
Very beautiful English words. Beautiful English words with translation

When the city falls asleep, the sky wakes up. It is illuminated by hundreds of stars and flying comets, showing their burning tails to those who are still awake.

The moon with her cold gaze carefully examines the houses, plunged into sleep, leaving glare in the windows. And at this time, the lunar path is clearly visible on the sea, trembling from side to side, as if reminiscent of the breath of water.

As Anatoly Rakhmatov said, “we will enjoy life while it gives us this chance!” Today, for a reason, we started with a small digression to attract the attention of those who want to get acquainted with the most beautiful words in english language. There are a huge number of them, so we will highlight the most memorable.

  • Ailurophile   - cat lover
  • Becoming   - attractive
  • Brood   - think, bear a thought
  • Buolic   - characteristics of village life
  • Chatoyant   - iridescent
      The etymology of the word goes back to the 18th century and originates from the French “chatoyer” - to sparkle like a cat's eye.
  • Comely   - pretty, attractive
      The word comes from the Old English “cymlic”, meaning “beautiful,” in Old German it meant “transient”, and in the Middle High German language it meant “respectively”, “properly”
  • Cynosure   - spotlight, guiding light
      The expression “the cynosure of all eyes” first appears in J. Milton's “L’Allegro,” written in 1632.
  • Dalliance   - easy flirt; banter
  • Demure   - modest, reasonable
      But this word has long been more than 600 years old, and initially it meant “put off”, and later took the meaning of “adult”.
  • Desultory   - incoherent, unsystematic
  • Dulcet   - sweet, pleasant, tender (sound). The word came from the Latin and from the XIV century did not change its meaning.
  • One of the most romantic words is efflorescence   - the beginning of flowering, which is synonymous with blossoming.
  • Evanescent   - disappearing, fleeting, imperceptible
  • Evocative   - evocative
  • Fetching   - attractive, seductive
  • Felicity   - bliss, prosperity
      In English, there is an idiom of felicity of phrase, meaning “gift of the word”, “eloquence”.
  • Halcyon   - peaceful, happy.
    If your days are filled with serenity, you can safely say: “I have halcyon days”.
  • Ineffable   - indescribable, unspeakable
  • Lagniappe   (in American colloquial lagnappe, lanyap) - a small gift that is attached to the purchase. It can also mean premium and gratuities.
  • Leisure   - free time
  • Lissome   - flexible, elastic
  • Mellifluous   - sweet-sounding, caressing
  • Offing   - seaside, space visible from the coast to the horizon
  • Petrichor   - the word has Greek roots denoting “stone” and “liquid”, and symbolizes the indescribable and recognizable aroma emanating from the earth after rain.
  • Penumbra   - in the literal and figurative meaning, means "half light" and "partial shade".

Sometimes these words are pretty hard to pick up in mother tongue. We can describe an event or element indefinitely, but expressing thoughts in one word can be difficult. This is once again proved by Alexander Blok’s poem “Night, Street, Lantern, Pharmacy”. It is worth paying attention to the masters who wrote the tank, haiku and hoku, because they, having barely waved a brush, could express an idea, conveying a special philosophy in a few lines:

Silent tread
  Impatience burns in the soul
  Funny tricks
  Don't i know
  How passion flares up

Each language has its own unique set of words that sound great, can cause the most tender feelings and create a sensation. When you learn English, you will learn many new words and phrases. At the time of publication, there are approximately 1,025,109 registered words in the English language. In today's article we want to pay attention to only 11 of our favorite words, with transcription, translation, and of course, an example of use in speech! And so, there is no time better than now to learn something new!

  1. Ethereal   [ɪ’θɪərɪəl] - so light and delicate that it seems magical. (Unearthly, divine)
      Example: Many people speak about the ethereal   beauty of the Northern Lights. I’d love to see them myself one day. - Many people talk about the unearthly beauty of the Northern Lights. I would like to see him once.
  2. Ineffable[ɪ’nefəbl] - too big or big to put into words. (Indescribable)
      Example: The Grand Canyon left me in an ineffable   daze the immense size and scale of the sight was unbelievable. - The Grand Canyon left me in inexpressible amazement; The huge size and scale were incredible.
  3. Melancholy[‘Melənk (ə) lɪ] - a feeling of thoughtful sadness, usually without a clear reason. (Melancholy)
      Example: I love listening to Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata when it’s raining. The melody is sweet but full of melancholy. “I love listening to Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata when it rains.” The melody is sweet, but full of melancholy.
  4. Mellifluous   - a sweet, smooth sound that is good to hear. (Mellifluous)
      Example: The singer had a soft, mellifluous   voice and performed her song beautifully. - The singer had a soft, sweet sounding voice and performed his song beautifully.
  5. Nefarious   - evil, criminal, villainous, or despicable. (Unholy)
      Example: The man was stopped by police for speeding, but they soon discovered that he had committed far more nefarious   crimes. “The man was stopped by the police for speeding, but they soon discovered that he had committed much more heinous crimes.”
  6. Opulent   [‘Ɔpjulənt] - something magnificent or luxurious, rich. (Pompous, chic)
      Example: The Palace of Versailles is one of the most opulent   historical buildings in France. I wish I could live there! - The Palace of Versailles is one of the most chic historical buildings in France. I would love to live there!
  7. Ripple   [‘Rɪpl] - a small wave or series of waves on the surface of the water. (Ripples)
      Example: When I was young, I loved throwing pebbles into the lake and watching the ripplesthey created. - When I was young, I liked to throw pebbles into the lake and watch the ripples that she created.
  8. Solitude   [‘Sɔlɪt (j) uːd] - a state of isolation or a feeling that you are alone in the whole world. (Solitude, loneliness)
      Example: Some people need to socialize all the time, but I think it’s important to understand the value of solitude   too. “Some people need to communicate all the time, but I think it’s important to understand the value of being alone too.”
  9. Wanderlust   [‘Wɔndəlʌst] - passion for travel; wanderlust.
      Example: I watched "Eat Pray Love" with my mum yesterday, and now I’m experiencing strong wanderlust. I want to catch the next flight to Bali! - I watched “Eat, Pray, Love” with my mom yesterday, and now I have a strong passion for travel. I want to catch the next flight to Bali!
  10. Catharsis   - The realization of emotional stress, especially through art or music. (Catharsis)
      Example: I think that artists like Vincent Van Gogh experienced catharsis   through their art. It must have helped them let go of their troubles. - I think that artists like Vincent Van Gogh experienced catharsis through their art. It must have helped them let go of their problems.
  11. Cuddle[‘Kʌdl] - long hugs full of affection and / or love.
      Example: One of my favorite things to do in winter is to watch a movie and cuddle   my cat, whose name is Fluffy, on the sofa. - One of my favorite things in winter is to watch a movie while sitting on the couch and hug my cat named Fluffy.

Touch only the tip of the iceberg. The banal phrases “how are you”, “how much is it” and so on, as well as words for everyday use. That is, in fact, only the minimum necessary to be understood abroad and to understand what you are told. However, English is incredibly diverse. It is not limited to any framework. Today you will see which interesting words in englishlanguage can sometimes be found.

It will be about those words that are even difficult to find in the dictionary. They may seem strange to someone, but they still exist in the English language, so you should pay attention to them. The interest of a word lies not so much in its spelling and sounding as in its meaning.

  admiration for some particular part of someone’s body


Also a little surprised by the interesting meaning of the word. Here we have in mind not only the external similarity, but also the character of a person -prickly, like a hedgehog; quick-tempered, irritable.

  salt tax

I do not know how this word appeared on this list. It would seem that it sounds beautiful, but the translation ...

  awkward teenager; one who is constantly unsure and awkward

Quite an old word, which is already several centuries old. However, still few people manage to write it correctly at least twice.

  fear of failure

Here the word itself is just interesting. I can’t even imagine how it should be pronounced correctly. Among English speakers, this word is one of the longest.

  volume and clarity of diction

  armpit obsolete name

As the commentary on the translation says: this is not a creature that is half-bull, half-otter, as you might think from the construction of this word (ox - bull, otter - otter). There really are interesting words in English.

  expressed briefly; short in his speeches

  a sick or weak person, most often one who is constantly or even pathologically concerned about their health

  a shoe or shoe style in the 1950s with a pointed and long toe

  rumbling in the stomach

It was always interesting how to say "rumbling in the stomach" in English, it turned out that you can do with one word.


  situation when there are no cards above nine in the card game

This is more a term for card players. We can say that this word describes the situation when in the game on hand one small thing. By the way, hand of cards translates as "cards that are in the hands", that is, those that were distributed to the player. Simply put, what we like to call is a fan.

  a mental phenomenon in which a person believes that he is some kind of animal

As the saying goes, all the fun is usually in the end ...

By the way, this article had a lot of interesting words, but their meanings were not always as interesting as the last. Here's another one of the pretty funny ones that just touched me:

  stare at the one who eats, in the hope that he will invite you to join

Here it is. What we have expressed in a few words, among English speakers can be said with just one. Now you have seen what interesting words in English can sometimes get caught. I advise you to never stop there. Do not learn the language superficially. Love it.

English is on the list of the most common languages. Almost everyone, at first tries to master it. Its popularity is not the only reason for this, since English contains a large number of beautiful words, and listening to them evokes positive emotions.

Beauty vocabulary

The presence of beautiful words in English in terms of sound is due to the characteristics of phonetics. For example, in the words of this language there are almost no hissing, located nearby, there are no unpronounceable sounds. However, there are a huge number of long and open vowels, combinations of voiced consonants and vowels. In addition, a lot of vocabulary is borrowed from other languages, so it is easy to learn and find out the meaning, without previously encountering a translation. For instance, liberty, fantastic, galaxy   and others. This is another reason that English seems beautiful - it consists of a mass of borrowed words that have retained the most valuable linguistic forms.

A characteristic feature of the language is a high emotional level of vocabulary. With the help of colloquial slang, idiomatic expressions, diminutive words, you can fully describe feelings, express emotions.

Specialists in linguistics from the UK have repeatedly conducted surveys among the population to find out which words are considered the most beautiful. Moreover, only foreigners participated in the survey. Indigenous speakers of the language, accustomed to it from childhood, are not able to objectively assess the beauty of words, because, first of all, they connect it with meaning. According to the results of the survey, the leading position among beautiful English words turned out to be "Mother"   . Otherwise, different factors influenced lexical preferences: the age category of people, habitual among habitats, etc. For example, words related to romance and music turned out to be popular among young people; older participants called words from philosophical subjects.

Ratings of the most beautiful and melodic words with translation

According to the survey, a list of about a hundred English words was compiled, and ten of the most popular ones were identified:

  1. Mother - mother;
  2. Love - love;
  3. Freedom - freedom;
  4. Grace - grace;
  5. Moment - moment;
  6. Blue - blue;
  7. Smile - a smile;
  8. Hope - hope;
  9. Bubble - a bubble;
  10. Peace is peace.

Obviously, when calling a beautiful word in English, a person, consciously or not, associated it with the meaning, therefore, the ranking includes vocabulary that is perfect both in sound and in meaning. Each of these words has a positive connotation. The survey was useful for linguists, as well as for representatives of other areas: psychologists, marketers, etc. In the psychological aspect, it became clear that people's beauty is associated with good.

As for marketing, first of all, you should use melodic english words   for titles, slogans, and commercials, potential buyers will pay attention to them.

If you evaluate the beauty of a word only by sound, then you can form a new one, guided only by the phonetic features of vocabulary:

  • Golden - golden;
  • Luminous - luminous;
  • Camellia - Camellia
  • Melody - a melody;
  • Rosemary - Rosemary
  • Eternity - eternity;
  • Destiny - fate;
  • Sunshine - sunlight;
  • Blossom - flowering;
  • Rainbow - a rainbow;
  • Smashing is awesome;
  • Coconut - Coconut
  • Giggle - giggle;
  • Paradox - a paradox;
  • Felicity - Happiness

It is noteworthy that the most elegant words were not radical, but borrowed. This emphasizes the multinationality of people or the development of speech, its expansion. In addition, words with the letters “s” or “q” are popular. Among such vocabulary there are practically no verbs - most are represented by adjectives and nouns.
  The melody of English words is a good reason to learn this language. What is nice to say