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Analysis of the play "Cherry Orchard" and its composition. Analysis of the play "Cherry Orchard" Analysis of episodes of the play Cherry Orchard

There are many interesting works in classical literature, the stories of which are relevant to this day.

The works written by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov just fit this characteristic. In this article, you can read his play "The Cherry Orchard" in summary.

The history of the creation of the play by A.P. Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard"

The start date of the play was set in 1901, the first performance was shown 3 years later. The work reflects the unpleasant impressions of the author himself, which arose under the influence of observing the decline of many estates of his friends, as well as his own.

Main characters

Below is a list of the main characters:

  • Ranevskaya Lyubov Andreevna - the owner of the estate;
  • Anya is my own daughter;
  • Gaev Leonid Andreevich - brother;
  • Trofimov Pyotr Sergeevich - "eternal student";
  • Lopakhin Ermolai Alekseevich - the buyer.

Minor characters

List of minor heroes:

  • Varya is Ani's half-sister;
  • Simeonov-Pischik - the owner of the estate;
  • Charlotte is a teacher;
  • Dunyasha is a servant;
  • Epikhodov Semyon Panteleevich - clerk;
  • Firs is a servant, an old man;
  • Yasha is a servant, a young guy.

"Cherry Orchard" - action summary

1 action

Events are taking place in anticipation of Ranevskaya. Lopakhin and Dunya talk, during which a dispute arises. Epikhodov enters the room. He drops the bouquet, complaining to the others that he considers himself a failure, after which he leaves. The maid tells the merchant that Epikhodov wants to marry her.

Ranevskaya with her daughters, Gaev, Charlotte and the landowner arrive. Anya talks about her trip to France, expresses her displeasure. She also wonders if Lopakhin is going to marry Vara. To which her half-sister replies that nothing will work out, and in the near future the estate will be put up for sale. In parallel, Dunya flirts with a young footman.

Lopakhin announces that their estate is being sold for debt. He advocates the following solution to the problem: to divide the territory into parts and rent them out for rent. But for this you need to cut down the cherry orchard. The landowner and her brother refuse, referring to the mention of the garden in the encyclopedia. The adopted daughter brings the telegrams from France to the mother, but she breaks them without reading them.

Petya Trofimov appears - the mentor of the deceased son of Ranevskaya. Gaev continues to look for options for making a profit that would help cover debts. It comes to passing Anya off as a rich man. At that time, Varya tells her sister about her problems, but her younger sister falls asleep, tired of the journey.

2 action

The events take place in a field near the old chapel. Charlotte gives a description of her life.

Epikhodov sings songs, playing the guitar, trying to show himself as a romantic in front of Dunya. She, in turn, wants to impress the young lackey.

Landowners and a merchant appear. He also continues to reassure the landlord to lease the land. But Ranevskaya and her brother are trying to reduce the topic to "no". The landowner begins to talk about unnecessary expenses with pity.

Jacob makes fun of Gaev's chant. Ranevskaya remembers her men. The last of them ruined her and exchanged for another. Then the landowner decided to return home to her daughter. Changing the subject of Lopakhin, she talks about Varya's wedding.

An old footman with Gayev's outerwear enters. He talks about serfdom, presenting it as a misfortune. Trofimov appears and delves into deep philosophy and discussions about the future of the country. The landowner informs her adopted daughter that she has married her to a merchant.

At that time, Anya retires with Trofimov. He, in turn, romantically describes the situation around. Anya turns the conversation to the topic of serfdom and says that people only talk and do nothing. Then the “eternal student” tells Ana to drop everything and become a free person.

3 action

In the house of the landowner, a ball is arranged, which Ranevskaya considers unnecessary. Pischik is trying to find someone who will lend him money. Ranevskaya's brother went to buy the estate in the name of his aunt. Ranevskaya, seeing that Lopakhin is getting richer and richer, begins criticism because Varya has not yet married him. The daughter complains that he is only joking.

The landowner shares with her son's former teacher that her lover asks her to return to France. Now the hostess no longer thinks that he ruined her. Trofimov tries to convince her, and she advises him to also have a woman on the side. The upset brother returns and begins a monologue that the estate was bought by Lopakhin.

The merchant boastfully tells everyone that he has bought the estate and is ready to cut down the cherry orchard so that his family can continue to live in the place where his serfs father and grandfather worked. His own daughter consoles the crying mother, convincing her that her whole life is ahead.

4 action

Former residents leave the house. Lopakhin, tired of idleness, is going to leave for Kharkov.

He offers Trofimov money, but he does not accept it, arguing that soon people will reach an understanding of the truth. Gaev became a bank clerk.

Ranevskaya worries about the old lackey, fearing that he will not be sent for treatment.

Lopakhin and Varya are left alone. The heroine says that she has become a housekeeper. The merchant still did not offer her to marry him. Anya says goodbye to her mother. Ranevskaya plans to return to France. Anya is going to go to the gymnasium and help her mother in the future. Gaev feels abandoned.

Suddenly Pischik arrives and gives everyone the borrowed money. He recently became rich: white clay was found on his land, which he now rents. The landlords say goodbye to the garden. Then they lock the doors. Ailing Firs appears. The sound of an ax is heard in the silence.

Analysis of the work and conclusion

First of all, the style of this genre is observed in the bright contrast of the images of two heroes: Lopakhin and Ranevskaya. He is adventurous, looking for profit, but she is frivolous and windy. There are also funny situations. For example, Charlotte's performances, Gaev's communication with the closet, etc.

Reading this book in the original, in chapters and acts, and not in abbreviations, the question immediately arises: what does the cherry orchard mean for the characters of the play? For the landowners, the garden is a whole history of the past, while for Lopakhin it is the place on which his future will be built.

The problem of contrasts of relations at the turn of two centuries is raised in the work. There is also the issue of the legacy of serfdom and attitudes towards the consequences of different sectors of society. The author touches upon the question of how the future of the country will be built on the example of a local situation. The question was raised that many are ready to reason and advise, but only a few are able to act.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov noticed a lot from what was relevant at that time and remains important now, so everyone should read this lyric play. This work was the last in the work of the writer.

The play "The Cherry Orchard" is the last dramatic work in which Anton Pavlovich Chekhov pays tribute to his time, the nobles and such a vast concept as "estate", so valued by the author at all times.

The Cherry Orchard genre always served as a reason for controversy and gossip. Chekhov himself wished to classify the play as a comedy genre, thereby going against the critics and connoisseurs of literature, who in a voice convinced everyone that the work belonged to tragicomedy and drama. Thus, Anton Pavlovich gave readers the opportunity to judge his creation for themselves, observe and experience the variety of genres presented on the pages of the book.

Leitmotif of all scenesa cherry orchard is used in the play, because it is not just a background against which a number of events take place, but also a symbol of the course of life in the estate. Throughout his career, the author gravitated towards symbolism, not giving up on it in this play. It is against the background of the cherry orchard that both external and internal conflicts develop.

The reader (or viewer) sees successive home owners; and the sale of an estate for debts. On a cursory reading, it is noticeable that all the opposing forces are represented in the play: young people, noble Russia and aspiring entrepreneurs. Of course, social confrontation, often taken as the main line of conflict, is obvious. However, more attentive readers may notice that the key reason for the collision is not social confrontation at all, but the conflict of key characters with their environment and reality.

"Underwater" flow of the play no less interesting than its main plot. Chekhov builds his narrative on semitones, where among the unambiguous and indisputable events, taken as fact and for granted, from time to time there appear everyday questions that pop up throughout the play. “Who am I and what do I want?” Firs, Epikhodov, Charlotte Ivanovna and many other heroes ask themselves. Thus, it becomes obvious that the leading motive of The Cherry Orchard is not at all the opposition of social strata, but loneliness that haunts every hero throughout his life.

Teffi described "The Cherry Orchard" with only one saying: "Laughter through tears", analyzing this immortal work. It is both funny and sad to read it, realizing that both conflicts raised by the author are still relevant to this day.
the subtopic can be divided into the past, this is Gaev and Ranevskaya, who absolutely do not know how to spin in life, the present is Yermolai Lopakhin, a merchant, he knows what is needed, does everything prudently, and the future is Anya and Petya Trofimov, "humanity is moving towards the highest truth front row "of his quote. Russia is our garden .. and at the end "you can only hear how they knock on the trees with an ax .." that is, the garden was destroyed and no one could properly dispose of it.

Cherry Orchard 1903 A summary of the comedy

The estate of the landowner Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya. Spring, cherry trees are blooming. But the beautiful garden must soon be sold for debt. For the past five years, Ranevskaya and her seventeen-year-old daughter Anya have lived abroad. Ranevskaya's brother Leonid Andreevich Gaev and her adopted daughter, twenty-four-year-old Varya, remained on the estate. Ranevskaya's business is bad, there are almost no funds left. Lyubov Andreevna has always littered with money. Her husband died of drunkenness six years ago. Ranevskaya fell in love with another person, got along with him. But soon her little son Grisha died tragically by drowning in the river. Lyubov Andreevna, unable to bear the grief, fled abroad. The lover followed her. When he fell ill, Ranevskaya had to settle him at her dacha near Menton and take care of him for three years. And then, when he had to sell the dacha for debts and move to Paris, he robbed and left Ranevskaya.

Gaev and Varya meet Lyubov Andreevna and Anya at the station. At home, the maid Dunyasha and the familiar merchant Yermolai Alekseevich Lopakhin are waiting for them. Lopakhin's father was a serf of the Ranevskys, he himself became rich, but says about himself that he remained a "peasant peasant." The clerk Epikhodov, a man with whom something constantly happens and who was nicknamed "twenty-two misfortunes", comes.

Finally, the carriages arrive. The house is filled with people, everyone is pleasantly excited. Everyone talks about their own. Lyubov Andreevna looks at the rooms and through tears of joy recalls the past. The maid Dunyasha is impatient to tell the young lady that Epikhodov proposed to her. Anya herself advises Varya to marry Lopakhin, and Varya dreams of marrying Anya off as a rich man. The governess Charlotte Ivanovna, a strange and eccentric person, boasts about her amazing dog, the neighbor landowner Simeonov-Pischik asks for a loan. He hears almost nothing and the old faithful servant Firs mutters all the time.

Lopakhin reminds Ranevskaya that the estate should soon be sold at auction, the only way out is to split the land into plots and lease them to summer residents. Ranevskaya Lopakhin's proposal surprises: how can you cut down her favorite wonderful cherry orchard! Lopakhin wants to stay longer with Ranevskaya, whom he loves "more than his own," but it's time for him to leave. Gaev addresses a hundred-year-old "respected" wardrobe with a welcoming speech, but then, embarrassed, he again begins to uselessly utter his favorite billiard words.

Ranevskaya does not immediately recognize Petya Trofimov: this is how he changed, grew ugly, the "sweet student" turned into an "eternal student." Lyubov Andreevna cries, remembering her little drowned son Grisha, whose teacher was Trofimov.

Gayev, left alone with Varya, tries to talk about business. There is a rich aunt in Yaroslavl, who, however, does not like them: after all, Lyubov Andreyevna did not marry a nobleman, and she did not behave "very virtuous". Gaev loves his sister, but still calls her "vicious", which displeases Ani. Gaev continues to build projects: his sister will ask Lopakhin for money, Anya will go to Yaroslavl - in a word, they will not allow the estate to be sold, Gaev even swears about it. Grumpy Firs finally takes the master, like a child, to sleep. Anya is calm and happy: her uncle will arrange everything.

Lopakhin never ceases to persuade Ranevskaya and Gaev to accept his plan. The three of them had breakfast in the city and, returning, stopped in a field near the chapel. Just here, on the same bench, Epikhodov tried to explain himself to Dunyasha, but she already preferred the young cynical lackey Yasha to him. Ranevskaya and Gaev do not seem to hear Lopakhin and talk about completely different things. So, without convincing the "frivolous, non-business, strange" people, Lopakhin wants to leave. Ranevskaya asks him to stay: with him "still more fun."

Anya, Varya and Petya Trofimov arrive. Ranevskaya starts a conversation about a “proud person”. According to Trofimov, there is no point in pride: a rude, unhappy person needs not to admire himself, but to work. Petya condemns the intelligentsia, incapable of work, those people who philosophize importantly, but treat men like animals. Lopakhin enters the conversation: he just works "from morning to evening", dealing with large capitals, but he is increasingly convinced that there are few decent people around. Lopakhin does not finish, Ranevskaya interrupts him. In general, everyone here does not want and do not know how to listen to each other. There is a silence in which the distant sad sound of a broken string is heard.

Soon they all leave. Left alone, Anya and Trofimov are happy to have the opportunity to talk together, without Varya. Trofimov convinces Anya that one must be “above love”, that the main thing is freedom: “all Russia is our garden”, but in order to live in the present, one must first redeem the past by suffering and labor. Happiness is close: if not they, then others will definitely see it.

The twenty-second of August arrives, the trading day. It was on this evening, quite inappropriately, that a ball was being organized in the estate, and a Jewish orchestra was invited. Once upon a time, generals and barons danced here, but now, as Firs complains, both the postal official and the head of the station "do not go hunting." Charlotte Ivanovna entertains the guests with her tricks. Ranevskaya is anxiously awaiting her brother's return. Yaroslavl's aunt still sent fifteen thousand, but they are not enough to redeem the estate.

Petya Trofimov "calms" Ranevskaya: it's not about the garden, it's over for a long time, you need to face the truth. Lyubov Andreevna asks not to condemn her, to regret: after all, without the cherry orchard, her life loses its meaning. Every day Ranevskaya receives telegrams from Paris. The first time she tore them at once, then - having read them first, now she no longer tears. “This wild man,” whom she still loves, begs her to come. Petya condemns Ranevskaya for her love of "a petty scoundrel, nothingness." Angry Ranevskaya, unable to restrain herself, takes revenge on Trofimov, calling him a "funny eccentric", "freak", "neat": "You must love yourself ... you must fall in love!" Petya, in horror, tries to leave, but then stays, dances with Ranevskaya, who asked his forgiveness.

Finally, a confused, joyful Lopakhin and a tired Gayev appear, who, without telling anything, immediately goes to his room. The Cherry Orchard was sold, and Lopakhin bought it. The "new landowner" is happy: he managed to surpass the rich man Deriganov at the auction, giving ninety thousand in excess of the debt. Lopakhin picks up the keys thrown on the floor by the proud Varya. Let the music play, let everyone see how Yermolai Lopakhin “enough with an ax in the cherry orchard”!

Anya consoles her crying mother: the garden is sold, but there is a whole life ahead. There will be a new garden, more luxurious than this, they will have a "quiet deep joy" ...

The house is empty. Its inhabitants, having said goodbye to each other, leave. Lopakhin is going to Kharkov for the winter, Trofimov is returning to Moscow, to the university. Lopakhin and Petya exchange barbs. Although Trofimov calls Lopakhin a "predatory beast" necessary "in the sense of metabolism", he still loves in him "a gentle, subtle soul." Lopakhin offers Trofimov money for the trip. He refuses: over the "free man", "in the forefront of going" to "the highest happiness", no one should have power.

Ranevskaya and Gaev even cheered up after the sale of the cherry orchard. They used to worry and suffer, but now they have calmed down. Ranevskaya is going to live in Paris for the time being with the money sent by her aunt. Anya is inspired: a new life is beginning - she will graduate from the gymnasium, work, read books, a "new wonderful world" will open before her. Suddenly, a breathless Simeonov-Pischik appears and instead of asking for money, on the contrary, distributes debts. It turned out that the British had found white clay on his land.

Everyone settled down differently. Gaev says that he is now a banking campaigner. Lopakhin promises to find a new place for Charlotte, Varya got a job as a housekeeper for the Ragulins, Epikhodov, hired by Lopakhin, remains on the estate, Firs should be sent to the hospital. But still Gaev sadly says: "Everyone is abandoning us ... we suddenly became unnecessary."

An explanation must finally take place between Varya and Lopakhin. For a long time Varya has been teased by "Madame Lopakhin". Vara likes Yermolai Alekseevich, but she herself cannot make an offer. Lopakhin, who also speaks very well of Vara, agrees to "end it at once" with this case. But, when Ranevskaya arranges their meeting, Lopakhin, never daring, leaves Varya, using the very first pretext.

“It's time to go! On the road! " - with these words they leave the house, locking all the doors. All that remains is the old Firs, whom, it would seem, everyone took care of, but whom they forgot to send to the hospital. Firs, sighing that Leonid Andreyevich went in an overcoat and not in a fur coat, lies down to rest and lies motionless. The same sound of a broken string is heard. "There is a silence, and you can only hear how far away in the garden they are knocking on a tree with an ax."

Retold . A source: All the masterpieces of world literature in a summary. Plots and characters. Russian literature of the XIX century / Ed. and comp. V.I. Novikov. - M.: Olymp: ACT, 1996 .-- 832 p. On the cover:

"The Cherry Orchard" is the last work of AP Chekhov. The writer was terminally ill when he wrote this play. He was aware that he would soon pass away, and, probably, that is why the whole play is filled with some kind of quiet sadness and tenderness. This is the great writer’s farewell to everything that was dear to him: to the people, to Russia, whose fate worried him until the last minute. Probably, at such a moment, a person thinks about everything: about the past - he remembers all the most important and sums up the results - as well as about the present and future of those whom he leaves on this earth. In the play "The Cherry Orchard" it was as if a meeting of the past, present and future took place. It seems that the heroes of the play belong to three different eras: some live in yesterday and are absorbed in memories of times long past, others are busy with momentary affairs and strive to benefit from everything they have at the moment, and still others look far ahead, not accepting into account real events.
Thus, the past, present and future do not merge into one whole: they exist by piecework and sort things out among themselves.
Gayev and Ranevskaya are prominent representatives of the past. Chekhov pays tribute to the education and refinement of the Russian nobility. Both Gaev and Ranevskaya know how to appreciate beauty. They find the most poetic words to express their feelings in relation to everything that surrounds them - be it an old house, a favorite garden, in a word, everything that is dear to them.
since childhood. They even refer to the closet as to an old friend: “Dear, dear closet! I greet your existence, which for over a hundred years has been directed towards the bright ideals of goodness and justice ... ”Ranevskaya, finding herself at home after five years of separation, is ready to kiss every thing that reminds her of her childhood and youth. Home for her is a living person, a witness to all her joys and sorrows. Ranevskaya has a very special relationship to the garden - he seems to personify all the best and brightest that was in her life, is part of her soul. Looking out the window at the garden, she exclaims: “O my childhood, my purity! In this nursery, I slept, looked from here at the garden, happiness woke up with me every morning, and then he was exactly the same, nothing changed. " Ranevskaya's life was not easy: she lost her husband early, and soon after that her seven-year-old son died. The person with whom she tried to connect life turned out to be unworthy - he cheated on her and wasted her money. But returning home for her is like falling to a life-giving source: she again feels young and happy. All the pain that boiled in her soul and the joy of meeting are expressed in her address to the garden: “O my garden! After a dark, rainy autumn and cold winter, you are young again, full of happiness, the angels have not left you ... ”For Ranevskaya, the garden is closely connected with the image of the deceased mother - she directly sees her mother in a white dress walking through the garden.
Neither Gaev nor Ranevskaya can allow their estate to be leased to summer residents. They consider this idea itself vulgar, but at the same time do not want to face reality: the day of the auction is approaching, and the estate will be sold under the hammer. Gaev shows complete infantilism in this matter (the remark “Puts a lollipop in his mouth” seems to confirm this): “We will pay the interest, I’m convinced ...” Where did he get such conviction? Who is he counting on? Obviously not on myself. Having no reason for this, he swears to Varya: “I swear by my honor, what you want, I swear, the estate will not be sold! ... I swear by my happiness! Here's my hand, call me then a trashy, dishonest person, if I admit it to the auction! I swear with all my being! " Beautiful but empty words. Lopakhin is another matter. This person does not throw words to the wind. He sincerely tries to explain to Ranevskaya and Gaeva that there is a real way out of this situation: “Every day I say the same thing. Both the cherry orchard and the land must be leased out for summer cottages, to do it now, as soon as possible - the auction is on the way! Understand! Once you finally decide to have summer cottages, you will be given as much money as you like, and then you will be saved. " With this appeal, the “present” refers to the “past”, but the “past” does not heed. To “finally solve” is a daunting task for people of this kind. It is easier for them to be in a world of illusion. But Lopakhin does not waste time. He simply buys this estate and rejoices in the presence of the unfortunate and disadvantaged Ranevskaya. Buying an estate for him has a special meaning: "I bought an estate where my grandfather and father were slaves, where they were not even allowed into the kitchen." This is the pride of the plebeian who “wiped his nose” to the aristocrats. He only regrets that his father and grandfather do not see his triumph. Knowing what the cherry orchard meant in Ranevskaya's life, he literally dances on her bones: “Hey, musicians, play, I wish to listen to you! Come all to see how Yermolai Lopakhin has enough ax in the cherry orchard, how the trees will fall to the ground! ” And right there she sympathizes with the sobbing Ranevskaya: "Oh, it would be more likely that all this would pass, it would sooner change somehow our awkward, unhappy life." But this is a momentary weakness, because he is experiencing his finest hour. Lopakhin is a man of the present, the master of life, but is he the future?
Perhaps the man of the future is Petya Trofimov? He is a lover of truth (“Do not deceive yourself, you must at least once in your life look the truth straight in the eye”). He is not interested in his own appearance (“I don’t want to be handsome”). He apparently considers love to be a relic of the past (“We are higher than love”). Everything material does not attract him either. He is ready to destroy both the past and the present “to the ground, and then ...” And then what? Is it possible to grow a garden without knowing how to appreciate beauty? Petya gives the impression of a frivolous and superficial person. Chekhov, apparently, is not at all happy with the prospect of such a future for Russia.
The rest of the characters in the play are also representatives of three different eras. For example, old servant Firs is all from the past. All his ideals are associated with distant times. He considers the reform of 1861 to be the beginning of all troubles. He does not need "will", since his whole life is devoted to masters. Firs is a very integral nature, he is the only hero of the play, endowed with such a quality as devotion.
Lackey Yasha is akin to Lopakhin - no less enterprising, but even more soulless person. Who knows, maybe he will soon become the master of life?
The last page of the play has been read, but there is no answer to the question: "So with whom does the writer associate his hopes for a new life?" There is a feeling of some kind of confusion and anxiety: who will decide the fate of Russia? Who can save beauty?

Chekhov's play "The Cherry Orchard" is the last dramatic work of the writer, filled with sorrow about the passing era of the Russian nobility. Most critics and literary critics who analyzed the work agree that in this play Chekhov expressed his attitude not only to the past of Russia, but also to its present and future. We suggest that you familiarize yourself briefly with our version of the analysis of Chekhov's play according to plan in preparation for a literature lesson in grade 10.

Brief analysis

Year of writing - 1903

History of creation - Chekhov's father was forced to sell his estate. This event prompted the author to write The Cherry Orchard.

Topic - The main themes that are raised in the work "The Cherry Orchard" are: the theme of the impossibility of adapting to the "new time", the conflict between fathers and children, the lost generation, reflections on the fate of Russia.

Composition - The play consists of five parts. The first act of the play is the exposition. The second action is a tie, divided into two conventional parts. the third act is the culmination of the piece and the fourth act is the denouement.

Genre - A play. Chekhov called "The Cherry Orchard" a comedy, critics - tragicomedy and drama.

Direction - “theater of the absurd”.

History of creation

The history of the creation of the "Cherry Orchard" began in the city of Taganrog, where the family estate of Chekhov was located. The writer's father was forced to sell his “noble nest” in order to pay off his debts. Chekhov personally experienced the whole gamut of feelings associated with the loss of his estate, so he easily managed to create Ranevskaya. Anton Pavlovich was also familiar with the prototype of Gaev's hero - Kiselev A.S., who also had to sell the estate in order to improve his financial situation.

And if initially the playwright wanted to create a light and funny play, where the main action was to be the sale of the estate at the hammer (Chekhov shared these ideas in a letter to his wife in 1901), then later he had to abandon this plan. Observing the process of impoverishment and degeneration of the nobility as a class, Chekhov could not ignore the obvious tragedy of what was happening, and instead of a cheerful comedy, a work was born, created on the basis of life experience and therefore true and sad.


In the play "The Cherry Orchard", the analysis of the work is impossible without defining the theme.

The main theme of the work - the theme of time, and it is not new in literature. With the change of eras, not every person can adapt and merge into a new course of time, accept a new order and find his place in a changed world.

The main problem of the work Is a misunderstanding of one generation by another. Chekhov masterfully managed to display the conflict of generations, using a multi-level system of images, where Ranevskaya and Gaev symbolize the past, Lopakhin - the present, and the uncertain future - Anya and Peter.

The need to adapt to the new time in order to survive is one of the main thoughts of the work.

general characteristics the author's personal attitude to Ranevskaya is negative. This infantile person who loves suffering: she loves the cherry orchard, although she has experienced many troubles in it, she still returns there.

This woman does not know how to love. Otherwise, how can one explain the fact that she forgets her faithful old servant Firs in the house when she leaves the estate and is beaten up from the inside? The people around her, who have done her a lot of good, are nobody for her.

Conflict of fathers and children also run like a red thread in the play. Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya's love for her daughter Anechka is also inferior. She refuses to accept that her daughter is no longer a child, and therefore shamelessly arranges her personal life to the detriment of her daughter's interests.

The cherry orchard itself - it is a symbol of Russia.

The old garden is not needed by anyone except Ranevskaya. Anya and Peter dream of a new garden, they have nothing to do with the old perishing garden. Gaev is indifferent to his father's house and garden. He is interested in profit, like Lopakhina.

Thus, the author obviously tells the reader that the old Russia will die along with the old generation and expresses the hope that the new generation will build a new Russia with a new way of life. The parallel between the garden and the whole of Russia gives an obvious meaning to the title of the work. Cherries bloom in May: they are fragrant and beautiful exactly for the week they are allotted, and then they fall off. So beautifully and suddenly fell the nobility, mired in debt and endless polemics.


Conventionally, the composition of the play consists of five parts.

First act of the play Is an exposition. At the house, everyone is waiting for the arrival of the owner of the estate, Ranevskaya, with her daughter from Paris. Households talk and think each of his own, completely not listening to each other. That is why many of the heroes' remarks are thrown out of place. This disunity is very reminiscent of discordant Russia, in which people who are just as dissimilar to each other live and find it difficult to reach mutual understanding.

In the first act, the reader also observes the plot. Lyubov Andreevna and her daughter appear in the house. Gradually, the household will learn that Ranevskaya is threatened with ruin, but neither the owner of the estate herself, nor her brother Gaev can prevent the imminent bankruptcy. Only Lopakhin has a plan of salvation: to cut down the old cherries and build summer cottages on the site of the cherry orchard. This would help the estate survive, but the arrogant owners reject his offer.

In the second act the heroes return to discussing the fate of the estate with the garden. Ranevskaya again with contempt refuses Lopakhin's help in resolving this issue and prefers to indulge in memories of the past. It is much easier for her to be inactive, basking in her suffering. Gaev and the merchant are constantly fighting.

Third action is the culmination of the play. The old owners, as if nothing terrible is happening, decide to arrange a ball. and while they are having fun, auctions take place, and their estate goes under the hammer. It is acquired by the former serf Ranevskaya - Lopakhin.

Fourth act - this is the denouement of the work. Ranevskaya returns to Paris to continue squandering her fortune. After her departure, all the heroes disperse in all directions. Only the old servant Firs remains in the house, who was simply forgotten and left in a boarded-up house.

main characters


Defining the genre of The Cherry Orchard is not easy. Chekhov himself considered his work a comedy, but literary critics and theater critics categorically disagreed with his opinion, who attributed the play to the genre of tragicomedy or drama. Perhaps it was this genre specificity that ensured the success of the work.

In addition, the play is replete with elements of a new direction, the so-called “theater of the absurd”. The responses of the heroes very often do not have any meaning and logical connection. They look nowhere, as if people were talking to themselves. This antidrama is rife with shattered dialogues and communication failures. The alienation of the individual from society, the global loneliness of each person in the world - this is the essence of the existential problem, which is also inherent in the theater of the absurd.

Product test

Analysis rating

Average rating: 4.6. Total ratings received: 2073.

By the beginning of the third act, the ideological and moral positions of the heroes were determined, a feeling of a global "undercurrent" was created: through empty chatter, talk about nothing or each about his own, through the seeming absence of event, the growing internal boil begins to be clearly felt.

Lopakhin is trying again to revive the dead practical vein of Ranevskaya and Gaev, but they live in a different dimension, they are not able to understand Lopakhin, they only sensitively catch the approaching disaster.

Petya Trofimov solemnly convinces Anya that they are “above love”, above this particular garden, they need to “bypass the petty and ghostly ...”, that “all Russia is our garden”, that it is necessary to “redeem our past” through labor. Anya, seemingly perceiving Petina's calls, is nevertheless thoughtful and sad, her farewell to the garden is very ambiguous: the joy of moving towards a new life, promised by Trofimov, is combined with the bitterness of losing her tender attachment to the past, and simply love for her mother, who is now feeling bad.

The act takes place in the living room. A Jewish orchestra is playing, for which there is no one to pay, everyone is dancing (a kind of feast during the plague). Varya quarrels with Trofimov, Charlotte shows Pischik tricks on the cards. Varya is again being wooed for Lopakhin. Epikhodov broke a billiard ball. The ordinariness of what is happening with a simultaneous increase in internal tension is striking.

Ranevskaya's soul is getting worse and worse. At first, she acts and speaks as if mechanically, absent-mindedly, only a few times she complains that there is no news from the auction from Lopakhin. Then she suddenly explodes in a conversation with Petya, revealing her spiritual heaviness from parting with her life in her own home. So she flared up, bringing down all her indignation on poor Petya's head.

Music plays, heroes quarrel, reconcile, and the tension of agonizing expectation hangs in the air. The severity of Ranevskaya is even more intensified with the appearance of Firs, reminding her of the past. Varya chases Epikhodov away with a stick, and at this moment - the culmination of the action - Lopakhin, treated by mistake with Varina's stick, enters with the main message. Perhaps the tragicomic nature of this decisive situation made Chekhov define the play as a comedy in genre?

It is curious that, unlike the entire play (there are 38 Chekhov's famous pauses in total in four acts), there is only one pause in the third act - after Lopakhin's words: "I bought it." Everything was confused. Gayev's crying is replaced by the desire to eat and play billiards (defensive reaction). Ranevskaya's convulsive expectation turns into tears and a loss of speech (she is silent). Lopakhin's unrestrained and indelicate plebeian triumph is intertwined with Ranevskaya's reproach and sympathy for her. The orchestra is no longer playing merrily, but quietly. Anya's comforting speech contains words of love for her mother coming from the depths of her soul, interspersed with grandiloquent words about the "new garden" learned from Petya.

Act 3 is the culmination of the play. All the main things took place. The garden was bought, but still bought by his own, native "predator", and not someone else's Deriganov. There is only a scene of farewell and departure, when the equally unnecessary Firs will be forgotten in the house that is no longer needed, and the whole play will end with the symbolic sounds of a broken string and the sound of an ax on the still living cherry trees.

The author's play "The Cherry Orchard" by the famous writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was written in a mixture of two styles. Anton Pavlovich wrote the play more inclined towards the comedy genre, trying to reveal the theme of ancestral estates, to resort to such a valued concept as "estate", to develop the idea of \u200b\u200bthe future of the population of his country. However, literary critics note that this work belongs to tragedy and drama. Thanks to such divergences in the genre, each reader can observe how the drama flows into the tragicomedy.

The plot of The Cherry Orchard contains various stories of people who at that time fell into a crisis of their own finances, were deprived of their own ancestral estates.

The central image of the play itself is the cherry orchard. The owner of such a property is Lyubov Ranevskaya, whom one of the heroes persuades to sell the family estate. The cherry orchard itself is the leitmotif of all scenes, combining different time plans. For Ranevskaya, the garden is something tremulous from a bright childhood that gives warm memories, this is a place where the soul feeds on positive energy. The plot of the play is built around the fate of the family estate. In the first act, a plan is built to save the pledged estate from trading, in the third, the estate is sold, and the fourth action reveals to the reader a lyrical note of parting with the past.

A characteristic feature of this work is that Chekhov does not divide heroes into good or bad and major and minor. He divides them into three groups, distinguishing them according to time frames. The first group includes representatives of the past generation - this is Lyubov Ranevskaya herself, Gaev, and lackey Firs. The second group includes people of the present time, in the plot of the play this is the only hero in the person of the enterprising merchant Lopakhin. And, finally, the third group brings together the progressive youth of that time, Pyotr Trofimov and Ani.

In the center of the plot lies the fate of the cherry orchard, the sale of the family estate, in which the confrontation between the new and the old era unfolds. The climax of the storyline lies in the third act of the play, where the family estate is sold and the final denouement is revealed in the final fourth scene. The old familiar noble Russia is being replaced by young people and aspiring entrepreneurs. The main reason for the emergence of a conflict is not social confrontation, but the struggle of the characters themselves with the conditions surrounding them. Such a conflict in time is revealed only through the knowledge of future changes in the life of the people.

In The Cherry Orchard, Chekhov wanted to encourage his reader to think philosophically about the future future, about a new era that is reviving around, resorting to introspection.

Option 2

The work is a lyrical comedy, the key theme of which is the author's reflections on the future of the country and its population. The play is based on the story of the forced auction sale of a family estate by an impoverished noble family.

The originality of the work is its genre presentation, which, from the point of view of the writer, is a comedy, and from the point of view of the literary society and theatergoers, it demonstrates dramatic elements. Thus, by alternating dramatic and comic scenes, the writer achieves the artistic reality of the play.

A distinctive feature of the work is the author's innovation, expressed in the absence of division of the heroes of the play as either negative or positive characters, dividing them into only three categories, the first of which represents people of the past generation in the person of the noble aristocrats Ranevskaya, Gaev and lackey Firs, to the second the group includes the people of the present in the vivid representation of the enterprising merchant Lopakhin, and in the third category the author classifies the people of the future in the person of the progressive youth of that period, Peter Trofimov and Ani.

The structural composition of the play consists of four acts that are not divided into independent scenes, while the time span of the play is about six months, starting in spring and ending in mid-autumn. In the first act, the mise-en-scène of the plot line is presented, which increases with tension in the second act, the third act is characterized by the culmination of the plot in the form of the sale of the family name, and the fourth is the final denouement. The artistic content of the play develops an emotional and psychological background, which consists in describing the inner experiences of the characters.

The work is also distinguished by the complete absence of pronounced external conflicts, as well as dynamism and unpredictable plot twists, which are emphasized by the author's remarks, monologues, pauses, which create an impression of special understatement and give the work a unique refined lyricism.

Analysis 3

The famous writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov managed to compose not only stories, but also original plays. His play known today is The Cherry Orchard, which was written from 1903 to 1904. Zealous over his creation, Chekhov clearly showed the change in social structures.

Getting acquainted with the work, it becomes clear that the Cherry Orchard itself is at the center of the play. Its owner is Lyubov Ranevskaya, whom Lopakhin persuades to sell beautiful beauty in order to rent it out and receive a decent amount of income. But what's the problem? The failure lies in the fact that for Ranevskaya, the garden is, first of all, childhood, these are bright memories that sweep around with just the idea of \u200b\u200b\\ u200b \\ u200bthe wonderful expanses of their native place. This is joy, this is happiness, this is her soul mate. She cannot imagine her own life without him! For the heroine, as well as for her brother, the Cherry Orchard is neither real estate nor a means of subsistence, as Lopakhin thinks. No, it’s not like that. A garden is a home where their heart is, a home where you feel at ease, a home where you are free, your soul gets aesthetic pleasure!

Anton Pavlovich not only analyzed the state of Russian society and its behavior, but also reflected in his heroes an analysis of the past of Russia, reflections on its future. Any of Chekhov's characters is associated with the theme of the past, or the theme of the present or the future.

The old masters who run the garden are responsible for the personification of the past of our country. This is Lyubov Ranevskaya and, accordingly, her brother Leonid Gaev. The main thing that gives them away is their inability to work.

It should be understood that the fate of the characters depends on the fate of the Cherry Orchard. But Ranevskaya's decision leaves much to be desired, because she sells a garden, which was a spiritual asset, the best medicine for adversity. Together with him, the millennial culture of the nobility goes away. Those who own the Cherry Orchard are indecisive, weak in character in difficult situations. And because of their cowardice, these people fail, because their time has passed ... It turns out that the place of the heroine of Ranevskaya is taken by Lopakhin, this new generation, greedy, looking for benefits for themselves in everything. And this is tragic, since the replenishment of the world with such behavioral people negatively affects the lives of others.

While reading Chekhov's book, one feels loneliness, the end blows, a precipice into darkness, from where there is no exit. This shows that the decision that Ranevskaya makes about the garden is erroneous, because together with the Cherry Orchard her childhood and soul are being sold ...

Therefore, the work of Anton Pavlovich is so striking in its content and unusual. The play poses many problems that Chekhov saw in his time, he took every detail seriously. Thus, he portrayed what worried and worried him: submission, cowardice of a person in front of a serious decision. You should never give what belongs to you, what brings happiness and incredible joy. You shouldn't say goodbye to this easily! It is important to stand for your own to the end! You need to be strong and courageous, have a strong character, persistent willpower, so as not to break under the next problem. Chekhov is so amazing: he writes so soulfully that thoughts after reading his stories do not leave alone! It should be so!

Cherry Orchard - analysis for grade 10

The plot of the play by A.P. Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard" is based on numerous stories related to the sale of ancestral estates by the nobles. At that time, many of them were deprived of their property, suffered serious financial difficulties, and, among other things, were often forced to sell their ancestral nests at auction. Interestingly, a similar situation happened to the author himself, when his father had to sell the shop and the house due to debts. All this greatly influenced the life of Chekhov and his future writing career. In the play The Cherry Orchard, Chekhov examines a similar problem, analyzes the psychological state of people who were destined to lose their own home.

The classical approach to the analysis of Chekhov's play is as follows. The heroes of the work are divided into three groups according to the time criterion. The first of them includes the aristocrats Gaev, Ranevskaya and the lackey Firs - representatives of the old era. The second category of the present time is represented by a single character - the merchant Lopakhin. The third group is people of the future, including Petya Trofimov and Anya. At the same time, there is no division of heroes into “good” and “bad”, main and secondary characters in the play. This presentation of the plot became a characteristic feature of the author's handwriting of Chekhov, which was later traced in his future plays.

The plot revolves around the sale of a family estate with a cherry orchard, while there is no open conflict in the play. If there is any opposition here, then it is expressed in a certain contradiction of two different eras - the new and the old. The ruined nobles categorically do not want to part with their property, while they are also not ready to lease a plot of land and receive commercial profit for it. This is too new and incomprehensible for them. The temporal conflict in the play is revealed through the awareness of future changes in the life of society, so clearly felt by the author himself. With his work, Chekhov wanted to show this situation from the outside in order to make the reader think about his place and role in this life.

The author's position is ambiguous here. Despite all the tragedy of what is happening, the heroes of the play do not evoke pity or sympathy. Chekhov portrayed them as narrow-minded people, incapable of introspection and deep feelings. The work is rather a philosophical discourse of the author about the future, about that new era, into which Russian society will soon enter.

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