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How to quickly and easily memorize text. Ways that work. Exercises for the development of memory of younger students The study depends on the subject


5-6 grade

1. Point out fair statements

a. By doing physical education, any of you can become strong, fast,

dexterous and courageous.

b. Passion for physical culture will allow many of you to become


in. Anyone involved in physical education can become famous


G. By exercising regularly, everyone can learn quickly


good at swimming, skiing, confident with the ball.

2. Choose an appropriate sequence of exercises for the morning


1. Jumping and slow walking with breathing exercises.

2. Walking with acceleration, turning into a run.

3. Breathing exercises.

4. Sipping, shaking arms and legs

6. Exercises for leg muscles.

7. Exercises for the muscles of the back

8. Exercises for the muscles of the arms and neck.

9. Flexibility exercises.

10. Exercises for the muscles of the abdomen and torso.

a. 4, 9, 8, 1, 7, 5, 6, 10, 2, 3.

b. 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 6, 3.

in. 4, 5, 2, 3, 8, 7, 9, 10, 6, 1.

G. 9, 2, 4, 7, 6, 5, 10, 3, 8, 1.

3. To go faster, you need to increase ...

a. ... the length of the steps.

b. … cadence.

in. ... the length and frequency of steps.

4. If you lie on your stomach, bend your arms at the elbows at chest level, lean on the floor and

lift the torso, then you will take the position designated as ...

5. To learn how to swim, you must, first of all, ...

a. ... do not swim with a runny nose and cough.

b. ... lie down on the water and hold your breath.

in. ... douche with water in the morning.

G. … to learn how to exhale into the water.

6. The first competitions began to be held in order to ...

a. … the strongest became the head of the tribe.

b. … the young could prove that they were ready for adulthood.

in. …to reveal the best hunter, warrior.

G. All versions are plausible.

7. Choose the appropriate sequence of application of methods

hardening with water:

1. Bathing in reservoirs.

2. Pouring.

3. Rubbing.

4. Taking a contrast shower.

a. 2, 4, 1, 3.

b. 3, 2, 4, 1.

in. 4, 1, 2, 3.

g. 1, 3, 2, 4.

8. The reason for the violation of posture is ...

a. ... wrong posture at the table.

b. ...sleep in a soft bed with a high pillow.

in. …walking with your head down.

G. ... muscle weakness.

9. The physical load of exercise, characterized by an increase in frequency

heart rate up to 130 - 150 beats per minute is estimated as ...

a. … easy.

b. …medium.

in. ... big.

g. ... very large.

10. The pentathlon in the program of the ancient Olympic Games included competitions


a. ... fisticuffs, d. ... long jump,

b. ... run, e. ... archery,

in. ... horseback riding, w. ... javelin throwing,

g. ... wrestling, h. ... discus throw,

11. The term "Olympics" in ancient times meant ...

a. ... a collection of athletes in one policy.

b. … a four-year period.

in. … the year of the Olympic Games.

G. ... Olympic competitions.

12. Strength exercises are used to educate ...

a. ... strength.

b. …you were fast.

in. ...endurance.

g. …flexibility.

Mark all items.

13. Exercise has a positive effect on

mental development.

With this statement a.... agree (agree).

b. …disagree (disagree).

14. Compliance with the daily routine contributes to ...

a. … the correct distribution of time.

b. ... the formation of willpower.

in. ... alternating mental and physical work.

G. …exclusion of negative emotions.

15. To remember and subsequently independently perform complexes

exercises, their content is written in the form of pictograms. draw

images of starting positions:

Main rack

Hand stance to the side

Stand hands on the belt, legs apart



Sit legs apart

Sit back with support on hands

Answers (grades 5-6)

1. a, b, d. 9. b

2. c 10. b, d, e, g, h

3. b 11. b

4. emphasis lying 12. a, b, c, d

5. d 13. a

6. d 14. b

7. b 15. Pictograms:

8. b


7-8 grade

1. The ancient Olympic Games got their name because

competition was held...

a. ... at the foot of Mount Olympus.

b. ... in a place called Olympia.

in. ... in honor of the Olympic gods.

G. ... after lighting the Olympic flame.

2. Exercise is...

a. … natural movements and modes of transportation.

b. ... movements performed in physical education lessons.

in. ... actions performed according to certain rules.

G. ... complex motor actions.

3. The physical load of exercise, characterized by an increase in frequency

heart rate up to 150 - 180 beats per minute is estimated as ...

a. … easy.

b. …medium.

in. ... big.

g. ... very large.

4. Complex and diverse changes occurring in the human body on

throughout life are united by the concept ...

a. …physical education.

b. …phylogenesis.

in. …physical development.

G. ... physical perfection.

5. Type of human culture, focused on the optimization of natural

properties of people, denoted as ...

a. …physical education.

b. ... physical exercise.

in. …physical training.

G. …Physical Culture.

6. The subject of training in physical education are ...

a. ... physical exercises.

b. ... motor actions.

in. ... physical education.

G. ... methods of education.

7. The main specific means of physical education is ...

a. ... hardening.

b. ... compliance with the daily routine.

in. ... physical exercise.

G. …solar radiation.

8. It is customary to call motor skills and abilities ...

a. ... the ability to perform an exercise without activating attention.

b. ...correct performance of motor actions.

in. … the level of mastery of movements when attention is activated.

G. ... ways to control motor actions.

9. Preparatory exercises are applied if ...

a. ... the student is not physically developed enough.

in. … it is necessary to eliminate the causes of errors.

10. Which of the proposed definitions are formulated incorrectly?

a. Strength manifests itself in the ability to overcome resistance


muscle tension.

b. Explosive power determines the ability to reach maximum


muscle tension in the shortest time.

in. Speed ​​is the quality on which the

running speed.

G. The level of manifestation of general endurance is determined by aerobic

body's capabilities.

11. When doing exercises, inhalation should not be done during ...

a. ... bending the body back.

b. … crossing arms.

in. ... rotations of the body.

G. ... spreading the arms to the sides.

Mark all items.

12. When shaping the physique, exercises are not effective,


a. …promoting an increase in muscle mass.

b. … that help to increase the speed of movement.

in. …helping to reduce body weight.

d. ... the formation of correct posture.

13. Arrange swimming styles in order of increasing speed in the water.

1. On the back. 2. Breaststroke. 3. Butterfly. 4. Crawl.

a. b. in. G.

14. The technique by which a basketball player takes possession of the ball is indicated



1. b 9. a

2. at 10. at

3. c 11. b, c

4. at 12. b

5. g 13. 4, 3, 1, 2

6. b 14. catching

7. to 15. Pictograms:

8. g


9-11 grade

1. The basis of physical culture is human activity,

aimed at…

a. ... change in the surrounding nature.

b. ...adaptation to environmental conditions.

in. ... education of physical qualities.

G. …transformation of one's own capabilities.

2. Physical training is ...

a. ... the process of promoting health and increasing motor


b. ... physical education with a pronounced applied effect.

in. ... a level of development characterized by high performance.

G. ... the process of teaching movements and educating physical qualities.

3. Which of the presented definitions are formulated incorrectly?

a. ...Physical perfection is the optimal measure of a comprehensive

physical fitness that meets the requirements of society.

b. ...Physically perfect can be recognized as a person, physical


which allows you to implement the functions necessary for society.

in. ...Physical perfection is the process of changing the properties of the body

on the

throughout an individual life.

G. …Physical perfection is a state of optimal readiness,

leading to the achievement of high sports results.

Mark all items.

4. Violations of posture cause ...

a. ... power asymmetry.

b. ... the impossibility of playing sports.

in. … a lot of sweating.

G. ... changes in the functioning of body systems.

5. The load of physical exercises is characterized by…

a. ...the magnitude of their impact on the body.

b. ... preparedness and other characteristics of those involved.

in. ... by the time and number of repetitions of motor actions.

G. ... tension of muscle groups.

6. Lead-up exercises are used if ...

a. …the student is underdeveloped.

b. ... there are no supporting elements in the motor fund.

in. … it is necessary to eliminate arising errors.

G. ... the method of a holistic-analytical exercise is applied.

7. In the process of mastering movements, it is customary to single out ..

a. ...two stages.

b. … three stages.

in. …four stages.

G. ... from two to four, depending on the complexity of the movements.

8. A healthy lifestyle is a way of life aimed at ...

a. …maintaining high performance of people.

b. …preparation for professional activity.

in. ... the development of the physical qualities of people.

G. …preservation and improvement of people's health.

9. Bending the supporting leg before pushing off in skiing is indicated


10. The ancient Olympic Games were held…

a. ... during the first year of the celebrated Olympics.

b. ... during the last year of the celebrated Olympics.

in. …in a leap year.

G. ... by the decision of the priests.

11. In which sports did outstanding coaches of Russia train Champions?

world and the Olympic Games?

1. Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova. a. Volleyball.

2. Irina Aleksandrovna Viner. b. Gymnastics.

3. Viktor Mikhailovich Kuznetsov. in. Greco-Roman wrestling.

4. Nikolai Vasilyevich Karpol. G. Figure skating.

12. Present the sequence of style changes provided by the rules

swimming competitions when overcoming the stages of the combined relay race.

1. Freestyle. 2. Breaststroke. 3. On the back. 4. Butterfly

13. Successive pushes of the basketball into the court without delay

labeled as...

14. List the indicators of the level of physical development known to you


1. g 9. squatting

2. b 10. a

3. c, d 11. 4, 2, 3, 1

4. g 12. 3, 2, 4, 1

5. a 13. introduction

6. b 14. Enumeration

7. b 15. Pictograms:

8. g


1. In what year did the UN General Assembly adopt the Convention on the Rights of the Child?

  1. 1988
  2. 1989
  3. 1990
  4. 1991

2. According to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, every human being is a child until the age of

  1. 16 years of age;
  2. 18 years of age;
  3. 14 years of age;
  4. 12 years of age.

3. In accordance with the Unified Qualification Guide for the Positions of Educational Workers, the teacher carries out control and evaluation activities using:

  1. electronic journal;
  2. electronic diary;
  3. electronic forms of educational documentation;
  4. all answers are correct.

4. Is it allowed to involve students, pupils of civil educational institutions in work not provided for by the educational program, without the consent of students, pupils and their parents (legal representatives)?

  1. Not;
  2. In special cases, by order of higher authorities;
  3. Allowed occasionally due to production needs.

5. Do students, pupils of civil educational institutions have the right to freely attend events that are not provided for by the curriculum?

  1. In special cases, if there are good reasons
  2. Yes, in agreement with the administration of the institution.
  1. 6. Which of the ancient Greek philosophers considered the movement "the healing part of medicine"?
  1. Aristotle;
  2. Plato;
  3. Pythagoras;
  4. Archimedes.

1) J.-J. Rousseau;

2) Plato;

3) F. Froebel;

4) I. Pestalozzi.

1) J.-J. Rousseau

2) J. Locke

3) Ya.A.Komensky

4) I.G. Pestalozzi

9 . What principle did J. Locke set as the basis for selecting the content of a child's education?

A) freedom

B) coercion

B) naturalness

D) utilitarianism

  1. 10. Which country is the birthplace of the Olympic Games?
  1. Rome;
  2. China;
  3. Ancient Greece;
  4. Italy.
  1. 11. In what year did the first Olympic Games of antiquity take place?
  1. In 906 BC;
  2. In 1201;.
  3. In 776 BC;
  4. In 792 BC.
  1. 12. In what year and where was the International Olympic Committee established?
  1. In 1894 in Paris;
  2. In 1896 in London;
  3. In 1905 in Greece;
  4. In 1908 in London.
  1. 13. What is the "Olympic Charter"?
  1. Title of an ode to sport written by Pierre de Coubertin;
  2. Code of laws governing the Olympic Movement;
  3. Rules of the competitions included in the program of the Olympic Games;
  4. Athlete's oath.
  1. 14. How is the Olympic motto translated: "Sitius, altius, fortius"?
  1. "Further, faster, more";
  2. "Stronger, more beautiful, more accurate";
  3. "Faster, higher, stronger";
  4. « Faster, stronger, further."
  1. 15. Who is the founder of the system of physical education, the basis of which was the "harmonious, comprehensive development of the activity of the human body"?
  1. L.P. Matveev;
  2. G.G. Benese;
  3. P.F. Lesgaft;
  4. N.A. Semashko.
  1. 16. What changes in the development of physical culture and sports took place in Russia after the revolution?
  1. Popularization of oriental types of gymnastics and wrestling;
  2. Creation of military sports clubs and circles of physical culture;
  3. The emergence of health systems "fitness" and water aerobics.
  4. Creation of sports federations.
  1. 17. Who for the first time in Russia developed the theory of preschool education, substantiated the content, means and methods of physical education at school?
  1. N.G. Chernyshevsky;
  2. Jan Amos Kamensky;
  3. P.F. Lesgaft;
  4. A.V. Lunacharsky.
  1. 18. In what year was the Russian Olympic Committee established?
  1. In 1896;
  2. In 1911;
  3. In 1960;
  4. In 1973.
  1. 19. Indicate the main principles of the Fair Play sports honor code.
  1. Not to strive for victory at any cost; to preserve honor and nobility on the sports ground;
  2. The combination of physical perfection with high morality.
  3. Self-esteem, honesty, respect - for opponents, judges, spectators;
  4. Strict adherence to competition rules.
  1. 20. What indicators characterize physical development?
  1. Heredity, constitution, anthropometric indicators;
  2. Height and weight indicators;
  3. Physique, development of physical qualities, health status;
  4. Physical fitness.
  1. 21. It is customary to call physical exercises ...
  1. repeated repetition of motor actions;
  2. movements that improve performance;
  3. motor actions organized in a certain way;
  4. a set of gymnastic exercises.
  1. 22. Basic physical culture is mainly focused on providing ...
  1. physical readiness of a person for life;
  2. preparation for professional activity.
  3. recovery of the body after diseases, injuries, overwork.
  4. preparation for sports activities.
  1. 23. Three groups of tasks solved in the process of physical education -
  1. Developing, corrective, specific.
  2. Educational, recreational, educational.
  3. General pedagogical, compensatory, hygienic.
  4. Developing, improving, hygienic.
  1. 24. What is the main specific means of physical education?
  1. Natural properties of nature;
  2. physical exercise;
  3. Sanitary and hygienic factors;
  4. competitive activity.
  1. 25. A way of performing a motor action that allows solving a motor task more expediently and efficiently is called...
  1. Technique of physical exercise;
  2. Motor skill;
  3. Motor skill;
  4. Motor stereotype.
  1. 26. The composition and sequence of actions, links, efforts necessary to solve a motor task in a certain way, is commonly called ...
  1. technical details;
  2. The main link of technology;
  3. The basis of technology;
  4. The structure of motor activity.
  1. 27. The optimal measure of comprehensive physical fitness and harmonious physical development, corresponding to the requirements of labor and other spheres of life, reflects ...
  1. the physical perfection of man;
  2. physical development of a person;
  3. physical condition of a person;
  4. the physical form of a person.
  1. 28. What is the main criterion for the physical perfection of a person?
  1. The quality of theoretical knowledge about physical culture.
  2. The level of development of physical capabilities.
  3. Health status.
  4. Socialization of the individual.
  1. 29. The properties objectively inherent in physical culture that allow influencing a person and human relations, satisfying and developing certain needs of an individual and society are called ...
  1. Functions of physical culture;
  2. Principles of physical culture;
  3. Methods of physical culture;
  4. Means of physical culture.
  1. 30. The results achieved in the physical improvement of a person and the degree of use of acquired motor qualities, skills and special knowledge in everyday life characterize ...
  1. Subject's physical education;
  2. Physical culture of the individual;
  3. The physical development of the individual;
  4. The physical perfection of man.
  1. 31. What are the main indicators of the development of physical culture of the individual.
  1. Culture of movements and a wide range of vital motor skills and abilities (running, jumping, throwing, swimming, skiing);
  2. Hygienic habits and daily habits to take care of your health, hardening of the body, physical fitness;
  3. The level of physical qualities; knowledge in the field of physical culture; motives and interests for physical improvement; observance of hygiene and regimen;
  4. Growth and weight indicators.
  1. 32. Which document reflects the moral rules of sports activities?
  1. Olympic Charter;
  2. Olympic Charter;
  3. Olympic oath;
  4. Competition rules.
  1. 33. What tasks of mental development of students are solved in the process of physical education?
  1. Expansion and deepening of special knowledge in the field of physical culture.
  2. Enrichment with special knowledge related to the field of physical culture and sports; development of cognitive and creative abilities.
  3. Promoting creative manifestations of the individual, including self-knowledge and self-education, by means of physical culture and sports.
  4. Formation of a meaningful attitude to physical education.
  1. 34. Name the tasks of developing the aesthetic sphere of a person's personality in the process of physical culture and sports activities.
  1. Education of the ability to deeply feel and appreciate beauty in the field of physical culture and sports and in other areas of its manifestation;
  2. Education of the ability to sensitively perceive and evaluate beauty in the field of physical culture; formation of aesthetics of behavior and relationships;
  3. Development of an active position in the affirmation of the beautiful;
  4. Irreconcilability to the ugly in any of its manifestations.
  1. 35. What is included in the content of the intellectual values ​​of physical culture?
  1. Knowledge of the methods and means of developing the physical potential of a person;
  2. A set of methodological guidelines, practical recommendations, manuals;
  3. The ability to rationally organize time, self-discipline;
  4. Development of thinking, logic.
  1. 36. What is meant by the mobilization values ​​of physical culture?
  1. Everything that has been developed by specialists to ensure the process of physical and sports training of those involved;
  2. Personal achievements in a person's motor fitness;
  3. The ability to rationally organize time, internal discipline, self-discipline, quick assessment of the situation and decision-making, perseverance;
  4. Development of the need for physical improvement.
  1. 37. What refers to the means of physical education?
  1. Outdoor games, gymnastics, sports games, tourism, swimming, ski training;
  2. Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, daily routine, nutrition, rest, personal hygiene;
  3. Physical exercise, natural forces of nature and hygiene factors;
  4. Sun, air, water.
  1. 38. What is meant by the forms of physical exercises?
  1. Ways of organizing the educational process;
  2. Types of lessons;
  3. Types of physical culture and health-improving work;
  4. The structure of building lessons.
  1. 39. Classes conducted by a teacher (trainer) with a permanent staff of students include ...
  1. Lessons of physical culture and sports training sessions.
  2. Aerobics, shaping, callanetics, athletic gymnastics;
  3. Championships, championships, sports days, qualifying competitions, etc.;
  4. Tourist trips.
  1. 40. What is the structure of lesson forms of classes?
  1. Introductory, warm-up, recovery parts;
  2. Preparatory, main, final parts;
  3. Organizational, independent, low-intensity parts;
  4. Introductory, basic, recreational.
  1. 41. How are physical education lessons classified according to the main focus?
  1. Lessons for mastering new material, lessons for consolidating and improving educational material, control and mixed (complex) lessons;
  2. General physical training, professional and applied physical training, sports and training lessons, methodological and practical classes;
  3. Lessons in gymnastics, athletics, swimming, ski training, outdoor and sports games, etc.
  4. Health lesson, sports-oriented lesson;
  1. 42. In what directions does basic physical culture manifest itself?
  1. Physical culture in preschool institutions and general educational institutions of primary, general and secondary education;
  2. Physical culture in institutions of primary, secondary and higher professional education;
  3. Physical culture, presented as a subject in the system of education and upbringing; physical culture of the adult population;
  4. Physical culture as an independent type of occupation.
  1. 43. The main result of using basic physical culture in the general system of education and upbringing is ...
  1. Increasing the level of physical fitness, long-term preservation of health, creative longevity and capacity, organization of a healthy lifestyle.
  2. Acquisition of the required level of education in the field of physical culture.
  3. Acquisition of vital motor skills and abilities.
  4. All of the above.
  1. 44. What is the main goal of mass sports?
  1. Achieving the highest possible sports results;
  2. Restoration of physical performance;
  3. Increasing and maintaining general physical fitness;
  4. Increasing the number of people involved in sports.
  1. 45. What determines the direction of professionally applied physical culture (PPPC)?
  1. The need for military-applied training of young people for the upcoming military service;
  2. The need of society for special preparation of a person for a specific professional activity;
  3. The need for social adaptation of the individual in society;
  4. The development of certain stereotypes for performing exercises.
  1. 46. ​​What is the essence and purpose of health-improving and rehabilitation physical culture?
  1. The use of physical exercises as a factor in the prevention and treatment of various diseases, recovery, and the fight against overwork;
  2. The use of methods of therapeutic physical culture after injuries and diseases in a hospital, for the purpose of rehabilitation;
  3. Organization of prevention of diseases among the population;
  4. Boosting the body's immune system.
  1. 47. In what varieties are the "background" types of physical culture?
  1. Hygienic and recreational physical culture;
  2. Tourism, hunting, fishing;
  3. Physical culture and sports entertainment and health-improving events;
  4. Healing Fitness.
  1. 48. The process aimed at educating motor (physical) qualities, abilities necessary in life and sports activities is called ...
  1. training process;
  2. educational process;
  3. Physical training;
  4. Physical development.
  1. 49. The process aimed at the versatile education of the physical qualities of a person, ensuring the formation from childhood of a physically strong young generation with harmonious development, is called ...
  1. General physical training;
  2. Special physical training;
  3. Harmonic physical training;.
  4. General development.
  1. 50. What is the main method of increasing physical strength?
  1. The method of circuit training with the implementation of strength exercises at 8-10 stations.
  2. A variable method that allows you to vary the rest intervals between approaches to shells, change the weight and number of repetitions.
  3. The method of repeated exercise using unlimited weights in exercises performed to failure.
  1. 51. One of the main approaches in the education of endurance is ...
  1. Variable continuous exercise method.
  2. Using the fartlek method.
  3. Method of uniform continuous exercise.
  4. Repetition method.
  1. 52. What method is considered to be the leading one in developing the speed of movements (running, etc.)?
  1. variable method;
  2. Method of repeated execution of motional actions;
  3. Uniform method;
  4. circuit training method.
  1. 53. What factors should be taken into account when selecting physical exercises that contribute to the qualitative solution of the problems of special physical training?
  1. The level of physical fitness of those involved, the features of a particular sport, the period of sports training;
  2. The purpose of practicing this sport; tasks solved at a certain stage of sports training;
  3. Positive and negative transfer of physical qualities, the level of development of physical qualities, age characteristics, sport;
  4. Health status.
  1. 54. The process of managing the formation of motor skills and abilities necessary for successful competitions in a chosen sport is called ...
  1. Theoretical training;
  2. technical training;
  3. tactical training;
  4. Psychological preparation.
  1. 55. What tasks are solved in the process of professional-applied physical training?
  1. Development of physical qualities and abilities, mastering motor skills and abilities;
  2. Training in special knowledge, increasing the functional resistance of the body to adverse factors of labor activity;
  3. Ensuring active adaptation of a person to the chosen type of labor activity;
  4. Sports excellence.
  1. 56. Physical culture movement is ...
  1. a social and pedagogical phenomenon, the content of which includes physical education and the upbringing of the physical qualities of a person;
  2. social current, in the course of which the joint activity of people on the use of the values ​​of physical culture unfolds;
  3. one of the applied types of education with a pronounced practical orientation;
  4. non-specialized process of physical education, the content of which is focused on creating broad general prerequisites for success in a variety of activities.
  1. 57. A local act allowing physical culture classes in a sports hall -
  1. protocol;
  2. agreement;
  3. Act;
  4. agreement.
  1. 58. What should be the position of the hands when passing two from above in volleyball?
  1. At chest level;
  2. Slightly above shoulder level;
  3. Dropped down;
  4. The straightened arms are raised up.
  1. 59. How is the hand on the ball at the moment of impact when performing the top straight serve in volleyball?
  1. Bottom;
  2. Several from above;
  3. side;
  4. Above.
  1. 60. What date does the numbering of players in basketball begin?
  1. from 1;
  2. from 2;
  3. from 3;
  4. from 4.
  1. 61. The position of the hands when catching the ball with two hands in basketball?
  1. arms extended towards the ball, hands in a "funnel" position;
  2. arms extended towards the ball, fingers closed;
  3. arms down;
  4. hands are spread apart, fingers are widely spaced, tense.
  1. 62. What phases are conventionally divided into a long jump from a running start?
  1. start, starting run, repulsion, landing;
  2. 10 running steps, repulsion, landing;
  3. run, repulsion, flight, landing;
  4. run, 2-3 running steps before repulsion, repulsion, landing.
  1. 63. In what position is the torso during repulsion during long jumps from a run?
  1. strongly inclined forward;
  2. tilted back;
  3. in a twisted state;
  4. maintains an almost vertical position.
  1. 64. Describe the technique of sprinting:
  1. the body is tilted back, the lower back is bent;
  2. the torso retains a slight forward inclination, the arms bent at the elbows move in the lateral plane, the fingers are half-bent and not tense;
  3. the body is straight, the arms are strongly bent at the elbows;
  4. energetic twists of the body.
  1. 65. Combat exercises in gymnastics are ...
  1. joint actions in the ranks;
  2. projectile exercises;
  3. general developmental exercises;
  4. OFP.
  1. 66. Floor exercises in gymnastics are ...
  1. a set of general developmental exercises;
  2. combinations of various gymnastic exercises with elements of acrobatics and choreography;
  3. projectile exercises;
  4. bar exercises.
  1. 67. Morning exercises belong to ...
  1. educational and developmental gymnastics;
  2. recreational gymnastics;
  3. gymnastics;
  4. production.
  1. 68. Stand in gymnastics is ...
  1. lying position on the floor;
  2. vertical position with legs up with support from any part of the body;
  3. sitting position;
  4. starting position in the ranks.
  1. 69. What are the main styles of skiing?
  1. Stepless, one step, two step, four step;
  2. classic and free;
  3. alternate and simultaneous;
  4. flat, uphill and downhill.
  1. 70. What moves are distinguished in the alternating moves of cross-country skiing?
  1. two-step and four-step;
  2. one-step and two-step;
  3. stepping turns, descents, running across the plain;
  4. moves, ascents, descents, running across the plain.
  1. 71. Heart rate in healthy people at rest is, on average
  1. 40-50 beats / min.
  2. 60-80 beats / min.
  3. 100-120 beats / min.
  4. 80-100 beats / min.
  1. 72. How are hygiene standards and requirements regulated?
  1. Special sanitary and hygienic rules (norms) - SanPIN;
  2. by order of the principal of the school;
  3. Instructions of the teacher of physical culture (coach).
  4. Curriculum.
  1. 73. What component of nutrients performs a plastic function in the life processes of the body, and is most actively involved in the construction of bone tissue and in water-salt metabolism?
  1. Carbohydrates;
  2. Proteins;
  3. Minerals;
  4. Fats.
  1. 74. Correct posture can be considered if you, standing against the wall, touch it ..
  1. neck, shoulder blades, buttocks, heels.
  2. shoulder blades, buttocks;
  3. neck, buttocks,
  4. Buttocks.
  1. 75. What phase follows after the performance of physical activity after the onset of fatigue?
  1. recovery phase;
  2. The phase of "second wind";
  3. The phase of a temporary decrease in performance.
  4. All answers are correct.
  1. 76. How is it necessary to plan the motor load for older schoolchildren in order to obtain a training effect?
  1. At least 3-4 times a week (from 40 minutes to 1.5 hours);
  2. At least 2-3 times a week (from 30 minutes to 1 hour);
  3. 1-2 times a week (from 1 to 2 hours);
  4. 1-2 times a week (from 3 to 4 hours);
  1. 77. Examinations conducted by a doctor together with a teacher (coach) directly in the process of doing physical exercises, sports, during competitions to determine the effects of physical activity on the body of those involved are called ...
  1. Preventive examination;
  2. Medical examination;
  3. Medical and pedagogical control;
  4. Survey.
  1. 78. What test can be used to determine the body's adaptability to physical activity?
  1. Using the Stange test;
  2. With the help of the Genchi test;
  3. Using the Rufier test;
  4. Using the Harvard step test.
  1. 79. List the main body types.
  1. Light-boned, hypersthenic, broad-boned.
  2. Thin-boned, asthenic, medium-boned.
  3. Asthenic, normosthenic, hypersthenic.
  4. Thin-boned, broad-boned, normosthenic.
  1. 80. List the main types of rehabilitation:
  1. Medical, physical, psychological, socio-economic;
  2. Social, mental, labor, recovery;
  3. Muscular, manual, autogenic, active, passive;
  4. Psychological, labor, muscular.
  1. 81. Name the main means of physical rehabilitation.
  1. Healing Fitness;
  2. Occupational therapy, massage, manual therapy, autogenic training;
  3. Active, passive, psychoregulatory;
  4. Cyclic exercises and sports.
  1. 82. List the well-known "risk factors" in people's lives?
  1. Hypokinesia, alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking;
  2. Violations in nutrition, ecology;
  3. Psychological stress;
  4. All of the above.
  1. 83. Name three stages in the development of stress.
  1. Anxiety reaction, stabilization, exhaustion;
  2. Information, mobilization, overload;
  3. Threat, danger, disease;
  4. Information, alarm reaction, disease.
  1. 84. List the main tasks of first aid provided to the victim?
  1. Temporary stop of bleeding, application of a hemostatic tourniquet;
  2. Carrying out measures to eliminate the threat to life, prevent complications, provide favorable conditions for transportation;
  3. The use of artificial respiration techniques, indirect heart massage, the imposition of bandages, tourniquets, immobilization;
  4. Improvement or restoration of cardiac activity and respiration.
  1. 85. What is the first aid for wounds?
  1. Applying a bandage and a transport tire;
  2. The introduction of tetanus toxoid;
  3. Stop bleeding, protect the wound from secondary contamination;
  4. Treatment with hydrogen peroxide.
  1. 86. The duration of squeezing a limb with a tourniquet should not exceed ...
  1. 1.5 - 2 hours;
  2. 40 - 50 minutes;
  3. 3 - 5 hours;
  4. 2.5 - 3.5 hours.
  1. 87. What is first aid for fainting?
  1. Injections of cordiamine and caffeine;
  2. Giving the body a horizontal position, raising the legs, providing air access;
  3. Raising the head, warming, hot drinks;
  4. Applying cold to the temporal part of the head.
  1. 88. Kyphosis of the spine is ...
  1. backward bend;
  2. side bend;
  3. bend forward;
  4. no bend.
  1. 89. Scoliosis of the spine is ...
  1. backward bend;
  2. side bend;
  3. bend forward;
  4. no bend.

90. What types of certification of students and graduates are provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education"?

  1. Current certification, certification based on the results of the quarter, annual certification, final certification;
  2. Certification based on the results of studying topics, training modules, programs;
  3. Intermediate certification, state (final) certification;
  4. Current certification, intermediate certification, state (final) certification.

91. Add the name of the document: Federal Law of the Russian Federation of June 24, 1998 “On Basic Guarantees …………………… in the Russian Federation”

1. human rights

2. fundamental freedoms

3. child rights

92. A new approach to raising children is:

1. person-centered approach

2. active

3. nature friendly approach

4. cognitive approach

93. According to the method of O.S. Gazman, the stages of activities for the pedagogical support of children in the system of personality-oriented education technology include:

1. diagnostic, search, contractual, activity, reflective

2. analysis, modeling, implementation, control

3. study of the situation, decision-making, joint activities to implement the decision, analysis and reflection

94. Education as a process of helping the child in the formation of his subjectivity, cultural identification, socialization, life self-determination is considered in the author's concept

1. E.V. Bondarevskaya

2. O.S. Gazman

3.N.E. Shchurkova

95. Felixology of education, according to N.E. Shchurkova, E.P. Pavlova, is a scientific and theoretical consideration of the content characteristics of education, which provides, as part of the goal of education, the formation of the child's ability to be:

1. tolerant in life on this earth

2. happy in life on this earth

3. free to live on this earth

96. The answer to the question, in what optimal educational system should a growing person be included in order for the transition from the culmination of development in one phase to take place at the culmination of another phase of human development, is contained in the methodology;

… 1. hermeneutical approach;

2. acmeological approach;

3.ambivalent approach.

97. Certification in order to confirm the compliance with the position held is carried out in relation to teaching staff who do not have qualification categories:

  1. Once every 3 years
  2. Once every five years
  3. One year after the previous certification, if the employee was given recommendations from the certification commission

98. The main certification procedure in order to establish the compliance of the qualification level with the requirements of the qualification category (first or highest) is:

1. Portfolio presentation

2. Examination of professional activity

3. Qualification tests in writing

99. According to the methodology for assessing the qualifications of certified teachers, ed. V.D. Shadrikova, the professional qualification standard of a teacher is considered as a set of:

1. 3 competencies

2. 4 competencies

3. 5 competencies

4. 6 competencies

100. According to V.D. Shadrikov, the structure of pedagogical competence in the field of personal qualities includes:

1. Empathy and socio-reflection, self-organization, general culture

2. Ability to create situations that ensure success in learning activities; conditions for positive self-motivation motivation

101. According to V.D. Shadrikov, the structure of pedagogical competence in the field of setting goals and objectives includes:

2. The ability to set goals and objectives in accordance with the age and individual characteristics of students, the ability to translate the topic of the lesson into a pedagogical task, to involve students in the process of forming goals and objectives

3. The ability to establish subject-subject relationships, organize educational activities, implement pedagogical assessment.

102. According to V.D. Shadrikov, the structure of pedagogical competence in the field of motivation of educational activity includes:

1. The ability to choose and implement an educational program, develop their own program, methodological and didactic materials, the ability to make decisions in a pedagogical situation

2. Ability to create situations that ensure success in learning activities; conditions for positive motivation and self-motivation

3. Competence in methods and in the subject of teaching, in the subjective conditions of activity.

103. According to V.D. Shadrikov, the structure of pedagogical competence in the field of providing the information basis of activity includes:

1. The ability to establish subject-subject relationships, organize educational activities, implement pedagogical assessment.

3. Competence in methods and in the subject of teaching, in the subjective conditions of activity.

104. According to V.D. Shadrikov, the structure of pedagogical competence in the field of developing activity programs and making pedagogical decisions includes:

1. The ability to choose and implement an educational program, develop their own program, methodological and didactic materials, the ability to make decisions in a pedagogical situation

2. Ability to create situations that ensure success in learning activities; conditions for positive motivation and self-motivation

3. The ability to establish subject-subject relationships, organize educational activities, implement pedagogical assessment.

105. According to V.D. Shadrikov, the structure of pedagogical competence in the field of organization of educational activities includes:

1. Competence in methods and in the subject of teaching, in the subjective conditions of activity.

2. The ability to set goals and objectives in accordance with the age and individual characteristics of students, the ability to translate the topic of the lesson into a pedagogical task, to involve students in the process of forming goals and objectives

3. The ability to establish subject-subject relationships, organize educational activities, implement pedagogical assessment.


Test on the basics of knowledge in physical culture in grades 5-7.

Test #1

In athletics.

  1. In what year was the first athletics championship held in Russia?

A. 1902

B. 1906

V. 1908

G. 1900

2. How long is the standard treadmill?

A. 400m.

B. 330m.

W. 100m.

D. 500m.

3. What distances are sprint (short)?

A. 800m., 1500m.

B. 60m., 100m., 200m., 400m.

V. 2000m., 3000m., 5000m.

4. Running long jump?

A. By the method of "bending the legs."

B. "Roll".

B. The "overshoot" method.

5. High jump?

A. The method of "bending over".

B. The method of "cross over".

B. The method of "bending the legs."

6. How many attempts are used when jumping?

A. alone.

B. five.

At three o'clok.

7. What start is used in sprinting?

A. Medium start.

B. High start.

B. Low start.

8. How much "phases» shared long jump with a running start?



At five.


Test #1

Gymnastics (5-7 cells).

1. Rope climbing:

A. in one go.

B. in four doses.

B. in two doses.

2. How are performednon-support jumps?

A. are carried out with the support of hands on any projectile.

B. are performed without support by hands on any projectile.

Q. There are no such jumps.

3.What isvis?

A. This is the position of the body on the projectile, in which the shoulders are below the grip point.

B. this is the position of the body on the projectile (or floor), in which the shoulders are above the fulcrum.

V. is the ability to perform any activity for a long time without reducing its effectiveness.

4. Who should be at the seat during the initial execution of any element?

A. teacher.

B. insurer.

B. student.

5.Whatnecessarilymust be done when performing somersaults.

A. grouping.

B. insurance.

B. nothing.

D. Answers A, B are correct.

6.What isbasic gymnastics?

A. It includes dance exercises with objects (ball, hoop, rope, ribbon).

B. includes dance and strength exercises that are performed to the music.

B. These are drill and general developmental exercises, on shells, jumps and acrobatic exercises.

7.What isemphasis?

A. This is such a position of the body on the projectile (or floor), in which the shoulders are above the fulcrum.

B. this is the position of the body on the projectile, in which the shoulders are below the grip point.

C. both answers are correct.

8. What acrobatic exercises do you know?

Test No. 1 in physical education for students in grades 5-7.

  1. What is the correct distribution of time during the day called:

a) daily routine.

b) Schedule of lessons.

c) hardening.

d) Personal hygiene.

  1. Name the rules for hardening:

a) gradually.

b) immediately start pouring cold water on them.

c) Temper once a week.

d) systematically.

e) take into account the individual characteristics of each person.

  1. The usual posture of the human body in an upright position:

a) posture

b) spine;

c) pose "swimmer start";

d) muscles.

  1. What is the name of the line that the runner crosses at the end of the distance:

a) lateral;

b) front;

c) markup;

d) finish.

5. What physical quality does a 6-minute run develop:

a) flexibility;

b) strength;

c) endurance;

d) agility.

6. What is the name of the system when they stand shoulder to shoulder:

a) a column

b) flank;

c) line;

d) circle.

7. List the requirements for those involved in physical education:

a) dirty shoes

b) fitted sportswear;

c) performing a lot of physical activity after an illness;

d) clean sports shoes.

8. List the types of jumps according to the school curriculum:

a) side jump

b) long jump from a place;

c) long jump with a running start;

d) jump sideways.

Test No. 3 in physical education for students in grades 8 - 11.

  1. The main physical qualities necessary for success in sprinting are:

a) flexibility;

b) speed;

c) strength;

d) speed endurance.

2. A segment of the distance 20 m long, marked with marks in the relay race:

a) takeoff

b) transfer zone;

c) obstacle course;

d) finish line.

3. Sprint running with overcoming obstacles:

a) barrier;

b) steeple - Chez;

c) cross.

4. The height of the barrier at a distance:

a) 50 cm;

b) 100 cm.

5. Classic types of relay races:

a) 4˟100;

b) 4˟60;

c) 4˟50;

d) 4˟400.

6. Way of movement, in which single-support and flight phases alternate:

a) jump

b) running;

c) walking.

7. When running short distances, the participant is disqualified:

a) at the request of the Chief Judge;

b) false start;

c) crossing the treadmill;

d) drug use.

8. Competitions are held:

a) the audience

b) a panel of judges;

c) head of administration.

Answers to physical education tests grades 5-7.

L / a test No. 1

1.c (1908) 5.b (pericidal)

2.а(400m.) 6.v(3)

3.b(60,100) 7.c(low start)

4.a (leg bending method) 8.d (4)

Test number 1 in gymnastics.

1.c (in 2 doses) 5.a

2.b (without support) 6.c

3.а 7.b

4.b 8. somersaults forward, backward; flip to the side, stand on the shoulder blades, stand on the head, stand on the hands ...

Test No. 1 on the basics of knowledge.

1.a 5.c

2.a 6.c

3.a 7.b, d

4.d 8.b, c


8-11 CLASS.

  1. When and in which city did the 22 Olympic Games take place?

A. 1972 - Munich.

B. 1976- Montreal.

V. 1980 - Moscow.

G. 1984- Los Angeles.

2. What reward did the winner receive at the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece?

A. A wreath of olive tree branches.

B. The title of honorary citizen.

B. Medal and cup.

D. Cash reward.

3. What is forbidden to do while running short distances?

A. Look back.

B. Hold your breath.

B. Move to the next track.

4. What are the causes of poor posture?

A. Improper catering.

B. Weak body muscles.

B. Increasing human height.

5. How many times a week do you need to do physical exercises in order to successfully develop motor qualities?

A. 1-2 times.

B. 3-4 times.

B. 6-7 times.

6. What is the main cause of posture disorder?

A. The habit of certain postures.

B. Muscle weakness.

B. Lack of movement during school lessons.

7. How many times has G. Kulakova become an Olympic champion?

A. One.

B. Two.

At three o'clok.

D. Four.

8. What is the motto of the Olympic Movement?

8-11 grade.

1.- In

2.- A

3.- In

4.- B

5 B

6.- B

7.- In

8.- Faster, higher, stronger.


"5" - 7 answers

"4" - 5 answers

"3" - 4 answers

The questions were compiled by the physical education teacher of the Russians V. S. _____________________


8-11 CLASS.

1. How many muscles does a person have?

A. More than 400.

B. More than 500.

V. 656.

G. 700.

2. When should you take air baths?

A. Before going to bed.

B. At a designated time.

B. 5 minutes after exercise.

D. During exercise.

3. Hardening procedures should be started:

A. Hot water.

B. Warm water.

B. Water at body temperature.

D. Cool water.

4.First aid for burns:

A. Cut or puncture the bladder.

B. Lubricate the surface of the skin with vaseline, fat.

C. Cover the burn with a clean cloth bandage.

5. In what year did Russian athletes first participate in the Olympic Games?

A. 1900

B. 1908

V. 1924

G. 1952

6. In what year and where were the first Winter Olympic Games held?

A. 1920 - Antwerp.

B. 1924 - Chamonix.

V. 1928 - St. Moritz.

7.Which of the famous scientists of ancient Greece won the competition of fisticuffs at the Olympic Games?

A. Plato (philosopher)

B. Pythagoras (mathematician)

V. Archimedes (mechanic)

8. Which of the athletes of Udmurtia was awarded the Olympic Order?

Correct answers for test number 2.

8-11 grade.

1.- In

2.- G

3.- G

4.- In

5 B

6.- B

7.- B

8.- Galina Kulakova.


"5" - 7 answers

"4" - 5 answers

"3" - 4 answers

The questions were compiled by the physical education teacher Russkikh V.S._____________________



1. In what situations is the long jump not counted?

A. Zastup.

B. Falling forward on landing.

B. Touching hands behind the landing site.

D. Push with two legs.

2. Through which shoulder is the turn around?

A. Only through the left.

B. Only through the right.

B. Arbitrarily.

D. Depending on the instructions of the teacher.

3. Name the ways to prevent infectious diseases.

A. Washing hands before eating.

B. Wet cleaning of premises.

B. Non-compliance with the regime of the day.

D. Use of one towel, toothbrush.

D. Overeating.

E. Room ventilation.

4. Determine what equipment and supplies are related to gymnastics.

A. Bars.

B. Stick.

V. Skipping rope.

G. Crossbar.

D. Rope.

E. Roulette.

5. What factors increase the risk of cardiovascular disease?

A. Environmental factors.

B. Systematic physical education and sports.

B. Systematic smoking.

G. Insufficient motor mode.

D. Alcohol and drug use.

E. Balanced diet.

The questions were compiled by the physical education teacher of the Russians V.S. _________

Correct answers for test number 1.

2-4 grade.

1.- A

2.- A

3.- C, D

4.- A, D, D

5.- C, D


  1. Heart rate (pulse) in a wide range of loads characterizes ...:
  • body oxygen consumption
  1. Various dosed loads that allow you to evaluate the body's response to certain motor tasks are called ...
  • functional tests
  1. Removal of nervous and muscular tension, release from internal monologue and a set of measures to achieve this state is called:
  • relaxation
  1. What principle provides for the optimal correspondence of the tasks, means and methods of physical education to the abilities of those involved?
  • the principle of accessibility and individualization
  1. The methods of physical education are understood as
  • ways to exercise
  1. Specific methods of physical education include ...
  • methods of strictly regulated exercise, game and competitive method
  1. The group, which is formed at the beginning of the school year and consists of students with deviations in the state of health, in which increased physical activity is contraindicated for them, is called:
  • special medical team
  1. Which category of physical education includes hygiene factors, natural forces of nature and physical exercises?
  • means of physical education
  1. Indicate which concept (term) emphasizes the applied orientation of the physical education of schoolchildren to work or other activities:
  • physical training
  1. A measurement or test carried out to determine the state, processes, properties or abilities of a person is ...
  • test
  1. The most favorable exemplary sensitive (sensitive) periods of change in the height and weight indicators of school-age children are the age periods:
  • 12-15 years old
  1. The strategy for the development of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020 defines the stages of the main strategic targets for the development of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation. Determine the time periods for the implementation of the Strategy:
  • the first stage - 2009-2015 and the second stage - 2016-2020
  1. Students are allowed to test the levels of physical fitness, participate in competitions and hikes with the permission of:
  • medical worker
  1. Complexes of genetically determined biological properties of the human body, due to which motor activity is possible, are commonly called ...
  • physical qualities
  1. In accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of education in educational institutions", the motor density of physical education classes should be:
  • not less than 70%.
  1. The ratio between the volume and intensity of physical activity is characterized by ...
  • inversely proportional relationship
  1. A certain value of the impact of physical exercises on the body of those involved, as well as the degree of objective and subjective difficulties overcome in this case ...
  1. The totality of ways the teacher influences students, the choice of which is determined by a certain scientific concept, the logic of organizing and implementing the process of training, education and development, is ...
  • methodical approach
  1. The level of illumination in the gym (on the floor) must comply with the following standards.
  • 200 lx
  1. The ratio of pedagogically justified (rational) time spending to the total duration of the lesson is ...
  • overall lesson density
  1. What control method is needed to determine the motor density of a physical education lesson? ...
  • timing
  1. The ability to actively use the acquired personal and professional knowledge and skills in practical or scientific activities is called ...
  • competence
  1. The approach to the construction of second generation standards with a focus on the final results of education as a backbone component of the construction of standards is called ....
  • system-activity
  1. An activity organization based on the variable component of the basic curriculum (educational) plan, organized by the participants in the educational process, different from the lesson system of education, which allows to fully implement the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards of General Education ...
  • extracurricular (extracurricular) activities
  1. The textbook "Physical Education" (V.I. Lyakh) for students in grades 1-4 of general educational institutions, corresponding to the Federal State Educational Standard of primary general education, is included in the system of textbooks
  • "School of Russia" (publishing house "Enlightenment")
  1. What test can be used to determine the body's adaptability to physical activity? ...
  • using the Rufier test
  1. Physical education is...
  • pedagogical process aimed at the formation of motor skills, the development of physical and mental abilities
  1. The method of organizing students, in which everyone performs one task, is called ...
  • frontal
  1. Measurement of the physical performance of a person, which is based on the determination of the power of work, causing an increase in heart rate up to 170 bpm. labeled as a test...
  • PWC
  1. What groups of tasks are solved in physical education lessons at school?...
  • a complex of recreational, educational and educational
  1. The process that occurs in the body after the cessation of work and consists in the gradual transition of physiological, biochemical and mental functions to a pre-working state is called ...
  • recovery
  1. Training in motor actions is built in accordance with ...
  • patterns of formation of motor skills
  1. The process of changing the morpho-functional properties of the body throughout life is commonly called ...
  • physical development
  1. The chance of injury while exercising is reduced if exercisers…
  • follow the teacher's instructions
  1. The social current, sports practice in the field of mass sports and sports of the highest sports achievements is ...
  • sports movement
  1. What is the name of the activity that forms the basis of physical culture ...
  • physical exercise
  1. The method of uniform continuous exercise is the most common in the education ...
  • general endurance
  1. Which of the following definitions is incorrect?
  • Physical perfection is the process of changing the morpho-functional properties of the body throughout an individual life.
  1. Preparatory exercises in physical education lessons are used
  • if the student is not physically developed enough
  1. The interconnected and sequential arrangement in time of all elements of the content of the lesson is called
  • lesson structure
  1. The main means of forming the correct posture are
  • physical exercises
  1. All the main causes of injuries in schoolchildren received by them in the process of physical exercise can be divided into two groups:
  • external and internal causes
  1. The equipment of the physical culture and sports zone should provide
  • compliance with the requirements of federal regulations
  1. Physical education classes in a general education institution are not allowed
  • all of the above are correct
  1. Teaching the subject "Physical Education"from I to XI classes in general educational institutions of the Belgorod region is carried out in the amount
  • 2 hours per week at the expense of the federal component hours and 1 hour of the school component
  1. The most favorable exemplary sensitive (sensitive) periods of change in indicators of the development of coordination abilities of schoolchildren are age periods
  • 9-12 years old

What organs are in the excretory system?


+ Bladder



What activities are classified as acyclic exercise?


+ Shot put


A ride on the bicycle

What blood cells contain hemoglobin?





Topic 2. Fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle

What are the components of a healthy lifestyle?

Reception of energy cocktails

Night club trips

+ Proper nutrition and daily routine

+ Physical activity and the rejection of bad habits

What foods should be consumed daily?

+ Vegetables, fruits and meat products

+Porridges and dairy products

smoked sausage


What are bad habits?


+ Alcohol and drug use

Walks outside the city

Dance lessons

+ The state of physical, spiritual and social well-being

+ Absence of diseases

good health

Comfortable state

Topic 3. Types of physical activity to maintain health

What effect does physical activity have on the body?

+ Increases vitality and functionality

+ Allows you to burn more calories to maintain optimal weight

Decreases stamina and performance

Reduces the number of years

Long rest after each exercise

Replenish wasted calories with food and drink

+ Move more actively

+ Correctly combine the load and rest intervals according to the pulse

List the benefits of walking for health reasons:

Rapid achievement of a healing effect

The monotony of walking

+ Suitable for all ages

+ Easy to dose the load according to well-being

What type of physical activity is most accessible to beginners?





Topic 4. Cyclic exercises for health purposes

What are the benefits of doing cyclic activities?

Increase strength abilities

Increase the amount of adipose tissue

+Improve oxygen consumption in the body

+ Increase the efficiency of the heart

What is the main thing at the initial stage of training in health walking and running?

Movement technique

Movement speed

+ Time spent on the course

+ Choosing the right shoes

Duration of walking to achieve a healing effect

+ at least 30 minutes

more than 5 hours

no more than 10 minutes

no more than 30 minutes

What pace of walking already requires volitional effort?

+120-140 steps per minute

+Over 140

No more than 80 steps per minute

80-100 steps per minute

What is the recommended time interval between a heavy meal and the start of running exercises?

4 hours

+2 hours

1 hour

10 minutes

Topic 5. General physical and special training in the system of physical education


Education of athletes of mass categories

Education of athletes of the highest ranks

+Health promotion

+ Harmonious personality development

What are the goals of muscle relaxation?

Increase in the length of muscle fibers

Increasing the thickness of muscle fibers

+ Removal of decay products from working muscles

+ Stress Relief

What are the main tasks of special physical training (SPT)?

Strength Development

Development of endurance

+ Improving the physical qualities characteristic of this sport

+ Predominant development of motor skills necessary for the improvement of this sport

What parts does a training session consist of?

+ Main

+ Preparatory

+ Final


What techniques can be used to relax muscles?

+Combining the relaxation of some muscles with the tension of others

+ Arbitrary relaxation of individual muscles

Hitting a tense muscle

Static voltage

Topic 6. Physical activity during the day

What are the benefits of morning exercises?

Reduces the activity of the physical state

+ Promotes blood circulation and metabolism

+ Increases performance

Worsens mood

How to breathe properly while exercising?

Hold breath

Ignore the breath


+ Combine breathing with the movement of arms, legs, torso

How much you want

2-4 times

More than 20-30 times

+ At least 8-12 times

What exercises should you start your morning exercises with?

Exercises for the back and abdominals

Flexibility exercises

+ Stretching exercises, breathing exercises

+ Walking on the spot to activate the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems

What are the basic principles of "Volitional gymnastics

Think of nothing

Repeat the exercise only 2 times

+ Consciously tense the corresponding muscles

+ Simulate overcoming one or another resistance

Topic 7. General developmental physical exercises

Determine the classification of exercises according to anatomical features

Flexibility Exercises

Exercises for developing the quality of strength

+ Exercises for leg muscles

+ Exercises for the trunk (back and abdominals)

What are the main exercises for the development of the muscles of the body (back and abdominals):

+ Raising the upper body in the supine position

+ Raising the legs and pelvis while lying on your back


Hanging pull-ups on the bar

What are the basic exercises for the development of the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle

Raising the legs and pelvis lying on your back

Turns and tilts of the body

+ Push-ups

+ Hanging pull-ups on the bar

What are the basic exercises for the development of leg muscles


+ Squats

Flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position

Hanging pull-ups

Topic 8. Exercises for outdoor activities

To eliminate the negative consequences of a long stay in a sitting position, it is recommended to observe the following rules

sit with your knees well above your hips

try not to move for a few hours

+ sit still for no more than 20 minutes

+ keep your back and neck straight

What is a dynamic physical training minute for knowledge workers?

A means of developing physical qualities

A tool that helps reduce the excitability of the central nervous system and analyzer systems, the removal of pronounced neuro-emotional states

+ Productivity booster

+ Means that contributes to the normalization of cerebral and peripheral circulation

+ Do exercises to relieve eye strain

+ Perform stretching and relaxation exercises

To do nothing

Move computer monitor closer

List the correct posture for sitting in a chair.

+Keep your upper back and neck straight

+ Change the position of the legs more often

Sit cross-legged

Sitting in one position for a long time

Topic 9. Hardening as one of the most important components of a healthy lifestyle

+30С, further increasing the water temperature

+50C, further reducing the water temperature

+50C, further increasing the water temperature

+ +30С, further reducing the water temperature

What factors affect the hardening effect of air?

Day of the week

Times of Day

+ Air temperature


What is the principle of systematic use of hardening procedures expressed in?
The body should be hardened:

depending on the mode of the day

2 to 5 times a year

+ without long breaks

+ all year round

Contrast shower, douche, walks in the air

Spreading with snow, air baths, swimming in an ice hole

+ Outdoor walks, shower, hardening in the steam room

+ Air baths, rubdown, douche

Name the types of air baths:





Topic 10. Fundamentals of rational nutrition

What food is called "organic", "live"?





What foods cause overweight?



+ Fried and fatty foods


Under what conditions will a person's weight be stable?

+When receiving an amount of energy equal to the consumed

+ With daily active sports

When not getting enough calories

Getting more energy from food than the body can use

What are low glycemic index foods?



+ Buckwheat


What foods have the highest energy value?


+ Butter



Each person periodically faces the need to learn material of various content and volume. This is easy for some, but the vast majority of people face difficulties, not knowing how to quickly memorize a given amount of text.

The work of the human brain has not yet been 100% studied, we only know that we use a small part of the abilities of the brain. The psychological processes that take place in the human mind are amenable to daily training. Memory and other mechanisms of consciousness can be developed to unprecedented heights. A strong memory will make it possible to achieve success in any area of ​​human life, it will be needed in "everyday" life, study, and it will easily increase intellectual abilities.

To learn a text, artistic or scientific content, you will need constant memory training with exercises specially designed for this. Human memory is divided into visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory and tactile. It is the ability to memorize and store any amount of information.

Each type of memory develops differently in people. It is easier for someone to memorize the text by saying it out loud, and for someone, on the contrary, it is better absorbed after visualizing what has been read. Therefore, it is important to understand which type of memory is better developed in order to use it for memorization in the future.

The same information can be learned well in several ways. There are three ways to remember the necessary material in a short time.

  • Method of rational memorization;

It is based on the use of logical memory. In the process of rational memorization, the semantic and logical connection of the material with life experience is fixed in the mind. With rational memorization, there is an awareness of the read text and information is easier to perceive. This method helps to remember the material by heart, trains intellectual abilities and increases knowledge.

  • Method of mnemotechnical memorization;

This is the most interesting of the three. It helps to remember non-semantic information, due to processing into images and associative links. Mnemotechnical memorization is based on the life experience gained, translating the text into images familiar to the mind. This method helps to remember a large amount of material that does not carry a semantic load. It can be dates, phone numbers, names, addresses. It helps fight everyday forgetfulness by increasing the possibility of rote remembering what is happening.

  • mechanical memory method.

This method involves memorizing the material. It is considered ineffective and difficult to train, as it can fail at any moment, “falling out” of memory. With age, the ability to rote memorization deteriorates.

memorization techniques

To quickly assimilate the text, different memorization methods are used. One of the most effective methods of thoughtful reading. It is well suited for memorizing large and small volumes. This method is used by actors who, like no one else, need to know how to quickly memorize a text.

  • First, slowly and carefully read the text that needs to be remembered. Better to read it aloud. When reading, it is necessary to understand the main idea of ​​the text, its main plot, so that you can remember it faster.
  • If the amount of material is large, we break it into semantic parts. Each part must be learned separately, finding in them the main words or phrases in meaning. This will help in the future, restore all the text in order.
  • After that, you need to rewrite the entire text, manually. This should be done slowly, delving into the essence of what is written.
  • After everything is rewritten, we retell what we remember. You need to remember the smallest details, based on keywords. If you can’t remember some moment, it’s better not to peep into the records, but try to do it yourself. You can only watch in case of emergency.
  • Further, we rewrite for the second time only what we remembered without prompting.
  • At the last stage, we carefully reread the text again and retell it. It's best to do this before bed.

This memorization method is suitable for learning text verbatim. It will help students, pupils of the school and everyone who needs to know how to learn a large amount of information in a short time. Theater and film actors use this method to remember their roles.

Tricks for quick memorization

There are some more simple but very effective tricks for memorizing the entire text, based on the nuances of how our brain works. For this you need:

  • Highlight the main points in the text with a bright marker;

This will allow you not to be distracted by the extra part of the text. Actors thus highlight their phrases in the script.

  • Sing words or text;

This is a non-standard memorization method. Having sung the material, he will better get into memory and it can be remembered faster.

  • You need to read until the meaning becomes completely clear;

It is very important to feel the feelings and emotions, if it is fiction, that the characters experience.

  • After reading, ask yourself questions about the content;
  • Read aloud with expression;
  • Write the text with the other hand;

If you are left-handed, write with your right, if you are right-handed, write with your left. This tricky way will make the brain spend more effort on analyzing all the written material.

  • Find a training partner;

Actors rehearse in pairs, it helps in the work. You can also ask a friend to test you on the knowledge of all the material. In a company, learning by heart is more interesting and much easier.

  • Record the text on the voice recorder;

Record the text on a recording device and listen to it during the day, while doing ordinary activities or during a trip. This will help you memorize a voluminous text without being distracted from other things and without wasting extra time.

Memory needs to be constantly trained. Remembering information consists of encoding it and sending it to a special part of the brain for further storage. If information is needed, it is easy to remember. When it is not used for a long time, the brain will remove it as unnecessary. Forgetting is inherent in a person, it happens after a certain time. This is a natural mechanism of the brain and it helps not to overload the brain with unnecessary information, and if it is not used, it disappears from memory over time.

Trying to learn a ton of information or learn a history paragraph before the next lesson? Reading a passage three times before bed, putting a book under your pillow, dancing with a tambourine - all these methods are as popular as they are useless.

How our memory works

Let's start with this very question.

The process of memorizing any information goes through three stages.

  1. First - short term memory. Any data is delayed there for no more than a few minutes.
  2. The data then moves to the second stage - intermediate memory. Here she can linger for a few days or a month.
  3. The third and last stage is long-term memory. The information is always stored there. Even the things we think we have forgotten.

Therefore, in order to use the capabilities of your memory as efficiently as possible, you need to take this into account. Try to immediately translate everything you learn into intermediate memory. And to keep the information with you as long as possible, from time to time revision it and shift it to the departments of long-term memory.

10 ways to remember text

  • Tell someone else.

Retell what you read - and remember it 4 times faster. The likelihood that you will master a large text much faster if you read and retell it to another person is much higher. When you tell something, the neurons in your brain work much more efficiently, and you instantly transfer everything that you have learned to the intermediate department.

  • Work on the principle of 20/5 or 45/15.

Your brain cannot learn something indefinitely - it needs to be given breaks. Try on yourself the practice of teaching for 20 minutes and resting for 5 minutes; or study for 45 minutes and rest for 15. Your brain will get used to such uniform loads and will work as productively as possible, and you can easily learn even the most complex information.

  • Use associative thinking.

What you already know is your best weapon in learning. Draw associations and analogies with the knowledge that is already stored on the shelves of your brain. This will help you not only remember everything quickly, but also then, if necessary, remember much faster.

  • Highlight key points in the text with a marker.

Of course, if the text is in a textbook, this is not necessary. But often, these are printouts, photocopies, with which this method will be just great! I did it myself when I was at university - it helped a lot! Believe me, as soon as you do this, everything unnecessary will disappear and will not interfere, and everything you need will "stick" to your memory and will glow in it as brightly as the marker you worked with! Of course, for this you need to have the skill of finding important supporting thoughts in the text. Practice and you will succeed!

  • Read the text with expression or using different pitches of voice.

In other words, you can just play around pretending to be an actor (unless you're really an actor :-)). Read the text in a whisper, then in a low voice, then in a thin mouse voice ... Change intonations - from joyful tones to sad and melancholy. In general, feel what you are reading! Believe me, sometimes this becomes the only sure way to quickly memorize the text.

  • Don't sit in one place.

Scientists have proven that if, when trying to learn something, you do not just sit at the table over a book, but, for example, walk around the room, then you can learn a text or a poem much faster.
Once we discussed this issue with my student. Her biology teacher noted more than once that during memorization it is best to clean the house, put something in place, or just walk around. But in very rare cases, sit still.

The person who never ceases to amaze me in terms of memory development is Stanislav Matveev. He got into the Guinness Book of Records thanks to his methods and perseverance. And now Stanislav shares his knowledge with people, helping them achieve their goals.

  • Learn in the morning.

It doesn't matter if you are the most "lark" of all larks or a seasoned owl, your brain still remembers information best in the morning or when you just woke up. Of course, there are rare exceptions when human biological rhythms are most active at night. But, nevertheless, trying to remember something before going to bed can not only have no effect, but also ruin your sleep.

  • Tired - change the situation.

The main mistake of many is to try to teach without any rest. I remember myself during the sessions. I allocated myself two hours to study in the morning, then I went to training. She returned home and taught for another 2 hours. I constantly diluted my study hours with other classes. And I have always been surprised by the people who, during session did not see friends, did not go anywhere for a walk, but simply closed in the house. Therefore, my friendly advice to you is to change the situation and give yourself a rest.

  • Use the possibilities of your brain.

You probably know how you get the best memory. If it’s enough for you to listen to a lecture so that you can retell everything without hesitation, you definitely have a type of memorization based on perception audio information.

For example, I absorb information best if I write it down. It's hard for me to remember something. When I was studying at the university, I wrote notes, and I made all important notes in writing. When I had to remember something during the exam, my notes instantly popped up before my eyes.

Therefore, use your strengths in memorization. Let it sometimes take a little longer, but you will be sure of the result.

  • In any incomprehensible situation - go to bed.

If nothing comes to mind, go to bed. When you sleep, all the information that enters your brain, let's say, is laid out on the shelves of the long-term department. And in general, never try to learn anything without getting enough sleep. At this moment, your brain is busy only keeping you awake, and there simply aren’t enough resources to remember something.

At the moment, there are many methods, techniques and a wide variety of books to develop your memory and be able to memorize tons of information. You can watch videos or read books to develop your memory skills. Memory is like a muscle - you just need to practice a lot.

A great way for regular memory training that I recently discovered for myself is the online service " Brain Fitness". I spoke in detail about him and our successes with my daughter.

Here, my dear, are the main ways you can easily memorize large text. But I can say one thing: all this works individually for each person. I advise you to try and analyze what you do best.

Share in the comments which learning methods you use and how they help you. And for the curious, there is my mailing list, where I constantly share interesting and useful information regarding any aspect of the English language.

Subscribe and be fully equipped.

school stage

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

2014/2015 academic year

All types of tests are conducted separately among students of different sexes and in the following three age groups:

1 group - 5-6 classes (boys, girls);

Group 2 - 7-8 classes (boys, girls);

3 group - 9-11 classes (boys, girls).

1. Theoretical and methodological tour conducted in all age groups on test questions. The duration of the test for all age groups is 20 minutes. Held on the first day.

Tasks in a closed form are evaluated at 1 point.

Items with more than one correct answer are scored on:

1 point if all "correct" answers are indicated;

0.5 points if not all "correct" answers are indicated;

0 points if, along with "correct" answers, "incorrect" answers are marked.

Tasks in an open form. “Correct” statements are worth 2 points.

Tasks involving a graphic image. Each "correct" image is worth 0.3 points.

A fully completed task is estimated at - 3 points.

The final grade is represented by the sum of the scores for the assessment of completed tasks:

Tasks in a closed form - 13 points

Task in an open form - 2 points

Graphic task - 3 points

The maximum possible amount is 18 points

2. Practical tour. Practical tests consist mainly in performing exercises of the basic part of the school exemplary program in the subject "Physical Education". The number of practical tests at the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad is three: on the first day - cross-country, on the second day - gymnastics and basketball (if possible).

Winners and winners of the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren are determined by the results of the points scored for completing all types of tasks in all rounds.

Points are awarded in accordance with the place (rank) occupied by the participant based on the results of individual tests. The final result of each participant is calculated as the sum of points (ranks) scored by him for completing each task - the lower the amount, the higher the result.

In case of equality of the results of several participants in the performance of individual tasks, they are awarded the number of points, which is the arithmetic average of the sum of the places taken.

The results of the Olympiad should be determined separately among girls / girls and boys / boys in each age category. The final results of the participants are recorded in the final table, which is a ranked list of participants arranged as their scores increase. Participants with the same score are listed in alphabetical order.

Instructions for completing tasks

You are offered tasks that meet the requirements for the level of knowledge of students of secondary schools in the subject "Physical Education".

Tasks are grouped into 3 groups:

1. Tasks in a closed form , that is, with the proposed answers. Tasks

are presented in the form of unfinished statements, which, when completed, may turn out to be either true or false.

When completing these tasks, you must choose the correct completion from the options offered. Among them are both correct and incorrect completions, as well as partially corresponding to the meaning of the statements. The correct one is the one that most fully corresponds to the meaning of the statement.

A number of tasks are evaluated if all test options are marked. This condition is specified in the task: "mark all positions."

The selected options are marked (circle the number of the answer) in the task form.

Read the questions and the suggested answers carefully. Try not to guess, but logically justify your choice. Skip unfamiliar tasks. This will save time for other tasks. You can return to the missed task later.

2. Tasks in an open form , that is, without the proposed answers.

When completing this task, you must independently choose a definition that, completing the statement, forms a true statement. Enter the selected definition in the appropriate column of the answer sheet.

3. Task in the form of a graphic image starting positions for performing physical exercises.

Drawings are made in the form. Recordings must be legible. The jury evaluates each position submitted by you.

Control the execution time of the task.

The time for completing tasks is 20 minutes.

A set of Olympiad tasks for the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

in the subject "Physical culture"

theoretical tour. 5-6 Class

1. Point out fair statements

a.By doing physical education, any of you can become strong, fast,

dexterous and courageous.

b.Passion for physical culture will allow many of you to become


in.Anyone involved in physical education can become famous


G.With regular exercise, everyone can learn to run fast,

good at swimming, skiing, confident with the ball.

2. Choose an appropriate sequence of exercises for morning exercises.

1. Jumping and slow walking with breathing exercises.

2. Walking with acceleration, turning into a run.

3. Breathing exercises.

4. Sipping, shaking arms and legs

6. Exercises for leg muscles.

7. Exercises for the muscles of the back

8. Exercises for the muscles of the arms and neck.

9. Flexibility exercises.

10. Exercises for the muscles of the abdomen and torso.

a.4, 9, 8, 1, 7, 5, 6, 10, 2, 3.

b.1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 6, 3.

in.4, 5, 2, 3, 8, 7, 9, 10, 6, 1.

G.9, 2, 4, 7, 6, 5, 10, 3, 8, 1.

3. To go faster, you need to increase ...

a.... the length of the steps.

b.… cadence.

in.... the length and frequency of steps.

4. If you lie on your stomach, bend your arms at the elbows at chest level, lean on the floor and raise your torso, then you will take a position designated as ...

5. To learn how to swim, you must, first of all, ...

a.... do not swim with a runny nose and cough.

b.... lie down on the water and hold your breath.

in.... douche with water in the morning.

G.… to learn how to exhale into the water.

6. The first competitions began to be held in order to ...

a.… the strongest became the head of the tribe.

b.… the young could prove that they were ready for adulthood.

in.…to reveal the best hunter, warrior.

G.All versions are plausible.

7. Select the appropriate sequence of application of water hardening methods:

1. Bathing in reservoirs.

2. Pouring.

3. Rubbing.

4. Taking a contrast shower.

a. 2, 4, 1, 3.

b. 3, 2, 4, 1.

in. 4, 1, 2, 3.

G. 1, 3, 2, 4.

8. The reason for the violation of posture is ...

a.... wrong posture at the table.

b....sleep in a soft bed with a high pillow.

in.…walking with your head down.

G.... muscle weakness.

9. The physical load of exercise, characterized by an increase in frequency

heart rate up to 130 - 150 beats per minute is estimated as ...

a.… easy.


in.... big.

G.…very big.

10. Pentathlon in the program of the ancient Olympic Games included competitions in ...

a....fisticuffs d.... long jump,

b.... running e.... archery,

in.... horse riding, and.... javelin throwing,

G....fight, h.... discus throw,

11. The term "Olympics" in ancient times meant ...

a.... a collection of athletes in one policy.

b.… a four-year period.

in.… the year of the Olympic Games.

G.... Olympic competitions.

12. Strength exercises are used to educate ...

a.... strength.

b.…you were fast.


G.… flexibility.

Mark all items.

13. Exercise has a positive effect on

mental development. With this statement

a. ... agree (agree).

b. …disagree (disagree).

14. Compliance with the daily routine contributes to ...

a. … the correct distribution of time.

b. ... the formation of willpower.

in. ... alternating mental and physical work.

d. ... the exclusion of negative emotions.

15. In order to remember and subsequently independently perform sets of exercises, their content is recorded in the form of pictograms. Draw images of starting positions:

Main rack

Hand stance to the side



Sit legs apart

Sit back with support on hands

You have completed the task. Congratulations!

theoretical tour. 5-6 class (answers)

1. a, b, d.

2. in

3. b

4. emphasis lying

5. g

6. g

7. b

8. b

9. b

10. b, d, e, g, h

11. b

12. a, b, c, d

13. a

14. b

15. Pictograms:

Description Image

Main rack

Hand stance to the side

Stand hands on the belt, legs apart



Sit legs apart

Sit back with support on hands

Practical tour. 5-6 GRADES


The judges evaluate the quality of the exercise performance in comparison with the ideally possible execution.

The maximum possible score for performing exercises on each type of test is 1 0,0 points.



Acrobatic exercise

I.p. – o.s. Points

1. emphasis crouching, 2 somersaults forward together………………………………… 3.0

2. Lie down and, raising the torso, lean forward, arms up (indicate) and roll back to stand on the shoulder blades (hold) ..............

3. Roll forward at close range crouching……………………………………… 1.5

4. Somersault back at close range crouching………………………………………. 2.0

5. Somersault forward and jump upward bending…………………….. 2.0


Acrobatic exercise

I.p. – o.s. Points

1. Two somersaults forward at point-blank range, crouching and standing up, hands


2. Get down into the “bridge”…………………………………………………… 3.5

3. Lie down, stand on the shoulder blades…………………………………………… 2.0

4. Roll forward point-blank crouching and jump up bending legs





Tests in this sport are carried out at a distance of 500m.


Boys, Girls

The competitive test consists in performing a technical and tactical combination of playing basketball.

The participant starts dribbling from the end line of the field to the right of the backboard, circles the central circle counterclockwise, continues dribbling to the opposite penalty area, where, after two steps, they throw, pick up the pocketed ball and perform the same task with the attack of another ring.

The time of the exercise is fixed. Throwing the ball into both rings continues until it hits.

For each fact of violation of the rules of basketball (jogging, carrying the ball, double dribbling), penalty seconds (5 seconds) are added to the task completion time.

9. Preparatory exercises are used if ...

a) ... the student is not physically developed enough;

c) ... it is necessary to eliminate the causes of errors;

10. Which of the proposed definitions are formulated incorrectly?

a) strength is manifested in the ability to overcome resistance through

muscle tension;

b) explosive power determines the ability to reach maximum

the level of muscle tension in the minimum time;

c) speed is a quality on which the

running speed;

d) the level of manifestation of general endurance is determined by aerobic

body's capabilities.

11. When doing exercises, inhalation should not be done during ...

a) ... back bending of the body;

b) ... crossing arms;

c) ... rotations of the body;

d) ... spreading the arms to the sides.

Mark all items.

12. When shaping the physique, exercises that contribute to ...

a) ... an increase in muscle mass;

b) ... to increase the speed of movements;

c) ... to reduce body weight;

d) ... the formation of correct posture.

13. Arrange swimming styles in order of increasing speed in the water.

1. On the back. 2. Breaststroke. 3. Butterfly. 4. Crawl.

a) 1, 2, 3, 4; c) 4, 1, 3, 2;

b) 4, 3, 1, 2; d) 4, 2, 1, 3.

14. The technique by which a basketball player takes possession of the ball is designated as ...

15. In order to remember and subsequently independently perform sets of exercises, their content is recorded in the form of pictograms. Draw images of movements:


Tilts to the side.

Leaning forward.

Body twists.

Swing right foot to the right.

Swing back with the right foot.

9th-11th grades

Instructions for completing tasks

You are offered tasks that meet the requirements for the level of knowledge of students of general education schools in the subject "Physical Education".

Tasks are grouped into 4 groups:

1. Tasks in a closed form, that is, with the suggested answers. Assignments are presented in the form of unfinished statements, which, when completed, can be either true or false. When completing these tasks, you must choose the correct completion from the options offered. Among them are both correct and incorrect completions, as well as partially corresponding to the meaning of the statements. The correct one is the one that most fully corresponds to the meaning of the statement.

A number of tasks are evaluated if all test options are marked. This condition is specified in the task: "mark all positions".

The selected options are marked by crossing out the corresponding box in the answer sheet: “a”, “b”, “c” or “d” (Appendix 7.8).

Read the questions and the suggested answers carefully. Try not to guess, but logically justify your choice. Skip unfamiliar tasks. This will save time for other tasks. Later you can return to the missed task.

1 point. Items with multiple possible answers are worth 0.5 points if not all options are indicated, or 0 points if the wrong position is indicated.

2. Tasks in an open form, that is, without the proposed answers. When completing this task, you must independently choose a definition that, completing the statement, forms a true statement. Enter the selected definition in the appropriate column of the answer sheet.

Correctly completed tasks of this group are evaluated in 2 points.

3. Tasks in a form that involves listing the indicators and characteristics known to you. Entries must be legible. The jury evaluates each position submitted by you.

3 points.

4. Task in a form that involves a graphical representation of movements that make up the complex of morning exercises. The drawings are made in the answer sheet.

Entries must be legible. The jury evaluates each position submitted by you.

Fully completed tasks of this group are evaluated in 3 points.

Control the execution time of the task.

The full completion of the third group of tasks will require more time.

The time for completing tasks is 20 minutes.

Be careful when taking notes on the answer sheet. Corrections and erasures are scored as an incorrect answer.

Fill out the questionnaire in the answer form: write your last name, first name, patronymic, name of the subject of the Federation, city, school and class that you represent.

1. Instructions for the test to me ...

a) understandable; c) is not fully understood;

b) is understandable in part; d) is not clear.

2. Would you like to ask questions to clarify the task?

a) yes; b) no; c) I don't know d) Yes, but I'm shy.


1. The basis of physical culture is human activity aimed at ...

a) ... change in the environment;

b) ... adaptation to environmental conditions;

c) ... education of physical qualities;

d) ... transformation of one's own capabilities.

2. Physical training is ...

a) ... the process of improving health and increasing motor capabilities;

b) ... physical education with a pronounced applied effect;

c) ... the level of development, characterized by high efficiency;

d) ... the process of teaching movements and educating physical qualities.

3. Which of the presented definitions are formulated incorrectly?

a) ... Physical perfection is the optimal measure of a comprehensive

physical fitness that meets the requirements of society;

b) ... Physically perfect can be recognized as a person, physical

the state of which allows you to implement the functions necessary for society;

c) ...Physical perfection is a process of changing the properties of an organism

throughout an individual's life;

d) ...Physical perfection - a state of optimal readiness,

leading to the achievement of high sports results.

Mark all items.

4. Violations of posture cause ...

a) ... power asymmetry;

b) ... the impossibility of playing sports;

c) ... a lot of sweating;

d) ... changes in the functioning of body systems.

5. The load of physical exercises is characterized by…

a) ... the magnitude of their impact on the body;

b) ... readiness and other characteristics of those involved;

c) ... time and number of repetitions of motor actions;

d) ... tension of muscle groups.

6. Lead-up exercises are used if ...

a) ... the student is not sufficiently developed;

b) ... there are no supporting elements in the motor fund;

c) ... it is necessary to eliminate emerging errors;

d) ... the method of a holistic analytical exercise is applied.

7. In the process of mastering movements, it is customary to single out ..

a) ... two stages;

b) ... three stages;

c) ... four stages;

d) ... from two to four, depending on the complexity of the movements.

8. A healthy lifestyle is a way of life aimed at ...

a) ... maintaining high performance of people;

b) ... preparation for professional activities;

c) ... the development of the physical qualities of people;

d) ...preservation and improvement of people's health.

9. Bending the supporting leg before pushing off in skiing is referred to as ...

10. The ancient Olympic Games were held…

a) ... during the first year of the celebrated Olympiad;

b) ... during the last year of the celebrated Olympiad;

c) ... in a leap year;

d) ... by the decision of the priests.

11. In what sports did outstanding Russian coaches prepare world and Olympic champions? 1. Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova. 2. Irina Aleksandrovna Viner.3. Viktor Mikhailovich Kuznetsov.4. Nikolai Vasilyevich Karpol.

a) volleyball

b) rhythmic gymnastics;

c) Greco-Roman wrestling;

d) figure skating.

12. Present the sequence of style changes provided for by the rules of swimming competitions when overcoming the stages of the combined relay race.

1. Freestyle. 2. Breaststroke. 3. On the back. 4. Butterfly.

a) 3, 2, 1, 4; c) 3, 2, 4, 1;

b) 4, 3, 2, 1 d) 3, 4, 2, 1.

13. Successive pushes of a basketball into the court without delay is indicated as ....

14. List the indicators of the level of physical development known to you.

15. In order to remember and subsequently independently perform sets of exercises, their content is recorded in the form of pictograms.

Write down graphically the complex of morning exercises No. 1:

I.p. – o.s. 1 - hands up, rise on toes, inhale; 2 - return to SP, exhale.

I.p. – o.s. 1-4 - walking, bending the legs forward.

I.p. - stand legs apart, arms forward. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - return to sp.

I.p. - stand legs apart, arms to the sides.

1 - tilt forward, touch the toe of the left leg with the right hand, left hand back.

2 - straighten up in the sp.

I.p. - Focus on your knees. 1 - right back; 2 - attach the right one.

I.p. - sit. 1 - raise the right, clap your hands under the knee; 2 - attach the right one.

I.p. - handstand on the belt. 1 - jump legs apart; 2 - jump legs together.

I.p. – o.s. 1-4 - walking in place.


They consist in performing the exercises of the basic part of the Exemplary Physical Education Program in sections: "gymnastics", "athletics".


Tests are carried out in the form of a mandatory acrobatic exercise.

If the participant changed the order of the elements in the acrobatic combination, missed one of them or made a mistake that led to the failure of the element, his score is reduced by the cost indicated in the program.

The judges evaluate the quality of the exercise performance in comparison with the ideally possible execution. The maximum possible final score is 10.0 points.

The exercise should have a clearly defined beginning and end, be performed smoothly, dynamically, without unjustified pauses.

Participants are allowed only one attempt to complete the exercise.


girls in grades 5-6

I.p. - main rack

girls of 7-8 grades

I.p. - main rack

Balance on the left (right), arms to the sides (hold)

Emphasis crouching and two somersaults forward into a gray, arms up

Tilt forward and roll back shoulder stand (hold)

Lie down, “bridge” (hold), turn point-blank while standing on the right knee, the other back, with a swing of the left (right) emphasis crouching

Roll back, o.s.

girls of 9-11 grades

I.p. - main rack

Balance on the left (right), arms to the sides (hold)

Two somersaults forward into a sitting position, with a forward bend, arms forward

Straightening up, sitting at an angle, arms to the sides

Lie down, "bridge" (hold), turn around point-blank crouching

Stand up, step one and swing the other, flip to the side, o.s.

boys 5 - 6 -x classes

I.p. - main rack

Balance on the left (right), arms to the sides (hold)

Emphasis crouching, somersault forward point-blank crouching

Somersault forward into a sitting position, arms up

Tilt forward and roll back stand on the shoulder blades (hold), roll forward emphasis crouching

Somersault back at point-blank crouching, o.s.

boys of 7-8 grades

I.p. - main rack

Balance on the left (right), arms to the sides (hold)

Emphasis crouching, somersault forward

Headstand and handstand, legs bent (hold)

Go down at point-blank crouching, somersault back at point-blank standing bent over, legs apart

Straightening o.s., half-squat and a long somersault forward, jump up bending, o.s.

boys of 9-11 grades

I.p. - main rack

Balance on the left (right), arms to the sides (hold), o.s.

2-3 steps, forward somersault with a jump

Force headstand and handstand (hold)

Go down at point-blank crouching, somersault back at point-blank range while standing bent

2.0 school stage olympiads on physical culture in 2014 /2015 educational year. School stage is the first qualifying stage All-Russian olympiads schoolchildren on subject " Physical culture". On this stage in Olympics can...

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