
How to bleach a white mink coat. How to clean a white mink coat from yellowness? Wet methods for removing yellowness

Snow-white fur looks very chic and often attracts envious glances. However, over the winter, after a long stay in the closet, a yellow tint may appear, and the product will no longer look so attractive. Every owner should know how to bleach yellow fox fur at home. There are several proven methods for this.

Removing yellowness with starch

What to do if the white mink has turned yellow, how to bleach it without leaving the house using improvised means? In this case, ordinary starch will help, and if you can’t find it, then talc or semolina.

The whole process will look like this:

  • You need to take a white sheet or any clean, colorless cloth and soak it in cold water.
  • Wring out the fabric well and wrap the white item in it.
  • Walk over the entire surface, picking the fur through the fabric. A damp cloth will do the trick and some of the dust and dirt will remain on it.
  • After this, let the fur coat dry for some time.
  • Place the fur coat on the floor and treat with starch.
  • Rub the fur with your hands, trying to grab every corner of the product.
  • Allow the absorbent substance to penetrate deeper, then comb it out with a brush.

You can also use a vacuum cleaner if it has a low setting. For short fur, movements should be against their growth, for long fur - in the direction. Starch is only suitable for the Arctic fox; on dark fur, for example, silver fox, it will get stuck among the pile and it will be almost impossible to comb it out.

Another popular way to bleach yellow fur from white fur involves using sawdust left over from a deciduous tree. A good derivative would be:

  • Birches.
  • Linden trees.
  • Aspens.

Or another tree that does not contain a large amount of resin. Coniferous shavings will not work, since after such processing the pile will simply stick together.

Having selected suitable sawdust, you can return the whiteness as follows:

  • Take small shavings and soak them in alcohol.
  • After they have dried, you should sprinkle them on your fur coat, paying special attention to the collar and back; usually the yellowness is most pronounced in these areas.
  • After some time, comb out the pile with a comb.

If you don’t have alcohol on hand, you can use aviation gasoline; it differs from regular gasoline in its purer composition. Sawdust not only helps to whiten yellowed fur, but also perfectly absorbs grease and dirt. This method is suitable for almost any type of fur coat, headdress or other product with pile of any length.

You can bleach yellowed arctic fox fur with a regular 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. This technique is also suitable for the following type of fur:

  • Mink.
  • Silver fox.
  • Arctic fox.

It is enough to pour a little water into a glass and add 1 teaspoon of peroxide and the same amount of ammonia. After this, you should moisten the sponge and wipe the surface with it, moving along the length of the pile.

It is better to dry your fur coat in such a way that it is exposed to direct sunlight. In this case, the resulting effect will be several times better. If the fur coat has turned very yellow, the amount of peroxide can be doubled. After some time, the product will delight you with its impeccable color.

Bring back the whiteness of faux fur

Even if the fur coat is artificial, you always want it to look perfect. You can return the snow-white color to artificial fur as follows:

  • You will need to take regular glycerin and mix it in equal proportions with water.
  • Apply the resulting mixture to the product and leave for a while.

This manipulation will soften the pile and return the previous clean shade. For some fur coats, it is permissible to use detergents and wash them in an automatic machine. This information is on the label, so before you start returning the shade, you should read it carefully.

If none of the above methods worked, and the fur coat retains a yellowish tint, you can take drastic measures and try using bluing. It does not whiten the product, but rather gives it a bluish tint. The end result looks much better than the initial yellowness.

The algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  • Take blue, it is usually sold in pharmacies or stores.
  • You only need a few drops, which are dissolved in lukewarm water.
  • The resulting solution should have a slightly blue tint. The lighter it is, the better.
  • The resulting solution is poured into a spray bottle and evenly distributed over the surface of the fur.
  • The fur coat should dry naturally, preferably on the balcony.

The result is a pleasant shade of fur that shimmers in the sun and looks a little like snow.

The drastic solution would be to repaint the fur in a different color if it was not possible to return the snow-white color. Expensive fur, it is advisable not to clean it at home, but to immediately take it to the dry cleaner, where you can also use dyeing services if nothing can be done.

Video instruction

Any white fur coat on a girl’s shoulders looks very beautiful and feminine. Everyone knows that these fluffy products require special care, and if this is not observed, the white fur coat will fade or turn yellow, completely losing its expensive appearance and attractiveness. Of course, this situation is very unpleasant, but there is a way out of it. In this article we will tell you how to clean yellow fur from fur at home.

Dry cleaning - is it possible?

Of course, the best option is to take the fur item to the dry cleaner. But:

  • This should only be done when the item is heavily soiled.
  • It must be remembered that mink fur can withstand a maximum of five chemical cleanings.
  • This procedure is not affordable for everyone.

Therefore, if the fur is not that dirty, but has simply acquired a tint of yellowness, it is better to deal with it yourself at home.

Causes of yellowness

Before you begin directly cleaning such material, you need to find out the reasons for its color change and understand what we are dealing with. So, here are the main reasons for the appearance of yellowness on a mink coat:

  • The product was eaten by moths. This can happen due to improper storage of the fur item or poor quality processing. Unfortunately, you can’t fix anything here, because you will have to completely replace the product.
  • Excessive use of essential oils and perfumes. Overuse of such products can lead to discoloration of fur spots. Girls also need to remember that perfumed products should be applied to the skin, and not to clothes. In this case, the stains also cannot be removed.
  • The fur fades in the sun, losing its original color. White fur is the most capricious in relation to the sun; it must be protected from exposure to rays.

Important! Girls, do not take fur products from the display window, so as not to wonder later how to clean a white fur coat from yellowness. Through the sun's rays, even if they fall on an object through glass, exposure to ultraviolet radiation still occurs. As a result, the item quickly acquires a worn and unattractive appearance.

Mink bleaching methods

Cleaning fur from yellowness at home is actually not a very difficult task. We have selected the most effective and simple ways to bleach mink fur at home.

Wheat bran

To effectively bleach a lady's white fur coat, we only need wheat bran. So, here's the procedure:

  1. Pour the bran into a saucepan or any other dense container.
  2. Place the container on the fire.
  3. We constantly stir our bran, warming it well and making sure that it does not burn.
  4. We place the fur item with the pile facing up to make it more convenient to carry out the procedure.
  5. We sprinkle hot bran on our mink and carefully clean it with some kind of brush.

Important! After cleaning, carefully shake out the material and thoroughly vacuum it with a special nozzle.

We use gasoline, sawdust or starch

These methods include one common ingredient - gasoline. That's why we combine them into one method:

  • Every pet store sells sawdust. In order to clean fur from yellowness at home, you just need to lightly moisten the purchased sawdust with purified gasoline, then clean your fur coat with this mixture.
  • If the yellow stain is formed with oil, you need to mix potato starch with gasoline until the consistency of a thick porridge is obtained, and then apply this mixture to the stain. After drying, you need to sweep away the dried “porridge” from the pile and comb it with a fine-toothed comb.

Clean the product with regular shampoo

If a girl notices very small stains on her fur coat, but she no longer wants to walk around in it, then she can clean her favorite piece of clothing using regular hair shampoo. To do this you need to do the following:

We use peroxide and ammonia

What to do if a white mink coat turns yellow at the most inopportune moment, and there is very little time? Quick cleaning can be done using ordinary hydrogen peroxide and ammonia.

To do this you need to follow this algorithm:

  1. We make a solution from the means at hand: 1 glass of warm water, a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and 3 drops of ammonia.
  2. We wet a large piece of cotton wool in the resulting solution and put it on a comb with a wide comb.
  3. We clean the mink by combing it in the direction of the fibers.

After this, you can dry the fur coat with a hairdryer, or hang it in the fresh air to dry. It all depends on the speed of approach of the event for which you will need an expensive item of clothing.


Almost every housewife has a bottle with this name, the contents of which she resorts to using extremely rarely. So, her time has come. This method of bleaching mink fur is proven and effective.

In order to bleach pile using blueing, you need to:

  1. Make a solution of blue and water: mix these two liquids to obtain a light blue solution.
  2. We wet the sponge in this solution and carefully treat the yellowed surface.

Important! After the procedure, you need to hang the coat in the sun.

Whitening with vinegar

This method is the simplest.

In order to clean fur from yellowness at home using ordinary table vinegar, you need to moisten a cloth with it and wipe the fur with it in the direction of the villi. The result will be visible immediately.

Cleaning the lining of a mink coat

Of course, the ideal option would be to peel and then wash the lining according to the instructions. Otherwise, it may shrink or become deformed and simply not fit the fur coat.

On women's forums you can often see complaints from owners of fur winter hats or white fur coats that the fur turns yellow over time. As a rule, a fur coat begins to turn yellow after several seasons of wear. In this regard, a natural question arises:

  • Why does natural fur turn yellow over time?
  • how to remove yellowness from fur?
  • how to bleach fur at home?
  • how to clean yellowed fur?

That is why we decided to help them solve this problem. After all, not everyone knows that there are several proven methods for cleaning snow-white natural fur of a fur coat or other fur product at home.

Important: You should not try to get rid of the yellowness of light or white fur of expensive exclusive fur coats, such as mink, on your own. It is better to dry clean such a fur coat. Professionals working with furs certainly know how to do this professionally and without unforeseen consequences.

If your fur coat is not new and it is from a rabbit, muton or arctic fox, you can start bleaching, but be extremely careful and strictly follow the instructions below!

The photo below shows what a light fur product looks like several seasons after purchase. Surely you have noticed that the fur gives off a yellowish tint, but this can be fixed. Below are recipes and products for cleaning fur.

Yellowed natural arctic fox fur

How to bleach yellowed fur

So how do you turn yellowed fur white? You can clean it at home using some folk methods:

  1. Lay the fur item on a flat surface and straighten it so that there are as few folds as possible.
  2. Sprinkle the fur with some absorbent that will absorb all the dust and dirt from the fur. Ordinary potato starch or semolina can be used as an absorbent substance. To ensure that the absorbent is well distributed along the entire length of the fur, gently rub the fur in your hands between your palms.
  3. After 30 minutes, shake the fur coat and comb the fur with a brush.

Note: starch, flour or semolina heated in a hot dry frying pan works well for bleaching the fur of rabbits and arctic foxes. You need to distribute the products over the pile while still hot.

Whitening products

  • Treat the fur with a solution (table vinegar + lemon juice), which you need to wipe the fur with a semi-rigid brush, then dry the product in the open air. Also, to remove the yellowness of a white fur coat, you can prepare the following solution: mix 3% hydrogen peroxide in equal proportions with water and ammonia . Take a sponge, dip it in the solution, wring it out, and wipe the fur with it in the direction of its growth. Once you have finished bleaching the fur, hang the item to dry. It is best to leave it to dry in the fresh air, but not in the open sun.
  • Another folk remedy is bran. They can be used to clean small stains. To do this, heat them in a frying pan and sprinkle them on the contaminated parts of the product, lightly rubbing them into the pile.
  • You can bleach yellowed fur with chalk. To do this, grind it and spread it over the surface of the fur, lightly rubbing it between the pile, then shake the fur coat.

Important: after cleaning a fur coat using any of the above folk methods, it must be thoroughly knocked out and combed with a fur brush, which can be bought at a veterinary pharmacy or pet store.

Grease stains on a fur coat can be cleaned with gasoline and starch, mixing them together. Apply the resulting mixture to a greasy area of ​​fur and wait about half an hour. Shake out the remaining starch and ventilate the fur coat itself so that the gasoline vapors evaporate.

As you can see, in order to bleach the fur of a fur coat or an expensive arctic fox collar at home, you can use many different methods. However, please note that You won’t be able to get rid of yellowness for a long time, but you can remove it for a while.

Cleaning the lining

To wash the lining of a fur coat, you need to carefully tear it off and then wash it in compliance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. If you do not take into account the characteristics of the fabric, it can be irrevocably damaged. It may shrink and decrease in size.

A white mink coat is the pride of its owner’s wardrobe, because it can turn every woman into a real queen. However, after prolonged wear, white fur loses its original attractive appearance. And even if you wore your white mink fur coat or hat very carefully, over time various stains and an unpleasant yellowness appear on them. Of course, this is unpleasant, but there is always a way out. Any fur needs to be cleaned only when it gets dirty.

You can take a white mink item to the dry cleaner, but it is worth remembering that this should only be done if it is very dirty, since usually natural fur can withstand a maximum of five dry cleanings.

It should be remembered that white mink fur requires special and careful care. After all, any wrong move, or an illiterately chosen method of cleansing - and you can throw away your favorite fur coat or hat. However, there are a number of proven methods that allow you to cope with this task at home. You just need to know a few tricks. Let's look at several effective ways to clean a white mink coat at home.

Methods for cleaning and bleaching mink

You need to pour the wheat bran into a saucepan and put it on the fire. Then you need to heat them well, stirring constantly. Then place the fur coat on a flat place with the pile facing up to make it easier to clean.

Sprinkle the heated bran onto the mink and carefully brush the fur with a brush. In conclusion, you need to shake out the bran from the fur and carefully knock it out or vacuum it with a special nozzle.

If there are not very large stains on a white mink hat, make a regular soap solution: dilute shampoo or soap in water (you can use washing powder). Familiarize yourself with the composition of the products used in advance - it should not contain dyes. After that, also conveniently place the hat on a flat and large surface, take a sponge, soak it in the solution and carefully clean the pile. The water should be at room temperature. It is very important here not to wet the flesh, otherwise after drying it will become rough and tough. Then comb the mink with a special comb.

White mink can be cleaned with sawdust, which is sold in every pet store. You just need to lightly wet the sawdust with purified gasoline. Then clean the fur with them.

Starch + gasoline

If there are greasy stains on your hat or fur coat, you need to prepare the following mixture: mix potato starch and gasoline (purified, of course) until the consistency of porridge. Apply this mixture directly to the stain. After the fur has dried, you need to brush off the remaining starch with a brush and comb the product with a fine-toothed comb.

It is advisable to use this method outdoors.

Talc, semolina

Regular talc, as well as semolina, will help to bleach yellowed white mink well.

Peroxide and ammonia

The following solution will help remove yellowness from a white mink item: one glass of warm water, hydrogen peroxide (1 tsp), 2-3 drops of ammonia. It is necessary to wet the cotton wool in the resulting solution, then put it on a comb with a wide comb. Thus, comb the fur coat in the direction of the pile. Cotton wool needs to be changed periodically. After processing, you need to hang it in a sunny place until it dries completely.

There is another proven way to bleach mink: dilute a little regular blue in water until you get a pale blue solution. Then carefully treat the pile with a sponge soaked in this solution. Hang in the sun for a short time.


If makeup stains appear on your favorite fur coat or hat, you can try to bleach them: with a cotton swab soaked in regular medical alcohol.

If the fur becomes dull, you can resort to the following recipe: place peeled walnuts in cheesecloth and beat them with a hammer. Then carefully clean the pile with this gauze bag. This method will help give the fur its original shine and also clean it of dust.

There is another way to restore the shine to a white fur coat and whiten it a little: you just need to wipe the fur with a cloth soaked in vinegar and hang it to dry. You'll see, the fur coat will shine like new.

In conclusion, we can talk about how to clean the lining of a mink coat.

The ideal option would be to tear it off and wash it, following the instructions for washing the material. Otherwise, the lining will shrink and simply won’t fit the fur coat. You can clean it with a soapy rag without steaming, but only very carefully so as not to wet the inside.

Thus, we can conclude that it is quite possible to clean a white mink coat yourself using available products. However, we must not lose sight of the fact that the product used may be unsafe. First you need to apply the product to the skin from the back of the product. If there are no changes, then you can start cleaning your favorite fur coat.

It is also necessary to remember that it is contraindicated to dry fur items near heating devices or in a draft. If you still have doubts, it is better to entrust it to professionals.

Over time, all natural fur tends to change color. When exposed to bright light, the pigment contained in the hairs burns out. This is especially noticeable on products with white fur. The yellowness that appears takes away the charm of white fur products and makes you think about ways to return the whiteness of your favorite item.

Completely getting rid of yellowness is a difficult task and not always feasible, but there are folk methods with which you can significantly correct the color. There are also specialized dry cleaners that undertake this type of work, but they are rare and require a lot of money for this service. At the same time, we must remember that dry cleaning wears out the fur a lot, and the product itself can “shrink.”

How to bleach natural white fur

Before you start bleaching natural fur yourself, you need to thoroughly clean it from dust and dirt, because ordinary dirt also contributes to the appearance of yellowness. Place the fur item on a damp sheet and walk over it with light tapping movements. Let dry.

Now you can start whitening. The first method is more reminiscent of dry washing, during which the fur is cleaned with the help of a sorbent, and thus the product acquires a lighter shade. For this procedure you will need powdered chalk or starch; semolina will also work; you can use flour, but it is more difficult to comb out. The material must be scattered over the entire fur surface and rubbed into the fibers. It will absorb the existing dirt, and after some time all that remains is to comb it out properly with a brush or clean the fur from the sorbent using a vacuum cleaner. When dealing with long fur you need to work along the pile, and with short fur you need to work against the pile. To achieve greater effect, it is recommended to repeat the procedure.

There is another recipe for a bleaching mixture with starch. You need to mix it with refined gasoline. The mixture should be thick. Apply the mixture to the fibers with a cloth, rub in, let the fur dry and comb out with a brush. After treating with gasoline, ventilate the item in fresh air. Instead of starch, you can take sawdust, just choose from deciduous trees so that there is no resin. Small sawdust should be soaked in pure gasoline, then rubbed into the fur product, and then shaken out.

Recipes for bleaching fur with gasoline are better suited than others if you need to remove fatty stains in places where the fur product has contact with the skin, when foundation or other cream could get on the surface of the fur.

For another method, you need to purchase bran. Heat them in a frying pan until hot, remembering to stir. Then the hot bran must be rubbed into the fur. And when they cool down, shake them thoroughly.

For the next option, you will need hydrogen peroxide, mix a teaspoon of it in a glass of water with a few drops of ammonia. Select an inconspicuous area of ​​fur and test the effect of the solution. If there are no negative changes, whitening can begin. Soak a sponge or cloth in this solution, wring it out well and rub it over the fibers until the fur is completely moistened. It is important not to wet the flesh. In this case, it is better to dry the fur in sunlight, since the rays will enhance the effect of bleaching substances and speed up the process.

To bleach rabbit fur, you can use both the previous options or prepare a different solution. To do this, in the recipe described above, you need to replace the hydrogen peroxide with a tablespoon of salt.

Another method of combating yellowness is to tint the fur with blue. To do this, dilute the blue in hot water until you obtain a pale bluish tint. Using a sponge, lubricate the ends of the fur with the resulting liquid and let the product dry.

How to bleach faux fur

When faux fur items are made on a synthetic base, they can be washed by hand and combed after drying. But if the base is made of cotton, then you should not wash it, as the product may become deformed. Or you need to tear off the lining before washing.

Faux fur can be bleached using the methods described above using hydrogen peroxide, starch or a glycerin solution. You need to take equal parts of water and glycerin, mix and clean the fur with this solution.

Not all types of faux fur can be bleached using gasoline. This method will not work for artificial scribble.

Yellow stains can also be removed with lemon juice diluted in the same amount of water.

If it was not possible to get rid of the yellowness by any means, then the item will have to be repainted.

We also recommend reading the articles:
Cleaning fur at home: gently and carefully
Choosing the right fur coat: which fur is better
How to care for a sheepskin coat