
Skipper on the face 6 letters. Stylish man: skipper beard, how to make it? Great photo. Care and maintenance

A skipper beard is a hairstyle that is a narrow strip of hair that frames the lower part of the face, while connecting the sideburns. The cheeks remain smoothly shaved, the length can vary depending on preference.

Skipper or captain, an outstanding personality, a person capable of leading a ship. What can you say about the skipper's beard? This beard shape can distinguish a man from ordinary bearded men.

The uniqueness of the skipper design lies in its ease of care; you can wear your hairstyle without having to worry too much about constant correction.

Origin story

The origins of the hairstyle go back to English and European sailors. In the Middle Ages, there was a belief that without luxurious vegetation there would be no luck in sea navigation. The beard was placed on a pedestal of honor and reverence; shaving the hair meant dooming oneself to endless failures.

The Age of Enlightenment brought with it new trends in the history of the skipper's beard. Wild vegetation was regarded as barbarism, and obedient sailors began to shave the dense vegetation, but not all of them; the captains were the first to take such a step.

If you do not have a thick beard, no hair on your cheeks, thin and sparse hair,
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Over time, it became clear that it was not very convenient to wear a large head of hair under the chin; food remained in the hair, or the remains of a burning cigarette could lead to a fire in the face.

A compromise between a long-standing belief and banal convenience was the decision to shave the top of the beard. In this way, the sailor’s self-expression remained in its place, once a certain comfort was achieved.

What does a skipper's beard look like?

The skipper consists of vegetation in the form of a strip located on the lower jaw, exactly following the contours of the cheekbones. At the same time, the cheeks remain smoothly shaved. A photo of the skipper's beard can be seen below.

There are certain types of skipper beard, they differ in the length of the stubble. When choosing your skipper, you need to take into account the style, the amount of hair on the face, and its shape. This is necessary so that the vegetation does not contradict the way of life, but rather complements it. Also, a well-chosen length can correct or hide facial imperfections and emphasize its advantages.

If you have a sharp chin and you definitely don't like it, a sea dog goatee can easily add volume or soften sharply defined cheekbones.

The classic version of the skipper does not require a mustache, but if desired, you can add a small mustache. Varieties of the skipper beard include: Chinstrap, Old Dutchman, they differ in length, but they are united by the absence of a mustache.


What type of face is it suitable for?

The captain's beard is most suitable for those with a trapezoidal face shape. In this case, vegetation can soften a brutal chin and make it narrower.

However, men with any face shape can try on this hairstyle.

Often you can judge a man's character by his beard. Skipper is chosen by men with a well-developed imagination, lovers of interesting innovations, charismatic, slightly frivolous dreamers. You won't get bored with such a "sailor".

How to grow a skipper beard

IN first of all you need to prepare your face for wearing a beard. How to do it?

  • It is difficult to eliminate skin diseases and carry out full treatment under the beard.
  • Eliminate dryness and irritation. The cheek area when wearing a skipper requires constant shaving; dryness and irritation can interfere with these actions.
  • Change habits. When growing, you may encounter the problem of uneven slow growth, or baldness, which is often influenced by our lifestyle. Make sure you eat well, sleep well, exercise reasonably, and eliminate stress.

Second phase– growing and shaving. Once you decide to grow a skipper, perform a smooth, high-quality shave, this approach will ensure even growth.

At first, when growing, itching occurs, this is due to the skin adapting to new conditions. During this time, you should not scratch your face to avoid infection. Growing a full beard lasts from 3 weeks to 6 weeks, you need to achieve a length of 10-20 mm.

On third stage You need to get the necessary tools for cutting. Beard tools: machine, comb, trimmer, mirror, brush for brushing hair.

Step by step haircut

So, skipper in details:

  • Immediately before cutting, comb the regrown hair properly, making sure that the hairs are all in the same direction and do not stand out from the general mass.
  • Using a clipper, start cutting hair from the cheekbones to the mustache, in the opposite direction of growth. Keep the length to a minimum of 7 mm, clean the hair from cut stubble.
  • Use a trimmer to draw out the contours. The upper part of the skipper should run from the temples to the chin, along the lower part of the cheeks, as if repeating the outline of the jaws. The lower part is located 1 centimeter above the Adam's apple; if desired, the height can be increased. This line should also follow the curve of the jaws.
  • If desired, decorate the area between the chin and lower lip; this can be a small strip of vegetation.
  • If your skipper expects a mustache, use a trimmer to set the desired shape. The modern skipper does not tolerate a wide mustache, a rather narrow strip with a hair length proportional to other areas of the face.
  • Next, shave off all hair that is not included in the specified contours, check uneven areas if any.
  • Clean your face of cut hair, comb your hair, and style it.

How to care

The rules for caring for a beard are not complicated and do not require much effort:

  • Regular hygiene. It is best to use a special beard wash; it will not dry out the skin and will add additional benefits in the form of shine and ease of combing. You need to wash your beard as it gets dirty. After water treatments, dry the vegetation with a towel; it is better not to use a hairdryer, intense streams of hot air have a negative effect on the skin and hair.
  • Nutrition and hydration. Oils or masks are good for these purposes. Oils can be purchased in pharmacies, and masks can be made at home.
  • Laying. It can be done using wax, gel, mousse, etc. The best styling product is wax; when applying, you do not need to be zealous with the amount of product, since the hair can stand up like a stake and become uncomfortablely rigid. Why should you use styling products? They will help give your beard a well-groomed and neat look, and obediently arrange stray hairs.
  • Adjustment of length, shape. Smooth cheeks are important for a skipper, so they need to be shaved regularly. Contours also require adjustments to maintain the desired shape.

Famous personalities who invariably wear the uniform of a captain's beard: Leonid Yarmolnik, Elijah Wood, historical figure - Abraham Lincoln.


You may not be able to become a sea wolf, but you are capable of managing your own image. Skipper, a beard that is not devoid of romance, is perfect for men with any face shape; it is unpretentious, but attractive and stylish in its own way. When deciding to create this haircut, do not forget to acquire the tools, and once you have achieved the result, maintain it with the help of high-quality care.

Wearing a beard and mustache is increasingly becoming fashionable, and men are increasingly trading a close shave for rugged facial hair.

Due to the widespread popularity of this fashion, many bearded men try to stand out among their “colleagues” by arranging their facial hair in an unusual shape.

One of the most original versions of the traditional beard is the skipper beard.

What is a skipper's beard?

The appearance of the skipper's beard is directly related to the history of its origin.

As the name suggests, this form was common among representatives of maritime professions: sailors, fishermen, port workers, etc. Sailors are a superstitious people, and shaving the beard during or before a voyage has long been considered a bad omen.

However, safety precautions often required the removal of wild facial hair, and then the sailors found a way out: they began to shave the upper part of the face, leaving hair on the edge of the jaw and on the chin.

Thus, the skipper beard is characterized by the presence of hair in the lower part of the face with smoothly shaved cheeks. As a rule, it follows the contours of the cheekbones.

With sufficient versatility, the skipper beard is best suited for men with a “heavy” lower jaw and a trapezoidal face shape.

Because this type of hair design visually makes the lower part of the face narrower and less massive.

REFERENCE: Often, the name “skipper beard” refers to a whole family of beards that differ in length and the presence of mustaches (for example, “chinstrap” and “old Dutchman” involve complete removal of the mustache, although they differ radically in length).

This article will consider the most average, standard version of the skipper's beard.

How to prepare your face?

When preparing your facial skin for growing any form of beard, you should follow a number of general rules, however, The skipper's beard has its own special requirements for preparation.

IMPORTANT: In any case, growing a beard should be taken seriously and responsibly from both an aesthetic and medical point of view. It is necessary to carefully monitor any changes in the condition of your body.

When you stop shaving at first, you may experience itching on the hairy areas of your face. This is due to the fact that the razor usually removes part of the keratinized layers of the epidermis, and the skin takes time to get used to the new conditions. If itching occurs, try not to scratch your face to avoid injury to the skin and infection.

Usually, all initial inconveniences and problems go away on their own over time, but if symptoms of sycosis appear, a visit to a dermatologist becomes necessary.

These include severe itching, redness of the skin, and the appearance of a large number of small white ulcers without a core. Also, medical care should not be neglected in case of frequent ingrown hairs. This problem brings great inconvenience, in addition, ingrown hairs can lead to the appearance of boils.

Growing and shaving

In order to start growing a skipper beard, you need to do more than just put the razor away in the nightstand and wait for long stubble to appear. You should first perform a high-quality, perfectly clean shave. This is necessary to ensure uniform hair growth of the same length.

With everyday shaving, it is not always possible to shave all areas of the face equally smoothly, but the final shave before regrowth should be done especially carefully. If possible, it is better to go to a barbershop, where specialists will not only shave you cleanly and safely, but also give professional recommendations.

To ensure the best possible shaving experience, you should follow certain shaving rules:

ATTENTION: Once you have your face clean shaved, all you have to do is wait for your face to grow a full, natural beard. During this time, you should not touch your facial hair with a razor or clipper at all.

Depending on the speed of hair growth and the desired length, you should wait from three weeks to one and a half months to grow a full beard. The minimum length of stubble required to form a skipper's beard is 10-20 millimeters.

How to do it?

Required Tools

A skipper beard, like any other, is trimmed from a full beard that has already been grown. This type of work requires special tools for cutting and shaving hair:

The question of purchasing tools should be asked at the stage of preparing the face and growing a full beard. Currently, manufacturers offer a wide selection of hairdressing equipment in different price categories.

No need to chase expensive professional tools: To style and care for your beard yourself, an inexpensive machine and trimmer for home use will suffice.

IMPORTANT: However, under no circumstances should you skimp on quality. You should find the best option that combines high quality and reasonable price.

Step by step haircut

So, having grown a long enough full beard and having all the tools necessary for cutting, you can begin to shape your facial hair in the desired shape. In order to trim a skipper's beard, you need to follow the following sequence of actions:

All! At this point, the design of your skipper's beard can be considered complete.

Nowadays, more and more men are trying to grow a beard. Beautiful facial hair adds masculinity and charisma to the image. In addition, a man with a beard always looks more respectable, which is often liked by the fair sex. One of the most attractive and interesting types of beard is the skipper beard.

What does a skipper's beard look like?

The skipper beard is also called the English beard. This variety is distinguished by a relatively short length of bristles and round outlines that closely follow the shape of the cheekbones. Her main feature is the shaved hair on her cheeks. The hair is arranged in a stripe from one ear to the other. In this case, they only capture the lower part of the chin. Therefore, the English beard has the shape of a horseshoe. The skipper beard has many varieties, differing primarily in the length of the hair. To have this beard option, you must first grow a full beard and then shave your cheeks. To ensure that the skipper's beard has a beautiful and neat shape, it is advisable to trim the edges with scissors. This beard looks great in combination with a mustache, but it should not be too long.

Popularity history

The name of this type of beard comes from English sailors or skippers, who often wore just such facial hair. In the mid-twentieth century, this beard shape came into fashion as one of the universal options. Today, the skipper beard is popular among the stronger sex of different ages and occupations.

Who is suitable for a skipper beard?

Traditionally, the skipper or English beard is the prerogative of men with a connection to the sea. By choosing this option, these people can once again emphasize their belonging to the maritime profession, which looks very romantic. At the same time, such a beard can also be worn by men who are absolutely not associated with the sea. A skipper beard is ideal for men whose face has a trapezoid shape, when the lower part looks more weighty. It will visually reduce the massive lower part of the face. In addition, this option will hide a very sharp or square selection.

Beard and character

The shape of a beard can say a lot about a person’s character and this variety is no exception. In particular, a skipper's beard characterizes a man as a dreamer who likes to talk a lot. Usually these are dreamers who always come up with something interesting, but do not always follow through with their plans. The English beard is typical for slightly frivolous and fickle men. Such representatives of the stronger sex need a special approach - they require admiration. Then it will be interesting and fun with them.

Famous fans of the skipper's beard

The skipper beard is quite popular among men of various professions, including celebrities. This type of facial hair is worn by many famous personalities, for example, Leonid Yarmolnik. Don't forget that this is exactly the shape of the beard that the sixteenth US President Abraham Lincoln had.

How to grow

Any man with good stubble growth can grow a skipper beard. To do this, you need to know the step-by-step method of growing:

  • Grow full stubble.
  • They cut it to a certain length of 4-5 mm.
  • The lower and upper edges are formed based on the individual characteristics of the face.
  • Trim hair to the required length.
  • Shave the stubble located under the lower lip.
  • Removes as much stubble as possible on the cheeks and neck.
  • Shape and correct the mustache.

By following this step-by-step scheme, you can quickly create a beautiful skipper's beard.

How to care

Care is a mandatory procedure, without which you will not be able to maintain the beauty and thickness of your beard. First of all, facial hair should be trimmed regularly to maintain its shape. This should be done at least once a week. At the same time, you should constantly adjust the upper and lower borders so that they match the contours of your face. In addition, you need to regularly trim the length of the bristles to suit your needs. You should also periodically shave the hair under your lower lip, as well as on your neck and cheeks. In general, beard care should be no less regular than the hair on your head. In fact, a beard is the same hairstyle.

Since ancient times, the beard has had an almost mystical meaning for sailors. She was cared for and cherished, and no one even thought of cutting or shaving her hair. According to historians, the skipper's quarters appeared thanks to the new charter of the English Navy. High authorities believed that the mustache would drown out the commands, so the officers were ordered to shave off this upper part.

What does a skipper's b-yes look like?

Skipperskaya has a rounded shape and a framing line of cheekbones, while the cheeks are shaved. She can be worn with or without a mustache. The length can vary from 5-6 mm to several centimeters. This type is suitable for men with round, triangular and trapezoidal faces.

How to grow a skipper's b-d

The first stage is the growth of the source material - full-fledged facial hair. This will take you one and a half to two months. If he stubbornly does not want to grow or grows slowly, use it. When there is enough material, start forming:
First, remove your hair up to five millimeters if you want short stubble, but if you want long stubble, leave a couple of centimeters.
Start using the trimmer to shape the contour, trying to stick to the natural contour of your face.
Shave the hair from your cheeks in small sections one at a time - first on one side, then on the other.
If you are going to wear it with a mustache, trim and shape the mustache.
Shave the hair under your lower lip.
Shave off any excess hair on the lower part of your face and neck.
If you want a short one, get rid of the hairs with a trimmer without attachments.
To create a longer one, use a nozzle of the appropriate size.

How to care for a skipper's b-doy

In addition to daily washing with shampoo, you will need to periodically adjust the shape and, of course, shave your face in places where hair is not provided. Use only professional tools for cutting hair, such as a trimmer, clipper or hairdressing scissors.

We invite you to watch a video from our colleagues on how to trim your beard

Complete information on the topic “how to make a skipper beard” - all the most relevant and useful information on this issue.

A large number of modern men grow a beard. This gives masculinity and seriousness to the image. But often many people are simply too lazy to grow a long beard, since it requires careful care.

If you don't take care of your beard, it can harm a man's appearance. However, there is a compromise solution - a skipper beard; it is not long and does not require much effort to care for. This beard is suitable for any man who wants to be different from others.

Distinctive features

The skipper beard is also called the British beard. It is distinguished by medium length bristles and a round shape. Also an important feature is clean-shaven cheeks.

There are several different variations of the British beard. They all differ only in length. When choosing any variation, a man needs to decide on his unique style.

Who suits a skipper's beard?

A skipper beard does not look harmonious on every man. If the face is young and tender, then this type of beard is not suitable. If a man has a brutal appearance, the lower jaw is clearly expressed, then such a beard will be very useful.

With the help of a skipper's beard you can correct your face. Short stubble along the edges of the chin will soften a “heavy” face.

In general, this type of beard is suitable for almost any man. It masks irregular features. You just need to choose the right length of the bristles.

How to make a skipper beard

In order to become the bearer of a skipper beard, you must first grow a very ordinary beard, without doing anything to it while it grows. To obtain the desired result, you must follow the following sequence:

  • We grow stubble with a hair length of no more than one centimeter.
  • We cut along the entire length up to four millimeters.
  • We model the lower and upper edges of the beard.
  • We shave the stubble under the lip from below, then on the cheeks and neck.

Fashionable beard cut - skipper

  • We select a comb of a certain length for cutting. This can be a ridge of two, four, six millimeters.
  • We trim the length of the hair with a trimmer. This will help make shaving comfortable and not difficult.
  • Remove the comb from the trimmer and trim the stubble, creating a beard shape. Shaving the stubble on your neck and cheeks a little shorter will make your look more stylish.
  • When cutting, we carefully monitor symmetry. Don't cut off too much hair when trying to straighten your beard.
  • Apply shaving cream to areas of the face that will not be part of the beard (cheeks, neck).
  • Using a trimmer and a haircut attachment, we shape the lines of the face, giving it clearer lines.

By following these simple rules, you can quickly grow a beard and form a beautiful shape of a skipper's beard.

Beard care rules

Beard care does not require special knowledge or skills. Basic rules: washing, daily combing and regular haircut.

Here are some simple care tips:

  • You need to wash your beard with the same shampoos and balms that are used to wash your scalp to prevent dandruff and irritation.
  • It is necessary to comb your beard every day so that it does not lose its shape and neat appearance.
  • You need to cut your hair regularly, keeping it in shape.
  • You can use various cosmetics to make your beard beautiful and soft. But before use, read the instructions carefully.
  • Comb your beard only with a comb. Otherwise, she will look sloppy and is unlikely to be liked by others.
  • You can style your beard to your liking. If the hair is not too thick, then it can be dyed, which will give additional volume and hide all the roughness.

How to grow a beard

The main factor for growing a beard is a clearly defined line. Growing a beautiful beard is not at all difficult.

How to cut an English beard

  • Eat more vegetables and fruits that contain sucrose. These could be apples, pomegranates, carrots.
  • Add vitamins A, B, C, E to the menu.
  • Add fermented milk products to the menu.
  • Use both castor and burdock oil.
  • Be in the sun more often and add vitamin D to your food, for that matter.
  • Visit gyms to produce and increase testosterone.

Once the hair has grown to the required size, begin modeling the shape. By properly caring for your facial hair, you can be sure that your look will be irresistible.

New fashion trend: skipper or captain's beard

Today, more and more men are looking to grow a beard, but not everyone wants to have a lot of facial hair. For such representatives of the stronger sex, a skipper beard would be the ideal solution.

You can rarely see clean-shaven guys on the streets. A well-groomed skipper beard looks neat, not as brutal as a Russian one, but at the same time adds masculinity and solidity to the wearer. Women really like a charismatic male image with a neat, well-groomed beard.

What does a captain's beard look like?

This design of facial hair is often called an English, boatswain's or skipper's beard. This option resembles a belt that goes around the chin. The shape is round and follows the outline of the cheekbones.

The length of the hairs is average, which allows you to make a thin strip from one ear to the other, capturing the lower part of the chin, and all the stubble on the cheeks and neck is shaved to zero. From the outside, such a thin strip of facial hair resembles the shape of a horseshoe.

Previously, this design was found mainly among men who had some connection with the sea and thus declared belonging to their profession. But today anyone can style their facial hair using the same principle.

Which beard should you choose?

The captain's beard has several varieties, which differ from each other in the length of the hair. When choosing the right type, it is recommended to take into account your personal style and facial structure in order to highlight your strengths, not your weaknesses.

With the help of a certain design of facial hair, you can easily add volume to a sharp chin or soften a heavy jaw and large cheekbones. If desired, it is not forbidden to combine a beard with a mustache, the main thing is that they are not too thick or long, which can ruin the whole image, making it ridiculous.

Features of a skipper's beard

The main and most important feature is that even with short hair length, it should exactly follow the features of a man’s chin and cheekbones. The hair is styled in a strip, which ideally should be as thin as possible, but its width is determined based on the shape of the face and its features. A strip of hair stretches from one temple through the chin to the other temple. In any case, the cheeks should be clean-shaven. Any hair in this area should not be present.

In the classic version, the skipper beard is shaped only along the lower part of the chin and does not imply the presence of a mustache, but today modern fashionistas often combine this nautical style with a thin, neat mustache.

How to make such a beard?

At the initial stage, you need to grow the required amount of facial hair. Without using a razor for about three weeks, you can achieve the desired effect. Next, we trim the vegetation around the entire perimeter to the same size. In order to maximally assess the correctness of the proportions and the relationship of the beard to the shape of the face, it is better to use a dressing table when cutting a haircut, rather than an ordinary straight mirror.

Before you make smooth edges, you need to understand that this stage is the most difficult and to form smooth, clear edges you need a certain skill and firm hand placement. To achieve the ideal shape, you need to take into account the oval of the face and the volume of the cheekbones. Only with some experience will you be able to create the perfect skipper's beard. That is why it is still recommended to contact specialists, and then independently maintain the previously created form.

The optimal length of facial hair should not be less than 4 cm and more than 5 cm. It is important to form them correctly so that certain strands do not protrude beyond the established edges, and an unpleasant hedgehog does not form on the cheekbones.

You need to determine in advance whether the mustache suits the chosen option or not. If you decide to leave the mustache, then you need to trim it and use a trimmer to give it smooth, neat lines so that the style of the mustache matches the overall shape. If you don't want a mustache, use a razor and shaving gel to simply remove all hair in the area.

The final result and appearance of the beard will differ for each man due to the fact that the shape of the face will make its own adjustments. After you have decided on the shape, all the hairs need to be trimmed again. And to draw clear lines, you need to remove all excess hair on the cheeks and neck. Photos of different skipper beard options can be viewed below.

How to care?

Proper care is a mandatory procedure that will allow you to maintain a presentable appearance of your beard. It is necessary to regularly trim hairs that have strayed from the general mass (at least once a week).

For this procedure, you can use both a trimmer and regular sharp scissors. It is recommended to remove hair on the cheeks and neck with the same frequency so that the contours do not lose their clarity. If the shape suggests the presence of a mustache, they also need to be trimmed so that the hair does not hang over the upper lip. It is impossible to indicate exact dates, since they are individual for each man.

Once a week you need to wash your hair with shampoo, and for neat styling it is advisable to use special beard wax. So we can say that a skipper's beard requires the same careful care as a good hairstyle.

Facial hair will look healthy only if you eat properly and give up bad habits. It is necessary to reconsider your diet and regimen. It is necessary to make the daily menu balanced in order to saturate the body with essential vitamins and microelements.

Be sure to include fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products, grains, nuts and lean meats in your diet. At the same time, take multivitamins that will help replenish the lack of vitamins in the body, which is simply necessary for active beard growth.

Famous people with a skipper beard

This beard shape is quite popular among men of different ages and professional backgrounds. Even prominent celebrities such as Leonid Yarmolnik and Elijah Wood regularly wear this option, but the most famous historical figure who chose this uniform was Abraham Lincoln (16th President of the United States).

The beard has been in fashion for many years and holds a leading position in the fashion world, so you can safely start growing facial hair and start designing, for example, a skipper’s beard. It is important to simply decide in advance on the shape, volume and length of your hair, stock up on the necessary tools and start cutting! Bearded men always look sexy, especially since today there are many products for caring for this male accessory!

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    Stylish man: skipper beard, how to make it? Great photo

    More and more men nowadays want to grow a beard. Any facial hair usually makes a man look somewhat more brutal and mature.

    However, you don’t always want to grow a long beard, because it requires constant care, without which you will look more sloppy than stylish.

    But there is a compromise option in which you have a beard, but it is short enough that you can forget about caring for it for at least a month.

    This type of beard is called skipper and it will suit almost every man who wants to stand out among the monotonous bearded men.


    Its main feature is that, being quite short, exactly repeats the outline of the cheekbones of its owner.

    The hair is a fairly narrow strip that runs along the entire lower part of the face, starting from some sideburns to others. At the same time, the cheeks are completely shaved.

    There are a huge number of varieties of this beard, which mainly vary depending on its length.

    A mustache can also go well with a skipper's beard, however, it should preferably be approximately the same or slightly shorter length than the beard, so as not to look contrasting, because it will look quite sloppy and sometimes a little strange.

    Such a beard is suitable for almost any type of male face of different nations, but it will look best on men with a trapezoidal face type, which is characterized primarily by narrow cheekbones and slightly sunken cheeks.

    Where did it come from?

    The history of this type of beard begins with English, and European sailors in general. The fact is that in the Middle Ages, quite a lot of attention was paid to the beard; it was believed that almost the success of a sea voyage depended on its condition, so shaving it was strictly forbidden.

    However, with the advent of the Age of Enlightenment, first commanders, and then their subordinates, began to shave their beards, since, according to the new fashion, having long and voluminous facial hair was barbaric.

    In any case, this fashion was not reflected among ordinary sailors, who were still not alien to belief in various superstitions, including the dependence between the presence of a beard and luck in sea life.

    But not only the spirit of the time demanded shaving, but also the banal convenience, after all, eating or smoking with an unshaven “shovel” beard is quite inconvenient, because it at least became dirty, and could even catch fire after a hot piece of tobacco fell on it.

    And in the end, the sailors decided that it would be quite convenient to shave the “upper” part of the beard, since life required this, but leave its “lower” part as a sign of belonging to the maritime profession, as well as for the mercy of various gods and spirits, from which the life of a sailor during the voyage could depend.

    How to grow?

    Of course, having read about how wonderful this type of beard is, which suits everyone, you have already thought about the skipper beard, how to do it to get one enough unusual the shape of your facial hair.

    In fact, if you have everything in order with the growth of facial hair, then you simply cannot have any special problems with this type of beard: acquiring it will be a very simple task for you.

    So, what you will need to do first is grow a beard. No, not the one this article is written about, but a very ordinary beard all over your face, which you will have about a couple of weeks after you stop shaving every day.

    Then we will need to trim to uniform beard length, which should be five centimeters. To do this, you will need to trim all the stubble to the same length.

    After this, perhaps the most difficult stage begins: you will need to shape the edges of the beard. This really requires some skill, in addition, you will have to take into account the shape of your face, which also requires experience and quite a lot. Therefore, at this stage, it would be best for you to go to a specialist to create the desired beard shape.

    This is really necessary, because during the previous point you could slightly change the shape of the beard in some areas, besides, we need a shorter length of the beard, which should be equal to three centimeters.

    Next, simply use a beard razor to remove any hair that is on your cheeks. At the same time, it is worth being enough neat so as not to accidentally shave that very “strip” of hair that must be present on the lower part of the face.

    Sometimes inexperienced people “got” a little on it with a razor, which spoiled such a huge job of growing it. You will also need to work on your mustache. To learn more about how to shave a beard with a trimmer, follow the link.

    Here, first of all, it is important whether you want to leave the mustache at all or will need to be removed. If the former, then it will be enough to just slightly adjust their shape and length, and if the mustache is still not needed, then you can simply remove it with literally a few hand movements.

    If you decide to grow a skipper beard, the photo is provided for your attention below.

    Photo of skipper's beard

    How to care?

    If you have managed to cope with this very difficult task of creating your own beard, then you will still need care behind it so that it remains of the same quality and attractiveness.

    If you don’t want to look like a real sailor who didn’t have a razor with him for several months during a sea voyage, then you need to shave off the excess hair quite often, preferably at least once a day, so that the beard line looks fairly neat . Although, if you want to add even more romance to your image, then you don’t have to do this.

    In any case, in order not to neglect the health of your facial hair, you need to follow a certain diet, the essence of which is an increased consumption of foods that are immensely beneficial for hair, such as fruits, vegetables, milk, lean meat, as well as nuts and cereals.

    I don’t think you’ll be able to rely on all of this at once, so be sure to start taking multivitamin complexes that will help keep your body in good shape, and will also supply it with the most useful microelements.

    You just need to rub it at least once a day on the part of your face where the hair is located, and in just a couple of weeks, it will become richer, thicker, softer, and will literally shine in the sun with its health.

    Another important care tip would be to exercise, without which your beard will not be as beautiful.

    The fact is that any physical activity leads to the production of additional amounts of testosterone, which is not for nothing called the “male hormone”, because a lot depends on it, including healthy facial hair.

    A few more beard care products will not hurt you - wax, balm, soap. These procedures will help you quickly enough, for just a few months, get a beard that will attract and fascinate so many people.

    To make your skipper's beard look even cooler, you can add items to your wardrobe with images of something related to the sea, such as anchors.

    Also, be sure to buy a leather jacket or bracelets in a harsh nautical style, this will make your look even more romantic and deep. Now you know about the skipper beard, if you want to know more about other beard hairstyles, come here.

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    To achieve a skipper's beard, you need to cut the existing stubble to 4 mm, carefully shave the hairs from your cheeks, as well as under your lower lip! The shape of the beard should follow the shape of your cheekbones!

    4 mm is for a cabin boy, for a skipper - 4 cm or more, IMHO.

    Skipper beard how to make

    Have you decided to change your image? Start with styling your mustache and beard! But today there are so many decorating styles. From the most intricate to the simplest. Some men opt for a skipper beard. What is it and will it suit you?

    Skipper's beard: what it is, historical moments

    Don't want to be like everyone else, but at the same time you're not ready to spend too much time caring for your facial hair? The skipper beard is a universal option, as it suits men with different face shapes. If you want to emphasize and highlight your cheekbones, she will do it with ease.

    Many people associate this style with sailors and boatswains. And it’s not surprising, because in old photos you can see that very often sailors wore just such a beard. The peak of popularity of this style was recorded in the Age of Enlightenment; it was at that time that a similar beard could be seen on many sailors. The essence of the style is that you need to shave off the top part of the hair, but leave the bottom part of the beard.

    Despite the fact that today the skipper beard is not as popular as it was several centuries ago, it is still loved by many men.

    Is it possible to combine a skipper beard with a mustache?

    If desired, it can be combined with a mustache. It is important that the mustache is not too thick or long; it should not draw attention to itself. Otherwise, you will look ridiculous.

    Skipper beard: style and photo

    Surely you are interested in the question, with what face shape can this option be worn? As we have already said, it fits almost any face shape (with the exception of elongated, elongated ones). A skipper's beard looks good on those with a square, round, rectangular, or oval shape.

    Features of the skipper beard:

    • There is practically no hair on the cheeks; they are shaved off;
    • Bristles – short or medium;
    • The beard follows the contour of the cheekbones.

    There are several options for styling a beard in this style; they differ only in the length and presence of a mustache. You can choose to keep a minimal amount of hair or grow your beard a little longer.

    Remember that this beard (like any other design options) is only suitable for those who do not have problems with facial hair. If your hair is thin and sparse, you should not grow it out.

    How to make a skipper's beard? First of all, you need to grow your facial hair, three weeks of not shaving is enough. Now you need to trim your hair along the entire length, the best option is 4-5 cm.

    Shape the beard along the edges, the hair should not stick out in different directions on the cheekbones. The final shape depends on the shape of your face. After you have formed the shape along the edges, again smooth out the hair along the entire length of the beard. As a result, it becomes slightly shorter - 3-4 cm.

    All that remains is to remove excess hair on the cheeks to give the beard a clear shape. To do this, you can use a razor or trimmer. Keep in mind that the width and length of the skipper's beard can be different, you can change it and experiment.

    As we indicated above, you can also make a mustache. They should be neat, not too thick and long.

    Photo of skipper's beard You will find below, there are different options for every taste. Rating 1.5 votes: 52