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Tablets for pain in the stomach and intestines. The best tablets for relieving pain in the pancreas and stomach. Why are stomach medications needed?

The appearance of severe pain can poison life and disrupt plans. It’s worse if they are accompanied by unpleasant symptoms – nausea, fever or diarrhea. There are many reasons why your stomach hurts. You need to know what to do in each case, is it necessary to rush to the hospital?

Stomach pain - causes and treatment

Diseases can cause painful symptoms. Among the most common are ulcers and gastritis. This also includes the appearance of polyps, tumors, and damage to the mucous membrane. Pain is caused by diseases of neighboring organs - it can radiate from the intestines, appendix, diaphragm, heart. Among the reasons there are also those not related to pathologies:

  • binge eating;
  • poisoning;
  • pregnancy;
  • stress;
  • injuries;
  • poor nutrition;
  • physical exercise.

What to do if your stomach hurts? To begin with, it is advisable to eliminate the reasons that led to this situation. If the painful condition lasts for a long time and the situation is not clear, it is worth visiting a doctor for diagnosis. What to do first depends on the symptoms:

  • in case of acute pain, call an ambulance;
  • in case of poisoning, wash;
  • change your diet;
  • follow a diet;
  • take prescribed medications;
  • use folk remedies.

Stomach pain during pregnancy

Often discomfort occurs in a woman expecting a child. Stomach pain during pregnancy occurs due to:

  • hormonal changes;
  • pressure from the growing uterus;
  • overeating;
  • hunger;
  • toxicosis;
  • poisoning;
  • physical fatigue;
  • stress;
  • infections;
  • ulcers;
  • constipation;
  • neuroses;
  • heartburn;
  • night cramps with gastritis;
  • taking medications;
  • abdominal muscle tension.

How to relieve stomach pain in a pregnant woman? To begin with, consult a doctor; self-medication in this situation is excluded - many medications are contraindicated. You should eliminate the causes of stress, walk more, and follow a diet. In agreement with the gynecologist:

  • take medication;
  • use traditional medicine;
  • make teas with mint, motherwort;
  • eat honey;
  • take Borjomi mineral water.

Stomach pain after eating

Unpleasant symptoms after eating can appear when a person overeats or drinks poor-quality water or food. Painful signs will be aggravated by overeating before bed, disrupting your diet, or drinking little water. Why does my stomach hurt after eating? The cause may be diseases:

  • narrowing of the esophagus;
  • a hernia of the diaphragm that pinches the nerves;
  • ulcers;
  • polyps;
  • neoplasms.

If your stomach hurts after eating, what should you do? When such a condition is not associated with eating disorders, it is advisable to undergo an examination in order to receive the correct treatment. For those who are used to overeating and eat on the go, the condition can be alleviated if:

  • apply cold to the abdominal area;
  • take a No-shpa tablet;
  • drink three glasses of water;
  • review nutrition;
  • go on a diet.

Stomach hurts and nausea

A dangerous situation is when vomiting, heartburn, diarrhea, and loss of appetite are added to these symptoms - this requires the intervention of a doctor. Stomach pain and nausea occur as a result of:

  • overeating;
  • poisoning;
  • consumption of harmful foods;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • gastritis;
  • ischemic disease;
  • appendicitis;
  • ulcers;
  • infections;
  • gynecological diseases.

What helps with abdominal pain in this situation? To quickly relieve pain, you can take No-shpa, Papaverine. If the diagnosis is unclear, consult a gastroenterologist or gynecologist. The treatment method depends on the reason why it occurred:

  • in case of poisoning, drink plenty of water, take activated carbon;
  • pregnant women should avoid places with a bad smell and chew seeds;
  • In case of illness, take medications as prescribed.

Acute pain in the stomach

The worst situation is when a person cannot even move due to an attack of stomach pain. This is life-threatening and requires immediate assistance. Sharp pain in the stomach occurs when:

  • perforation of the ulcer;
  • inflammation of the appendix;
  • chemical poisoning;
  • acute pancreatitis, gastritis;
  • attack of ulcers at night;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

First aid for abdominal pain, if it is acute or constant, is to call an ambulance. When the cause is not clear, it is better not to take medications until the doctors arrive - the symptoms will be clear, and it will be easier to make a diagnosis. What can you do? In this case, we recommend:

  • organize rest for the patient;
  • give water or warm tea to drink;
  • refuse to eat.

Severe stomach pain

When unbearable painful sensations appear, it is necessary to understand what caused them - disease, poisoning, food, living conditions. The different nature of pain requires its own approach to treatment. What will you need to do? It is necessary to describe in detail to the doctor all the symptoms, possible causes, the onset of the attack, and accompanying signs. When your stomach hurts badly, treatment determines the nature of the pain. It can prick, cause a feeling of heaviness, and be:

  • pulling;
  • cutting;
  • paroxysmal;
  • constant;
  • hungry;
  • burning.

Stomach hurts after alcohol

The reason for the appearance of such pain is the inability of gastric enzymes to process ethyl alcohol. Irritation of the mucous membrane occurs, food is poorly digested and rots. All this can provoke the appearance of ulcers and gastritis. What to do when your stomach hurts after drinking alcohol? Experts advise:

  • drink No-shpa;
  • do rinsing;
  • eat food that does not cause irritation - thin oatmeal, raw egg;
  • drink a decoction of mint.

Aching pain in the stomach

The appearance of symptoms of this nature may be associated with malignant neoplasms. Pain occurs with gastritis, provoked by viruses and bacteria, alcohol, and taking antibiotics. Dull pain in the stomach is caused by:

  • poor quality nutrition;
  • mucosal atrophy;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • compression by the uterus during pregnancy;
  • genitourinary infections;
  • inflammation of the appendix.

What to drink for stomach pain? If it does not appear for the first time, its cause is known - you need to take the drugs prescribed by the doctor. When the symptoms are new, it is better not to take anything - the signs will not be smoothed out, and it is easier for the doctor to diagnose. What to do to alleviate the condition? Acceptable:

  • limit food;
  • drink Essentuki mineral water;
  • give up alcohol.

Stomach pain and fever

Pain accompanied by fever may indicate serious problems. This is typical for acute forms of pancreatitis, appendicitis, cholecystitis. Stomach pain and fever appear when:

  • infectious diseases;
  • strangulated hernia;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • food poisoning;
  • pathologies of neighboring organs.

What to do with such symptoms? If you get sick and for a long time, in addition to pain, experience discomfort from prolonged diarrhea, it is better to call an ambulance. In order for the doctor to correctly assess the situation and make a diagnosis, it is necessary to explain in detail the course of the disease. Tell us when the temperature appeared, how long it lasts, and what its indicators are. Only then will the correct treatment be prescribed and, if necessary, hospitalization suggested.

Stomach pain and belching

A very uncomfortable condition in which pain is accompanied by belching. It appears as a result of the release of gastric gases. This can happen for several reasons - when eating fruit for dessert, sleeping or taking a bath after eating. Belching is provoked by soda, fast food intake, and illness. This symptom has specific features when:

  • gastritis – rotten smell;
  • inflammation of the esophageal mucosa - belching air;
  • ulcer – sour;
  • gallbladder diseases – bitter;
  • pancreatitis - accompanied by stomach rumbling.

What to do when your stomach hurts and belching? If the symptoms are caused by serious diagnoses, only a specialist who has determined the cause can help. In other cases, it is necessary to implement the following measures:

  • exclude soda from the diet;
  • take your time while eating;
  • correct behavior after eating;
  • do not consume foods that cause fermentation.

Stomach pain and diarrhea

Diarrhea occurs when taking antibiotics, food allergies, bacterial and viral infections. Stomach pain and diarrhea are caused by poisoning, malnutrition, and inflammatory processes. What to do in this case? You cannot treat yourself - the cause of diarrhea must be accurately established. Doctors prescribe:

  • for overeating - Mezim;
  • to relieve spasms - No-shpu;
  • for ulcers, gastritis - Almagel;
  • to eliminate pain due to increased acidity - Omez;
  • in order to avoid dehydration - Regidron;
  • for infection - remedies depending on the cause.

Painkillers for stomach pain

The action of medications is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of pain and the factors that caused them. What can you drink for your stomach, what should you do in this situation? If it hurts, the medicine is prescribed by a doctor who prescribes it for the purpose of:

  • relieving spasms - Baralgin;
  • eliminating irritation of the mucous membrane - Vikair;
  • pain reduction – No-shpu;
  • preventing vomiting - Motilak;
  • relief of heartburn - Rennie;
  • improve digestion – Mezim;
  • relief of nausea - Cerucal.

Diet for stomach pain

Proper nutrition is an important component of treatment. A change in cooking technology is required - give preference to baking, stewing. It is advisable to steam dishes, cook meat and vegetables. A diet for a sick stomach excludes:

  • fatty foods;
  • spicy seasonings;
  • canned products;
  • vegetables with coarse fiber;
  • drinking coffee, carbonated water, alcohol.

What to do to eliminate pain with diet? The menu should include:

  • lean meat, steamed;
  • viscous porridge with water, milk;
  • omelette;
  • boiled fish;
  • low-fat dairy foods;
  • marshmallows;
  • butter;
  • baked fruits;
  • boiled vegetables;
  • cocoa;
  • pates;
  • meat, fruit jelly;
  • mousses;
  • jelly;
  • pureed soups with vegetable broth.

Folk remedies for stomach pain

Doctors recommend, if your stomach hurts, the use of herbs in the form of decoctions and teas. Eating honey, sauerkraut juice, and fresh potatoes effectively eliminates symptoms. Folk remedies for stomach pain are blueberry tea, which is used instead of tea leaves and drunk chilled. It is effective to use a decoction of chamomile flowers, which should be done as follows:

  • put a glass of inflorescences in a jar;
  • add the same amount of boiling water;
  • insist;
  • strain;
  • drink in three doses throughout the day.

Find out what gastric polyposis is.

Video: how to cure a stomach at home

Stomach pain is the most common ailment among people. Everyone experiences these feelings. Therefore, information about this pathology is important for everyone. After all, measures to eliminate this condition must be well known in order to eliminate pain in time and return to a normal rhythm of life. You can help yourself using generally accepted means; it is also advisable to use medications.

Is it possible to self-medicate for stomach pain?

There are many causes of stomach pain

Measures to eliminate stomach pain depend on the nature of the pain. Some people experience aching pain from time to time, while others experience severe cramps. Different manifestations of pain are associated with different reasons that cause these unpleasant sensations.

Therefore, before taking measures, it is necessary to identify the factors that provoked the appearance of pain. If a person has already been examined or seen by a specialist with a certain diagnosis, then in this case you can eliminate the painful manifestations on your own. If the pain appears unexpectedly, the person has never examined the state of the gastrointestinal tract, then it is necessary to consult a doctor.

A minor exception is cases where the pain is the result of eating spoiled or unhealthy food. In this case, emergency measures are taken, and then you can go to see a doctor, who will prescribe the correct treatment and recovery regimen.

Measures to eliminate stomach pain

The following simple techniques will help relieve the condition when pain in the stomach occurs:

  • strict adherence to diet;
  • therapeutic fasting for 24 hours is possible to normalize the condition in the presence of vomiting;
  • taking neutral liquid.

If your stomach hurts unexpectedly, you can use natural remedies. For example, dandelion leaves soothe heartburn, relieve heaviness and pain. The leaves should be green and should simply be chewed and then swallowed. The presence of bitterness is normal for this medicinal raw material. Therefore, do not be afraid of the bitter taste, you just need to be patient. Juice squeezed from aloe leaves is excellent for relieving stomach pain. You only need to drink a little: about 10 ml.

People who are wary of medications may be advised to take honey to relieve stomach pain. This sweet remedy gives excellent results after just 7 days. It must be diluted in water (a small spoon per glass of water). Drink this remedy before meals, about 30 minutes.

Medicines that can help fight stomach pain

Poor nutrition causes cramping pain

Modern medicine offers a lot of effective drugs that normalize the condition of gastrointestinal pathologies. Prescription of drugs is carried out depending on the diagnosis. A common point for most treatment courses are drugs that eliminate pathogenic flora, as well as drugs that normalize acidity levels.

If a diagnosis of “gastritis” or “ulcer” is made, then one cannot do without gastroprotectors and special anti-ulcer agents. Stomach pain is relieved with the following medications:

  • Maalox;
  • Tagamet;
  • No-Shpa;
  • Almagel;
  • Phosphalugel;
  • Drotaverine;
  • Methyluracil.

There are many more medications; the most popular medications, often prescribed by doctors throughout the country, are listed above. It is impossible to normalize the state of the gastrointestinal tract, including eliminating stomach pain that appears as a result of various diseases, without food restrictions. The importance of diet has been repeatedly proven and scientifically substantiated. The following products should be avoided:

  1. fresh bread and pastries;
  2. everything fried;
  3. alcohol;
  4. chocolate;
  5. sour fruits and other foods that have a pronounced sour taste;
  6. animal fats;
  7. teas and coffee;
  8. hot spices.

Even if stomach pain occurs occasionally, it is still better to stick to a diet that relies on steamed dishes. Such nutrition improves the condition of the gastrointestinal tract and increases vitality.

What measures are taken for stomach pain?

Stomach pain can be very severe

There is no need to rush to conclusions when you experience stomach pain. First you need to observe your condition. All food is excluded for two to three hours; in a calm state, the pain can go away just as it appeared. During this time, it is better to lie down with your feet in a position above your head.

It's better not to stress or get nervous. Maximum relaxation can help relieve pain. Sometimes water with ice relieves the condition. But if after a small portion you do not feel better, you should not continue drinking water.

People often choose the Internet as their main adviser. Of course, you can find good advice there. But you should be careful with traditional medicine recipes. It is better to visit a medical portal where there is current scientific information. It is also possible to get expert advice online.

You can use a simple remedy - tea with mint is traditionally drunk to relax the muscles of the stomach and get rid of pain. This same tea is a good aid to the stomach in digesting food. If some time has passed and the pain has decreased, you can drink chicken broth. The portion should be small. If after taking the first part the pain does not become stronger, you can drink more. When consuming broth, the condition of the body is carefully monitored. At the slightest deterioration of the condition, stop taking it.

If your stomach hurts at night, then a certain position will help, which is to give your legs a position higher than your head.

If a pose in which your legs are higher than your head does not bring the desired result, you can try drinking some water. Broths and decoctions are not available at night, so relaxation may be the only non-drug remedy that can improve the condition.

Severe pain

When simple means fail to overcome the pain, treatment with medications is started. To carry out the correct treatment, you need a comprehensive examination. But most are in no hurry to contact a gastroenterologist, knowing about the difficulties of examination by this specialist. Also, an obstacle can be heavy workload, which does not allow you to allocate time to visit a specialist. In this case, you must follow the following recommendations:

  1. follow a diet;
  2. take antacids;
  3. take painkillers.

The diet should be based on light cereals, soups without seasonings and spices. Dairy should be excluded during this period. Fermented milk products can cause irritation. Such products are only useful for people with a healthy stomach. In addition to dairy, fried, sour, spicy, fried foods are prohibited. All these types of food have a detrimental effect on the condition of an inflamed stomach.

When choosing medications, they choose those drugs that will reduce the secretion of gastric juice, which irritates the gastrointestinal tract. It is this irritation that causes pain.

If the condition is advanced and an ulcer or gastritis is already diagnosed, in addition to the diet, treatment based on antacids and adsorbents is prescribed. If the pain is difficult to bear, the course of treatment is supplemented with painkillers. Late stages of the above diseases are treated in a hospital, because patients need special care and constant monitoring.

Stomach pain in pregnant women

Stomach pain also occurs during pregnancy

Changes in the body while waiting for a baby sometimes lead to painful sensations in the stomach. This happens even among women who have never had such problems before. The difficulties in correcting this condition are due to the inability to prescribe many medications to pregnant women. During the examination, the doctor must exclude the presence of gastritis or ulcers.

One possible cause of pain is the increasing size of the uterus. Due to its growth, it affects the internal organs, displacing them. In any case, if you have stomach problems, you need to tell your doctor about it, he will draw up the correct course of action. Firstly, women in such a situation are advised to take herbal remedies that reduce acidity. Secondly, he will give nutritional recommendations.

When taking herbs, moderation and caution should be used. An overdose may harm the developing baby. It is better not to use traditional medicine at such a moment. The impact of these funds is multifaceted and has not been fully studied. Therefore, you need to be careful, because during pregnancy a woman is responsible for both herself and the fetus.

Night pain

In certain situations, pain in the stomach is acute only at night. During the day, such a person does not feel pain or feels only minor discomfort. Night pain can signal gastritis. Therefore, you should urgently go to see a doctor. Night pain with gastritis is associated with a lack of food during this period of time. And eating during the day smoothes out the condition.

In such a situation, painkillers are taken. Just don’t confuse drugs that relieve pain with real treatment. Eliminating pain does not remove its cause. To alleviate the condition, you need to adhere to a strict diet. The absence of fried, salty, spicy foods in the diet will calm the stomach and relieve irritation. The diet should consist of low-fat broths, cereals and other cooked foods.

In this situation, you cannot do without a visit to a gastroenterologist. Delay will only make the condition worse. It is almost impossible to stop the development of the disease without special means.

Basic techniques for relieving stomach pain

You can't do without a diet!

Cabbage or potato juice helps get rid of gastritis pain. Drink half a cup in the morning before meals. If the pain has become permanent, then you can increase the number of appointments to 3. 20 minutes should pass between drinking juice and eating. Patients feel relief almost immediately, on the same day.

Potato broth helps a lot. To prepare it, potatoes are boiled in their skins. For cooking, take 5 liters of water. You need to cook for a very long time, until the potatoes are completely boiled and look like porridge. The resulting infusion is taken before meals. The course of treatment should not be less than several days.

When the condition is characterized by belching, heartburn, or stomach pain, you can chew green dandelion leaves. The juice of laurel leaves helps with indigestion. You just need a few drops of it, the juice is washed down with water. Aloe juice helps in relieving pain. To obtain it, the leaves are crushed and the juice is squeezed out (10 ml).

10 g of honey dissolved in a glass of water is taken in the morning before meals to get rid of pain. You need to drink it for about a week.

If the cause of pain is an upset stomach, then you should brew cinquefoil root in an amount of 10 g with a glass of boiling water. Then keep the mixture on low heat for 10 minutes. The broth should stand for about 40 minutes, cool, then take 20 ml every 60 minutes.

The following decoction will reduce pain: a collection of chamomile, sage and centaury, taken 10 g each, is poured with half a liter of boiling water. Leave for 2 hours. Take a spoonful every 2 hours.

Thematic video material - visiting Gennady Malakhov “Stomach pain”:

Unpleasant sensations in the abdominal area are one of the most common types of ailments. Unfortunately, in such cases, we most often do not rush to see a doctor, but self-medicate at home. This is why many people wonder what to take for stomach pain. In fact, there is no universal answer to it, because the choice of medicine largely depends on the cause of the problem.

How is food processed?

Before determining what to take for stomach pain, you should understand the principle of internal digestive processes in the human body. The first stage is represented by the esophagus; it is here that food processed by the teeth first arrives. In the stomach they continue to be digested and decomposed under the influence of acid, which is subsequently neutralized by alkali. Remains of food are eliminated through the intestines.

Causes of discomfort in the stomach. Diseases and temporary conditions

What should you do first if you feel stomach pain? The main reasons for this phenomenon will definitely need to be determined. These may include a decrease or increase in the amount of gastric juice, as well as changes in acidity levels. Let's specify the main list of diseases that cause discomfort. These include the following:

  • Gastritis. It is an inflammation of the mucous membrane; there are several types of it. May be a consequence of allergies, weakened immunity, or mechanical stress. The main reason for its development is bacteria living in the stomach.
  • Peptic ulcer disease. May affect the intestines or duodenum. It occurs as a result of poor nutrition, heredity and increased production of hydrochloric acid.
  • Cancer. A malignant tumor, the formation of which occurs under the influence of many different factors.
  • Benign formations. Often called polyps. Their appearance is based on internal inflammatory processes; under a number of circumstances, they can degenerate into a malignant tumor.
  • Appendicitis.

Among other things, pain can be caused by temporary phenomena - overeating, allergic reaction to foods, nervous breakdowns, physical fatigue. Severe spasms are caused by poisoning, mechanical trauma, and intolerance to a number of foods. Moderate colic can occur due to sore throat or pneumonia. In each of these cases, we take tablets for stomach pain.

What should you tell your doctor at your appointment?

The unpleasant sensations we experience are expressed in completely different ways. You may suffer from bouts of nausea and vomiting, morning heartburn, constipation or diarrhea. In some cases, heaviness in the stomach and difficulty swallowing are observed. As a rule, all these symptoms are alarming, and it is not recommended to eliminate them on your own; it is best to consult a specialist. When visiting your doctor, be sure to provide him with the following information:

  • nature of the pain (sharp, cutting, stabbing, pulling, constant, episodic);
  • location of pain (where it is felt most strongly);
  • time of manifestation of unpleasant sensations (morning, afternoon or evening);
  • processes that stimulate unpleasant sensations (physical activity, food intake, etc.);
  • how to eliminate spasms and colic.

It is the doctor who will tell you what to do if you have stomach pain, what to take, what preventive measures to follow.

General information about prescribing medications

If you nevertheless decide to fight the ailment on your own, then you will need to carefully approach the question of what to take for stomach pain. Remember that there is no panacea for all ills, and the wrong choice of drug may not only not bring the desired result, but also worsen the current condition. Thus, in some cases there is an exacerbation of existing diseases.

If you have high acidity, you should use artificial blockers. These include such well-known products as Maalox or Rennie. Heaviness in the stomach is a symptom of lack of stomach acid. To eliminate it, as a rule, the drugs “Mezim” or “Pancreatin” are used. For bloating, doctors recommend taking Motilium, and for poisoning, Smecta will help. A sudden spasm of unknown nature can be eliminated with the help of the well-known drug “No-shpa”.

The drug "Mezim" for heartburn and pain in the morning

Let's look at a few specific situations. So, in the morning before eating, you feel heartburn and stomach pain. What to do in such a situation? In this case, it would be quite appropriate to take Mezim. The components of this drug promote the processing and breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates and various fats. The main effect of the medication occurs 40 minutes after taking one capsule.

"Maalox" - a remedy for the treatment of gastritis

One of the most common diseases is gastritis, which also causes severe pain in the stomach. What to do to improve your condition? It would be best to stick to a special diet and take the drug Maalox. This medicine not only fights the cause of the disease, reduces the amount of gastric juice produced, but also minimizes discomfort.

The drug is available in the form of tablets and suspension. For prevention, it is consumed an hour after the main meal. The maximum dose per day can be 12 tablets or 6 sachets. Contraindications to its use are Alzheimer's disease, pregnancy, hypersensitivity to the constituent components, and problems with kidney function.

Activated carbon is the first remedy in the home first aid kit

Activated carbon is a medicine that should be present in every first aid kit. It is indicated for poisoning, overeating and stomach pain. What to take in childhood or during pregnancy? Of course, coal. It is harmless and very effective. The action of this natural sorbent is based on the collection and removal of waste, bacteria, and toxins from the human body. Thanks to this natural cleaning, you can experience an amazing feeling of lightness and comfort.

At the first symptoms of poisoning, you should drink about 5 tablets of coal, and after a couple of hours repeat the indicated dose. This will help stop the effect of the poison and restore health faster. It should be remembered that, despite all its safety, this medicine should not be taken for more than three days in a row. If there is a need to continue treatment with it, be sure to consult your doctor.

“No-shpa” - a remedy for spasms and sharp pain

In some cases, it is quite difficult to determine the nature of the unpleasant sensations. You may experience the following symptoms: stomach cramps, stomach pain. What to do in this case? Your main task is to minimize or eliminate pain. The No-Spa product will do an excellent job of this. You can consume a maximum of 240 grams of the drug per day, dividing the indicated dose into three doses. The drug should not be taken by children under one year of age, with renal, cardiac or liver failure, or with hypersensitivity to one of its components. In rare cases, side effects (nausea, constipation or headache) may occur when using this medication. If such symptoms appear, the drug should be stopped.

Traditional medicine recipes

What to do in cases when you do not want to take pharmaceutical drugs, but feel pain in the stomach? Treatment with folk remedies for pain has not been canceled; some recipes are effective and efficient. However, you should know that they are unlikely to help in a difficult health situation. Basically, such remedies only eliminate the external symptoms of the disease. Below are the most popular recipes that are used to minimize discomfort:

  • A glass of fresh cabbage juice with the addition of a tablespoon of honey will help if you suspect a peptic ulcer.
  • A glass of potato juice with a tablespoon of honey will help with heartburn and high acidity.
  • Dandelions crushed to a homogeneous state with sugar, diluted in warm water, prevent various gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Thirty drops of alcoholic tincture of St. John's wort helps relieve pain in the stomach.
  • Four tablespoons of warm olive oil will help relieve pain not only for adults, but also for children.

Now you know what to take for stomach pain even in the absence of medications. However, it should be remembered that the effectiveness of the remedies presented above may be significantly lower than special medications.

Proper diet

It is important to know not only what medications to take for stomach pain, but also how to avoid this phenomenon. Proper nutrition and the absence of bad habits play a big role in the prevention of unpleasant sensations. By the way, the latter includes not only the abuse of alcoholic beverages and smoking, but also the consumption of large amounts of soda, coffee and hot spices.

Try to eat smaller portions, but more often. Be sure to eat at least three times a day, breakfast is especially important. Don't start your day by fasting. If you have no appetite immediately after sleep, be sure to drink a glass of warm water. This will help activate the much-needed digestive processes. Among other things, you should know that your daily diet should include fiber.


Be sure to consult a specialist if you have stomach pain. What to take, in what dosage and for how long are questions that should be answered by a professional doctor. Home self-medication measures are good only for isolated cases of unpleasant sensations; for the most part, they are aimed at relieving external symptoms, and not at eradicating the main problem. Be attentive to your health. Timely prevention and adequate treatment will help avoid very unpleasant consequences.

Pain in the stomach can be of different types, depending on the causes of its occurrence. Drawing, paroxysmal, sharp, sharp pains bring discomfort. In any case, pain is an unpleasant condition and should not be endured.

Stomach hurts very badly, first aid

Stomach pain can be of various types.

The stomach can be susceptible to diseases and pain in two cases:

  1. consumption of a lot of fatty, spicy, sweet foods, rapid chewing and swallowing;
  2. the influence of negative emotions, stress, fear, anger.

Often there is pain in the stomach after eating, neuroses, due to some diseases. Before you begin measures to relieve pain, you need to find out the cause of its occurrence.

Pain in the stomach, first aid for pain in the stomach, you need to wait, listen to the sensations. There is nothing to eat. Lie in bed with your feet higher than your head. Relax, drink ice water or warm mint tea.

Mint relaxes the stomach muscles and helps relieve muscle spasms. Chew fresh dandelion leaves. Drink chicken broth, do not eat dairy products. If pain persists for several hours, you should consult a doctor. There may be several reasons for stomach pain:

  1. Alcohol, nicotine, stress. These factors increase the production of gastric juice, which, in turn, corrodes the gastric mucosa.
  2. Fatty food. Food enzymes cannot cope with the breakdown of such food, resulting in bloating, heaviness, and pain.
  3. Consumption of caffeine, which is found in coffee, tea, and cocoa. It also irritates the stomach and stimulates the production of gastric juice.

Taking aspirin tablets can affect the inner surface of the stomach, even causing bleeding. What diseases cause stomach pain? Diseases that affect the occurrence of pain in the stomach are as follows:

  • peptic ulcer;
  • obstruction in the intestines;
  • attack of appendicitis;
  • duodenitis;
  • internal hernia that impinges on organs;
  • gastritis;
  • Kalitis of chronic form;
  • enteritis of a chronic nature;
  • pancreatitis, cholecystitis in acute form;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • hunger;
  • dyspepsia.

Stomach pain can occur in pregnant women. The growing uterus puts pressure on neighboring organs and causes pain. You can drink a decoction of a mixture of yarrow herb, St. John's wort and chamomile. First put it in boiling water and let it brew for about three hours.

If a woman in labor has low acidity or gastritis, then they drink mineral water - “Borjomi”, “Essentuki”. To eliminate nervous disorders and stomach pain after them, take sedatives - motherwort, valerian.

Stomach hurts very badly, pain after eating. The pain occurs during the day and at night. Night pain syndrome is associated with gastritis. Since during the day the pain subsides when eating, but at night the gastric mucosa becomes very irritated. This causes unbearable pain.

Short-term use of painkillers: Almagel, phosphalugel, Maalox, only relieves the attack, but its causes remain. You need to see a doctor to find out.

Pain after eating

Stomach pain after eating can be very sharp and severe.

Painful sensations that appear after eating can be strong, sharp, sharp. They are accompanied by the following accompanying symptoms:

  1. bitter taste in the mouth and sour belching;
  2. feeling of fullness, bloating;
  3. sounds of rumbling and seething;
  4. feeling of nausea and gag reflex;
  5. decreased appetite;
  6. digestive disorders: diarrhea, constipation, diarrhea, gas formation.

The reasons for stomach pain are as follows:

  • Binge eating. This has a bad effect on the gastrointestinal tract. The digestive organ cannot digest such an amount of food and becomes stretched. Normally, you need to eat in small portions and often so that the stomach can digest the food.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome. A condition when, after eating spicy, salty, very fatty foods and smoked foods, a burning sensation and discomfort are felt. To normalize this condition, it is enough to observe moderation in food and eat healthy food. Eat on time, without snacking on the run.
  • Diaphragmatic hernia. This is when part of the stomach becomes strangulated or prolapses into the abdominal or chest cavity. It is treated surgically.
  • Pyloraspasm is a spasmodic condition of the gastric region at the junction with the intestine. Appears when there is a malfunction of the nervous system. The spasms end with a feeling of nausea and a gag reflex.
  • Gastric stenosis. Often there are organ injuries as a result of a foreign object or the growth of cancerous tumors. Drink liquid food during attacks.
  • Obstruction of the stomach. This is a blockage of the stomach lumen due to a cancerous tumor or overgrown internal polyps. Food does not travel through a certain area that is blocked, causing severe pain.
  • Inflammation of the gallbladder or cholelithiasis. After a portion of food, the stomach stretches and puts pressure on the inflamed gallbladder, causing pain.
  • Allergic reaction to certain foods. The stomach refuses to accept these foods and digest them. For example, milk, fish.
  • Poisoning. After taking low-quality products, pain occurs within several hours. You need to take activated carbon tablets.
  • do not eat a lot of food at one time;
  • eat food often and in small portions;
  • Products must be checked for quality and freshness before cooking;
  • exclude smoked, salted, pickled, spicy, and fatty foods;
  • do not abuse alcohol and smoking;
  • exclude dry snacks, do not eat on the go and cook from semi-finished products.

Pain due to gastritis, ulcers

Gastritis can cause pain in the abdominal area.

With gastritis, pain occurs immediately after eating food. The patient regurgitates and the taste in the mouth becomes unpleasant. Heartburn and a burning sensation appear. A person feels tired, tired, weakened.

The functioning of the cardiovascular system is often disrupted. There are pains in the heart. Pressure drops are observed. State of drowsiness, pale skin, sweating, which increases after eating. There is a burning sensation in the mouth.

With a peptic ulcer, the pain syndrome is intense. It appears two hours after eating. Seasonal exacerbations of the disease may occur - in spring and autumn. Sour belching occurs, after eating there is nausea and possibly vomiting.

The patient may lose weight. Acute pain is life-threatening. This indicates that undigested enzymes are thrown from the stomach into the abdominal cavity.

This video will tell you about the causes of pain and rumbling in the stomach:

Polyps and other causes

If there are polyps in the stomach, the pain is dull, aching, intensifies during palpation of the area of ​​the diseased organ, there is a feeling of nausea and the urge to vomit.

Pain appears due to cancerous tumors. If the tumor is the first stage, the patient loses weight, as the feeling of hunger decreases, he quickly fills up. Loss of appetite, aversion to food, and anemia may develop.
In the later stages of cancer, there may be bleeding, vomiting blood, and the stool turns dark.

Poisoning with substances or products also causes pain in the stomach, it is acute, the patient feels sick and vomits. Signs of poisoning appear several hours after eating and depend on the substance with which the person was poisoned.

Dizziness and loss of consciousness appear. The feeling of pain in the stomach occurs after physical exertion and nervous shock. In constant stressful situations, gastritis and ulcers may develop. If pain is localized in the upper abdomen, then this is an attack of pancreatitis.

Girdle pain radiates to the back. The abdomen is tense and painful, a rise in temperature and increased heart rate are possible. When duodenitis occurs, the small intestine is affected, which also causes dull and aching pain, and the stomach is bursting with a feeling of heaviness.

When the diaphragm spasms, blood circulation is disrupted. The pain is sharp and acute when changing body position or deep breathing. Pain may occur due to chronic colitis.

It manifests itself due to heredity, chronic stress or allergies. Children may experience pain associated with fear and fear of school and teachers.

Homemade recipes for stomach pain

Fresh cucumber juice is a folk remedy for stomach pain.

If the causes of a painful condition are known, you know all your chronic diseases, then during an exacerbation you can alleviate the condition with the help of folk remedies. There are time-tested recipes:

  • You can relieve an attack of pain with fresh cucumber juice.
  • Various compresses and a hot heating pad will help calm the stomach.
  • St. John's wort tincture helps eliminate painful sensations. For 0.5 liters of alcohol, take four tablespoons and leave for three days.
  • Severe pain is relieved by infusion of meadowsweet herb.
  • The best pain reliever is considered to be an infusion of honeysuckle leaves and stems, which is made by steeping a tablespoon in a glass of boiling water for one hour.
  • Cramps can be relieved by chewing plantain leaves.
  • The composition of heated olive oil and honey has a good effect.
  • Use elecampane and Cahors root. Take two tablespoons of the ingredients, mix and boil for ten minutes. The product is used for low acidity.
  • If you have high acidity, you can relieve stomach pain with potato juice and honey. Add a tablespoon of honey to a glass of juice. Drink on an empty stomach. It also helps with heartburn and belching.
  • Cabbage juice with honey helps relieve pain from stomach ulcers.
  • Tomato juice with honey will help relieve pain and improve digestion.
  • A decoction of calamus roots helps with pain and has antibacterial, tonic, and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Chamomile decoction reduces pain in the stomach.
  • Stomach irritation is relieved by flaxseed decoction. The product helps with colitis and enteritis.
    There are many reasons for attacks of stomach pain. It is necessary to establish the correct diagnosis and the factors that provoked the attacks of pain with the help of a doctor. He will prescribe the correct, qualified treatment.

The doctor recommends tablets for pain in the stomach and pancreas. Self-medication and poor choice of medications lead to complications, the treatment of which will take much longer. For the prescribed pills to really help, it is necessary to undergo a full diagnosis and direct efforts to eliminate the very cause of the pain. Medicines are used in combination with agents that normalize the condition and improve the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract.

How and why the stomach and pancreas hurt

This unpleasant symptom accompanies many diseases of both the stomach and pancreas. These organs are located nearby, so it is difficult to make an accurate diagnosis only based on visual examination and sensations. But more often the pain is provoked by:

  1. Acute pancreatitis. This pathology of the pancreas often develops against the background of cholelithiasis.
  2. Increased stomach acidity. It is dangerous because it leads to gastritis and gastroduodenitis.
  3. Ulcer. Erosive formations on the walls of the stomach, esophagus, and duodenum are often the result of increased production of hydrochloric acid.
  4. Chronic pathologies of the pancreas and stomach. In this case, pain manifests itself during periods of exacerbation of gastritis, pancreatitis, and peptic ulcer.

With pancreatitis, severe pain in most cases is concentrated on the right side or in the center of the abdomen, radiating to the lumbar back and right shoulder blade. It starts half an hour to an hour after eating. For stomach problems, it can be aching and sharp, stabbing and dull. Mainly associated with eating or a long break from eating.

When to see a doctor

You can take any pills only after consulting your doctor. But don’t wait until the symptom becomes unbearable. The sooner the cause is identified, the easier the therapy will be. Already at the first signs of illness, such as heartburn, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, increased gas formation, you should visit a gastroenterologist. The doctor will find out which organ is suffering and prescribe medications to reduce the load on it.

Groups of drugs that relieve pain in the stomach and pancreas

Several groups of pharmacological drugs are used in therapy. When prescribing the drug, the doctor takes into account the patient’s general condition, the risks of side effects, contraindications, and laboratory test results.

An overdose of pain-relieving drugs produces characteristic symptoms. A person feels nausea and dry mouth, sometimes on the contrary - excess salivation. Vomiting and diarrhea are common.

Medicines for pain in the pancreas and stomach are presented in the following groups:

  • enzymatic;
  • antienzyme;
  • antiulcer;
  • antacids;
  • antispasmodics;
  • analgesics.

Several groups of medications are prescribed simultaneously, which helps reduce muscle tissue tension, eliminate discomfort, and prevent complications.

Before using any tablets, be sure to read the instructions.


These pills are often used after overeating. Basic properties:

  • interfere with the production of pancreatic enzymes;
  • improve digestion;
  • reduce the load on the pancreas;
  • eliminate the feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • prevent gas formation and flatulence.

Most often prescribed:

  • Mezim;
  • Micrasim;
  • Gastenorm Forte;
  • Pancreatin;
  • Penzital;
  • Festal.

Dissolving in the intestines, these drugs send a signal to the brain that there are enough enzymes for digestion. The brain reduces pancreatic activity and enzyme production. Taking medications reduces pressure in the ducts of the gland, relieves swelling of tissues and prevents destruction of the organ.

It is advisable to use tablets in combination with antacids. Otherwise, their shell of the drug will begin to melt in the stomach, and the therapy will not have the desired effect. It is forbidden to use them before a meal, as this can provoke an attack of pain in the pancreas. Drink either during meals or immediately after. In case of chronic pancreatitis, systematic use is recommended; in the acute course of the disease, it is taken for a course of up to 1 year.


They are used when it is necessary to stop the production of digestive enzymes by the pancreas and give it rest during inflammation.

This group includes:

  • Contrikal;
  • Trasylol;
  • Gordoks;
  • Pantrypin;
  • Ingitril;
  • Antagozan, etc.

The action of these tablets is aimed at reducing the activity of enzymes that break down protein compounds. Recommended for acute pancreatitis, which is characterized by necrotic processes - tissues literally self-digest. In the chronic form, they are recommended to eliminate swelling of the pancreas and reduce the risk of exacerbation.

It is impossible to purchase these drugs in tablets. Enzyme inhibitors are available in the form of solutions and are administered by drip in a hospital setting.


Already from the name it is clear that the drugs are prescribed to patients with erosion of the stomach walls. Additional indications for use are the presence of gastritis with high acidity, duodenitis, diaphragmatic hernia, reflux esophagitis. In this case, the tablets are used as a prophylaxis for peptic ulcers.

Basic actions:

  • Neutralization of hydrochloric acid.
  • Prevention of erosive processes in the stomach.
  • Protection of mucous membranes. The drugs increase the formation of mucus, which envelops the walls with a soft layer, preventing them from irritation by the aggressive environment.
  • Absorption and removal of harmful compounds.
  • Scar healing.
  • De Nol;
  • Kvamatel;
  • Azitral;
  • Sanpraz;
  • Gelusil, etc.

Many medications in this group contain antibacterial components, so doctors do not prescribe such tablets to women while pregnant, or to young patients.


For pain in the stomach and pancreas, these medications help reduce acidity and protect the organ from irritation. Such remedies for heartburn help, relieve pain, and accelerate the restoration of the mucous membrane during erosive processes.

Tablets are selected strictly individually, because pain in the pancreas is caused by various reasons. You should not take medications that have helped your friends.

The tablets contain mineral components – magnesium and aluminum salts, which significantly enhances the effectiveness of therapy. The advantages of treatment include a minimum of contraindications. It is usually prohibited to take antacid tablets if you are hypersensitive and have reduced kidney function.

The following medications are often prescribed:

  • Phosphalugel;
  • Gaviscon;
  • Rennie;
  • Rutacid;
  • Almagel;
  • Enterosgel;
  • Maalox.

The therapeutic effect is achieved in a short time, but pain is reduced only for a short period of time. Antacids in tablets are divided into groups:

  1. Non-absorbable. Medicines do not penetrate into the bloodstream, have a local effect, and practically do not provoke side symptoms. Some tablets perfectly absorb toxins, so they are recommended for food poisoning.
  2. Absorbable. They penetrate from the intestines into the blood, so they have wider contraindications for use.

Sometimes antacids are combined with other medications. For example:

  1. Almagel Neo contains simethicone, a substance that prevents increased flatulence. And when acid is neutralized, gas formation always increases, which can cause stomach pain if used incorrectly.
  2. Gaviscon contains alginates. These components form a film on the contents of the stomach, which prevents the reflux of semi-digested ingredients into the esophagus and prevents the development of heartburn.
  3. An analgesic is added to Almagel A, so the product is especially effective against pain.

In most cases, these drugs are sold without a prescription.


  • No-shpa;
  • Spasmomen;
  • Papaverine;
  • Trimedat;
  • Papazol.

Divided into the following groups:

  • Neurotropic. Simulation of the work of muscle tissue is achieved by influencing nerve impulses.
  • Myotropic. Affect intracellular processes.

Only a doctor can choose truly useful antispasmodics to eliminate pain based on diagnosis.

Analgesics and others

  • Acelizin;
  • Analgin;
  • Promedol;
  • Morphine;
  • Omnopon.

These medications reduce irritation of pain receptors. Among them are non-narcotic and narcotic. The use of the latter should be treated with caution, as addiction is possible.

Analgesics are used as a last resort when the use of astringents and tablets that relax muscle tissue and neutralize acidity does not give a positive result.

What medications can cause harm?

It is easy to harm the body if you use any drugs uncontrollably. Each drug has a number of contraindications and can cause side effects. Therefore, if there is pain in the abdominal area, it is necessary to find out the cause, and only then begin treatment, following the recommendations of the gastroenterologist.

The most common symptom encountered in people is stomach pain. Almost every person experienced these sensations.

Therefore, actions and methods that help eliminate stomach pain should be available to everyone. You can help not only with medications, but also with traditional methods of treatment.

If your stomach hurts suddenly, what should you do? This condition cannot arise just like that; there must be good reasons.

For example, if there were errors in nutrition or alcohol was consumed the day before. After this, stomach pain may appear.

Pain in the stomach is distinguished both by nature and severity. There are a huge number of reasons for their appearance. Help will depend on the cause and nature of the pain.

For some, the pain occurs periodically, aching in nature, for others it manifests itself as severe cramps.

The nature of the pain usually depends on the cause of it, but no matter what the pain is, in any case it is an unpleasant sensation that brings suffering to a person.

Therefore, before choosing a remedy to eliminate pain, you need to determine the factor that provoked it.

In the case when the stomach hurts and a person knows about his illness, help can be provided independently in an already known and tested way.

When pain appears suddenly and the cause is unknown, you need to urgently consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis and provide assistance.

The exception is cases of poisoning from poor quality food. In this case, it is necessary to provide emergency assistance, and then prescribe treatment aimed at restoring the functioning of the digestive organs.

To alleviate the general condition, the simplest techniques can help: following the prescribed diet; with frequent attacks of vomiting - abstain from eating until you feel better; drinking free fluids.

Folk remedies help a lot in the fight against pain!

  1. Dandelion leaves are an effective remedy for eliminating heartburn, while removing pain and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Green dandelion leaves should be washed under running water, chewed thoroughly and swallowed.

Dandelion leaves are bitter, but this is not a reason to refuse to use this medicine. This should be done when the first pain in the stomach appears.

  1. Squeeze juice from aloe leaves and take 10 ml as a remedy for pain and inflammation.

Aloe promotes rapid regeneration of damaged tissues and improves local immunity. In combination with honey, you can achieve a faster and better healing effect.

  1. Honey can also be used as an independent remedy. Before taking it, it is diluted in water in the following proportion: one teaspoon per glass of water. It should be consumed half an hour before meals.

It should be noted that traditional methods are not always effective. In case of prolonged and persistent pain syndrome, it is still worth consulting with a specialist.

What medications to choose for stomach pain

As a result of poor nutrition, spastic pain may occur. These pains spread throughout the stomach and cannot be avoided without medication. Let's find out what to drink and what pills to take if your stomach hurts.

The drugs normalize the digestion process, eliminate pain, heaviness in the stomach, nausea and vomiting.

The choice of drug depends on the diagnosis. The most common means for pathogenetic therapy are drugs that neutralize pathogenic microflora and eliminate high acidity.

If the diagnosis includes the wording “gastritis” or “ulcer”, then it is necessary to choose special drugs - gastroprotectors and antiulcer drugs.

The most famous drugs that have an analgesic effect: Maalox, No-Shpa, Almagel, Phosphalugel.

The list of medications can be continued, because modern medicine has a large number of representatives of this group.

But, unfortunately, if you take only these drugs, it is impossible to eliminate the cause of pain and normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. It is necessary to follow a therapeutic diet, the effect of which is noticeable already at the beginning of treatment.

Foods that should be excluded from the diet: alcoholic beverages, fried, smoked, pickled, fresh pastries and bread, sour fruits and vegetables, animal fats, strong tea and coffee, hot spices and seasonings, chocolate and foods containing dyes and preservatives.

Diet is necessary for any gastrointestinal disease, as it normalizes the functioning of the entire body, increasing overall tone.

You should not grab at everything in a row if you experience even severe stomach pain. Incorrect actions can aggravate the general condition.

You should think carefully before drinking any remedy. It is better to monitor your condition and avoid eating for the next three hours.

It is better to take a horizontal position, while your legs should be in a higher position than your head. You can do some deep, slow breathing exercises.

This will allow you to relax to the maximum:

  • Sometimes you can drink iced water as a pain reliever. But if the pain does not go away, you should not continue to drink water.
  • Very often, instead of qualified medical help, people prefer self-medication, expanding their knowledge on the Internet. Undoubtedly, there is useful and necessary advice, but you should use traditional medicine with caution so as not to aggravate the condition.
  • It is necessary to seek help from a specialist who will conduct a diagnosis and select an individual treatment regimen.
  • As an alternative medicine, you can drink tea with mint (lemon balm), which relaxes the smooth muscles of the stomach wall, and therefore eliminates pain. This tea promotes faster digestion and eliminates nausea.

After the sharp pain stops or its frequency decreases, you can drink chicken broth of the second boil. Strong, rich broths irritate the gastric mucosa and are difficult to digest.

Small portions of warm broth have a beneficial effect on the activity of the stomach. If after taking the first portion of broth there is no pain, you can finish the rest.

If the condition gets worse, do not take any more broth. It is forbidden to eat any food at night. The stomach should rest.

If it already hurts a lot

When the above remedies do not bring relief, and the pain in the stomach does not go away, treatment with medications is prescribed.

In this case, it is necessary to conduct an examination to clarify the diagnosis. Due to the fact that everyone is frightened by the difficulties of examination in gastroenterology, many postpone their visit to the doctor.

Some are busy with everyday activities and work, and the queue at the clinic is frightening in its size.

What should you do in this case? It is necessary to follow a strict diet and use medications from the antacid group, for example Almagel. Painkillers are added to the treatment regimen: No-spa, Drotaverine.

Nutrition should be balanced and light in composition. It is better to consume light soups, cereals, and jelly during the acute period of the disease.

Dishes with seasonings and hot spices are excluded. Meals are fractional, in small portions, food should be thermally and chemically gentle on the stomach.

You should avoid dairy products. Fermented milk products cause irritation of the gastric mucosa. In addition to dairy, exclude all types of fried, smoked, pickled foods.

If there is a stomach ulcer or gastritis is diagnosed, it is necessary to add adsorbents in addition to antacids to the treatment regimen. In cases where there is severe, severe pain, painkillers should be taken.

When a person’s general condition is serious, when the stomach hurts more and more often and there is a need for constant medical supervision, hospitalization is necessary.

In this case, a full examination and comprehensive treatment will be done in the hospital. And qualified care from medical personnel will contribute to a speedy recovery.

What to do if pain appears at night

Pain that occurs at night is very frightening for a person. However, with some diseases, pain occurs at night.

What happens with gastritis and ulcers. During the day, such pain only brings discomfort, and at night it deprives you of sleep. Naturally, in such cases, you should visit a doctor as soon as possible.

Such pains are called “hungry pains”. They occur when there is no food in the stomach, because eating food during the day relieves pain.

In this case, you need to take painkillers. Just do not forget that eliminating the pain does not cure the disease.

This is just eliminating one symptom. Only by removing the cause can you get rid of the disease.

Techniques for pain relief

  • Firstly, this is a diet. This is the basis for a favorable treatment outcome. Secondly, these are means that help eliminate pain. These include vegetable juices (cabbage or potatoes). You need to drink them freshly prepared, in the morning on an empty stomach, half a glass a day.
  • Take three times a day, and food should be taken 20 minutes after the juice. Improvement can be noticed the very next day.
  • Potato broth gives a very good effect, especially if your stomach hurts often. To prepare it, wash the potatoes thoroughly and boil them in their skins. Place up to 5 liters of water in a saucepan and cook the potatoes until mushy. The liquid portion of this infusion is taken before meals. A course of at least three days. This will restore the stomach.
  • If heartburn and belching are prominent among the symptoms, then dandelion leaves will help.

When food remains in the stomach for a long time, a remedy that eliminates indigestion is an infusion of bay leaves. Pour a glass of boiling water over several leaves and drink after cooling. This is a very good anti-inflammatory agent.

Useful video

Tablets for stomach pain help us quickly cope with discomfort and relieve discomfort for a while. The problem itself cannot always be solved with the help of drugs, so you should not rely entirely on painkillers. The pill will help relieve the pain, but will not solve the problem. You need to know exactly which remedy should be taken and when, so as not to harm yourself even more.

Possible causes of pain

When any of us have a stomach ache, our first reaction is to find a pain reliever. With the help of medicine, it is possible to overcome unpleasant sensations for a while, sometimes even completely eliminate them if the medicine was chosen correctly. But sometimes the remedy that was supposed to help turns out to be ineffective or has no effect at all. What could be the reason? This happens when the user incorrectly determines the cause of the pain, which is why the active ingredients of a particular pill do not have the desired effect.

Here are the most common options that cause pain in the stomach:

  1. The presence of acute and chronic gastrointestinal diseases.
  2. Reaction to external irritants (ingestion of unsuitable food, allergic reactions).
  3. Stress.

Each problem requires a special approach; there is no universal remedy that will help cope with all problems at the same time. For example, analgesics will help relieve spasms and reduce pain, but will not get rid of the problem itself that causes pain. Sedatives will help temporarily stabilize the nervous system and relieve tension. Enzymes in the form of capsules and tablets improve the absorption of food.

Therefore, before taking a pill, you need to know which one and how it works, and whether it is worth using it in this case. It is also necessary to take into account that not all drugs can be used together without side effects, so the right choice is extremely important.

Most common choice

In most cases, when stomach pain occurs, we know what to do. It is believed that you need to take a pill. There is even a list of the most used medications:

  1. No-shpa - painkillers in the form of tablets. It’s in almost every family and helps out very often.
  2. Mezim is a medicine for the stomach, helps in a variety of situations.
  3. Omeprazole is a specialized remedy that is usually available in families who face hereditary gastrointestinal problems.
  4. Maalox is an antacid used for peptic ulcers and gastritis.
  5. This also includes Enzistal, Festal.

Almost every family has one or more of these medications. If your stomach hurts, you should look for some of this in your home medicine cabinet. Festal, Enzistal, Mezim and No-shpa should almost certainly be available, since they have the widest range of applications and the minimum of contraindications. Agents that protect the gastric mucosa (like Maalox) are less effective in suppressing pain, but have a very strong effect on the body and digestive system of a healthy person, so they should not be used unless necessary.

Types of drugs

Stomach pain can be temporarily relieved if you take the right medication. Most drugs have an analgesic effect, namely relaxes muscles, relieves spasms, and reduces pain. At the moment, there are several types of tablets that help cope with such a problem as stomach pain, namely:

  1. Antacids - neutralize gastric juice, reduce the amount of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, regulate acidity. Extremely effective.
  2. M-cholinergic receptor blockers. They reduce the tone of the stomach muscles, which reduces pain, and also affects the secretory ability of tissues.
  3. Proton pump inhibitors reduce the secretion of hydrochloric acid by affecting. They are characterized by slow action.
  4. Agents that suppress H-receptors reduce the production of hydrochloric acid and pepsin.
  5. Anti-stress medications regulate the functioning of the nervous system, help restore muscle tone and the entire body.

For stomach pain, most drugs have approximately the same effect. They reduce the amount of aggressive substances and relax the muscles. All drugs work temporarily, but the duration of action may vary.
It is necessary to use each drug only under certain conditions, since in some situations even a medicine can turn out to be a poison for the body.
For chronic gastrointestinal diseases, antacids and proton pump inhibitors are used, and slightly less frequently, H-receptor suppressors.
If pain occurs due to an external irritant, then use any available type of analgesic.

How to distinguish pain and what to take?

It is worth considering that stomach pain can come in different ways, so the remedy can be selected depending on the symptoms and types of pain. They are as follows:

  1. Heaviness in the stomach.
  2. Nausea.
  3. Acute long-term pain after eating.
  4. Dependence of pain on the time of day and food intake.

All of the above signs are symptoms of a chronic gastrointestinal disease. The pain may go away after some time. This cannot be treated at home with tablets; you need to visit a doctor who will prescribe the correct drug. What pills can you take before going to the gastroenterologist? Flacarbin, Gastal, Anacid will help well. Maalox and Almagel also help. It must be used strictly according to the instructions or as prescribed by a doctor.

  1. The pain is dull and prolonged.
  2. Accompanied by heaviness in the stomach.
  3. You may feel nauseous and feel worse.

This often occurs after overeating due to indigestion. Enzyme preparations that support the stomach in digesting food, such as Mezim Forte, help. You can also use Pancreatin, Creon, Festal, Panzinorm.

During food poisoning, the pain is acute and accompanied by severe spasms, which sometimes makes the person unable to straighten up. In this case, you need to take any possible analgesic, wash it down with plenty of water. If the body cannot cleanse itself, you need to call an ambulance. Pain from poisoning lasts for several hours, sometimes pills do not help.

Occasionally, stomach pain occurs due to stress. This phenomenon systematically manifests itself in critical situations when a person is very worried. Spasms of the muscles of the stomach or other parts of the body occur, and painful sensations appear. The pain is dull and may be accompanied by heaviness. In such cases, the sedative Novo-Passit, Tenoten, and ordinary valerian should help. Now it’s worth talking about drugs and their use in various situations.


Among all drugs, analgesics have the widest range of uses, as they help relieve pain and relax the stomach muscles. Among the most famous tablets of this type are No-shpa, Besalol, Buscopan. They will help relieve discomfort for a short period of time, but will not affect the cause of the pain in any way, so this is a temporary solution and should not be abused. It is also worth considering that most analgesics quickly cause tolerance in the body, so their frequent use makes a certain drug ineffective. But still, it is painkillers that have the least contraindications. If you take a No-shpa tablet, it won’t get worse.

Remedies for chronic diseases

With chronic gastrointestinal diseases, the stomach hurts regularly, and the pain can be very severe. Alginates are often used (most often Gaviscon Forte), which envelops the walls of the stomach with a film. The medicine should protect the tissues of the digestive tract from additional damage and exposure to an aggressive environment. Such drugs help reduce acidity and relieve pain by affecting certain types of enzymes.

The attending physician prescribes a combined course of tablets, so in addition to alginates, proton pump inhibitors are often used. This group includes all medications that are used for ulcers and gastritis. These are Flakarbin, Gastal, Gastrofarm.

Inflammatory processes

Inflammatory processes can occur quite rapidly, after which they will become chronic and progress to the stage of the disease, so there is no need to delay identifying the cause and further treatment. It is better to protect yourself from complications and go to the doctor than to rely on a few pills. Self-medication is not recommended.

Contraindications for use

Tablets, no matter how effective they are, have a number of contraindications that you should immediately pay attention to:

  1. You should not take pills if you have severe kidney problems.
  2. If there is intolerance to drugs or their components.
  3. During pregnancy and breastfeeding. For pregnant women, it is very difficult to choose an effective and harmless remedy for pain, and it is very difficult to endure changes in the body without the help of medications. In the first trimester, the gastrointestinal tract and stomach suffer, so before using any painkillers for this organ, you should consult your doctor.
  4. For children under 12 years old. Many drugs have a fairly strong effect on the body, especially on the secretion of substances, so there is no point in experimenting. It is better to limit yourself to the simplest analgesics in small doses.

What can happen if you ignore the instructions and contraindications? The following side effects may occur:

  • prolonged bouts of nausea;
  • profuse vomiting;
  • changes in tongue color;
  • changes in the color of stool;
  • allergic reactions, rash, swelling;
  • pain and heartburn.

The discomfort goes away over time if you stop taking the pills.

Conclusion on the topic

Tablets for stomach pain are only a temporary solution to the problem; they do not help get rid of the root cause, but only reduce the intensity of some symptoms. Most tablets only last a few hours, but this is enough to see a doctor for help.
Self-medication is also not the answer. The medicine should be prescribed by a gastroenterologist after examination and tests. Taking a pill on your own can make the situation worse. You should not forget to study the instructions for medications that have not been used before. You need to take pills wisely, taking a responsible approach to your health.

Namely, in the stomach area, every person experienced it. They do not always cause any serious illness. These unpleasant sensations can occur due to ordinary overeating, heavy food, or if the patient has drunk a lot of liquid. But it is still necessary to remember that any unpleasant sensations can be a harbinger of illness. In this case, prompt medical attention is necessary. And in order not to worry about trifles once again, you can independently learn to distinguish the nature of the discomfort and use a folk remedy for stomach pain.

If your stomach hurts

If you experience stomach pain, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor. But if you can diagnose the disease yourself, then it’s worth trying to treat stomach pain with folk remedies. Stomach problems arise due to two factors:

  • Eating poor quality and unhealthy food.
  • Emotional background while eating (negative emotions).

Every day more and more people complain of pain. And as statistics show, mainly men are susceptible to this disease. Women are more resilient to any pain in this area. In simple terms, the human stomach resembles in shape a bag located in the upper left part of the abdomen. It connects to the esophagus and intestines, and has the ability to digest everything that a person has eaten, although at different speeds. Nutrition must be carefully monitored, since many foods are of insufficient quality and lead to the development of diseases.

Stomach diseases

The most common stomach pathologies are:

  • Inflammation of the mucous membrane in the stomach (gastritis). With this disease, pain occurs associated with eating. Discomfort appears when the patient has eaten a product that is harmful to his stomach. There are acute and chronic forms. The first is manifested by a sudden cutting pain and disappears as quickly as it appears. The second form is characterized by nagging pain and swelling.
  • "Nervous stomach" or dyspepsia. The pain manifests itself in the form of spasms, accompanied by nausea and lack of appetite. And although discomfort occurs in the stomach area, the cause of its occurrence may be the pancreas. In this case, it is better to use a folk remedy for stomach pain than drug treatment.
  • Stomach ulcer. An ulcer is a complication of gastritis; the pain with it becomes prolonged and more painful.
  • Polyps and tumors (benign). The pain is nagging and aching in nature and is not constant. There is severe discomfort when eating.

The most common causes of pain

Each individual disease has its own reasons that provoked its development. But if we highlight those common to all diseases, they will be like this:

  • Overexertion, stress, depression, since any problems have a detrimental effect on the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Alcohol and nicotine significantly increase the rate of gastric acid production, which leads to the destruction of the stomach lining.
  • Heavy and fatty foods “tire” the organ, and the juice produced is not enough to quickly destroy fats. And as a result - heaviness, bloating, loss of appetite.
  • Large amount of caffeine. There is a misconception that caffeine is only found in coffee. In fact, this is not so - tea and cocoa also include the above-mentioned substance. Caffeine affects the stomach, like alcohol, which leads first to gastritis and then to ulcers.
  • Excessive use of aspirin in large quantities has a negative effect on the membrane and leads to bleeding.

Fortunately, it is very easy to relieve stomach pain using folk remedies. How to do this is below.

The use of folk remedies for stomach ulcers

Medications do not always have a positive effect on other organs of the body. In this case, you can try folk remedies for stomach pain:

  • Pine resin (resin). It should be consumed for forty-five days. The first two weeks take three grams, and from the third week increase the dose to five grams per day. During this period, drink only melted water.
  • Birch buds. To prepare the infusion, you need to take fifty grams of the plant and infuse it with half a liter of alcohol for twenty days. The mixture should be kept in a dark place and stirred from time to time. Then strain and take twenty drops three times a day a quarter of an hour before meals.
  • "Vitamin bomb" Pass two hundred grams of dried apricots, raisins, walnuts and lemon with peel through a grinder. Season it all with honey (about three-quarters of a glass or as much as you need). Eat the mixture three times a day, one large spoon half an hour before meals. It should be remembered that vitamins can quickly deteriorate, so you need to keep them in the refrigerator.
  • Olive oil. Mix half a kilogram of honey, half a liter of oil and the juice of two lemons in proportion. Take and store as the mixture in the previous recipe. The discomfort goes away on the fourth or fifth day. The course of use can be repeated after twenty to thirty days.
  • Oats are an excellent folk remedy for stomach pain. There is a fairly simple method that not only helps get rid of ulcers, but also improves metabolism. To prepare, you need to steep a glass of grain in one liter of water (room temperature) for twelve hours. Then cook over low heat until boiling in a covered pan for half an hour. Leave to brew for another twelve hours, strain. Drink one hundred milliliters three times a day, preferably twenty minutes before meals. The course should last one month.

Treatment of the stomach with honey

Honey is a fairly popular product that eliminates the causes of stomach pain. Treatment with folk remedies usually does not cause side effects:

  • Squeeze juice from thick aloe leaves (half a glass) and mix with the same amount of honey. Consume a small spoon three times a day for three weeks (for gastritis).
  • For high or low acidity, it is recommended to take the following solution: a large spoon of honey in a glass of warm water. Course duration is forty-five to sixty days.
  • Boil one hundred grams of oatmeal (preferably wholemeal) in a liter of water. Cool the liquid and add half a teaspoon of salt, two large spoons of honey, one spoon of fennel and two spoons of chopped nuts (any kind). Divide the mixture into equal parts and consume before bed for six days.
  • Mix a spoonful of honey with 150 ml of potato juice. Consume twice a day before meals for ten days.
  • Squeeze juice from plantain (half a liter) and mix with the same amount of honey. Boil over low heat, stirring regularly. Cool the finished mixture and take one spoon three times a day, before meals.

Treatment of gastritis with low acidity

For low stomach acidity, the following recipes will be effective:

  • In the morning, take one hundred milliliters of currant juice on an empty stomach. Do not eat after such a procedure for at least an hour. The course of treatment is seven days (no more). If there are no fresh berries, then you can prepare a decoction - boil a glass of dry berries in half a liter of water, squeeze and drink throughout the day.
  • With the help of herbal infusion, you can relieve discomfort and pain in the stomach. For it, chop plantain, St. John's wort and blueberry leaves in equal proportions. Steam one glass of boiling water in a thermos for three tablespoons of herb. Leave for 24 hours and take a spoonful immediately before meals. The course should be carried out for at least three weeks.
  • For two months, drink the whites of two eggs, beaten until foamy, on an empty stomach.

Treatment of gastritis with high acidity

With increased acidity, traditional medicine advises using the following methods:

  • Pour a glass of sea buckthorn berries (this folk remedy for stomach pain has earned positive reviews from patients) into a thermos and steam with one liter of water. After a day, strain and add half a glass of honey. Take three spoons before meals for three weeks.
  • For two weeks, drink half a glass of potato juice on an empty stomach. You need to drink it half an hour before meals and after that it is advisable to lie down.
  • A fairly effective remedy is rosehip jelly. The recipe is simple: chop the fruits and pour two glasses of boiling water. Leave for two hours (in a thermos), add a teaspoon of starch and boil for five minutes.
  • You can also drink cabbage juice (warm) an hour before meals three times a day.

A little more about gastritis

With the ordinary form of gastritis, pain occurs in the stomach. What to take? Folk remedies that do not affect the functioning of other organs:

  • Chop the lettuce (a tablespoon) and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for an hour and a half, strain. This decoction should be consumed twice a day, half a serving. Helps well with chronic gastritis.
  • For a month, eat five grams of propolis on an empty stomach, chewing it well.
  • Take buckthorn bark (three spoons), watch leaves (spoon), yarrow (spoon) and pour a glass of hot water. Leave for half an hour and drink half a serving at night.
  • Pour dry thyme into a liter of dry white wine and leave for a week, stirring occasionally. Afterwards, boil, wrap and leave for another five hours. Strain and drink forty grams two to three times a day before meals.

And finally

Treatment of stomach pain can be carried out not only with the help of medications and medicinal plants. What to do for stomach pain? There are also folk remedies:

  • Clay therapy.
  • Sand therapy.
  • Metal therapy.
  • Stone therapy.
  • Water therapy.
  • Treatment with bee products.
  • Treatment with dairy products.
  • Massage.

The main thing is to choose the method that is most suitable for the patient.