
Lungs of a person in English. "Body parts". Short texts in English for children and beginners. Description of a person's appearance in English

Today we continue to study the name of body parts in English. And we got to the hands - one of the most important parts of the human body. So, let's look at the English words related to hands.

Let's start right at the top. shoulder, shoulder - the part that connects the arm and torso.
If in Russian someone cries “in a vest”, then in English they use their shoulder for this - substituting shoulder to cry on. And here look over someone's shoulder, it's the same as in Russian "look over your shoulder" - to, for example, peep your password to the phone.

Upper arm-?

We go down from the shoulder below - to the part of the arm that is between the shoulder and the elbow. What is this part of the hand called in Russian? The answer will be a bit of a problem. The fact is that in Russian there is confusion here. In terms of anatomy, this is the "shoulder". And what we call “shoulder” in everyday life is actually “shoulder joint”. I can hardly imagine how orthopedists in hospitals cope with such confusion, but apparently they cope. And in the usual, everyday, Russian language, it turns out for upper arm and there is no right word.

Armpit - armpit

This part of the body usually brings us some inconvenience - at least we need to buy deodorant, and even a razor. And her name is strange - armpit. Where are the mice from? It turns out that it is named so not because of the mice, but because of the muscles. Armpit - under the muscles. But the muscles are already named because of the mice, but that's another story. There are no mice or muscles in the English naming. Armpit- that is, literally, a hole in the hand.

Elbow - elbow

The next word is elbow elbow. This word is used in an interesting expression - elbow grease, i.e. "lubricant for the elbow." What is this magical substance? When the British say that you need to add a little elbow grease they mean roll up your sleeves and get the job done.
And also elbow can be a verb, for example to elbow your way through the crowd- make your way through the crowd, working with your elbows.

Forearm - forearm

The next part of the arm is between the elbow and the hand, and it is called forearm. In Russian - forearm.

Wrist - wrist

The place where the hand is attached to the rest of the arm, as well as where they wear bracelets and measure the pulse - the wrist. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the English word wrist- the letter w is not readable, just like, for example, in the word write, write. You may have heard about wrist watch- a watch for the wrist, and in our opinion - a wrist watch.

And so we come to hand- this word, depending on the situation, can denote both the hand and the hand. Let's see what's interesting here.

palm - palm

It is spelled and read the same as "palm", but this is just a coincidence, do not pay attention. Who is younger, probably remember facepalm- a face covered with a palm, a classic gesture when you are overwhelmed with emotions caused by the oddities of the people around you. Despite the bright and accurate image, there is still no adequate translation in Russian: hand-face? facepalm? Let it stay like that facepalm. Who is older, probably remember the company's handhelds Palm- in those distant times when phones were only for calls and SMS, and handheld computers were a separate class of devices.

Fingers - fingers

Significant difference between fingers and fingers in the fact that if in Russian they are fingers on both hands and feet, in English there is a separate word for toes - which we will talk about in the material about legs, and fingers- this is exclusively what is on hand.
Just like in Russian, each of the fingers has its own name, which we will also talk about separately. If you put all the fingers together, you get fist- fist. Different there are interesting words with fist, but I will mention fist bump, also known as bro fist- bang fists. As far as I know, there is no adequate Russian name for this gesture. And there is fist pump, a gesture of victory when something is successful and you say "YES!"

Knuckles - knuckles

And the last word - knuckles. I don't know if this part of the body has an official name, it's known to me as knuckles - the bones that stick out when you make a fist. Some cuisines have dishes whose names include knuckes, For example pork knuckles, known to us as "knuckle". There is also a funny expression. knuckle sandwich. When you promise someone such a treat, you mean that you will give this person a beating.

One last word before we finish with the arms completely, and before we start talking about the legs. What is the word for arms and legs at the same time? In Russian, there is the word “finiteness” for this (apparently, everything else is “infinity”), which, although applicable to humans, somehow immediately brings to mind the lessons of biology. In English, “arm and leg” is a slightly more euphonious word limb.

Here, perhaps, are all the English words about the main parts of the hands. Next time we'll finish talking about the vocabulary related to the human body by talking about the remaining limbs - the legs. Happily.

In today's lesson, we will study the anatomy of the human body. No, not at all a detailed study of the structure of the human body, but just find out what they are called in English. You probably know such elementary words as lips (lips), nose (nose). What about words like chin, back? I think you will find it interesting and also very useful.

body parts in english

What is it for?

Firstly, having the vocabulary of this lesson, you can easily describe your appearance and the appearance of your friends in English, so the names of some parts of the body are given in combination with words that will help you in describing the external characteristics of a person:

  • I have fair hair and blue eyes. - I have blond hair and blue eyes.
  • I have a small and straight nose. — I have a straight and small nose
  • My lips are thin. - My lips are thin

Imagine this situation, you went on vacation with a friend. You missed him on the tour. You ask the guide if he has seen your friend. But how to ask, because the guide has a lot of tourists. If your friend has a rare appearance, knowing the vocabulary of this lesson is ideal:

  • — I am sorry, have you seen my companion? An young man with long fair hair and big brown eyes. He has flat nose and thick lips. Oh, of course, he has very bushy dark eyebrows.
  • — Excuse me, have you seen my companion? A young man with long blond hair and large brown eyes. He has a flattened nose and full lips. Oh, of course, he has very wide dark eyebrows.

Secondly, if necessary, you will be able to say in English what hurts you or what part of your body is affected if you are injured.

  • It seems to me that I broke my toe. “I think I broke my toe.
  • I have huge toothache. - I have a severe toothache.

By taking the time to study the vocabulary in this lesson, you will be able to communicate in similar life situations that you are likely to encounter.

List of body parts in English

Let's move on to the main part of the lesson. The following list includes the most important parts of the human body in speech.

  • head
  • hair
    • black
    • blond
    • blond - fair
    • dark
    • gray-haired
    • brunet
  • Forehead - forehead [ˈfɔrɪd]
    • high - high
    • low
    • broad
    • narrow
    • doomed - convex
  • Temple - temple [ˈtempl]
  • Eyebrow (s) - eyebrow (s) [ˈaɪbrau]
  • Eyelash (s) - eyelash (es) [ˈaɪlæʃ]
    • long eyelashes
    • thick eyelashes
  • Eye (a) - eye (s)
    • blue
    • gray
    • brown
    • green
  • Nose
    • straight
    • snub-nosed
    • aquiline - aquiline [ˈækwɪlaɪn]
    • fleshy [ˈfleʃɪ]
    • flattened - flat
  • Lip(s) - lip(s)
    • thin
    • thick
    • protruding forward - protruding
  • cheek - cheek
  • mouth
  • Tooth(s)
  • tongue
  • Back of the head - occiput [ˈɔksɪpʌt]
  • chin - chin
    • dimpled
    • sharp - pointed
    • square - square
    • protruding
  • jaw
  • throat
  • Ear (ears) - ear (s) [ɪə]
  • skin
  • Complexion complexion:
    • pale
    • swarthy
    • helty - olive-skinned
    • with a blush
    • mulatto - brown
    • black
  • neck
  • Shoulder - shoulder [ˈʃəuldə]
  • Forearm - forearm ["fɔː®ɑːm]
  • back
  • Hand - arm [ɑ: m]
  • Elbow - elbow [ˈelbəu]
  • finger - finger
  • wrist
  • palm
  • chest
  • Belly - belly [ˈbelɪ]
  • waist
    • ideal
  • Navel - navel [ˈneɪvəl]
  • hip
  • Buttock - buttock ["bʌtək]
  • Leg - leg (to the foot)
  • Knee
  • ankle
  • toe - toe
  • foot
  • heel

How to remember all this, spending a minimum of time

When learning something new, the question always arises of how to simplify and speed up the study of a particular material. What will help me learn the words of this lesson? To quickly learn parts of the body with the help of English, you can advise several ways to memorize new words for you. First of all, figure out how your memory works, that is, figure out your strengths.
For people with a developed visual memory, it can be advised to learn parts of the human body from pictures:

For those who remember better by ear, you can listen to audio and songs in English, of which there are a huge number on this topic.

We teach parts of the human body with the help of such simple videos, where each word is accompanied by a picture:

I hope this tutorial has been helpful to you. Good luck!

A very nice song to study the parts of the human body:

Today we have a doubly important topic: we study English and study ourselves. Imagine the situation: on a trip abroad you suddenly feel unwell, there is no interpreter nearby. Knowing the names of body parts in English, no less, can save your health, and even life: you can communicate with medical personnel and get adequate help.

Without claiming to be a complete guide to G. Gray's anatomy, we will only give the names of the main parts of the body and its organs (although it is known that only the human skeleton consists of more than 200 bones, and each has its own name):

Human skeleton

bone - bone
jaw ["ʤɔ:] - jaw
joint - joint
rib - rib
skeleton - skeleton
skull - skull
spine - spine

Human organs

brain - brain
gallbladder - gallbladder
heart ["hɑ:t] - heart
kidney - kidney
large intestine / colon - large intestine
liver ["livə] - liver
lungs - lungs
pancreas ["pæŋkriəs] - pancreas
skin - skin
small intestines - small intestine
spinal chord - spinal cord
spleen - spleen
stomach ["stʌmək] - stomach
urinal bladder - bladder


cheek - cheek
cheekbones - cheekbones
chin - chin
ear - ear
eye ["aɪ] - eye
eyebrow / brow - eyebrow
eyelid / lid - eyelid
eyelash / lash - eyelash
forehead ["fɔrɪd] ( BrE) / (AmE) - forehead
hair - hair, hair
head - head
iris - iris of the eye
lip - lip
mouth - mouth
nape, back of the head - the back of the head
nose - nose
nostril - nostril
pupil - pupil
tongue ["tʌŋ] - language
tooth ( pl. h.: teeth) - teeth)


back - back
belly - belly
breast - chest (mammary gland)
buttocks - buttocks
chest - chest (chest)
genitals - genitals
navel ["neɪvl] / belly button - navel, navel
neck - neck
pelvis - pelvis
shoulder - shoulder
waist - waist


arm - hand ( from wrist to shoulder)
armpit - armpit
elbow - elbow
hand - hand ( brush)
finger - finger ( hands)

thumb ["θʌm] - thumb
index finger - index finger of the hand
middle finger - the middle finger of the hand
ring finger - ring finger
little finger - little finger, little finger of the hand

fist - fist
knuckle ["nʌkl] - finger joint
nail - nail
palm - palm
wrist - wrist


ankle ["æŋkl] - ankle
calf ["kɑ:f] ( plural: calves) - caviar ( legs)
heel - heel
hip - hip, side ( outer side of the pelvis and upper leg)
foot ( pl. hours: feet) - foot, leg ( below the ankle)
knee ["ni:] - knee
leg - leg ( hip to foot)
thigh ["θaɪ] - thigh (from the pelvis to the knee)
toe ["təu] - toe

big toe - big toe
little toe - little toe of the foot

shin / shank - lower leg

circulatory, nervous system

artery - artery
blood ["blʌd] - blood
nerve - nerve
vein - vein
vessel - (blood) vessel

Yes, the topic is responsible and serious. But so that our article does not come out too dry, we will add a fresh touch of English slang to it. Here are the 10 most popular colloquial idioms dedicated to body parts (slang, although witty, is merciless, most importantly - do not be surprised at anything):

1. Muffin top - "top of the muffin"

Folds of fat around the waist, protruding from too tight skirts and trousers, like a puffy muffin top sticking out of the shape. Especially typical for lovers of low-rise jeans, which not only do not hide, but even emphasize those extra pounds.

2. Saddle bags - "saddle bags"

Originally, saddlebags or saddle bags were called bags or bales hanging on the sides of the horse on either side of the saddle. In this context, we are talking about excessively lush hips: in Russian everyday life, we ingeniously call such hips “riding breeches”.

3. Bat wings or bingo wings - “bat wings”, “Bingo wings”

Flabby hanging muscles of the forearm (usually in the elderly), which, with vigorous movements of the hands, sway, reminding some idle pranksters of bat wings. And what about Bingo? This is a traditional game in nursing homes, and the winners wave their raised hands in rejoicing, demonstrating bingo wings.

4. Moobs (man boobs) - "male chest"

Word combination man(“Male”) and boobs(Short for "women's breasts"). This "part of the body" appears with excess weight in men.

5. Spare tire / tire, donut - “spare tire” around the waist

S pare tires["spɛː ˈtʌɪə] (AmE) or spare tire(BrE) means a roll of fat around the waist, similar to an inflated car tire. This part of the body is called donut, “donut” (and in Russian it is called “lifebuoy at the waist”).

6. Beer belly, pot belly - “beer belly”, “pot belly”

An expression that has become international. Such a tummy, however, can be formed not only from the abuse of beer, but also from a passion for sweets. Pot belly (pot- "pot") - another definition of this "outstanding" part of the body.

7. Love handles - "sides"

We are talking about fat deposits in the pelvic region at the back (slightly higher than saddle bags). Word love everyone knows the word handles means "handles, handles"; think of the translation yourself.

8. Chubby cheeks

Chubby means "full, plump, well-fed". Chubby cheeks, especially in children, can be very cute, can't they?

9. Stovepipe legs - full legs

Idiom stovepipe[ˈstəʊvpʌɪp] legs describes massive plump legs resembling chimney pipes ( stovepipe- "chimney, chimney").

Every little inhabitant wants as much and as soon as possible to delve into the world of human life on earth. Learning foreign languages ​​is a great way to introduce a child to the knowledge of wildlife, which in the future can turn into a favorite hobby or an interesting profession. The topics of the lessons should expand the horizons, and the knowledge on them should be useful in the future. One of these is the consideration of body parts in English for children.

It is best to start a story about the structure of a person with a simple drawing or a small layout (Fig. 1)

Learning parts of the body in English with a baby using bright pictures

We study body parts in English with the baby using transcription

You need to start the explanation with the fact that every person on earth has a body - body [‘bɔdi](in square brackets, a transcription will be given, which is necessary for the student to know how to read a certain word). Note that the pronunciation of this word goes like "badi", although it is written as "body". It is necessary to gently hint to the baby that the structure of the boy's body is slightly different from the body of the girl, so the guys are always stronger than their girlfriends. For general development, it can be added that the science that studies the bodies of people is called anatomy. True, much depends on the age of the student, since he may not remember a difficult name.
The human body is conditionally divided into the head, arms, legs and torso. Here it is appropriate to give an example of a simple, familiar to everyone from deep childhood, image of a little man (stick, stick, cucumber - a little man came out). Another way to remember is a little rhyme:

You have 10 fingers,
You have 10 toes,
You have 2 eyes,
And you have 1 nose.

English songs for children about body parts

A song about body parts in English for children will help you not get bored and quickly learn new material. You should start studying from top to bottom, i.e. from the head head . Its open side is called the face - face , on the crown (closed side) we have hair growing hair , and ears are hidden on the sides under them.
On the top of the face, everyone has a forehead. forehead [‘fɔrid] , followed by eyebrows and eyes. Below the center is the nose, and on the right and left sides are the cheeks. cheeks [ʧi:k] . Under the nose we have a mouth, behind it lies the chin chin [ʧin] .
Brows - eyebrows ['aibrau] are made up of small hairs, and they help us express our state and emotions. May be dark brown eyebrows or light- blonde eyebrows .
Thanks to the eyes eyes we see the world around us as it is, in all its bright colors. We have eyelashes in front of our eyes - eyelashes which protect them from dust and dirt. Basically, there are 3 eye colors:

  • green - green eyes,
  • brown - brown eyes,
  • blue - blue eyes.

Nose - nose , perhaps the most important organ in humans, because thanks to it we can breathe. Mouth - mouth responsible for food intake. Externally, the oral cavity is under the "supervision" of the upper and lower lips - upper and lower lips .

Thanks to them, we learn to distinguish between cold and hot to the touch. The teeth are inside teeth (an adult healthy person has 32 of them), helping to chew food, and the tongue - tongue (Needed then to verbally convey your thoughts to others).
It is easy to remember by playing a simple game: the teacher points to a certain part of the head with his hand, and the children pronounce this word aloud in English.
Hair protects our heads from the negative effects of the environment. Hair can be:

  • dark and light - dark and blonde ,
  • long, medium and short long, medium and short ,
  • white, black, blond and red - blond, brunette, brown, red ,
  • straight and curly straight and curly.

Ears - ear are also considered one of the sense organs. They help us hear others. We remember thanks to the song:

Your ears are very tall,
My ears are very small.
Some ears are black as ink,
But my ears are pale and pink.

Next, the head is connected to the body through the neck - neck . It is attached to the shoulders - shoulders [‘ʃəuldə] . From them, a person's torso begins. On the front of the body are the chest - breast and belly stomach [‘stʌmək] , the back is occupied by the back - back .
Accessible and colorfully described in this video:

From the shoulder joint we grow hands hand - there are two of them. The place where the arm can bend is called the elbow - elbow [‘elbəu] . Through the wrist wrist this part of the body is connected to the hand and palm - palm . The hand consists of five fingers - fingers [‘fiŋgə] . People have ten fingers in total. Hands allow us to bring to life everything that we want, so we need to protect them and strengthen them in every possible way.
Riddle to remember:

I am a body part
But I am not a knee
I am found on your face
I'm what you use to see.

Below the torso is connected to a particularly important part of the human body, from which the legs grow - leg , which, like hands, we also have two. The upper part of the leg is considered the thigh - thigh [θai] . The place where the legs can bend is called the knee or knees - knee . The lower part goes all the way to the foot and is called the lower leg - feet . On the foot are the heels - heels , and on the opposite side of them - toes - toes . There are five toes on each foot, so there are ten toes in total.

Learn body parts in English for kids and do exercises

An excellent exercise for memorizing body parts and new English vocabulary for a baby is the following. Show the child this picture and fill in the captions for the images with him.

Do an exercise with your child to memorize parts of the human body in English

A good example of memorizing body parts is a game in which a student guesses a specific part to another, and he tries to guess its translation by asking questions according to the principle of “yes” or “no” answers.
It is often said that a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. We recommend that children constantly take care of the health and cleanliness of their bodies, exercise, choose active games and go outside more often. You can find more information about body parts in English for children in the relevant literature or among online sources. Basic knowledge will definitely come in handy for young talent in biology lessons. Learning body parts in English for kids and other vocabulary is fun and easy with EnglishGood courses. We invite all children to our classes to learn a foreign language in an interesting way!

We offer you short and interesting texts-stories in English for children. Stories with translation into Russian - so it will be easier for you to learn English. If you want to practice more in English, and not only online, but also via skype, then knock on my skype - markandvika (Canada). I will help you.

You will also find other texts in English in the section interesting and useful. When copying text, translation or audio and placing it on supporter resources, a link to this site is required.

Our body

What do you know about your body? The human body (man "s body) is very beautiful. It consists of arms, legs, a trunk, a head, a neck and so on. The eyes help us to see, the ears help us to hear, the mouth and lips help us speak and eat food.

All people have different faces. There are two eyes, a nose, a mouth on our face. We have hair, a neck, two shoulders, ten fingers, ten toes, ten nails, two feet, two knees, two cheeks, two eyebrows, a forehead, a chin.

Everybody has his/her own skin. It comes in many colors. People who live in Africa have brown or black skin. People who live in Europe have white skin.

Our hair can be straight or curly, long, short, dark, blonde, gray.

Humans have muscles, fat, bones, joints.

There are two kidneys, two lungs, a heart, a stomach, a liver and other organs in humans’ bodies.

There are 32 teeth and one tongue in our mouth. Some people (kids and adults) lose some of their teeth, so they don't have 32 teeth.

The human body

What do you know about your body? The human body is very beautiful. It consists of arms, legs, torso, head, neck, and so on. The eyes help a person to see, the ears help a person to hear, the mouth and lips help a person to speak.

All people have different faces. A person's face has two eyes, a nose, and a mouth. Also, a person has hair, neck, shoulders, fingers, toes, nails, feet, knees, cheeks, eyebrows, forehead, chin.

A person has skin, it comes in different colors. People who live in Africa have brown or black skin. People who live in Europe have white skin.

Hair is straight or curly, long, short, dark, blond, gray.

Also, a person has muscles, fat, bones, joints.

Inside the human body there is a heart, stomach, liver, kidneys, lungs, and other important organs.

The human mouth has 32 teeth and a tongue. Some people (children or adults) lose one or more teeth, so not all people have 32 teeth.

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