Driving lessons

Paintings from wax plasticine on color. Master Class. Topic: Plasticine painting. way: work done with the "peas"

Karagandy kalasynyk bilim bulimi

121 "Ainalayin" bөbek- baқshasy ҚMҚK

Department of Education of the city of Karaganda

KGKP №121 I \\ s "Ainalayin"

Performed by the teacher of the II category

Davydova E.N.

Consultation for teachers

Topic: "Plasticine painting"

G. Karaganda


Plasticine painting


    The history of the creation of plasticine

    Types of plasticine

    Types of plasticine painting


Currently, teachers, experts in the field of early development, insist that the development of intellectual and mental processes must begin with the development of hand movements, and in particular with the development of movements in the fingers of the hand. This is due to the fact that the development of the hand plays an important role in the formation of the brain, its cognitive abilities, and the formation of speech. This means that in order for the child and his brain to develop, it is necessary to train his hands. This is what in the future will give him the opportunity to easily learn new things, be it a foreign language, writing or mathematics. The development of fine motor skills is also important because the entire future life of a child will require the use of precise, coordinated movements of the hand and fingers, which are necessary to dress, draw and write, as well as perform many different householdand training activities.

The problem of the development of fine motor skills, manual skill is largely solved in the classroom for visual activity, since it is visual activity that contributes to the development of sensorimotor skills - consistency in the work of the eye and hand, improvement of coordination of movements, flexibility, strength, accuracy in performing actions, correction of fine motor skills of fingers hands. Children master the skills and abilities of working with tools (in drawing - a pencil and a brush, in an applique - scissors and a brush, in modeling - a stack). In these lessons, children develop the ability to operate the tool (of course, if the child is taught to hold and work tools correctly).

Plasticine painting is one of the areas of visual activity. The name speaks for itself - this is the creation of paintings using plasticine.

Plasticine has become known to the world since the 19th century, when Franz Kolba and William Harbut received patents in Germany (for the model mass “Plastilin” in 1880) and in Great Britain (for the non-drying clay “Plasticine” in 1899)

William Harbuth was an art school teacher. In 1897, he developed a material that would not dry out when sculpting by students. Plasticine was originally used for educational purposes.

In 1900, Harburt opened its own factory, where the industrial production of plasticine, still gray in color, began. Later, it was produced in four colors. The factory worked until the fire of 1968, after the production was moved to Thailand.

Franz Kolb's plasticine can still be found on the shelves as “Munich art plasticine”.

But the real hero, the real inventor of plasticine, is Joe McVicker, a pharmacist from Cincinnati. He, in fact, did not intend to invent anything, but released a simple window putty, a tool for cleaning wallpaper from stains. Fortunately for McVicker, his sister, who worked in a kindergarten, began to use it for sculpting instead of clay.

Later, the Cincinnati Board of Education mandated all educational institutions to use a "non-toxic wallpaper cleaner" in class. And in 1955, large department stores drew attention to McVicker's invention. The light mass was more plastic, did not dry out, and soon the progenitor of modern plasticine was swept clean from the shelves. McVeeker became a millionaire at the age of 27, and we got the opportunity to create in color.

Plasticine - from the Greek word, translated - blind. Previously, plasticine was made from clay powder and substances that prevent it from drying out: wax, tallow, ozokerite (a mineral similar to beeswax), petroleum jelly.Currently, in the production of plasticine, high-molecular-weight polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, rubbers and other high-tech materials are also used. Painted in various colors. Serves for making figures of sketches for sculptural works, small , works of small forms.

Currently, several types of plasticine are produced. In addition to sculptural plasticine, which sculptors use in their work, the consumer is offered many types of ornamental plasticine.

Ball plasticine. A distinctive feature of this plasticine is that it consists of small soft foam balls, which are connected by thin glue threads. Coarse-grained ball plasticine is produced on a glycerin basis. It is completely safe for health. It is very easy to sculpt from such material. The balls massage the fingers intensively, the colors mix very easily. Ball plasticine is an excellent tool for developing motor skills.

Bouncing plasticine. This material is distinguished by the greatest softness and plasticity. The most interesting thing about this plasticine is that, when it cools down, it becomes like rubber and easily springs and bounces off any surfaces. You can then play with crafts made from such plasticine, as with a ball or a "jumper".

- "Gum for hands" ( from English. HandGum ) - this plasticine can be called the most high-tech and modern material, it is able to take any shape. It simultaneously possesses a number of properties: it can stretch, tear, be solid and liquid, it can change color, magnetise and glow. It is not oily, so it does not stain clothes or hands. It can be washed. It is non-toxic and hypoallergenic.

"Classic plasticine" - Designed for sculpting and modeling in children's art. Plasticine does not stick to hands, it has bright, juicy colors that easily mix with each other. Packed in a cardboard box. Stack included. Shelf-life Unlimited.

"Wax plasticine" - does not smell, pleasant to the touch, very flexible, inexpensive, recommended by teachers, a wide variety of colors, soft, does not stick to the hands, safe for children. Shortage when stored in an open box dries out

"Floating plasticine" - Floating plasticine from is a unique quality. All colors can be easily mixed with each other. Easily softens in hands, but does not stick to them. Easily rinsed off with water and does not sink in water. Conforms to European standards and is absolutely safe for children, does not contain harmful impurities and dyes.

"Fluorescent wax plasticine" - used for sculpting figurines and small decorative items. It is very soft, bright, flexible, does not stick and does not stain hands, has unique properties - it glows in the dark. 8 colors. Simulation stack included. Packaging - cardboard box. Shelf-life Unlimited.

"Sculptural plasticine" - used for more serious sculpting tasks. It holds its shape better, allows to work out rather small details of the sculpture. Plasticine is distinguished by its special elasticity. This property allows you to use it for sculptural miniatures and modeling work. Does not stain or stick to hands and special materials used in the work. The shelf life of plasticine is not limited: it retains its properties for a long time, so it can be used for many years. For the manufacture of sculptural plasticine, a waxy mass is used with the addition of mineral pigments and fillers.

"Edible plasticine" - This is an unusual plasticine, it is created on the basis of edible products, it is absolutely safe for babies and does not stick to the hands!Plasticine is made on the basis of natural edible products, so even if a child swallows it, nothing bad will happen. Ingredients: flour, water and other food ingredients. Plasticine hardens in the air, which allows you to make your favorite figures, and if you are tired of the toy, you can put it in a jar, fill it with water, and you will get ordinary plasticine again.

The advantages of plasticine for children's creativity -

Plastic. Due to its plasticine plasticine, it is possible to sculpt an article of any complexity, from a primitive sausage to a complex multi-figured composition.

Possibility of adjustment. The missing part can simply be sculpted again, without the need to fix the rest of the product. This is very important for children's creativity, when a child's psyche, which has not yet matured, sometimes does not withstand long painstaking work.

Security ... Due to its texture, plasticine is one of the safest materials for creativity. Scissors are not needed for sculpting. Working with him, it is impossible to get dirty, get a splinter, hit or get burned.

The development of fine motor skills. Plasticine develops fine motor skills of the hands. The development of a child's hands and the development of speech are closely related. Fine motor skills of the hands and correct, precise articulation of sounds are dependent on each other. Thus, the higher the physical activity, the better the speech is developed.

Development of personal qualities. Working with plasticine teaches children attentiveness and accuracy, promotes the development of imagination, develops spatial thinking, develops perseverance and meticulousness, and in general, this list can be continued for a long time.

For plasticine painting, it is best to use sculptural plasticine, classic, wax. Plasticine painting - drawing a picture with plasticine. It is carried out using the technique of bas-relief, high-relief, plasticine painting.

Bas-relief variety a convex relief, in which the image protrudes above the background plane by no more than half the volume.

If more - the relief is called (high relief). a widespread type of decoration of architectural structures and decorative products of all times, known from the era : the first bas-reliefs, high-reliefs - deeply hewn or hewn ... Bas-reliefs are also often placed on monuments on , , , .

For working with children on plasticine painting, the plasticine technique is best suited.

Plasticineography- painting made on a hard surface with plasticine. Plasticnography - two semantic roots of "graphics" - drawing, "plasticine" - the material with which they work.

This type of activity involves the image of semi-volumetric objects, using non-traditional techniques and materials. For example, decorating the surface with beads, plant seeds, natural materials. In some cases, in the technique of plasticinography, the types of activity are combined, which leads to the creation of original works. For example, a landscape is graphically depicted on a flat surface, and foreground details are depicted in plasticine.

Main material - plasticine, and the main tool in plasticineography is the hand, or rather, both hands, therefore, the level of skill depends on owning one's own hands. This technique is good in that it is available to children of primary preschool age, allows you to quickly achieve the desired result and brings a certain novelty to the creativity of children, makes it more fun and interesting, which is very important for working with preschoolers.

Classes with plasticine represent a great opportunity for development and learning.

Classes in plasticine painting contribute to the development of such mental processes as: attention, memory, thinking, as well as the development of creative abilities. Plasticinography contributes to the development of perception, spatial orientation, sensorimotor coordination of children, that is, those school-significant functions that are necessary for successful schooling. Children learn to plan their work and get it done.

Engaging in plasticineography, the child develops hand skill, strengthens the strength of the hands, the movements of both hands become more coordinated, and the movements of the fingers are differentiated, the child prepares the hand for mastering such a complex skill as writing. All this is facilitated by a good muscle load of the fingers.

One of the undoubted advantages of plasticine painting classes with preschool children is the integration of educational areas. The topics of the classes are closely intertwined with the life of children, with the activities that they carry out in other classes (to familiarize themselves with the world around them and nature, the development of speech, fiction, mathematics, etc.).

Cognitive activity is realized. All the selected material for classes with children, has a practical orientation, relies as much as possible on their life experience, helps to highlight the essence of the signs of the objects and phenomena under study, activates images and ideas stored in long-term memory. They allow him to refine the knowledge he has already mastered, expand it, apply the first variants of generalization, and enrich his vocabulary. In the process of playing up the plot and performing practical actions with plasticine, an uninterrupted conversation is conducted with the children. The play organization of children's activities stimulates their speech activity, causes speech imitation, the formation and activation of the dictionary, the child's understanding of the speech of others.

purpose : Development of manual skill in preschool children through plasticineography.


- Educational:

- Learn to convey the simplest image of objects, phenomena of the surrounding world through plasticine.

Teach the basic techniques of plasticineography (pressing, smearing, pinching, indentation).

Learn to work in a given space.

Learn to accept the task, listen and hear the teacher's speech, act according to the model, and then according to verbal instructions.

Learn to examine various objects (objects) with the help of visual, tactile sensations to enrich and clarify the perception of their shape, proportion, color.


To educate the skills of accurate work with plasticine.

To cultivate responsiveness, kindness, the ability to empathize with the characters, the desire to help them.

Foster a desire to participate in the creation of individual and collective works.


Develop fine motor skills, hand coordination, eye measurement.

To develop the visual activity of children.

Develop a plot - game concept.

Develop interest in the process and results of work.

Develop an interest in teamwork.

Work on the formation of skills in plasticine painting is carried out in several stages, at each of which certain tasks are set for the child.

1. Preparatory

Master the pressure technique.

Master the indentation technique.

Master the technique of smearing plasticine with the pad of your finger.

Master the correct placement of the finger.

Master the technique of pinching off a small piece of plasticine and rolling the ball between two fingers.

Learn to work in confined spaces

2. Main

Learn not to go beyond the outline of the drawing

Learn to finger, smear plasticine throughout the drawing, as if painting over it.

Use multiple colors of plasticine

For expressiveness of work, be able to use auxiliary objects (bones, feathers, etc.)

Learn to use a special signet stack.

Learn to follow through

Learn neatly, do your job

Learn to perform collective compositions with other children

Learn to restore the sequence of actions performed

Learning to act like a caregiver

Learn to act on the verbal instructions of the teacher

3. Final

Solve creative problems on your own.

Choose a drawing for work on your own.

Form a personal attitude to the results of their activities

Classes are held once a week

Classes are best done in the evening, individually or collectively.

Work technique

The very technique of applying plasticine can be different. Each artist has his own individual techniques in this regard, his own tthe so-called style, or handwriting.

Plasticine can be applied with large, juicy strokes that transferthe desired shape and volume. And large colorful strokes create an illusion undervisibility, flickering, the image is slightly embossed, which looks very attractive.

there isanother way to draw with plasticine. But it looks more like a decorative technique, as it resembles a cross between appliqué and painting. To draw in this way, you need to sculpt either partially or completely all the constituent details of the future image, applying them to the plasticine "canvas".Before starting work, the base - cardboard must be primed; in a kindergarten, the method of lamination with adhesive tape is best suited, because on the smooth surface of the base, plasticine lays down very easily, children's fingers do not experience painful friction against the surface of cardboard or other base.

You can take glass as the basis for the work, but for younger preschoolers, such a basis can be dangerous.

Before laminating the base, a drawing must be applied to the cardboard, an image that will be painted over with plasticine. Elder

preschoolers can carry out work by design without prior drawing.

The work can be done with sculptural clay or colored. If the work is done with plasticine of the same color (sculptural), then the craft is better done using the bas-relief technique. First, a drawing is applied to the base, then the background of the drawing is laid with plasticine, then the drawing itself is performed. The drawing should stand out with its relief over the background. The finished work can be left in one color, you can paint it with paints. To do this, the painting needs to be covered with an overgrowing mixture; toothpaste is very suitable (non-toxic, safe for children). After the applied layer of the mixture is dry, the work can be painted with any paints you wish.

To complete the picture with colored plasticine, you can use the following techniques: moisten your fingers in water, then the craft acquires smoothness, the effect of ceramics, heating the plasticine in a plastic syringe (cream syringe), the plasticine acquires a semi-liquid state, squeezing the softened plasticine with a syringe, you can get graceful lines, reliefs ...

When doing the craft, you can use not only hands, but a variety of stacks.

After finishing work, be sure to wash your hands with soap, grease your hands with baby cream.

During work, it is imperative to monitor the lighting in the room, the posture of the children, the duration of the lesson, and do moving physical exercises.

The duration of the lesson must correspond to the age requirements.

Plasticine painting has a huge prosa torus for the imagination of little artists,provides timely, comprehensivethe development of a child's personality from an early age taking into account his individual and psychophysical characteristics,actively helps each child in the development of age-appropriate skills and knowledge, and teaches to systematically and competently analyze the results obtained.


I.A.Lykova "I sculpt from plasticine" The world of the book "Karapuz"

T. Davydova "Sculpt from plasticine and salt dough" Dragonfly press "2004

G.N.Davydova "Plasticinography 2"

O.Yu. Tikhomirova, G.A. Lebedeva

"Plasticine painting" "Mosaic-synthesis" 2011

EVChernova "Plasticine paintings" "Phoenix" 2006

T.N. Yakovleva "Plasticine painting" "Sphere" 2010

"Sculpting lessons with the magician Plasticinkin"

computer program series "Developers"

We bring to your attention a master class on creating a picture using plasticine. This type of painting is called plasticine or plastinography. Plasticine serves as paints here, as a pictorial material, and hands are our tool, a brush. There is a technique for applying plasticine to glass. Glass in this case is a canvas that we hold in front of us and apply plasticine with our hands under the glass. In this case, the picture is "drawn" under glass and is already protected from dust and damage. The image has a flat appearance. There is a technique for applying plasticine to cardboard or hardboard. In this case, plasticine can be applied to the surface in different ways. These can be balls, sausages, strokes. The image in this version has a three-dimensional appearance. In this case, it is better to protect plasticine from dust and damage by covering it with varnish. This type of painting got its start quite recently. The drawing process has no boundaries, it all depends on the imagination, brightness and uniqueness of creative thought. Drawing with plasticine, you can create still lifes, landscapes and even portraits. Plastinography is considered a childish form of creativity, but real masterpieces can be created from plasticine.
So, you need an idea. Any image you like will do. Of course, you can draw from nature, but using a picture is easier. We will "paint" the painting "Cherry Morning" by Alexander Sergeev.

The image is selected, now what you need to work.

  • Cardboard or hardboard,
  • Plasticine, the more flowers, the better
  • Frame,
  • Paints,
  • Brush,
  • Acrylic lacquer.

Let's get to work.
1. Preparation of cardboard. The size of the cardboard should initially correspond to the size of the frame, so as not to remove the excess later.
2. We take cardboard and with a pencil we apply the main elements shown in the picture.

3. In the process of work, the plasticine must be mixed so that the colors smoothly pass one into the other. As a rule, the colors of plasticine are darkish, so your colors will differ from the color in the picture.

4. Now put plasticine on the cardboard with your fingers. It is better to start with the background, so that the plasticine lies down, as brush strokes are superimposed on each other.

5. Plasticine, unlike paints, is a solid material, so you need to try to make the “smears” of plasticine jewelry and light. So step by step we apply "stroke" after "stroke" until the entire surface of the cardboard is covered.

6. After the background is applied, go to the main details of the picture and apply flowers and cherries. You can observe the proportions of the sample, or you can add something of your own, for example, draw not the whole image, but some part of it, add other colors, bend the lines a little differently. In this case, you personally get your creation for a variation of the selected picture.

7. The last detail of the painting is a vase. The picture is ready.

8. The painting must be protected from dust and damage. To do this, apply a layer of acrylic varnish on top. It is better to take a soft and wide brush. The varnish is applied with quick strokes. We are waiting for the varnish to dry.
9. Decoration of the frame. The frame shouldn't get much attention. The color of the frame should be in harmony with the painting, so you need to choose either the overall color of the painting, or the least color. Take a brush and paint the frame, in this case a light green color.
10. The final stage. We insert the picture into the frame and enjoy the result of our work.

Be bold, fantasize and experiment. Your fantasies and taste will make the picture inimitable, and let the pleasure received from the creation push you into new thoughts and ideas.

Here they are, the first, protecting, protecting from the whole world the embraces of the mother, then light friendly pats on the shoulder, and now the timid gentle touches of the beloved - all these happy moments are “made by hand”. And even in those moments when emotions overwhelm us, the eyes do not find a place for themselves, and the words get stuck, they come to the rescue - "speaking", comforting, encouraging hands. What we touch gets the imprint of our emotions. The same applies to painting. Doesn't the artist transmit his entire self through the brush - from the peculiarities of color perception to the philosophy of his life?

11 years ago I realized that painting for the sake of which the killing of animals is carried out is not my art. Artistic brush manufacturers, when asked about the production of squirrel brushes, answered that they use tails delivered as "waste" from fur factories. That is, the tortured corpses are "refined" to tassels.

Here you are standing in the park, looking around, clutching the coveted nut in your hand. Are you waiting for when, when a ginger animal will jump out of the green of the branches? Appeared, looks around, does not run up close. And now, having performed a dance of fear and curiosity, a little furry creature suddenly ... Jumps into your hand. The heart stops. Here it is, a fluffy cloud, sitting: the palm feels the cold skin and thin claws of the paws. Diligently and quickly chews the nut, and the black grapes of the eyes look at you trustingly: "Isn't there still a nut in store ?!" And this is a miracle, fragile and funny ... Kill in order to paint with a dead squirrel still alive ?!

I decided for myself that I do not want to be attached to the chain of murder, even the last, not decisive link. In the age of nanotechnology and smartphones, to kill an animal in order for a preschooler to furiously smear a couple of circles on paper with watercolors? So that in a month the unusable brush is thrown away, and without thinking that it is innocent in the garbage and a ruined life is not needed?

You can throw it away, and you can kill with your hands, as you can save with your hands. I do not use brushes for painting, i paint with my fingertips and plasticine.

Someone will find it ridiculous that "children's" material can be used in such a pathetic and important matter as painting. I have been creating in this technique for the 12th year, and during this time I have listened to a lot of strange comments about plasticine. Someone wanted to test the paintings with a lighter, someone wanted to freeze them in the refrigerator: most people thought that plasticine was not durable, and therefore it was imperative to prove to me that my choice was untenable. But, alas, ill-wishers did not succeed: plasticine does not lose color over time, does not dry out and does not react to weather changes. In this moment, I'm not talking about paintings that are created by applying to cardboard without closing the work. If you leave a painting in the open air without sealing it, then somewhere in 5-6 years it may dry out, moreover, it will be difficult to clean it from the accumulated dust.

The technology of my work is putting plasticine on glass or plastic, and then covering the work with the same plastic or thick cardboard. My very first works are kept in the workshop: they are also pleasing to the eye, and although they are already 10-11 years old, they have not changed at all.

So, what are the advantages of plasticine as a material for painting:

1. The ready-made shades you have created are stored (without drying out!) Indefinitely. The same cannot be said about acrylic, gouache and watercolors.

2. A work created in plasticine is several times cheaper in cost than a picture painted with any type of paint.

3. When drawing with plasticine, the manifestations of joint pains and arthrosis are reduced, and also, thanks to small work and pressure on the fingertips, the work of the brain is improved.

A little about technology.

What they don't do with plasticine: they heat it up and draw hot from a syringe, grind it, make "sausages", form contours, and then fill them in, put photographs and pictures under the glass. I adhere to the classics: I form balls of different colors and shades, create a palette for my painting, and then rub the plucked off pieces on the glass - "draw". I do not use templates or overlay photos: I always "create" with clay, experimenting with the color and shape of the "brushstroke".

Despite the seeming simplicity, plasticine can conceal in itself some "meanness": from 5-6 hours of work, or even earlier, on the fingers from friction ... redness and real calluses can form. But a day or two after, they usually go away.

Advice for beginners: use plasticine of well-known domestic brands, such as "Luch" and "Gamma" - these are proven materials. Czech plastlin tends to break and does not have such pliability, moreover, it is poorly spread and mixed. And Chinese plasticines tend to crumble over time, moreover, many of them are not tested for quality.

For 12 years of work, I have created more than 130 paintings, of which 88 have been successfully sold. I have held 6 exhibitions. Some of my paintings are in private collections in Japan, France, Canada and America. For the last 2 years I have been actively promoting synthetic brushes and the rejection of squirrel brushes, exhibiting paintings from the project "For-Artist-Brushes-A-For-Squirrels-Their-Life!"

Hands are given to us in order to convey love, love for Life and the Living: to give, continuing the Triumph of Life - this is my philosophy as an artist!

Elena Fomina
Plasticine painting is a means of developing the creativity of preschool children

Municipal state educational institution of the Khanty - Mansiysk region " Average secondary school in the village of Kirpichny "

Fomina Elena Zenonovna,

Deputy Director for preschool education

Plasticine painting is a means of developing the creativity of preschool children

Drawing is of great importance for a well-rounded preschool development, contributes to aesthetic and moral education, broadening of horizons. It is noteworthy that you can draw not only with paints, pencils or a felt-tip pen, but also plasticine.

Drawing plasticine is plasticine painting... IN plasticine painting plasticine used in the form "paints"as a pictorial material, and the tool for working with this material is baby's palms and fingers... This is one of the youngest species painting, which artists began to use quite recently.

Plasticine painting - one of the types of arts and crafts rarely practiced in preschool... And in plasticine painting laid down colossal educational reserves, huge pedagogical opportunities that affect the formation and development artistic-aesthetic and figurative-spatial perception of the surrounding world by older children preschool age.

Authors investigating the problem of effective work with plasticine and its influence on the creativity of children(T. S. Komarova, B. B. Kosminskaya, N. P. Sakulina, N. B. Khalezova and others, note the presence of a close relationship between fine motor coordination and the level of working capacity, the degree of mastering technical skills and success, the quality of work performance ...

Drawing process plasticine in visual activity involves the work of hand movements (palms, fingers, visual perception, as well as develops mental processes such as attention, memory, thinking, imagination, speech (L. A. Venger, V. S. Mukhina, R. S. Nemov, etc.).

Plasticineas a material for over 100 years. Composition plasticine was invented by the English teacher William Herbut in 1897.

It was made from lime salts, aliphatic acids and petroleum jelly mixed with chalk. The composition has changed, but this invention is still popular. Now plasticine is made from clay, wax, animal fat, ozokerite - a mineral similar to beeswax, ceresin, petroleum jelly, that is, substances that prevent the clay from drying out. An obligatory component is a colored pigment, which makes it possible to use it in a new quality.

Plasticine - a universal material that makes it possible to embody the most interesting and complex ideas.

For creating plasticine painting is necessary: set plasticine, cardboard with a contour pattern, napkin for hands, stacks, waste and natural material.

The following types are produced plasticine; paraffin, wax, fluorescent. When working with plasticine you need to take it into account properties: softness, plastic, stickiness, ability to soften under the influence of heat, fragility, ability to maintain shape, waterproof.

Plasticine - material for modeling, recently it has been used in drawing. It is made from refined and crushed clay powder with the addition of wax, lard and other substances that prevent drying. Painted in various colors. Serves for making figures of sketches for sculptural work, necessary models, works of small forms, paintings.

Plasticine itself a pantry for fantasy and imagination. Crafts from this material to a large extent satisfy curiosity... There is always novelty in this work, creative pursuit, the ability to achieve better results. And if you combine it with sleight of hand, then everything can be revived, given, as it were, a second life. No wonder one of the genres of an animated film is plasticine animation, which is created using figures sculpted from plasticine. Plasticine used in work with children as a material for crafts. Games with plasticine contribute to the development of finger coordination, his fine motor skills develop, his small finger movements are improved, which in turn affects speech developmentthinking and preparing hands for writing. In addition, work with plasticine affects the nervous system as a whole. Plasticine - great material for sculpting and drawing with children preschool and primary school age.

Drawing plasticine promotes creative development and a variety of artistic expressive techniques. Every new creative an undertaking for a person is not just a skill, skills, experience: this is also a way development mental activity, according to the relationship "Hand - brain".

Plasticine painting requires a high level focus... She is available to older children preschool age... The deeper the knowledge of this type of pictorial creativity, the more joy he brings to children.

In the process of working with plasticine is necessary:

To cultivate a respect for the material.

Develop emotional responsiveness to works of art.

To improve the ability to achieve the expressiveness of the image not only through great similarity in form, but also through the transmission of characteristic poses.

Form u children various methods and techniques of technology plasticine paintingusing high relief, bas-relief, moldings.

Develop speech skills in the process of discussing visual funds when creating work, activate fiction vocabulary children.

As a result, children are able to perceive and distinguish between works of fine art, highlight colors, see the general and highlight parts of an object, its individual, characteristic features, depict objects of a loved one, medium and long range... Children learn skills to work with plasticine, stack, learn to mix small plasticine pieces by rolling them into a ball, which is smeared with your fingers on cardboard, trying to make plasticine the background is more subtle and even. Learn to use a stack to smooth out the background and remove excess plasticine.

There are some drawing techniques and techniques. plasticine:

1 way. Plasticine painting gives a huge scope for the artist's imagination on the type of application plasticine strokes and their textures before choosing a color scheme that visually looks unusually fresh, juicy and rich. Surface of brush strokes from plasticine may look different. The texture itself can resemble silk, glass or ceramics if you try to make it smooth and shiny. To do this, you need before smoothing with your fingers plasticine slightly wet your fingers in water. But only slightly so that the cardboard base does not get soaked in any way. You can make the surface of the painting a little rough. For this, various methods of application to the surface are used. plasticine images of relief points, strokes, stripes, convolutions or some curly lines. You can work not only with your fingers, but also with stacks. These are special auxiliary tools.

Method 2. A thin layer is applied to the cardboard plasticine, leveled with a stack or knife, and the drawing is scratched with a toothpick, needle, stack, as in the scratchboard technique.

Method 3. Draw plasticine you can use other techniques; "Peas" and "Flagella"... Of plasticine peas roll and are laid out with a pattern on a primed or clean cardboard surface, filling the entire drawing. Equipment "Flagella" it is somewhat more difficult in that it is necessary to roll up the flagella of the same thickness and lay them out on the drawing. You can connect the flagella in half and twist, then you get a beautiful pigtail, the basis of the contour of the drawing

Method 4. A drawing is applied to the cardboard, the flagella are rolled thicker, smeared with a finger to the middle, then the center of the drawing element is filled. You can use mixed plasticine for a wider range of colors. The work can be made embossed by applying veins from plasticine or strokeslike in oil painting.

Method 5. Draw plasticine canusing elements "cone": from a piece plasticine pinch off a small piece and roll it out in the shape of a cone. The finished element is applied to the contour of the crown of a bush, tree; fill in the silhouette from the outer contour to the trunk of the plants; "ball": Create images of deciduous trees and bushes: Apply the ball to the base and spread it down. When performing a stroke, place the index or thumb on the ball, slightly stepping back from its upper edge, and smear plasticine; we apply the ball to the base and smear it first in the direction to the left, then to the right; - performing the image of a coniferous tree - spruce (made in one color and two colors): start with the lower legs in the direction from the edge of the branch to the trunk. When creating a two-tone spruce, first apply a lower stroke of a dark color. Then, stepping back from the bottom edge, put a stroke of a light color on it. Double strokes are applied along the contour of the tree, and then randomly - inside the contour; "Roller": pieces plasticine roll out into long, thin rollers. We spread the first roller along the outer edge of the crown, press it lightly to fix it on the base. Then we press it down with our finger, stepping back from the outer contour, and smearing it towards the trunk along the entire length of the roller. After the first row, we make the second, and retreating the required distance. We cover the entire crown with such strokes. It is possible to complicate the image of plants due to color, making strokes of different tones of the same color (from dark to light, from pale to saturated, from cold to warm) or different colors.

Drawing techniques plasticine:

Rolling - a piece placed between the palms or on a board and pressed with the palm, rolled out with rectilinear movements of the hands, lengthened and takes on a cylindrical shape.

Rolling - a piece rolls into a ball in a circular motion of the palms.

Pulling slightly with a pinch part plasticine - by pulling - you can form part of the image from the drawn material.

Depicting flat and smooth surfaces requires smoothing with fingertips. In order for the surface to become glossy, fingers are moistened with water.

Flattening - the most used technique - for this, the ball is squeezed to the shape of a cake. Small depressions and bends of the surface are transmitted by indentation - by pressing of fingers, a stack or auxiliary tools that form the structure - tubes, gear wheels, etc.

Plucking - is carried out by squeezing fingers, collected in a pinch, in that part of the form where a new part is created.

In the process of working with plasticine came to the conclusionthat many different materials can be used. It fits very well on a smooth surface of a ceramic plate plasticine... And therefore, for the base, you can take a slab of different colors. Original works are made on sackcloth; the rough surface of the wood plate served as a quality basis for plasticine paintings... For colorful decoration of flower vases, you can use plastic bottles, jars. For plasticine pictures can also be used with lids from under the mayonnaise bucket.

When working with plasticine is not always suitable"Clean" colors, sometimes mixing different colors and varieties is used for the intended color scheme plasticine... The proportions are selected until the desired result is obtained. Remember the main flowers: yellow, red and blue. By mixing them, we get new, derived tones. Mixing yellow with blue, we get green, yellow with red - orange, red with blue - purple. Mixing white plasticine weakens the influence of bright colors, makes them dull, pastel. Do not mix more than two colors at the same time. When mixing opaque and fluorescent varieties, we get plasticine of new quality.

For more detailed detailing and expressive images of objects, as well as to obtain a large number of identical blanks used in the picture, auxiliary working tools are used to help. For example, a disposable medical syringe without a needle is suitable for making stems, blades of grass or cobwebs. Roll out a piece plasticine along the diameter of the inlet of the syringe and push it inward. Cut off the excess with a stack, close the inlet with the piston and heat the contents of the syringe. Heated plasticine squeeze out onto the work board with long "Threads"... Plump "Sausages" can be done with pastry syringes. For heating plasticine we use hot water, a radiator or an iron (Caution).

Plasticine painting gives a huge scope for fantasy: from a variety of application types plasticine strokes and their texture to the richness of color, which visually looks unusually fresh, juicy and rich.

Plasticine is a materialthat can serve as an irreplaceable artistic a means in a painting genre.

In the classroom, children will learn that there are two ways to create image: contour and silhouette.

Contour - laying out the image with balls along the drawn contour or representation.

Silhouette - first laying out the image with balls along the drawn contour, then filling the entire silhouette plasticine mosaic.

Work to create plasticine paintings takes place in several stages.

1. Prepare the tablecloth, multicolored plasticine, the basis of the future picture (cardboard 15Ѕ15 cm or more, a simple pencil, an eraser. Of course, we also need an interesting idea for the future plasticine pattern... Where can I get it? You can draw an outline of an object or trace it around on a stencil. If you can't think of it, you can borrow it from a coloring book, a children's book, or a magazine.

2. The picture is selected. Now you need to transfer it with a pencil to cardboard or glue the image. Then it will be easier for the child to evenly attach the balls to the base.

3. Now, in fact, the sculpting process begins. In our experience, it is best to start with the outline of the subject. Then select the part of the picture with which we will begin to sculpt. Select plasticine of the desired color, pinch off a piece, roll a small ball and fix it on cardboard. And so on until the entire selected part is filled with balls.

4. Continue filling the base with balls from a pencil drawing. The mosaic appears right before our eyes.

It has long been known that "The child's mind is at his fingertips"so working with plasticine mosaic comprehensively develops children: their thinking, imagination, sense of beauty. They learn to experiment with plasticine, to recognize its properties (soft, molded, pressed, getting new shades by mixing different colors.

In addition, these activities are extremely beneficial for development of fine motor skills of hands, and therefore for the mental development, development speech and preparation of fingers for writing.

Plasticine - volumetric material, which means that it has weight. Therefore, for the base of the paintings, you should use not thin sheets, but thick cardboard, so that the base does not deform when performing pressing, smearing, smoothing the surfaces created from plasticine objects... If the background is partially covered, then you need to use cardboard with a colored coating, on which oil stains from plasticine.

The child needs to explain what to apply plasticine on the base from the top, so that palms do not touch already covered areas. The child forms details of round and oval shapes by rolling plasticine balls with further flattening when fixing the picture on the canvas. For the image of thin stripes are rolled sausages... It is desirable that these parts are not very long, otherwise they will be difficult to transfer.

Surface of brush strokes from plasticine may look different. It all depends on the artistic intention of the author. Children should understand that if they wet their fingers with water while drawing plasticine, then they will have a silky and very smooth surface of the pattern. But only very little, so that the cardboard base, in no case, does not get wet.

To obtain fine lines and threads, the child can be allowed to experiment with plasticine... To do this, take a syringe without a needle, pull the plunger out of the syringe and fill it plasticine... Then insert the plunger into place and heat the syringe in hot water. With the help of syringes, grandiose graceful lines are obtained. You can also experiment by pushing plasticine through a garlic extractor. These details are used to depict the petals and stems of flowers, curls, etc. plasticine through a metal strainer, then you can depict fur animals, corals and vegetation. What a scope for cognitive activity! And what pleasure will a child get when mixing plasticine in the palms to obtain a variety of shades. He learns to select color combinations and shapes, builds compositions. Wherein his fantasy develops, creation, artistic taste.

So that the picture does not lose its attractiveness over time, the base with a pre-drawn outline or without it should be covered with tape. This will help to avoid the appearance of greasy spots, it will be easier for the child to work on a slippery surface and it will be easier to remove the excess with the help of a stack. plasticinewithout leaving a trace. In this case, the contours are made with an ordinary felt-tip pen, which can also be easily erased with a damp cloth if the child suddenly made a mistake in the image of the object. If it is not possible to cover the base with tape, the sketch is done with a simple pencil. Work with the time-consuming plasticine, requires effort, so children need rest in the process of doing it in the form of physical education minutes and warm-ups.

It is good if they use natural material: twigs, bumps, dry leaves. This will contribute not only to the child's mastering the practical skills of modeling and plasticine, but it will also help him learn to admire nature, take care of even the smallest, dried up and unsightly leaf.

Drawing process plasticine in visual activity involves hand movements, visual perception, as well as develops mental processes such as attention, memory, thinking, imagination, speech.

Occupation plasticine painting Is a great opportunity to involve children in the process of emotional-aesthetic and educational-spatial perception of the environment wednesday and on the basis of this to form the need to create products of aesthetic significance themselves.

In the process of working with children, problems are solved development:

Children's fine creativity through mastering the technique of plasticine painting;

Sensory perception preschoolers through observation, examination and analysis of objects and natural phenomena, the constructive structure of objects, a variety of color shades of objects and conditions in work;

Artistic perception children as a motive for creation creative works;

Abilities of use means of expression, understanding the features picturesque color;

Stable interest, taste, appraisal and judgment, universal human emotional and moral orientations towards the manifestation of the aesthetic in a variety of objects and phenomena of a natural and social nature.

Children's formation creativity plays an essential role in the development of a full-fledged personality, development child's abilities preschooler, his needs and motives of behavior and application plasticine painting makes this process more successful.


Plasticine (or plasticine painting) is a new interesting technique for working with plasticine to create three-dimensional paintings. It is available even to the smallest children, which makes it more and more popular.

The benefits of plasticine painting

The benefit of this lesson is that children study the shapes, properties of objects, develop finger movements, which helps the development of speech.

When studying subjects, the observation and imagination of children develops, modeling helps them to create and fantasize.

In the classroom, coordination of movements, consistency in the actions of the eyes and hands develops, children learn to work with tools.

The technique of this creativity is simple and accessible to everyone, everything you need is easy to purchase in the store, so it is not difficult to organize classes at home.

Teachers advise you to engage in this original creativity with your child, your enthusiasm will certainly be passed on to the children and you can greatly benefit from this activity. This is not only the development of the imagination and creativity of children, but also the expansion of their knowledge of nature, the development of mental abilities, attention, memory, hand motor skills. This creativity will help prepare the child for school, diversify family leisure.

Classes can be started from two to three years, be sure to pay attention to the peculiarities of age and the skills acquired, so that the baby does not lose interest due to difficult tasks.

I invite you to a full-fledged online video lesson (45 minutes) on plasticineography "Postcard with a penguin." For children over 5 years old, with mom 3+.

The goals and objectives of plasticinography

The purpose of plasticineography is to develop the creative and artistic abilities of children.

Younger Tasks (4-5 Years)

The peculiarities of four- and five-year-old children are that they actively strive for independence. In addition, imagination and fantasy develop at this age.

  • interest in creativity, develop artistic skills;
  • to acquaint with a new occupation - plasticine painting;
  • obtaining knowledge about the properties of plasticine and other means of image, using this knowledge in practice;
  • development of a sense of form, color, composition;
  • fine motor skills training, preparation for writing;
  • fostering patience, diligence, activity, aesthetic taste in preschoolers.

Children of 2 - 3 years old can start practicing, while you need to use the simplest techniques (no more than two). By the age of 4 - 5, you can move on to more complicated techniques, use flagella, spirals, additional decorative elements; children learn to observe the boundaries of the drawing.

Download sculpting templates

Tasks for the older age (6-7 years old)

Age six - seven years - transitional to primary school, there is an internal restructuring; the age of seven is often a crisis in the development of a child.

The peculiarities of children six to seven years old is that at this age the main thing is visual - figurative thinking, sensitivity during this period is increased, more different colors and details appear in the works.

The tasks of plasticine painting at this stage are as follows:

  • the study of new species - landscapes, images of animals and people, fantasy works;
  • development of initiative, creativity;
  • obtaining skills in using various improvised means;
  • development of the ability to combine and combine different colors;
  • learning new ways - bas-relief and tiles, working with a syringe, "finishing" - making frames, albums, etc.

The process of creating a plasticine pattern is as follows:

  1. you need to choose a picture that we will depict, colors for the background and images;
  2. then transfer the drawing to the base with a marker;
  3. perform work in plasticine;
  4. draw up the result of the work - make a frame, varnish, place in an album.

The advantages of plasticine painting:

  • uncomplicated technique in work;
  • relieves muscle tension, helps to relax;
  • trains fine motor skills;
  • easy to fix bugs and make changes.

In the classroom, it is useful to use the artistic word, game methods.

The themes for work should be familiar to children - these can be objects that they see at home, in the forest, in the park, in books (toys, sweets, fruits and vegetables, plants and animals, fairy-tale characters).

  • use soft plasticine or preheat with hot water;
  • it is better to take a dense material as a basis for work, for example, cardboard or cardboard, covered with a layer of adhesive tape (it is more convenient to apply plasticine on it and remove its excess);
  • prepare a workplace for creativity - a board or oilcloth, a wet napkin;
  • before starting work, apply to the base, under the film, the contours of the image;
  • after class, first wipe your hands with a napkin, and only then wash with soap;
  • take breaks from work, warm-ups for hands and fingers;
  • cover the finished drawing with colorless varnish or hairspray so that it can be stored for a long time.
The softest plasticine from Jovi and Ray Krokha.

Materials for plasticinography:

  • plasticine (preferably wax, it is more convenient to use and brighter);
  • base (cardboard, plastic, glass);
  • technical means (stacks - special plastic knives; sticks, toothpicks, etc.);
  • decorative elements (beads, buttons, beads, threads, scraps of fabric, cereals, sequins, natural materials - acorns, leaves, cones, branches, shells, shells, nuts, seeds, small pebbles, grains, etc.);
  • medical or confectionery syringe;
  • wipe your hands with a damp cloth;
  • board for rolling sausages and balls.

You can buy a special set for creativity with plasticine in the store.

Video - sculpting lesson

Sculpting a New Year's Penguin http://artplastilin.ru/intro/

I have a lot of creative ideas on my Instagram page, join me !! https://www.instagram.com/artwithbaby/

Techniques and methods of plasticineography

Painting with strokes

The technique consists in smearing small pieces of plasticine with your finger.

It is most convenient to use the index finger, strokes can be made of different lengths, depending on what needs to be depicted - long details (tree trunk, wave, blade of grass) or short (flower petal, sun rays, leaves).

You can use this technique - to smear alternately with different fingers of both hands, this is useful for both fingers and brain activity.

Drawing with plasticine balls

Roll small plasticine balls on the board, press down to the base. Using this technique, you can make volumetric details or fill in the contours of the drawing with them.

Flattening at the base of rolled balls

Roll up small balls, then flatten them one by one on the base. You can use them as separate elements, together with others, or you can fill the entire surface with them.

Smearing on a large surface

The technique is the same as for small pieces, only large areas are covered with plasticine. You can combine different colors, mix them, vary the layer thickness.

Scratching patterns on a layer or plasticine parts

On the surface filled with a layer of plasticine, or individual parts, apply various patterns using the scratching method. This can be done with the help of different tools - sticks, toothpicks, pen caps, etc. The patterns from the spirals look original and add volume.

Rolling plasticine sausages

Children love this technique very much. You need to roll a small piece of plasticine into a sausage and press it to the base. You can make of such sausages: ornaments, snowflakes, twist them into a spiral, twist two or three sausages of different colors together. There are many variations of using this technique.

Squeezing plasticine from a syringe

If you need a lot of identical even sausages in the drawing, it is more convenient to make them with a syringe (or a garlic press). You will need a syringe with a cut-off sharp tip and a container of hot water. Place the plasticine in the syringe, immerse it in water for one minute and gradually squeeze the plasticine from the syringe onto the base. Wait for the material to cool slightly and harden. Then you can give the sausages the desired shape.

The combination of various techniques looks original - a volumetric applique and a background made using the smear method.

Types of plasticine painting.

  • Straight. This is a traditional type of plasticine painting in which the drawing is applied to a horizontal surface. Young children can learn this technique.
  • Reverse (stained glass)... It is carried out on the reverse side of a transparent surface - glass, plastic or plexiglass. Previously, the image is drawn with a marker, then the main drawing is applied with plasticine.
  • Modular... In this type of creativity, the drawing is applied with balls, sausages, cakes and other elements. This type is the most difficult, you need the ability to use all the techniques of drawing with plasticine.
  • Mosaic... In this technique, the drawing is made from balls. The technique is simple, you need to choose the right colors and fill the contours inside the drawing with rolled balls.
  • Contour... The drawing consists of the contours of objects made in the form of thin sausages or flagella.
  • Multilayer... In this technique, layers of plasticine are applied sequentially. She best depicts landscapes (sky, sea, forest, mountains), while the layers are superimposed on one another. This sophisticated technique is suitable for older preschoolers.
  • Textured... In this image, the pattern is convex, they are divided into three types - a bas-relief (a slightly convex image above the background), a high-relief (a strongly convex image above the background) and a counter-relief (a concave or in-depth pattern).