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St. Sylvester's Day: when celebrated, history, Sylvester Claus, omens and sayings. January: traditions and customs

The national holiday of Sylvester's Day in 2020 is celebrated on January 15 (according to the old style - January 2). In the Orthodox Church calendar, this is the date of honoring the memory of St. Sylvester, Pope of Rome.

Traditions and rituals of the holiday

In Rus', on Sylvester's Day, women divined on a bow. They put 12 onions on the table, sprinkled them with salt and left them overnight. The next morning, the number of wet heads showed the number of rainy months in a year.

On this day, they spoke feverishness.

January 15 is also popularly referred to as the day of Kura and Kurki. On this day, it was customary to clean the chicken coops and hang a bird charm from evil spirits in them - a black stone with a hole in the middle.

Life story of Saint Sylvester

Sylvester was born in Rome to a Christian family. After the death of his father, he was brought up by his mother Rufina and the teacher - presbyter Quirinus. They gave the boy a good education and raised him in pious thoughts.

After reaching adulthood, Sylvester began to give shelter to wanderers in his house. When the persecution of Christians began, he provided shelter for Bishop Timothy. He lived with him for less than a year, but during this time he converted many pagans to the Christian faith. After the execution of Timothy, Sylvester secretly took and buried his body.

Rumors about this reached the city ruler. He ordered Sylvester to be seized and tortured. But he bravely endured and did not renounce the Christian faith. Soon the ruler died, and Sylvester was released.

The saint converted many pagans to the Christian faith. At the age of 30, he was ordained a deacon, and then a presbyter of the Roman Church. After the death of the Pope, he was elected Bishop of Rome.

Saint Sylvester became famous for the fact that during the reign of Constantine, at one of the debates, using the books of the Old Testament, he proved to the emperor, his mother and the Jews that the Christian prophets predicted the birth of Christ, his suffering and death. He was recognized as the winner in this dispute, but the Jews, led by Zamri, tried to notice witchcraft. However, Sylvester stopped their attempts by saying the name of Jesus Christ. After that, the Jews present converted to the Christian faith.

There is also a legend according to which Saint Sylvester caught the Old Testament monster - the sea serpent Leviathan. This is how he saved the world from the end of the world.

Signs and beliefs

  • In the evening, clouds appeared or a rooster crowed - to a change in the weather.
  • If on this day the rooster crowed earlier than usual, or the geese and ducks began to swarm in the snow, then a thaw will soon come.
  • On Sylvestrov's day, the magpie tries to hide in houses - to a snowstorm.
  • The chickens began to sit on the perches earlier than usual to sleep - to the cold.
  • Eating meat on this day, especially poultry, is unfortunately.

Saint Sylvester's Day
This is a religious and folk holiday. In Catholic countries, it is celebrated on December 31, in Orthodox countries - on January 2 (15).
Sylvester This holiday in Europe is called because December 31 is the day of St. Pope Sylvester, the defender of the Christian faith.

According to legend, in 314 AD, Saint Sylvester tamed the Old Testament monster - the sea serpent Leviathan.
In the Catholic environment, it was believed that in the year 1000 this biblical monster would break free and then the end of the world would come.

Through the efforts of St. Sylvester, this did not happen, to everyone's joy, the serpent (dragon) was defeated. The saint went down to his lair, read a prayer and wrapped his mouth with a thread. So Sylvester saved the world from a biblical catastrophe.
Maso di Banco. "St. Sylvester subduing the dragon and healing two sorcerers. Fresco in the Bardi di Vernio Chapel of the Church of Santa Croce in Florence. 1330-40s

This legend combines the images of Sylvester I, who killed the dragon in 314, and Sylvester II, considered a magician, opposing the machinations of the devil, the pope in 999-1003.
Sylvester died on the eve of the new year 336, December 31. The day of his death is revered among Catholics as Saint Sylvester's Day.
People, rejoicing at getting rid of the “millennium” problem, celebrate more and more cheerfully every year.
31th of December everyone is having fun, dressing up in fancy dress and calling themselves Sylvester Clauses (joking pun from Santa Claus). People plentifully and tasty eat, drink and rejoice at the arrival of the New Year.
In a number of countries, the last day of the outgoing year and the meeting of the New Year are called “Sylvester” and the question “Where are you going for Sylvester?” Essentially means “Where are you planning to celebrate the New Year?”.
Christmas is a family holiday, and Sylvester and the New Year are celebrated noisily, they go out into the streets.

Traditions of Saint Sylvester's Day

The last person to wake up on this day is called "Sylvester". The snoozer has to pay a fine. In the old days, Dutch girls tried to be diligent and do all their homework before sunset. it was believed that such zeal would help in the search for a betrothed.

In this country, carp with apples and lentils is prepared for Sylvester. Counts. that such a treat is a prologue to good luck. A bird is not welcome on the festive table, it is believed that happiness can “fly away”.
Saint Sylvester is most celebrated in Madeira. The capital of the island - Funchal - is illuminated by 250 thousand multi-colored lanterns. It is very beautiful, bright, festive!

From 8 pm until morning, a grandiose festive show takes place on the Funchal waterfront, and when the clock strikes midnight, the sky over Madeira is colored with colorful fireworks. Noisy festivities with fireworks are also held in Lisbon.
The custom of celebrating the Silvesterklause in the village of Urnasch in the German-speaking Swiss canton of Appenzell is widely known in the country. Not only foreign tourists come to see the intricately dressed mummers and their rituals, but also the Swiss themselves from other cantons. The impressive characters of this New Year's masquerade - Sylvester Clauses - are divided into groups: Beautiful, Ugly, Foresters. The costumes of Freaks and Foresters are made of spruce branches, moss, straw, their faces are hidden behind terrible masks: they are like goblin or forest monsters. Each of the mummers has one or two cow bells.
Next to them, the Beautiful look really royal. Their costumes take weeks of work to make. The updos of the Wiiber Beauties are adorned with figurines. They are dressed in embroidered national costumes. As a musical addition, 13 bells are attached to the costume. But special skill require hats Mannevelcher - Handsome. On their wide, flat surface are skillfully carved figurines that represent scenes from peasant life or views of alpine pastures. Hundreds of glass beads and shiny strips of foil are sewn along the edges of the headdress. One such hat can weigh up to 20 kg!

Each Mannevelcher carries two cow bells, which are attached to embroidered leather straps. The total weight of such a costume is from 45 to 65 kg, and therefore all participants in the Silvesterklause masquerade action are men.
With the first glimpses of dawn, groups of Sylvester Clauses begin their ritual, moving from house to house. They enter the master's yard and stand in a semicircle opposite the front door. Then they begin to frantically ring bells and beat the bells and perform a ritual folk song. Then, with the wishes of health and well-being, they shake hands with the owner of the house. Having received a gift from the owner, as a rule, money, sylvester-clauses go to the next house. This New Year's ritual requires great endurance from the participants. Due to the weight of the costumes and the bells, we often have to take breaks, and therefore the tour of the entire village lasts until late in the evening.
This is how two holidays merged - Sylvester and New Year.

Do they know, or at least heard, that Poland celebrates more than one New Year's Day? and just two, or rather even three holidays. We list them: December 31 - St. Sylvester's Day, the New Year itself - on the night of December 31 to January 1, and January 1 - the Triumph of the Blessed Virgin Mary. With the Mother of God, everything is quite clear - a day of remembrance is a day of remembrance, in the case of the Virgin Mary, it makes no sense to even say for what merits we remember Her. Happy New Year is generally transparent - a secular holiday. But what to do with Saint Sylvester? Who is he and why does he have such a day on the calendar?

It turns out there are two versions. More precisely, from time to time, one might even say annually, on various Polish radio stations and TV channels, one can see and hear polls of random passers-by regarding their knowledge of the holidays. As for the day of Sylvester, it is noteworthy that the opinions of the respondents differ. Often it sounds something like this: "Sylvester... Hmm.. This is the saint of the church... In my opinion, he was the Pope... He baptized some emperor... Helped people survive the apocalypse... Killed a dragon.. The dragon killed him...”

It can be the answers of one person or several. Oddly enough, this shows that in general people have an idea about Sylvester. True, not about that and not quite the way it should be.

Indeed, dad

The thousandth year appears in the minds of the Poles for a reason. In fact, Pope Sylvester II is not only a person who is outstanding in European history, but also a person who was noted for actions memorable for Poland. It was he who canonized St. Wojciech (Św. Wojciech) - one of the three main patrons of Poland, who, among other things, is credited with the authorship of "The Virgin" (Bogurodzica) - the oldest religious Polish song that has come down to us, which served as a hymn in the Middle Ages. Moreover, Sylvester II immediately after the canonization of St. Vojtech founded the Archdiocese in Gniezno in 999, which is undoubtedly the most important historical event for the country. And that was just in the year 1000. Moreover, this version looks much more realistic than the legend that Sylvester II calmed the crowds of people who were waiting for the End of the World in 1000. Why is that? But because, according to some historians, there was simply no panic associated with the end of time at the junction of 999 and 1000. The thing is that the common people were little oriented in the general calendar, it was precisely the clergy who had the exact knowledge. Therefore, most likely at that time people were going about their daily business and no one was waiting for the appearance of the mythical apocalyptic dragon from the bowels of the earth, which was placed in the thousandth year by much later writers of history and chronologists.


The fact is that the date of the birth of Christ in the minds of people was finally established much later than we can imagine. Now, with the development of printing, and then the Internet, we know that the monk Dionysius calculated it 5 centuries after it, but even after that the debate about this event did not subside. They do not subside in practice until now, because the development of technology and the number of inconsistencies in history lead scientists to the conclusion that the established chronology has problems. They were in the Middle Ages. Moreover, in favor of the fact that specifically in the year 1000 no one massively expected the apocalyptic dragon is also evidenced by the fact that the chronology in the Roman Empire alone in its different parts was conducted differently. Somewhere they counted from the era of Diocletian, somewhere - from the construction of Rome, somewhere else - from the creation of the World, and so on. Where can we identify the thousandth year in a centralized way among this at that time? Another thing is that Sylvester himself could calculate this, but he knew that the thousandth passes in 1001, and this, it must be admitted, is no longer the same effect.

Perhaps Sylvester II was remembered by the Europeans because even before his papacy, being Herbert of Aurillac, he brought to Europe and instilled in the minds of such familiar Arabic numerals. Yes, yes - up to this point the numbers were written in Roman. Herbert also brought a lot of new things to medieval science, or rather, a well-forgotten old one. The first calculator - an abacus, like an account, began to be used again in Europe thanks to him.

He also brought back into use such astronomical instruments as the armillary sphere and the astrolabe.

That is, in the eyes of his contemporaries, he was a very, very progressive person. And so much so that he was suspected of witchcraft and communication with otherworldly forces. According to one legend, it was these otherworldly forces that predicted his death at the hands of Satan himself, who was supposed to tear him to pieces. Moreover, one of the legends about the death of Sylvester II says that he, reading mass on May 12, 1003, was torn to pieces by the devil. It should be noted that the devil in those days was identified with the dragon. This followed from the biblical texts, where the devil is called both a serpent and a dragon.
Here, perhaps, we have come close to the question of the millennium dragon, which was supposed to appear in the thousandth year. By the way! And why did the dragon have to appear exactly in the thousandth year? Linking to the birth of Christ here would not be true at all. Even if we accept as an axiom the date of birth of the Savior in the conditional “zero” year, then, by all logic, Satan the Dragon, imprisoned for 1000 years underground, as mentioned in Revelation (Chapter 20), should have appeared in 1033. If there are no coincidences, then what kind of dragon was Sylvester II afraid of?

Second - First Sylvester

The confusion in events and the dragons accompanying them most likely originated because of the very name of the Pope - Sylvester. The fact is that the dragon also appears in the history of another Pope - Sylvester I. The history of Sylvester I is not as full of legends as his later colleague Sylvester II. But still there is a place for mysteries in it.

The first Sylvester lived in the 4th century and is remembered for the most part by the fact that he greatly influenced the course of the history of Christianity in general. Despite this fact, his personal participation in the construction of this story was, as it were, indirect. This happens quite often - production indicators can skyrocket, and no one will know the name of the turner who improved the technology. And although this is not quite the right comparison, the essence is just that.
The cause of popularizing and spreading Christianity around the world in the 4th century was complicated by widespread persecution of adherents of this religious movement. Faith, if it took root, did it very slowly. In fact, it was a "catacomb" period - Christians were forced to gather secretly to perform their sacraments. This information is brought to us by many secular authors of that time. The turning point is the reign of Emperor Constantine. It was he who stopped the persecution of the associates of Christ, was baptized and gave the church many privileges.

Where did such a sharp change of direction come from, who influenced it? For a long time it was believed that St. Sylvester had an influence.

According to one of the legends surrounding Sylvester I, Emperor Constantine fell ill with leprosy as punishment from God for persecuting Christians. Calling on Sylvester to help him, he said that only the Lord could heal the ruler of the Roman Empire. The emperor was baptized and received healing.

This version eventually gave way to another - as if Sylvester baptized Constantine on his deathbed. But it also blurred under the onslaught of facts. The emperor survived Sylvester for several months and baptized him, dying, Eusebius of Nicomedia. But the fact remains. Constantine favored the Christians. Perhaps Sylvester, realizing this, used this feature of the emperor for his own purposes. The fact that he was a good politician is indicated by the fact that Constantine granted Sylvester powers and other gifts.

Unconfirmed, but significant gift

It is now known that the famous Konstantinov Gift to Pope Sylvester I is a skillful forgery, and much later than the lifetime of both historical figures. Nevertheless, starting from the 11th century, referring precisely to this document, the popes of Rome insisted on their power not only over the Church, but to one degree or another over the whole of Europe. For a long time it was believed that the document was received by Sylvester I from Constantine for curing him of leprosy. According to him, Rome, and with it the western part of the Empire, was left to Sylvester and his successors "until the end of time", and the emperor himself moved to a new place, to the East, to the city that we now know as Constantinople. The Veno Konstantinovo had a strong influence on both the western and eastern branches of Christianity. In Rus', too, no one doubted the authenticity of the document. In addition, the "White Klobuk" appears in Veliky Novgorod - a symbol of the Third Rome. The one that Sylvester I allegedly received from the hands of Constantine as a sign of giving him power over all the bishops of the Church. Despite the refutation of the authenticity of the act of Constantine's gift back in the 15th century, it remained in some records of the western and eastern churches until the 19th century. The mechanisms he had launched were already so easy not to stop. In general, the Middle Ages is replete with fakes and forged documents, which sometimes seriously complicates the work of historians.

Not a single hood

But not only the story of the forgery in the Gift of Emperor Constantine made the name of Sylvester I famous.

There is also a legend that Pope Sylvester delivered the Romans from a dragon that appeared in the city. The dragon devoured three hundred people a day. Sylvester, in turn, created a prayer in which he allegedly uttered words similar to those that sound in Revelation. He conjured the dragon-devil "to remain in the dungeon until His (Christ's) coming."

This event is reflected in the frescoes in which St. Sylvester resurrects the Romans killed by the dragon. After defeating the serpent, twenty thousand inhabitants of Rome were baptized. Perhaps it is here that we see the intersection of two characters - two Sylvesters, who eventually merged in the minds of people.
The legend of the dragon could well be associated with the thousandth year, however, by later historians, since from the perspective of time it was more convenient for them to compose lives and other stories about saints. By the way, just from the life of St. Sylvester I, it becomes clear why the saint is the patron (patron) of livestock. It is at least possible that it was precisely because of the case of the resurrection of a bull killed during a dispute with the Jews at the trial of Emperor Constantine. The Jews promised to believe that Jesus is not just a man, but also God, if Sylvester, turning to Him, can bring back to life a ferocious bull, killed earlier by Zembri, a rabbi, on whom the gathered Jews had high hopes in a dispute with Sylvester.

They believed that if the verbal dispute reached an impasse, then Zamri would be able to prove that their god was more true than the god that Sylvester was talking about. Indeed, seeing that a dead end was planned for the Jews in a verbal dispute, Zambri promised the emperor and the audience, only by pronouncing the name of God in someone's ear, to kill him, referring to the text of Deuteronomy, where God says that He will kill and He will heal.

Then a ferocious bull was brought in, which could hardly be held by a few strong men. Zimri whispered something in his ear and the bull, shaking, died. Zimri turned to Sylvester to prove that his God is omnipotent. Sylvester, without hesitation, offered not a secret, but an explicit prayer to Christ and God and the Holy Spirit, and everyone saw how the bull came to life. Sylvester told the bull to continue to be meek, not fierce, and let him go, and the bull quietly left. The Lives mention that those who saw this exclaimed: “Great is the God whom Sylvester preaches!” - and rushed to him so that he would baptize them.

Lord's Day

In the Chapel of San Silvestro one can see hagiographic frescoes telling about the Gift of Constantine for the Holy Pope Sylvester the First, which in some way can be considered hagiographic.
Jacob Voraginsky wrote about Siltvestra I as a man of unprecedented hospitality, who cared for orphans, widows and the poor. In addition, according to the chronicler, the saint was distinguished by the beauty of his face and speech, the purity of his life, patience, generosity in mercy.

According to the data that have come down to us, the pope, and then the saint of the Catholic and Orthodox churches, Sylvester I, lived to a ripe old age in studies for the benefit of the Church and Christianity. Died December 31, 335. That is, 2015 is the round date of the memory of this saint - 1680 years.

As can be seen from all that has been said, in Poland, on the day before the New Year, St. Sylvester I, the Pope and patron saint of domestic animals, is remembered. He is approached with a prayer for the well-being of livestock and other living creatures living in our home, and also that the coming year will be successful. And by the way, it is Sylvester I who is credited with the advice on the day off given to Constantine by him. He advised the emperor to replace the Day of the Sun with the day of commemoration of the miracle of the resurrection of Christ. Since then, we have a weekly day in the calendar, which is called Sunday. What is not a reason to once again remember St. Sylvester, without putting this matter on the back burner until the end of the year.

St. Sylvester's Day is a religious holiday and the day of the folk calendar among the Slavs - the day of Kura and Kurka. In Catholic countries, it is celebrated on December 31, in Orthodox - on January 2 (15).

Other names of the day

Rus. Seliverst day, Day of Kura and Kurka, Chicken holiday, Sylvester; Bulgarian Sylvistra, Silistra, Silivistri.

in the church calendar

Pope Sylvester (lat. silvestris - "forest") was born in the III century. Very little is known about the life of this holy preacher, but one legend has come down to our days after many centuries. According to this ancient legend, in 314 AD, Saint Sylvester caught the Old Testament monster - the sea serpent Leviathan. In the Catholic environment, it was believed that in the year 1000 this biblical monster would break free and then the end of the world would come. However, through the efforts of St. Sylvester this did not happen, Sylvester saved the world from a biblical catastrophe. This legend combined the image of Sylvester I, who killed the dragon in 314, and Sylvester II, who was considered a magician, opposing the machinations of the devil, the Pope in 999-1003.

Folk calendar and Slavic customs

Frosts are intensifying, but the days are getting much longer. Most often, on January 15, blizzards begin to revenge, severe frosts hit. People said: "On this day, it is not only cold and frosty on the ground, but also underground. Frost drives out dashing feverish sisters with ailments from under the ground." On Sylvester it was considered useful to read a conspiracy from illness; they said that on this day he has a special power. Saint Silverst drives the fever-sisters seventy-seven miles away. Early in the morning, the old women washed the lintels at the doors with slanderous water in order to protect the entrance to the hut from disease-fever.

The housewives of knowledgeable old women, caring for the family, are calling about Seliverstov Day with bows and promises: just save me from misfortune! The witches are trying, and all with a prayer to the holy persecutor of the sisters of Herod and with folk conspiracies.

Sakharov I.P. cites the text of one of the conspiracies from fevers. “On the mountains of Athos there is a mokretsky oak, under that oak sit thirty elders with the elder Paphnutius. Twelve maidens with bare-haired, simple belts go to them. We are King Herod's daughters, we go to the whole world to chill the bones, to torment the body. And the elder Pafnuty said to his elders: break three rods, so we will beat them for three dawns in the morning, three dawns in the evening. Paphnutius, and their prayer was not for nothing! And the elders began to beat them, saying: oh, you are twelve maidens! be you cowards, waterwomen - relaxed and live on the water-students, do not go into the world, do not shiver your bones, do not torment your bodies ... I am speaking to a slave (such and such) from the withering of fever. Damn you twelve girls in tartarara, move away from the slave (name) into the dark forests, dry trees.

Frozen fever sisters, having circled over the frozen earth and not finding a shelter, returned back to hell at the satanic fire until the very spring to warm themselves. And people, for fidelity, throwing dog strangleholds around their necks, which fevers for some reason were very afraid of, went to the chicken coops.

Among the people, Saint Sylvester was known as the patron saint of poultry and, especially, chickens. Therefore, among the Eastern Slavs, this day is considered a chicken holiday: the first thing they do is clean the chicken coops, make perches, fumigate the walls with smoke from smoldering elecampane or cow dung with coals. To protect the chicken coop from evil spirits, a black stone with a hole was hung in it - the "chicken god".

In the black earth regions, a "chicken god" was considered a black stone, with a hole in the middle, the size of a goose egg, which in this form is found somewhere in the earth. The chicken god is hung by a thread on the wall in the chicken coop with the aim that the chickens would be more fruitful and kept by the owner. In the Vladimir province, along with a perforated stone, an ordinary trampled bast shoe could act as a chicken god. It is usually "thrown over the perches on which the chickens sit" to eliminate "hostile attitudes towards brownie chickens."

Kurom was named in the old days a village singer, a chicken chicken. The rooster crows 3 times. The first time - at midnight, the whole world proclaims the power of the cross. Reminds sorcerers and witches of the Last Judgment. For the second time, before dawn, he sings: "The power of the Cross - goes home! Every evil offspring, envious people, black sorcerers cannot leave the holy army of the Archangel Michael!" For the third time, at dawn, he proclaims the power of the cross, and the demonic machinations come to an end. Under the stumps, under the decks, in the crevices of the attic, evil spirits are trying to leave, but the Lord himself is on her way.

The people say about the rooster: “Born twice, never baptized, but the devil is afraid of him!”, “Born twice, never baptized, but the first prophet!”, “Rooster warrior. He stands guard over the white Sveta."

Likhomanka, first of all, looked for a yard where there was a black rooster for about seven years. As people have noted, by the age of seven, even the most fiery rooster turns black with a feather. To this rooster the lihoman bowed low, washing his perch with saliva. There is a belief that a seven-year-old black rooster lays an egg in manure on this day. And on June 4, Basilisk, the king of snakes, will be born from this egg. And then the earth dries up in the village, the fire walks from hut to hut, everything young begins to dry.

The concern of our ancestors is to remember by this day how old the rooster is? But the village grandmother also knew about it. She came to the hut, in the cellar of which there was a six-year-old cock, and poured a handful of grain at the porch. This meant that it was time to chop off the rooster's head, and give it with giblets and wings.

The peasants followed this custom. The grandmother berezhnitsa shook marsh moss near the chicken coops, which was popularly called frog silk. And the hostess rolled cakes from the ashes with flour on the water and carried them out as soon as possible to the chicken coop. They believed that the fever lover would rush to pick up the moss (she makes herself a body warmer out of it) and see the cake, take it for bread, swallow it. Then the ashes will burn her from the inside, torment her.

Bulgarian guys or men - relatives of a family that had buffaloes, secretly went to the barn at night or early in the morning, cleaned it, combed the animals and tied a rag to the horns; in the evening they were treated to puff pastry, wine, brandy and, of course, some product made from buffalo milk (Lovech neighborhood, Stara Zagora).

Sayings, signs and divination

On Sylvester, January 15, they usually tried not to eat meat. This was especially true of the bird - signs say that this is done so that happiness does not fly away from the house.

By how many eggs the hen laid that day, they judged whether the year would be rich. Kuru and Kurka glory!

If on your holiday chickens stand on one leg and twist their tails, it means that not today or tomorrow you should expect a strong cold snap. The mother hen hides chickens under herself, and the chickens cluck restlessly - to snowfall and snowstorms. They fight - for the news, and if they jump from perch to perch, quarrels with neighbors cannot be avoided. "Maybe that's why it was not customary to visit Sylvester for guests. And so that the chicken holiday would not go unnoticed, the village housewives cooked sugar cockerels on that day ", generously endowing them with both their children and neighbors. Even on that day they used whistles to tell fortunes. The children were handed out roosters made of clay - whoever has a clay bird sings thinner - that luck will fall out in the new year. Whoever has a bass - worries until the end of the year can not be counted.

The weather of this day indicates the weather of August. And there was also a sign - if the chicken coop was covered with icicles that day, the year would be fruitful. At night they looked at the month: if both horns are sharp and bright - to the wind; if both horns are steep - to frost; sloping horns foreshadowed bad weather. A blizzard was also promised by magpies if they flew near housing.

Sylvester was divined on bulbs. Cleaned 12 pieces - according to the number of months in a year. The main thing is that not a single tear falls. If you cry, the year will be unsuccessful. They put it on each pinch of salt and left it on the stove until morning. Which bulb will be wet in a row - such a month will be rainy.