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Green sprouts on the windowsill for eating (microgreens). Microgreens - healthy and easy to grow food

Many gardeners are perplexed: “Why pick pickles if a full-fledged cucumber will develop from the ovary in a week?”, and on the one hand, they are right.

But if you understand the biochemical processes taking place, you can find out that the ovaries in their infancy have a number of unique properties that mature fruits lack. This statement is equally true for young greenery, which in its qualities is comparable to the healing properties of sprouts, which has been repeatedly confirmed by science. Therefore, the issue of microgreens should be considered not from the standpoint of economic feasibility, but from the perspective of nutritional value.

Eating microgreens is very “fashionable” in the West, where industrial complexes are being created to grow valuable food additives, and this product is gradually gaining popularity among our “home garden” lovers.

So, microgreens

To obtain a valuable vitamin supplement on your windowsill, you can use almost all green crops: salad, onions, spicy and aromatic ones. You can also grow most types of cabbages, beets, cereals, etc. This technology, as a rule, involves growing green crops from seeds. As an exception to the rule, there is a culture of perennial onions, such as shallots or sweet onions, which have a very thin “feather”, which fully corresponds to the term “microgreens”.

Microgreens are mostly grown in monoculture, but a mixture of several plant species can also be used. In the latter option, you should select crops whose seeds germinate without a significant delay in time, and the development of seedlings occurs evenly. It is quite difficult to independently select an assortment of crops, so it is better to purchase ready-made mixtures in specialized stores.

The most active growth is observed in watercress, mustard and Chinese cabbage.

You can also get microgreens from the seeds of weeds and wild plants, many of which have medicinal properties. These include: nettle, shepherd's purse, quinoa, acorn grass, purslane and others, which are unpretentious and at the same time more valuable than their cultivated relatives.

Mastering the technology

Growing microgreens on a windowsill is not difficult even for beginners.

Any wide or not very deep containers are suitable as cultivation containers. To organize a mini-greenhouse, plastic cassettes with a dome-shaped lid (for example, Microgreen microgreen sprouter), which can be purchased at flower shops, are ideal.

It is better to use purchased soil intended for growing seedlings. Ready-made soil mixtures contain the entire complex of necessary macro- and microelements, which has a positive effect on product quality.

Seeds are sown evenly on the surface of moistened and pre-compacted soil, after which they are sprinkled with a small layer of casing soil and compacted again. “Rolling” – the so-called technology of sowing followed by compaction of the soil – is carried out in order to ensure the most intimate contact of the seeds with the soil. Before the sprouts appear, place the container in a warm, dark place.

As soon as the sprouts begin to appear, the container is transferred to a bright windowsill. Further care consists of keeping the soil moist, providing additional lighting (important in winter) and observing the temperature regime.

You can start harvesting when the sprouts reach a height of 7 - 10 cm. You can cut off all the greens, but then you will need to plant a new mini-greenhouse. It is most rational to carry out selective harvesting, regulating the density of plants. Thinning provides the remaining specimens with a larger feeding area and creates favorable conditions for further development. In the future, you can use individual leaves for food, tearing off the more developed ones. This way you can significantly extend the life of your mini-garden.

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Many aspiring entrepreneurs think about what types and types of businesses can be organized at home. The advantage of this method of activity is significant savings on renting special premises. In addition, you can organize the entire process and directly carry out activities without even leaving home. In this case, one of the options could be a business growing microgreens - a fairly new and original method that may well bring a good level of income.

Our business assessment:

Starting investment - 5,000 rubles.

Market saturation is low.

The difficulty of starting a business is 1/10.

The principle of growing microgreens and its value

Many people, thinking about how to grow microgreens at home, mistakenly believe that such a process requires the purchase of special seeds, which ultimately grow into small plants specially bred by breeders for such cases. In fact, germination of microgreens in most cases involves the use of seeds of conventional crops and only the creation of certain conditions for them that promote better growth and development.

In its concept, microgreens represent an intermediate stage between newly sprouted grains and already fully formed and ripe leaves. The production of microgreens consists of growing plants until they reach the stage of the appearance of the first two leaves - it is in this form that they are directly purchased and used for food.

It is worth noting that recently, when people pay more and more attention to their nutrition and try to eat exclusively healthy substances, interest in microgreens has grown very much. This fact is due to the fact that it is the first leaves of plants that contain the highest concentration of useful substances that make up the green mass. According to some indicators, most microgreens have 30 times more content of substances useful for the human body than already formed plants.

Advantages of business in the production of microgreens

Growing and selling microgreens wholesale and retail has the following advantages:

  • High taste of finished products;
  • The content of useful micro- and macroelements in quantities several times higher than those of adult plants;
  • Possibility of sales both to regular retail outlets, chains, and cafes and restaurants;
  • Germinating microgreens does not require large expenditures of money or special equipment;
  • It is possible to equip production of products at home and, if necessary, expand the business by renting additional space;
  • Currently, this type of business is not very developed - this factor makes it possible to occupy its niche and become a worthy competitor to existing individual entrepreneurs and LLCs of a similar nature;
  • It is possible to obtain sprouts without soil - in some cases, in order to produce the required two or three leaves, moisture and a few fertilizing are sufficient, and then only if necessary;
  • No special knowledge of germination technology is required - the whole process can be completed by yourself, just slightly adjusting the technology in connection with the information received, which is a lot both in printed publications and on the Internet.

Types of greens that can be used for growing

You should not assume that only plants intended for consumption of green mass can be produced and sold as microgreens. If your goal is a microgreens factory, or even if you are going to grow exclusively at home, you should pay attention to the following crops: green herbs and salad varieties, these can be traditional dill and parsley, basil, celery, watercress, cilantro, lettuce, spinach. You can also try cereal plants, which, by the way, are characterized by good germination and unpretentious temperature and humidity conditions for their production - these include the well-known wheat, millet, rye, oats, rice, barley and buckwheat. Legumes and wild crops are also produced - chickpeas, mung beans, peas, nettles, alfalfa, clover, and sunflower is no less popular.

It is worth noting that it is better to start organizing the business in the summer so that the first products go on sale in the autumn. This fact is due to the fact that the price of microgreens per 1 kg in the cold season can be 15-20 times higher than similar items in the summer, when the population already consumes a sufficient amount of vitamins. Of course, sales will continue in spring and summer, but product turnover will be much lower and will bring you a more modest profit.

Methods for producing microgreens

How to grow microgreens at home with your own hands? In order to decide on the method that you will directly use for your business, it is worth familiarizing yourself in detail with the main features of each of the methods used.

The main option, which is traditional and does not involve the use of special technologies or special chemicals, is conventional cultivation in a soil mixture. You can use either regular black soil or an additional mixture of sand, adding peat, and diluting it with compost. What equipment will you need for microgreens? The list of necessities is not so long - you will need containers; ordinary flower pots with low sides and small watering cans can be used as them.

The second method involves growing plants hydroponically - using special nutrient solutions. This method involves the complete absence of soil mixture - with this type, a special germinator for microgreens is used. Perlite or vermiculite are used as the base on which the seeds actually grow; coconut fibers or even ordinary paper towels are also actively used. Among experienced entrepreneurs, even now, there are disputes regarding the possibility of reusing such substrates - ideally, of course, they should be used once, since reuse leads to a smaller harvest, but, at the same time, saves money on the purchase of a new base. Of course, due to the lack of soil as the main nutrient medium, it is necessary to use special compositions for feeding plants.

Step-by-step steps for growing microgreens

So, in order to organize the production of microgreens, you will need the following:

  • Buy microgreen seeds. To do this, you just need to visit a regular seed store and choose the material for growing - the seeds of those crops that directly interest you.
  • Purchase the necessary containers for the base, a microgreen sprouter;
  • Sow seeds in separate containers or in a mixture of crops that are compatible in terms of their characteristics for being in the same conditions;
  • Start gradually collecting the harvest and selling the products.

As for harvesting, it can also be done in two ways. At the first time, it is necessary to cut off all the green mass planted in one container and immediately plant new ones in its place. With the second method, you should gradually thin out the most active shoots, freeing up space and giving access to light to the lower ones. The first method is considered more applicable on a large scale and is used by businessmen who have already reached a significant level of microgreen production. If you are just planning to open a business, then at first the most appropriate way would be to gradually thin out the sprouts - this way you will ensure a more even supply of the crop. As for the time of collection, this process begins when the height of the sprouts reaches 7-10 cm.

Where to sell the grown products?

Naturally, the main question for a novice businessman is how and where he can sell his products. First of all, everything will depend on how large volumes of microgreens you have.

The main place where this type of greenery is most actively purchased is restaurants and cafes; now it is becoming very fashionable to include vitamin-rich salads or even greenery-based cocktails in the menu. In addition, if you think in advance about high-quality and eye-catching packaging, then you can easily try to take your products to some supermarket chain located in your area - consumers actively pay attention to such products and, if they have a reasonable price, will willingly purchase them. So, by starting to sell your microgreens for restaurants and other food establishments and subsequently reaching a new level of sales - shops, supermarkets and hypermarkets, it is quite possible to reach a decent level of income.

Provided that the minimum investment in such a business can start from literally 5-10 thousand rubles, anyone can organize it, with skillful business management, to ensure a stable level of income.

Microgreens (arugula, radishes, beets, cilantro) on the windowsill. Growing at home, in an apartment on a window, balcony, in a pot. Sowing, harvesting

Vegetable garden on the windowsill. How to plant and grow micro-greens at home. How to sow and harvest. Personal practical experience (10+)

Growing micro-greens on a windowsill. Tips for Beginners

Before talking about growing microgreens on a windowsill and caring for them, it would be logical to understand in general what “microgreens” are. This term appeared relatively recently, and refers to various lettuces cut 10 days after the appearance of the first shoots. This is micro-greens. Many gardeners, after a couple of days, collect 2-3 day old cucumber ovaries - the so-called pickles. However, not everyone understands what the meaning is - and, of course, on the one hand they are right.

The healing properties of microgreens

If you delve deeper and begin to understand the benefits of such micro-vegetables and micro-greens, you will find out that such ovaries have a number of unique substances, most of which are lacking in already ripe vegetables and greens. By the way, eating microgreens is very fashionable in the West, where they are used as a valuable nutritional supplement. And gradually this fashion begins to spread among lovers of the “home garden.”

If you want to make your food truly savory and, of course, healthy, then micro-greens are a great way. It's no secret that cilantro, parsley, celery, dill and other herbs add a special, unique taste to any dish, and barely sprouted greens diversify the taste and make dishes unique. If we talk not only about its taste benefits, but also about all sorts of benefits, microgreens are very well absorbed by the body, help regulate digestion, contain a large amount of vitamins (in particular, vitamin C, which generally protects the body and prevents the effects of harmful radicals on organism). Well, of course, such greens grow very quickly!

Main types of microgreens

Commonly grown as microgreens arugula, radish, beets, watercress, And cilantro.

Arugula contains ascorbic acid and flavonoids, which strengthen the body, and also has a slightly bitter taste that perfectly complements fish or meat.

Radishes contain vitamin C and sulfur, which has a general strengthening effect on the body and has a positive effect on hair and skin. It has a spicy taste that is perfect for egg dishes.

Beetroot and watercress contain a huge amount of vitamins, magnesium, iron, calcium, and other beneficial substances that strengthen the body.

Cilantro contains potassium, phosphorus and many vitamins. It has a beneficial effect on the heart and is good for blood vessels. How to grow cilantro in open ground.

In general, microgreens are a storehouse of vitamins for the whole year! Therefore, if you do not want you, your children, and relatives to get sick, but to always be healthy and with good immunity, then read our article further and you will learn about all the secrets of growing this miracle of greenery!


To grow this valuable micro-culture, you can use almost all green crops, as we said earlier, these are: beets, watercress, arugula, cilantro, radishes, and many other crops. Moreover, each of these crops has a unique taste and a whole storehouse of useful substances! You can also grow most types of brassicas, as well as cereals.

It should be noted that this growing technology involves growing a micro-culture from seeds. The exception is perhaps onion crops, such as shallots or sweet onions, which have a very thin “feather”, which fully corresponds to the term “micro-greens”.

Microgreens are generally grown in monoculture, but mixing several types of plants is also acceptable. It is quite difficult to independently select the desired combination of plants that germinate at the same time, so we advise you to contact specialized stores that sell ready-made mixtures.

In general, growing micro-greens will not cause any difficulties even for beginners, and plants such as Chinese cabbage, watercress and mustard grow very quickly, which allows you to see the finished result quite quickly.

Absolutely any containers are suitable as containers for growing, the main thing is that they are wide and quite deep. It is advisable to use purchased soil intended for seedlings. Ready-made soil mixtures contain all the necessary microelements and substances necessary for growing.


Seeds must be sown evenly over the entire surface of the container, on the surface of pre-moistened and compacted soil, then sprinkled with covering soil and compacted again. Before the first shoots appear, the container must be placed in a dark place. But, with the appearance of the first sprouts, the container needs to be placed in a bright place, a windowsill. In the future, the plant does not require special and complex care - it is only necessary to moisten the soil in a timely manner, maintain the required temperature, and, if necessary, install additional light sources.


You can start harvesting when the sprouts reach a height of 7 - 10 cm. You can cut off all the greens, but then you will need to plant a new mini-greenhouse. It is most rational to carry out selective harvesting, regulating the density of plants. Thinning provides the remaining specimens with a larger feeding area and creates favorable conditions for further development. In the future, you can use individual leaves for food, tearing off the more developed ones. This way you can significantly extend the life of your mini-garden.

So, as you can see, there is nothing difficult in growing such micro-greens, and even a child can cope with it. There are no special secrets in growing: timely moisture, good soil, light, and temperature - and after a short period of time the greens can be eaten! By making a very small amount of effort and spending a minimum amount of time on this, you will receive a truly valuable product that not only has a beneficial effect on the body, but also has a unique taste that can diversify any dish and give it a zest.

It is especially important to grow such greens in winter, when there are not enough vitamins and beneficial microelements to strengthen the immune system - after all, they are a storehouse of useful substances! We hope that our article helped you, we wish you success!

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Microgreens at home without a germinator: 46 comments

  1. Pauline

    We are constantly sprouting something with our child. It’s such a delight to first sprinkle the seeds, sprinkle some water, and then run every day to see if they have sprouted yet? And cut the grass directly into the plate. :-))) We sell microgreens from the Russian Garden, in bulk - only processed seeds for planting. We grow broccoli, radishes and watercress in turn.

    1. Jane Craft Posted by

      It's nice to read comments from like-minded people))). I first saw microgreens on Jamie Oliver (a British cooking show). He opened the window, trimmed some small lawn and sprinkled it into the salad - my world turned upside down!))). Since then, I take every opportunity to germinate something microscopic.

    2. Emma

      Anyone who has grown soybeans for microgreens, can you tell me when they are ready to eat? When are the first two round leaves or the leaves that then come out of them? Can I have a photo?

  2. Hope

    Hello. I would like to clarify: we sow the seeds on the surface, tamp them down, but do not cover them with soil? That is, they lie on top?

  3. Anna

    Good day.
    I would like to learn everything that can be learned from professionals.
    It’s very interesting how many days does it take for microgreens (namely clover) to completely germinate, and is it possible to grow them in a hydrogel?
    I’m very interested in this, for some reason I can’t find anything on the Internet, but I found you, and I’m very glad about it.
    There is not much information in English either.
    I am very interested in clover seeds and on which website I can buy them, I live in the UK, perhaps you can at least tell me the name of the company. Looking forward to your reply!

  4. Elena

    Hello, I have also started sprouting. I planted radishes in the ground, sprinkled a little soil on top, but when the sprouts germinate, the seeds climb up. Is this normal or is there something wrong with me?

  5. Elena

    I have a question again. The leaves of the green sunflower began to become covered with brown spots, they had just begun to unfold, what could it be?

  6. Elena

    Thank you for the quick answers. I'll probably try it in the sand, but I'll keep an eye on these ones. There are such beautiful sprouts in your photos... I wanted to see them too. What else can you grow on?

  7. Elena

    And when I trim the sprouted greens, what should I do with the remains in the container, just mix and re-sow or what, am I doing it for the first time?

  8. Oksana

    Hello! As far as I understand, you don’t use special seeds for microgreens, but what do you find? For example, I found alfalfa, clover, etc. in the garden department where they sold green manure. Are these seeds suitable for microgreens or are they treated with something scary? It’s expensive to simply buy special seeds of 1500 kg, for example, or 200 rubles per 100 grams, although I understand that it’s better not to skimp on your health. BUT I still want to understand the difference between these green manure seeds and specialized seeds.

  9. Oksana

    Thank you very much for the detailed answer! Then I will use green manure seeds. Do you also sprout flax? ..It’s probably better to ask what you’re not germinating?)))) Someone wrote that beans should not be used as microgreens, they are supposedly poisonous. Please recommend books that you have read. Very interesting! Thank you very much in advance! Great site and a lot of useful information!

    1. Jane Craft Posted by

      I don’t sprout beans, but I must admit that I don’t remember any warnings about beans (although it may well be that I wrote about this in one of my articles and I just don’t remember). Among the legumes, we really like sprouted soybeans, I recommend it (we have it relatively cheap in the form of a semi-fodder crop. That is, boiled soybeans are not very tasty, but sprouts are just right. If you roughly calculate, about 30 Russian rubles are obtained per kg (10 hryvnia )).
      Flax is great - it costs literally pennies, the small seed produces very good sprouts, nothing has ever soured or become moldy. But wet seeds secrete mucus and this is a little annoying))) they are sticky))). It is better to germinate flax on fabric or sawdust.
      Regarding books, I'll have to refresh my memory. I'll definitely write later.

      1. Oksana

        Do you germinate flax seeds or grow them for microgreens? But we are afraid to buy soybeans. How many times have I seen that there are almost no non-GMO soybeans left in the world. SO let’s refrain, especially since there are many other healthy and tasty seeds for germination. And I haven’t seen buckwheat in your list of microgreens yet. Can it be grown for microgreens or is it better to eat sprouts? I don’t like buckwheat sprouts, because they seem to become snotty...

        1. Jane Craft Posted by

          We eat flax at the sprouting stage. Buckwheat remains with mucus, but those who are very deep in the topic eat unroasted raw buckwheat of daily “germination” precisely because of the mucus. I don’t adhere to vegan canons - if something is frankly unpleasant for me, I won’t eat it. And without buckwheat there are many tasty sprouts))).

  10. tamancha

Home greenhouses and microgreen gardens on the windowsill will no longer surprise anyone. Growing or sprouting seeds to eat them is becoming a trend. The secret of popularity is that microgreens in proper nutrition are tasty, healthy and inexpensive.

It takes little time to “cultivate” and grow a microgreen garden, and minimal effort. Result - a source of useful microelements and vitamins, which is always at hand. Not in tablets and capsules, but in its natural form! Dishes with microgreens are necessary and important on the menu not only for pp-ers.

Vitamins on the windowsill

What is hidden under the mysterious word “microgreens”? There is nothing mysterious - these are seedlings that have not yet produced the first leaves.

It’s still a pity to pick them, I want to see how a full-fledged and beautiful plant will grow from them.

But exactly These barely greenish thin threads are much healthier than “adult” greens.

The period of seed germination is the time when the plant accumulates maximum nutrients. During the period of active growth, nutritional The value of sprouts is the highest; microgreens are the real superfood!

For example, chlorophyll, a substance that resists cancer, aging and any inflammation, is found in microgreens in the form and concentration that is most effective.

Can be done mono salads from microgreens, or you can use it as an additive to vegetable or meat salads (there is a recipe for a salad with microgreens and beef).

They are good at sandwiches for breakfast, as a flavorful “sprinkle” for first and second courses.

If you pass by your garden, you can simply pinch off a few sprouts and chew (the healthiest greens are in this form!).

Everything is growing quickly - 3-6 days after the first white tails appear on the seeds, you can eat the sprouts for food.

If you couldn’t eat the entire harvest at once, put it in a plastic container, sprinkle it with a little water from a spray bottle, close the lid and put it in the refrigerator - for another 5 days the unique superfood will keep its qualities almost unchanged. The taste and appearance will remain longer, but the usefulness will decrease.

The most popular types of microgreens

Any crop is suitable for growing miniature greens. The most popular are the seeds of cereals, spicy aromatic herbs, salads, cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, radishes, daikon, mustard), and legumes. By the way, all this is not only healthy and tasty, but also beautiful.

With the help of these stylish cups you can perfectly decorate your kitchen.

Or here’s another idea for joint creativity with children. Children will definitely want to try these healthy greens:

Some are sprouted have a sharp or tart taste, a pronounced aroma: radish, daikon, mustard, cilantro, dill, parsley.

Peas, oats and wheat, corn, cabbage (most often broccoli), beets, chard have neutral taste.

Sweet aftertaste gives g river, sunflower seeds, chia seeds.

You need to buy special seeds. Many agricultural companies offer special sets of seeds marked “Microgreens”. The difference from simple seeds is small - the types for planting stretch less and produce large, juicy sprouts, and there is a minimum of chemical treatment.

Cereal sprouts

Sprouted cereals are beneficial for their high content of B vitamins.

They contain more vitamin C than many fruits and berries.

Magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, rutin and folic acid make sprouts a useful and indispensable component of a proper healthy diet.

The immune system, digestive organs, and nervous system will say “thank you” for the timely, necessary support and nourishment.

The famous sensational wheatgrass (a detailed article about it will be a little later) is nothing more than juice from wheat sprouts, which is useful for weight loss, rejuvenation, and the prevention of oncogenic processes.

Sprouting herbs

Aromatic herbs are needed not only for the pleasant smell they add to food.

Essential oils, acids, minerals, tannins - a healthy diet cannot do without them.

All of them are useful for maintaining the performance of the body as a whole.

In addition to traditional dill and parsley, you definitely need to grow basil, arugula, and marjoram.

Their aroma and spicy taste are a pleasant addition to the benefits! Amaranth and flax are not considered spicy, but their beneficial properties are no less.

Legumes on the windowsill

Planting legumes on greens means providing your body with proteins and phosphorus, B vitamins, vitamin C, PP, E, K. Peas and lentils are the leaders in popularity among other bean relatives. They produce green shoots quickly and a lot. Juicy sprouts are not only healthy, but also tasty. They can be planted in separate containers or mixed in one.

Salads for salads

You don’t have to buy leaf lettuce or watercress at a supermarket or greengrocer.

Without much effort and expense, they can be grown at home.

By cutting the crop a week after planting, you can immediately plant the next batch.

Not only nutritionists know about the benefits of “homemade” salad greens - they have already become firmly established in the diet of those who adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

Vegetables in a mini-garden

Among vegetable crops, various varieties of cabbage (red cabbage, broccoli), carrots, beets and chard (a leafy relative of beets) are chosen. In addition to providing vitamins to the body, they are useful for the hematopoietic and digestive systems. They have a beneficial effect on the condition of hair and nails, making them strong and beautiful.

The benefits and harms of new items

Benefit and harm are two sides of the same coin. Rave reviews about the benefits of microgreens are not exaggerated - they are necessary and important in the diet. Inside these mini-plants there is an entire chemical laboratory that synthesizes micro- and macroelements that are so necessary for the life of the body.

In winter or spring, when the lack of sun and vitamins deprives you of strength, microgreens will help:

  • cope with constant fatigue;
  • restore the balance of vitamins and microelements;
  • strengthen the nervous system;
  • energize;
  • give strength and performance;
  • “build” immunity.

Sprouts will help cope with excess weight. Calorie content per 100 grams is no more than 31 kcal. Any pp recipe will benefit from adding sprouted greens to it.

Microgreens do not have any truly dangerous properties, but when consuming, you need to take into account the characteristics of your body and contraindications - any product or plant has them. The first and most important rule is that there should be moderation in everything.

We grow it ourselves

You can, of course, buy microgreens in specialized stores, but it is much easier, cheaper and more interesting to grow yourself.

The principles of cultivation are simple - you need seeds and a little patience.

Any containers are suitable for creating mini-beds, but you can buy special germinators at garden stores.

They are more convenient when cutting sprouts that grow through the upper lattice.

Here in the store they sell a special substrate for microgreens, which allows you to grow them without soil.

Seeds easily germinate on agrofibre or simple gauze or cotton wool. It is enough to place them in a container and ensure timely watering. All these tricks help you grow microgreens at home without land or special equipment.

By the way, here is a video about growing watercress on a regular paper napkin:

To prevent the greens from turning out thin and too elongated, it is necessary to add additional lighting. This is especially true in winter with short daylight hours. It is enough to turn on the lamp next to the mini-beds for 2-3 hours a day.

Watching plant seeds hatch in mini-gardens, harvesting the first harvest of greenery, delighting yourself and your loved ones with it... There is something ancient, magical in all this, which came to us from our distant ancestors. After the first experience of growing microgreens, it is very difficult, almost impossible, to stop. Have a good harvest!