Getting to the analysis of the work (lesson element)

As already mentioned, the picture of Gerasimov "after the rain" is dealt with in the school course. The essay on it helps to develop the skills of a society written speech, the creative abilities of students, contributes to the formation of aesthetic taste, the subtle perception of nature. Let us and we entrusted to the wonderful canvase. In which year, the picture of Gerasimov "After the rain" was written, we already know - in 1935, in the summer. In the foreground, we see the terrace. It shines dazzling, as if carefully polished and covered with varnish. Just ended the strongest summer shower. Nature has not yet had time to come to themselves, all is alarmed and closed, and the last drops are not yet no, no yes and break off with a muddy knock on wooden floorboards. Dark brown, with standing puddles, they reflect as a mirror every object. Punching sun leaves its warm golden reflections on the floor.


What is Gerasimov "after the rain"? The description of the canvas is difficult to do in parts, fragments. Awesome impression has it to the viewer entirely. Each detail of Gerasimov is significant and harmonious. Here is the railing and bench. Closer to the inside of the veranda, they are darker, since this part of the terrace is less illuminated. And here, where even rare sunshine gets, more and more golden glare, and the color of wood warm, yellow-brown shades.

To the left of the viewer on the terrace there is a table on elegant carved legs. The curly table, the dark itself, it seems completely black because the wood is wet. Like everything around, it mirroredly sparkles, reflecting and an inverted glass, and a jug with a bouquet, and more and more brighten after a thunderstorm sky. Why did the artist need this subject of furniture? It organically fits into the surrounding situation, without him the terrace would be empty, created an impression of an unlawful, uncomfortable. The table contributes to the picture of a hint of a friendly family, hospitable tea drinking, joyful, heart atmosphere. A glass glass, inverted with swirl and miraculously not fallen, indicates how strong the wind and shower were. The disheveled flowers in the bouquet, scattered petals hinting about this. White, red and pink roses look particularly touching and defenseless. But we can imagine how sweetly and gently smell now, washed by rain. This pitcher and roses in it looks extremely poetic.

Back plan pictures

And outside the terrace is noise and buffets the garden. With wet foliage, rain drops are still rolling. It is clean, dark green, bright, fresh, what happens only after a refreshing shower. Looking at the picture, you begin to feel very clearly feeling the foxing smell of wet greenery and the sun-heated sun, flowers from the garden and something else very native, close, dear, for which we love nature. Behind the trees is visible the roof of the barn, in the lumens of the branches - whites, brightening after the throat of the sky. Easy, enlightenment, the joy of being, we feel, admiring the wonderful work of Gerasimov. And learn to be attentive to nature, love her, notice an amazing charm.

The "wet" effect in the picture of Gerasimov "After the rain".

Let's look at the picture of Alexander Gerasimov "After the rain". What is it? Genre scene without people? Still life? Scenery? This picture includes elements of different genres and the more interesting. We see the terrace on which, maybe, only an hour ago, people were sitting - they drank tea, read newspapers, someone probably embroidered at an empty bench now. It could be a genre scene. The artist could portray how people run away from the terrace because of suddenly flowing rain. We can only guess about it, but the situation is typical for a good genre scene. We see the table on which the vase with flowers and an inverted glass are located (apparently, it turned his gust of the wind) - a typical still life. In the background in front of us clean beautiful landscape - summer gardenwashed by rain.

Looking at the picture, we feel freshness after the rain, air humidity. The artist was very well managed to transfer the atmosphere that arises after the summer shower. All we see wet from rain. And this may be the most amazing, as a successful painter managed to write rainwater literally on all surfaces. It can be seen that the shower has just passed and the droplets did not dry, did not evaporate. Water glitters, thanks to the already peeking sun, we see his breaking rays in the garden. All surfaces - table, floor, bench, foliage, flares. Rainbow glare are written with great skill and we do not have doubts - if you managed to put my palm on this bench or spend your hand in the foliage of the tree - there would be water drops on it.

So it was not possible to write to the nature of the artist after the rain. Not everyone knows how to accurately convey the "wet" effect. But the Russian artist Gerasimov always loved and knew him to portray him. Once, when he was already very famous MasterHe came to his parents to the city of Kozlov, where on a summer day the whole family was sitting on the terrace. Suddenly rained, yes, so strong that even a terrace, protected by railings and the roof instantly wet. Sun looked immediately. It all glittered with such a cleanliness, looked so delightfully that the artist did not wait and minutes, grabbed the canvas and the palette and immediately began to write a picture. We can imagine where he placed Molbert - in the depths of the terrace. Gerasimov used darker paints in the foreground of the picture, bright - on average, very bright - in the back. Our view tends to the brightest, sunny. The painter managed not only to portray the beauty of the moment, but also to pass the mood - admiring, raised.

Gerasimov wrote a lot of outstanding work for his life, for which he received award and rewards. But the picture "After the rain. The wet terrace" was his beloved. He considered her best his picture.