
Why the car doesn't pull: reasons? Falling off a cliff according to the dream book Cars drive and fall into a cliff

Modern engines have good power, a sufficient level of efficiency, and pollute the environment less. When the behavior of the power unit changes, it is immediately noticeable. If the car does not pull, the reasons for this phenomenon can be very different. Let's look at them.

An engine can lose traction for various reasons. There are a huge number of different faults that result in loss of power. Sometimes cravings go away without any symptoms. The unit does not make unusual noises, does not vibrate - it just has lost traction. Every day the car drives worse and worse. This situation is probably familiar to every motorist.

Low fuel quality

If the car does not pull, the reasons for this phenomenon can be very different. But the first is the quality of the fuel.

Try to remember which gas station you last refueled your car at. Maybe the fuel is not of very high quality? Gas stations sometimes sell such gasoline that the engine stops working altogether until the tank is empty and better quality fuel is poured in.

Check the air filter

A filter that is too dirty does not allow enough air to pass through to create a fuel mixture. This can lead to a significant drop and fuel consumption will increase significantly.

In addition, the quality of the materials used in it can also affect the operation of the motor.

When purchasing another filter, many try to buy the cheapest product available. You shouldn’t buy just anything, because further engine repairs will cost much more.

There are many different stories about cheap and unoriginal filters. These products break, and then a series of serious malfunctions follow the chain, including failure of the piston rings. To check the condition of the air filter, you need to open the hood, remove the element from the housing and visually assess the condition. If necessary, the part is changed immediately.

Fuel filter

Sometimes, being in a certain state, fuel cells do not supply enough fuel to the vehicle. As a result, the car does not pull. The reasons are clear, but to check the fuel filter, it is dismantled and the remaining fuel is drained.

Then it is purged. If the element is clean, then it can be blown out very easily. If it is difficult or even impossible to blow through it, then it should be thrown away. Otherwise, you will have to change the fuel pump in the future.

Power system pressure

The fuel pump is located in the gas tank on the injection engine. The pump will be found under the hood, on the engine. For most cars, power loss can be associated specifically with the fuel pump.

Many modern cars have special connectors on the fuel line for connecting a pressure gauge. This way you can check the pressure. If the connector is missing, you will have to work a little to connect.

Pressure values ​​can be found in the engine instructions. There is a special regulator in the line, with which you can relieve excess pressure directly into the tank. This regulator may be incorrectly configured, or it may leak. To check it you will need an ordinary air pump. Using it, you need to smoothly raise the pressure level to the one indicated in the passport for the motor. If you did not have time to increase the pressure, and the regulator dumped fuel into the tank, then it must be replaced.

Ignition system

Here you need to check whether the ignition timing is set correctly. Sometimes, if the car does not pull, this may be the reason. It is also necessary to check the condition of the spark plugs and high-voltage wiring. More details on exactly how to perform the test can be found in the instructions for the specific engine. The main thing here, in troubleshooting, is to use not only your experience. It is also important to analyze similar situations on other cars.

Air flow and pressure sensor

These two elements determine how much air the engine consumes, as well as how much air is needed to create the optimal air-fuel mixture. If these sensors fail, then the ECU will not make the calculations correctly and, accordingly, traction may be lost. If the car does not pull, the reasons (including the VAZ-2110 injector) may be in these sensors. If necessary, they should be replaced, and then the power will return again.

But if the car has an ECU, why doesn’t the corresponding light on the dashboard light up? The electronic control unit is programmed for an open or short circuit. If there is none of this, and the sensor simply does not work as it should, the computer will be able to report that the mixture is being prepared incorrectly. If the car pulls poorly, there may be other reasons, but it’s worth checking the sensor. You will have to look for the source of the sensor’s malfunction yourself. The parameters of a specific element can be found in the instructions.

Timing belt or chain

The crankshaft and crankshaft must rotate together and at the same time synchronously. This is what belts are used for. Here you just need to combine the marks that are on the chains, belts and gears.

It happens that the belt can jump to another tooth. Chains tend to stretch. However, if these mechanisms are maintained on time and correctly, this cause can be eliminated.

Checking the exhaust system

The design of a modern engine is quite complex. Manufacturers make them so that cars do not pollute the environment. Or if they polluted it, it was minimal.

So, one of the devices that affects the purification of exhaust gases is a catalyst. It can be located in different places. If your car has it, then with regular use of low-quality fuel, which is sold in large quantities at most of our gas stations, the catalyst may become unusable. But it not only collapses, but can also block the normal exit of exhaust gases. As a result, the car does not pull uphill. Reasons include a clogged catalyst.

To check the catalyst, it is necessary to use remote thermometers. You can also check its performance by the pressure before and after the device. If all these possibilities are not available, then you will have to dismantle the device and assess its condition visually. If the catalyst is clogged, it should be replaced or a flame arrester installed instead.


If the car does not pull, the reasons may be compression. To check you will need a compression gauge. It is better if it is equipped with a pressure gauge with good accuracy. When operating the engine, the piston rings are ground off. As a result, compression in the cylinders decreases or disappears altogether. If the timing valves are not installed too tightly in their seats, then the test will show poor results.

To identify the cause of poor compression, after the measurement is completed, add oil to the cylinder and then measure again. If the level has increased slightly, then the piston rings need to be replaced. If you are unlucky and the compression remains the same, then the valves will need to be replaced. If the car does not pull, the reasons (VAZ-2109 is no exception) may be precisely this.

Before measuring compression, the battery should be well charged. Otherwise you will not get the correct indicators. A compression gauge is screwed in instead of spark plugs. This is much better than using a rubber seal. Perhaps, if the car does not pull, the reasons are low compression.

Checking the transmission

Sometimes the power unit can develop serious power, but it does not reach the wheels. If while driving you hear that the engine is working hard, but you don’t feel speed, then perhaps the automatic transmission system is slipping or there are blockages on the brakes.

To check, you need to drive onto a straight section, set the automatic transmission selector to position D, and then see how the car behaves. If the speed decreases, then diagnostics should be carried out. If everything is in order with the brakes, you need to go to a good service station and check the automatic transmission.

You can also check the parking brake. To do this, you need to go to free space. Warm up the car and then pull the handbrake. Next, press the brake pedal and set it to position D. Next, press the accelerator. If the engine keeps the rpm around 2000, then everything is fine with it. If it is less or more, you should go to a service station to test the automatic transmission.

Why the car doesn't pull: reasons (carburetor)

If such an engine loses traction, the fuel pump fitting may be dirty or there may be low pressure in the system.

It is also possible that the carburetor is simply dirty or there is some problem with the needle valve. There may be errors or incorrect settings for adjusting the composition of the fuel mixture. If the carburetor flaps are not open enough, traction may be lost. When the fuel level in the engine decreases, traction also disappears. When there are any problems with traction in the engine, it is urgent to carry out a full diagnosis.

You definitely need to find out why the car pulls poorly; we have already looked at the reasons. If a malfunction is found, it should be corrected immediately. If you could not find the reason for the decrease in cravings on your own, there is no need to hesitate. A more in-depth examination should be carried out at the service station. But basically, the cause can still be identified and eliminated independently.

So, we found out why the car loses traction.

Each of us is afraid of something in our lives, this is normal and familiar.

Many phenomena in life and in nature are usually compared with fears, endowed with special associative features, and associated with something. When such phenomena appear in dreams, it immediately becomes clear that this is not just the case. You can feel for yourself which dream is insignificant and which has very great weight, and it is worth interpreting it.

One such important, significant symbol is the abyss. It is associated with the end, with death, with fears or hopelessness. Anyone who has stood on the edge of a precipice in life or been to the mountains knows how terrifying it can be and what powerful energy it carries. Fall, death, the end immediately arise in fantasy.

It is not without reason that if you dream of an abyss, this is of utmost importance. This symbol is ancient and unique, and only a dream book can help you decipher it correctly, although your intuition can also help. Before you figure out why you dream of an abyss, remember everything and choose the option that suits you best. There are several of them:

  • You saw an abyss or cliff in a dream.
  • Stand on the edge.
  • Fall into the abyss.
  • Slow fall, soar.
  • Hanging on the edge, grasping the cliff with your hands.
  • Fall into the abyss, but survive and get out.
  • Fall and not be able to get out.

Surely your dream brought a lot of emotions, and maybe even shocked you. But there is no need to be afraid of anything - even if you had to fall in a dream and it was scary, there is nothing to be afraid of in reality. There is nothing that threatens you in reality - this is just a symbol that we will decipher, and you will be able to understand what awaits you in reality.

On the edge of a cliff...

In general, the emotions that accompanied you in your dream have special meaning. If the dream was joyful, and even the fall caused delight, then this certainly promises something good in reality. The dream book will explain why you dream of an abyss, and you analyze what you learn.

1. As the dream book says, the abyss that you simply saw from the outside is a symbol of your hidden, secret fear. What are you so afraid of?

This prevents you from living 100%, it limits you, it is difficult for you to realize yourself because of fears. It's time to see them and start fighting them!

2. If you not only saw a cliff, but also stood on its edge, looking down, there are obstacles in front of you, but they only seem huge and insurmountable to you. Take the first step! It will require courage and bravery, but you have it. The first step will be the most difficult and will require an effort of will, but once you take it, you will see that the goal is close!

3. Falling into an abyss in a dream is a sign that you have to make an important decision ahead. In addition, you may be taking risks or already planning to make the wrong decision, the wrong choice.

This event is a turning point, and if you act incorrectly, the consequences will be very large-scale. Once again, weigh everything, think it over, and take the step that your heart and your conscience tell you.

4. If you jumped into a cliff and float smoothly, this is a hint of your illusions. You live for the most part in the world of your own fantasies and dreams, but you are afraid of reality and close yourself off from it. Fantasies and dreams replace your life, but it passes by.

One day you will look back and see that everything has been missed! To prevent this from happening, come to your senses right now, start really living and acting, taking actions to achieve your dreams, and not just dreaming.

5. If you dreamed of an abyss over which you happened to be hanging, clutching the edge of a cliff with your hands, this is an important and serious sign. It's time to understand and see your mistakes before it's too late and correct them! But the main thing is to listen to the voice of conscience, heed it and understand how you will no longer act in life, but what you will do, what path you should take.

6. If you happen to fall, but survive, and then climb out, know that in reality you will be able to get rid of any troubles. Don’t be afraid of anything, no matter what the difficulties are, no matter how difficult and hopeless the period of your life may seem to you, it will pass.

You will be able to cope on your own, you will get out, and very soon. Life will change for the better, you will have new values.

7. If you, finding yourself at the bottom of the abyss, could not get out of there, it means, as the dream book says, you found yourself in an unworthy society. It, like an abyss, has swallowed you, holds you and has a detrimental effect on both you and your destiny.

Draw the necessary conclusions! Free yourself from the company of unworthy people, spend some time alone to sort yourself out, and then choose only honest, worthy people for your social circle.

Never be afraid of dreams - remember, these are just pictures that our subconscious draws. Of course, these pictures have meaning and significance, but they do not threaten you in any way. Make a wise decision, think about your actions, and let dreams become your faithful helpers and wise advisers!

I dreamed about the Abyss, what does it mean, what does the Abyss mean in a dream?

Starry dream book Why do you dream about the abyss?

Dream interpretation of dreams: You dreamed of an abyss, what does it mean - standing on the edge - being in great danger. Falling into the abyss means a great catastrophe.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife I dreamed of an abyss.

Abyss - problems.

Dream Interpretation of Artemidor What does Abyss mean in a dream:

You dreamed about the Abyss, what does it mean - Standing on the edge of a deep abyss. For a woman, a dream on Monday night means that you will suddenly have the opportunity to fulfill your cherished desire; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to serious danger; dreamed on Saturday or Sunday night - this dream signifies drastic changes in your life. For a man - A dream on Monday night means that you need to hurry up and make your choice; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to unexpected changes in your life; a dream seen on Saturday or Sunday night warns that you should beware of an accident. Look for a way to get across the abyss. For a woman, a dream on Monday night means that you will look for a way to correct the consequences of your mistake; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, it says that you will have difficulties due to your stubbornness; a dream seen on Saturday or Sunday night means that you will invent cunning plans to get something that, as it turns out, you do not need at all. For a man - a dream seen on Monday night advises you to stop making unrealistic plans; and a dream on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday means that you do not notice the simple possibility of solving your problems; a dream on Saturday or Sunday night says that the coming days are an unfavorable time for you.

Dream Interpretation by K. Hall Interpretation of the dream Abyss:

What does an abyss mean in a dream - standing at the edge of an abyss is a premonition of danger. Looking into the abyss is a risky act. For women - unpleasant worries. Seeing a bottomless abyss is a disappointment in your life. To fall into the abyss is to admit your powerlessness. To get out of the abyss is to leave a bad society in time.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina What does Abyss mean in a dream:

You dreamed of the Abyss, what does it mean - Loss of property or loss of a loved one. Imagine that you are building a reliable fence at the edge of a precipice. Now you are not in danger of falling into it.

When in a dream you fall into an abyss, as if in reality, and wake up from this, what could this mean?


✌ Zolotko ღ

Medium miss Xacce - Falling into it means many obstacles await you; If you are unable to get out of it, you will end up in a bad society. Prophecy: Hear - your wishes will come true; speak up - don't promise too much

Sigmund Freud - The abyss symbolizes failures in personal and sexual life. Falling into the abyss indicates your extremely low self-esteem. You tend to get depressed easily.

Modern dream book - Falling into a bottomless abyss in a dream and waking up from an unaccountable fear that has gripped your entire being means that you will soon receive sad news. Climbing across an abyss on a thin rope that suddenly breaks, you will face physical and moral suffering due to a debilitating illness. If you dream that you are trying to get out of an abyss, climbing its steep walls, scratching your fingers until they bleed, then in reality you are in danger of falling into dubious company. If you finally manage to get out of the abyss, then in reality such a dream indicates that you will reach unprecedented heights of professional excellence.



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Be extremely careful - you have to go through some kind of test, you will need willpower and endurance, as well as the ability to resist temptations. If the dream recurs periodically, this is definitely a warning.


What a nightmare.... This happens to me regularly.... I twitch and wake up... scary... . I blame everything on stress, fatigue or illness...


The car falls into the abyss

Dream Interpretation Car falls into the abyss dreamed of why in a dream a car falls into an abyss? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a car falling into an abyss in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Abyss

Dream Interpretation - Abyss

Dream Interpretation - Abyss

Dream Interpretation - Abyss

Dream Interpretation - Abyss

Dream Interpretation - Abyss

Dream Interpretation - Abyss. abyss

Dream Interpretation - Abyss

Dream Interpretation - Car

A dream in which you see some kind of machines means a measured life, into which something will suddenly burst in that will require you to exert all your physical and spiritual strength.

Seeing a car standing idle means that your peers will succeed in life more than you.

Putting the machine into operation portends incredible difficulties for you when organizing a new business, when your faithful friends will rush to your aid.

A machine operating with a roar, clanging or rattling is a sign of great anxiety that will shake your home foundations to the core and force you to change something in them.

Repairing a broken car in a dream predicts losses from transactions with unscrupulous partners and other monetary losses. Seeing the flywheel of any car, be it the largest or the smallest, is a sign of confident movement forward towards the intended goal, despite any opposition from ill-wishers. Seeing a steam engine in a dream means looking at the very real possibility of gaining wealth. The washing machine portends minor changes under significant circumstances.

A sewing machine is a sign of the rapid development of a new business, which will immediately recoup the funds invested in it.

Seeing a typewriter in a dream means that in reality you will settle a dispute or quarrel between quarreling friends; working on a typewriter means receiving a small amount for a large amount of work.

A watering and harvesting machine seen in a dream indicates that you will rush to the rescue of a friend in trouble; driving such a car means impending danger.

A fire truck rushing to the scene of a disaster with the lights on and a blaring siren - in reality, congratulate your friend on great luck, to which you yourself contributed a lot. Seeing a fire truck engulfed in flames means an incidental event will happen to you, which everyone you tell about it will refuse to believe.

Driving in a dream in a convertible-type car, that is, an expensive passenger car with a convertible top, is a harbinger of good luck and the acquisition of wealth. Seeing a car parked in a garage in a dream is a sign of good news.

Dream Interpretation - Fall

Dishes falling into the well means a joyful event.

If you see a live horse in the house, there will be a letter from your son.

Frost falls along with the snow - do not expect a successful completion in the case.

Leaves fall from a large tree - a happy event in the house.

A meteorite flies past, but does not fall to the ground - a change of residence.

The sword falls into the water - the death of the wife.

Knives or a sword falling into the water - foretells the death of the spouse.

A star falls - there will be illness, work problems.

Snow is falling - soon there will be great luck and benefit.

Tiles fall from the roof, you feel mortal horror - there will be a quarrel with your wife.

Falling into the water means no harm will happen.

Falling into a well means illness or trouble.

Falling into a well drunk - a situation will arise related to officials, official affairs.

Falling into a latrine and getting back out is fortunate.

Falling into a hole in the main room portends misfortune in the family.

Falling on a mountain means losing your job.

Leaves are falling from a large tree - a happy event in the house.

The dishes fall into the well - there will be a joyful event.

A meteorite flies by, but does not fall to the ground - portends a change of residence.

If you fall from the ground onto the mountain, you will lose your job.

The sun and moon fall from the sky - grief, you will lose your parents.

Why do you dream about the Abyss?

You can find out for free in the dream book, Why do you dream about the Abyss?, having read below the interpretation of dreams from the online dream books of the House of the Sun. If you need to find out what it means if you see in a dream not an Abyss, but something else, use the search form for online dream interpretations.

Why do you dream about the Abyss?

See Break.

Seeing an abyss in a dream

Falling into it means many obstacles await you; If you are unable to get out of it, you will end up in a bad society. Prophecy: Hear - your wishes will come true; speak up - don't promise too much

What does the dream Abyss mean?

An abyss, an abyss - if you jump over an abyss: if you jumped - you will get out of a difficult situation (for a patient - to recover), if you did not jump - you will not get out of the difficulty. An abyss, an abyss - emptiness, difficulty ahead.

Seeing an abyss in a dream

Abyss - you will face great danger, you will experience very strong fear. If you fall into this abyss, it means that troubles will affect not only you and your life, but also the lives of your loved ones.

What do dreams mean? Abyss

A dream about her portends unexpected difficulties that will not be easy for you to overcome. Going around a chasm or jumping over it in a dream means that you will be able to pull off a very risky business. Falling into an abyss in a dream is a sign of great loss or loss. After such a dream, you should not lend money, since the person who asks you for it is not going to give it to you. See interpretation: break.

If in a dream you look down and do not see the bottom of the abyss, then the dream indicates that you will have a hard time. You are entering a period of difficult trials in your life, and since you did not see the bottom of the abyss in your dream, it is unknown when this period will end.

Getting out of the abyss in a dream predicts success in a matter that everyone considered hopeless.

Dream about the Abyss

Fall into the abyss - someone’s interference in your affairs will cause you irreparable damage. Falling into the abyss means feeling that you are unable to control the situation. Finding yourself at the bottom of the abyss, but not remembering how you got there - unexpected deception will lead to financial problems.

What does Abyss mean in a dream?

Standing on the edge of an abyss in a dream means fate is preparing a difficult life for you.

The meaning of dreams Abyss

Falling into the abyss means trouble. To get out of the abyss is to get away from trouble.

What does Abyss mean in a dream?

Standing over a deep abyss in a dream and being afraid of falling into it means that your physical and moral condition is extremely exhausted; you are on the edge of an abyss.

Meaning of sleep Abyss

Falling into a bottomless abyss in a dream and waking up from an unaccountable fear that has gripped your entire being means that you will soon receive the sad news of the death of a loved one.

Crossing an abyss on a thin rope that suddenly breaks - in reality, a debilitating illness will bring you physical and moral suffering.

If you try unsuccessfully to get out of the abyss, climbing its steep walls and scratching your fingers until they bleed, you will find yourself in dubious company. If you still manage to get out of the abyss, such a dream foretells that you will reach the heights of professional excellence.

Interpretation of sleep Abyss

Risk, danger.

What does the Abyss predict in a dream?

Looking into the abyss - a dream foreshadows the machinations of your enemies. Seeing someone fall into an abyss is a loss of property or the loss of a loved one. To fall yourself is a sign of many future sorrows.

Imagine that you are building a reliable fence at the edge of a precipice. Now neither you nor anyone else is in danger of falling into it.

What does it mean to see an abyss in a dream

Standing in front of an abyss or abyss in a dream means that in reality there is some kind of threat to your life or material well-being.

Falling into the abyss - something unusual or surprising awaits you, a happy occasion.

To avoid falling into the abyss is to get rid of the existing danger.

Hovering slowly over the abyss is a warning that your illusions about the state of affairs do not correspond to reality.

Hanging on the edge of an abyss and trying to hold on means that your position is unstable. You managed to get out of the abyss - everything will return to normal, you will get rid of pressing problems.

Standing on the edge of a cliff in a dream means upcoming life trials.

Falling into an abyss is a bad dream; it can be a harbinger of worries, problems and even misfortune.

To be on the edge of a precipice or gorge in a dream means that your enemies are discussing you, scolding you, and trying to set you up.

Falling into a gorge in a dream means in reality you will be convinced that your opponent is happier or more cunning than you.

Seeing a gorge or being in it in a dream is a sign that you need to take care of your health.

Interpretation of sleep Abyss

To heart disease.

What does the dream predict? The Abyss

Standing in front of an abyss, an abyss - threatens misfortune / harm from frivolity / melancholy, fear of life.

Falling into it is an accident.

Slowly float above it - to be surrounded by illusions that give happiness in any circumstances.

To hang on the edge and try to hold on - to feel the abnormality of your situation, to hear the voice of conscience.

To get out of it is to get rid of misfortune.

The meaning of the dream Abyss

You are faced with a choice, think through everything.

If you fall into the abyss, then the decision will be wrong.

Seeing the Abyss in a dream

To stand on the edge is to be in great danger of falling into the abyss - to a great disaster.

Dream prediction Abyss

Abyss - ruin, danger.

Bypassing it means getting rid of danger and having a prosperous life.

Why do you dream about the Abyss?

The abyss may symbolize an insurmountable obstacle that has arisen on your life path.

Do you feel like you can't take a step forward?

It can also indicate impending danger, both external and internal.

If the abyss seems scary and gloomy to you, it could be a symbol that came from your subconscious, perhaps a painful experience from the past.

To free yourself from fears and past experiences, you must look at them objectively.

The abyss can also be a sign of the death of the ego.

There are times in life when you must allow your old ego to evaporate in order to reach a new level of awareness.

After death there always comes rebirth.

Friend falling into the abyss

Dream Interpretation: Girlfriend Falling into the Abyss dreamed of why in a dream a friend falls into the abyss? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a friend falling into an abyss in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Abyss

Standing in front of an abyss or abyss in a dream means that in reality there is some kind of threat to your life or material well-being.

Falling into the abyss - something unusual or surprising awaits you, a happy occasion.

To avoid falling into the abyss is to get rid of the existing danger.

Hovering slowly over the abyss is a warning that your illusions about the state of affairs do not correspond to reality.

Hanging on the edge of an abyss and trying to hold on means that your position is unstable. You managed to get out of the abyss - everything will return to normal, you will get rid of pressing problems.

Standing on the edge of a cliff in a dream means upcoming life trials.

Falling into an abyss is a bad dream; it can be a harbinger of worries, problems and even misfortune.

To be on the edge of a precipice or gorge in a dream means that your enemies are discussing you, scolding you, and trying to set you up.

Falling into a gorge in a dream means in reality you will be convinced that your opponent is happier or more cunning than you.

Seeing a gorge or being in it in a dream is a sign that you need to take care of your health.

Dream Interpretation - Abyss

A dream about her portends unexpected difficulties that will not be easy for you to overcome. Going around a chasm or jumping over it in a dream means that you will be able to pull off a very risky business. Falling into an abyss in a dream is a sign of great loss or loss. After such a dream, you should not lend money, since the person who asks you for it is not going to give it to you. See interpretation: break.

If in a dream you look down and do not see the bottom of the abyss, then the dream indicates that you will have a hard time. You are entering a period of difficult trials in your life, and since you did not see the bottom of the abyss in your dream, it is unknown when this period will end.

Getting out of the abyss in a dream predicts success in a matter that everyone considered hopeless.

Dream Interpretation - Abyss

Falling into a bottomless abyss in a dream and waking up from an unaccountable fear that has gripped your entire being means that you will soon receive the sad news of the death of a loved one.

Crossing an abyss on a thin rope that suddenly breaks - in reality, a debilitating illness will bring you physical and moral suffering.

If you try unsuccessfully to get out of the abyss, climbing its steep walls and scratching your fingers until they bleed, you will find yourself in dubious company. If you still manage to get out of the abyss, such a dream foretells that you will reach the heights of professional excellence.

Dream Interpretation - Fall

A dream about falling (not to be confused with falling at the moment of falling asleep) is a symbol of negative circumstances and experiences, upcoming failures and worries, sudden and fatal knowledge.

In women's dreams - an illicit feeling, a concession to desires, a social fall.

Falling in a dream may indicate sexual dissatisfaction; in adolescence, such dreams accompany the process of growth of the body, often with special heart spasms characteristic of youth and the climatic period.

If you fall while walking, success will come after many difficulties.

Falling from a great height means loss of honor or money, danger, home enemy, futile efforts.

Falling down the stairs definitely indicates some social damage.

Falling into a hole is harm, a misfortune that will be difficult to overcome.

Falling into the coffin - brought in from good fame.

Falling during a flight is humiliation, which will be replaced by a significant rise.

Falling into a basement is a serious illness.

From the tower - disappointment in yourself.

Into the well - deep self-knowledge.

Falling repeatedly in a dream means a change in worries and hopes, strong excitement.

Feel great fear when falling and scream - everything will end well, the dream was caused by your anxiety.

Waking up when falling is a very significant event.

Dream Interpretation - Falls and flights

If you fall from a tall building or into an abyss, this is a symbolic warning that evil fate can play a dangerous joke on you.

You will lose status, fortune, honor and

Falling from a height is failure, exposure of your secret.

Falling into a pit means illness, deterioration in social status.

Awakening when falling, horror is neurotic anxiety, crisis, transition to recovery.

Falling in a dream usually reflects the dreamer's internal uncertainty in some area.

But sometimes a fall, for example into an abyss, turns into a flight. This is a very favorable plot development.

But more often than not, when we fall, we wake up in fear.

Falling in a dream is often a reminder of a symbolic “fall” in life.

But in my practice, I have almost never encountered stories about dreams of falling in people who have already “fallen” in life.

An unemployed, low-income, seriously ill person is no longer afraid of falling. But people in periods of relative prosperity often see themselves falling in their dreams.

Into the abyss, from the window of a high-rise building and

Some dreams of falling cannot be interpreted at all, as they are associated with physiological reasons, a sharp change in heart rhythm. This happens in sick people, adolescents and during menopause.

Sometimes the dreamer's deep intuition actually foreshadows a bad situation for the one he sees falling. But often falling people symbolize the loss of certain qualities in the dreamer that were previously inherent in him.

Often such dreams occur in teenagers whose character changes in a short period of time.

Although dreams with falls are not pleasant, you can benefit from them. Especially if the dreamer manages to get rid of fear. Then the fall can turn into a pleasant flight.

Flying in a dream often reflects sexuality or a desire for liberation.

More often, young people have such dreams.

At an older age, dreams about flying can occur during a period of creative growth or in cases when reality does not allow a person to realize his creative potential.

In addition, in the flights of an older dreamer there are often some symbols of restriction.

Not only falls, but also flights can serve as a warning against excessive carelessness.

And yet, flying in a dream is a source of joy and good mood, and therefore, fly to your health!

Flying in a dream portends joy and good mood.

Falling is a warning sign.

Think about it: is everything okay in your life? Are you walking on the edge of an abyss?

The main meaning of a dream with flying is associated with the liberation of a person from shackles and burdens. The roots of this interpretation go back centuries, when a person was principled. Before the invention of the airplane, he could not fly into the air and overcome gravity.

Dreams of flying begin in childhood, when the child is simply entangled in a web of all sorts of “don’ts.”

Flights in adults reflect human ways of dealing with the difficulties of life:

1. Liberation from external prohibition.

2. Overcoming internal uncertainty.

3. Escaping reality with the help of fantasies, alcohol and

Based on the nature of dreams involving flights, one can also make prophecies for the near future.

Liberation from external prohibition

Dream Interpretation - Abyss

An abyss, an abyss - if you jump over an abyss: if you jumped - you will get out of a difficult situation (for a patient - to recover), if you did not jump - you will not get out of the difficulty. An abyss, an abyss - emptiness, difficulty ahead.

Dream Interpretation - Abyss

Fall into the abyss - someone’s interference in your affairs will cause you irreparable damage. Falling into the abyss means feeling that you are unable to control the situation. Finding yourself at the bottom of the abyss, but not remembering how you got there - unexpected deception will lead to financial problems.

Dream Interpretation - Abyss

Looking into the abyss - a dream foreshadows the machinations of your enemies. Seeing someone fall into an abyss is a loss of property or the loss of a loved one. To fall yourself is a sign of many future sorrows.

Imagine that you are building a reliable fence at the edge of a precipice. Now neither you nor anyone else is in danger of falling into it.

Dream Interpretation - Abyss. abyss

Falling into the abyss represents the fact that things are so bad that they can't get any worse.

It remains to stand the test of time, which will turn your affairs for the better.

Standing in front of an abyss, hanging on its edge is a threat of an unpleasant event.

Falling into the abyss is an opportunity to change your life.

Climb out of the abyss - start a new life, overcome trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Abyss

The abyss may symbolize an insurmountable obstacle that has arisen on your life path.

Do you feel like you can't take a step forward?

It can also indicate impending danger, both external and internal.

If the abyss seems scary and gloomy to you, it could be a symbol that came from your subconscious, perhaps a painful experience from the past.

To free yourself from fears and past experiences, you must look at them objectively.

The abyss can also be a sign of the death of the ego.

There are times in life when you must allow your old ego to evaporate in order to reach a new level of awareness.

After death there always comes rebirth.



Hello!!! I had a dream in a dream, how I was driving a car at speed and suddenly fell into a white abyss and woke up in fear in a dream, what do you think this is for? Thanks in advance!!!

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Yana, the fact that you fell into an abyss in your car probably promises you obstacles during the recovery period.



Julia Dream Interpretation:

Such a dream most likely indicates that with the death of your father, some depressing uncertainty has come into your life.

Dreams every day:

I dreamed that I was standing on green ground. Opposite me is a man whom I love, but cannot be with him. The sky above is fiery. Suddenly the ground between us moves apart. Everything is the same, but there is a gap between us. I'm not afraid. I don’t care about this abyss, because I understand that I can’t do anything about it yet. Just sat down on the ground. The man smiles at me and says: “I will wait for you after college.”
Please explain. I love dreams, but I’m just learning how to interpret them.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Most likely, such a dream expresses the misunderstanding that now exists between you and this person, the possible path of development of events.


My friend had a dream about me. Me, her, my mother and several of my friends were standing at the edge of a cliff in front of a narrow abyss. Then the rock continued again and on that ledge my MCH stood with a detached look. I was about to jump over the abyss to get to my MCH and my mother began to panic for my safety. A friend grabbed her by the shoulders and began to calm her down, saying: “Let her make her own choice, let her do what she wants to do!” I jumped over and hung by my hands on the opposite ledge. My friend began shouting to MCH to give me his hand, but he remained indifferent. I managed to climb onto the ledge and approached him, and only then did he smile and breathe out a sigh of relief. What could this mean? Thank you in advance.

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Probably, this abyss in a dream symbolizes insurmountable obstacles that will certainly arise in the future.


My husband dreamed that I was driving with him in a car. Then an abyss appeared, he managed to tell me to get out of the car, and he himself got out of the car and fell into the abyss.


Hello! This is the second time I have had a similar dream. First, I cross a wooden bridge, and there is an abyss under it, after I have passed the bridge, I begin to go around the same bridge from the outside, clinging to the bars and chains, and move in the opposite direction through the same abyss, into This moment is overcome by an overwhelming feeling of fear, the fear of breaking down.
Well, in general, I get to the middle of the bridge, it’s scary, and then I see a man’s hand up to my elbow, which helps me get out and turns me back

Julia Dream Interpretation:

Your dream, in which there was such a chasm, most likely indicates that you can take a risky step.


I walk along the road and it ends in an abyss, and at the bottom of the abyss is the continuation of this road. Besides me, other people were walking along the same road. They simply jump to the bottom of the abyss and move on along the road. But I tell myself that no, I can’t do the same as they do and I continue to stand. At this point the dream ended.


the handlebars of a child’s bicycle appeared from under the ground, I wanted to pull it out, but a crack formed, the ground became loose, an abyss appeared, I didn’t have time to pull it out, the bicycle fell through, I watched it fall, it was scary. What does this mean? Thank you.


Hello! I had a dream today, Sunday night, in which I was driving with someone in a car across a bridge and suddenly another car crashed into us and I flew out of the car window through the fence and fell into the abyss and in the dream I shuddered in fear. Tell me, please, what does this mean??? Very necessary, thank you in advance!!!


Good evening,
For the third night in a week, I dreamed that I was walking in an unfamiliar place alone, sometimes it was crowded, sometimes it wasn’t. At some point, a man grabs me, whose face I can’t see, whose appearance I can’t make out, he grabs me and throws himself into the abyss with me. We flew for a long time, at first I remember how I screamed from fear of heights, then I seemed to resign myself and became silent, then nothing, I was standing near some people, a cafe in a place that I don’t remember from real life. The dream repeats itself, it is not scary, but I wake up with a bad feeling. Why do I dream about all this, and again and again?


I dreamed... that they gave me an apartment... I want to get into it... I ask for the keys... I approach some kind of abyss... I can’t wait for something... that will take me to this apartment and I jump into the abyss.. and very successfully land on what then the raft...from the raft I see a closed door..but I realize...that it will open....thank you..


I was between heaven and earth, the sky was blue, I wanted to fly there, but some forces took me down, I flew to the bottom. To an unknown part of the universe, as if in an elevator. I stood and looked at myself from the side. There were white people there walls and sink, I wanted to see what would happen next


I had a dream in which I was holding one friend over an abyss in one hand, another in the other, and the hand of one of them broke, why is this?


We passed the railway bridge, I turned around and saw my son hanging over the abyss holding onto the sleeper with one hand, I shout to my brother, hold him, he takes him and hands him to his grandmother, she hands him to me, I take him by the hand but I understand that I can’t hold him, I have panic and fear , I wanted to give it back to my grandmother but woke up


Hello! I had a dream in which my boyfriend and I (we broke up two months ago) were walking over an abyss on thin boards, he fell, but I held him back.. we were walking over it after geese.. why could this be a dream?? I experienced the breakup strongly and painfully... Now we don’t communicate at all and here is such a dream..


I’m standing on the edge of an abyss and I see how people completely unfamiliar to me break down and fall there, I feel so sorry for them. then I see myself at the bottom of the abyss and understand that I am dead, but I don’t remember how I got there. I separate from the body and walk along the bottom of the abyss and come to the gate, an older woman is sitting at the gate, I ask how I fell, she answers that they violated you and threw you off. I say, I need to go back, I have children, I don’t want to die. Why do you need your children back? Your husband will raise them to be good people, and you stay here. I started screaming, let me live, I have to die early. she says go ask God. I see a crowd of people enter the large gate, I am behind them, there is an old man standing there, I understand that this is God and I go up to him and say that I need it back, I have small children, he tells me why are you asking me because you don’t believe in me, you’re praying You don’t believe it yourself, but I can’t answer anything. then a woman comes up and says if you come back my body will hurt badly and my heart can’t stand it, let me be patient, I need to live. I feel a push and in my body they lift me up and pull me out of the abyss at the top. The same woman comes up to me and says nothing hurts you “No, I answer, I feel good,” she answered strangely and disappeared.


Hello! I saw my friend fall into the abyss and I went to look for her, I didn’t jump into the abyss, but I walked along a normal path, as if going down.


I walked along a very narrow path, along some kind of building, as it turned out later - apparently some kind of hotel, on one side, and on the other side there was a cliff and below was the sea. Suddenly, for some reason, my legs began to move, I couldn’t maintain my balance and, apparently catching on the edge of some window, I hung over a cliff, below which was the sea. I was afraid that the part I was holding on to would come off under my weight and I would fall. And a woman with a child who was returning from the beach came up and helped me. I pulled myself up and got out.


I dreamed that I was falling into an abyss. I’m clinging to the walls, I can’t get a hold. I fly long and fast. I'm crying and asking for help. I cling to the ground. I look around, I understand that I am in the abyss. then the ground collapses under my feet and I fly again. then I woke up.


I hang over the abyss, look down, and there is such beauty - the forest, the sea... and I’m not even afraid. I look up and there are two men standing there. One gives me his hand and pulls me out of the abyss. (I had a dream from Wednesday to Thursday)


Well, from the beginning I don’t see anything, I see that it’s dark. Then it remains like this. After a while I feel like I'm falling. And I’m flying down into some kind of abyss. And so I don’t see anything. Then I fly more and more. Then I open my eyes and everything stops. This happened to me several times, the same thing.


I dreamed that my daughter disappeared. A day passed and she sent me a “Help me” message on my phone, then they found a note on a napkin “I drank alcohol……….-then I don’t remember what was written there. In my dream, I never saw her - I WOKE UP and couldn’t sleep anymore - I was afraid for her.


My mother dreamed that she and I were standing on the edge of an abyss and had to jump off a cliff, she jumped first, landed successfully and shouted at me to jump off just like her, then everything would be fine. I woke up afraid that I wouldn’t be able to repeat her jump and would crash. And that same night I dreamed that my husband died, and instead of him another unknown man came to live in our home, for some reason without pants, but in a jacket. I’m pregnant now, my husband has been on a long-term business trip for two months now, I live with my parents


I dreamed of a room where there was no light. then I turned on the light and saw an abyss. I needed to jump over. I jumped over.


as if I was going to take rich people somewhere and it depends on whether they will hire me or not... the car is a Mercedes of the latest model class, but for some reason it’s all beaten up and difficult to drive... in the car it turned out that I and another driver who showed that we need to go for old seven Lada, which I stared at and almost crashed sideways into a parked Mazda... a few meters later I accelerate and complain to him that the car is very difficult to drive... a second and we fall into the abyss and fly down... and then I woke up...


I approach the spring and suddenly I begin to fall through, very quickly a large abyss forms underneath and I begin to fall, but suddenly my mother extends her hand to me and I manage to grab it, then I wake up


It all started when I released an eagle from the garage to freedom. He flew low at first, I ran after him. Then he soared up and flew away, but I still continued to ride my bike in the direction where he flew away. I was driving along a country road, it was sunny, and I was going up the mountain. I almost got hit by a car twice and thought it was time to stop, but I kept going. And then, I see that the earth has opened up and there is still earth at the bottom, far away. And I’m driving along the edge and I understand that that’s it, I can’t get through and I fall into it and wake up. Thank you in advance! :)


I dreamed that my husband and his son’s friend were driving along the road and fell into a deep hole, I looked into it, and there, like an abyss, they basically crashed.


I dreamed of an abyss, that is, a hole that was being dug to carry some pipes, it was deep, I jumped over it, but my friend fell there, and I was in no hurry to help at first, but then I did everything to get her out of there.


I dreamed that my husband and I were traveling by bus, along a very narrow mountain road with cliffs, we met a dog lying on the road, I threw bread to it, it turned into a person and brought us to visit


I had a dream as if I was driving in a car, an unknown person was driving, and suddenly the car starts to burn in the back where the trunk is located, I try to show this to the driver, he gets distracted and drives off the road and we fly into the abyss and I begin to read a prayer.


I'm running through a rich wheat field. The bright sun is shining in a clear sky. I feel joy inside of me. I'm running, running. And suddenly... I suddenly fall into the abyss, into darkness without boundaries. I wake up right away. More precisely, I jump in my sleep with a feeling of fear.


I jumped over chasms with my beloved, the colors were bright green and blue sky. Overcame many abysses


I'm driving around the city with a man. The road is bad, simply terrible, and I decide not to fuss, but just drive carefully along the pothole, but then the road collapses and I fall into the abyss in my car. I wake up abruptly.


I walk along the rails, I walk, I walk, then these rails continue over the abyss, I see water, stones, a fast current (mountain river) far below, so I walk along these rails and am afraid of falling, and that’s it, the dream is over.


I was driving a car with a friend, he was driving, we were driving, when suddenly I realized that we were falling into an abyss. I immediately had thoughts in my head that we were about to crash, but everything ended well, we


I dreamed that my child was falling into an abyss (high river bank), without touching any obstacles (branches, some tubercles), then he got up and climbed back to me without a single scratch. Why is this dream? I'm nervous. Thanks for the answer.


I went to the hospital on the way to the abyss, I climbed on top, she was not tall, I jumped onto a normal road, and went to the hospital not knowing who was lying there, gave me the medicine, and left, found the key, held the golden one and put it down and thought about it all the time


With my brother, who is no longer alive, I drove through dangerous, difficult to pass places in the car that we used to have... In the passenger seat, I drove and was afraid, and then he lost control and we flew off a cliff into the abyss. There is such beauty at the bottom, and I tell him... Probably everything... And I let go of the situation, and then the car clings to something over the abyss and hangs! For about a minute we think about what to do, and then we walk around unharmed, and my mother appears in a dream. And I tell him... (mom doesn’t hear) Well, tell her what happened and what you did, and I point to the car hanging over the abyss... (my brother died due to illness three years ago, he was inattentive to his health)


Hello. I dreamed about my ex-husband... he didn’t talk to me in the dream... he just laughed at me... and I dreamed about the woman who caused our marriage to collapse... she talked to me calmly and hurried to work... (we never saw each other in real life)


It happened that I saw myself in the mountains, and it happened that for some unknown reason I was hanging on the balcony of a high-rise building. I always woke up almost immediately. It happened that I was in a cold sweat.


Hello. I had a dream that I was going down the mountain in a car, and on the way up when I started driving up it was covered with clay and I asked the people who were in the hole what the road had just been like. I started digging, saw an opening and woke up


Hello Tatyana, I had a dream that I and my brother were driving a car at high speed, as a result, we flew into an abyss at full speed, and I woke up. The dream was from Thursday to Friday.




Hello, I dreamed that I fell into an abyss and hung) and my friend, as it were, with whom I hardly communicate, stretched out his hand and I quickly got out of it, what is this?


Hello, help me decipher this dream: I fall into a black abyss, then shudder and wake up. Thank you.

Inna Andreeva:

I dreamed of a semi-broken house, but I actually lived there before, and all the residents of the house disappeared somewhere. I walk around this house as if I were happy.
that there is no one,


It’s unclear how I ended up in some kind of hole like a hatch, I’m dangling, there’s no support under my feet, I’m holding on with my hands, I can’t pull myself out. I scream for help, no one comes. How I got out, I didn’t see or didn’t dream, but the state was calm, I knew that I would jump out


We were driving a large truck with my husband, he had already died 5 years ago, and he hesitated at the turn and the car flies into a huge abyss, but in my dream I had no fear, I just prayed that everything would end well, I don’t remember the end of the dream.


I dreamed that I was riding a bicycle in the village (childhood), the path narrows, one wheel hangs over a cliff, my dad walks alongside, supports me, then lets me go, I wake up


The car falls into the ground, which collapses, and the car falls into it, but there were no people in it, only documents for the car, keys, passport, etc.


I seemed to dream of the sea, and in the sea there was a very dark underwater abyss, but at the same time I was standing very high above it, on a rock... some very bright, straight orange sunset, and it was as if I was photographing everyone against the backdrop of all this


hello, I dreamed that I was hanging over the abyss of a tall building and my friend was drowsy and I was afraid to fall, people were looking at us from the apartment and wanted to save me, then I swayed a lot and a man caught me and my friend was left hanging


Hello, today I had a dream. I don’t remember it, but I only remember one moment and it’s dim. I didn't see their faces. Someone was holding the hand of a man who was falling into the abyss. The dream was black and gone. I don’t remember anything else. I only remember this moment and it worries me.


the dream consisted of several parts: in the first, I and a friend (he died a violent death in high school) were driving along the road in a car and suddenly fell into an abyss. At the last moment I jump out the window and cling to the rock. Having slept, I see that my friend also jumps out at the moment of falling and is saved by falling from a height into the water and emerging. I approach him and wonder how lucky we are.

In the second part:

My dead mother beats me with a hoe.

The third part:

Vampires are chasing me around the horticultural society, while it’s still light I can run away... I don’t remember the ending.

Perhaps I got the parts mixed up.


I dreamed that I was jumping into an abyss, there were a lot of people there, they jumped with me. I walked further and there were a lot of entrances, like a labyrinth, I had to go through it all


I run through the desert and suddenly fall into a canyon. During the fall I wake up in horror. The dream has been repeated several times a year since childhood.

Tatiana Gera:

Dream - I’m standing on the edge, the grass is green, below from the 12th floor is the sea. the feeling that if the earth starts to crumble, I will fall down, but I take a step back and wake up. with the question - what am I doing on the edge?


I dreamed that my mother rode down a snowy mountain and fell into an abyss and then returned home as if nothing had happened.


Hello!!! I dreamed of an abyss and across it there was a small white bridge, very narrow, but I crossed it and woke up!! And then the forest, village, I’m sitting on a field, green grass, I look at my hand and I have two wedding rings on my finger!! What is this? maybe that means???


I dreamed that I fell into an icy abyss of ice and caught myself with my hands and climbed up, and my husband fell and flew down... I shouted to him to hold on to the ledges, but he couldn’t. Then I understand that the ambulance has arrived, he is alive, he sends me an SPS that he is alive and everything is fine


hello my name is Anna
I dreamed that I was walking across a bridge made of wooden planks, and when I walked a little, I discovered that there were no more planks, I returned and saw that along the road I had passed, the planks began to disappear or break, they seemed somehow old, I stopped and I was wondering what to do next, if I jump or climb along the railing from the bridge, I could fall into the abyss and not be saved, there was an abyss there but I didn’t see its bottom, I knew that it was an abyss
and then my grandmother came up and started calling me, I heard her calling me, and didn’t make any decision
then I woke up...
please tell me what this means


I dreamed that I was running up the stairs and at the end I stopped in front of an abyss, but the guy (who I like) from the other end of the abyss helped me jump over it. What could this mean?


I was driving a car in a dream, the road was slippery, the car spun on two wheels, but before the abyss it leveled out and I drove back


Hello! My name is Armine. I had a bad dream last night. In the dream I fell into an abyss. I reached the bottom of the abyss. Why such a dream?


my girlfriend had a dream, I was standing on the edge of an abyss, she said carefully and I fell, what could that mean?


A man I know puts on a hat and jacket in my house. Hugs. then I see the child, I don’t know the gender. Snow and this man is flying down with snow all around.


I had a dream as if we were crossing a deep abyss (pit), and there was, as it were, an “island” in the middle. My son jumped over, I couldn’t resist and fell…..fell deeply…..and that’s why I woke up.


we went with friends (a married couple with whom we have not spoken for a very long time) to the river for a picnic, on the way the husbands went further and we almost fell into slurry under light ice in my neighbor’s garden, it turned out to be a huge hole, similar to The cesspool was just very huge and there was slurry swirling in it and it was like just melt water flowing out of it. My friend and I fell in together, I fell in with one foot and got the toe of my boot a little dirty, and she was up to her waist, but only in the snow. when we came to the river she crossed the ice to her husbands, but I didn’t have time and the ice collapsed in front of me. I found myself on a large bank and it all fell down like a huge icy waterfall, and my buddies were on the other low bank in a hut and there was a huge river between us. just calm water. And then my mother-in-law called me and said that my daughter didn’t sleep well because she was frozen to the waist on the street, I started calling my mother to pick her up but didn’t get through and then my husband’s aunt appeared and we had a fight and I woke up. please try to explain


we were driving in a car. me. mother. and daughter.. mom was driving.. although in life she doesn’t drive a car.. the road is abyss on both sides.. at first she turned very close to the abyss, I shouted mom, be careful.. she started again turn and the front wheels slipped into the void... the car began to fall and I woke up


I dreamed that my friend and I were walking home (from the second) and halfway home we noticed that our friend was not nearby, I said maybe she went a different way!? We reached her house, Sonya went home, and I stood near the house Lisa, and I see her dad and ask, Has Lisa come? He says no, but is she missing? I take out the phone to call her and see in the reflection that if she came in, she was standing there, I turn around and scream, but she’s not there


I dreamed that I left the car, and then there were several other cars on it, which I didn’t notice right away. I tried to look, but it was clear. Then it appeared in that place and I woke up.


I am walking along the rails under which there is an abyss in the middle of the path, 3 men whose faces I know help me to get to the end


I was driving a car at very high speed, drove onto a bridge, lost control and fell off the bridge as if into a river, it was winter, the road was slippery, the river was frozen. I fall and understand that I’m going to crash, but suddenly the river disappears and I’m soaring over the abyss in a car, as if on an airplane. Below me there are huge snowy mountains, fir trees, trees, a lot of snow. I control the car like an airplane. This happens for a long time... I’m flying and constantly thinking why I’m not falling, but flying. To my surprise, I land safely on the ground. I get out of the car, I see that I am in some city unknown to me, streets, houses, shops, people walking. but something alarms me about people and houses, addresses are written on houses, but somehow strangely, not according to the usual rules, and on all houses there is the same 2x2 sign. I'm trying to find out from passers-by where I am. ..trying to explain that I need to go home, back, upstairs. .. someone offers me a ride, but doesn’t tell me how to get out of there...

[email protected]:

We were driving with a catch in the car and there was a cliff or abyss. she did not have time to brake and the car flew down. but I managed to escape. got caught on something, and she drowned in the water


I am standing in a large building that looks like a factory, under the ceiling near the wall on the edge in front of me a bridge has appeared made of a wooden board 30 cm wide, the railings are stretched from ropes. There are several people nearby, I don’t see their faces, only silhouettes. Someone's voice commands: go. I’m scared, I’m afraid of falling, the bridge is too narrow for me, everything is swimming before my eyes. It was as if I swam to the other side to the window, there was light. I woke up. I want to cry. I'm tired.


Hello! my dream was very short, I almost didn’t sleep and instantly fell asleep and fell sharply into a very dark abyss, although in the dream I didn’t go there or stand there, but I suddenly fell asleep and fell there and woke up from fear, it felt like I was actually really fell through there


I was driving a car with a child and for some reason I stopped at a turning point and got out to look at the car from the side and saw that one wheel was hanging in the air over the abyss. I wanted to get into the car and accelerate quickly to get through. But I don’t have time to get into the car and before my eyes it falls into the abyss along with the child.


There was a swing over the abyss on which I was sitting, and I had to carefully get out of it, as it was swinging. I succeeded, I got out of the abyss despite the swaying swing


I was about to go to the physics classroom, which is located on the 4th floor of my school (top floor), and then the stone steps suddenly began to fall, fall through and I could not get there, it was very strange, but I don’t know what it means..


I was walking down the stairs, it broke... I managed to grab the edge and was hanging over the abyss... it was very scary... everything was ringing in my ears... and I tried to calm myself down...


I walked through many abysses and was not afraid of anything, as if I was even interested in it


I dreamed that I was walking and my son and about a dozen people fell into an abyss and did not get out of there, what does this mean?


I was walking along the road with my child, the child heard the sound of a car, began to run away from the road, grabbed the railing, but it was broken and there was a cliff on the other side. I saw her hanging holding onto the railing. I had this dream on Friday morning.


Good afternoon Tatyana.
I had two dreams on the same night from Thursday to Friday.
One of them is how I walked on the roof of a large skyscraper and looked down, and felt my fear so as not to stumble and fall.
I had a second dream in the morning. I took the earthworm out of my left foot with my hands. The first attempt to get the worm was not successful and I broke it in half. On the second attempt, I gathered my strength and still managed to get it. Then I felt pain inside my foot.
I have dreams very rarely, but here I had two at once. Why do you dream of freezing in a dream? Why do you dream of cake in a dream?

Standing in front of an abyss or abyss in a dream means that in reality there is some kind of threat to your life or material well-being.

Falling into the abyss - something unusual or surprising awaits you, a happy occasion.

To avoid falling into the abyss is to get rid of the existing danger.

Hovering slowly over the abyss is a warning that your illusions about the state of affairs do not correspond to reality.

Hanging on the edge of an abyss and trying to hold on means that your position is unstable. You managed to get out of the abyss - everything will return to normal, you will get rid of pressing problems.

Standing on the edge of a cliff in a dream means upcoming life trials.

Falling into an abyss is a bad dream; it can be a harbinger of worries, problems and even misfortune.

To be on the edge of a precipice or gorge in a dream means that your enemies are discussing you, scolding you, and trying to set you up.

Falling into a gorge in a dream means in reality you will be convinced that your opponent is happier or more cunning than you.

Seeing a gorge or being in it in a dream is a sign that you need to take care of your health.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

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Dream Interpretation - Car

A dream in which you see some kind of machines means a measured life, into which something will suddenly burst in that will require you to exert all your physical and spiritual strength.

Seeing a car standing idle means that your peers will succeed in life more than you.

Putting the machine into operation portends incredible difficulties for you when organizing a new business, when your faithful friends will rush to your aid.

A machine operating with a roar, clanging or rattling is a sign of great anxiety that will shake your home foundations to the core and force you to change something in them.

Repairing a broken car in a dream predicts losses from transactions with unscrupulous partners and other monetary losses. Seeing the flywheel of any car, be it the largest or the smallest, is a sign of confident movement forward towards the intended goal, despite any opposition from ill-wishers. Seeing a steam engine in a dream means looking at the very real possibility of gaining wealth. The washing machine portends minor changes under significant circumstances.

A sewing machine is a sign of the rapid development of a new business, which will immediately recoup the funds invested in it.

Seeing a typewriter in a dream means that in reality you will settle a dispute or quarrel between quarreling friends; working on a typewriter means receiving a small amount for a large amount of work.

A watering and harvesting machine seen in a dream indicates that you will rush to the rescue of a friend in trouble; driving such a car means impending danger.

A fire truck rushing to the scene of a disaster with the lights on and a blaring siren - in reality, congratulate your friend on great luck, to which you yourself contributed a lot. Seeing a fire truck engulfed in flames means an incidental event will happen to you, which everyone you tell about it will refuse to believe.

Driving in a dream in a convertible-type car, that is, an expensive passenger car with a convertible top, is a harbinger of good luck and the acquisition of wealth. Seeing a car parked in a garage in a dream is a sign of good news.

Interpretation of dreams from

In a dream, falling off a cliff is almost always bad. This is a sure sign of the collapse of hopes and plans. The dream urges you not to take risks in the immediate future and to give up risky activities. Why else do you dream about this plot, the dream book will tell you.

Take the chance!

Did you happen to fall off a cliff in a dream? The dream book believes that the financial situation will deteriorate sharply. You have to gather your strength and act more carefully.

Falling off a steep cliff symbolizes very low self-esteem and a frightening tendency towards depression. At the same time, the fall hints that you will get a chance that will help change everything.

If, after you dreamed of such a picture, you woke up in panic and cold sweat, then this means that you need to prepare to receive tragic news.


Why do you dream of falling into a cliff? The dream book advises you to prepare for a very difficult stage of life, during which troubles of various sizes will befall you.

Seeing others flying into a cliff in a dream is a sign of a situation in which you will need help from a friend or even a very close person.

If a woman has a vision, it warns that her spouse or companion needs psychological support.

Success or failure?

If you dreamed that someone pushed you into a cliff, then in real life you will have to fight your enemies alone and most likely the confrontation will end in defeat for you.

If in a dream you happened to fall off a cliff and suddenly soar like a bird, then the dream book guarantees that you will successfully complete the work you started and find peace of mind.

Specific actions

More specific information about what is happening, according to the dream book, will be provided by decoding other actions in the dream.

  • Falling off a cliff quickly is a bad decision.
  • Slowly - illusions prevent you from seeing reality.
  • Clinging to the edge is an unstable position.
  • Volunteering to jump is a new position.
  • Successfully land below - harmony, balance, problem solving.
  • Never reaching the bottom means complete hopelessness and depression.
  • Getting to the top means a new life, overcoming challenges.

Get ready!

Why do you dream that you had to fall off a cliff with your car? The dream book reminds that a vehicle is a symbol of a certain business or relationship.

Knowing this, we can conclude that flying with a car in a dream promises serious difficulties in realizing your plans and great disappointment.

Seeing how other characters collapsed with a car means that there is a possibility that one of your loved ones will get into a disaster in its literal or figurative sense (troubles, material problems, etc.).

Miller's interpretation

Why do you dream that you fell off a cliff into the water? The fall itself, according to Miller’s dream book, symbolizes a loss of control over current circumstances. While the water element promises hope.

The article contains the most famous dreams and their interpretation, and you can leave your dream in the comments to get an explanation for it.

Dream Interpretation: a car is driving towards me at high speed, ran over my leg, turned over, fell apart, was disassembled

With great speed means the implementation of your plans. An overturned car dreams of gossip and warns of a person who can cause harm.

Car racing dream book

Taking part in car racing is a sign of decisive action for your own benefit. Watching the races is an unexpected success.

In a dream, a car is on the water, in a cemetery, on ice, on the control panel

If you dreamed of a car in the water, then you need to be careful not to start new things, an accident may happen.

Arriving at a well-groomed and clean cemetery means prosperity.

A car slipping on ice speaks of upcoming hardships that will be overcome.

The machine is on the control panel - you will control your emotions and gain power over other people.

Why do you dream about a broken car window from Wednesday to Thursday?

Broken glass warns of impending danger and loss.

Dream interpretation of a car without wheels, brakes, driver, roof, drives itself, steering wheel, license plates, doors, engine

If you dream of a car without wheels, then plans related to generating income will not come true. A car without brakes is a reckless act. A car without a driver means loss of control over the situation. A car without an engine means an unexpected delay awaits.

Dream interpretation car colors blue, yellow, green, red, orange, black, red, white, gold

A green car dreams of love; black - successful completion of projects; white – financial stability. A red car dreams of prosperity and profit; yellow – calm, prosperity; orange – generosity, optimism; gold - the desire for wealth.

Dream Interpretation car stuck and sinking in mud, splashed with mud, driving through mud

If a car drives through mud, this means upcoming hardships and hardships. Washing a dirty car means a car accident. The car is splashed with mud - trouble.

Dream interpretation: the car does not start for a long time, stops, slows down

If a car does not start in a dream, this means unforeseen difficulties and stoppages in the implementation of plans. The car does not want to go, it stops - obstacles in solving the tasks.

Dream Interpretation: A new car got into an accident, ran over a person, crushed a child

Becoming a participant in an accident is an unfavorable event in life, you need to be careful. Observe an accident - troubles will pass by.

Fatal accident - unhappiness, disappointment, lack of sexual harmony.

Why do you dream about buying a new car?

Buying a car means the implementation of plans, you will be able to occupy a high position in society.

Dream Interpretation: a car falls from a cliff into the water, an abyss, has fallen into the ground, what does this mean?

A car falling into the abyss means trouble. In a dream, a car falls off a cliff - there is no need to start new things, you can get involved in an unpleasant adventure. If the car falls into the ground, fail.