
What plasticine is better to sculpt pictures from? Plasticinography on cardboard. Master Class. Some techniques and techniques of drawing with plasticine

Larisa Savchuk

Plasticinography is a new kind of decorative and applied art.

The concept of "plasticine" has two semantic roots: "graphics" - to create, depict, and "plasticine" - means the material with which the idea is realized.

The principle of this technique is to create a stucco picture with plasticine depicting more or less convex, semi-volumetric objects on a horizontal surface.

The main material - plasticine - is a plastic and soft material for children's creativity with the ability to take and keep a given shape.

At the end of April, I have to give a master class on plasticineography with the teachers of our kindergarten. In this connection, I had to master this new technique for me. At first I studied myself, not including children in this activity, and then I began to teach them too.

Today, dear colleagues, I present to your attention my first works in the "Plasticinography" technique and small master classes on them. Maybe someone will come in handy at work.

Material: thick cardboard, contour drawings, good plasticine, hand napkins, water in a bowl, stacks, modeling board.

So let's get started.


1. A drawing is applied to the cardboard (you can use pictures from coloring pages).

2. Make the background of the picture. First determine the background color.

Small pieces of plasticine are pinched off from the plasticine and applied to the surface in the form of strokes. You can use mixed plasticine for a larger range of colors.

3. Plasticine strokes are smeared with fingers over the entire surface without going beyond the contour of the drawing.

4. Then small flagella are rolled down, laid out along the contour of the drawing, pressed and smeared with a finger to the middle, filling the center of the drawing element.

6. Lay out the outline of the drawing with thin black flagella.

We place the finished work in a frame.

Other works are done in a similar way.

"Underwater Kingdom"

1. Apply plasticine on thick cardboard in the form of strokes of the desired color.

2. Use your fingers to spread the clay over the entire surface from left to right.

3. We "populate" the water with inhabitants, plants, etc.

"Ladybug on a camomile"

1. Draw a sketch of the image on a thick cardboard.

2. Fill the background in the same way with plasticine.

3. We depict a chamomile, then a ladybug.

4.With the help of stacks, curly sticks, seals - we decorate the work.

These are the first works in the technique of "plasticinography" I got. I will introduce you to other works in this technique and the works of my pupils in the following posts.

07/13/12 AxLav

When a person hears about plasticine, bright moments from childhood immediately pop up in his memory.

After all, it was there and then that we first learned about the existence of this material, and began to know ourselves in modeling with plasticine, sloppily losing lumps of it on furniture, carpets, and beds.

True then, few of us knew that plasticine can also be an irreplaceable tool in the painting genre. Now, for sure, many people know about the existence of plasticine painting, which is widely used by contemporary artists.

Mix plasticine correctly

The palette of mixing plasticine pieces is similar to mixing oil paints, although the plasticine is mixed by hand. It is not recommended to mix more than 2-3 colors, this can negatively affect the brightness of the shade, or even acquire a "clogged" color.

By mixing plasticines of different colors, you can, as on the palette, get complex shades of certain colors.

Children's experiences can serve as an edification: if colored plasticine is diluted with black, you can get a rich and darker tone of the originally used shade. If you combine some color with white, then the result is a pastel tone.

Plasticine painting technique

It should be noted right away that each artist has his own techniques, his own style, which gives us his recognition among others. And now we will dwell in a little more detail on some of the techniques and techniques.

To begin with, let us remind ourselves of the works of impressionist artists, who use a very unusual overlay of strokes. Juicy large strokes often convey volume and shape, large and colorful - sometimes it is required to establish the illusion of shimmer and mobility.

You can depict with plasticine using the same technique, applying it to primed cardboard. A feature of this technique for painting is a certain relief of strokes.

Another method is more similar to a decorative technique, and as a result resembles something between drawing and appliqué. To use this method, it is necessary to completely or partially sculpt the details of the desired image, after transferring them to the background.

- this is a great freedom for the manifestation of fantasy. Plasticine strokes can outwardly look completely different, and here everything is subordinated to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe master. The texture can resemble glass or the most delicate silk; it can be rough, covered with convolutions, curly lines, stripes. It is not necessary to work with plasticine with your fingers; you can use auxiliary tools - stacks, syringes with and without needles.

What to draw?

There are no restrictions! And that has already said everything. Connect thoughts and feelings to work, find bright notes in your fantasies and ideas.

As in the case of watercolors, gouache, oil, thanks to plasticine, you can create mouth-watering still lifes, delightful landscapes, naturalistic portraits.

Plasticine arts are certainly saturated with the warmth of the hands that create them, and, for sure, that is why they share a special energy with the viewer, which reminds us of an old, kind fairy tale. And here the main thing is to be able to let her into your world ...

I bring to your attention a series of works "Cacti", made in the technique of "plasticine painting".

For work you need: plexiglass (glass), black ink (for the outline), squirrel brush No. 1, plasticine, stacks, a sketch of a drawing, a napkin, a jar of water.

Before work, the glass must be thoroughly washed and degreased. This can be done with any detergent or acetone.

1. We translate the drawing on the glass with ink. The lines should be clear and thin.

2. We select the colors of plasticine necessary for the work. Do not forget to mix plasticine to obtain the desired shades. The richer the color palette, the more picturesque the work.

3. Apply (smear) plasticine with a thin layer, without touching the contour. The glass should be held “suspended” with the left hand, and with the right “paint” your drawing. We use, where necessary, a stack and a napkin.

4. It is necessary to start "painting" the work with small details.

5. Having completed the small details, gradually fill the entire drawing with the desired color.

6. Do not forget that on the illuminated part of the subject, all colors are lighter, and in the shadow - darker.

7. When the whole picture is colored, you can color the background.

8. Place the work in a frame, and you're done !!!

Do you recognize? This is the "Decembrist".

And this is the reverse side of our "drawing".

Unfortunately, I don’t know the names, sorry ...

He, too, on the other side.

If there is no mascara for the outline, you can draw with a marker, paint on glass, even tried gouache (just add a little PVA glue) so that the paint does not roll off.

The picture was made from a set for children's creativity, but if there is a desire to master plasticine painting, I advise you to print your favorite picture for coloring on thick paper, buy a pack of plasticine and go! The work will cost 4-5 times cheaper than buying a set (in the box there was a template for a drawing and a pack of plasticine of 6 colors, which I did not even have enough, I had to buy another pack) ...

And the painting technique is very simple: we mix the necessary colors, split off a small piece, roll the ball in our hands and smear the ball on the cardboard on one side. The more varied in color the balls are within the same plane, the more picturesque the picture will look. Make the distant shapes simpler in color, i.e. using one or two shades, this way the picture will appear more voluminous. Details of a complex configuration (ears, cheeks, eyes, etc.) can be made with a flattened spot, from which the excess is cut off by a stack. After the whole picture is filled in, it is advisable to arrange it in a frame under glass. How to make a three-dimensional frame from a regular frame, I spied on MaryBond -

Plasticine khokhloma

Plasticine painting "By the river"

This is my plasticine painting "Temple", I made it for the school competition dedicated to Easter. It is made using the "imitation of stained glass" technique.

DIY plasticine.

Difficulty level: Easy
What you need:
200 grams of flour
100 grams of salt
30g Alaun (chemical alum, can be found in the pharmacy)
2-3 st. tablespoons of sunflower oil
200 ml. boiling water
Dyes (any)
Step 1
And so let's start making plasticine:
First, we need a container, for example, a plate, a jar.
Step 2
Mix flour and salt in a jar. Mix thoroughly so that later, after adding water, it will be easier to knead everything. Salt is used for strength and flour for base. Next we add Alaun, it is used here as a thickener. Alaun can be found at any pharmacy. This is something similar to gelatin. Alaun is not harmful and is used medicinally.
Step 3
And so we have a dry mixture. We pour our oil there, it is necessary so that our plasticine does not stick to our hands. Add and mix a little. Then pour hot boiled water of 80-90 degrees there.
Step 4
After adding water, mix everything thoroughly, to avoid lumps, you can use a mixer. When it is hard for the mixer to twist all this mass, then put it on the table. You can add dye if you like.
If you want to make several colors, then divide the mass into several parts and add a different dye to each, just add a lot of dye. To make the plasticine bright.\u003d3137#top

Plasticine tale

On the Vecherny Orenburg website I found an interesting interview with Anastasia Volkova, a sixth year student of the OSU architecture and construction faculty, who created a book from plasticine. The girl illustrated Aksakov's fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower".

“The idea to decorate the drawing with plasticine details,” says Anastasia, “first came to my mind when I was making a postcard for my husband. Sergey really liked the original gift. Behind this postcard there was a second, then a third ...”

Nastya spent whole days at modeling, and sometimes even nights. At first, one plot measuring 30x60 cm took about two weeks. But over time, the fingers became more dexterous, and the speed of work increased: it takes a craftswoman only a couple of days for one picture.

Nastya is sketching a drawing on a cardboard box. Then, despite the luxurious manicure, the girl boldly plucks off pieces of plasticine and smears them on the cardboard, making the main background. Long nails only help her - with them the craftswoman applies patterns on plasticine.


Plasticine is one of the favorite materials for children's creativity. With it, you can sculpt original crafts and even create drawings. Plasticine painting is an unconventional art technique, which consists in drawing with plasticine on cardboard or other dense base. Finished works can be flat, semi-volume or volumetric. Being engaged in plasticineography, the child develops fine motor skills, the movements of the fingers are differentiated. This is a good preparation for learning to write.

Plasticine painting technique

The technique of plasticine painting is a bit like oil painting - colored plasticine is rolled into balls and applied to cardboard with strokes. The young artist develops his color perception and sense of harmony. For good work, you need to choose a high-quality plasticine of the appropriate type.

The assortment is great: there are more dense varieties, and there are soft, smooth, easily melting varieties. In the sets, you can find any palette: both from basic colors, and including many shades. If you are using plasticine as paint, you can mix the two colors to achieve the desired tone.

When working on plasticine paintings, you need to thinly roll out all the folds, inequalities. If somewhere the layer turned out to be thick, uneven, the excess can be removed using stacks. Strokes on a plasticine panel can be different. It is not necessary to work with your fingers, you can use tools - stacks, a knife, a toothpick, a roller, syringes with and without needles, sticks for indentation. To make a picture from plasticine, you need to prepare the base, and fix the details of the desired shape and color on it.

Plane modeling

A small child can be taught to make paintings from plasticine according to the same principle as paint. The first stage will be flat modeling - the creation of paintings of varying degrees of relief. There are forms with a protruding and in-depth image:

  • High relief (the image protrudes strongly above the surface).
  • Bas-relief (details protrude slightly above the base).
  • Counter-relief (an image deepened into the surface of the base: the drawing is scratched or pressed on a plane with a stack, stick).

So you can depict a picture, previously outlined with a contour on a cardboard or glass base. The child can wield a finger, learning to calculate the strength of clicks and strokes, or use improvised tools. In kindergartens, they offer to depict, for example, recognizable plots from your favorite fairy tales or cartoons using the technique of plane sculpting or to make plasticine comics.

Volumetric paintings from plasticine

When your child learns to make simple flat images, you can try to make a three-dimensional picture, similar to a work of art. The essence is not so difficult: you need to separately mold the details of the work (wood, fruits, animals), and then fix them on the surface.

Parts can be of any shape and size. For their manufacture, various techniques are used: rolling, flattening, rubbing, smoothing, pulling the part away from the general shape. It must be remembered that if you are going to place drawings from plasticine under glass, the material may crumple, and the work will lose its original volume.

DIY plasticine paintings

Drawing with plasticine is well suited both for independent study with a child, and for labor lessons for elementary school students or fine motor exercises in kindergarten. When working, the child learns to make both large and very small details (eyes, leaves). For sculpting you will need:

  • Base (you can use glass, unnecessary discs, a sheet of plywood).
  • A board for rolling out plasticine and for sculpting parts.
  • Knives for cutting and applying small parts.
  • A simple pencil.
  • Water for occasionally wetting hands.

First you need to draw on the basis of a pencil drawing a template for the future picture (field, green forest). For him, you need to rub small plasticine pieces with your fingers. Parts can be formed from round or elongated pieces of different sizes. You can use a separate stencil for each part. Then they must be carefully pressed into the background.

If you get irregularities, smooth them out with your fingers, previously soaked in water. In addition, remember the rules for composing a composition: those details that will be in the foreground should stick out more than others and be made more clearly (for example, bright flowers, pebbles on the seashore, animals). Fasten them on top of the rest of the parts (in the last may) and add some kind of pattern applied with a needle or toothpick.

On cardboard

A plasticine painting on cardboard for children can be the first step towards making more complex crafts. It is not necessary to buy special material, you can use, for example, cut sheets from a shoe or household appliance box. It is recommended to cover the finished picture with varnish so that it does not become dusty.

The work will require the same materials as for any other sculpting technique. Remember that it is more difficult to wipe off excess stains from cardboard, so keep napkins ready. The step-by-step algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. We put a drawing on the cardboard (you can buy a ready-made stencil with a picture in a special store, then fill it with plasticine).
  2. We make the background of the picture. First, let's define the background color. Small pieces are pinched off from the block and applied to the surface in the form of strokes.
  3. We rub the plasticine strokes with our fingers within the boundaries of the picture.

On paper

To create a picture from plasticine on paper, it is better to choose a dense base, because too abrupt movement can tear a thin sheet. For the first works, it is recommended to start with the simplest paintings, for example, kids will like the image of a cheerful rainbow, white clouds and a bright sun in the sky, green grass with cornflowers or daisies. For the first works of a preschooler, it is better to choose a small size (about a quarter of an A4 sheet).

You need to pinch off small pieces from the bar and apply to the base in accordance with the plan. In this case, different sculpting methods are used - rolling or smoothing, smearing, sometimes pinching, flattening or flowing from one color to another is required. If your idea involves a clear drawing of a large number of small objects, a medical syringe without a needle will come in handy. They use it like this:

  1. Put a piece of plasticine inside the syringe, heat it carefully (on a hot battery or in a cup of warm water);
  2. Squeeze out with thin threads (if you want thicker, use a pastry syringe).
  3. Soft transitions of shades can be obtained if you first mix the necessary shades of plasticine in your hands, and only then load them into the syringe. Do not mix more than two colors at the same time.

On glass

Plasticine applications on glass are an easy-to-perform, but dangerous type of creativity. It is necessary to follow the safety rules so as not to get hurt. To create an applique you will need:

  • Multi-colored plasticine.
  • Frame.
  • Black ink or black marker.
  • A sheet of paper with a printed pattern.
  • Cotton wool and alcohol.

Since very few people succeed in creating pictures for plasticinography on glass the first time, it is better to look at the master class on the Internet step by step with the child in advance, and then follow the recommendations:

  1. Find drawings (it is better to choose simple black and white). Remember that the younger the child, the larger the details should be.
  2. Remove the glass from the photo frame.
  3. Degrease the glass by wiping with cotton wool and alcohol.
  4. Place the printed sketch under glass.
  5. Outline the outline with a black marker on the glass.
  6. Get the drawing.
  7. Determine what colors you will use. For preschool children, the task can be simplified - leave a colored drawing under the glass. So the child will see what color the plasticine should be taken.
  8. Separating small pieces of plasticine of the desired color, stick them on the glass, rub without going beyond the outline of the drawing. The more the material is rubbed (into a thin layer), the weaker the pigment will be.

You can choose a method of work: either first fill the places of one color with plasticine, and then move on to others, or first perform small elements (separately sculpt the eyes of the beast, leaves, small flowers or a ladybug), then go to the main drawing from plasticine.

When the entire base is filled with plasticine, you will need the help of an adult. The picture must be turned over with its front side facing you, examined and corrected by flaws (gaps between pieces of plasticine, going beyond the contour). Then wipe the glass again with alcohol, without touching the drawing, and insert the work into the frame.

Purpose:teach the techniques of working in the technique of plasticine painting.

  • development of skills and abilities in working with plasticine and stacks;
  • development of a sense of color, proportion, rhythm;
  • development of spatial thinking and creativity;
  • aesthetic education by means of fine and decorative arts;
  • fostering artistic taste in children;
  • development of motor skills of the fingers of children.

Materials and equipment for students:

  • colored plasticine;
  • matte and glossy colored cardboard,
  • a set of stacks, toothpicks;
  • sculpting board A4;
  • cloth for wiping hands and stacks;
  • oilcloth for the desktop.

Visuals: samples of works of the teacher and students in the technique of plasticine painting.

Types of plasticine:

The following types of plasticine are produced; paraffin, wax, fluorescent. When working with plasticine, it is necessary to take into account its properties: softness, plasticity, stickiness, the ability to soften under the influence of heat, fragility, the ability to preserve the given shape, water resistance.

Plasticine painting is an increasingly common type of painting, but this method of depiction contributes to the creative development and a variety of artistic expressive methods. Each new creative endeavor for a person is not just a skill, skills, experience: it is also a way of developing mental activity, according to the relationship "hand - brain".

The factors for the development of an artist are constant practice, improvement of skills, bold experiment, search and creativity in the process of activity. The combination of these qualities, in the manufacture of plasticine products, can contribute to the creation of new, unique works of art.

What is interesting about it. First, its novelty. On the other hand, such material allows you to find new solutions in the image. And most importantly: this material allows you to transfer part of itself to the canvas of your works, transfer part of its warmth.

Its basis is a combination of hard surfaces and plasticine, the creation of an image by applying plasticine to the surface using a special technique, the use of auxiliary materials uncharacteristic for painting. What are the techniques and techniques for drawing with plasticine?

Some techniques and techniques of drawing with plasticine

1 way


Plasticine painting gives a huge scope for the artist's imagination, from the type of applying plasticine strokes and their texture to choosing a color scheme that visually looks unusually fresh, juicy and rich. The surface of plasticine strokes can look different. The texture itself can resemble silk, glass or ceramics if you try to make it smooth and shiny. To do this, before smoothing the plasticine surface with your fingers, slightly moisten your fingers in water. But only slightly so that the cardboard base does not get wet in any way.

You can make the surface of the painting a little rough. For this, various methods of applying relief points, strokes, stripes, convolutions or some curly lines to the surface of the plasticine image are used.
You can work not only with your fingers, but also with stacks. These are special auxiliary tools.

2 way


Work on glass. Let's prepare the glass: remove the cardboard and wipe it with a napkin so that there are no fingerprints. Otherwise, mascara will not fit well in these places. Putting the sketch under the glass, we will translate the drawing as accurately as possible. It must be borne in mind that in this case it will turn out in a mirror image. The carcasses need to dry out a little. During this pause, you can start preparing the material: choose the color of the plasticine and mix its shades for the drawing. We lay out the resulting pieces and analyze how well they combine with each other and set off each other. The process of filling the surface is very painstaking and if you fill in one large piece at once most of the drawing, the work loses its unusual appearance and beauty. Therefore, it is advisable to apply plasticine in very small pieces with a pea, with each subsequent piece with a slightly changed shade. Then gradually knead them over the surface with your finger. Keep in mind that when rubbing plasticine, sometimes unusual stains are obtained, which only add even more beauty and sometimes emphasize the shape. Follow the outline of the drawing and do not go beyond it. It also happens that a poorly chosen color was applied, it is easy to remove it with a stack and apply a new one. The practice of performing such work has shown that it is better to start filling the glass surface with the main elements, and then - the background. We draw up the work done - we fix the cardboard on the back with clamps and carefully clean the surface with a dry napkin. The work is ready!

3 way


A thin layer of plasticine is applied to the cardboard, leveled with a stack or knife, and the drawing is scratched with a toothpick, needle, stack, as in the scratchboard technique.

4 way


You can draw with plasticine in other ways; "Peas" and "flagella". Peas are rolled from plasticine and laid out in a pattern on a primed or clean cardboard surface, filling the entire drawing. The technique of "flagella" is somewhat more complicated in that it is necessary to roll up the flagella of the same thickness and lay them out on the drawing. You can connect the flagella in half and twist it, then you get a beautiful pigtail, the basis of the contour of the drawing.



A drawing is applied to the cardboard, the flagella are rolled thicker, smeared with a finger to the middle, then the center of the drawing element is filled. You can use mixed plasticine for a larger range of colors. The work can be made in relief by putting plasticine veins on the leaves or with strokes, as in oil painting.


Working in the technique of plasticine painting is very interesting. She develops motor skills of fingers, accuracy of movements, imagination, abstract thinking, attention, artistic skills in working with plastic materials.

Try a few exercises and you will love this new technique.

Children are happy to work in the technique of plasticine painting.