
Test task spotlight 10 unit 3


I.Fill in:supportive, moody, selfish, patient, dedicated, loyal, trusting, mean, jealous, respected

1. When all her other friends deserted her, Steve remained ………. .

2. He had always been very ……… ..of his brother "s good looks.

3. It was ………. of him to make her stay late.

4. He was very hard-working and .............. to his research.

5. My classmates were very helpful and ……………. when I was ill.

6. You are a universally admired and …………. musician and songwriter.

7. She "s a ………. Woman-she can be happy one minute and angry the next.

8. A …………… .. child believes everything you tell him and follows where you lead.

9. Be .............., your time will come.

10. If a ship is sinking and you refuse to let anyone else into your 4-person lifeboat, you "re extremely ………… ..

10 X 2/20

II. Put the verbs in the correct present tense:

1. Friends always ………. (Help) us to express ourselves.

2. They ………… .. (think) of going to France for a week.

3. Judy is a really caring person. I .............. (know) her since we met at primary school.

4. I’am sorry that I haven’t written back sooner. I …………. (Study) for exams since March.

5. Our plane ……… .. (arrive) early in the morning.

5 X 4/20

III. Fill in:out for , down on, forward to, after, up:

1. I look ...................... hearing from you.

2. I told her to look ........... the word in the dictionary.

3. Look .............. broken glass on the floor.

4. I looked ……… .. my younger brother and sister while my parents were working.

5. “A lot of people look …………… us because we" re homeless, ”she says.

5 x 4/20

IV. Fill in:on, about, with, at

1. Lana keeps house well, she is good ... housekeeping.

2. Be careful ... .. your thoughts - they are the   beginning of deeds.

3. Extreme sports are my passion. I am keen ... ..rock climbing and paragliding.

4. Whoever is careless ....... the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters. (A.Einstein)

5. I am so happy to see her enthusiastic ... ... .. reading.

5 X 4/20

V. Translate into English:

Get on a movie, follow the fashion, give a cold welcome, give up, be shortened, make fun of, get on with someone, get on someone’s nerves, a waste of time, don’t take it out, look at shop windows, hang out, get together, write a line , laugh, mock, highly qualified, sense of humor, helpline, tease.

20 X 1/20

My score: / 100













    Are thinking

    Have known

    Have been studying



    Forward to

    Out for


    Down on




catch a film, be into fashion, give someone the cold shoulder, give up, be made redundant, make fun of, get on well with, get on one's nerves, waste of time, can't stand, go window shopping, hang out , see eye to eye, bully, highly qualified, sense of humor, helpline, tease.


1. The girls have been able to look after themselves at university.

ATrue BFalse CNot stated

2. Jackie’s mum is a better cook thanJulia’s   mum.

ATrue BFalse CNot stated

3. They share a kitchen with tidy students.

ATrue BFalse CNot stated

4. There is a wide variety of food on offer at a refectory.

ATrue BFalse CNot stated

5. Juliahasn’t   been exercising enough.

ATrue BFalse CNot stated

6. The girls are going to get up early tomorrow.

ATrue BFalse CNot stated

7. The girls are planning to cook a traditional fried breakfast tomorrow.

ATrue BFalse CNot stated


R ead th e text and match items A-G with gaps 1-6.

Colorful   and crunchy fruit and vegetables can be an enjoyable part of our diet. However, not all children and adults eat the recommended amount of two pieces of fruit and five vegetables per day. Some children learn to expect ‘tastier’ snack foods1 _____________ . Unfortunately, parents may not always set a good example2 ____________ .

There are many reasons why we should eat plenty of fresh produce. Not onlyare they packed   with healthy vitamins,3 ____________ . Eating more fruits and vegetables can also lower cholesterol and bring down high blood pressure. They also keep your eyes and digestive system in good shape.

Fruit and vegetables can be anycolor , shape, texture or variety. They can be frozen, fresh, tinned or dried. There arealso many ways to prepare them,4 ___________ . It is important to include a variety of differentcolors   of fruit and vegetables in your diet.

Sometimes vegetables and fruit can seem expensive.But , compared to packaged foods like crisps, they are relatively cheap. If you are worried about the cost, choose those that are in season. That way you will get a chance to try new things5 ___________ .

So how can we find ways to include more fruit and vegetables in our diet? It is a good idea to add fruit to your breakfast cereal in the mornings.Or   you can try drinking fruit juice6 __________ . Increasing the amount of fruit andvegetables   you eat by as little as one serving a day can make a big difference.

A   but they can also lower the risk of disease

B and enjoy more flavor, too

C such as steaming, boiling, microwaving, stir-frying or roasting

D   and reject the healthier options such as raw carrots or an apple

E which   give us the daily vitamins that we need

F   by enjoying a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables themselves

G   instead of coffee, tea or fizzy drinks


Match the words / phrases in Column A with the words / phrases in Column B.   Fill in the table.

Column a

Column b

1 sparkling

2 bitter

3 well-balanced

4 iron-rich

5 regular

A meals

B exercises

C water

D chocolate

E foods

10. I’m making a fruit salad with apple, peach and……. .

Acabbage Bgrapes Cpeas

11. The soup is very tasty. What…….   did you use?

A additives Bseeds Cspices

12. Is there anything to eat? My tummy is……. .

Arumbling Bmoving Cstarving

13. Andy is so…….;   she sometimes eats a whole packet of biscuits without offering a single one to anyone else!

Agreedy Bhungry Cstarving

14. Myfavorite   vegetables are broccoli, cabbage and……. .

Aplums Bcarrots Cpears

15. If i…….   (not / have) to work tonight, I would come with you to the restaurant.

16. If only I ........   (not / cause) damage to his car! Hewouldn’t   be upset with me now!

17. I wish   he……. ( stop ) watching TV!He’s   been sitting there for four hours.

18. If i……. ( be) you, I wouldn’t eat that.

19. I ........ ( enjoy) the play if the lady behind me hadn’t been talking all the time.




Listen to the conversation between two friends and answer the questions 1-7, deciding whether the statements are A (True), B (False) or C (Not stated).

1. The girlshaven’t   been able to look after themselves at university.

ATrue BFalse CNot stated

2. Julia’s mum is a better cook thanJackie’s   mum.

ATrue BFalse CNot stated

3. They share a kitchen with not very tidy students.

ATrue BFalse CNot stated

4. There is a poor variety of food on offer at a refectory.

ATrue BFalse CNot stated

5. Julia has been exercising enough.

ATrue BFalse CNot stated

6. The girls are going to get up late tomorrow.

ATrue BFalse CNot stated

7. The girls are planning to cook a traditional boiled breakfast tomorrow.

ATrue BFalse CNot stated


Read the text and match items 1-7 with gaps A-F.There is one item you do not need to use.   Write your answers in the table below.


Children at Southdown Infants School in Bath enjoy tasty homemade meals such as roast turkey with fresh vegetables, chicken, salad and fresh fruit for pudding. Vegetables are1 _______________________ . Instead of crisps, chocolate and sweets, the school canteen serves organic carrots, dried fruit and fresh seasonal fruit in bags for 10p,2 _______________________ .

Southdown’s healthy eating initiative began four years ago with the start of a breakfast club.

NowMs culley , the head teacher of the school, says that the teachers very clearly see the link between diet and concentration. “Children’s concentration and behavior3 _______________________ . ”The teachers would also like to give the children the   experience of eating together. It turned out that some childrenweren’t   used to that.

Pupils are also encouraged to find out more about where their food comes fromby 4 ________________ _.

Parents are also involved andare invited   in to try school dinners on special occasions,5 ________ _______ .

The efforts of staff, pupils and parents to create a healthy eating environmentwere recognized   earlier this month6 _______ __________ the Best School Dinner award.

Ms Culley said:   “We are happy to win this award. Healthy eating is at thecenter   of everything we do. It’s really rewarding to see so many children enjoy real food. ”

A. such as Easter and Christmas
B. visiting a local farm
C.   local, fresh and organic where possible
D. provide good quality food
E.   definitely improve after a good meal
F.   and about 100 bags are sold each day
G. when the school was awarded


Match the words / phrases in Column A with the words / phrases in Column B. Fill in the table.

Column a

Column b

1 regular

2 low carbohydrate

3 spicy

4 dry

5 tooth

A food

B skin

C decay

D exercise

E diet

Choose the correct answer A, B or C.

10. I’m making a vegetable salad with cucumber, tomato   and……. .

Alettuce Bcherry Cpear

11. I want a bottle of…….   water, not sparkling.

Astill Bfizzy Cspicy

12. If you are…….,   eat less and take regular exercises.

Askinny Bunderweight Coverweight

13. I have got a stomach ache, I think it’s……. .

Atooth decay Bindigestion Ctiredness

14. Myfavorite   fruits are pineapples, plums   and……. .

Apeaches Bcarrots Caubergines

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb.

15. If i….. ( know ) how to cook, I would make you pasta with red sauce and tuna.

16. If only my children….. ( eat) more fruit and vegetables.

17. If I were you, I….. ( go) to see a dentist.

18. I wish my skin….. ( not / be) so dry!

19. If you hadn’t eaten cheese and fish for dinner, you…..   (not / get) red spots all over your body.

Module 3 (Spotlight 10)


1. Liz thought the interview was a failure.

2.Liz didn`t know what to wear to the interview.

3. Liz`s favorite clothes is jeans.

4.Liz wasn`t asked many questions at the interview.

5.Liz is sure that she`ll get the job.

Task 2

    Teenagers: stress at school E. Playing games helps   to   learn better

    Music improves school results F. Tests: more or fewer?

    Long summer holidays   G. No lessons at weekends?

    Computer games motivate pupils H. Breaks between lessons

    Most adults seem to think that children would learn better if they did more homework. But in fact this is not the case. All the evidence suggests that children need to play more, not less. Play, in fact, is the work of childhood and if youngers played more, they would do much better at school. Psychologists say that classroom role-playing can be very good for child’s development. But we see the demands of the curriculum mean opportunities for such role-play are limited. Role play is valued highly by both children and adults. It can make a significant contribution to learning and development.

    I think that breaks between lessons should be longer. It’s necessary for us. We are very tired after our lessons and breaks gives us a chance to stretch our legs after sitting in class. If you are hurry, you can eat something after a lesson. Breaks give an opportunity to prepare for the next lesson. A lot of students want to talk to their friends during the breaks. If the breaks are longer, you won’t feel exhausted at the end of the day.

    Our day is quite short. We have six lessons and finish at 05/14. But we also have lessons on Saturday, which is horrible. Students can’t stand going to school on Saturday morning. The weekends are for relaxing and doing things you enjoy. No one is in the mood for lessons on Saturday morning. Everyone would be much happier if we were free on Saturdays.

    The teachers think that if summer breaks were shorter, children would do much better at school. When children get back from their long summer break, they don’t just carry on from where they stopped in May. They have to do the same things again. If summer holidays were shorter, this would not happen. People who say things like that can’t remember what it was like to be a child. Actually, the summer holiday is the only time of the year when we can escape from all those tests. If we didn’t have the long summer holidays, we would never get the chance to play and discover the world in our own way.

    Tests ... Nobody likes them. They are the most stressful situations for pupils. But I can’t say they are a stupid waste of time. If we didn’t have them, I don’t suppose I’d study at all. Some students say that they always forget what they’ve learned as soon as the exams are over. But I remember nearly all of what I’ve learned. What type of tests do I like best: oral or written and which is easier to pass? Of course, ‘essay’ tests are more difficult and serious. You cannot get a high score just by making a lucky guess. So, I think that tests are a necessary part of learning.

    According to the research, the most stressful situations for teenagers are the following: when the teacher shouts at them or he is unfair when they are not prepared for the lesson and before a test. If we are prepared for the lesson, we will avoid the negative impact of stress. If the teacher doesn’t shout at pupils and the relationships between teacher and pupils are not complicated, pupils won’t be under stress.

    A survey of 1,000 teachers suggests a third of teachers are using computer games in the classroom. But they need to understand how, when and when not to use games to support lessons. If teachers believe computer games are a “motivation tool” they will use them in the future. I think, If they use computer games in the classroom, there will be educational benefits.

3.Match the columns.

1   attend A    job

2    strict B    school

3    boarding C    uniform

4    full-time D    classes

5    old-fashioned E    rules

4. Fill in the correct word.

exams   forces   transport   single-sex   skills

1.   The public ........... in this city is horrible.

2.   James has got enough ....... to work as a mechanic.

3.   My daughter goes to a ……… school.

4.   “When are you sitting .......?” “Next Friday!”

5.   Peter dreams of a career in the armed ……….

5. Choose the correct preposition.

1.   Leave him alone; stop picking    him.

2. Laura is picking ... her food; I guess she’s not hungry.

3. I’ll pick you    from the station at 9.

4. Read the poem and pick ....... all the adjectives.

5. Mother picks her child ... ... whenever he cries.

6.Choose the correct answer.

1. When we go to Paris, we will climb / will have climbed   the Eiffel Tower.

2. James will have completed / will complete his studies by the end of the year.

3. Kim will be performing / will have performed   in the school concert next week.

4. The team will be leaving / will have left   the office by 9 o’clock tomorrow.

5. ‘We’ve run out of milk.’ ‘Really? Iwill buy / will be buying   some more this afternoon ’.

6. This time tomorrow, I will leave / will be leaving   for the airport

Module 3 (Spotlight 10)


Listen and mark the correct statement: True, False, Not Stated.

1.Liz was not pleased with the results of the interview.

2.Liz chose a blouse and a skirt to wear to the interview.

3.Liz didn`t cope well with the coffee incident.

4.Liz had to answer the questions about her previous jobs at the interview.

5. Lis isn`t sure that she`ll get the job.

Task 2. Match headings A to H with texts. One heading is superfluous.

1. The wrong goal

2. Extra-curricular over load

3. Too much homework

4. Arguably helpful

5. Too stressful

6. Too many distractions

7. A better system

8. Poor co-ordination

A.   My problem with homework is that I am rather fond of TV and computer games. Every evening after school it is the same. I start with the highest intentions. I’ll just play one round of Final fantasy and then begin. But it tends to be three rounds and then tea time. Oh - and then my favorite program begins in 10 minutes so I’ll start after that. And so it goes on. Probably I lack motivation.

B.   It is so much faster doing homework these days. All our assignments can be done on the PC which means correcting and changing things is so easy. But of course the Internet is the biggest shortcut of all. Maybe it’s true what they say that it stops you reading textbooks. You get snatches of information rather than the whole story. Maybe I should try to use the internet less.

C.   I am a drummer and a pianist. The school really encourages this and I have two one hour lessons a week plus one to two hours daily practice. I am in the basketball team. The school encourages this and we practice twice a week. I got picked to be in the school play. Rehearsals are two hours a week. Will somebody please tell me when I am supposed to get my homework done?

D. Exam practice, constant revision, exam techniques and how to get the highest possible grade- is this what education is supposed to be about? The school seems obsessed with grades and the school results league table. We are currently 17th highest achievers in England but if we really try hard this year we might make top 10. Silly me! I thought education was about learning and preparing for adult life.

E.   For some kids exams bring more pressure than they can cope with. They worry about what their parents will say, not to mention what their teachers or class mates will think. No wonder some of them freeze up in the exam hall and are unable to write anything out of sheer nerves.

F.   Why do they do it? We get three weeks in a row with minimal homework and then every teacher in the school sets a massive assignment to be completed “by next Friday - no late submissions”. Why don’t they get together and try and even the load?

G.   I think Continuous Assessment is a very sensible idea. Education should not simply be about slick exam performance, but about overall how you perform in school - how you study, how much you read, how logical and clear your essay arguments are. 50% of our final grading should be based on course work.I think it is fair.

3. Match the words in Column A with the words / phrases in Column B

Column A Column B

1   armed A    transport

2    flight B    school

3    public C    attendant

4    co-educational D    classes

5    extra-curricular E    forces

4. Fill in the correct word.

uniform   profession   specialist   fail   course

6   If you don’t study hard, you’ll ... ... your Philosophy exam.

7   I hate my school ........... but I have to wear it.

8   Paula wants to pursue a career in the medical ……….

9   Sandy really likes cooking, she wants to enroll on a cookery ... ...

10   If you want to study Art you should go to a ……… school.

5.Choose the correct preposition.

1.   At what time can I pick you …..

2.   We ordered delicious dishes in a restaurant, but Liz was picking…..   her food.

3. Mike is new to our class, that’s why everyone is always picking him ....

4. Excuse me! Can you help me pick…..   a tie (tie) matches my shirt?

5.   She doesn’t like her brothers because they always pick ... .. him.

6. Choose the correct answer.

1. I will collect / will have collected   you from Peter’s house on my way home.

2. ‘How is your project coming along? Is it done? ’‘ Not yet, but Iwill finish / will have finished   it by the time the holidays are over. ’

3. ‘What are your plans for the weekend?’ ‘Iam spending / will have spent   some time with my friends. ’

4. Richard is such a poor guy, he has got the flu, but his elder sisterwill have taken / is going to take   care of him, she’s a nurse.

5. I` ll wait / will have been   waiting here until Jane comes.

6. I will be missing / going to miss / miss   the flight because of this terrible traffic jam!