
Open syllables in Russian for children. Acquaintance with the syllable. Determining the number of syllables and their sequence

A syllable is a single sound or several sounds made by a single exhalation of air. Pupils of schools and students of philological specializations often need to divide the word into syllables. To do this correctly, it is important to remember several recommendations and be able to distinguish the division into phonetic syllables from breaking the word into parts for transferring from one line to another. Despite the fact that in a large number of cases the correct hyphenation is performed at the boundary of syllables (yes, veter), but in a number of exceptions the syllable for hyphenation and the phonetic syllable may not coincide.

We divide the words into syllables correctly. Simple tips
Ever since the days of elementary school, many people remember a simple way to divide a word into syllables. The guys put their hand to the chin with the back and clearly pronounce the word, articulating each sound well. As a result, in the process of pronouncing vowels, the chin touches the hand. How many times the student felt this touch - so much in the word of syllables.

Of course, you will need more serious knowledge in order to accurately divide the words into syllables, however, the described technique is effective.

Remember the signs of a syllable, the main types of syllables.

  1. A syllable is a phonetically significant unit. Syllables consist of phonetic words.
  2. In Russian, syllabic are vowel sounds.
  3. Each syllable in the Russian language can contain no more than one vowel sound.
  4. One vowel, even if there are no consonants next to it, is also a separate phonetic syllable. For example: a-ri-i.
  5. Syllables in Russian are divided into two types:
    • open syllables ending in a vowel;
    • closed syllables - they end in a consonant sound.
  6. Most syllables are open. They can consist of one vowel sound, ending with it.
  7. To determine which syllable is open or closed, you need to consider the consonants that surround vowels. Closed syllables are formed in the following cases:
    • most often, the closed syllable is at the end of the word, because it ends in a consonant sound: ka-current;
    • a word can consist of one closed syllable, since it has only one vowel sound, and it ends with a consonant: a table;
    • when the sounds "m", "r", "l", "n" are in the middle of the word, and followed by deaf consonants, the line of indoctrination passes between the consonants - in front of you is a closed syllable: llama;
    • if the word has the sound “th”, and followed by a consonant, the word also contains a closed syllable that ends in “th”: ga-ka.
    In other cases, the syllable in the middle or beginning of the word will be open.
  8. An open syllable ends with a vowel. All consonants following it, regardless of their number, belong to the second syllable. For example: co-box.
  9. We pronounce double consonants as one sound, as we relate them to one syllable, but with a longer duration. For example: collaborator.
  10. Remember a very important point: the phonetic syllable is not the part of the word that can be transferred to another line. When dividing a word for transfer, completely different characteristics must be taken into account: morphological features of a language unit, the number of morphemes.
Syllable word division algorithm
How to divide a word into syllables and not make mistakes? Use the algorithm and do not forget about the recommendations.
  1. Write the word on a separate piece of paper.
  2. Mark all vowel sounds in it.
  3. Draw conditional vertical lines after each vowel sound.
  4. Consider the word in more detail. Answer the questions:
    • does the word end in a consonant?
    • are there any sounds “l”, “m”, “r”, “n” in it?
    • does the word contain the sound “th” and the next dull consonant?
    If you answered yes to at least one of the questions, there is at least one closed syllable in this word.
  5. Divide the word into syllables as recommended. Remember that a syllable can consist of one vowel.
Test yourself: count the number of syllables and the number of vowels. It must match.

   h and t a y

hand - ta - yu  This script allows you to divide words into syllables. Remember that the rules for separating words into syllables and transfer rules are different rules.

How to break a word into syllables

1. There are sounds different in audibility in Russian: vowels are more sonorous than consonants. It is vowel sounds that form syllables, are syllabic. A syllable is a single sound or several sounds uttered by one exhaled jolt of air: wow, wow.
  There are as many syllables in a word as there are vowels.
Consonants are non-syllable. When pronouncing the word, consonants “reach out” to the vowels, forming a syllable with the vowels.

2. A syllable can consist of one sound (and then it is necessarily a vowel) or several sounds (in this case, in the syllable, in addition to the vowel, there is a consonant or a group of consonants): rim - o-bo-dock; country - country; night light - no-night light; miniature - mi-ni-a-tu-ra. If a syllable consists of two or more sounds, then it necessarily begins with a consonant.

3. Syllables are open and closed.
  An open syllable ends in a vowel: yes, country.
  The closed syllable ends in a consonant: sleep, bark-ner.
  There are more open syllables in Russian. Closed syllables are usually observed at the end of a word: no-choc (the first syllable is open, the second is closed), o-bo-dock (the first two syllables are open, the third is closed).
  In the middle of a word, a syllable usually ends in a vowel, and a consonant or a group of consonants following a vowel usually goes to the next syllable: noochnik, announcer.
  In the middle of a word, closed syllables can form only unpaired voiced consonants [th], [r], [r '], [l], [l'], [m], [m '], [n], [n'] (sonorous): May-ka, Sonya-ka, s-scrap-ka.

4. Sometimes two consonants can be written in a word, but one can sound, for example: get rid of [Izh: Yt ’]. Therefore, in this case, two syllables are distinguished: live. Dividing into parts corresponds to the rules of word transfer, and not dividing into syllables.
  The same can be traced on the example of the verb leave, in which the combination of consonants zh sounds like one sound [w:]; therefore, the division into syllables will be - leave, and the division of the word to carry - leave.
  Errors are most often observed when singling out syllables in verb forms ending in -t, -t.
  The division twist, squeeze is the division into parts for transfer, and not division into syllables, since in such forms the combination of the letters tc, tc sounds like one sound [t].
  When dividing into syllables, the combinations of letters ts, ts completely go to the next syllable: curl, squeeze.

5. When combining several consonants in the middle of a word: two identical consonants necessarily depart to the next syllable: o-leak, yes; two or more consonants usually go to the next syllable: sha-pka, equal. The exception is the combination of consonants, in which the first is unpaired voiced (sonorous): letters p, p, l, l, l, m, m, n, n, th: mark, dawn, bull, dumb, insole, Dam, Ban, Ban, Lai.

Part of the painting “Poppies” is exhibited.

What is it? Teddy says " Ma. "Did he name the flowers correctly? (No. He did not say the whole word. He said part of the word.)Say the second part of the word. (Ki.)Say this word in parts. (Ma-ki.)

The speech therapist first shows the picture "Sled", then part of it. Here is the first part of the subject. What is the first part of the word? (Sa.)

The second part of the picture is substituted, the children call the syllable (None.)Say the whole word. (Sled.)The whole word can be pronounced in parts. Part of the word is called a syllable. Repeat the name of the part of the word. (Syllable.)

At the break, the animals ran away to where. Together with teacher Sova we will call them. (Li-sa, Mi-sha.)How did we pronounce these words? (By syllables.)Words seemed to fall apart - syllables. Count how many syllables in a word a fox.Mark syllables with counting sticks.

Syllable words cougar, moose.

How many syllables in a word cougar? What is the first syllable? What is the second syllable? Rearrange the syllables in the word cougar and say them. (Mu-pa.)Does the word sound right? (Wrong.)Is it possible to rearrange syllables in words? (It is impossible.)

A brick house is being built in front of the children. One brick is taken out.

The syllables in a word, like bricks in a wall, are not alone, and the wall is broken. Listen to the word sound li-son-ka without a syllable whether: - sleepyhead.

Familiarization with the symbol of the syllable - a short bar. Comparison of symbols of one syllable and word.

The meaning of the syllabic function of the vowel

How do you know how many syllables in a word? (You can slap the syllables.)They will help us determine the number of syllables in the word vowel sounds. Each syllable has a vowel sound. Remember the rule: how many vowels in a word, so many syllables.

Repetition of the rule in chorus, in rows and by individual children.

Now make sure that it is.

The pictures “poppy” and “poppies”, “house” and “home” are displayed.

What vowel sound does a word have? poppy? (Sound a.)How many syllables in a word poppy? (One syllable.)Clap your hands as many times as syllables in a word poppies. How many times have you slammed? (Twice.)What vowel sounds were heard in the word poppies? (a, and.)Put as many stripes as there are syllables in this word. Now put the back of your hand under the chin and say word house. You felt your chin go down when you made a sound about?Say the word at home according to syllables. How many times did the mouth open and the chin drop? (Twice.)The mouth opens wide when vowels are pronounced. How many syllables in a word house? (One syllable.) How many syllables are there in a word at home? (Two syllables.)Why do you think so?

Children explanations

Think of words that consist of one syllable. (House, catfish, soup, whale, oak.)What are the words with two syllables?

Answers children.

Say the names of the children in syllables. Raise as many fingers as syllables in a name NatashaINa word can have one, two and three syllables, and in long words - even more. And how do you know how many of them? Answers children.

Repeat the most important rule again - how many vowels in the word, so many syllables.

Get up from the table. Now we will step and speak words in syllables. Let's take a step and say a syllable. (Knig-ha, al-bom, etc.)

Class summary

So our journey ended with vowels. Say goodbye to the teacher Sova and the students of the forest school, with whom we learned to divide words into syllables and find out how many syllables are in a word.

Theme "Sounds g, g "and letter g "

WE HAVE A GUEST OF Gnomes and Gene

Material.Toys or images of two gnomes; subject pictures depicting vegetables (peas, cucumbers), fruits (pomegranate, grapes, pears), birds (rook, jackdaw, capercaillie, goldfinch, pigeon, bullfinch, loon, geese), buckwheat, rake; split alphabet; color signals of sounds.

Class progress

Organizational moment

Children, do you remember the fairy tale "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"? Try to portray different gnomes. We will be the first to portray the gnome Grumble. What is his face? Show how the gnome Veselchak was. Portray the gnome Lazybones, a hard-working, angry and sad gnome.

Lesson Topic Message

Exhibited toys or planar images of two gnomes.

Who are our guests? Come up with names with sound g. (Grisha, Goga.)The sound of another gnome should sound g. "(Gene.)Today Goga and Gene will study sounds with us g g. "

Characterization of sounds by articulation and acoustic features

Sound designation g, g "color symbols.

4. The development of phonemic perception
The game "Catch the sound."

The words are pronounced on behalf of the dwarves: stone, slide, cotton wool, wagon, leg, kettlebell, books, bushes.

Pronunciation of sounds in syllables

When the gnome of Gene was very young, he liked to repeat syllables: ha-go-gu; gi-ga-ge; agu-agya-agi.When he grew a little, he began to say: gwa-gwo-gwu.

Pronunciation of sounds in words and sentences. Mastering interrogative intonation

The gnomes of Gene and Gog lived far, far, in a dense forest. Where they lived? They decided on the world ... (take a look), to meet you. How long, how short they went, to the big city ... (approached).See - fence. What did they see? (The fence.)And behind the fence - kindergarten. So they were with us. What do you think their road was? (Long, long road.)Ask the Dwarves questions about how they lived, what they had.

Sample questions: “Do you have a garden?”, “Do you have a garden?”, “What do you like to eat?” “What kind of animals do you breed?”

Guess what vegetables are in their garden, in the name of which you hear a sound g. (Cucumbers, peas.)What grows in the garden? (Pears, pomegranate, grapes.).Sow buckwheat in the field.

Exhibited pictures depicting items called. What kind of porridge do we cook from buckwheat? (Buckwheat porridge.)We brought you a lot ... (pea).What soup will you cook? (Pea.)

The speech therapist shows one pea.

Say a kind word. (Pea.)What are the words in which the sound gheard at the beginning of the word.

Then the children call the words in which the sound gheard in the middle.

Guess what juice dwarves love.

Determination of juice by the color of glasses: pomegranate, grape,

How did Gog and Gene loosen the earth? (Rake.)How many rakes do they have? (They have two rakes, rakes.)Listen to how Gena talks about her work.

We took the shoulder blades, we dug up the beds. A rake was taken in hand, the beds were leveled.

Children show how they work. The quatrains are repeated. Where did Gene and Goga like to work? (In the beds, in the garden.)How have the beds been leveled? (Rake.)

An accordion and a guitar are exhibited.

After work, they loved to play on ... (accordion and guitar).In what word did you hear the sound of r? What is the first sound in a word guitar?Who was Gena if he played the guitar?

Imagine playing a guitar.

Who are we now? (Guitarists.)Who were you? (Guitarist.)And now imagine that Goga and I are playing ... (accordion).Who are you, Sasha? Who were you? (Harmonist, harmonist.)

7. Sound-syllabic analysis of words geese, goga, gene

What kind of poultry did the gnomes have? (Geese.)Goga and Gene do not yet know how to designate this word. We show them. Sounds are denoted by circles, and syllables and the word by strips. Show word patterns Goga and Gene. Recognition of words by children.

Practical Assimilation of Plural Nouns in the Genitive

Goga wants to know what kind of birds you saw on the site. (We saw jackdaws, pigeons, bullfinches, goldfinches.)Why have we never seen a capercaillie, a loon? Goga suggests replacing the vowel in his name about to the sound a,and you will recognize the name of the bird. (Gaga.)Where do they nest? (On the mountain cliffs, on the shores of the Barents Sea.)What does it mean to nest? Say similar words. (Nest, nest, nests, nesting.)Do you know that eiderdown is very light, soft and can be used to sew down jackets for pilots and polar explorers? Which bird flies from the south first? (Rook.)Listen to Gena's joke poem: “Snow is melting. Flowing stream. The branches are full of doctors. ” In what word is a comic mistake made? What sound needs to be replaced so that this word sounds right? Reading by chorus.


Rook swung in a hammock (tilts to the side).Geese - in the waves on the river (tilts back and forth).

Pigeons flew by (shaking hands)And sat on a twig (squat).Twig swinging (shaking hands)It turns out pretty well.

10. Drawing up sentences on supporting words geese
  eider, pigeons.
Analysis of the verbal composition of the sentence

Teach the Dwarves to come up with suggestions. How do we denote the words? (Stripes.)

Analysis of one sentence.

11. Pronunciation of sounds in proverbs and sayings
Goga and Gene are very fond of proverbs and sayings. Read them

and explain why they say so: “I will help, I will help, but the time has come - I can’t!”; "Behind a silly head and legs is bad!"; “No friend - seek, but find - take care”; "Do not say - I do not know how, but say - I will learn."

12. Acquaintance with the letter g

Show the dwarves their letter. What does she look like? “Before us is the letter g stands like a poker ”; "He wore a letter on his shoulder, mowed grass in a meadow."

Composing words from a split alphabet: Goga, geese, gaga, gnomes.

Class summary

Theme “Sound with”


Material.Dunno Doll; dishes made from different materials; Pictures depicting a scooter, an airplane; subject pictures from the board game "Little Mistress".

Class progress

Organizational moment


Depict fright, regret, despair from broken dishes. Express mimicry, movement, mom's attitude to what happened.

Lesson Topic Message

Sound highlighting from out of guesses (samovar).

Guess the riddle. “There is a hole above, a hole below, and fire and water in the middle” (Samovar.)Together with Dunno, we will repeat the sound from and talk about the dishes.

In this section we will train to divide words into syllables. (Do not confuse word division for hyphenation, which is discussed in another section. These are slightly different things, since there are certain rules for word hyphenation.)

Syllable words

  The ability to divide words into syllables is a very important skill that is desirable to acquire before entering first grade. Children who learned to read by syllables, respectively, have fewer problems. But still there are.

Imagine a child is already reading together, we taught him what letters are vowels and consonants, we learned to count letters in a word, and then we began to approach word wrap, and again returned to syllables. In this situation, children are often confused, and instead of dividing into syllables, they spell the word.

How to teach a child to divide words into syllables? There are many ways to do this.

Rules for dividing words into syllables

  • syllables are always formed using vowels, so, how many vowels in the word, as many syllables. A syllable can consist of one vowel, but without vowels, there are no vowels. Examples: mo-lo-ko, hedgehog, etc.
  • If a syllable consists of several letters, then it always starts with a consonant.(Exception - cases when the previous syllable ends in Y: parad-on)

Previously, the rules for dividing into syllables and for transfer were the same, except that you cannot transfer or leave one letter on the line. The new rules for dividing into syllables, according to which children study now, are much more complicated, and, most importantly, differ from dividing words for hyphenation .. This is especially true for words with several consonants in the middle of the word. We shared: cat, ok, class, etc.

According to the new rules, only sonorous consonants (m, n, l, r, m, e, n, b, r) and Y “stick” to the first syllable, in the remaining cases all consonants “move” to the second syllable. For example: chrome-ka, ban-ka, ban-ka, may-ka, but: sha-pka, equal, etc.

Two identical consonants when divided into syllables necessarily depart to the second syllable: yes,

o-leak. At the same time, the division of the same words for the transfer will be different - given, leak, cap, etc.

In any case, you need to train to divide words into syllables constantly, especially if there are problems with this. Syllables can be chanted, chanted, as in a stadium. Helps "slamming" words in their hands. Speech therapists and teachers often advise putting the back of the hand under the chin, and pronouncing the word out loud, while the chin touches the hand with each syllable.

We offer you the online game-simulator "Division of words into syllables." In it you need to drag the dash-separators per word. Similar tasks are often found in tests on the Russian language in the 1st grade. In this game we will divide the words into syllables. In the next section, we will practice sharing words for hyphenation.