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Garik Kharlamov let them say gums. The Comedy Club mocked Diana Shurygina. Is it possible to hang grenades by the pin like in the movies

In the latest issue of the Comedy Club, viewers were presented with a parody of the talk show “Let them talk”, which discussed the story of the twice raped Diana Shurygina. The video has gained massive popularity on the network and caused heated discussions among netizens.

As it became known to the site, the residents of the humorous TV show Garik "Bulldog" Kharlamov and Timur Batrutdinov decided to change the names of the key participants and the very name of the talk show. So, for example, Andrey Makhalov acted as the host on the program called "Mut' they say", and Alina Davalova was made the main character of the program. They also decided to change the story of the raped girl - they moved the scene from a rented dacha to the underage girl's own apartment, the number of invited guests was increased to 135 people, all of whom were made boys.

After telling the girl's version, a heated discussion of the story began in the studio. Invited "experts", including a child psychologist and a youth fighter, vied with each other to express opposite points of view. While some offered to shoot the girl right in the studio, others demanded to take off her panties and “fuck” right during the transfer. The 8-minute dramatization quickly became the subject of discussion on social media. Many admitted that they laughed heartily at the production. The leading famous phrase and gesture of Diana Shurygina "on the bottom" did not ignore.

The real story of Diana Shurygina was discussed on the talk show "Let them talk" for several issues. A 17-year-old girl wrote a statement to the police about the rape, after which 21-year-old Sergei Semenov was sentenced to 8 years in prison, later reduced to 3 years and 3 months. According to the site, after the appearance of the first episodes of the talk show, the girl gained popularity on the Internet, managed to take pictures with famous video bloggers and even received an invitation to shoot in the film "Egor Shilov".

The dubious fame that the 17-year-old victim of rape (and according to some reports, double), a resident of Ulyanovsk Diana Shurygina, after she told her story in Andrey Malakhov's program "Let them talk", did not leave indifferent even the Comedy Club entertainment program. In particular, the residents prepared a parody of a series of episodes of the Malakhov show dedicated to Shurygina.


In an episode from the sixth episode of the 13th season of the Comedy Club, which is freely available on the Web, the host of the Mut Speak program Andrey Makhalov (played by Garik Kharlamov) invites a certain Alina Davalova to the studio (her image was embodied by Timur Batrutdinov), who tells all the circumstances rape.

According to her, left alone in a one-room apartment, Alina invited her "closest" friends to visit - they turned out to be 135 guys. They drank alcohol and took drugs, after which the "rape" happened. After Davalova's story, a man immediately attacked her with abuse, who urged her to almost kill the girl. Subsequently, he turned out to be a child psychologist. At the end of the scene, the heroes decide to rape Davalova, who categorically refuses, but takes off her panties.

The scandalous fuss, which becomes the apogee of the transfer, is abruptly interrupted by the presenter Andrey Makhalov. "The reproaches of adults, the ridicule of peers. A fatal night that changed my whole life. How to live on, if you continue to live, then how? Where to start if it's all over and how to finish what has already been started? True lies and false truth, and how sort out the confusion and get out of the confusion?" Makhalov bombarded the audience with rhetorical questions. At the end of the show, Andrey concluded: "All this happened because morality in modern Russian society is at the bottom (the audience is indignant) ... Well, all right, at the bottom." And shows everyone the already recognizable gesture.

Residents opaquely hinted that in their parody they are mocking Diana Shurygina and the whole situation that has developed as a result of her appearance in Andrey Malakhov's program. Note that the video with the Comedy Club episode has already been watched by more than 500 thousand people.

Did you think everyone finally forgot about Diana Shurygina, who became famous throughout the country after several episodes of the Let They Talk program, discussions on social networks and hundreds of memes? But the Comedy Club decided that the time had not yet come to forget about her, and staged a real bacchanalia on the stage.

In the sixth episode of the 13th season of the Comedy Club entertainment show, they showed a parody of Andrey Malakhov's program “Let them talk”, where 17-year-old rape victim Diana Shurygina came, about whom most of the media wrote about in winter and widely on social networks. Residents of the Comedy Club played a skit in which Garik Kharlamov played the host of the Mut Speak program Andrei Makhalov, and Timur Batrutdinov played the role of the victim - Alina Davalova. There were also about ten comedians present as restless spectators.

Kharlamov began the program by parodying Malakhov's style and using various clichés.

Reproaches of adults, ridicule of peers. The fateful night that changed my whole life. How to live on, if you continue to live, then how? he says.

The resident introduced Alina as a guest of the program as a girl, “with whom something happened that she could not think about. If she had thought, this would not have happened to her.”

Batrutdinov, who appeared on the stage, is trying in every possible way to portray himself as a flirtatious, narrow-minded girl. Together with Kharlamov, they discuss the events of that night - "a small party with 135 guys."

- And you all sat at home and drank alcohol? Kharlamov is interested.

“No, what are you, there were still drugs,” Batrutdinov replies to loud laughter in the hall.

“That is, you sat with 135 friends, drank and took drugs, and nothing foreshadowed trouble,” Kharlamov sums up.

Then Batrutdinov, in the role of Alina Davalova, says that they began to molest her and that she decided to distract the guys by turning on a porn movie. And then a plumber came to the apartment and an orgy began. Kharlamov turned to the audience. One of them jumped up and began to yell furiously.

Why are you listening to her, she's a complete creature, a creature! I gave it to everyone there. Give me a gun, I will personally shoot her, the viewer demands, running around the stage. He soon introduces himself as a child psychologist. Hall laughs.

“Alina’s father” appears on the stage, who talks about raising his daughter and blames the school for everything (where his daughter did not go). Finally, another expert jumps in and states that a young girl couldn't handle 135 guys in one night.

I propose an investigative experiment right here and now. Let's take off her panties together right now, - the expert is tearing herself up.

After that, some bacchanalia begins on the stage. All participants in the program shout something and attack Alina, two spectators retire on the couch.

And let's all fuck her, - some man screams in ecstasy. In response, there are several “let's”.

Finally, Kharlamov completes the program, concluding that morality in modern society is at the bottom. The audience does not agree with him. Then he gets better.

Published on 08.04.17 14:59

Let them talk ”dedicated Diana Shurygina as many as five episodes, as a result of which she became the heroine of folklore.

In the new issue of the Comedy Club on TNT, a parody of the story of Diana Shurygina in “Let them talk” with Andrei Malakhov was released. In the parody, the program is called "Mut' they say", the heroine's name is Alina Davalova, and the host is Andrey Makhalov.

The role of the host of the program was played by Garik "Bulldog" Kharlamov, and the rape victim Alina Davalova was played by Timur Batrutdinov, whom the host introduced as "a girl with whom something happened that she could not think of. If she had thought, this would not have happened to her.”

The rest of the Comedy Club residents played the relatives of the main characters intkbbee release and indignant experts, demanding from time to time to shoot the immoral girl, then take off her panties and "fuck".

As the heroine of the parody admitted, she invited only her closest friends to the one-room apartment - 135 people, among whom were only guys.

"And you all stayed at home and drank alcohol?" - asked Malakhov. “No, what are you, there were still drugs. Nothing foreshadowed trouble,” Batrutdinov, in the role of a young nymphomaniac, answered the host of the show “Mut' they say”.

Residents of the Comedy Club did not bypass the meme that Diana Sh. gave rise to. society is at the bottom. Sorry, at the bottom," Kharlamov concluded, showing the girl's famous gesture.

Recall that “Let them talk” dedicated five episodes to Diana Shurygina. As a result, a 17-year-old girl who survived rape became the heroine of folklore - clips are made about her, memes are made and songs are written.