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How to store picked apples. How to store apples in an apartment in winter? At what temperature should apples be stored in winter?

Having collected a rich harvest of fruits, it’s time to think about how to keep apples fresh for the winter at home. You can preserve the presentation, taste and benefits of the product in an apartment or cellar. At the same time, it is important to create a favorable microclimate for fruits, choose suitable containers and the optimal storage method. The article provides useful recommendations that will help preserve apples until spring.


In order for apples to be stored for a long time, take care of their timely collection and preparation. For long-term storage, choose suitable varieties that are characterized by keeping quality: “Jonathan”, “Olympic”, “Northern Sinap”, etc. Such fruits have a dense peel and retain nutrients, taste and benefits until the next harvest (5-8 months).

When wanting to preserve apples, it is important to know how and when to pick them. Harvest in the autumn, in dry, sunny weather. Pick apples intended for storage carefully so as not to damage the stem or the fruit itself. Start with the lowest branches, gradually moving towards the top of the tree. Carefully place the harvested crop into prepared containers.

Harvested apples must be kept in a cool room for 2 weeks to identify damaged or diseased fruits.

Then sort the crop. For storage, select only whole, healthy fruits without the slightest signs of damage or rot. Sort the apples by variety and size, and then start storing them for the winter in the chosen way.

Before storing apples, do not wash them or wipe off their natural waxy coating to maximize their shelf life.

Optimal conditions

  1. Temperature air should be ‒1…+1 ℃. However, some varieties are well preserved at +2…4 ℃.
  2. Air humidity – 85-95%.
  3. Optimal place for storage - cellar, basement, cool place in the apartment (balcony or loggia).
  4. Tara– wooden, cardboard or plastic boxes, wicker baskets. The main requirements for containers are strength and cleanliness. Before adding fruit, it is recommended to thoroughly disinfect and dry the container.

The average shelf life of products is 5-8 months. The keeping quality of fruit depends on the variety, size, storage organization and ripening conditions. Late winter varieties of medium-sized fruits are best preserved.

Apples that have been fertilized with nitrogen fertilizers lose their density and therefore their shelf life will be much shorter. High temperatures or excess moisture during the period of fruit ripening have a negative effect on the shelf life of products.

Ways to store apples in an apartment

There are several ways to preserve apples at home. The choice of storage type depends on the amount of harvest, the availability of free space in the apartment and the available containers. The best way to store apples at home is on the insulated balcony, in a cool closet or on the windowsill with the window always open.

The easiest way is to put the fruits in wooden box with stems up. If the ponytails are too long, shorten them, but do not pull them out completely. This method is simple, but not very effective, since one spot of rot in a container can lead to contamination of the entire product.

Will help preserve the harvest until spring oversleeping products. For sandwiching, you can use any dry and bulk materials - sand, ash, sawdust or shavings (necessarily hardwood), onion peels, dry leaves, peat. The essence of this storage method is to protect the apples from contact with each other as much as possible. To do this, add a layer of sand mixed with ash to the bottom of the container (wooden, cardboard or plastic box). Then lay a row of apples so that they are not touching and fill it with bulk material. Add a few more layers until the container is completely filled. Such apples retain their freshness, benefits and original appearance for a long time.

To extend the shelf life of apples, wrap each fruit in a paper napkin or plain paper before storing. Do not use newspapers for this purpose, as the printing ink contains lead and other substances that may be hazardous to health. Carefully place the fruits wrapped in paper in a box or basket with the stems facing up.

The best option for storing apples on the balcony is thermal box. You can make it yourself by insulating the box or crate on all sides with polystyrene foam. This will protect the fruits from freezing and help them stay fresh and tasty.

A pressing question for housewives is: is it possible to store apples? in a refrigerator? A small amount of fruit can be stored in the refrigerator. To do this, wrap the fruits in paper or plastic bags and place them in the vegetable compartment. Keep fruits separate from other foods in the refrigerator, as the ethylene released by apples will speed up the ripening and spoilage of other products.

How to store apples for the winter in the cellar

It is best to store apples in a cellar or cool basement, where optimal temperature and humidity are maintained. Before storing fruit, prepare the room: remove debris, disinfect all surfaces, ventilate well and dry it.

In the cellar, you can use various ways to store apples: simply in boxes, wrapped in paper or sprinkled with dry bulk materials.

You can also store fruits in plastic bags. To do this, make several small cuts in the container to ensure constant air circulation. Place several kilograms of fruit of the same variety in a bag and tie it. Store products at a temperature of ‒1…+1 ℃.

Some gardeners use a slightly different method of storing apples in bags. The products are placed in containers and left open for a couple of days. After the allotted time, all air is removed as much as possible, the bags are tied and placed on racks in the cellar. After 20 days, a special gas environment is formed in the packaging, which protects the products from spoilage and rotting.

The storage method in plastic bags is not suitable for Antonovka apples. In such conditions, fruits quickly deteriorate and lose their presentation and taste.

Useful secrets

Following simple recommendations will help extend the shelf life of apples at home or in the cellar:

  • Do not transfer the workpiece from cold to warm and vice versa. Temperature changes lead to rapid spoilage of fruits;
  • Do not store apples with other fruits and vegetables. Fruits emit ethylene, which accelerates the ripening of other products, and they begin to quickly deteriorate;
  • Before storing, you can process the apples to improve their keeping quality. To do this, use glycerin, salicylic acid, an alcohol solution of propolis, paraffin or beeswax. However, such processing is not recommended if the fruit is intended for children;
  • periodically sort through the crop and remove fruits with signs of rot and disease. This will protect the rest of the fruit from spoilage.


Watch the video to figure out how to properly store apples in your apartment and cellar:

Young mother, wife and housewife. She prepares delicious and, most importantly, healthy meals for her household. Therefore, he is looking for and testing various options for preserving the beneficial properties of fruits and vegetables at home. I am ready to share the experience gained and the results of experiments with readers.

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Do you know that:

Both humus and compost are rightfully the basis of organic farming. Their presence in the soil significantly increases the yield and improves the taste of vegetables and fruits. They are very similar in properties and appearance, but they should not be confused. Humus is rotted manure or bird droppings. Compost is rotted organic remains of various origins (spoiled food from the kitchen, tops, weeds, thin twigs). Humus is considered a higher quality fertilizer; compost is more accessible.

It is believed that some vegetables and fruits (cucumbers, stem celery, all varieties of cabbage, peppers, apples) have “negative calorie content,” that is, more calories are consumed during digestion than they contain. In fact, only 10-20% of the calories received from food are consumed in the digestive process.

In little Denmark, any piece of land is a very expensive pleasure. Therefore, local gardeners have adapted to growing fresh vegetables in buckets, large bags, and foam boxes filled with a special earthen mixture. Such agrotechnical methods make it possible to obtain a harvest even at home.

The homeland of pepper is America, but the main breeding work on developing sweet varieties was carried out, in particular, by Ferenc Horvath (Hungary) in the 20s. XX century in Europe, mainly in the Balkans. Pepper came to Russia from Bulgaria, which is why it received its usual name - “Bulgarian”.

Oklahoma farmer Carl Burns developed an unusual variety of multi-colored corn called Rainbow Corn. The grains on each cob are of different colors and shades: brown, pink, purple, blue, green, etc. This result was achieved through many years of selecting the most colored ordinary varieties and crossing them.

One of the most convenient methods for preparing a harvest of vegetables, fruits and berries is freezing. Some believe that freezing causes the nutritional and health benefits of plant foods to be lost. As a result of the research, scientists have found that there is practically no decrease in nutritional value when frozen.

Humus is rotted manure or bird droppings. It is prepared like this: the manure is piled up in a heap or pile, layered with sawdust, peat and garden soil. The pile is covered with film to stabilize temperature and humidity (this is necessary to increase the activity of microorganisms). The fertilizer “ripens” within 2-5 years, depending on external conditions and the composition of the feedstock. The output is a loose, homogeneous mass with a pleasant smell of fresh earth.

“Frost-resistant” varieties of garden strawberries (more often simply “strawberries”) need shelter just as much as ordinary varieties (especially in those regions where there are snowless winters or frosts alternating with thaws). All strawberries have superficial roots. This means that without shelter they freeze to death. Sellers’ assurances that strawberries are “frost-resistant,” “winter-hardy,” “tolerates frosts down to −35 ℃,” etc. are deception. Gardeners must remember that no one has yet managed to change the root system of strawberries.

Compost is rotted organic remains of various origins. How to do it? They put everything in a heap, hole or large box: kitchen scraps, tops of garden crops, weeds cut before flowering, thin twigs. All this is layered with phosphate rock, sometimes straw, earth or peat. (Some summer residents add special composting accelerators.) Cover with film. During the process of overheating, the pile is periodically turned or pierced to bring in fresh air. Typically, compost “ripens” for 2 years, but with modern additives it can be ready in one summer season.

When you pick juicy apples from the branches, you want to taste them right away. At that moment, you don’t think about how to store apples. But this is very important if you want to eat fresh healthy fruits from your garden in winter and even in spring. The article will talk about methods and subtleties of how to preserve apples for the winter. Although this is not very easy work, it will provide access to apple vitamins for the whole year.

Choosing a variety for storage

Not all varieties are suitable for longer storage. Therefore, when choosing fruits for preservation, be guided by the keeping quality of the fruit. After all, summer varieties are not stored, autumn varieties - no more than 1-2 months. Winter ones can last quite a long time. If you follow all the rules and advice, then up to 7 months.

For long-term storage of winter apples, the following are most suitable:

  • Antonovka,
  • Zhigulevskoe,
  • Bogatyr,
  • Melba,
  • Golden,
  • Simirenko,
  • Jonathan and others

Popular autumn varieties for winter:

  • Welsey,
  • Mac,
  • Spartacus

Fruits of the Mackintosh variety are considered the best among autumn fruits for long-term storage. They can lie until April.

The best time to harvest is from September 20 to October 10. During this period, the fruits are still green, but have already gained sufficient sugar content. If you pick fruits ahead of time, they will remain sour, and later they will spoil faster. Such fruits ripen for another month after harvesting. And only after this time will they be ripe and tasty.

Rules for removing apples from a tree

To make storing apples for the winter successful, it is important to harvest them correctly.

A sign that it’s time to act is the fall of 5-6 healthy apples per day. From this day on, the fruits are ready to be harvested. Remember that fallen fruits have already picked up microorganisms from the soil. Therefore, it is better to collect them separately and eat them immediately or use them to make juice.

  1. We harvest only in dry weather.
  2. We do not tear off the stalk, as without it the fruit will quickly deteriorate. Lift the apple up a little and scroll. It can be easily removed from the branch.
  3. We do not erase or wash away the waxy coating. It is a sign of long-term storage. Therefore, it is best to carry out the collection with gloves.
  4. We don’t throw the fruits picked from the tree, but carefully put them in containers.
  5. It is important to start collecting from the bottom up. Then the fruits are not injured.
  6. Do not squeeze, scratch, or crush the apples too much. All this contributes to faster spoilage of fruits.
  7. For long-term storage, it is better to collect them from the side where the sun was, and it is preferable to choose an older tree, because it is more resistant to disease than young ones.

Apple sorting

Sending all the fruits immediately after harvesting for long-term storage is a mistake. We need to look through and sort them. After all, even one apple that has begun to rot can destroy all the healthy ones in the container.

Picking fruits by hand is, of course, preferable, but it is also more time-consuming and labor-intensive. If you use a fruit picker, then the first thing you need to do immediately after picking is to look through and select healthy apples from those that are mechanically damaged or have natural defects.

Then the entire crop is placed in a cool place for 2-3 weeks. Afterwards all fruits are checked again. During this time, new signs of fruits unsuitable for long-term storage may appear.

Fruits with dark spots, mechanical damage to the surface, lack of a stalk, or small holes in which a worm most likely has appeared are not suitable for preservation. It is better to cut such fruits into slices and dry them, so that later you can prepare delicious compotes. It is also better not to remove the top wax coating, as it serves as a protective barrier against pests and diseases.

Also arrange the apples according to size. Too small ones are not suitable for storage because they wrinkle quickly.

After sorting, the fruits can be immediately sent for storage without processing, because they have natural protection in the form of a waxy coating. But processing will help increase storage time.

A solution of propolis in alcohol is suitable not only for processing fruits, but also fights the flu. Propolis from the refrigerator is grated and added to medical alcohol.

Apples are also treated for storage with calcium chloride. You need to pour the 2% solution into a bowl where the fruits are placed for no more than a minute. Then dry on a towel. It is important to wash such fruits with soap and water before eating.

You can also take a piece of cloth, moisten it with glycerin and wipe the fruit.

Storage conditions

  • Capacity,
  • Temperature,
  • Humidity,
  • Varieties,
  • Laying time and other factors


The location is very important for maintaining the storage conditions for apples in winter. So that the room is well ventilated with a maintaining temperature. A cellar, basement, storage room, attic is suitable. Perhaps even store apples on the balcony in your apartment in winter.

If you are going to store fruit in the basement, then the walls should be whitewashed, the floor should be treated with a vitriol solution to prevent mold from growing. Storage areas must be protected from groundwater and insulated. It is better to place boxes with apples on pallets so that the bottom layer of fruit does not freeze.


Any container is suitable for storage. Even an ordinary wooden box, or a basket. It is also convenient to store crops on racks with drawers and cardboard boxes. The main thing is that the container is ventilated and has holes for air circulation.

Many people do not know whether it is possible to store apples in iron boxes. It turns out that this is absolutely not worth doing, otherwise they will all rot.

Boxes can be signed. Usually they write the date of laying, the variety of apples and sometimes the size.


The optimal temperature for storing fruit is 0°C - +4°C. If the mark on the thermometer is low, this will have a bad effect on the fruit. And high temperatures for storing apples promote the production of ethylene, which will lead to rapid spoilage of the fruit. The minimum value can be -10°C.


Apples are stored at a humidity of more than 85%. If air humidity is maintained, the fruits will not become flabby, and their juiciness will remain for a long time.

How to properly store apples

Storing apples until winter is quite possible at home.

First, you should select fruits that have begun to rot, as well as mechanically damaged ones. Set aside and store at room temperature to eat first. But whole fruits are placed in the refrigerator or covered with a damp towel. At low temperatures, fruits are preserved for a long time.

Everyone decides for themselves how to store apples in winter. But at the same time, there are general storage rules, thanks to which the fruits survive until the new year or until spring.

  1. Large fruits are placed on the bottom of the container. Or fruits are immediately sorted by size. Then the upper fruits will not crush the lower ones.
  2. Apples should not be stored together with potatoes.
  3. Fruits stored with straw will spoil their taste and smell.

Below are the most common places to store fruit in winter.

In boxes

Paper or wooden boxes are quite suitable for wintering fruit.

Paper or fabric is placed on the bottom of the box. Fruits are placed with the stalks facing up. Large tails are trimmed a little so as not to injure neighboring fruits. The boxes are stacked on top of each other, so there is no need to fill them to the top.

On the racks

This is the best way to preserve small harvest apples. After all, the racks themselves take up a lot of space. The fruits are laid out on them in one row. A prerequisite is retractable drawers on shelves for convenience.

It’s good if the fruits don’t touch each other. The temperature at the top is higher than at the bottom, so the top shelves should contain fruits that will be consumed first.

The distance between the shelves and to the floor is about 20 cm, and to the ceiling 30 cm.

Wrapping in paper

For small harvests, it is recommended to wrap each apple in paper. The stalk remains at the top. It turns out that the apple lies the same way as it grew on the branch. Usually 5-8 rows of such fruits are laid out in boxes. With this storage, if one fruit begins to rot, it will not affect the others, since there is protective paper.


The method involves placing shavings of deciduous wood between layers of fruit. This way they don't spoil longer. Also suitable: moss, dry birch leaves, onion peels. It is good to use this method with sand.

In polyethylene

Place plastic film overlapping on the bottom of the container. Then pour in the fruit and cover the top with film again.

You can also put the fruits in plastic bags. One package up to 4 kilograms. Then make holes in them so that air can flow in and condensation does not form. With this method, gas exchange slows down, and the apples remain fresh, juicy and sweet.

In the ground

Apples can be stored in a hole dug in the ground, 50 cm deep. Place the fruits in a plastic bag. To prevent rodents from eating them, cover them with spruce branches. Then we leave a mark, for example a stick, then you can easily find the buried fruit. This storage method is used when it is already about +7°C outside and the ground is quite cool.

You should think about how to store apples for the winter in the cellar in advance, even before the mass harvest. In the fall, when it’s time to harvest the fruits, there will be no time to think about whether they can be stored long enough and how best to do this. Such fruits are susceptible to damage, and in a good year it can be difficult to cope with a large number of fruits at the same time without losing part of the harvest. Following the advice, it is preferable to use basements and cellars for storing apples, since there the fruits can be preserved until spring.

Preparing apples for storage

The preparatory stage is extremely important to ensure good preservation of the apple harvest in the autumn-winter period. In order for the fruit to last until spring, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory measures.

Disinfection of a cellar or basement is a mandatory procedure. The walls of the room must be whitewashed with lime. All racks, shelves, drawers and other internal structures must be disinfected using specialized products (copper sulfate, Bordeaux mixture, etc.). If necessary, treatment against rodents and insect pests should be carried out.

What varieties of apples are suitable for storage?

Not all varieties of apples have the same shelf life and can be stored well for a long time. According to the ripening period, winter, autumn and early ripening summer varieties are distinguished. Early apples do not last long and spoil very quickly. Mid-season varieties can remain fresh for about 2-3 months.

Late-ripening varieties that remain juicy and tasty for 6-7 months are most suitable for winter storage in the cellar. The fruits are harvested slightly unripe, when they are still sour and hard. Over time, the fruits ripen and acquire sweetness. Such apples are distinguished by a dense and thick skin, which protects the fruit from drying out and infection. The following varieties are considered the most popular and popular among gardeners for winter preservation: Antonovka, Pepin saffron, Melba, Renet Simirenko, Jonathan, etc.

How to eat apples for storage?

The preservation of the taste characteristics and keeping quality of these fruits is determined by the skill of harvesting the fruits. They need to be picked not only in a timely manner, but also correctly. You should adhere to the main rules for harvesting apples:

  1. Work is carried out in clear, dry weather.
  2. First of all, collect the carrion (in a separate container). Such fruits are only suitable for processing.
  3. It is better to work with soft fabric gloves, trying not to disturb the natural protective wax coating on the fruit.
  4. The apples are picked carefully (rotating around their axis) along with the stalk.
  5. You should first collect fruits from the lower branches, then gradually rise higher.
  6. You can't throw fruit. They must be handled with care and caution to avoid accidental damage. Otherwise, the apples will quickly begin to spoil. All damaged specimens are set aside separately, as they are unsuitable for storage.
  7. The picked fruits are carefully placed in a wicker basket or plastic bucket. It is recommended to put a layer of straw or soft cloth at the bottom.

Immediately after harvesting, the harvest does not need to be transferred to the cellar. Experienced gardeners recommend leaving apples for 2-3 weeks in a cool room. During this time, existing defects and shortcomings will become clearer.

Fruit preparation

Before planting, the crop must be carefully sorted, discarding beaten, rotten, scratched and damaged specimens. Only smooth, healthy fruits with preserved stalks are selected. Apples of some varieties are separated from others, because they have different shelf life. One accidentally dropped early apple can greatly harm fruits that ripen later when they begin to rot in the box. All fruits are sorted by size. For winter maintenance, it is preferable to take fruits that have average parameters. It has been noticed that large apples are stored worse.

There are several ways to process fruits to increase disease resistance and extend shelf life:

  • apples are coated with glycerin;
  • immerse for 1 minute in a 4% calcium chloride solution;
  • soak for 2-3 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • cover with wax, dipping one at a time into the composition melted in a water bath;
  • treated with ultraviolet light for 20-30 minutes;
  • dipped in propolis tincture (0.1 kg) with alcohol (0.5 l), heated to 45°C.

Before eating, such fruits must be thoroughly washed or skinned.

Rules for storing apples in the cellar

When deciding how to store apples in the cellar, you need to remember that placing them next to potatoes, onions, carrots and other vegetables is highly not recommended. Fruits from such proximity acquire an unpleasant specific or starchy taste, and vegetables begin to sprout ahead of time.

A peculiarity of this crop is that ethylene is released during its storage, so it is better to keep apples in a separate room. If this is not possible, you should try to maintain the greatest possible distance between apple stocks and other crops. Pears are considered the best companion for keeping apples in the cellar in winter, since they require the same storage conditions.

The more carefully you prepare the room and the fruit before storing it, the longer the apples will last. Periodically, at least once every 10-15 days, the entire crop must be carefully inspected and rotten or damaged specimens must be rejected.

Optimal humidity and storage temperature

The length of the crop's shelf life without loss of consumer and taste characteristics directly depends on the storage conditions.

The following indicators are considered optimal for this culture:

  1. The temperature for storing apples should be within -1...+3°C. This indicator may vary depending on the variety of fruit. Early ripening varieties are suitable for higher temperatures, since their skin is delicate and thin.
  2. Humidity should be maintained at 85-95%. Their keeping quality greatly depends on the humidity at which apples are stored. If the air is too dry, over time they will lose their juiciness and wrinkle.

Storage containers

The selection of containers for storing the crop is an important component of a competent storage process. It can be made of various materials, but regardless of this, it must be durable and clean. To store apples in cellars and basements for the winter, you need to use containers with holes for ventilation and air access.

Fruits are stored:

  • in lattice wooden and plastic boxes, the bottom of which is lined with paper;
  • in boxes made of thick cardboard (corners can be reinforced with tape);
  • in wicker baskets;
  • on racks covered with linen, burlap or paper.

Storage methods and locations

Storing apples in a cellar or basement is the most preferable option. The safety of the entire crop depends on the correct choice of storage location. There are several ways to place fruit for the winter.

How to store apples on racks?

A small harvest can be placed on racks. The shelves are pre-lined with paper, then apples are laid out on them in 1 layer (necessarily with the tail up). Spaces should be left between the fruits so that they do not touch each other. It is allowed to lay another row on top, separating it with a layer of thick cardboard. The advantage of this method is the ability to constantly monitor the safety of the fruit.

How to store apples in boxes?

The most popular and popular option for keeping apples in winter is the use of vegetable boxes (plastic or wooden). Paper or fabric is placed at the bottom of the box. Then the apples are carefully placed in a checkerboard pattern, trying not to scratch the neighboring fruits with their stems. You should not place too many fruits in the box (no more than 25 kg), as the bottom ones may become wrinkled and begin to deteriorate. There is no need to fill the container completely; it is recommended to leave a sufficiently large gap at the top for ventilation. The boxes are then placed on top of each other.

How to store apples in plastic bags and bags?

Thanks to the slowdown of gas exchange processes that occur inside sealed polyethylene packaging, apples retain their juiciness and sugar content much longer. It is recommended to put no more than 3-4 kg in bags. First, without tying them, they are lowered into the basement and placed on racks. After a few hours (5-6), when the temperature inside the bag is equal to the ambient temperature, tie it tightly with a rope. This method has proven itself extremely well and is widely used.

How to store apples in soil or sand?

You can keep apples packaged in plastic bags in the ground. To do this, dig a hole about 0.5 m deep, then line the bottom with spruce branches (juniper or spruce) to repel rodents. Bags of fruit, pre-cooled in the cellar, are lowered into a hole, covered with another layer of spruce branches or branches and covered with soil. The top is insulated with dry leaves and covered with snow. You shouldn't wait for frost, the weather should be warm. The outside temperature during this procedure should not be lower than +5…+7°C.

The method of storing apples in sand in winter is used. Clean, sifted and disinfected (calcined) sand is poured in a layer of about 10 cm onto the bottom of the container (box, barrel, crate, etc.). Then a layer of apples is laid, leaving gaps between the fruits. This layer is completely covered with sand, a second apple layer is laid on top, etc. The container filled to the top is covered with a lid.

Wrapping in paper

You can use plain white paper, napkins or paper towels, but not old newspapers, as printing ink contains heavy metals. Each fruit is wrapped in several layers, then placed in a container (box, crate, etc.) in several rows. The paper insulates the apples from each other, preventing them from touching, and it also absorbs excess moisture.

Other ways to store apples for the winter

When it is not possible to store apples in a cellar in winter, it is recommended to try keeping them in an apartment. There are several ways:

  1. The container (box, box, etc.) with fruits wrapped in paper is placed on a glazed and insulated loggia. Additionally, she is wrapped in a blanket. It is impossible to store apples in an apartment for a long time, even if you choose the coldest room (hallway, vestibule).
  2. By wrapping the fruit in plastic or placing it in a bag, you can keep it in the refrigerator. There is no need to wash the fruits beforehand. The shelf life can reach up to 2 months.
  3. Peeled and cut into slices, they are dried in the oven, electric dryer or in the open air. Then scattered into paper or linen bags.
  4. Apples can be frozen, but they practically do not lose their taste. To do this, the fruit is cut into 4 parts, the center is removed, laid out on a flat surface (baking tray, flat dish, etc.) and frozen. Scattered into individual bags or plastic containers, they are stored in the freezer. You can grate the fruit, freeze it, and then use this mass as a filling for charlottes, pies, etc.

You can do whatever you want with apples; there are many ways to preserve them. They are used to make jam, marmalade, compotes and much more.


When solving the problem of how to properly store apples, do not be upset if it is not possible to use a basement, subfloor or cellar. There are a large number of other options for winter maintenance of the apple harvest.

How to preserve apples for the winter - This season, alas, there is no record harvest of apples: a rainy and rather cool summer, which was like a mixture of autumn and spring, prevented it. But there is still a harvest, it is noticeable, and if we do not want the harvested apples to spoil in a couple of weeks, they must be properly preserved. They say that if properly stored, an apple can last for several years, maintaining its varietal qualities and properties, but why should we wait so long to taste it?!

Variety decides the success of a business

Let's start with choosing a variety. No, we will not give long and tedious descriptions of varieties, we will say as briefly as possible which types of apple varieties will last longer, and which, no matter how hard you try, will either become loose and wadded, or even begin to rot after a week of storage.

For some, we may reveal a secret if we say that all varieties of apples are divided into categories based on keeping quality. So, when choosing a seedling, you need to find out which category of keeping quality this or that specimen belongs to (of course, if you need the fruit to last as long as possible). Typically, the highest keeping quality is observed in late, so-called winter-ripening varieties, in which the harvest begins almost the very last (in central Russia this is mid-October). There is no need to describe apple varieties; just look at the State Register and find winter varieties in the list.

When should you harvest apples?

But the length of storage of apples depends not only on the right choice of variety, but also on how you harvest, how you treat the fruit itself, this is very important. If you have a fruit picker, it must be clean, have straight, smooth edges, and you must know how to use it. In addition, storage containers (wooden boxes, baskets, etc.) must also be clean.

By the way, you know that you can only pick apples in plastic buckets, preferably soft plastic, with a capacity of no more than ten kilograms and use rubber gloves for picking. In addition, it is important to know whether the apples are ready for picking, and somewhat less important if they are not ripe. But if they are overripe, then, alas, they will not be stored.

Finding out the degree of ripeness of apples

Let's start by finding out the degree of ripeness of a particular apple. It's often very simple. You are walking through the garden and see that the apple tree has dropped one or two apples. Of course, this may be a simple matter of getting rid of the moth, but if the apple is clean and without signs of damage, then there is a high probability that it is time to collect.

If you don’t trust the apple tree, evaluate the degree of ripeness yourself; there are basic techniques for this - pick an apple and press it with your fingertip on its surface. A dent forms, if it disappears immediately, it means it’s too early to harvest. If the skin cracks when pressed, then the apples are already overripe and the harvest needs to be harvested urgently, otherwise there can be no talk of any storage. If the skin sags and only slightly levels out, then it’s time to pick the apples - most likely they are ripe.

Well, of course, you should pay attention to the typical color, weight of the apple, appearance of the characteristic aroma, timing. And if you don’t believe in either method, then turn to science.

The scientific way to determine the ripeness of an apple

In fact, few people know about the existence of such a method, but it does exist. In order to determine whether the fruit is ripe, you need to take a liter of distilled water and dissolve three grams of potassium iodide and one gram of iodine in it. Next, you should take an apple and cut it lengthwise, and then lower it into the solution.

You can tell if an apple is ripe by the color of the edges and the middle of the apple: if in these places there is a blue color, then this indicates an excess of starch and it is too early to harvest, but if the color is blue, and in the middle the apple is generally yellow, then this is the ideal degree of ripeness and it is necessary to begin harvesting. If both the center and the edges are yellow, it means the apple is already overripe and it is better to send it for fresh consumption or processing; most likely, it will no longer be stored.

Gardeners who have years of gardening behind them try to harvest the crop a little unripe, unless, of course, it is intended for storage and not for sale immediately after harvest.

Harvesting apples

So, let's start picking apples. We arm ourselves with a soft plastic bucket, put on rubber gloves, take a stepladder and a wheelbarrow with boxes - and off to the garden. The main thing is that the fruits are completely dry at the beginning of picking: even if it rained yesterday, and today by lunchtime all the apples are dry, then it is quite possible to pick, but not in rain, drizzle, frost, etc.

You need to pick the fruits very carefully so as not to cause any injury to them. Usually the fruit is taken with one hand in a rubber glove and slightly turned counterclockwise until it comes off the branch along with the stalk; then the fruit should not be thrown, but placed in a bucket.


The key to proper storage of apples: correctly determined harvest time, dry fruits, rubber gloves, absence of damage, presence of the stalk.

The stem of an apple is the key to success, first of all: if for some reason it comes off, it means that, most likely, the fruit will not last long. After collecting from buckets into containers (or simply into boxes), you need to pour the fruits not “like potatoes,” but by shifting them, and if you do pour them, then put your hand up so that the blow is softened as much as possible.

Under no circumstances should you erase the “matte film” or waxy coating that covers the fruit from the fruit; this is both additional protection and an extension of the shelf life of the fruit at the same time.

Mechanical collection

Mechanical apple picking is also common nowadays. Everything is arranged quite simply - a large tractor catches a tree and shakes it, the apples fall onto the fabric, after which they are collected. Rarely do such fruits go for storage, usually for processing or quick sale.

Picking apples with a fruit picker

To prevent infection from spreading and to prevent fruit rotting on the tops of trees, where a stepladder cannot reach, fruit collectors are used. Essentially, they resemble a person's hand on a stick; they can easily pick up an apple and tear it off. After such a harvest, damage often remains on it (the apple, of course), and if there are none, then the fruit can be sent for storage.

Apple sorting

In Germany, pickers and female workers wear a kind of amulet around their necks - this is a ring on a thick thread, and so, if an apple passes through this ring, then it goes for processing. Sometimes we even skimp on gloves, so everything is determined by eye. Typically, apples with a diameter of 4-5 cm, no less, are laid for storage.

Immediately after picking, it is advisable to cool the apples - that is, move the entire batch that you have to a room with a temperature at least ten degrees lower than that outside, and leave it like that for a couple of weeks. Then you can re-sort the apples, because in addition to the discrepancy in size, much more important negative signs of the fruit may appear during this period, which are quite capable of leading to dire consequences in the future.

Experienced gardeners put fruits that do not have stalks, have the slightest dents, bruises, tears, wormholes, etc. in a separate container or box, selecting only the ideal ones and putting them in another box or container.


As you know, apples emit ethylene during storage; in other words, this is how they age or breathe, whichever is clearer to you. So, different varieties emit different amounts of ethylene, so it is recommended to store different cultivars in different boxes or other containers.

If you have free time, then apples can be divided, at least by eye, into small, medium and large and then used for a variety of purposes, taking into account the size of the fruit.

Only after this can we say that the harvested crop is truly ready for storage.

Typically, apples are stored in a cellar, basement, underground, pantry, under a table in the kitchen or balcony. The meaning is the same: it is a wooden or cardboard box, only the conditions are different - both temperature and humidity.

Ideally, not forgetting that apples emit ethylene and can spoil other vegetables, for example, make carrots tasteless, it is better to store them separately from other products, since they are apples, then apples, period.

If you give space in the basement for apples, then ethylene, having accumulated in the room, will cause potatoes, beets, and even celery to grow, so we exclude cohabitation.

Apple storage

Of course, before storing apples, the room must be disinfected. First of all, remove all the trash, rotten shelves, etc. Next, you should seal all the cracks with a mixture of broken glass (preferably bottle glass) and plaster or cement, and after that, when nothing interferes, proceed to disinfection. Here, of course, we are not talking about a storage room or balcony, but about a subfloor, basement or cellar. We recommend treating the walls of these storage areas with a solution of freshly slaked lime and copper sulfate.

The composition is simple: for a bucket of water you need 120-130 g of copper sulfate and one and a half kilograms of lime. As for the floor, it is better to treat it with a solution of iron sulfate (400 grams is enough for a bucket of water). Looking ahead, I would like to say that if condensation appears, the floors can be sprinkled with lime (fluff), it absorbs moisture well.

Apple storage conditions

Don’t flatter yourself too much, don’t think that your perfectly harvested apples, being untreated, will last until the new harvest. Even in ideal home conditions, four or seven months will already be your personal record, which you can really boast about.

But in order for the apples to last even for several weeks, in the room where they will be stored, it is necessary to create conditions suitable for them, so that ethylene is produced least actively, the apples do not “breathe” so intensely and do not age so rapidly. Therefore, the air temperature in the basement or cellar must be maintained from zero degrees to a maximum of +4, and humidity at 80-90%, preferably without sharp fluctuations.

Containers for storing apples

In fact, you can store apples at home in anything, at least in baskets, but usually wooden or paper boxes are used for this. The best option is wooden boxes, nailed together with small nails from slats, about a centimeter thick. They are durable, reliable, have a normal weight (that is, not very heavy even with a load) and are easy to clean by scraping them off with a knife or simply treating them with a 3% solution of potassium permanganate for the next season.

Methods for storing apples

There's a lot of people here. Naturally, in large storage facilities, apples are placed in special containers that can hold several tons of apples, and they are moved using technology into chambers with the appropriate atmosphere. At home everything is different.

Basic installation

Apples (again, wearing rubber gloves) are taken and laid with the stalks up in layers, from one to three layers, without laying them with any material. Packing is carried out in wooden or paper boxes, but this method cannot be considered reliable, because it will be very difficult to check the quality of the apples: if on the lowest “floor” an apple suddenly begins to rot, it will be difficult to get to it in order to throw it away, otherwise the rot will occur very quickly can spread to neighboring apples and ruin most of your harvest.

Wrapping in paper

It is important to know what paper to use. You should not take magazines and newspapers, they have hard edges and can damage the skin of the apple. It’s better to take either regular napkins or banal toilet paper – it couldn’t be softer. When wrapping an apple, try to ensure that it (the apple) is dry, completely wrapped in paper and placed in a container prepared in advance and placed at the storage site, with the stalks up and not down, as for some reason many people mistakenly do. In this form, provided that you have not overlooked the diseased apple, they can be stored for the longest possible period of time.


This is a very good way to store apples and is also quite common. You can use regular dry river sand as the layer with which you will sprinkle the apples, but it is better to add wood, stove ash or soot (a tenth of the sand) to it. Sand and ash (soot, etc.) must be poured strictly onto the bottom of the container (box, box) in a layer of three or four centimeters, and then place the apple fruits in such a way that they do not touch the barrels to each other. Next, you need to pour another layer (the composition is the same), completely covering the apples, put the apples on it, and so on until the top of the container. Usually three or four “floors” fit, depending on the size of the apples or container.

If you have neither river sand nor ash with soot at your disposal, then you can use sawdust (most often, by the way), leaf litter (if it is dry and disease-free), wood shavings (any except conifers), onion peels (but if the harvest is large, you will need a lot of it), sunflower or buckwheat husks, as well as peat (dry) or even moss (acts as an absorbent).

Storage in the ground

If there is no cellar, no basement, no balcony and the storage room in the apartment is occupied by skis, then you can store apples right on your personal plot, literally burying them in the ground. It is advisable to prepare a trench, hole, depression (what is the size of the harvest) a week before picking apples. The standard size is still a trench 55-65 centimeters deep and 35-45 centimeters wide. At the bottom you need to add either spruce paws or juniper shoots (it is believed that this can save you from rodents; in fact, it does, but not always).

Next, the apples themselves are placed in plastic bags (new, not previously used). Try to put four or five kilograms of apples in one bag, no more. Then these bags (tied, but with small slits for ethylene to escape; often a dozen punctures with a needle are enough) are placed in a trench and, when it is full, covered with soil.

This should be done on a dry and fine day, when the earth crumbles well and when covering your “stash” of food, it does not form air voids. It is advisable to cover it all with a layer of lutrasil on top - it will protect from cooling and from excess moisture. You can stick poles on four sides as a sign that something very valuable is buried here.

In conclusion, a couple of advanced technologies on the advice of large farms are the exposure of apples to carbon dioxide and ultraviolet radiation.

What's the point? First, the apples (also carefully collected, selected, etc.) are placed in large plastic bags, and then placed in cellars, where it is possible, using a siphon for the production of banal soda, to inject small doses of carbon dioxide into the bags. After this, the hole is tightly sealed. Apples are stored in such a bag for a long time if the seal is not broken and diseased fruits do not appear.

Some summer residents go even further: they manage to treat apples laid in layers with an ultraviolet lamp, which has bactericidal properties. Usually half an hour is enough to supposedly kill all the microbes on the surface of the fruit. If the scale is large, then in a large room apples are spread on the floor in one layer, and such lamps are hung at a distance of one and a half meters and turned on for the time indicated above, then the layer of apples is replaced with a new one, and so on. It is believed that the problem of rot during storage will be completely eliminated in this way.

In general, apples can and should be stored. We have described many methods, and if you have the opportunity to grow late varieties of apples on your own plot, then try to learn how to store them correctly.

This fruit is in every home and is familiar to us since childhood. It often replaces a quick snack and can be stored all winter. Late varieties can be stored until mid-spring, even if they are purchased in a store. Fruit from your own garden has a chance of remaining edible six months later if picked when it is at a certain stage of ripeness. But even at the market you can choose those fruits that will remain fresh for a long time, if you know how to store apples at home.

Stages of preparation for storage

  • Fruits of “summer” (early) varieties should be consumed immediately - they are not stored for a long time.
  • The fruits of mid-season (“autumn”) varieties can last up to 3 months,
  • “Winter”, ripening later than others - until March. Subject to timely harvesting and compliance with storage conditions.

This fruit is very demanding in terms of picking. It must be removed from the branch very carefully, avoiding even the slightest damage. It is better to do this with gloves. You do not need to pick the fruit from the branch, but carefully unscrew it, without pressing it too hard. The stems should be left on the apple.

An apple that has fallen to the ground will not be stored - the place of impact will very quickly darken, begin to rot, and soon this process will destroy the entire fruit.

The apple fruit has a natural protective coating, reminiscent of wax, which allows it to remain fresh for a long time. Therefore, before storing apples, they are not washed or wiped with anything.

Fruits selected for storage that do not have damage, dents or wormholes are laid out in one layer on a balcony or in a barn and left there for 12 to 15 days. During this time, all spots and damaged areas will become visible, which will isolate the damaged fruits from the rest of the crop.

  • Apples are stored for the winter in small batches. They should not lie in more than 2 - 3 rows so that the lower fruits do not experience pressure from the upper ones. In addition, air will flow freely to the fruit, preventing rot and mold from forming.

  • The storage period and conditions for apples vary. It depends on the variety and their degree of maturity. Therefore, only completely identical fruits should be kept in one container.
  • Larger fruits are stored less well. They produce more volatile substance, ethylene, which speeds up their ripening and reduces the shelf life of apples. Small fruits dry out faster, so it is better to put them on dried fruit or jam.
  • It is best to select medium-sized fruits for storage.

Apple storage conditions

Apples should be stored in a cool place. These could be cellars, basements or closets that do not freeze in winter. And in a city apartment, you can use a glassed-in loggia or a refrigerator.

  1. The storage temperature for apples should be from 0°C to +4°C, and humidity – 85 – 95%. These indicators are considered optimal for long-term preservation of these fruits. If you create such conditions, you can store apples in an apartment for as long as in a cellar.
  2. If the fruit is kept in low humidity, the flesh of some varieties will become mealy, while others will acquire a bitter taste or begin to wilt. An increased level of humidity in the place where apples are stored leads to rotting and the formation of mold.
  3. All fruits are stored in dark places, and apples are no exception. Light affects them negatively: the fruits turn yellow and lose their elasticity.
  4. Ethylene gas, which fruits emit in large quantities, can ruin the entire harvest. Therefore, the room in which they are located needs to be ventilated more often.

What container are apples stored in?

It is best to store apples in wooden boxes. But you can also use cardboard boxes, plywood containers, baskets or plastic bags with holes.

  • Boxes for storing fruits should be made of moisture-proof cardboard, and boxes should be made of unpainted boards. They should not have any foreign odors.
  • Any storage container must “breathe”. Therefore, holes are made in it in advance.
  • The containers in which the fruit will be stored must be durable to withstand their weight even during transportation.
  • If you plan to store apples in boxes, it is better not to fill them with fruits to the very top. This will allow you to stack the boxes on top of each other and save space.

Large volumes of fruit are stored in containers with forest moss, peat, husks from sunflower or onion seeds, and wood shavings. One of these materials is poured onto the bottom of the container, and then fruit is placed in it, pouring each layer. They are also covered with sawdust or moss on top. This will reduce your apples' exposure to ethylene and help protect them from rodents and pests.

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Storage in cellars or basements

It’s good when it is possible to store the harvest in a cellar or other place with similar conditions.

The walls of the cellar are treated with a fresh solution of slaked lime or copper sulfate to prevent mold and protect food from insect attacks.

The harvest is simply placed on shelves previously lined with dried hay or shavings, so that it is convenient to sort through the fruit in the future.

The fruits should not lie close to each other. This will help keep them safe if one of them goes bad.

Storing apples in paper

A small number of apples are stored by wrapping each of them in paper, and only then placing them in a box or box. The paper isolates them from each other, preventing one fruit that has begun to spoil from infecting all the others. It also absorbs excess moisture.

With this storage method, apples are placed with the stalk facing up.

Storing apples in an apartment

To store apples in a city apartment for a long time, they need to be kept on a glassed-in balcony.

You can choose a packaging option from those suggested above - the methods for storing apples in the cellar and on the balcony are no different.

To maximize the shelf life of apples on the balcony, each of them is wrapped in a napkin and then covered with warm old clothes.

At room temperature, even on a windowsill or near a balcony door, fruit will not be stored for long.

Storing apples in the refrigerator

Fruits should be placed on the refrigerator shelf as soon as they are removed from the tree or purchased at the market. They can stay fresh for up to 2 months if you don't wash them first.

Fruits of the same variety and size can be wrapped several pieces in cling film with holes and placed in the vegetable compartment.


The washed and dried fruit is grated or cut into slices. Place on a cutting board and place in the freezer for several hours. The shelf life in the freezer depends on the size of the pieces. Frozen products are packaged in portions and sent for long-term storage. You can store fruit in the freezer until the next harvest.

Frozen apples last much longer, and they can later be used as a pie filling or for making compotes.

Storing dried apples

The washed apples are cut into small pieces, first removing the core, wormholes and rotten areas, and then dried outside or in the oven at +55°C - +70°C for 8 - 10 hours.

Dried apples should be stored in canvas or paper bags in a cool, dark place. In containers made of glass or metal, dried fruits will quickly deteriorate: they will become moldy or acquire a musty smell.

Even general knowledge of how to store apples in winter will help you use your supplies until spring, rather than going to the store to buy them.