
What name will Evelina have? Meaning of the female name Evelina. What fate awaits Evelina

The interpretation of Evelina's estate has three meanings. According to the first version, the name is of Hebrew origin and is translated as “life force.” According to the second version, this is a derived form from the French name Eveline (“hazelnut”), which, in turn, is a derivative of the Hebrew name Eve.

And in the third interpretation, the meaning of the name Evelina is translated as “breath”, since its origin can be correlated with the English name Aveline, derived from the Hebrew Abel.

    Planet: Jupiter, Moon.

    Talisman stone: Emerald, Jasper, Black Opal.

    Element: Water.


To understand what the name Evelina means, you need to watch the little girl as a child. Even then, she begins to show skillful deceit, trying to avoid punishment or achieve what she wants. Masterfully using the acting talents inherent in nature, he manipulates his parents, often showing cunning and resourcefulness.

Adult Evelina is an actress in life. Everything around her is just a big stage where she is the main actress and heroine. Evelina easily plays different roles, easily transforms into different “characters”. Willpower and strength of character are practically absent in the interpretation of the meaning of the name Evelina, which, however, does not in any way prevent the girl from enjoying life to the fullest.

Evelina always strives to be flawless, ideal, perfect in everything! She perceives the slightest physical defects very painfully and is ready to “move mountains” to achieve ideal parameters.

Analyzing further what the name Evelina means, we can conclude that this woman’s mental development is quite average, although no one would dare to call her stupid. She is demonstrative, expressive and calculating, knows how to adapt to any situation and use the people she needs.

Despite some shortcomings, Evelina never gossips, knows how to make friends, is sociable, generous and has a light, cheerful disposition.

Evelinas born in winter are reasonable, hardworking women, somewhat gloomy and envious, but surprisingly gentle.

If a girl was born in the spring, the secret of the name Evelina is revealed through her easy disposition, constant fun, sociability and responsiveness, coupled with intelligence, prudence, and selfishness.

Summer Evelinas have amazing intuition. They show tremendous willpower in achieving the desired goal, they are selfish and energetic.

Autumn Evelinas are classic introverts who tend to withdraw into themselves and not openly show their feelings.


Those who hold the secret name Evelina are very lucky, since their beauty and natural charm persist into old age. As a rule, they do not complain about their health, and all they need is timely prevention of diseases, good nutrition, proper rest after work and, most importantly, harmonious relationships with loved ones.

Study, career, hobbies

The Evelinas are exemplary students. They are attracted to professions where they can show their acting talent, where they need to give their all, where there is no shortage of communication. They like working with small children or people in need of care, so such women become excellent doctors, psychologists, translators, managers, educators, nurses, orderlies, teachers, etc.

When raising Evelina, you need to show gentleness and tolerance. However, since girls can get anything from their parents with their charm, sometimes tears, and “sincere” acting, you should not follow their lead, so as not to raise a spoiled and capricious woman.

It is advisable from childhood to find for little Evelina that type of creativity that will become the determining guide for her spiritual development and future destiny.

Famous Evelinas

Evelina Bledans - Russian actress; Evelyn Hall - English writer; Evelyn Thomas - French TV presenter; Evelina Ganskaya - aristocrat, wife of Honore de Balzac; Evelina Santangelo - Italian writer; Dame Evelyn Elizabeth Anne Glennie DBE – composer, Scottish percussionist; Evelina Sashenko - Lithuanian jazz singer; Evelina Khromchenko – television journalist and writer; Evelina Sakuro is a Russian and Belarusian actress.

Do our names have any meaning? Do they influence the character and destiny of a person?

And what is their origin? We talk about this and much more in our articles. And today the topic is: what does the name Evelina mean?

Its origin is connected with several versions. According to the first of them, the name Evelina appeared somewhere in France and translated means “hazelnut” or “hard nut.” The second option suggests that the origin of Eva (short for Evelina) comes from the Hebrew name, which also has its own meaning, namely “life force”. The meaning of the name Evelina in this version is the same.

The third option suggests that its origin is connected with the Breton name Aileen, which came from the name Abel. It is Old Hebrew and translated means “breath.”

If we turn to the church aspect, then in the Orthodox faith the name Evelina does not exist, which means that at baptism the child will be called by some other name. Accordingly, Eva does not have a name day. For example, at baptism, Eva or Lina would be an excellent option for a girl, and they are also a shortened version of Evelina. But the church name given at baptism, in this case, will necessarily differ from the worldly one.

What abbreviated versions does the name Evelina have? This:

  • Eva, Elya, Evi.
  • Lina, Ava.
  • Velya, Vala.

Wikipedia identifies such famous women with this name: Evelina Khromchenko, Evelina Bledans, Evelina Sashenko, Evelina Zimmerman and others.

How do you characterize a girl?

Evelina's girls have been noticeable since childhood: they are very emotional, but at the same time obedient and affectionate. Thanks to these qualities, the daughter easily manipulates her parents and often avoids punishment for wrongdoing, so they should be stricter so as not to spoil the child’s character in the future. Lina makes new acquaintances quite easily and has many friends.

The girl’s studies are easy, she is very inquisitive and drawn to science. He does not achieve grades from teachers with the help of charm, but achieves success through his own intelligence and efforts. Curiosity helps her with this. He also enjoys authority among his classmates.

I am used to solving my problems on my own, without resorting to the help of adults. For this child, attending various clubs and sports sections is very important: despite the calmness that characterizes her, Eva is very energetic and active. She doesn’t always finish what she starts, but Evelina doesn’t attach any importance to this, and easily finds a new hobby.

At a young age, Eva is very active and shows extreme willpower. Sometimes from the outside it seems that all achievements are easy for her. Her character is such that she expresses her opinion very emotionally. But at the same time, the grudge does not hold in the soul for a long time and quickly cools down. The name Evelina gives the girl the ability to analyze the outcome of a situation, anticipating its outcome.

As for work, Eva is able to fully realize herself in areas related to people: social, pedagogical and medical. Moreover, she treats her professional duties with particular enthusiasm, devoting herself entirely and completely, without reserve. That's how her character works.

The meaning of the name Evelina also characterizes its owner as a good mother. She puts maximum attention and effort into raising children, which is worthy of all respect, but at the same time she should not forget about herself and her self-expression. The aspect of self-realization is very important for Eva, otherwise she may face prolonged depression.

Having chosen her betrothed, Evelina admires him, extolling him. But sometimes she doesn’t miss the opportunity to command him, and she does it well - especially when the girl has thoughts that he did not live up to her expectations.

The main quality that a girl named Evelina lacks is endurance. Working on yourself is very important here. She needs to learn to be more patient with the statements and actions of others, this will help eliminate a lot of misunderstandings with family, friends and relatives. Then her fate will be happier.

Elya is wary of close relationships with male representatives. She needs some time to establish contact. A girl will agree to sex only after a sufficiently long conversation. But if it is decided, then the first place is not the intimate relationship itself, but common interests. She clearly understands that it is common interests that will be able to create those points of contact that will unite partners and will be able to nullify many conflicts in the future.

The main quality that her character possesses is the ability to please people and find a common language with others. Evelina attaches considerable importance to this. She lives like an actress playing in a cult film; it is not difficult for her to change masks one after another. Without a core and a clear position, Elya knows how to manage people and easily achieve her goals.

Men with the names Konstantin, Andrey and Vladimir are able to do everything to make Evelina’s fate happy. In addition, fate with Boris has a chance to turn out great. Author: Natalia Chernikova

Meaning of the name Evelina: This name for a girl means “vitality”, “life force”.

Origin of the name Evelina: Hebrew.

Diminutive form of name: Eva, Elya, Lina.

What does the name Evelina mean: Emotionality. Eva is vulnerable even as an adult; she early understands that she can manipulate people and happily uses her touching image to achieve her goals. She Evelina can become an actress, dancer, fashion model or singer. This girl will marry a strong, confident man who you can rely on.

Angel Day and patron saints named: the name Evelina does not mark the name day, since it is not included in the list of Catholic and Orthodox calendars.


  • Zodiac – Pisces
  • Planet – Jupiter
  • Evelina's color is sea green
  • Auspicious tree - willow
  • Treasured plant - mimosa
  • Patron – pelican
  • Talisman stone – emerald

Characteristics of the name Evelina

Positive features: The owner of this name is cheerful, talkative and curious, uncontrollably striving for her goal, but if the goal disappears, she just as quickly finds a new one.

Negative features: A girl with this name is very excitable and reacts with alarming speed to both bad and good.

Character of the name Evelina: What character traits does the meaning of the name Evelina determine? Eva needs communication like air. The name Evelina gives a thirst for activity. For complete happiness, she needs great success, and acute intuition helps her in many ways.

Evelina's characteristic traits are sociability and charm. As a rule, Eva is unusually attractive, a little talkative, curious and overly emotional. At the same time, the girl is purposeful enough to achieve what she wants on her own.

A woman named Evelina makes new acquaintances very easily and easily finds a common language with any interlocutor. She has many girlfriends and friends, it is easy and pleasant to communicate with her, you can always count on her active help, sympathy and sincere participation. Eva will share her experience or financially support anyone who needs it. Pets are of particular importance to her; as a rule, she has several of them.

Women are usually very pretty and retain their attractiveness and charm into old age.

When communicating with Evelina, you should not discuss with her your acquaintances, and, indeed, strangers. Eva does not tolerate gossip and never slander.

Evelina and her personal life

Compatibility with male names: A marriage of a name with Dmitry, Vladimir, Fedor, Alexander, Andrey, Peter, Konstantin will be reliable. The name Evelina can also be combined with Egor or Maxim.

With Anton, Igor, Boris, Yuri, Alexei, Nikolai or Leonid, Evelina’s marriage will most likely be unsuccessful.

Love and marriage: A girl with this name has the invaluable quality of easily coping with everyday problems and not focusing on failures, so her family life will be very harmonious. She Evelina gets married early and makes a good choice. As a rule, the husband is calm and reliable, capable of taking care of both the material well-being and mental balance of his wife. This girl will always feel loved by her husband and children and, of course, mutually.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Among Evelyn there are teachers, literary critics, psychologists, translators, managers, administrators and musicians. A highly developed intuition helps her achieve her goal. Eva is characterized by ease and the ability not to make a tragedy out of the temporary difficulties that most people face.

Business and career: Thanks to their perseverance and optimism, people named Evelina can achieve significant success in life. Moreover, it is not a fact that this will be recognition, fame or a high position, because happiness and success are not necessarily interdependent components. For her, the level of professional skill is of particular importance, at which her work will always be in demand and well paid.

Evelina's fate in history

What does the name Evelina mean for a woman’s destiny?

  1. Evelina Bystritskaya is one of the most interesting and beautiful actresses of Soviet cinema. In 1953, she graduated from the acting department of the Kyiv Institute of Theater Arts; She played at the Vilnius Russian Theater, then at the Maly Theater. In the films "Peaceful Days" and "The Unfinished Tale" Bystritskaya remained almost unnoticed, but the role of Aksinya in S. Gerasimov's trilogy "Quiet Don" (based on the novel by M. Sholokhov) became a triumph for the actress, who brilliantly conveyed the passion of character, strength of feelings, poetic spirituality beauties Aksinya. Evelina Bystritskaya’s next success in cinema is Lelka in the film “Volunteers”. These two roles were the pinnacle of Elina Bystritskaya’s creativity as a film actress.
  2. Evelina Bledans (born 1969) is a Russian actress.
  3. Evelina Hall, Evelyn Hall (1868 - 1935 - English writer.
  4. Evelyn Waugh (1903 - 1966) - English writer.
  5. Evelina Thomas (born 1964) is a French TV presenter.
  6. Evelina Hanska (1801 - 1882) - Polish aristocrat, wife of Honore de Balzac.
  7. Evelina Santangelo (born 1965) is an Italian writer.
  8. Evelina Ganskaya (1801 - 1882) - née - Countess Rzhevusskaya; Polish landowner and Russian subject, wife of Honore de Balzac. Daughter of Adam Stanislavovich Rzhevusky.
  9. Dame Evelina Elizabeth Anne Glennie DBE - (born 1965) Scottish percussionist and composer.
  10. Evelina Sashenko is a Lithuanian jazz singer of Polish origin. In Lithuania she gained fame as a participant in many television projects.
  11. Evelina Khromchenko is a journalist, TV presenter and writer. Currently, she is the international editorial director of Les Editions Jalou Paris; for 13 years she served as editor-in-chief and creative director of the Russian version of the magazine L

Since childhood, the meaning of the name Evelina presupposes the activity and activity of its bearer, which, being just a baby, she copes with to the fullest. A little shy, very curious Evelinochka attracts the admiring glances of adults and children. Her unusualness, such a clear difference from other children, sets her apart from many of her peers.

At school, the girl studies diligently, giving her parents virtually no reason to be upset. Likes to attend school clubs, theaters, and sports clubs. Despite her modesty and calm nature, participation in such events remains important for the girl and she attaches great importance to them.

In her youth, the meaning of the name Evelina slightly changes its course, endowing the young lady with iron willpower and incredible activity. Sometimes it seems that the girl does everything with ease and enviable productivity. The excitable nature of the young lady, combined with an instant reaction, is an explosive mixture.

The girl expresses negative emotions violently, but quickly cools down. Endowed with incredible stubbornness, paying little attention to failures, she prefers not to get hung up, but to go further along the intended path.

The young lady prefers not to stand out from the crowd, giving other young ladies a chance to prove themselves. She has an analytical mind, namely, the girl tends to attach importance to small details and see the whole picture very blurry.

A girl can easily be offended, hurt and touch the innermost strings of her soul. However, she will easily stand up for someone, thereby trying to justify or defend herself. Easily becomes attached to people and reacts very painfully to betrayal or betrayal. The circle of friends is very narrow, carefully selected and triple checked.

The young lady's moral principles are at a very high level, her innate sense of decency is manifested in all its glory in the most difficult and turning points of life. Sometimes such morality prevents a girl from perceiving the information she needs, but often this state of affairs only gives the young lady mystery and uniqueness.


The owner of the unusual female name Evelina attaches great importance to sexual relationships. He is slightly wary of partners, which means that only after some time allotted for communication can he trust and surrender to him. It is very rare, it is almost impossible to persuade a girl to have an intimate relationship immediately after meeting her.

He considers mutual understanding and common interests to be the main thing in a relationship, which will warm up and bring the couple closer together in times of minor misfortunes (crises) in the relationship.

The young lady has heightened sensuality; foreplay is of far from secondary importance for her. He loves to give pleasure and receive in return.


The meaning of the name Evelina in the family has an extraordinary interpretation of the owner’s character traits. The woman loves children. This means that she is ready to give them all of herself, but in addition to this, the young lady needs to look for ways to express herself, otherwise constantly staying at home with the children can cause attacks of depression.

She reveres her husband, considering him the best young man in the world, and is very stingy with praise, but if she says this, it means that the man managed to exceed all the expectations of the young woman. However, she often expresses impulses and a desire to command her betrothed, which in some cases she does excellently.

In order for a girl to feel great, she needs to be given a little freedom from everyday worries, or she can turn from a loving, calm and balanced housewife into a rabid vixen, unable to control her emotions and statements.

Business and career

The interpretation of the meaning of the name Evelina in business has its own characteristics. The girl takes her obligations very seriously, which means that if she has promised, she will do everything possible to keep her word, even if she has to act to her detriment.

She knows how to win over, but only when she is willing to make contact. In other cases, she is a pure introvert who does not allow into her world those people who do not inspire much trust in the girl.

He has a well-developed intuition, capable of “sensing” a catch at a distance or uncovering a conspiracy. Efficiency and the ability to give all the best “to the fullest” characterize a woman as an excellent hard worker, capable of pulling a team on her own for a very long time.

Origin of the name Evelina

In the history of the origin of the name Evelina, there are several versions of its origin. The first guess as to where this name came from is that it takes its roots from the Hebrew name “Eve,” which means “giver of life,” “life force.”

The second assumption regarding the origin is French roots, the etymological translation of this name is “hazelnut”, “a tough nut to crack”.

There is also a hypothesis that leads into the depths of Celtic culture, where Evelina, whose name is derived from the Irish name Ava - Aife, meaning “beautiful,” is “the goddess who radiates light.”

Characteristics of the name Evelina

Before choosing the right time for a child, new parents should discuss among themselves and clarify the character qualities that should be present in their child.

The name Evelina, like many others, has in its arsenal both pros and cons of character, which can be corrected in the process of raising a little princess.

Among the advantages of character, the following can be highlighted: quick response to external stimuli, activity, willingness to help, an innate sense of decency, high productivity and dedication.

The disadvantages of the character are: excessive emotionality, vulnerability and isolation of a person, which coexist very harmoniously in one person.

The mystery of the name

Access to the girl’s heart will help to reveal the secret of the name Evelina, which will allow you to find out the keys to the heart of a young lady, as well as information on how to use them to win a hard-to-reach woman.

  • Stone – labradorite, jasper, black opal
  • Name days are not celebrated, since Evelina is not in the calendar
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign – Virgo
  • Planet – Moon
  • Color – silver-gray, white, pale green, black, brown

Famous people

  • Evelina Bledans (1969) – Russian theater and film actress, popular TV presenter, singer. The star became popular thanks to the famous project “Masks Show”. At this stage, interest in the person of the TV star is constantly fueled by a child who was not born entirely healthy.
  • Evelina Khromchenko (1971) – TV presenter, journalist and writer. Since 2007, she has been the host of the famous television program “Fashionable Sentence”.
  • Evelina Zakamskaya is a popular TV presenter of information programs on the Vesti TV channel.

Different languages

The translation of the name Evelina in different languages ​​has almost the same sound. Here is how it is translated in the most common languages: in English - Evelina (Evelina), Eveline (Eveline), Evelyn, in French - Éveline, in German - Evelyn, Evelin (Eveline), Eveline, Evelyne, in Spanish and Italian - Evelina, in Finnish - Eveliina (Eveliina).

In Chinese, Evelina is translated as - 埃韦利娜 (Āi wéilìnà), in Japanese - Ketsumi (goddess).

Name forms

  • Diminutive and abbreviated - Evelinka, Eva, Elya, Velya, Vela, Lina, Evinya, Evita.
  • Derivatives – Eve, Ava.
  • Full name: Evelina.
  • Declension – Evelina-Evelina.

The meaning of the name Evelina

Affectionate from Eva, Eva. Vitality (Heb.) "Hazelnut" (Old French) By temperament, Evelina is a choleric person with a difficult character. Secretive, tends to withdraw into herself. Self-confident, calculating. Stands firmly on the ground. She selects her friends carefully and has few of them. She has an innate sense of decency, which is especially pronounced in extreme situations and at turning points in life. He does not strive to communicate, prefers to be in the shadows, but in any society he feels easy and at ease. Achieves professional excellence in medicine, pedagogy, the service sector, public catering and social security. He is in good health. The weak link of the body is the digestive and respiratory systems, the skin. Capable of strong attachments. Sexuality plays a big role in her life. Evelina is the keeper of the hearth. This is a faithful and devoted wife, a caring and affectionate mother. She loves and knows how to cook. Economical, thrifty. Hospitable. An easily injured woman. She solves family problems herself, without putting them on the shoulders of loved ones.

Numerology of the name Evelina

Soul Number: 6.
Those with the name number 6 are calm and sane. Sixes value stability, customs and traditions. For them, honesty and a good name are more important than short-term benefits. They never resort to radical methods of solving problems, preferring the liberal path. “Sixes” are not distinguished by leadership qualities, but they are capable and diligent workers. There are arrogant and self-satisfied “sixes”, but for most of them the main guideline in life is family and a small circle of loyal and devoted friends.

Hidden Spirit Number: 2

Body number: 4


The planet Mars.
Element: Fire, warm-dry.
Zodiac: Aries, Scorpio.
Color: Fiery red, bloody, ferruginous.
Day: Tuesday.
Metal: Iron.
Mineral: Magnetite, jasper, amethyst, Lapp blood.
Plants: Garlic, onion, tobacco, radish, mustard, nettle, asparagus, heather, bean, hot pepper.
Animals: Wolf, rooster, raven, vulture, horse, dog.

The name Evelina as a phrase

E (YE = E) Esi
In Vedi
E Esi (Is, To Be, To Exist)
L People
AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
N Our (Ours, Yours)
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Evelina

E - the ability to see the background of events, the underside of people, good command of the language in speech and writing. Curiosity, sometimes excessive, nosy. The desire to show that one belongs to a “good society”.
B - sociability, connection with life, unity with nature. Creative personality, focused on the future.
E - the need for self-expression, exchange of ideas, the tendency to act as a mediator, insight due to the ability to enter the world of secret forces. Possible talkativeness.
L - subtle perception of beauty, artistic (artistic) talents, desire to share knowledge and sensations with a partner. A warning to its owner not to waste his life, to find his true purpose.
And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
N - a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, interest in health. He is a hard worker, but cannot stand “monkey work.”
A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.