
Gleb Vladimirovich Nosovsky: biography. Scandalous chronology Fomenko Gleb Nosovsky biography

Fomenko Anatoly Timofeevich- Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (Russian Academy of Natural Sciences), full member of the MAI VS (International Academy of Sciences of the Higher School), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty of Moscow State University.

He solved the well-known Plateau problem in the theory of spectral minimal surfaces, created the theory of invariants and a fine classification of integrable Hamiltonian dynamical systems. Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in 1996 (in the field of mathematics) for a series of works on the theory of invariants of manifolds and Hamiltonian dynamical systems.

Author of 180 scientific papers, 26 mathematical monographs and textbooks, specialist in geometry and topology, calculus of variations, minimal surface theory, symplectic topology, Hamiltonian geometry and mechanics, computer geometry. Author of several books on the development and application of new empirical and statistical methods for the analysis of historical chronicles, chronology of antiquity and the Middle Ages.

Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich- Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (Moscow State University, 1988), specialist in the field of probability theory, mathematical statistics, theory of random processes, optimization theory, stochastic differential equations, computer simulation of stochastic processes.

He worked at the Space Research Institute (Moscow), at the Moscow Machine Tool Institute, and also in Japan, within the framework of scientific cooperation between Moscow State University and Aizu University in the field of computer geometry. Currently works as a senior researcher at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University.

Books (25)

Biblical Russia

The Great Empire of the XIV-XVII centuries on the pages of the Bible. Russia-Horde and Osmania-Atamania are two wings of a single Empire. Biblical campaign of Moses - Ottoman conquest. Biblical Esther and Judith in the 16th century.

The history of Russia in the XIV-XVII centuries is reconstructed on the basis of the analysis of historical information contained in the Bible. It turns out that the biblical events took place not in ancient times, but in the XII-XVII centuries. In particular, the bright events of the medieval history of the Russian Horde Empire are described on the pages of the Bible. It turns out that the famous biblical conquest of the Promised Land is the Ottoman = Ataman conquest of Eurasia in the XIV-XV centuries. It turns out that the Old Testament story of Esther and Judith unfolded in the second half of the 16th century in Russia.

The interpretation of the historical content of the Bible offered in the book may seem unusual to an unprepared reader. It is important that this study concerns only the historical, but not the theological content of the Bible. It does not affect the foundations of the dogma set forth in the Bible, and does not call into question the religious dogmas of those religions for which the Bible is a sacred book.

Where are you, Kulikovo field?

In 1993, A.T. Fomenko and G.V. Nosovsky first expressed and substantiated the idea that the famous Battle of Kulikovo took place not at all in the upper reaches of the Don on the border of the Tula and Lipetsk regions, as is commonly believed, but on the site of the present city of Moscow. The battlefield was located near the current Moscow Kremlin and is still called "Kulishki".

Since 1993, a lot of new evidence has emerged to support this discovery. Some of them were discovered by the authors themselves, some by their readers. Today, there is almost no doubt that the Battle of Kulikovo really took place in Moscow.

The book does not require special knowledge and is intended for anyone interested in using mathematics to unravel the mysteries of our history.

Western myth

"Ancient" Rome and "German" Habsburgs are reflections of the Russian Horde history of the XIV-XVII centuries. The legacy of the Great Empire in the culture of Eurasia and America.

The book is intended for readers who are already familiar with the problem of substantiating the chronology of antiquity and the modern natural-science approach to this issue, based on mathematical and statistical methods. The reader is supposed to get acquainted with the first volumes of the Chronology edition.

The authors found an important parallelism, according to which the tsars-khans of the Russian-Horde Empire of the XIII-XVI centuries were reflected in the Western chronicles as the Habsburg emperors of the XIII-XVI centuries, as well as the kings and emperors of "ancient" Rome. The French Queen Catherine de Medici is probably a reflection of the Russian Empress Sophia Paleolog in Western European chronicles. It becomes clear what St. Bartholomew's night is. The famous Joan of Arc is apparently described in the Bible under the name of the prophetess and warrior Deborah. And the famous Marshal of France Gilles de Rais, the legendary companion of Joan of Arc, was reflected in the Bible as the famous warrior and hero Samson. At the same time, the main original of the biblical story of Samson is the struggle of the Zemshchina against the Oprichnina in Russia under Ivan IV the Terrible in the 16th century.

The book allows you to present a picture of the development of mankind from the very beginning of its written history in the 10th century AD. e. up to the 18th century AD. e. The book will undoubtedly attract the attention of all who are not indifferent to the history of Russia.


Slavic conquest of the world. Europe. China. Japan. Russia as a medieval metropolis of the Great Empire.

It is proved that Ancient Russia was not on the sidelines of ancient history, as is commonly believed, but left a bright mark on world events. The main event in the history of Eurasia and Russia of the XIV century - the "Tatar-Mongolian" invasion - was transferred by chronologists to the phantom IV century AD. e. and called the "Great Migration of Nations".

This conclusion surprisingly agrees, on the one hand, with the opinions of M.V. Lomonosov, M.M. Shcherbatov and V.N. Tatishchev, who described in detail the extensive conquests of the Russians in the era of the “ancient” Roman Empire, and on the other hand, with the conclusions of M.T. Kachenovsky, who headed the "skeptical" school and argued that the reliable history of Russia cannot begin before the XII century A.D. e. The conclusions of the authors, based on mathematical methods, are confirmed by medieval sources telling about the conquest of Europe and Asia by the Slavs; Russian chronicles (some of which, as the authors convincingly prove, were deliberately distorted); as well as medieval testimonies of foreigners about Russia.

The chronology of Europe, China and Japan is analyzed. An interesting study of the motion of Halley's comet and striking, unexpected parallels with European history cast doubt on the antiquity of Chinese history, and an analysis of the surviving geographical maps clearly shows that the "oldest" Great Wall of China was built no earlier than the 17th century AD. e. It turns out that medieval Scandinavian geographical works and maps tell about the “Mongolian” conquest of Eurasia and Africa.

What is the current age?

The chronology and history of antiquity accepted today, created in the 16th-17th centuries, apparently contain serious errors. This was understood and discussed by many prominent scientists of the 17th-20th centuries. However, the reconstruction of the true chronology and history of antiquity proved to be a difficult task. But a group of mathematicians from Moscow State University coped with it perfectly.

As a result of the work, interesting results were obtained, published both in scientific periodicals and in the form of separate monographs. This book introduces the developed new, significantly shorter chronology, based on the analysis of historical sources by the methods of mathematics, statistics and extensive computer calculations.

Mathematical chronology of biblical events

The book is devoted to one of the important and interesting issues of mathematical chronology - the study of the chronology of events described in the Bible.

Along with the formal results of the empirical-statistical analysis, the authors also give some hypotheses about how the correct picture of biblical history could look like.

We change dates - everything changes

Serious errors have been revealed in the version of the chronology of antiquity adopted today.

The new mathematical and statistical methods of dating events proposed by the author in the book “Changing Dates - Everything Changes” reveal strikingly similar “ancient” and medieval dynasties of rulers, which today are considered completely different.

Beginning of Horde Russia

Beginning of Horde Russia. After Christ. The Trojan War. Foundation of Rome.

The book by A.T. Fomenko and G.V. Nosovsky continues their recent book “The King of the Slavs”, dedicated to the final dating of the era of Christ by the XII century AD.

Thus, it is the second book in a series of studies undertaken by the authors in 2003-2004 with the aim of reconstructing the epoch of the 12th-13th centuries - the prehistory of the Great Russian Christian Empire of the 14th-16th centuries. The content of the book is entirely based on the new chronology developed and published by the authors in 1975-2003.

New chronology and the concept of the ancient history of Russia, England and Rome

The book is devoted to a new scientific direction - the study of ancient and medieval chronology and history with the help of natural-science dating methods proposed by the authors in previous publications, in particular, in the book by A. T. Fomenko “Methods of mathematical analysis of historical texts. Applications to Chronology.

The first part is devoted to Russian history, the second part - English, the third part - Roman-Byzantine. Serious contradictions have been found between the point of view accepted today among historians and the results of the application of natural-scientific methods of dating. A new concept is proposed, one of the characteristic differences of which is a significant shortening of the chronology in comparison with the Scaliger-Petavius ​​chronology accepted today, proposed in the 16th-17th centuries.

The book is a unique phenomenon in the world scientific literature, it opens up wide opportunities for further research.

Exploration of America by Russia-Horde

Biblical Russia. The Beginning of American Civilizations. Biblical Noah and medieval Columbus. Revolt of the Reformation. Old Testament Jerusalem - Moscow of the 16th century. Solomon's Temple is a temple of Hagia Sophia in Istanbul.

The book discusses the conquest of America in the 15th century by the troops of Russia-Horde and Ottoman = Atamania. Isn't the voyage of Christopher Columbus in 1492 described in the Bible in the form of an Old Testament legend about Patriarch Noah and his ark, wandering through the "great waters"? It turns out that the well-known Reformation in Europe was a revolt of the Horde governors against the imperial metropolis, that is, against Russia-Horde.

The erection of the Old Testament Jerusalem, described in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah, is probably the erection of Moscow in the 16th century as the new capital of the Empire after the Babylonian captivity. The Old Testament describes the construction of the Moscow Kremlin, it speaks of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky. It turns out that the famous temple of Solomon is the temple of Hagia Sophia in Istanbul.

This study concerns only the historical, but not theological content of the Bible. It does not affect the foundations of the dogma set forth in the Bible and does not call into question the religious dogmas of those religions for which the Bible is a sacred book.

Russian roots of "ancient" Latin. Languages ​​and writing of the Great Empire

In the rebellious era of the Reformation, after the split of the Empire, in its separated fragments, the reformers began to actively create new languages ​​in order to separate from the metropolis of the Empire (Rus-Horde) not only politically, but also linguistically. For this purpose, in the 16th-17th centuries, new rulers called on special people who were instructed to "invent new languages". The result was "linguistics". However, the hastily created languages ​​(“ancient” Latin, “ancient” Greek, French, English, German, Spanish, Italian, etc.) were inevitably based on the Slavic language in its broadest sense. The reformers simply had no other material. Consequently, in addition to their will, all the new languages ​​​​and dialects invented by them had to bear a deep “Slavic imprint”. This book contains numerous testimonies of this. They have survived so far.

Previously, these “Slavic traces” were either not paid attention to, or, having paid attention, were hushed up, since people of the 17th-20th centuries were used to using the erroneous Scaligerian chronology. In which the very idea of ​​the origin of the "most ancient" Latin from the Slavic language was unacceptable. The new chronology removes this unspoken ban.

Seven Wonders of the World

Biblical Russia. Calendar and Easter. Nativity of Christ and the Council of Nicaea. Prophecy of Daniel. Underground Moscow of the 16th century is the prototype of the famous "ancient" Labyrinth.

What are the seven famous wonders of the world? When did the First Ecumenical Council of the Christian Church take place? When did the era "from the birth of Christ" begin?

The era of the life of Jesus Christ, it turns out, can be determined according to the data preserved in the history of the calculation of Paschal.

It turns out that the famous “ancient” Labyrinth, described, in particular, by the “ancient” Herodotus, is underground Moscow.

The prophecy of Daniel tells about the events in Russia in the second half of the 16th century.

This study concerns only the historical, but not theological content of the Bible. It does not affect the foundations of the dogma set forth in the Bible, and does not call into question the religious dogmas of those religions for which the Bible is a sacred book.

400 years of deceit. Mathematics allows you to look into the past

This book is the third in a series devoted to a complete, but at the same time accessible presentation of the ideas and results of the scientific direction "New Chronology".

The first part is devoted to criticism of the Scaligerian chronology. The history of the chronological problem is described in detail. It is told who, how and when created the now generally accepted chronology of Scaliger-Petavius. It is told about the predecessors of the New Chronology - Isaac Newton, Nikolai Alexandrovich Morozov and other scientists of the 16th-20th centuries, who expressed distrust of the Chronology of Scaliger-Petavius ​​and offered various ways to correct it. A critical review of the DATING METHODS USED by HISTORIANS is given. In particular, the radiocarbon dating method and its applications in chronology are critically analyzed.

The second part describes some of the results of the new chronology - mostly obtained with the help of astronomy. It is told about the dating of "ancient" eclipses - what happens if they are dated independently, without regard to the Scaligerian chronology. It also tells about the final dating of the horoscope calculated by G. V. Nosovsky and A. T. Fomenko, encrypted in the biblical "Apocalypse" and first discovered by N. A. Morozov. The book does not require special knowledge from the reader and is intended for all those who are interested in applying natural scientific methods to national and world history.

Don Quixote or Ivan the Terrible

Don Quixote is known to everyone since childhood. His name has become a household name, like the name of Sancho Panza.

The new Chronology reveals the true essence of Cervantes' famous novel. Western European reformers of the 16th-17th centuries sought to split the Great Horde Empire and struck at its foundations. For this, in particular, they created the story of Don Quixote, as a vicious mockery of the Tsar-Khan Ivan IV the Terrible, who ruled the Empire in the second half of the 16th century, when the split of the Kingdom was already planned.

Don Quixote of Cervantes is a reflection of that period in the life of the Khan-Emperor Grozny, when he became St. Basil the Blessed. The satirical story of Don Quixote became one of the weapons of battle in the political field of the rebellious Europe of that time.

Empire. Volume 1

Created finally in the 16th century AD. and the chronology and history of the ancient and medieval world accepted today seems to be wrong. Many eminent scientists understood this. But building a new, consistent concept of history proved to be a very difficult task.

This book analyzes the history of the Russian-Mongolian Empire as if "from outside". It tells about the history of those countries, including the territories of Western Europe, which were overwhelmed in the XIV century by the wave of the Mongol conquest, and then, in the XVI-XVII centuries (during the collapse of the huge empire) finally separated from the metropolis and became independent.

Empire. Volume 2

The book outlines:
New interpretation of the history of Western Europe.
New interpretation of Chinese history.
A new interpretation of the history of Egypt.
A possible solution to one of the most difficult mysteries of history - who are the Etruscans?
The book is intended for the widest range of readers interested in the application of natural scientific methods in history.


In this book, the authors talk about two important milestones in historical chronology - the dating of the Nativity of Christ and the First Ecumenical Council in Nicaea, on which the chronological version of Scaliger is largely based. And they show that both dates are determined completely incorrectly.

The book details exactly how both of these fundamental dates were calculated and what mistakes were made in doing so. And what is most interesting - what dates are obtained if the errors are corrected. About what was the true cause of the famous Gregorian calendar reform of the 16th century, after which two styles were formed in our calendar - “old” and “new”.

Piebald horde. History of ancient China

This book is devoted to the new chronology of China. As the authors argue, Manchurian China of the 17th-19th centuries, which is usually considered far from the heyday of Chinese history, in fact, in fact, EXHAUSTS ALL CHINESE HISTORY. Its more ancient eras turn out to be nothing more than phantom reflections of Manchurian China or medieval European events.

The first chapters of the book are devoted to an astronomical analysis of Chinese chronology and give an idea of ​​how Chinese history is structured as a whole. The sixth chapter presents the results of the authors' mathematical and statistical research on Chinese chronology. It is fully consistent with astronomical analysis and refines it. The following chapters are devoted to the reconstruction of Chinese history. In them, we talk in detail about the Piebald Horde - the Manchus who founded the Chinese Empire in the 17th century AD.

The Appendix contains a complete chronological list of Chinese dynasties and a list of Chinese comet sightings from ancient times to the 3rd century AD. e. according to conventional chronology.

Lost Gospels. New information about Andronicus-Christ

The book shows that the famous "antique" god and wonderworker Apollon-Apollonius is a reflection of the Byzantine emperor Andronicus-Christ from the 12th century.

The life of Apollonius is described in the famous "ancient" work of Flavius ​​Philostratus. Consequently, the book of Philostratus can be conditionally called the "Gospel of Philostratus." In the XVI-XVII centuries it was forgotten and, as it were, lost, transferred to a completely different category of literature. Now it is coming back to life in its original quality.

Further, the books of three "ancient" authors - Iamblichus of Chalkis, Diogenes Laertes and Porphyry, describing the life of the famous philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras, who was also identified with Apollo, are analyzed. The "ancient" Pythagoras turns out to be another phantom reflection of Andronicus-Christ. The same applies to the Old Testament Esau, Jacob and Isaiah. It was also found that the Old Testament Joseph is partly a reflection of the famous Russian saint Joseph Volotsky.

The dating of the era of Christ, set forth in this book, is final, since it was obtained using independent astronomical methods. It is in perfect accordance with statistical parallelisms, which allows us to complete the reconstruction of the written history of mankind, bringing it to the era of the birth of writing in the 10th-11th centuries. A new step in the reconstruction of world history, outlined in the book, allows us to take a completely different look at the place of Russian Orthodoxy in Christianity.

The number of the beast. When was the Apocalypse written?

The book contains an independent astronomical date obtained by the authors for the writing of the famous biblical book Apocalypse. It is in the Apocalypse that the so-called "number of the beast 666" is spoken of. It turns out that the Apocalypse was not written in the first centuries of our era, as is commonly believed, but in 1486 AD. In the light of the new dating of the Apocalypse and the general reconstruction of history proposed by the authors on the basis of the New Chronology, the setting in which the Apocalypse was written becomes clear.

It was a time when all of Europe fearfully awaited the imminent end of the world in 1492. Anxiety and gloomy feelings of anticipation of the end of the world were clearly manifested in the Apocalypse. In addition, the reader will learn what the infamous "number of the beast" 666 really is. The true meaning of this apocalyptic number is exactly the opposite of what is usually put into it.


Iranian chronicle of the Great Empire of the XII-XVII centuries.

All the results presented in the book were obtained recently, are new and are published for the first time.

The famous "ancient" Persian Epos Shahnameh is a grandiose and very popular source, which, as it is believed, tells about the events on the territory of Persia, Greece, Byzantium in the "deepest antiquity". Shahnameh brings us information about hundreds of characters and many important events.

Et-Russians. The mystery they don't want to solve

In the book, the authors talk about one of the most carefully hidden stumbling blocks of the historical version of Scaliger-Petavius ​​- the so-called "mystery of Etruscan writing". Recall that historians call the Etruscans the oldest population of Italy, which existed there long before the emergence of "ancient" Rome. Through the efforts of the remarkable scientists of the 19th century S. Chiampi, A.D. Chertkov, the Etruscan inscriptions have long been read and interpreted. It turns out that they are written in Russian. This perfectly corresponds to the New Chronology and the reconstruction of the history of Fomenko-Nosovsky.

At the same time, he claimed that all ancient history was invented by medieval monks. In the 17th-18th centuries, generally accepted chronology was criticized I. Newton , J. Garduin( -) and P.N. Krekshin. At the end of the 19th century Privatdozent at the University of Basel Robert Baldauf challenged the traditional chronology in his work "History and criticism", the first volume of which was published in the year. Similar ideas were expressed Edwin Johnson.

ON THE. Morozov and his chronological works

Foundation "New Chronology" was laid ON THE. Morozov- Russian scientists of the first half of the twentieth century. It was he who wrote works that rethink the chronology of ancient history up to the 13th century and prompted further research in this direction. ON THE. Morozov He was the first scientist to apply natural-scientific research methods in historical science. Getting Started Morozova were met with interest. The term itself "New Chronology" was born in the city in his discussion with the historian N.M. Nikolsky. Some Western historians, for example, Immanuel Velikovsky, used ideas Morozova to substantiate the theory of "catastrophism", which partly explained the facts indicated Morozov, but adhered to the medieval concept of cyclicity and "changes of kingdoms". Beginning in the mid-1930s, behind-the-scenes efforts of traditional historians, interest in historical writings ON THE. Morozova was repaid.

Revival of interest in global chronology

In the mid-1960s, the mathematician MM. Postnikov tried to discuss chronological ideas ON THE. Morozova with professional historians, but did not achieve success in this enterprise. Historians contacted MM. Postnikov, did not accept natural scientific methods as a means useful to historical science.

In the early 1970s, an employee of the Mekhmat of Moscow State University became interested in the problems of chronology Anatoly Timofeevich Fomenko. Dealing with the problems of celestial mechanics, he analyzed an incomprehensible phenomenon in the motion of the Moon, described by an American astrophysicist Robert Newton . R. Newton restored the movement of the Moon in the past according to information about ancient solar and lunar eclipses and found that this movement is not consistent with modern astronomical models. On this basis R. Newton suggested the influence of hitherto unknown astronomical factors. Having studied the results R. Newton, A.T. Fomenko suggested that the reason for the incomprehensible results is the erroneous dating of ancient eclipses.

Professor Postnikov, who was interested in questions of chronology in the 60s, told Fomenko about works ON THE. Morozova, which also pointed to the incorrect dating of historical events. The problem of dates seemed interesting, and A.T. Fomenko together with your colleague A.S. Mishchenko organized a special seminar on chronology, in which the results Morozova have been seriously revised. Fomenko agreed with Morozov that the traditional chronology is wrong, but disagreed with him on how far wrong it is. MM. Postnikov in turn, he doubted this radical revision of Morozov's theory, and, moreover, considered it impossible to reconstruct the correct chronology without the help of professional historians.

Research by A.T. Fomenko

On the other hand, support for the New Chronology was publicly expressed by chess players G.K. Kasparov(see about his speech at St. Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise), logician, philosopher and sociologist A.A. Zinoviev(Foreword "A Global Falsification of History" to the book Fomenko History: Fiction or Science?), writer and political activist E.V. Limonov("Another Russia").

In Russia, several "new chronological" groups arose, which over time were redistributed into circles according to historical interests. Among them continue to exist "Chronotron", "Empire" K. Lukova, "Cryptohistory", fragments "Project Civilization" KeslerIvanova, new chronological forums I. Koloskova, association "Art&Fact" and others. Research on alternative chronology is also being carried out in other parts of the world: Jordan Tabov(Bulgaria), Evgeny Gabovich(Germany), Uwe Topper(Germany), Livraga Rizzi, Radosh Bakic, Hans-Ulrich Nimitz, Gunnar Heinsohn and many others. Their conclusions sometimes contradict each other and the conclusions New Chronology.

The main provisions of the New Chronology

  • The traditional chronology is false. In addition to the conscientious errors of historians, the traditional historical chronology is erroneous due to the deliberate distortion of history, which was constantly carried out at the request of various religious or political forces. With such falsifications, allegedly ancient documents were systematically produced, and sources containing undesirable information were destroyed or corrected. Many of these falsifications were massive, coordinated and well organized, they were carried out simultaneously in the most developed countries of Europe, and then spread around the world.
  • The real events of world history are set out in textbooks with numerous repetitions. Sources that tell about the same events from different points of view were often taken by traditional historians as reports of different events, dated from different times and belonged to different geographic regions. As a result of this activity, in their world historical version, "duplicates" and "phantom reflections" real historical periods. The placement of "duplicates" in a more distant past compared to the "originals" led to an artificial lengthening of the history of mankind and to the appearance of numerous "dark ages" and "revivals" in it. In the arrangement of traditional-chronological "phantoms" a system was discovered that gave out the astrological way of constructing this scale. The New Chronology claims that all historical events attributed in traditional history to the period before the 11th century, as well as a significant part of the events attributed to the 11th-15th centuries, are duplicates European events of the XI-XVII centuries AD.
  • The traditional historical chronology of antiquity is fundamentally wrong. Its fallacy is due to two main reasons: the incorrect dating of written sources and the unsatisfactory methods of the creators of the chronological scale. The reasons for the errors of traditional chronology are numerous - after all, the global chronology was established only from the end of the 15th century, and before that, chroniclers used only relative chronologies. As a result, almost all of the old written sources in traditional history are incorrectly dated. The history of mankind becomes reliable only from the 18th century AD. Since that time, direct historical evidence has been preserved, complete and numerous enough for a detailed reconstruction of history. The history of the 11th-17th centuries is much less reliable; Written sources from this period are few in number and require a thorough study of authenticity and content, which allows for various interpretations. It is possible to speak about the history of mankind before the XI century only conditionally, since there is no written evidence before the XI century, and archaeological finds cannot yet be accurately dated and interpreted. Writing arose and reached any noticeable distribution shortly before the invention of printing, so older written sources cannot exist.
  • Non-European civilizations are much younger than the traditional chronology claims. The chronicles of countries distant from the center of Christian civilization (Ancient Japan, Ancient China, Ancient India) do not refer to them, but distortedly retell historical works brought there by European missionaries in the 16th-17th centuries. Their own history of these states is estimated at several hundred years.

New Chronology Arguments

To date, materials on the New Chronology amount to tens of thousands of pages, filling hundreds of volumes. The most prolific authors in this topic are Morozov N.A. , Fomenko A.T. , Nosovsky G.V.. The New Chronology through their works has become a holistic scientific theory, with its methods, developments and conclusions, significantly different from the product of traditional historians.

New Chronology Methods

HX methods are a logical development of ideas ON THE. Morozova and are as follows:

  1. mathematical-statistical local maximum method functions of volumes of historical texts to determine their dependence;
  2. mathematical-statistical discord detection method to find homogeneous fragments of historical chronicles;
  3. mathematical-statistical text ordering method based on the frequency attenuation principle to find the chronologically correct order of individual fragments of the text and to detect duplicates in it based on the analysis, for example, of a set of proper names mentioned in the text;
  4. mathematical-statistical method of author's invariants to establish authorship, clarifying method ON THE. Morozova;
  5. mathematical-statistical method for recognizing and dating dynasties of rulers and detecting duplicates, who improved the statistical method ON THE. Morozova;
  6. mathematical-statistical questionnaire-code method to detect duplicates;
  7. analytical method of ordering and dating geographical maps;
  8. unbiased astronomical dating method, developing and refining the astronomical method ON THE. Morozova;

The application of these methods made it possible to discover a complete system of chronological shifts in TX. Particularly impressive results were obtained with respect to Biblical, "Ancient" Egyptian, Roman and Russian history.

Statistical analysis of texts

As mentioned above, the mathematical and statistical methods for studying historical texts were laid down in the works ON THE. Morozova at the beginning of the twentieth century, but in the works A.T. Fomenko and G.V. Nosovsky they have acquired logical completeness and relative completeness. It must be borne in mind that at the time when he lived ON THE. Morozov, there were not yet the tools to make the significant calculations necessary to solve chronological problems by statistical means, and statistical science itself was in its infancy, and therefore the results ON THE. Morozova were rather preliminary in nature, pointing to possible directions for research. With the advent of computers and with the deepening of mathematical statistics as a science, these ideas could be put into practice. Statistical results A.T. Fomenko, underlying the New Chronology, were published in academic journals and monographs, presented at international, all-Union and all-Russian mathematical conferences, at scientific seminars at the Mathematical Institute. Steklova. Their essence is as follows:

  • The conclusions of the New Chronology are based on statistical methods of comparison narrative texts(i.e. - narrative texts) that describe long periods of history. These methods have nothing to do with searching for coincidences between individual texts and biographies “by eye”, as critics of NC from the ranks of the humanities believe, who do not understand the principles of statistical science, but are based on a formal statistical processing of numerical material extracted in one way or another from a written text. The constructed methods make it possible to determine with a high degree of certainty whether the description of the sequence of events in one text duplicates the description of the events described in another. In addition, they allow studying the homogeneity of the text and the problem of its authorship.
  • The characters of historical writings, traditionally attributed to different times, can be reflections of each other. Statistical methods of HX make it possible to compare texts written in different languages, as well as texts in which the names of characters do not match, and to detect their dependence. The method also works if the texts have omissions and errors. This theory has withstood the test of historical material, the reliability of which is undeniable.
  • Statistical methods prove that all supposedly ancient texts actually retell the annals of the New Time. For example, the books of the Old Testament describe the events of the XIV-XVII centuries, and the chronicles of China are translations of European chronicles into the local language.
  • The entire modern "history textbook" is made up of several copies of the same chronicles. To get the Scaligerian history, one must take real historical events of the XIV-XVII centuries AD. and shift them into the past by 337, 715, 1053 and 1800 years, and then combine them into a common continuous narrative.

Astronomical dating

  • Analysis of astronomical data is used as an independent method for dating artifacts. Images and descriptions of the starry sky are often found on ancient objects and in books, which makes it possible to date them with a certain accuracy. The unbiased calculations of the new chronologists prove that the historical constellations are not as ancient as previously thought. Historically, the first was a new chronological study "Apocalypse" attributed to John the Evangelist. ON THE. Morozov During the Shlisselburg imprisonment, he discovered that the text of this New Testament book contains a medieval astrological description of the starry sky. After his release, he published his discovery in a book "Revelation in Thunder and Storm" years, and then developed his reasoning in the first volume "Christ. Heavenly milestones of the earthly history of mankind". An analysis of the position of the planets of the horoscope of the Apocalypse gave only four temporary solutions, none of which confirmed the traditionally historical version of the writing of this book:,, and years AD. Calculations ON THE. Morozova checked A.T. Fomenko in the first volume of the book "The New Chronology of Greece. Antiquity in the Middle Ages» of the year. And I found out that three solutions are quite satisfactory: , and years AD.
  • No less important are the studies of numerous "ancient" Egyptian Zodiacs. This work has also been started ON THE. Morozov, and continued A.T. Fomenko and G.V. Nosovsky in the book "A New Chronology of Egypt" year and in subsequent books on the subject. It turned out that all the Egyptian zodiacs are no older than 1 thousand years. Examples of dating ancient Egyptian zodiacs according to HX:

1. Long Dendera Zodiac: April 22–26, 1168 AD 2. Round Dendera Zodiac: March 20, 1185 AD 3. Upper Athribian Zodiac: May 15–16, 1230 AD four. Lower Athribian Zodiac: February 9–10, 1268 AD 5. Zodiac from the great temple in Esna: March 31 - April 3, 1394 AD 6. Zodiac from a small temple on the northern outskirts of Esna: May 6–8, 1404 AD 7. Thebes color zodiac from the Egyptian "Valley of the Kings" and reproduced in the Napoleonic Egyptian Album: September 5–8, 1182 AD. eight. Thebes Zodiac Brugsch contains three horoscopes at once, each of which gives a modern date:

  • Horoscope "without staves": October 6–7, 1841 AD
  • Horoscope "in boats": February 15, 1853 A.D.
  • Demotic horoscope: November 18, 1861 A.D.
9. Pair of Zodiacs of Petosiris due to the poverty of astronomical information, it has three possible solutions with a difference between dates of no more than 100 years:

  • August 5, 1227 AD - for the zodiac from the outer room, March 24–25, 1240 AD - for the zodiac from the inner room.
  • August 10, 1430 AD - for external, April 17, 1477 AD - for the inner zodiac.
  • August 2, 1667 A.D. - for external, April 2, 1714 AD - for internal.
Similar results are also obtained from the analysis of texts describing astronomical phenomena: eclipses, star flares, descriptions of the relative positions of stars and planets.
  • An important source of ancient astronomical data is the Almagest star catalog, a scientific code attributed to Ptolemy. It consists of two parts - theoretical (a presentation of the alleged "Ptolemaic system") and observational (a catalog of more than a thousand stars). According to traditional historians, Ptolemy created the Almagest around the 2nd century. AD, but ON THE. Morozov argued that the catalog was created at the end of the 15th century. AD According to calculations Kalashnikova V.V. , Fomenko A.T. and Nosovsky G.V., measurements of the coordinates of the stars of the catalog were made in the range from 600 to 1300 AD. (the small accuracy of the catalog does not allow us to establish this date more confidently). The theoretical part of the catalog was corrected in the post-Copernican era in the middle of the 17th century. and sets out not the “Ptolemy system”, but the “Tycho Brahe system”, consistent with both astronomical realities and Catholic dogmas (this work was done by the Jesuit J.-B. Riccioli in the city).
  • Yet ON THE. Morozov noticed that when dating ancient eclipses, traditional historians allowed significant adjustments to the desired result to confirm the dates approved by theologians, insufficiently described eclipses were used (without indicating the date, time, place of observation, phase of the eclipse), which is why astronomically acceptable variants of such eclipses could be found in almost every century. Novochronologists have rechecked the reports of those ancient eclipses, which are described in sufficient detail, and received much later dates than previously thought. For example, three eclipses from "History" Thucydides, date the Peloponnesian War to the 11th–12th centuries. AD and not the 5th century BC, as was believed in the Scaligerian chronology, but two eclipses from the "History" Tita Livia date back to the 10th century AD, instead of the traditionally accepted 2nd century BC.
  • Despite the abundance of inconsistencies between astronomical and traditional dating, the astronomical information provided in the annals is often approximately corresponds to the Scaligerian chronology. This is explained by the late (related to the 17th century, and sometimes the 20th century) edition of the "ancient" sources during their critical reprinting, and the fitting of astronomical indications to the dates already fixed in the Scaligerian chronology.

Continuity of accumulation of scientific knowledge

Traditional history describes a chaotic process of accumulation of scientific knowledge: first, in ancient times, science and culture reached a high level; then, during the "Dark Ages" this knowledge was almost completely forgotten; however, during the Renaissance, the scientific knowledge of antiquity, its history, language and literature were restored from non-existence with amazing speed and completeness. Science returned to "classical" Latin, forgotten by medieval scholastics, architecture and painting - to "imitations of antiquity", and so on. At the same time, it is believed that the keepers and scribes of ancient pagan works during the thousand years of oblivion were Christian monks, Jewish and Islamic scribes, despite the fact that the orgiastic culture of polytheism was unacceptable to them due to religious prohibitions. Such a picture of the development of civilization in the New Chronology is considered impossible.

  • The worldwide degradation of science, culture and technology, which is attributed in the Scaligerian version of history to the period of the early Middle Ages, can only be possible in the event of a grandiose cataclysm, after which humanity would cease to exist. Since there are no traces of such a catastrophe, the "Dark Ages" of traditional history are fictional, in reality, the Middle Ages are the initial period of earthly civilization, and "ancient" works were created in the late Middle Ages and at the beginning of the Renaissance. Medieval works, which are considered to be imitations of "ancient models", were created earlier than the supposed examples. Works created two or three centuries before the era of Scaliger were incorrectly attributed to a much more distant past, and the obscurity in the early Middle Ages was explained by their “loss” for a whole millennium.
  • Reliable experience in the development of science shows that the maintenance of scientific knowledge is possible only if the scientific school and tradition are preserved, which contributes to the transfer of knowledge from generation to generation. Works containing "lost" scientific knowledge are usually perceived only when science rediscovers them, and the newly discovered knowledge does not replace the existing knowledge system, but is built into it. According to traditional chronology, there was no scientific school during the Middle Ages, and if so, it is impossible to imagine that knowledge was restored as a result of reading ancient texts, the very language of which was already incomprehensible.
  • Ancient works could not remain intact for a millennium without being in demand by mankind - those fragile carriers that ancient mankind had at its disposal cannot withstand such a test of time. At present, very few authentic documents of only five hundred years ago are known, and there is no need to talk about thousands of years of work, they are known only in later copies, the correspondence of which to the originals can no longer be verified - and this is under much more favorable conditions for their preservation compared to the Middle Ages.
  • Human civilization is undergoing a monotonous evolution towards the accelerated accumulation of general cultural baggage, developing and becoming more complex over time. This hypothesis "Continuous continuity of human culture" was first formulated and substantiated ON THE. Morozov, and it is confirmed by observation of authentically known periods of history (starting from the 15th century AD). It is this picture that is obtained during the reconstruction of world history, built on the basis of the New Chronology.

New history of religions

The new Chronology draws a different, compared to the traditional, picture of the development of world religions. It gives different dates of sacred events and relationships between different cults.

A.T. Fomenko"Calvary"

In traditional history, it is believed that Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, ancient paganism appeared long before Christianity and developed relatively independently of each other, and Christianity later borrowed some myths and rituals from them. This opinion is based on the significant similarity of the cults and on the Scaligerian chronology of their origin.

The New Chronology offers another explanation for the similarity of religions: historically, the first world religion was pre-Jesusian Christianity (in the terminology ON THE. Morozova- “Aaronism”), which subsequently (approximately in the XII-XIII centuries AD) gave rise to tribal and apostolic Christian Orthodoxy and, as a negative reaction to it, modern Judaism. The struggle against the Orthodoxy of the "Empire" led to the formation of Catholicism and Protestantism of various persuasions and Islam, and the missionary activity of Christians on the borders of the ecumene - to the emergence of Hinduism, Buddhism, voodooism, as a synthesis of Christianity with shamanic cults in local social conditions.

Without touching upon the dogmatic issues of religious teachings and without refuting their sacred foundations, the New Chronology subjects religious legends and traditions to scientific doubt, which is a more painful phenomenon for any religion than even doubts about dogmas. After all, the possibility of preserving the memory of the time of sacred events is called into question, and even if this turned out to be impossible, then with what certainty was the memory of their content preserved? Understanding all this, the leaders of all confessions defiantly do not notice the existence of the New Chronology and its conclusions, but on an unofficial level condemn it. Such unspoken condemnations have already followed from the functionaries of the Moscow Patriarchate and Judaism. In this regard, it is not correct to say that the New Chronology does not dispute any of the religions and can coexist with them in a single ideological connection. It should be noted that the contradiction between the New Chronology and any religions is a particular case of antagonism between the rational-scientific worldview and the irrational-dogmatic one.

Criticism of traditional dating methods

Novochronologists do not recognize the impartiality, reliability and scientific integrity of the physical dating methods used by traditional historians to justify constructions laid down long before any attempts to use natural scientific methods:

  • Content and criticism of traditional dendrochronological methods
  • Content and criticism of radiocarbon dating

They also object to the opinion that the Scaligerian chrono-scale has a documented historical confirmation, for the following reasons:

  • The traditional chronology was generally formed in the 17th century I. Scaliger , S. Calvisiy , D. Petavius and their epigones using the then generally accepted astrological and numerological methods, and since then has not been seriously tested
  • When compiling a global chronological scale, historians of the 17th century. did not take into account data from business documents at all, according to which their assumptions could be checked
  • The methods of dating artifacts accepted in history and archeology (for example, paleography) cannot be used for independent verification of traditional chronology, since newly found samples are compared with those that were dated earlier for unreasonable reasons. And thus, a vicious circle of reasoning arises, in which the criterion for the correctness of traditional chronology is its own assumptions. At the same time, auxiliary dating methods are used selectively and biasedly.
  • Many supposedly ancient monuments of literature and material culture were created in modern times on a political or religious order, or for sale to collectors of antiquities, or modified in accordance with prevailing ideas. At the same time, the criterion of authenticity is their compliance with the generally accepted historical model. "Ancient" historical sources do not stand up to serious scrutiny, but nevertheless historians continue to trust them according to the tradition accepted among them, ignoring any evidence to the contrary.

New chronological reconstruction of world history

Based on the New Chronology, a completely different version of world history is being built, which differs significantly from traditional history. The first attempts at “reconstruction”, that is, restoring the correct history, were made ON THE. Morozov in his multivolume "Christ". But he dared to revise history only up to the 4th century. AD, and for a more radical revision of historical ideas ("apperceptions", in the terminology ON THE. Morozova) at that time there was not enough scientific evidence. Fomenko A.T. and Nosovsky G.V. are already armed enough to revise world history up to the 15th century. inclusive.

The new chronological history of the world is a rich version of historical events, in which there are no numerous "dark ages" and revivals of the version I. Scaliger. Many well-known events in the New Chronology have a different meaning and meaning. "Ancient" scientists, writers, historical figures really lived, but at the wrong time and in the wrong place, as previously thought. Many of them are known by different names, and various deeds are attributed to these different names in traditional history. For example, Ivan Kalita also known by the name Batu; Marshal Gilles de Rais - like a biblical Samson; Jesus Christ- like an egyptian god Osiris, conqueror Joshua, biblical king David, teacher of the Church of the Holy Father Basil the Great, Roman Emperor Julian the Apostate, dad Gregory VII Hildebrand, Byzantine emperor Andronicus I Komnenos. Classical scholars, writers who are traditionally considered separated by many centuries, were in fact contemporaries - thus, the early Christian theologians argued not with the followers of long-dead ancient philosophers, but with these philosophers, known by other names.

The new Chronology harmonizes history with ancient traditions, for example, that Russia baptized Apostle Andrew, about the presence of Christian symbols in the tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs, and thus the origin and true meaning of many myths becomes clear. An explanation is also found for the important fact for mankind that in the New Age the pace of development of civilization accelerated, while in ancient times, supposedly, the level of development of science and technology remained unchanged for thousands of years, or even decreased. According to the New Chronology and the Morozov principle "continuous continuity of human culture", the development of human society on a global scale is accelerating and accumulating civilizational baggage.

Verification of the New Chronology

Novochronologists believe that this theory, even in its present, unfinished state, is applicable to the study of historical dynamics. It can be used to predict socio-historical processes. In this way one can try to foresee historical perspectives. Some of them followed already from Morozov's "the principle of continuous continuity of human culture", which rejects the chiliastic predictions of the opponents of technological progress. Encouraging geopolitical conclusions regarding Russia and the countries of the "third world" also follow from the theory of HX.

Arguments from critics of the New Chronology

Methodological arguments against the New Chronology seem to be borrowed from the Middle Ages and resurrect 400-year-old disputes between Galileo and his critics:

“Before discussing the proofs of Galileo, it is perhaps necessary to prove how far from the truth all those who wish to prove facts related to nature by means of mathematical reasoning - if I am not mistaken, Galileo belongs precisely to them. All sciences and all arts are based on their own principles, they have their own reasons for choosing means to prove this or that special quality of the subject of their study. Therefore, we cannot apply the principles of one science to prove the properties of another. Therefore, anyone who believes that he can prove the properties of natural phenomena by mathematical means is simply insane, because these are completely different sciences. The natural scientist studies natural bodies that have motion in their natural, ordinary state, while the mathematician is estranged from all motion.(scientist opponent Galilee Peripatetic, Pisan professor of philosophy Vincenzo di Grazia, )

These pseudo-scientific speculations can be commented on in the words of Galilee:

"Fools at the moment when you dispute one of their stupidity, put forward another, even greater." (

Without edge, Moscow State University, 1988). He has scientific papers on the theory of random processes, optimization theory, stochastic differential equations, computer simulation of stochastic processes. He worked at the Institute of Space Research (Moscow), at the Moscow Machine Tool Institute, as well as in Japan, within the framework of scientific cooperation between Moscow State University and Aizu University in the field of computer geometry. Currently, G. V. Nosovsky is an associate professor at the Department of Differential Geometry and Applications of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University, works at the Laboratory of Computer Methods in Natural Sciences and Humanities.

Scientific interests

  • data analysis
  • computer geometry
  • mathematical models of financial processes
  • applied statistics
  • random processes on Riemannian manifolds
  • theory of control of random processes of diffusion type
  • Hamilton - Jacobi - Bellman equations on manifolds

Participation in the work on the new chronology

G. V. Nosovsky actively joined in research on the new chronology in the year. Along with A. Fomenko, he repeatedly spoke at mathematical conferences with reports on new methods of independent dating. Currently, G. V. Nosovsky is a full member of the scientific team developing mathematical methods for processing narrative texts and the editor-in-chief of the electronic almanac "New Chronology". He developed the fundamental criteria for processing written records for mathematical processing and conducting labor-intensive analyzes with the help of modern computing tools, dated the Orthodox Paschal and the Council of Nicaea.



Articles on Mathematics

  1. Nosovsky G.V. "Estimation of the modulus of the characteristic function of an integer random variable"// Mathematical notes, v. 33, no. 2, 1985, p. 325-333
  2. Fomenko A.T. , Nosovsky G.V. "On the determination of initial structures in mixed sequences"// Proceedings of the seminar on vector and tensor analysis, vol. 22, M.: publishing house Mosk. un-ta, 1985, p. 119-131
  3. Nosovsky G.V. "On conditions arising in the evaluation of derivatives of solutions of stochastic differential equations in Riemannian spaces"// in the collection "Geometry. Differential equations. Mechanics, Moscow: publishing house Mosk. un-ta, 1986, p. 109-111
  4. Nosovsky G.V. "On A Priori Estimates of Derivatives of Solutions to the Bellman Equations"// Mathematical notes, v. 41, no. 5, 1987, p. 710-717
  5. Krylov N. V., Nosovsky G. V., Safonov M. V. "On the area of ​​non-linearity degeneracy in the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation with constant coefficients"// Mathematical notes, v. 42, no. 5, 1987, p. 685-690
  6. Nosovsky G.V. "On a class of non-linear partial differential equations on a Riemannian manifold"// Abstracts of the Baku International Conference on Topology and its Applications. Part 2. Baku, 1987, p. 221
  7. Nosovsky G.V. "Estimates of derivatives with respect to the initial data of the mathematical expectation of the solution of a stochastic equation on a manifold"// Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, mathematical series, 52 (1), 1988, p. 164-185
  8. Nosovsky G.V. "Control of diffusion processes on a Riemannian manifold without boundary"// Thesis for the degree of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, M.: Mosk. university, 1988
  9. "Some Methods and Results of the Analysis of Mixed Sequences"// Proceedings of the seminar on vector and tensor analysis, vol. 23, M.: publishing house Mosk. un-ta, 1988, p. 104-121
  10. Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. "Statistical Duplicates in Partitioned Ordered Lists"// Questions of cybernetics. Semiotic research, M.: Scientific Council on the complex problem "Cybernetics" at the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1989, p. 138-148
  11. Nosovskij G.V. "Nonlinear Potentials for Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equations"// Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 30: 101-123, 1993
  12. Nosovskij G.V. «Nonlinear Potentials Construction for Degenerate Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equations in R d »// in the collection: "Statistics and Control of Random Processes", Vol. 5 Ed. Novikov A.A., Moscow, TVP Publishing House, 1994
  13. Kunii T.L., Nosovskij G.V., Hayashi T. "A Diffusion Model for Computer Animation of Diffuse Ink Painting"//Proc. Computer Animation'95, April 19-21, 1995, Geneva, Switzerland. IEEE Computer Soc. Press, Los Alamitos, California, 1995, pp. 98-102
  14. Nosovskij G.V. "Nonlinear Potentials for Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equations. II"// Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, vol.46, No.1, 1997, pp. 29-48
  15. Nosovskij G.V. «Method of construction of regular cost function in optimal control problem for a diffusion process»// XIX Seminar on Stability Problems for Stochastic Models, 6-12 September 1998, Vologda, Russia. Abstracts, Vologda, Vologda State Pedagogical Univ., 1998, p. 46
  16. Kunii T.L., Nosovskij G.V., Vecherinin V.L. "Two-Dimensional Diffusion Model for Diffuse Ink Painting"// International Journal of Shape Modeling, Vol.7, No. 1 (2001), pp. 45-58
  17. Nosovskij G.V. "Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equations on Riemannian manifolds"// Abstracts. Workshop "Contemporary Geometry and Related Topics", Belgrade, May 15-21, 2002, pp. 38-39

Publications on the new chronology

  1. Nosovsky G.V. "Methods of Statistical Formalization as Applied to Russian Medieval Sources"//Abstracts of reports and reports of the scientific meeting "Integrated Methods in Historical Research". Moscow February 3-5, 1988 - M.: Institute of History of the USSR of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1987, p. 178-180
  2. Kalashnikov V. V., Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. "Geometry of moving configurations of stars and dating of the Almagest"//Problems of stability of stochastic models.- M.: VNIISI, 1988, p. 59-78
  3. Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. "Construction of proximity measure and recognition of duplicates in chronological lists"//Abstracts of the 5th International Vilnius Conf. on probability theory and mathematical statistics. T. 4, Vilnius, 1989, p. 111-112
  4. "Statistical analysis and dating of observations underlying the star catalog from the Almagest"//Abstracts of the 5th International Vilnius Conf. on probability theory and mathematical statistics. T. 3, - Vilnius, 1989, p. 271-272
  5. Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. "Recognition of duplicates in chronological lists"//Problems of stability of stochastic models.- M.: VNIISI, 1989, p. 112-125
  6. Nosovsky G.V. "Some Statistical Methods for Researching Historical Sources and Examples of Their Application"// Collection of scientific. works "Methods of studying sources on the history of Russian social thought of the period of feudalism", - M .: Institute of History of the USSR of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1989, p. 181-196
  7. Kalashnikov V. V., Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. Dating the Almagest according to variable stellar configurations// Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.- 1989.- T. 307.- No. 4.- pp. 829-832
  8. When was Ptolemy’s star catalog in Almagest compiled in reality? statistical analysis//Acta Applicandae Mathematicae.- 1989.- V. 17.- P. 203-229
  9. Kalashnikov V. V., Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. "The dating of the Almagest star catalog", - M.: VNII systems. research., prepr. VNIISI, 1990, 58 p.
  10. Kalashnikov V. V., Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. "Numerical analysis of the Almagest star catalog", - M.: VNII systems. research., prepr. M. VNIISI, 1990, 62 p.
  11. Kalashnikov V. V., Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. "A retrospective analysis of the Almagest star catalog and the problem of its dating", - M.: VNII systems. research., prepr. VNIISI, 1990, 60 p.
  12. Kalashnikov V. V., Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. Ptolemy's star catalog dates mathematician//Hypotheses, forecasts. The future of science. - vol. 23.- M.: Knowledge.- 1990.- pp. 78-92
  13. Kalashnikov V. V., Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. Statistical analysis of the Almagest star catalog// Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.- 1990.- T. 313.- No. 6.- pp. 1315-1319
  14. Fomenko A. T., Kalashnikov V. V., Nosovsky G. V. "The Dating of Ptolemy's "Almagest" Based on the Coverings of the Stars and on Lunar Eclipses"//Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 29: 281-298, 1992
  15. Nosovsky G.V. "On the beginning of our era and the Julian calendar"// Scientific and technical information, ser. 2. Information processes and systems. - M.: VNIITI, 1992, p. 7-18
  16. Fomenko A.T., Kalashnikov V.V., Nosovsky G.V. "Geometrical and Statistical Methods of Analysis of Star Configurations. Dating Ptolemy's Almagest", - USA : CRC Press, 1993
  17. Nosovsky G.V. "The Julian Calendar and the Dating of the Council of Nicaea"//Science and humanity. International Yearbook. 1992-1994.- M.: "Knowledge", 1994, p. 20-31
  18. Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. "Statistical study of event and biographical parallels on the material of English chronology and history"//Semiotics and informatics (collection of scientific articles). Issue. 34.- M.: All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information, 1994, p. 205-233
  19. Kalashnikov V. V., Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. "Dating of the star catalog" Almagest ". Statistical and geometric analysis», - M.: Factorial, 1995
  20. Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. New chronology and concept of the ancient history of Russia, England and Rome. (Facts. Statistics. Hypotheses). Volume 1-2", - M.: MGU, 1995
  21. Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. "Mathematical and statistical models of information distribution in historical chronicles"//Mathematical issues of cybernetics. Issue. 6, - M .: “Science, physics and mathematics. lit.", 1996
  22. Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. "Empire. (Rus, Turkey, China, Europe, Egypt. New mathematical chronology of antiquity)», - M.: Factorial, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2003
  23. Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. "Mathematical Chronology of Biblical Events", - M.: Nauka, 1997
  24. Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. Russia and Rome. Do we understand the history of Europe and Asia correctly? Volumes 1-5", - M.: Olimp, Olimp-AST, ASTREL, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2004
  25. Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. "Rus-Horde on the pages of biblical books", - M.: ANVIK, 1998
  26. Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. "Biblical Russia. (Russian-Horde Empire and the Bible. New mathematical chronology of antiquity). Volumes 1-2", - M.: Factorial, 1998, 2000
  27. Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. “Reconstruction of world history. (New chronology). Book 1", - M.: Business Express, 1999, 2000
  28. Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. “Reconstruction of world history. Research 1999-2000. (New chronology)", - M.: Business Express, 2000
  29. Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. "Introduction to the New Chronology. (What century is it now?)", - M.: Kraft + Lean, 1999, 2001
  30. Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. "Biblical Russia. Selected chapters - I. (Russian-Horde Empire and the Bible. New mathematical chronology of antiquity. History of manuscripts and editions of the Bible. Events of the XI-XII centuries AD in the New Testament. Pentateuch)", - M.: Factorial, 1999
  31. Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. "Biblical Russia. Selected chapters - II. (Russian-Horde Empire and the Bible. New mathematical chronology of antiquity. History of the XIV-XVI centuries in the last chapters of the books of Kings. History of the XV-XVI centuries on the pages of the books of Esther and Judith. The era of the Reformation of the XVI-XVII centuries)", - M.: Factorial Press, 2000
  32. Kalashnikov V. V., Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. “Astronomical analysis of chronology. Almagest. Zodiacs», - M.: Business Express, 2000
  33. Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. "New Chronology of Russia", - M .: Factorial, Anvik, Business Express, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001
  34. Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. The New Chronology of Egypt. Astronomical dating of the monuments of ancient Egypt. Research 2000-2002", - M.: Veche, 2002, 2003
  35. Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. “Reconstruction of world history. Joan of Arc, Samson and Russian History", - M.: Business Express, 2002
  36. Nikerov V. A., Fomenko A. T., Nosovsky G. V. History as an exact science. New chronology», - M.: Yauza, Eksmo-Press, 2002, 480 p.
  37. Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. "What century is it now?", - M.: Aif-Print, 2002, 2003
  38. Fomenko A., Nosovsky G. "What is the age of laughter?", - Bulgaria , Sofia: Litera Prima, 2004
  39. Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. New chronology of Russia. (Rus. England. Byzantium. Rome), in 3 volumes", - M.: RIMIS, 2004
  40. Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. "Empire. (The Great Conquest. Russia-Horde. Osmania=Atamania. Europe. China. Japan. Etruscans. Egypt. Scandinavia), in 2 volumes", - M.: RIMIS, 2004
  41. Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. "Biblical Russia. (World Medieval Horde-Ataman Empire. Bible. Conquest of the Promised Land. America. Reformation. Calendar and Easter). In 4 volumes", - M.: RIMIS, 2004
  42. Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. “Old maps of the Great Russian Empire. (Ptolemy and Ortelius in the light of the new chronology)", - St. Petersburg: Neva, OLMA MEDIAGROUP, 2004
  43. Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. "Tsar of the Slavs", - St. Petersburg: Neva, 2004
  44. Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. New Chronology of India. Research 2002-2003", - M.: Business Express, 2004
  45. Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. "Istanbul in the light of a new chronology", - M.: Veche, 2004
  46. Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. "Moscow in the light of a new chronology", - M.: Veche, 2004
  47. Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. "Reconstruction. (Reconstruction of the world history. Khans of Novgorod - Habsburgs. The legacy of the Great Empire in the history and culture of Eurasia and America). In 3 volumes", - M.: Rimis, 2005
  48. Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. "The Beginning of the Horde Russia. (After Christ. Trojan War. Foundation of Rome)", - M.: AST, Unknown planet, 2005
  49. Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. Ancient Zodiacs of Egypt and Europe. (Dating 2003-2004)", - M.: Veche, 2005, 240 s ISBN 5-9533-0706-3
  50. Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. "Baptism of Russia. (Paganism and Christianity. Baptism of the Empire. Constantine the Great - Dmitry Donskoy. Battle of Kulikovo in the Bible. Sergius of Radonezh - inventor of firearms. Dating of the Bayeux carpet)", - M .: Astrel, AST, 2006, 552 with ISBN 5-17-034764-2 / ​​5-271-13644-2
  51. Kalashnikov V. V., Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. "Stars. Volume 1. Astronomical methods in chronology. Almagest of Ptolemy. Ptolemy. Quiet Brahe. Copernicus. Egyptian Zodiacs», - M.: Rimis, 2006, 528 p.
  52. Kalashnikov V. V., Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. "Stars. Volume 2. Astronomical methods in chronology. Almagest of Ptolemy. Ptolemy. Quiet Brahe. Copernicus. Egyptian Zodiacs», - M.: Rimis, 2006, 702 p.
  53. Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. "Egyptian Album: A look at the monuments of Ancient Egypt from Napoleon to the New Chronology", - M .: Rimis, 2006, 296 with ISBN 5-9650-0032-4
  54. Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. "Royal Rome between the Oka and Volga rivers", - M.: AST, Astrel, 2007, 700 p.
  55. Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T., Fomenko T. N. "Stars of the Zodiac. (Dating Egyptian Zodiacs)", - M.: Rimis, In press
  56. Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. “Cossacks-Aryans: from Russia to India. (Battle of Kulikovo in the Mahabharata. "Ship of Fools" and the rebellion of the Reformation. Book of Veles. New dating of the zodiacs. Irish legends)", - M .: Astrel, AST, , 416 with ISBN 5-17-040362-3 / 5-271-16011-4
  57. Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. "Great Trouble: End of an Empire", - M .: Astrel, AST, , 384 with ISBN 978-5-17-043505-0 / 987-5-271-16649-5
  58. Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. Russia and the Horde. Great Empire of the Middle Ages», - M .: Astrel, AST, , 447 with ISBN 978-5-17-043504-3
  59. Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. "Easter: A Calendar-Astronomical Investigation of Chronology; Hildebrand and Crescentius; Gothic War", - M .: Astrel, AST, , 384 p. ISBN 978-5-17-043509-8/978-5-271-16653-2
  60. Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. “Forgotten Jerusalem: Istanbul in the light of a new chronology: With the addition of a description of the court of the sultans from A. I. Lyzlov’s Scythian History”, - M .: Astrel, AST, , 320 p. ISBN 978-5-17-043838-9/978-5-271-18402-4


  • G. V. Nosovsky, A. T. Fomenko New chronology and struggle against it

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    Gleb Vladimirovich Nosovsky (b. January 26, 1958, Moscow) Russian mathematician, specialist in the field of mathematical statistics. Known mainly as a co-author of Academician A. T. Fomenko on a new chronology, a concept qualified by scientific ... ... Wikipedia

Date of Birth Place of Birth

Stalino, Ukrainian SSR, USSR


USSR, Russia

academies Website FreakRank

Anatoly Timofeevich Fomenko(b. March 13, 1945, Stalino (now Donetsk), Ukrainian SSR, USSR) is a well-known historical and linguistic freak. Author of the epochal psychedelic epic "New Chronology". Normal scientists classify the "New Chronology" as very, very tough frivolity or outright obscurantism. Soviet and Russian mathematician, specialist in topology and a number of other areas, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (since 1994), and the International Academy of Sciences of the Higher School. Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences "academician".

"New Chronology"

Fomenko is the author and co-author of a number of works published as part of the New Chronology project, in which he claims to create new "empirical-statistical" methods for studying historical texts, recognizing dependent historical texts and dating events in the application to the chronology of ancient and medieval history. Together with other project participants, he criticizes the existing chronology of world history, negatively assesses the conscientiousness of the work of many scientists who dealt with history, archeology, linguistics, astronomy, dating methods, etc. Fomenko's main co-author is a colleague in the department Gleb Nosovsky. The New Chronology group has published more than a hundred books in Russian and several in English and other European languages, which deal with research methods developed by Fomenko, duplicates that, according to Fomenko, are filled with generally accepted history and possible reconstructions of the “correct” history .

This theory is not recognized by the scientific community - historians, archaeologists, linguists, mathematicians, physicists, astronomers and representatives of other sciences. The "New Chronology" was criticized by a number of scientists, in particular, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, archaeologist Valentin Yanin, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, linguist Andrei Zaliznyak, member of the Bureau of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on Astronomy, Yuri Efremov.

We live in an era of total unprofessionalism, corroding all spheres of society - from its power structures to the organization of the education system.<...>A society brought up on scandals, crouched on the TV screen, craves negativity and shocking. It loves the tricks of David Copperfield and Anatoly Timofeevich Fomenko.

Fomenko's theory was condemned on the pages of the bulletin "In Defense of Science", published by the Commission for Combating Pseudoscience under the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Nobel laureate in physics Vitaly Ginzburg, academicians Eduard Kruglyakov, Alexander Andreev, Nikolai Plate, Alexander Fursenko, Evgeny Alexandrov, Sergey Novikov qualified the New Chronology as pseudoscience.

Eduard Limonov, Garry Kasparov and Alexander Zinoviev spoke out in support of the New Chronology among well-known public figures.

In 2004, for a series of books on the “New Chronology”, co-authors A. Fomenko and G. Nosovsky were awarded the Paragraph Anti-Prize in the nomination “Honorary Illiteracy” - for "particularly cynical crimes against Russian literature".


  1. In Defense of Science. - M.: Nauka, 2007. - T. 2. - S. 102-111. - 208 p. -
  2. Condemnation of the works of A. Fomenko at a meeting of the Bureau of the History Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1998
  3. PROBLEMS OF THE FIGHT AGAINST PSEUSION (discussion at the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences) // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences 1999, volume 69, no. 10, p. 879-904.
  4. WHAT THREATS SOCIETY IS PSEUSION? (meeting of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences) 2003 // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences 2004, volume 74, no. 1, p. 8-27.
  5. E. P. Kruglyakov"Witch-hunt". Ogonyok, 2003.
  6. Yu. N. Efremov , Yu. A. Zavenyagin“On the so-called “New Chronology” by A. T. Fomenko” // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences 1999, volume 69, no. 12, p. 1081-1092.
  8. V. L. Yanin"In Novgorod, democracy was devoured by the oligarchs."
  9. A. A. Zaliznyak"Linguistics according to A. T. Fomenko"
  10. Novikov S.P."Pseudohistory and pseudomathematics: fiction in our lives". // UMN, 2000.
  11. The author of the neologism "folk history" is historian and literary critic, science fiction writer Dmitry Volodikhin
  12. Volodikhin D., Eliseeva O., Oleinikov D. History for sale. Dead Ends of Pseudo-Historical Thought. - M.: Veche, - 2005. - S. 320.
  13. Azhgikhina N."Terminator of world history". - NG-Nauka, June 20, 2001.
  14. Antonov A. Folk history. -, 2003.
  15. Kolodyazhny I. Unmasking Folk History. - Literary Russia, No. 11. - March 17, 2006.
  16. Petrov A. Reversed history. Pseudoscientific Models of the Past. - "New and Recent History", - No. 3. - 2004.
  17. Kralyuk P. Eurasian disease. Reflection of Russian self-consciousness in "alternative history". - The Day, No. 72, April 19, 2003.
  18. Commission for Combating Pseudoscience and Falsification of Scientific Research under the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences [responsible ed. Kruglyakov E.P.] In Defense of Science. - M.: Nauka, 2006. - T. 1. - S. 24, 105. - 182 p. -

Major works on mathematical methods in chronology

  • Fomenko A. T. Some statistical regularities of the distribution of information density in texts with a scale // Semiotics and information. M.: VINITI.- 1980.- issue. 15.- pp. 99-124.
  • Fomenko A. T. Duplicate recognition technique and some applications // Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.- 1981.- T. 258.- No. 6.- pp. 1326-1330.
  • Fomenko A.T. The jump of the second derivative of the Moon's elongation // Celestial Mechanics.- 1981.- V.29.- P. 33-40.
  • Fomenko A. T. A new empirical-statistical method for ordering texts and applications to dating issues // Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.- 1983.- T. 268.- No. 6.- pp. 1322-1327.
  • Fomenko A. T. Author's invariant of Russian literary texts // Methods of quantitative analysis of texts of narrative sources. - M.: Institute of History of the USSR (AN USSR). - 1983. - pp. 86-109.
  • Fomenko AT Informative functions and related statistical regularities // Statistics Probability. Economics.- M: Nauka.- 1985.- T. 49.- pp. 335-342.- (Scientific notes on statistics).
  • Fedorov V.V., Fomenko A.T. Statistical Estimation of Chronological Nearness of Historical Texts // Journal of Soviet Mathematics.- 1986.- V. 32.- No. 6.- P. 668-675.
  • Fomenko A. T., Morozova L. E. Some questions of statistical processing of sources with weather presentation // Mathematics in the study of medieval narrative sources. - M.: Nauka. - 1986. - pp. 107-129.
  • Morozova L. E., Fomenko A. T. Quantitative methods in “macrotextology” (on the example of the monuments of the “troubles” of the late 16th - early 17th centuries) // Complex methods in the study of historical processes. - M .: Institute of History of the USSR (AN USSR).- 1987.- pp. 163-181.
  • Fomenko A.T. Empirico-statistical methods in ordering narrative texts / International Statistical Review.- 1988.- V. 56.- No. 3.- P. 279-301.
  • Kalashnikov V. V., Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. Dating of the Almagest by variable stellar configurations // Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.- 1989.- Vol.
  • Nosovsky GV, Fomenko AT Statistical duplicates in ordered lists with partition // Questions of Cybernetics. Semiotic research. M., 1989. Scientific Council on the complex problem of "Cybernetics". Academy of Sciences of the USSR. pp. 138-148.
  • Rachev S. T., Fomenko A. T. Functions of volumes of historical texts and the principle of amplitude correlation // Methods of studying sources on the history of Russian social thought in the period of feudalism. M. Institute of History of the USSR. 1989. pp. 161-180.
  • Fomenko A.T., Kalashnikov V.V., Nosovsky G.V. When was Ptolemy’s star catalog in Almagest compiled in reality? Statistical analysis // Acta Applicandae Mathematicae.- 1989.- V. 17.- P. 203-229.
  • Fomenko A.T. Mathematical Statistics and Problems of Ancient Chronology/ A new Approach // Acta Applicandae Mathematicae.- 1989.- V. 17.- P. 231-256.
  • Fomenko AT Methods of statistical analysis of narrative texts and applications to chronology. (Recognition and dating of dependent texts, statistical ancient chronology, statistics of ancient astronomical messages), - M .: MSU Publishing House, 1990, 439 pages (published at the expense of the author, the second, revised edition was published by the Nauka publishing house in 1996)
  • Kalashnikov V. V., Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. Statistical analysis of the star catalog "Almagest" // Reports of the USSR Academy of Sciences. - 1990. - T. 313. - No. 6. - pp. 1315-1319
  • Fomenko A. T. Research on the history of the ancient world and the Middle Ages. Mathematical methods of source analysis. Global chronology, - M .: Publishing house of the Mekhmat of Moscow State University, 1993, 408 pages (scientific monograph)
  • Fomenko A.T., Kalashnikov V.V., Nosovsky G.V. Geometrical and Statistical Methods of Analysis of Star Configurations/ Dating Ptolemy’s Almagest, - CRC Press, 1993, USA, 300 pp.
  • Fomenko A.T. Empirico-Sratistical Analysis of Narrative Material and its Applications to Historical Dating. Vol.1: The Development of the Statistical Tools; Vol.2: The Analysis of Ancient and Medieval Records, - Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994, Netherlands, 211+462 pp.

Falsifier of science Anatoly Fomenko

An online conference was held on the website with the participation of the author of the "new chronology" concept

The conference with Academician Anatoly Fomenko was also attended by the columnist of the "Week" Petr Obraztsov. We publish part of the academician's conversation with our browser, as well as with Internet readers.

"There was no Masonic conspiracy"

Peter Obraztsov's question: You have repeatedly said that "traditional" historians do not agree to accept your point of view, because they are slaves of tradition. And who was at the heart of that false dating of historical events in a large number of countries and states? What is this mysterious Masonic organization that needed to distort history?

answer: Let's start with the fact that not all historians are against our research, many support us. We have good relations with archaeologists and historians, they provide us with interesting materials, we do not work in a vacuum.

Regarding the conspiracy: apparently, there was no Masonic conspiracy, but there was the following. According to our hypothesis, before the 18th century, there was a certain single large empire, it split, and independent states arose on this territory, and the new rulers needed a new history. They wrote it.
One of the methods of justifying their rights to the throne was the statement that they had always been on this earth and ruled. It was necessary to create some kind of ancient history, they "ancientized" the dates, and so, apparently, an artificially stretched history arose. Work was done to change the dates by several specialists. This work is quite serious, but not like a conspiracy.

in (reader Olga): Dear Anatoly Timofeevich, what mathematical, historical, astronomical data is your theory based on?

about: I refer you to our website, where the book "The Foundation of History" and "Methods" are posted, the full text with figures, the methods, justifications, and processing of texts are fully detailed, on the basis of which we calculate the dates.

Here, let's say, an important way of the last few years of our work is the dating of old descriptions of eclipses and horoscopes, and the location of the constellations and planets is known. I will list the dates so that you can see how much needs to be changed in our ideas about antiquity. We know the zodiac of Pharaoh Seti, Ancient Egypt. With an unbiased dating of this zodiac, it turns out 969 AD ... Zodiac of Pharaoh Ramses IV, Ancient Egypt - 1146 AD ... Zodiac from the Louvre, Europe, XVII century; The gem of Marcus Aurelius, the famous antique gem, exhibited in the Louvre - 17th century AD...

in (Olga): That is, it says that in general the whole story ... it ...

about: Was shorter. Apparently it was much shorter. This must be clarified using the methods of statistics, astronomy, physics, and chemistry. This is what, in our opinion, is very valuable and interesting for specialists in the field of chronology.

In search of the site of the Battle of Kulikovo

in (Samples): Your assumption that the Battle of Kulikovo was not at all where traditional historians believe, but in Moscow, in the Taganka region, in particular, is based on the fact that no material evidence of this battle has yet been found. But recently they found something - bones, weapon parts...

about: Our reconstruction of the site of the Battle of Kulikovo is by no means based on whether there are remains of burials. This conclusion was made by us on the basis of a study of dating, on the basis of an analysis of texts. We do not at all rely on the fact that there are no burials near Tula. I will say even more: if traces of graves or weapons were found there, this does not affect our reconstruction in any way, since historians will have to prove that the remains found there belong to the soldiers of the Kulikovo battle.

in (Samples): The classical method of radiocarbon analysis is known. I know that you criticize it, but this method is well developed by chemists and physicists. They, and not historians, consider the dating according to this method to be basically correct ...

about: In short, the answer is this: the method itself, apparently, is quite interesting from the point of view of physics. However, it is necessary to separate the method from its use in archeology. It is known to all specialists: the accuracy of this method is very low. So far, when dating objects whose age is one to one and a half thousand years, the method has errors of precisely one and a half or a thousand years.

Since the time of the archaeologist Milovich, it has been found out that with an unbiased dating, when a sample is sent to several laboratories without announcing the approximate age of the find in advance, the laboratories give very different answers. In the examples reported by Milovich, the dates differ by 500 thousand years (!).

Take the case where the sample was dated more or less accurately. This is a famous example with the shroud of Christ in Turin, it was dated, and what happened? It turned out that this shroud is by no means dated to the 1st century AD, as many would like. e., and in the interval from the XI to the XIII century AD. There was a scandal, talk of forgery began. Here is a vivid example for you, when a method, applied carefully, gives a date that absolutely does not fit into the scheme.

Our response to "Anti-Fomenko"

in (Irina): In your books, you have already changed the applicant for the role of Jesus Christ three times. So who is he - Isa Christopher, Pope Gregory VII or Andronicus Komnenos?

about: No, we did not have such changes, although we found duplicates of Christ, among them Pope Gregory VII appeared in the first works. The final version presented by us: Christ had many duplicates, we found about 50 reflections of Christ in different texts. The original was, apparently, Emperor Andronicus in the 15th century, he is also known to us as Grand Duke Andrei Bogolyubsky.

in (Andrey Novikov): Why have "new chronologists" still not responded to the criticism set forth in the book "Astronomy Against New Chronology" (2001)?

about: Our zodiac dating program has been published. In the book "Methods" at the end are large and detailed tables of frequencies, references of names, we have completely published the list, which was the basis for the dating of ancient dynasties. These materials are all published, the algorithm for calculating the coefficients too. To demand from us that we set out hundreds of pages of printouts is not serious.

in (Eugene): It would be very interesting to hear the arguments of professional historians against your ideas and then the counterarguments. Do you have any plans for this kind of "round tables"? And one more question - which of the famous historians (including foreign ones) supports you?

about: Regarding criticism, I inform you the following: to date, about 10 books have been published under the general name "Anti-Fomenko", those who wish can find them in the central stores of Moscow. Very detailed answers are published in our books, on our website there is a button "Answers to criticism", there is our analysis of statements addressed to us and comments. Therefore, the discussion is ongoing, it is quite accessible.

As for those who support us, I have already said that they exist, but among historians there are still few of them: because of our support, they may experience difficulties in their professional environment.

Our reference. An extra thousand years

Anatoly Timofeevich Fomenko is a member of the Academy of Sciences in the Department of Mathematics and is a major specialist in the field of geometry and mathematics, the author of many articles, monographs and textbooks, and a laureate of the State Prize. However, he is known to the general public not as a specialist in an incomprehensible field of mathematics, but as the creator of a "new chronology" with extraordinary conclusions. The essence of the theory is the dating of historical events, which is fundamentally different from the generally accepted one, in which whole centuries (even a millennium) are considered fictional. False, according to the Fomenko group, dating is explained, in particular, by the desire of European monarchs to confirm their rights to the throne and territories with "ancient" historical documents, the desire to demonstrate an impressive "image".

Anatoly Fomenko, often in collaboration with G. Nosovsky, wrote a number of books in which the "new chronology" method was applied to various eras and countries. Among them are "Global chronology", "New chronology and the concept of the ancient history of Russia, England and Rome", "New chronology of Greece", "New chronology of Russia", "Biblical Russia", "New chronology of Egypt", "King of the Slavs", " Beginning of the Horde Rus.

Who became who according to the "new chronology"

Ivan the Terrible became Roman Emperor Diocletian. Or Diocletian and Constantine at the same time;

False Dmitry II - Julian the Apostate;

Genghis Khan - Rurik;

Ivan Kalita - Batu Khan, aka Yaroslav the Wise;

Jesus Christ - Andrei Bogolyubsky;

Charles the Bald - Emperor Theodoric;

Marco Polo - Pole Marik;

Etruscans - Russians;

Russians are Prussians.

Scientific view of Peter Obraztsov

The Etruscans are not extinct. This is you and me

Anatoly Fomenko and his group are not the first to cancel many centuries of history. Their most notable Russian predecessor was Nikolai Morozov, former Narodnaya Volya member, Honorary Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, who spent a quarter of a century in the casemates of the Peter and Paul and Shlisselburg fortresses. According to legend, Alexander II considered the death penalty too weak a punishment for a Narodnaya Volya and ordered him to be put to death in prison. The legend is contradicted by information about the actual stay of Nikolai Morozov in prisons, where he could use the library and, upon leaving prison, took out 15,000 (!) Pages of texts written by him.

Among them, a prominent place is occupied by works on historical themes, in which Morozov sharply changes the dating of historical events. Contemporary historians Morozov, as a rule, categorically refused to discuss the delusional, in their opinion, theories of an amateur historian. Yuri Olesha in the book "Not a Day Without a Line" tells how he once mentioned in a conversation with a famous scientist Morozov's reasoning that no Ancient Greece existed and that the Parthenon was built by the Crusaders. "And you are telling me, a historian?!" - the scientist became furious and hit the young Olesha with a cane. At first, the works of Fomenko-Nosovsky evoked approximately the same reaction among historians. They simply considered it below their dignity to discuss this, in their opinion, complete nonsense.

Then the situation changed. The circulation of books on the "new chronology" reached unprecedented levels, the theory of Anatoly Fomenko became a new social phenomenon. And traditional historians set about refuting both individual provisions of the theory and the entire "new chronology". Over time, they were joined by physicists and mathematicians who found errors in the foundation of the theory - the dating of the past according to astronomical events. To date, several conferences on criticism of Fomenko have been held, the Anti-Fomenko website and the Anti-Fomenko book series have appeared.

Attempts are also being made to understand the reasons for the creation of a "new chronology". If you take the point of view of critics, it is really incomprehensible - how could a highly qualified specialist in his field come up with so many ridiculous theories and why? Three hypotheses have been put forward: a) a hoax in the spirit of "lieutenant Kizhe" that has dragged on for 26 years, b) fanaticism and self-hypnosis, unwillingness to abandon the theory once expressed, c) commercial hypothesis a. Only the latter has obvious confirmation - huge circulations of books bring big profits. However, this hypothesis should not even be mentioned in a society of intelligent people.

As for the first two hypotheses, they can only be discussed under the "boundary condition" (using the language of mathematics), i.e. with confidence that the "new chronology" is not correct in principle. But no one has proven this yet! At least, he did not prove it in such a way that the "simple reader" would be convinced of this. For each critical remark, the Fomenko group is not too lazy to give a convincing counterargument, and no historian is able to figure out who is right.
What do you think, the reader will ask. So, it seems to me that deriving the identity of the Russians, Prussians and Etruscans on the basis of a successful combination of the letters "r", "y" and "s" in the names of these peoples is about the same as considering bin Laden the son of Ben Gurion.

Everything was not the way it really is.

1. Siege of Troy
Traditional historians agree with Homer that the Greeks fought the Trojans in the 13th century BC.

The Fomenko group believes that Troy, inhabited by Western Europeans, was besieged by the Russians in alliance with the Tatars in the 13th century AD.

2. Battle of Kulikovo
Traditional historians believe that the battle took place on the Kulikovo field in the present-day Tula region in 1380.

The Fomenko group places the battle site in the area of ​​Taganskaya Square in Moscow (on Kulishki), but agrees with the dating of the event.

3. Hagia Sophia in Constantinople (Istanbul)
Traditional historians this Christian temple of the beginning of the VI century AD. that's what they call it.

Fomenko's group identifies St. Sophia with the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, and Constantinople with biblical Jerusalem. The temple itself, according to the Fomenko group, was built 1000 years later, in the 18th century AD.

How did the Germans speak Old Russian?

To contrast with the interview with Academician Fomenko, here are a few statements from professionals. For example, the Fomenko group considers the Radziwill Chronicle of the 15th century to be a falsification. Here is what academician Andrey Zaliznyak says about this: “Let me remind you how the production of the Radziwill Chronicle takes place in the presentation of the authors of the new chronology. “It was made in Koenigsberg at the beginning of the 18th century, apparently in connection with the arrival of Peter I there and immediately before that arrival". Something was taken from some "really old chronicle of the XV-XVI centuries", and everything that was required according to their plan was composed by themselves. Naturally, the Germans did this. to master the Old Russian language and paleography for such an occasion? True, they didn’t have enough time. And look, it didn’t turn out so badly: for more than two hundred years, not a single linguist has noticed any paleographic, spelling, grammatical, or stylistic falsehood - they didn’t even guess that it came from under the hand of a foreigner!

But the opinion of the doctor of physical and mathematical sciences M.L. Gorodetsky about the historical comparisons of the Fomenko group: "One of the main arguments of the "new chronology" of Academician A.T. Fomenko and his followers is the" method of recognizing duplicates. "coincidences are absolutely incredible from the point of view of mathematical statistics. It is also claimed that there are "several dozen" such pairs of "parallelisms"... Such pairs of dynasties, presented in a visual graphical form, make a strong impression on an unprepared reader.

We will not give numerous proofs of M.L. Gorodetsky about the incorrectness of the approach of Anatoly Fomenko, we will quote only one provision - as it seems to us, quite weighty: "One can also ask the following question: let's say that A.T. Fomenko is still right, and there are several pairs or dozens of pairs of" duplicate dynasties " The question arises: what to do with hundreds of "independent" dynasties in neighboring and distant countries that are simultaneous with these duplicates?