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Why do you dream about a turkey? “Why do you dream about a turkey in a dream? If you see a Turkey in a dream, what does it mean? Why see turkeys in a dream?

Seeing a turkey in a dream means that in reality you may find yourself in unfavorable circumstances; turkeys mean you will receive a solid profit or interest. If they fly in your dream, it means that you should soon expect success and wide fame.

Seeing a turkey spreading its tail means in reality you will hear about a friend’s serious illness.

Sick or dead turkeys foretell that your pride will be hurt by an unacceptable proposal. Killing turkeys is a bad sign, indicating that you may be tempted by an easy way to make money through dishonest means.

Plucking turkeys means a bad mood and loss of spirit, and a reluctance to do anything. Cooking turkeys fried or boiled means in reality to take care of the upcoming fun with numerous guests.

Eating cooked turkey meat in a dream foreshadows joyful events at work that you will celebrate with the whole team. Selling turkeys - things will leave much to be desired; buying - happiness in love and friendship will smile on you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Turkey

If you dreamed of a turkey, then in reality you have exorbitant pride. You yourself resemble a turkey - just as pompous! This quality of your nature often causes a break in relationships. After all, you must admit, not many people can withstand your unfounded ambitions.

Interpretation of dreams from

The dream “Turkey” is a strange dream, quite rare and is interpreted differently by dream books. Someone says that a turkey in a dream is a symbol of peace and goodness, someone claims that bad times will begin in life, and someone foretells big money for the dreamer. Here are well-known dream books in which you will find the dream interpretation of Turkey. (see also )

Children's dream book

Why do you dream about turkeys? This image in a dream symbolizes your friend who is older than you. This person has a high opinion of himself or is a high-ranking person.

Dream book of Z. Freud, psychologist

Seeing turkeys in a dream - this dream suggests that in reality you are too pompous and have high pride. Quite often, these two traits can be the reason for breaking up a relationship with your loved one, because there are few people in the world who can actually handle ambitions that are not based on anything.

Ukrainian dream book

  • If you dreamed about a turkey, in real life you will have to deal with a fool who will bring nothing but trouble.
  • Why do you dream about a turkey? This dream means that soon you will quarrel with an old woman, and the quarrel will happen over a trifle.

Muslim dream book

Why a turkey in a dream - this dream symbolizes a long illness.

Modern dream book

Interpretation of the dream: turkey - according to this dream book, this dream is considered a symbol of peace and joy.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Dream meaning: turkey - in reality you may find yourself in bad circumstances.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Dream interpretation: turkey - a dream is considered a symbol of ill will.

Women's dream book

  • Why do you dream about a turkey - this dream in reality foreshadows good profits, as well as success in all your affairs.
  • What does a turkey you eat in a dream mean - joyful events await you in life.
  • If you dreamed of a sick or even dead turkey, there will be difficult times in your life that will make your pride suffer.
  • In a dream, seeing turkeys and killing them - this dream is considered a sign that you will have to increase your financial situation, but not in an honest way.

Dream book of G. Miller, psychologist

  • Miller's dream book Turkey - this dream means big profits.
  • I dreamed of a cooked turkey - the dream says that your affairs will soon improve.
  • If you dreamed about dead turkeys, the dream foretells that your pride will suffer due to certain cramped circumstances.
  • Eating a turkey in a dream - the dream foreshadows a joyful event.
  • In a dream, to see flying turkeys - the dream suggests that there will be success in your affairs, which will come to you in a short time.
  • Killing a turkey in a dream is considered a sign that you will soon increase your capital in a dishonest way.

Dream book of the 21st century

  • To see turkeys in a dream - this dream suggests that soon you will have hope for an excellent completion of the work you started.
  • In a dream you eat a turkey - in reality, good news will come to you.

Dream Interpretation of Yu.Longo

Why do you dream about turkeys? This dream is a warning that you may be in financial danger. You should be careful if you receive offers to invest money. The dream says that you should not do this. Even if they assure you, you shouldn’t take the risk.

Dream Interpretation of Seraphim Gypsy

I dreamed of a turkey - usually such a dream is associated with thanksgiving, probably the dream reminds you that in real life you need to thank someone.

Ancient dream book

Dream Interpretation: a turkey in a dream - this dream is considered a sign that in reality you have pompous and exorbitant pride. So sometimes it prevents you from building relationships with people because there are so few people in life who can actually handle your ambitions. You need to pacify them, and maybe soon you will be able to create a strong relationship with your loved one, which can then develop into a strong family union.

Dream Interpretation of Evdokia the Healer

  • A dream with a turkey portends various entertainment and fun in real life.
  • Eating turkey in a dream means that joy will come to your home.
  • What does it mean to see turkeys in a dream, of which there are too many - this dream foretells a huge profit or, if you have land, then a big harvest. A dead turkey in a dream means that you will find yourself in difficult circumstances.
  • I dreamed of turkeys flying - the dream speaks of good luck that will appear after your work is appreciated.
  • In a dream, killing a turkey means in reality you will receive a profit that will come to you from a dubious transaction.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

  • I dreamed of a turkey - this dream suggests that in reality you may find yourself in bad circumstances.
  • If you dreamed about turkeys, you will receive good profits or interest from some transaction.
  • In a dream, turkeys fly - you should soon expect success and fame.
  • Petting a turkey in a dream, and it spreads its tail, means in reality you will receive news about a friend’s illness.
  • A sick turkey in a dream - a dream foretells that your pride will be affected by a ridiculous proposal.
  • Killing a turkey in a dream - this dream is considered a bad sign, which indicates that you will be seduced in an easy way into an obscene application.
  • To see a turkey being plucked in a dream - the dream speaks of a bad mood that will soon overtake you; you won’t even want to do anything.
  • Dream Interpretation: cooking a turkey - in reality, you will be worrying about preparing for fun, where there will be many guests.
  • In a dream, eating turkey - a dream means that joyful events will overtake you at work, and you will celebrate this with all your employees.
  • If you dreamed about turkeys that you sell, your business in reality will not go well.
  • Buying a turkey in a dream means happiness in friendship and love will overtake you.

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

Why do you dream of a turkey in a dream - this dream foreshadows fun and great celebration.

Solomon's Dream Book

Turkey in a dream - a dream is a sign of joy and peace in your life.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

  • In a dream, seeing turkeys and teasing - in real life you will feel a hostile attitude towards yourself from those around you.
  • If you dreamed about a turkey, this dream symbolizes a rich woman in your life.
  • Eating turkey in a dream means prosperity awaits you.
  • Turkey in a dream is fat - you can get some kind of reward for your work.
  • Plucked turkey in a dream - you will feel a decline in your spirit in reality.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

  • Why do you dream about a turkey - this dream foreshadows pride, which will complicate your life, and you will take a negative position. Usually such dreams indicate that you do not need to get involved with arrogant people.
  • If you dreamed of a turkey dish, this dream is a good sign, you will be able to get rid of arrogance and improve your position in life.


In conclusion, I would like to once again draw your attention to the fact that before you find a transcript of your dream, you need to remember all the details of your dream. This is necessary because small details radically change the entire interpretation.

In the world of dreams, we can witness a variety of phenomena, see both simple and incredible objects, meet familiar people and those whose personality is a complete mystery to us. For a long time, humanity has tried to find answers that would allow us to find out the meanings of certain dreams. Therefore, now there are a huge number of collections of interpretations of night dreams, compiled both in ancient times and more recently. Today we invite you to find out together why turkeys dream. Do these birds foreshadow positive changes in life or, on the contrary, warn of future difficulties?

Why do you dream about turkeys: interpretation by Gustav Miller

To begin with, let us turn to the opinion of a famous American esotericist. Thus, Gustav Miller believed that turkeys in a dream promise big profits for business people, and an excellent harvest for farmers and peasants. If in your vision these birds are being prepared for sale, then in the near future you will experience success in some endeavor. Turkeys that look sick or are dead foretell the occurrence of circumstances in which your pride will be seriously damaged. Eating this bird is a sign of joyful events. If you dreamed of flying turkeys, then in the near future you can count not only on success, but also on gaining fame. A vision in which you kill these birds warns that in order to get rich, you may have to resort to less than honest methods.

A collection of interpretations of Sigmund Freud

The founder of psychoanalysis considered night dreams from the point of view of relations between representatives of different sexes. Why do you dream about turkeys, according to Sigmund Freud? So, he views this bird as a symbol of pomp and boundless pride. It is quite possible that these two traits are often the main reasons for your failures in relationships with members of the opposite sex. After all, there are not many people who can constantly put up with exorbitant and unsupported ambitions. Therefore, if you see yourself in this description, try to take control of your emotions. Otherwise, you are unlikely to be able to have a long-term serious relationship.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

The compilers of this collection believe that a turkey seen at night is a warning about some future difficulties. Therefore, it makes sense to calculate all options in advance so as not to get into an unfavorable situation. A dreaming turkey, on the contrary, is considered a good sign, promising big profits or interest. If you see these birds in flight, you can become a famous person. Why do you dream about a lot of turkeys spreading their tails? Such a vision is considered a bad sign. So, it can symbolize the news about a serious illness of a close friend. Killing a turkey indicates that you are susceptible to the temptation to make money quickly and easily, even if it is not a completely honest matter. Plucking birds means loss of spirit, bad mood and lack of desire to do anything. Cooking turkey is a big holiday for which you will have to prepare long and painstakingly. Eating the meat of these birds is a sign of a party at work with the team in honor of a joyful event. If you dreamed that you were selling turkeys, then there may be a decline in business, and if you buy them, then happiness in friendship and love awaits you.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

What interpretation does this collection contain? Why do you dream about turkeys? Live birds indicate the fact that you are in danger related to finances. Therefore, maximum caution should be exercised regarding proposals to invest funds, even if the business seems very reliable and profitable.

An old English dream book

This collection of interpretations is considered by many to be one of the most reliable. How does he answer the question of why a turkey dreams? In a dream, this spectacular bird can mislead you. Despite its memorable appearance, it promises the dreamer problems in business, especially those related to trade, and serious disagreements with friends. Lovers should also pay close attention to this vision. So, if your passion has a difficult character and exorbitant ambitions, then you risk ruining your life by continuing your relationship with her. In general, after such a dream, lovers are advised to show restraint and prudence.

Dream Interpretation of Miss Hasse

This collection considers dreaming turkeys as a harbinger of serious profits. If you dreamed that you were feeding a bird, then in the near future you should expect noisy arguments in the family. Buying a turkey means improving your well-being; cutting it means successfully getting rid of very annoying people who have been bothering you for a long time.

Modern dream book

Let's consider the interpretations offered by the compilers of this collection. Why do you dream about a turkey? Is a bird attacking in a vision? In this case, you should prepare for active actions by your enemies and ill-wishers that can cause serious harm. If you manage to drive away the turkey, then the damage to your business will be minimal. A dream in which you see turkeys grazing peacefully serves as a warning that wasteful habits can seriously harm your financial prospects. A vision in which a girl chases this poultry indicates that she may waste her youth on empty entertainment, which she will seriously regret in the future.

A turkey in a dream may appear before a very important event. This same character is often associated with a proud and arrogant person. Dream books will help you figure out why you dreamed about such a strange bird.

Why do you dream about a turkey according to Miller’s dream book?

A lot of turkeys means big money at work.

Turkeys are unhealthy - your pride will suffer due to a specific situation.

Eating their meat is a joyful celebration.

Turkeys fly - good luck awaits you soon.

Kill a bird - get capital dishonestly.

Why do you dream about a turkey according to Vanga’s dream book?

Turkeys in a dream prophesy prosperity and well-being.

What does it mean to dream about a turkey according to Freud’s dream book

The dreamer is a proud and hot-tempered person if he dreams about this bird. Not everyone can be around him for a long time, especially in a love relationship.

Why do you dream about a turkey according to Tsvetkov’s dream book?

Seeing turkeys walking peacefully means success awaits you.

Eat their meat - you will be disappointed.

I dreamed about a turkey - interpretation according to Longo’s dream book

This image warns that a serious loss of money awaits you. If you want to invest money in a certain project, be careful, and it is better to wait a while.

Why do you dream about a turkey according to the English dream book?

A warning symbol that changing situations await in business. A quarrel with close friends is possible.

Turkeys for lovers mean that you need to be balanced and sane. Underneath a person’s external attractiveness lies something that is not what you need; don’t rush to ruin your future life.

What does a turkey mean according to the dream book of the gypsy Seraphim

This image in a dream speaks of your forgetfulness. You should thank the person who once helped the dreamer.

Why did you dream about a turkey in a dream according to the Psychological dream book

This bird is a sign of wealth and a good harvest year.

They sell poultry - your business will improve.

If turkeys are dead or sick, your self-esteem will suffer.

Eating turkey meat is a sign of fun.

Turkeys fly - increase your reputation.

If you shoot a bird, nothing will stop you from your thirst for enrichment.

Why do you dream of a turkey according to the Modern dream book?

This is a symbol that you are actually as ambitious and proud as this bird.

Why do you dream of a turkey according to T. Lagutina’s dream book

Seeing this bird means wealth, a high harvest year.

Selling turkeys means prosperity in life.

Watching flying turkeys means popularity awaits you.

Seeing dead birds means you will go through an unpleasant period in life and you will face disappointments.

Eating turkey meat is a sign of joyful celebration.

Shooting a bird means profit, but you will earn it dishonestly.

Why else do you dream about turkeys?

  • Why do you dream of a roast turkey or turkey?

Roasted turkey carcass means that by freeing yourself from arrogance, you will change your life for the better.

There are a lot of fried turkeys - everything will be fine in your work team.

  • Why dream of a flock of turkeys, a lot of turkeys

A lot of turkeys - get a solid profit.

A lot of turkeys - portends minor disappointments.

  • Why do you dream about a turkey plucking and attacking?

The attack of this bird indicates that you will be denigrated for no reason.

If you dream about a turkey? If you dreamed of a turkey, this is a warning to you that you should not engage in fleeting relationships, because you will only be disappointed and you may miss the chance to be a truly happy person.

Why do you dream about a turkey - Freud's dream book

When a turkey appears in a person's dream, it is a signal that he is waking up in his waking state with a problem that does not calm him down for a moment.

A black turkey in a dream is a sign that a good financial venture will come your way in the near future.

If you dream that you killed a turkey, this is a warning for you about some health problems, but it should not be serious.

In a dream, a turkey attacked you; the dream means that you will soon encounter mistakes in the professional sphere that you made a long time ago.

In a dream, seeing a turkey with red earrings, such a dream is a sign that you will be able to increase your financial status in the near future.

A woman dreams of a turkey – Miller’s dream book

When a woman dreams of a turkey, it means that she will be able to defeat her enemy or will receive a great fortune.

If you see a woman holding a turkey in her hands, it means that you will soon be doing work that will not bring you any profit.

In a dream, a woman saw a turkey without a head - this is a signal from her subconscious that the person she trusts is simply pretending to be a good friend.

Vanga's dream book - if you dream about a lot of turkeys

When you see a lot of turkeys in your dream, it is a sign that you will be happy in the near future.

If in a dream there are many turkeys chasing you, this is a signal from your subconscious that you can get rid of your fears and finally take advantage of the advantages that fate brings to you.

In a dream you dream of large turkeys - according to the modern dream book

In your dream you dream of large turkeys, this is a warning to you to take into account risky offers, which you accept with joy, since there may be an uncertain danger for you in this.

Seeing a turkey attack in a dream - according to Hasse’s dream book

To dream of a turkey attacking is a sign that you tend to make a lot of promises that you don't even try to keep, and that's not good.

Why do you dream of a white turkey – Longo’s dream book

When you dream of a white turkey, this dream is a harbinger of a useful endeavor in which you will participate in the near future.