
Penelope Cruz, biography. Celebrity parameters. Celebrity diets From a car mechanic's daughter to a world personality

Penelope Cruz: biography

One of the most beautiful actresses in Hollywood, Spaniard Penélope Cruz, was born in Madrid on April 28, 1974. Penelope Cruz's height and weight, despite her external fragility, are average and are 168 cm and 51 kg, respectively.

“The Spanish Enchantress” began to show her acting abilities from early childhood, delighting her family and friends with the performance of small scenes and commercials. However, Penelope saw her calling in dancing, and as a result, she studied classical ballet for 9 years at the Spanish National Conservatory.

At the age of 15, the girl decided to try herself in acting and auditioned at a young talent agency. Penelope's first works were filming in music videos and TV shows on Spanish television.

A world-famous star, actress Penelope Cruz has gained fame thanks to many films. Among them are “Vanilla Sky”, “Fanfan - Tulip”, “Bandits”, “Pirates of the Caribbean” and many others. Now the actress is 37 years old, and she had a child, becoming a mother in 2011.

Having starred in the film “Greek Labyrinth”, the actress was noticed, and from that moment on, Cruise’s acting career took off; every year three or four films were added to the girl’s professional treasury. By 1997, Penelope Cruz had become a leading actress in Spanish cinema.


The first child of the Spanish actress was born in one of the maternity hospitals in Los Angeles in January 2011. This time Penelope Cruz and Javier became a real family.


According to received information, only a narrow circle of family members of the actors and closest friends were present at the wedding ceremony. According to the beauty star's press secretary from Spain, Amanda Silverman, the bride was wearing a dress created by her old friend, British fashion designer John Galliano.

Penelope and Javier became acquaintances after meeting on the set of the film Ham, Ham in 1992. They remained good friends for 15 long years. The affair became explicit in 2007 during the making of the film Vicky Cristina Barcelona. My father received an Academy Award for his role in the film “Beauty.”

The girl tried several times to take part in English-language cinema, but all attempts until 1999 were unsuccessful. And only after the release of the film “All About My Mother” Penelope Cruz was recognized as an international actress.

This picture was followed by such famous films as “The Woman on Top”, “Cocaine”, “Untamed Hearts”, “Vanilla Sky”, etc.

Penelope Cruz's height and weight played an important role in the actress's acting career; unfortunately, the woman's personal life is not going very well.

    Penelope Cruz, biography

    One of the most beautiful actresses in Hollywood, Spaniard Penélope Cruz, was born in Madrid on April 28, 1974. Penelope Cruz's height and weight, despite her external fragility, are average and are 168 cm and 51 kg, respectively. “The Spanish Enchantress” began to show her acting abilities from early childhood, delighting her family and friends with the performance of small scenes...

Everyone knows Penelope Cruz, the sultry Spanish beauty who captured the hearts of millions of television viewers. The actress not only has a spectacular appearance, but also a slender figure. Therefore, many women's eyes are directed at her with one desire - to find out the secret of the harmony and beauty of the Spaniard, at whose feet many enviable men of Hollywood fell. This is Penelope Cruz, whose figure parameters and diet are of interest to many girls and new mothers.

Penelope Cruz is a famous Spanish woman who received an Oscar. Famous directors are happy to see her in their films, and for others she serves as a muse. Undoubtedly, her external beauty played a big role in her popularity. However, even this actress could not avoid weight problems, and therefore she resorted to special diets. The diet that saved the actress’s figure and the lifestyle of the sultry brunette brought her recognition and love from fans.

From the daughter of an auto mechanic to a world personality

Penelope was born in one of the cities of sunny Spain in the most ordinary family. But her life changed when, while still a teenage girl, Cruz went to New York to study at a dance school. In this city, she tried herself as an actress, receiving her first role in the film “Ham, Ham.”

After which Penelope became convinced that she wanted to be an actress, not a dancer. They began to invite her to act in films, but the actress’s role was the same - the image of a sexy woman.

Penelope made a career as a model, becoming the face of the cover of magazines that had an audience of millions.

Star diet

Penelope Cruz is the type of person who loves to eat delicious food and allows herself to do so. The actress's favorites are French fries, fast food, fried and fatty foods. At the same time, she remains slim, despite her age of 43 years. It's simple. In fact, the actress adheres to proper nutrition, but once a week she allows herself to eat something harmful.

Penelope's favorite diet is Mediterranean. It is based on the principle that all animal fats are replaced by vegetable fats, and only complex carbohydrates are allowed.

So, the list of permitted products includes:

  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • dairy products;
  • eggs;
  • nuts;
  • olive oil as the main source of vegetable fat;
  • legumes, durum wheat pasta, rice and cereals are all necessary complex carbohydrates;
  • seafood and fish.

In addition, carbohydrates in the form of pasta or legumes must be present in the daily diet. Fruits are used as dessert. You can only eat nuts once a day.

As for olive oil, which has become a substitute for animal fat, other vegetable oils can be used instead. It is recommended to exclude salt and replace it with herbs and spices.

Example of a Mediterranean diet for a day

The Mediterranean nutrition system allows you not to feel hungry because it saturates the body well. You can also use fruit or low-fat yogurt as a snack.

Pros of the diet that Penelope follows:

  • The foods included in the diet help improve metabolism and promote slow and proper weight loss.
  • helps maintain female beauty, since the diet includes a large amount of fats containing vitamins A and E.
  • Thanks to all the beneficial properties of the proposed nutrition, women look younger.

Not only does Penelope Cruz eat healthy, she is also a vegetarian and quit smoking several years ago.

Exercise stress

Penelope Cruz studied ballet and other dances since childhood and could become a dancer. She is accustomed to regular physical activity and therefore has beautiful body curves. Currently, the actress has not given up her favorite pastime - dancing, and is also interested in yoga.

Diet and exercise help a woman look impressive in photos and attract other people's attention. Penelope is not afraid to appear in a swimsuit or bikini - there are a large number of photos of the actress from her vacation at sea on the Internet. She has many photo shoots in lingerie, in which the woman’s slender figure is visible.

Penelope Cruz's figure parameters are of interest to many. The actress's height is 163 cm, and her weight varies between 50-53 kg. The measurements of her chest, waist and hips are 94-65-89 cm, respectively.

The actress has good parameters, despite the fact that she became the mother of two children - a son and a daughter. Diet and sports, which have become part of her life, help her stay in this shape.

Penelope Cruz is a famous actress whose appearance and figure attracts many. However, even a popular star has to take care of herself by sticking to a diet. The no longer so young woman looks great and conquers the red carpet, which is a great example of weight loss for most women in the world.

What is the height and weight of singer Nina Shatskaya?

We did not find any information about the height and weight of singer Nina Shatskaya, so we will find out approximate data by comparing photographs with people whose height and weight are known to us.

In the photo on the right is Nina Shatskaya, shod in 9cm heels and next to her stands Andrei Derzhavin with a height of 179cm and shoes adding 2cm. In total, it turns out that Nina Shatskaya, shod in 9cm heels, is higher than 181cm by about 2-3cm. Accordingly, from 184cm we subtract 9cm and we get Nina Shatskaya’s approximate height of 175 cm. Externally, Nina Shatskaya’s weight looks 70-75 kg

Nina Shatskaya's height is 175cm

Weight Nina Shatskaya 70-75kg

What is Irina Nizina's height and weight?

Irina Nizina is a famous Russian theater and film actress, winner of the “Seagull” and “Moscow Debuts” awards. The actress’s greatest fame came from such film works as The New Life of Detective Gurov and The Lawyer. On the Internet, the actress is credited with a height of 174 cm and a weight of 65 kg.

Nobody knows for sure how reliable and accurate the height and weight of Irina Nizina are.

Irina Nizina's height is 174cm

Irina Nizina's weight is 65 kg

What is Nadezhda Obolentseva's height and weight?

Nadezhda Obolentseva was born in Moscow on July 24, 1983 and became best known as a socialite.

There is no information about the height and weight of Nadezhda Obolentseva, so we will roughly estimate the celebrity’s parameters.

In the photo, Nadezhda Obolentseva and Svetlana Bondarchuk are 177 cm tall. Based on the photo, it follows that Nadezhda Obolentseva’s height is about 174-175 cm, and her weight is 59 kg

Nadezhda Obolentseva's height is 174-175cm

Weight Nadezhda Obolentseva 59kg

What is Tatyana Denisova's height and weight?

Tatyana Denisova was born on February 11, 1981 in the Kaliningrad region of the RSFSR. She gained the greatest fame as a Ukrainian choreographer, founder and director of the dance group “JB ballet” in Germany; one of the permanent jury members and choreographer of the Ukrainian television project “Everybody Dance!” , as well as a mentor and choreographer of the Russian show project “Dancing”.

On the Internet, the famous choreographer is credited with a height of 166 cm and a weight of 58 kg. Whether these declared parameters correspond to real data, no one knows in reality

Tatiana Denisova's height is 166cm

Tatyana Denisova's weight is 58 kg

How tall and weight is Anton Makarsky?

Anton Makarsky was born on November 26, 1975 in the city of Penza. The actor gained the greatest popularity and fame thanks to his roles in films such as Smersh, Poor Nastya, as well as numerous roles in theater and cinema.

On the Internet, the famous actor is credited with a height of 177-178 cm and a weight of 79 kg. No one knows how reliable and accurate the stated data is

Anton Makarsky's height is 177-178cm

Anton Makarsky's weight is 79 kg

What is the height and weight of Sergei Kucherov?

Sergey Kucherov was born on August 22, 1989 in the city of Magnitogorsk. He achieved the greatest fame thanks to his sporting successes in the field of bodybuilding and the TV project Dom2

On the Internet, Sergei Kucherov is credited with a height of 178-179 cm and a weight of 88 kg. Whether these stated parameters correspond to reality and reality, no one knows for sure

Sergei Kucherov's height is 178-179cm

Sergei Kucherov's weight is 88-90kg

Over one year old

The success of the “Madonna Madonna” Penelope Cruz is one of those rare stories when the impregnable Hollywood succumbed to the charms of an overseas diva.

Another proof of this is the nominations for the Golden Globe and Oscar for his role in the film Vicky Cristina Barcelona.

Boyfriends and family values

Options: Age: 34 years Height: 164 cm Weight: 50 kg Volumes: chest: 82 cm waist: 57 cm hips: 87 cm

It was not very easy for Penelope Cruz to prove her worth as an actress - she was always suspected of making her way to Hollywood Olympus, relying on her star-studded boyfriends: Tom Cruise, Matthew McConaghy, Orlando Bloom.

This used to make the actress incredibly angry, but in the end she learned to take circumstellar gossip philosophically.

And she persistently diluted them with discussions about family values ​​and the fact that sister Monica, brother Eduardo and parents were much more important to her than lovers.

“My family is the best thing I have,” says Penelope. By the way, about family.

The actress's talent originated in the future star, in addition to the “genetic will” of her parents: her mother is a hairdresser, her father is a car mechanic. However, since childhood, Penelope has used every chance to express herself in public.

The young Spaniard gave an outlet for her energy by performing pas and fouettés at the ballet school. The turn of cinema and fame came, which, however, was not easy for her.

“The most important lesson I have learned in my profession is the ability to say “no.” I've said no to a lot of temptations and I'm glad I did."

For the sake of perfection

“I’ve always been a perfectionist,” admits Penelope. For the sake of one hundred percent results, she is ready to work without sleep or rest, no matter the cost. For example, she completely deformed her figure for the film “Don’t Go.” “How did you decide to do this?” - they will ask her later, and she will answer: “Because that’s what my heroine looks like.”

Filming four films a year requires serious physical and mental investment. Emotionality and passion on screen and in life cost the actress two nervous breakdowns. “I overloaded myself,” Penelope admits. To “end” her stress, she quit smoking, improved her diet and took up meditation.

“Becoming famous because of your appearance is not so difficult, but it is extremely difficult to subsequently establish yourself as a serious actress. Nobody takes you seriously if they first knew you only as a beautiful woman.”

A born flirt

“Everyone says I look sexy. But I have a different opinion on this matter,” says Penelope. She also states that for as long as she can remember, she has been flirtatious with everyone: men, women, children and even pets.

She just likes to look seductive. And, I must say, she succeeds easily. Penelope Cruz does not burden herself too much with counting calories and extra pounds.

“When I work, I have to eat a lot because I need energy,” she says. — My menu is mostly healthy food, but sometimes I allow myself to eat, for example, something fried.

I also love olive oil. Give me a plate of bread, olive oil and salt - and I’m happy!”

She inherited impeccable proportions from nature, and flexibility and beautifully sculpted muscles from her ballet background. Cardio exercise and running help you stay in shape. But perhaps one of the main secrets of Penelope Cruz's beauty is her mysterious look. After all, she claims that she always expects magic from life.

“Sometimes you can feel it because magic is closely related to the feeling of happiness. Of course, it’s not always there, but such amazing moments happen in everyone’s life.”

Paradoxes: 1. The actress does not hide that she wants to have children, and not only her own. Following the example of Angelina Jolie, she plans to adopt a child from India in the future. “I think my life would be incomplete without an adopted child,” she says. 2. Penelope Cruz doesn't consider herself particularly attractive. “I don’t think I’m beautiful,” she admits. - I can look good, or I can look disgusting. But the funny thing is that I used to want everyone to look exclusively at me. And now I like looking at others more.” 3. Being superstitious, Penelope Cruz would never step on a crack in the sidewalk. And in order for the wish to come true, she visualizes it exactly eight times.

In contact with

In 2011, Penelope Cruz's star shone on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. The Spanish woman is considered one of the most beautiful women on the planet. But Penelope earned love and recognition not only for her external appearance, but also for her unique dramatic talent and ability to embody a variety of characters on the screen.


Penelope Cruz was born on April 28, 1974. The star spent her childhood in the suburbs of Madrid. Her father Eduardo was an entrepreneur, and her mother Encarna owned a small hairdressing salon. Penelope is the eldest of three children.

From early childhood, the girl was distinguished by her stubborn and restless character. At the age of 4 she began to study ballet and even then dreamed of becoming an actress. As a child, Penelope entertained her family by copying commercials that were shown on television. At the age of 12, she saw an advertisement for Trésor perfume from Lancome with the dazzlingly beautiful Isabella Rossellini, created by Peter Lindbergh. The girl asked her father to buy her this perfume and was happy when she received the coveted bottle. Time will pass, and she will become a famous actress, and Lancôme will offer her to be the face of the company.


When Penelope was 14, she was deeply impressed by Pedro Almodovar's Tie Me Down. The emotions were so strong that the girl found the director’s address in the telephone directory and went to his house. The director listened to the girl and said that he would be happy to offer her a role in his film when she becomes an actress. Then Penelope began to look for agents and audition. Soon she managed to star in a video clip for the Mecano group, and in the early 90s the girl became the host of a teenage show and worked there until 1996.

Penelope Cruz in the video for the group “Mecano” - La Fuerza del Destino

In 1991, the actress starred in an episode of the series “Pink Series” and aroused the ire of parents who saw their seventeen-year-old daughter completely naked. Penelope's parents were devout Catholics. The actress remembered for a long time the scandal that her family caused her; her mother even slapped her. But this did not break Penelope’s determination and will.

In 1992, she played the role of Sylvia in the film “Ham, Ham.” This is also one of the first films to star Javier Bardem. Penelope appeared naked again in several frames, and after the film was released on the big screen, the young actress was called a sex symbol.

The following year, having played in the melodrama La Belle Epoque, Penelope was nominated for the prestigious Spanish Goya Award.

In 1995, the Spaniard set off to conquer America. She didn't know English at all, but she was determined.

First successes in Hollywood

Having settled in the famous Greenwich Village, a neighborhood favored by artists and other bohemians, the girl quickly made friends. She enrolled in Christina Rota's dance studio and also studied English and acting.

She starred in the film of her idol Almodóvar in 1997. Penelope again found the master herself and told him that she had already become an actress. The director laughed at the eccentric, but invited her to audition. The thriller “Living Flesh,” like all the master’s creations, is ambiguous and very sensual, and was based on the English writer Ruth Rendell. The film earned flattering reviews, a Goya film award and many nominations, including BAFTA.

Penelope's next film was the heartfelt masterpiece Open Your Eyes. The young actress was accompanied in Alejandro Amenábar's film by Fela Martinez and the romantic Eduardo Noriega as Cesar.

Until the early 2000s, she starred in several films, but she received recognition as a deep dramatic actress only after the release of the 1999 film “All About My Mother.” Pedro Almodovar's film also stars Marisa Paredes and Cecilia Roth. The film received an Oscar - it was recognized as the best foreign film of the 1999 film season. It was from this moment that the Spanish beauty’s stellar career began to develop.

Best roles

In 2001, two films with the brilliant Cruz were released, which immediately became hits and brought the actress recognition in Hollywood. The film "Vanilla Sky" was directed by Cameron Crowe. And although film fans prefer the Spanish original “Open Your Eyes,” the film was a commercial success. In the beautiful allegorical drama, Penelope played the role of Sofia, her partner was Tom Cruise.

In the crime drama Cocaine, which tells the story of the famous smuggler and drug dealer, the Spaniard shone in the company of Johnny Depp and Ray Liotta.

Between 2001 and 2007, Penelope, a star of not only European but also world cinema, starred in more than 10 films. Among them: the comedy thriller “No News from God”, in which she played in a duet with Victoria Abril, the horror-drama “Gothic”, the melodramatic film “Head in the Clouds”, the drama “Noel”, the action adventure “Sahara” with Matthew McConaughey .

Penelope Cruz dances (excerpt from the film "Noel")

And although the actress loves all her works from this period, she speaks most warmly of Sergio Castellitto’s “Don’t Go,” which holds a special place in her heart.

The dramatic film “Don’t Go” was released in 2004. Spectators, accustomed to seeing an actress on screen who amazes the imagination not only with her acting talent, but also with her beautiful appearance, were in for a surprise.

Penelope appeared in the role of a not very young and ugly poor woman with the strange name Italy. She is in love with a successful married man, played by the incredible Sergio Castellitto. As a result of an accident, in which her lover is indirectly involved, Italy dies, and only then does the main character realize that he has lost the most important thing he had in life.

At the premiere, the audience cried, amazed by the tragedy of the image that Penelope Cruz was able to convey. The famous film expert Roger Ebert said that he would never watch the film again because he would not be able to experience what he saw again.

Penelope Cruz in the movie "Don't Go"

The film received two Italian Donatello awards for best female and male roles, four Silver Ribbons and two Goya nominations.

In 2012, Penelope will again play the brilliant Italian Castellitto in the film. In the drama Twice Born, she played the role of Gemma, who tells the story of her life and extraordinary love. She relives the events of the civil war in Serbia. Also in this film were Emile Hirsch and the legendary Jane Birkin.


Being the muse of director Pedro Almodóvar and Sergio Castellitto, the beautiful Penelope dreamed of starring in a Woody Allen film. In interviews, the actress has repeatedly said that she knows how to dream correctly, and she “dreamt” about the role in “Vicky Cristina Barcelona.” And the director himself said that he does not see any other actress in the role of the eccentric Maria Elena.

"Vicky Cristina Barcelona" - trailer

The actress's Spanish temperament, her unique ability to get used to the role and convey emotions to the viewer, brought her the highest award from film academics. The film stars Scarlett Johansson and Rebecca Hall, as well as Javier Bardem, who will soon become the husband of the brilliant Penelope.

Penelope Cruz at the Oscars

The Beautiful Pirate and Other Roles

The actress continues to excite her fans, who cannot even imagine what role their favorite will appear in. In 2011, the actress highlighted her appearance in “Pirates of the Caribbean”. The star played Angelica, the lover of the rogue Jack Sparrow.

In 2012, she again took part in Woody Allen's Roman Adventures, playing the role of a prostitute. And two years later she played the role of a woman trying to cope with a serious illness in the drama “Ma Ma” directed by Julio Medem.

Penelope Cruz about the film "Ma Ma"

In 2016, Penelope starred in a small but very bright role in the sequel to Zoolander with the unexpected duet of Ben Stiller and

From the actress’s interview, one can understand that she found female happiness only with Javier Bardem, who was destined for her. She first met him on the set of the film “Ham, Ham,” in which the actors played lovers. Javier was seriously infatuated with the young beauty, but Penelope was then only interested in her career, and she set off to conquer the heights of Hollywood.

After 15 years, fate brought them together again in one place and at the same time; the Spanish stars got married shortly after the premiere of “Vicky Cristina Barcelona”. The wedding took place in the Bahamas, and the family already has three children.

Penelope, who has never been suspicious or superstitious, forbids reporters to ask questions about the details of her life with Javier and their children. But the actress willingly shares secrets that help her stay in shape and look great. She calls sleep the main weapon against the appearance of wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes and claims that she can sleep for more than 18 hours! The star's second secret weapon is delicious food and a good mood. It is known that the actress loves to eat and is not a vegetarian, like most stars.

"Labyrinths of the Past" - trailer

In 2019, the premiere of the film “Labyrinths of the Past” is expected, in which the actress stars with her husband Javier Bardem.