
Toy theme in English. Introduction of new vocabulary. Grading and analysis

I. Organization of the start of the lesson

1. Greetings:

The song “Hello, hello! It’s so nice to say!

Hello, hello! And have a nice day! ”

2. Phonetic charging:

How are you?

I’m fine, and you?

II.Move lesson

1. Introduction to the lesson:

Guys, today Dunno came to visit us! Let’s greet him! (On the board is a portrait of Dunno) He has prepared a very interesting poem for you. Moreover, it is unusual!

“I have a hare, I have a bear.

My toys are here, my toys are there.

I have a dog  I have a fox  and I have a brown cow.

I have a cat, I have a frog

And I am playing now. ”

(The words denoting animals are replaced by their images)

You see, Neznaika has got many toys. So let’s read this poem and guess what toys he has got!

2. Activation of vocabulary on the topic “Games”:

Oh my dear kids! Neznaika likes to play very much. But not only with toys. So he likes different games. Tell me, please what games do you know?

Dunno does not know that you have prepared puzzle games for him.

(Children show games ( leap-frog, hop-scotch, tag, hide-and-seek) and say: “Neznaika, guess, please!”)

Children, Neznaika keeps silence. He doesn’t know these games. Help him.

3. Reinforcing reading skills:

Guys, I see that you also love to play outdoor games. And who do you most like to play with? I think with friends! And Neznaika has got many friends. But who is his best friend? Dunno wrote to us about him. (Hand out letters to children) Guys, how many mistakes! Therefore, his name is Dunno! And it’s not easy, so he is visiting us today. We will correct his mistakes, and he will no longer allow them.

So, what mistakes have you found? Let’s read his letter and translate it.

And now tell me, who is his best friend? That's right, this is Nerdy! Is he a pupil? What games does he like to play? Does Neznaika like his friend?

4. Activation of writing skills:

Guys, I think Dunno also really wants to know about your friends. Now you write about them. I would write about my friend like this: I’ve got a friend. His name is ... He is a pupil. I like him. (Hand out leaflets for letters)

I think you want to know whose letter Neznaika liked the most! Since Dunno is still studying, our guests will help him to read letters. Today they will act as a jury, find errors, if any, and appreciate your work.

(On the jury, teachers watching the lesson)

Guys, did you notice that in the Dunno's letter about his friend the name “Know-it-all” is written in Russian letters. And this Dunno so intentionally conceived. If he wrote the name in English, then the Know-it-all would have appeared right there. But the Dunno does not know whether you want to see the Know-It-All or not.

Well, since you want to meet the Know-it-all, then you need to write his name in English letters. (Children write one letter on the board “Vseznaika”, and at that time the image of Know-it-all appears on the board)

Here he is! Let’s greet him! Hello, Vseznaika! Guys, now is the time to find out from Dunno whose letter he liked the most.

5. Activation of vocabulary on the topic “Colors”:

Guys, look how colorful our friends are! Before we name these colors, we recall them. A magic pencil will help us with this. (“A magic pencil is a sheet of A4 paper folded in half. A pencil figure is cut out on one half of the sheet and several pieces of colored paper of the same size are inserted into the sheet. A colored pencil is obtained. After this pencil color is named, this piece is removed and the next color appears on its own, and this game takes the form of a poll on the motive of the song “A grasshopper was sitting in the grass.” For example:

What color is the pencil?

What color is the pencil?

It’s red, it’s red, it’s red

That’s color of the pencil.)

And now if you know all the colors well, let’s sing a song to our friends.


Red and yellow, and pink and green,

Purple and orange and blue

I can sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow,

Sing a rainbow, too.

6. Physical Fitness:

Oh, let’s count how many colors are there in a rainbow. Yes right

you are. There are seven colors. But I know you can count up to ten. So stand up and do some physical exercises.

(Physical education:

ONE - right hand on the head

TWO - left hand on the head

THREE - right arm on the right shoulder

FOUR - left arm on the left shoulder

FIVE - right hand on the belt

SIX - left hand on the belt

SEVEN - right hand on the right thigh

EIGHT - left hand on the left thigh

NINE - the right hand on the right knee

TEN - left hand on the left knee)

7. Homework:

Guys, Dunno has another surprise for you. He brought a photograph of his beloved pet.

This animal is unusual, it is fantastic. It can talk. Dunno would tell about him, but does not know how.

Let's help him. (Suggestive questions:

Is it big or small?

What color is it?

What can it do?

Does it like to play?)

Guys, would you like to have such a pet?

Well, open your diaries and put down your home task. The homework will be to draw a fantastic animal and describe it.

(While the children are recording their homework, hide the images of Dunno and Know-it-all)

8. Educational moment:

Oh guys! Our friends left without saying goodbye. But we will not be offended by them, but the next time they come to visit us, we will tell them that this should not be done. Look, our friends left an encrypted message!

(Table 1)

III. The final part of the lesson:

It’s a pity, but our lesson is over. It was a great pleasure to work

with you! And now stand up and sing our song “GOODBYE”:

Good-bye, good-bye!

I don’t like to say.

Good-bye, good-bye!

And have a nice day.

Summary of an English lesson on the topic: "Toys"

The purpose of the lesson:  Consolidation of vocabulary and speech structures studied previously; introduction of a new lexical unit on the topic "Toys".

Lesson Objectives:

    The development of the ability to describe at an elementary level your favorite toy (color, size).

    Introduction of new vocabulary on the topic "Toys".

    The development of attention and memory in the game "What toy is missing?".

    The development of skills in all types of speech activity.

    The development of children's interest in the English language through the game.

    Raising children's behavior skills in a team through collective games.

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment (greeting).

Teacher: Good eveningboys and girls!

Children:   Good evening, teacher!

Teacher: I am glad to see you!

Children: I am glad to see you, too!

Teacher: Now let's get to know you.

Play the game« Circle of acquaintances. "

Please stand in a circle.  (Children stand in a circle with the teacher).

This will be our circle of acquaintances.

I have a ball in my hands, which we will pass in a circle. The one who has the ball in his hands tells about himself, that is, he tells his name how many years and where he lives. Let's start with me.

(My name is (name). I am (age). I am from Ishim).

(The teacher passes the ball to the next, the children talk about themselves.)

What is your name?

How old are you?

Where are you from?

Thank you!

Sit down, please!

2. Repetition of adjectives. The game "Complete the offer."

Teacher: Children, do you know who this is? (shows a toy mouse).

Children: A mouse.

Teacher: That's right, and now let's play the game, "Complete the offer." I will read you a poem about a mouse, and you have to choose a suitable adjective for rhyme in english language.

There was a little mouse on the planet.

I was happy, that means- happy

He knew no troubles

I was not sad, then- sad

He found a tremendous mushroom

In English means- big

Found a small fungus

In English, it’s  small

Mouse's new friend - Sue

But new is  new

My friend was very young

He is not old, he is not  - old

And the neighbor was Robin Hood

Was good

Means- good

A cannibal lived in the forest

He was bad, it is- bad

3. Repetition of the speech structures “Yes, it is”, “No, it isn’t. It’s a ... "

Teacher: The mouse has friends. Now I will show you pictures with animals, and you will follow, I have correctly named the animal or not, if not, you will correct me.

(The teacher shows pictures, naming the animals depicted on them. If the teacher calls the animal correctly, then the students agree: “Yes, it is.” If the teacher is wrong, the students correct him: “No, it isn’t. It’s a ... ”)

4. Consolidation of vocabulary and speech structures (Theme "Toys").

Teacher : Children, on my table are toys whose name you already know (repeated previously studied lexical units). Please choose your favorite toy and name its size and color. (Children one by one they approach the table, take out toys and carry out the task.)

Children: It "s a dog. (Cat, pig, horse, fox ....)

It "s a big dog. It" s a big, black dog.

What is it? What color is it? What size is it?

Physical education.

Teacher : Are you tired? Are you tired? Let "s have a rest. Let's take a break.

(The class repeats after the teacher.)

Stand up! Hands up! Hands down! Sit down!

Stand up! Hands to the sides! Bend left! Bend right!

Hands up! Hands down! Hands on hips! Sit down!

Teacher : And now we find out what pets and toys you have?

Have you many pets?

Children : Yes, I have.

Teacher :   What pets have you?

Children : I have a cat (a dog, a turtle).

Teacher :

Have you a cat? (a dog, a turtle).

Do you like to play with a cat? (do you like to play with a cat?)

Do you like to play with a dog? (do you like to play with a dog?)

Teacher :

Have you many toys?

Children : Yes, I have.

Teacher :

Have you a ball? (a doll, a car, a top, a set?)

Do you like to play with a ball? (a doll, a car, a top, a set?)

Children: I have a ball. (a doll, a car, a top, a set.)

Teacher :   What is you favorite toy?

Children:   My favorite toy is ...

5. Introduction of a new lexical unit on the topic "Toys".

Teacher :

Today we will meet with you a new toy. Look at the picture and tell me what it is?

Children: Bucket.

Teacher :   English bucket -bucket

What is it?

Children: It is a  bucket .

Teacher : Have you abucket?

Children: Yes, I have.

6. The game "Relate pictures and words."

Teacher :

Our mouse is thoughtful. He became sad because he could not cope with the next task. Will we help him?

Children:   Yes!

Teacher On the board we see pictures with the image of toys and the word-name of these toys. The task is as follows: you need to find a word for each picture, read it and connect it with the picture.

We will carry out the task “along the chain”, that is, one after another.  (Children go out, read the word and combine it with the corresponding picture).

The game "What toy is missing?"

Teacher :

The game “What toy is missing?” (The teacher shows several pictures with toys. Children remember them, then close their eyes, at this time the teacher hides one of the pictures, the children must guess which picture is not).

7. Repeating verbs.

Teacher :

Tell us what our animals can do.

(Pupils take turns calling actions using a grammatical model.

A cat can jump.

A dog can run.

A crocodile can swim.

A parrot can fly.

An elephant can sit.)

Tell us what you can do.

(Students take turns talking about themselves: Ican ...

8.   Working out of demonstrative pronouns this-that, these-those.

This is a (an) ...

That is a (an) ...

9. Summarizing the lesson. Reflection.

Our lesson has come to an end. Please tell me what was interesting for you today?

And what seemed difficult?

What new word did we meet today?

  Teacher:   "Good bye, girls, good bye boys"

Children : « Goodbye our teacher, good bye everyone! ”

Theme: My favorite toys

Teacher: Musredinova D.M.

Lesson Objectives:

Practical: introducing new vocabulary units on the topic “Toy Country” and using them in language structures: What’s your favorite toy? - My favorite toy is a ball. What have you got? -I've got a bike; train performance skill songs.

Educational: to train the ability to ask questions and answer them: Do you like ...? Have you got ... ?; to form reading skills from simple to complex: word-phrase-phrase - short text; develop the ability to pronounce foreign words separately and in phrases

Developing: develop students' memory and language conjecture; develop the ability to quickly read, speaking skills.

Educational: teach to listen to others, yourself and the teacher; to educate students in a cognitive interest in foreign language.

Methods of work: work in pairs; groups

Lesson Type: Combined

Lesson equipment: handout: cards (toys); individual cards to verify reading comprehension; audio cassette; poster with flowers; words on the topic: "Country of Toys";

During the classes

1.Orgment. Greeting (T-Cl)

T:Good morning, boys and girls. P:  Good morning, teacher

T:  How are you? P:Fine, thank you. How are you?

T:Fine, too, thank you. Sit, down.

2. The main part.

Introduction to the language situation.

T:  Guys, look at my table. What's on the table? - Toys. Today we will go to an interesting country “Toyland” - “Country of Toys” .. We will learn new words, a song, get acquainted with children's holidays, repeat the colors, letters, numbers. And now I want to ask you: Do you like to play with toys? - Yes (, I do). Have you got a ball? - Yes (, I have). Have you got a doll? - Yes (, I have). Have you got a fluffy rabbit? -Yes (, I have).

Speech workout. Activation of the interrogative structure Can you ...?

I think you like to play. Let`s play all together. Let's learn how to play new game. It is called the Chain. I will ask one student a question. he answers the question and asks the question to the next student. The teacher asks a question to one of the students:

Yes, I can. Can you run?

No, I can`t. Can you sing a song? Etc.

Introduction of new vocabulary

T:  And now we will get acquainted with new words. Look at the blackboard.

FROMlown Monster Soldier Ballerina

Phonetic charging

T: Now open your exercise books, write down the date. Today is the 17th of February, Toyland. (On the desk)

The task:guess and spell a word by its initial letter. The tutorial on page 84 will help you.

Writing on the board:

A c - - - - (clown)

a s - - - - - r (soldier)

a k - - - (kite)

a m - - - - - r (monster)

a b - - - - - - - - (ballerina)

a b - - - (bike)

(One at a time, students go to the board and write down a word.)

T: Well done!Guys, look at our toys. They are all colorful. That is why they are interesting and very beautiful. Let us repeat the colors. (On the board is a flower with colorful petals)






T:And now I want to see how you can write poetry. Next task: you need to choose a suitable word for the rhyme denoting color.

T:Here is an unripe mandarin.

He is still green GREEN.

But you will ripen and remember

You are orange ORANGE.

I have no doubt

Red color of course RED.

I have no doubt

White- WHITEand black   BLACK.

Pink roses

Falling into the ring

Color beautiful pink

In English PINK

I will draw the ship

Sea blue paint BLUE.

And then I'll color it boldly

Sun yellow paint   YELLOW.

T:Great! Well done, guys! I see that you know the colors well, you know how to compose poems. Now let's talk about our toys what color they are. Open your books at page 84, Ex. 1.

Look at the clown. What color is it? - Red, yellow, brown.

Look at the monster. What color is it? - Green, blue, brown.

Look at the soldier. What color is it? - Yellow, blue.

Look at the ballerina. What color is it? -Red, gray, yellow, white.

Dynamic pause (P1, P2 - Cl)

T: Are you tired? Let "s have a break! Tired? Let's take a break!

(two students - the leaders go to the board and charge, showing the actions that are called. The class repeats after the leaders)

One, one, one. Run, run, run.

Two, two, two. Go to the zoo.

Three, three, three. Climb a tree.

Four, four, four. Touch the floor.

Five, five, five. Swim and dive.

Six, seven, eight. That was great!

Nine and ten. Count again!

Text listening

T: Pyou guys look at my table. Someone hid toys under a cloak. Whose cloak is this? -

I know that. This is the coat of the Cat - Wizard. He came to you with his verse and wants to learn it with you. Let's listen to her. (Listening to audio)

Now listen and read again. (Listening to an audio recording) And now we all read together.

Repetition and consolidation of knowledge of new vocabulary

T: And now I will put Kota’s cloak on my shoulders and we will play a game: name Kota your favorite toy. You should answer the question "What is your favorite toy?"

The game

T (Throwing the ball P1): What "s your favorite toy?

P1: My favorite toy is a ball. (Throwing a P2 ball) What "s your favorite toy?

T: I know you have got many toys at home. I know you have a lot of toys at home. Many children and even adults collect toys. And toys must be looked after so that they are always clean and beautiful. Look, I received a letter in the mail. Let's read the letter all together.

(Hand out the text of the letter)

Hi! I "m Ted. I" ve got a clown and a kite. I have got a train, lots of cars and a teddy-bear.

T: What "s his name? - Ted

What has he got?

3. Final part.

T: And you know, in Japan there is a holiday for boys and girls. On Boys' Day, families fly a kite in the shape of a carp fish - a large kite for dad, a small one for his son.

There is a celebration for girls. On this day, the girls organize puppet shows in their home.

And in our lesson we have a small exhibition of toys from the Toy Land.

And now the guys will sing a song from the country of toys.

Lesson summary and completion

T: Today we visited the country of toys. Did you like our lesson? Show emoticons. What did you like the most?

T: Do you know another toy country with the word LAND- DISNAY LAND


T:We open diaries, write down homework: p. 85 exercise. 5.6, learn words,

Grading and analysis.

T: I am pleased with your work today. I bet you ...

The lesson is over. Stand up. Thank you for your works. The lesson is over. You may be free. Good buy.

Entertaining English (1 class). Extracurricular activities. Theme 3 “Let's play!”. Lesson 3 “Favorite Toys”.


    Creating conditions for the development in children of interest in foreign language culture.

    Providing maximum assistance to the development of potential opportunities for the personality of the child, the ability to creative thoughts.


    Conducting classes in a playful way. The development of children's interest in the English language through the game.

Acquaintance with the names of toys.

    Learning by playing - “Magic sack ”The magic bag.

    The development of the ability to name a favorite toy at an elementary level (color, size).

    Draw by points and numbers, colorize (development of attention and fine motor skills of the fingers).

    Consolidation of lexical units on the topics “Colors”, “Score 1-10”, “Parts of the body”.

Equipment: TCO,related toys, didactic material, visual material, colored pencils.

Course progress:

Children enter the games room. In the center of the room, in a semicircle, are chairs, behind tables are tables for drawing. Children greet the teacher and sit on chairs in the center of the hall.

Greeting : Verse (1min.)

Teacher :   Good morning (3 r.) to you! Children :    Good morning (3 r.) to you!

Good morning my children Good morning (2r.)

I am glad to see you! I am glad to see you!

Turning on attention (3 min .)

Teacher :   Bell rings, the game begins ( ringsbell)

Switch on your eyes (ears, lips, mind)!

During this game, the teacher touches the part of the face that he calls. Children repeat the movements and pronounce the words:eyes , ears , lips etc .

The basis of the lesson (repeating the vocabulary and introducing a new one)

(9 min.)

1) The lesson begins Karkusha (toy)

Teacher: Today, our old friend, Karkusha, is visiting us.

Today we have a guest- Karkusha. She is good. She likes flowers. Red, yellow , green , white , blue , orange , purple . (The teacher shows the children paper flowers different color  and size, the guys repeat after the teacher of color and answer his questions).Oh! How many flowers! Let’s count them: one, two, three ...

What a beautiful flower! Is it big or small?

Children : It is big   or It is small   (or just big small )

2) Familiarity with toy names

Guys, besides flowers, Karkusha brought a lot of beautiful toys.

Karkusha has got many toys: a doll, a tiger, a car, a pistol, a clown, a teddy bear, a baloon ...Guysrepeatbehindeducatorthe namesof toys, are calledcolor, answeron thequestion  Is it big or small? Baby bear. It’s small.

b)Rhyme: Baby bear   - a minute of rest (2 min.)

Baby bear! Baby bear!

Touch your knees.

Baby bear! Baby bear!

Please, say “Please”.

Baby bear! Baby bear!

Blow your nose.

Baby bear! Baby bear!

Wash your clothes.

Baby bear! Baby bear!

Please don’t cry!

Baby bear! Baby bear!

Say “Good-bye”.

Rhyme is read to the rhythm (clapping) and is accompanied by the implementation of actions.

The game "Magic Bag" - consolidation of the passed words (7 min.)

Karkusha knows one very interesting game. It is called the "magic bag." Let s play !   Children go out one at a time to the center of the hall, take out a toy from the bag, name it (color, size).

We draw toys on points, different drawings (9 min.).

Calm music plays. Coloring pages laid out on children's tables We draw toys on points and numbers.

The teacher invites children to tables (children draw to calm music).

Summing up (3 min)

Teacher: Let's think, what kind of toys did Karkush bring us today? The guys called toys. What color are they? Size? Children call the color of toys, size.

Teacher: Bring one of your favorite toy to the next lesson. We will give her a name, name her color and size.

Farewell to the choir (1 min.)

Good bye   (3 p.)my doll .

Good bye (3 r.) you all.