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Causes and signs of fatigue. Fatigue and overwork – you can’t rest when working. How fatigue manifests itself

Fatigue and overwork are physiological conditions that occur during prolonged mental or physical stress. Signs of these conditions are manifested by decreased performance. With mental fatigue, it is difficult for a person to think and concentrate.

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Unlike fatigue, overwork is pathological; it occurs as a result of prolonged fatigue.

Fatigue and overwork - causes, mechanism of development

Overfatigue develops with excessive activity, which is not compensated by proper rest.

Circumstances that can lead to overwork include:

  • Constant mental stress at work;
  • Poor living conditions;
  • Insufficient sleep;
  • Low physical activity;
  • Stress;
  • Performing physical work that is disproportionate to capabilities;

Often the cause of overwork is the combined action of several factors that reinforce each other. For example, performing complex physical work that the body is able to withstand, together with an incorrect diet, leads to overwork.

Overfatigue can develop both after a strong single load and after prolonged loads of low strength.

The body reacts to the action of the stimulus by developing an adaptation syndrome, in which the work of the anterior part of the pituitary gland and the adrenal cortex is activated. A certain amount of stress hormones are released into the blood, which help the body adapt to a certain type of load.

If such stress is repeated many times, the organs that produce these hormones are depleted, which leads to disruption of the body's adaptation. In a person with overwork, the basal metabolism accelerates and impaired carbohydrate metabolism is observed.

This manifests itself in poor absorption and excretion of glucose. Blood sugar levels drop. The course of oxidative processes in the tissues of the body changes, which can manifest itself as a sharp decrease in the amount of ascorbic acid.

Types of disorder in women and men

Types of fatigue:

  • Mental;
  • Physical.

Physical fatigue does not develop immediately. At first, the person feels a little tired and minor muscle pain. Most people do not pay attention to this and continue to lead a normal life.

After some time, the body becomes exhausted and characteristic symptoms appear:

  • Constant fatigue that does not go away even after a long sleep;
  • Painful feelings in the muscles intensify, bringing significant discomfort to the patient;
  • Sleep is disturbed - it is difficult for a person to fall asleep, he wakes up several times during the night;
  • Feeling tired in the morning;
  • Violation of emotions - a person becomes either too lethargic or too aggressive;
  • Unpleasant feelings on the left side, in the region of the heart;
  • Increased blood pressure, increased heart rate;
  • Appetite is poor or absent altogether; a white coating forms on the tongue;
  • Weight gradually decreases;
  • Women may experience menstrual irregularities.

Mental fatigue is often mistaken for ordinary fatigue. People try to rest and get enough sleep, believing that it will pass. Doctors say that in many cases, such measures will not be enough. To recover, a person must undergo a course of treatment.

Symptoms of mental fatigue include:

  • Frequent causeless headaches;
  • Feeling of fatigue that does not go away after sleep and rest;
  • Instability of blood pressure;
  • Pale skin, bags appear under the eyes;
  • Eyes become red;
  • It's hard to fall asleep.

What diseases lead to overwork

There are certain diseases and conditions that have a long course and worsen the quality of life, causing fatigue and overwork.

Such pathologies include:

  • Respiratory diseases, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia;
  • Heart failure;
  • Diseases of viral origin;
  • Anxiety and depression;
  • Poor nutrition;
  • Bad dream.

There are diseases that begin with overwork.

These include:

  • Inflammatory liver diseases;
  • Tumors;
  • Hormonal diseases, especially diabetes;
  • Anemia;
  • Decreased thyroid function;
  • Obesity;
  • Mononucleosis;
  • Asthenia.

If you have one or more symptoms of fatigue, you should consult a general practitioner.

After a survey and examination, he will be able to say for sure whether the patient has a disease associated with fatigue, and, if necessary, refer him for a consultation to a more highly specialized specialist.

Doctors talk about chronic fatigue syndrome on video

Independent treatment methods

You need to take at least a short vacation.

Methods for recovery during this period will be:

  • Daily walks in the fresh air, especially before bed. No need to worry about various everyday problems. Thoughts should only be good, then the brain will rest.
  • A balanced diet will promote recovery.
  • Moderate physical activity should be present. For example, you can clean the house or work in the garden.
  • You can go for a massage or other relaxing treatments.

Drug treatment and prevention

Drug treatment is started only after consulting a doctor.

For this purpose the following is prescribed:

  • Vitamin preparations, Vitrum, Duovit, Supradin;
  • Immune system stimulants: echinacea solution, interferon;
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve headaches and muscle pain: paracetamol, diclofenac;
  • Adaptogens: adaptol;
  • Nootropics: phenibut, phenotropil;
  • Antidepressants.

Preventing overwork is not difficult; it consists of following just a few rules. The first of these is mandatory proper rest. It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of home and work. If work involves physical activity, it is better to change it at home to mental activity, and vice versa.

Exercising is a great way to prevent fatigue. It is necessary to take walks every evening. You can sign up for a swimming pool or at least do exercises in the morning. To relax after a hard day at work, you can go to the bathhouse, sauna or massage.

If overwork does occur, do not drink alcohol. This will only make the problem worse.

A balanced diet is the best cure for fatigue.
Many studies have shown that people who eat small, frequent meals experience less fatigue than people who eat infrequent, large meals.

Their heads are always “fresh”. Doctors advise eating fruits or drinking juices between main meals. If you have a job that involves mental stress, you can eat a couple of pieces of fish during the day. It contains a lot of phosphorus, which stimulates brain function.

For this purpose, you can eat walnuts, peanuts, and almonds. Green onions will help relieve fatigue and drowsiness. If you are tired, you can throw an egg yolk into hot milk, add a little sugar and drink.

External signs of fatigue and overwork

Throughout his life, a person works, then rests. Any physical and psychological stress leads to fatigue.

Fatigue is a natural physiological state that occurs as a defensive reaction to physical and psychological exhaustion.

Overwork can be both physical and psychological. In the first case, as a result of a decrease in the functional activity of the muscles, a loss of strength occurs and coordination of movement is impaired.

Psychological fatigue is caused by prolonged mental stress and is manifested by a qualitative decrease in intellectual activity and loss of concentration.

Normally, the body always has a certain “reserve fund”, called an emergency reserve of energy, which is released under circumstances. Sudden emotional stress, a feeling of fear or an uncontrollable attack of aggression can prompt the body to use its untouchable resources.

A huge range of caffeine-based energy drinks can serve as an additional source of energy. Any form of rest significantly contributes to the restoration of energy balance.

A decrease in efficiency, deterioration in the quality of work ability or weakening of intellectual activity occurs mainly against the background of prolonged physical activity, psychological exhaustion, many stresses, lack of a balanced diet or chronic lack of sleep.

The basis for overwork can be a disproportionate ratio of the duration of work activity and rest. All this is accompanied by poor working conditions, unfavorable living conditions, and an unsatisfactory emotional environment among the work team.

The main signs of body fatigue are:

  • Loss of physical strength due to disruption of the muscular system in the form of an imbalance of movements, their rhythm and coordination;
  • Memory deterioration and decreased attention as a consequence of prolonged intellectual stress (which often indicates problems at the level of the psycho-emotional sphere);
  • Sleep disturbances or insomnia, which may be accompanied by frequent headaches;
  • Excessive irritability for no reason;
  • Decreased or complete absence of appetite;
  • Trembling in limbs.

Chronic fatigue can sometimes be the main reason for a weakened immune system. The risk of a viral or infectious disease increases sharply.

An insufficiently strong or not yet fully formed nervous system, with excessive mental stress in combination with various experiences, physical exhaustion lead to various forms of neuroses and hysterical states.

Preventative measures for fatigue

As measures aimed at preventing fatigue, it is necessary:

  1. A long stay in the fresh air, especially walks before bed, will significantly improve your condition after a hard day. It is important to create the right psychological background and internal emotional state. It is advisable to protect yourself (in your thoughts) from everyday life, monotony and causeless fuss. It is better to direct your thoughts towards something positive and good, something that will bring peace and inner harmony. All hardships and adversities must be cast aside. Following these simple rules in combination with fresh air will significantly improve your condition.
  2. Balanced diet. Food should include plenty of fruits and vegetables. Try to exclude fatty, salty, spicy foods from your daily consumption. Since it puts a lot of stress on the body, it tires it out. Milk and light porridges will be an adequate replacement. It is advisable to take a course of vitamins that will help strengthen your immune and nervous system.
  3. Change your attitude towards the world. Take everything more simply, avoid unnecessary emotional experiences and stress.

It would be appropriate to start the day with morning exercises, which gradually turns into restorative water treatments, followed by a light breakfast. Actions will give you vital energy and positivity for the whole day.

Recovering strength after a hard day

To relieve fatigue and restore the body’s energy potential, it is advisable to follow a number of simple rules:

  • Healthy sleep in a well-ventilated area;
  • A massage that helps relieve both physical fatigue and relax on a mental level;
  • Evening exercise with the right, positive attitude is the best way to get rid of fatigue after a busy, emotional work day;
  • Healthy, easily digestible food;
  • For psychological relaxation, it is recommended to use various meditation techniques;
  • Sports games (team or individual) or visiting the gym;
  • Calm, relaxing music.

It is useful to take a refreshing, contrast shower in the evening. Water will get rid of all the negative emotions accumulated during the day and relieve tension from the muscles of the body. Many doctors recommend visiting a bathhouse or sauna as a form of restorative therapy.

Due to the fact that the modern information space is oversaturated with negative, destructive information, many psychotherapists strongly advise to abstract yourself and reduce TV watching to a minimum

Treating fatigue with folk remedies

There are many medications that can effectively cope with fatigue and its consequences. There are often circumstances in which the use of these drugs is contraindicated.

You can use the time-tested and experience of many generations of traditional medicine:

  1. Bee Honey. Mix 2 tbsp. l. Apple cider vinegar with 150 grams of May honey. Take the resulting elixir 3 times a day.
  2. Dissolve a teaspoon of honey in a mug of warm water. Mix thoroughly and add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. A drink drunk in the morning will fill you with energy for the whole day.
  3. Ginger tincture. Take ginger and chop it finely. Then carefully pour it into a bottle of vodka. Place in a dark place for 2 weeks. It is advisable to take the resulting energy tincture in 50 g doses. Before dinner. If you are intolerant to alcohol, you can drink ginger tea before bed.
  4. An effective remedy for relieving fatigue is the widely known herb St. John's wort. To prepare a decoction of this herb (which can be bought at any pharmacy in the city), you need to pour a tablespoon of St. John's wort with boiled water - 300 ml. Let it brew for 1.5 hours. The resulting decoction is taken orally, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Life does not stand still, and the food industry provides the opportunity to purchase various energy drinks or regular coffee. Their frequent use leads to disruption of the cardiovascular system.

In the hectic pace of life in big cities and with high social activity, many of us are overtaken by the problem of the 21st century - overwork. For those who are overloaded with work or are simply not used to correctly alternating periods of activity and rest, it can be truly disastrous. How to recognize this condition in time and what to do if it occurs? What are the origins of loss of strength and how to stay vigorous and healthy in stressful conditions?

Ordinary fatigue or tiredness is characterized by a complex of changes in a person’s physiological state and well-being. Changes come after doing something for a long time. However, the duration and volume of work that a person is able to perform without getting tired, and the accompanying sensations, are always very subjective.

Fatigue occurs more often with monotonous work without rest periods, be it physical or mental, or with excessive efforts performed in a short time.

As is commonly believed, certain categories of people are able to work 20 hours a day, while others begin to feel unwell with little workload. It is worth understanding what causes this difference and whether everyone could really “reformat” themselves to a busier work schedule. In reality, absolutely every person on the planet gets tired, and any body needs regular rest.

How intensely fatigue is expressed depends primarily on the type of nervous system of the particular subject. People with a strong type of nervous system are less susceptible to fatigue and recover quickly, while people with a weak type of nervous system “burn out” more quickly.

However, signs of fatigue are similar for both groups. When tired, the effectiveness of work performed decreases, concentration of attention is scattered, speech and facial expressions become less animated. This serves as an external . Tired people feel pain and heaviness in the eyes, head or muscles (depending on the type of activity), a desire to sleep, irritation, indifference or even disgust for what they are doing. It becomes extremely difficult to continue working. The typical feeling of exhaustion has certainly visited everyone at some point in life.

From a physiological point of view, fatigue is characterized by increased heart rate and respiratory movements, increased blood pressure, and sometimes arrhythmia; In muscle tissue, the production of lactic acid increases, which causes pain.

However, these signals from our body indicate the need for rest and at the same time encourage it to use internal reserves.

Fatigue or overwork

Is it fair to equate fatigue with overwork? In everyday life, we use these words equally, sometimes as synonyms. However, in medicine these concepts are clearly distinguished.

If fatigue after work is natural for the body, then overwork is considered a pathological process affecting the nervous system. As a result of systematic loads that do not end with proper rest, fatigue “accumulates” and becomes chronic - in fact, persistent fatigue is called overwork. The processes of excitation in the nervous system prevail over the processes of inhibition, so it becomes increasingly difficult for an overtired person to relax. If the body is no longer capable of real rest, or if it does not bring relief, it is most likely time to seek medical help.

Why does overwork develop?

The first reason for overwork should still be called an imbalance in the work and rest regime, and non-compliance with the rules of occupational hygiene. Factors such as insufficient sleep or disrupted circadian rhythm, simply put, lack of sleep, poor diet, physical inactivity, poor living conditions at home or in the workplace increase the likelihood of its symptoms.

If there are factors of psychological oppression during work, even with normal physical condition, a person is prone to overwork. This should also include stress that is not related to work activity.

A sudden stressful situation that is incommensurate with the strength of an individual (the need for hard work to which he is not accustomed, or the performance of intellectual, mental efforts) can lead to the onset of this state.

Main signs and features of overwork

There are two types of overwork – nervous and physical. The symptoms of both are extremely similar, despite being caused by different types of stress. With nervous fatigue, signs of physical fatigue appear, and vice versa. The fact is that it is regulated in any case by the nervous system.

So, an overtired person feels:

  1. Inability to concentrate on the actions being performed.
  2. Loss of ability to concentrate.
  3. Severe fatigue that does not go away after several hours of rest.
  4. Drowsiness that does not disappear after waking up, and difficulty falling asleep (as an option - when, despite a strong desire to fall asleep, sleep does not come).
  5. Intrusive heaviness in the head and eye area, sometimes attacks of squeezing headache.
  6. Nausea at the thought of food and lack of appetite.
  7. A general feeling of weakness, weakness, lack of muscle tone, pain when moving.
  8. Unreasonable irritability or detachment from everyday problems (“I can’t think about it right now”).

Overwork can also be recognized by appearance - it reveals itself by redness of the eyes, swelling and unhealthy complexion, slowness of movements and reactions. All this persists for quite a long time, especially if a person continues his activities, despite the real danger of serious health problems.

There are several stages of overwork, depending on how much the nervous system is affected.

In the first stage, nutrition is also noted - as a rule, restless sleep and changes in the usual diet. Sometimes appetite disappears completely, and sometimes an uncontrollable desire to eat arises - in this way the body tries to compensate for the missing strength.

In the second stage, the functioning of internal organs is disrupted. In terms of the cardiovascular system, this is characterized by disturbances in pressure (it can significantly change indicators), pain or a feeling of tightness in the heart area. This stage is usually accompanied by weight loss. Sexual desire decreases, women may experience irregular monthly cycles.

The third stage of overwork is already downright life-threatening. It is accompanied by serious pathologies that require treatment. Nervous or physical exhaustion reaches its apogee during this period, and the person needs hospitalization and sanatorium-resort treatment. Otherwise, he faces death.

Treatment and prevention of fatigue

Preventive measures include normalizing the work schedule and a rational balance between work and rest time. It is necessary to examine for the presence of somatic diseases that could provoke fatigue. In case of frequent cases of fatigue, you should consult a doctor. Harmful occupational factors should be excluded and the influence of alcohol or smoking should be minimized. A period of rehabilitation away from professional activities is highly desirable.

Medical recommendations regarding daily routine, dietary preferences and the amount of physical activity must be given due credit. A healthy lifestyle - and, as a result, a normal balance of strength - is the key to good health and insurance against overwork and its consequences.

Overwork is a condition that not only adults, but also children often face today. It is characterized by decreased activity, drowsiness, impaired attention and irritability. Moreover, many people believe that overwork is not a serious problem, and that it is enough to get a good night’s sleep for it to go away. In fact, it is impossible to get rid of such a disorder by sleeping for a long time. It's the other way around - a constant desire to sleep and the inability to regain strength after sleep are the main symptoms of overwork.

Just 10 years ago, overwork occurred only in adults, but today such a disorder can very often be found in a child, especially in one whom, from early childhood, parents strive to develop in every possible way, trying to make him a “genius.”


From all of the above, it becomes clear that overwork is a reaction of the nervous system to mental, mental or physical stimuli. Of course, it cannot develop if such exposure is short-term, but with prolonged exposure, overwork occurs in 90% of cases. That is, the discrepancy between the periods of work and rest, regardless of what kind of activity a person is engaged in, leads to overwork.

Constant worry and being in a state also leads to fatigue, which is of an emotional or psychological nature.

An unfavorable atmosphere in the family is the cause of such a disorder as overwork in an adult or child, since in such a situation the balance between positive and negative emotions is disturbed, which adversely affects health.

In addition, the reasons for this violation may be:

  • dissatisfaction with relationships, work, salary, etc.;
  • unfavorable living conditions;
  • poor nutrition, in which the body does not receive enough vitamins and microelements;
  • negative vision of events and situations in life.

A child may become overtired:

  • due to excessive workload in a preschool or school;
  • due to visiting a large number of clubs and sections;
  • due to unbalanced nutrition;
  • due to the inability of parents to organize the correct routine for their baby with a rational alternation of periods of activity and rest.

A very young infant is also occasionally diagnosed with body fatigue. The reasons for this disorder may lie in the mother’s inability to create harmonious conditions for the baby to be awake and rest. Symptoms of the disorder often appear in adolescents, which is associated with hormonal changes in the body.


Symptoms of overfatigue may be different in a child and an adult. In addition, signs of overwork differ depending on the type of disorder - physical, mental, emotional or mental. But there are also common symptoms, including:

  • drowsiness (an adult or child constantly wants to sleep, but sleep does not add vigor);
  • irritability;
  • inhibition of reactions;
  • inability to concentrate on certain tasks or activities.

Signs that adults are experiencing physical fatigue include:

  • muscle pain;
  • restless sleep or insomnia;
  • pain in the eye area, burning;
  • apathy, or, conversely, irritability;
  • pain in the heart area;
  • loss of appetite and often weight loss.

In a child, symptoms that he is physically overtired include a reluctance to play with his peers, a refusal to play actively, and an inability to concentrate on solving simple problems. In addition, the child experiences tearfulness, he becomes capricious and irritable. Usually, when a child is in this state, parents think that he should get some sleep and everything will pass. In fact, sleep in a child with a disorder such as overtiredness does not bring relief, as in an adult with the same diagnosis.

Mental fatigue is characterized by headaches, redness of the whites of the eyes, and surges in blood pressure. The person also complains of insomnia, the skin of his face becomes grayish, and bruises or “bags” appear under the eyes. The same signs of mental fatigue are characteristic of children.

In addition, with mental and emotional fatigue, a person may experience additional symptoms:

  • insomnia;
  • frequent and;
  • sweating at night;
  • deterioration of memory and attention;
  • increase or decrease in body temperature.

If we talk about children, then severe fatigue in them is expressed by specific symptoms, which are usually not characteristic of adults. Although, of course, as noted above, there are also classic symptoms. A child with such a disorder may have no reaction to surrounding stimuli, whereas normally children happily learn new things and are very active.

In addition, a child with an overtired body may experience fussiness - he begins to write unclearly, moves his arms and legs for no reason, and constantly strives to change his position. Unreasonable fears are also a symptom of mental and emotional fatigue in a child, so parents should pay attention to any manifestations unusual for the child in order to eliminate the possibility of developing such a disorder as overwork of the body. The disorder in children is also expressed by neurological symptoms. In particular, the baby can make faces, imitate adults, make faces in front of the mirror or in front of others.


Treatment of body fatigue is carried out by a neuropathologist, neurologist and psychotherapist. In this case, a doctor can make a correct diagnosis based on a survey of an adult or the child’s parents.

It is also important to exclude the likelihood of a person developing neurological pathologies, and in the presence of a high temperature, to exclude the likelihood of an inflammatory process in the body.


Treatment for the disorder in children and adults will be different, although there are general measures that are used in the treatment of the disorder in all patients. The main treatment is to normalize lifestyle:

  • proper nutrition;
  • alternating periods of activity and rest;
  • physical activity and walks in nature;
  • taking vitamin preparations.

Tablets for fatigue are prescribed only in severe cases to adult patients, when they have developed symptoms of severe depression or neurosis. In this case, the tablets should be selected by a doctor, taking into account the symptoms of the disorder and the patient’s health status - self-medication can cause negative consequences.

Massage, which is performed by specialists in a medical facility, has a good effect. Physiotherapeutic procedures can reduce the symptoms of fatigue and restore a person’s vigor and good mood. In particular, these are procedures such as:

  • pine bath;
  • oxygen bath;
  • Charcot's shower;
  • cold and hot shower.

Despite the fact that with such a disorder a person feels weak and unwilling to move, it is very important to introduce physical activity into your diet. They promote the production of the happiness hormone, improve muscle tone and give a boost of energy.

Of course, treatment of this disorder is impossible without lifestyle correction. In particular, in order to reduce the symptoms of fatigue, get rid of eye fatigue, headaches and other manifestations, a person should stop working at the computer and watching TV and spend more time in the fresh air.

You should also take a vacation (or several days off) from work, and devote your free time exclusively to rest - active and passive, alternating.

Treatment of a disorder in a child may require refusal to attend certain sections and clubs - parents should leave only those activities that arouse the greatest enthusiasm in the child, freeing up his free time for games and simple relaxation.

Overfatigue in adults is a pathological condition that is expressed in symptoms such as exhaustion of the nervous system and dysfunction of excitation-inhibition (treatment, as a rule, is quite long and is characterized by an integrated approach). In practice, this means that the human nervous system, under the influence of constant stress, is under tension, and at the same time practically does not relax.


Fatigue, drowsiness, apathy and weakness - many attribute these sensations to overwork and think that regular sleep can solve the problem and restore strength. But in fact, in medicine, overfatigue is considered a rather complex problem - after all, it can even lead to the development of! It is important not only to have some general understanding of the condition in question, but also to know its first signs - this will help you respond to the body’s “signals” in a timely manner and quickly restore strength.

The nervous system is literally “overwhelmed” with signals from the brain, muscles, and sensory organs and does not have time to process them. As a result, nerve impulses reach muscles and organs late or in a distorted form.

Interesting to know! Outwardly, it looks like impaired concentration, memory impairment, drowsiness, muscle pain and other signs.

The nervous system permeates all other systems and organs of a person, so it is quite natural that nervous exhaustion causes a decrease in muscle tone (accordingly, physical fatigue) or malfunctions in the functioning of the endocrine system, which is responsible, among other things, for mood (from which it is not far from emotional fatigue). It is also obvious that nervous exhaustion has a negative effect on brain function.

Therefore, if you discover signs of one type of overwork, you should not hope that you are protected from another. Quite the contrary - this indicates that you are in a high-risk group.


From all of the above, it becomes clear that overwork is a reaction of the nervous system to mental, mental or physical stimuli.

Important! Of course, it cannot develop if such exposure is short-term, but with prolonged exposure, overwork occurs in 90% of cases.

That is, the discrepancy between the periods of work and rest, regardless of what kind of activity a person is engaged in, leads to overwork.

An unfavorable atmosphere in the family is one of the causes of such a disorder as overwork in an adult or child, since in such a situation the balance between positive and negative emotions is disturbed, which adversely affects health.

In addition, the reasons for this violation may be:

  • dissatisfaction with relationships, work, salary;
  • unfavorable living conditions;
  • poor nutrition, in which the body does not receive enough vitamins and microelements;
  • negative vision of events and situations in life.

A child may become overtired due to:

  • excessive workload in a preschool or school;
  • visiting a large number of clubs and sections;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • the inability of parents to organize the correct routine for their baby with a rational alternation of periods of activity and rest.


Doctors distinguish four types of overwork:

  • physical;
  • emotional;
  • mental;
  • nervous.

Despite the fact that these types are formally separated, in reality they are closely related to each other. As a rule, a person develops several types of fatigue at once - simultaneously or one after another.


This type of overfatigue develops gradually - a person first feels slight fatigue and low-intensity pain in muscle tissue, but usually few people pay attention to these signs.

Continuing to carry out active work or engage in sports training without reducing the load, full-fledged physical fatigue occurs.

In this case, the following symptoms will be present:

  1. A constant feeling of fatigue - even sleep and relaxation procedures do not relieve it.
  2. Muscle pain increases.
  3. Body temperature can rise to 39°C.
  4. Sleep becomes restless - a person often wakes up for no apparent reason and has difficulty falling asleep.
  5. A disturbance in the emotional background - a person becomes either apathetic and lethargic, or deliberately humorous and irritated.
  6. In the area of ​​the anatomical location of the heart, unpleasant sensations appear, sometimes turning into pain.
  7. Blood pressure rises, tachycardia is noted.
  8. The appetite of a person with physical fatigue is significantly reduced, and a white coating appears on the tongue. In some cases, the tongue trembles when protruded.
  9. Body weight begins to decrease.

If the above symptoms occur, you should immediately stop strenuous training or avoid physical labor - it will take time to select a recovery program. Doctors do not recommend completely abandoning your usual physical activities, you just need to reduce their intensity.


This type of overwork is often perceived as ordinary fatigue and people try to restore their strength by simply sleeping or relaxing in nature. But doctors argue that in some cases such a change in activity will not be enough, it is necessary to undergo full-fledged treatment.

Early signs of mental fatigue include:

  • recurrent headaches without obvious causes;
  • noticeable fatigue that does not disappear even after a night’s sleep;
  • the skin of the face changes color (becomes pale or grayish), persistent bruises appear under the eyes;
  • fluctuations in blood pressure;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • inability to sleep.

As the problem worsens, the person begins to experience nausea and vomiting, irritability and nervousness, loss of concentration, and memory impairment.

The condition in question cannot appear suddenly, with all the accompanying symptoms - mental fatigue develops in a progressive rhythm.

  1. Stage 1 is the mildest stage of mental fatigue, which is characterized exclusively by subjective signs: a person cannot fall asleep even when very tired, a feeling of fatigue persists after a night’s sleep, and there is a reluctance to do any work.
  2. Stage 2 - disorders in the functioning of the digestive system appear, a person’s appetite decreases significantly, the skin of the face becomes pale, the eyes are constantly red. During the period under review, pathological changes begin to occur in the functioning of the whole organism. Men may experience a decrease in potency and libido, and in women the menstrual cycle is disrupted.
  3. Stage 3 is the most severe and manifests itself in the form of neurasthenia. A person is too excitable, irritated, there is practically no sleep at night, and during the day, on the contrary, productivity disappears due to the desire to sleep, the work of all organs and systems of the body is disrupted.


Emotional exhaustion is no less destructive than physical exhaustion. The cause is excessive stress, which leads to persistent emotional burnout. It must be said that burnout in such a situation is a kind of defense mechanism.

The fact is that any emotion is a set of biochemical reactions: various hormones are involved in the experience of emotion, as well as many nerve pathways and endings.

Remember adrenaline, which mobilizes all body systems, serotonin and many other hormones that are produced in various situations and, in essence, shape our emotions.

Now imagine that under the influence of the same type of unpleasant situations, the same set of hormones is produced in the body, and the same type of signals are transmitted along the nerve pathways. By the way, this set of hormones often includes adrenaline - it should help cope with stress.

Emotional fatigue, or exhaustion, manifests itself in the following signs:

  1. Lethargy, apathy.
  2. Inhibited reactions.
  3. Loss of tactile sensitivity.
  4. Sometimes there is a weakening of taste sensations.
  5. Flattening and weakening of emotions.
  6. In cases of severe overwork, some emotions may simply disappear (in fact, they do not disappear anywhere - all biochemical processes continue to occur, but the person does not feel them and does not feel any experiences).
  7. Irritability, frequent and unpredictable mood swings.
  8. Desire for solitude (a person spends less time in the company of other people, becomes unsociable, does not tolerate being around someone else).
  9. Sleep disorders - restless, interrupted sleep, insomnia, nightmares.

Emotional fatigue is a very dangerous phenomenon, which, if not paid attention to, leads to depression. – is by no means a “bad mood”, it is a serious disorder of the brain, in which the production of many important hormones (for example, serotonin) stops.

There are a lot of reasons that cause emotional fatigue, but they all boil down to one thing - a person experiences a state of stress for a long time. Stress can be caused by a variety of situations:

  1. Nervous, stressful work associated with communicating with a large number of people and/or constantly making serious decisions.
  2. Unfavorable family environment.
  3. Some kind of severe shock.
  4. Stress can be not only negative, but also positive. An excess of positive emotions can also lead to overwork.


Overstrain of the nervous system is expressed in disruption of the transmission of nerve impulses. Often, the body, as in the case of emotional exhaustion, partially “turns off” the nervous system.

All this manifests itself in the form of the following symptoms:

  • general weakness;
  • a constant feeling of drowsiness, an increase in the amount of time required for sleep (instead of the usual eight hours, a person begins to sleep ten to twelve);
  • weakening of emotions;
  • impaired tactile sensitivity;
  • muscle fatigue;
  • headache.

Nervous exhaustion can be caused by stress, hard work (especially monotonous work), as well as constant adverse effects on the senses. For example, high noise levels, strong unpleasant odors and similar irritants.

“Overload” of the senses gradually leads to nervous exhaustion, which easily develops into neuroses, tics, and asthenic conditions. An unfavorable emotional background - fear, anxiety, irritation - also provides excellent conditions for the occurrence of nervous fatigue.


Different types of overwork require different approaches. In case of physical fatigue, the main attention should be paid to relaxing tense muscles, restoring normal blood flow and providing oxygen. In case of mental stress – a decrease or change in the nature of the intellectual load.

For nervous conditions – minimizing irritating factors and restoring normal reactions of the nervous system. In case of emotional fatigue, treatment is aimed at leveling and stabilizing the emotional background and normalizing the functioning of the hormonal system.

The main treatment is to normalize lifestyle:

  • proper nutrition;
  • alternating periods of activity and rest;
  • physical activity and walks in nature;
  • taking vitamin supplements.

Tablets for fatigue are prescribed only in severe cases to adult patients, when they have developed symptoms of severe depression or neurosis. In this case, the tablets should be selected by a doctor, taking into account the symptoms of the disorder and the patient’s health status - self-medication can cause negative consequences.

Massage, which is performed by specialists in a medical facility, has a good effect.

Physiotherapeutic procedures can reduce the symptoms of fatigue and restore a person’s vigor and good mood. In particular, these are procedures such as:

  • pine bath;
  • oxygen bath;
  • Charcot's shower;
  • cold and hot shower.

Despite the fact that with such a disorder a person feels weak and unwilling to move, it is very important to introduce physical activity into your daily routine. They promote the production of the happiness hormone, improve muscle tone and give a boost of energy.

Of course, treatment of this disorder is impossible without lifestyle correction. In particular, in order to reduce the symptoms of fatigue, get rid of eye fatigue, headaches and other manifestations, a person should stop working at the computer and watching TV and spend more time in the fresh air.

You should also take a vacation (or several days off) from work, and devote your free time exclusively to rest - active and passive, alternating.


To prevent the development of overwork in adults, you just need to know a few rules that should be followed in everyday life. This does not mean that you will need to transfer to an easier job (this simply does not happen) or radically change your lifestyle - everything is much simpler.

  1. Weekends should really be days off—don’t take “work home.” If you do physical work, then at home change the activity to mental.
  2. When doing mental work, on the contrary, do not ignore physical activity. Play sports - just take walks in the fresh air, visit the pool, gym, or at least do morning exercises.
  3. Allow yourself to relax - a bathhouse, sauna, massage sessions, aromatherapy will serve as a prevention of mental and physical fatigue.
  4. Under no circumstances should you drink alcohol when the first signs of overwork appear—you won’t be able to relax, and your weakened body will receive a powerful blow from toxic substances, which will automatically lead to a worsening of your condition.
  5. Before going to bed, do not watch “heavy” films, do not listen to too active music - give preference to real relaxation: reading your favorite book, watching a comedy, knitting or embroidery.

You should also pay attention to external factors:

  • supply of fresh air to the room - regular ventilation of the premises is required;
  • daily walks - no matter what the weather is like outside;
  • good nutrition - fruits and vegetables, meat and dairy products should be included in the diet (if there are no medical contraindications for certain products);
  • proper distribution of periods of wakefulness and sleep - night sleep should last at least 7 hours.

What is fatigue? Fatigue occurs in the process of doing any work. This is a physiological state, normal for any organism, if it is compensated by rest.
Physical work consists of a large number of different movements that enhance the activity of all organs and systems of the body to perform this work.

Usually, during rest, performance is restored and even turns out to be higher. But if a person has not rested enough and starts working again when his strength has not yet been restored, he may become overtired.

Hence the conclusion: fatigue can develop endurance and increase performance if there has been sufficient rest. But if you are not enough, and the work was excessive before, it causes overwork.
When you are overworked, your health worsens, irritability and insomnia appear, and interest in work disappears.

Overworkits consequences:

What is the danger of overworking the body? It can lead to various diseases: nervous system, exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, gastrointestinal tract, decreased immunity. To get rid of overwork, a long rest and sometimes treatment is required.

The onset of premature fatigue is accelerated by the following factors: lifestyle, physical development, chronic diseases, smoking, alcohol abuse, poor family relationships.


How to prevent overwork? To prevent overwork, several conditions must be observed:

1. You need to enter any work gradually.

2. Maintain consistency.

3. You should alternate between work and rest correctly.

4. The attitude towards work should be favorable.

What is the point of these rules? Gradually getting into work helps when you need to learn a new profession or specialty, and this is always difficult. Therefore, fatigue sets in earlier.

Over time, mastering the skill, working movements become more accurate and fatigue does not occur longer.

Mental overwork:

It is known that mental fatigue occurs more often and is more harmful than physical fatigue. Why? Our brain can work for a long time without giving signals that it is overtired. In other words, we do not feel brain fatigue for a long time, unlike muscle fatigue. Because overwork does not occur where we feel it. It seems to us that our legs or arms are tired, but in fact, fatigue appears in the brain.

There is a unique way to combat fatigue tire! Those who get tired more often are less tired, they are more trained, they have more endurance. This means that you need to train not only muscle strength, but also the ability to continue working, despite the fact that fatigue has set in, that is, to develop endurance.

Overwork: How to develop endurance?

It is developed through fatigue—work until fatigue. Paradox? No. If a person, feeling a little tired, immediately stops working, then he will never become hardy. Anyone who has been afraid of getting tired all their life will always have low performance. And vice versa, someone who is not afraid of fatigue and works until fatigue will always be more resilient.

Some consider fatigue and the fatigue that accompanies it to be a harmful phenomenon that adversely affects the condition of the body. This is a misconception. During rest, performance is restored and even increased. Usually, after a good night's sleep, there is no trace of fatigue left. If fatigue, at least partially, continues to the next day, this is overwork.

Fatigue goes away faster if you take active rest after work. With the help of physical exercises, you need to use muscles that were inactive during the main work.

Overwork. Treatment:

To treat fatigue, various baths are used that can be prepared and taken at home.

COMMON BATHS WITH GRADUALLY INCREASING TEMPERATURE. Baths are carried out every other day. They start with a water temperature of 37-38 degrees and gradually increase it to 40-42 degrees.

Duration up to 30 minutes. Course – 6-10 baths. After a bath, it is advisable to wrap yourself warmly in a sheet and a woolen blanket.

LOCAL CONTRAST BATHS FOR HANDS AND FEET. They are carried out at water temperatures of 36-42 degrees and 10-15 degrees. The duration of heat baths is 10-30 minutes, cold baths are 3-6 minutes. Course – 15-30 procedures. After cold baths, vigorous rubbing is mandatory. Recommended for fatigue and overwork.

CONIFEROUS BATHS. Coniferous extract is added to the bath in the form of powder, tablets (per bath - 2 tablespoons of powder or 2 tablets), as well as liquid pine extract - 70-100g. The needles give the water a pleasant smell and greenish-yellow color, and have a calming effect on the nervous system. Pine baths are recommended to be used after hard work in combination with manual massage. Water temperature is 36 degrees, bath duration is 10-15 minutes.

SALT BATHS. Prepared from table or sea salt - 2-5 kg ​​per bath. Salt dissolved in water has additional irritation on the skin, its nerve endings and through them on the entire body, affecting metabolism. Salt baths are used after tiring physical work.

SALT - CONIFEROUS BATHS. Recommended for overwork, overstrain, and after heavy physical exertion. They have a calming effect and at the same time help increase metabolism. Water temperature and duration are the same as for pine baths.

Overwork. Remedies for fatigue:

Some products and folk remedies will help with mental and physical fatigue:

1. Tea with milk and honey.

2. Peppermint infusion.

3. A few pieces of herring reduce mental fatigue; the phosphorus contained in herring improves brain function.

4. Green onions will relieve feelings of fatigue and drowsiness.

5. A warm bath helps with physical and mental fatigue - it relaxes the whole body and relieves fatigue.

6. A 10-minute hot foot bath will relieve fatigue and help you sleep.

Overwork. Biological rhythms and performance:

What is the connection between human biological rhythms and overwork, a feeling of tiredness? The mechanism of biorhythms is very complex. Some biorhythms are inherited. Other biorhythms depend on the changing seasons, temperature fluctuations, air humidity, and the ebb and flow of the ocean. But the main regulator of biorhythms is the sun.

Biological rhythms in the body have a wave-like character. Therefore, at different periods of time, people feel differently. On certain days they have a good mood and high performance, a surge of strength and vigor, a good mood, on others - a loss of strength, a bad mood, and they don’t want to do anything.

Scientists have noticed that rhythm regulators work on the principle of a pendulum - the more it deviates in one direction, the more it will deviate in the other. This principle also applies to emotional processes. Every person should know that after an emotional upsurge, a decline may occur, and be prepared for it. This will allow you to plan your work taking into account emotional ups and downs.

During a period of decreased mental and physical capabilities, you should not be upset and do not stimulate the body with artificial means.

For most people, performance increases during the day, from 8 - 13 and 16 - 19 hours. If the body is given a large amount of stress at other times, when performance is reduced, this leads to significant fatigue and overwork, impaired blood pressure, insomnia and other negative changes.

When there is a sudden change in time zones (during flights), there is a mismatch between the circadian rhythms and the new zone time, and the state of health worsens. The body adapts to new conditions in 3-10 days. By the end of this period, sleep, physical and mental performance are fully restored.