
Comparative characteristics of Troekurov and Dubrovsky. Make comparative characteristics: K. Troekurov - A. Dubrovsky, V. Dubrovsky - Prince Vereisky (optional). Position in society

comparative characteristics of Dubrovsky and Troekurov and got the best answer

Answer from Konstantin Tsvetkov [active]

From all this, we can conclude that he was a vulnerable, sincere, kind, caring person. I liked this hero with his hot temper.

Answer from Alisa Suvorina[newbie]
Dubrovsky and Troekurov, when they were young, served with the tsar, after which they were awarded with honor, and, as a result, received an officer rank.
Married, Andrei Gavrilovich and Kirill Petrovich for love, but, unfortunately, quickly became widowers.
Children were left from marriages. Dubrovsky had a son named Volodya. Troekurov had a daughter, Maria.
After serving the tsar, Dubrovsky and Troekurov resigned. They settled in their estates.

Answer from Yunin Konstantin Alexandrovich[newbie]
Troekurov Kirila Petrovich - a rich tyrant nobleman, Masha's father.
T. is a spoiled and licentious person, intoxicated with the consciousness of his strength. Wealth, family, connections - everything provides him with a free life. T. spends time in gluttony, drunkenness, voluptuousness. Humiliation of the weak, like baiting a gaping guest with a bear, is his pleasure.
With all this, T. is not a born villain. He was friends with Dubrovsky's father for a very long time. Having quarreled with him at the kennel, T. takes revenge on his friend with all the strength of his tyranny. With the help of bribes, he sued the estate from the Dubrovskys, drove his former friend to insanity and death. But tyrant T. feels he has gone too far. Immediately after the trial, he goes to make peace with a friend. But he is late: father Dubrovsky is dying, and his son drives him out. The image of T. Pushkin shows that the trouble is not in the landowner himself, but in the social structure of Russian life (serfdom, the omnipotence of the nobles). It develops in an unenlightened nobleman a belief in his own impunity and unlimited possibilities (“That’s the power to take away property without any right”). Even love for children is distorted in T. to the limit. He adores his Masha, but makes her unhappy, passing off as a rich, but unloved old man by her. The tyranny of T. is also reflected in his serfs. They are as arrogant as their master. The Troyekurovsky hound is insolent to Dubrovsky the elder - and thus quarrels old friends.
Vladimir Andreevich Dubrovsky, 23 years old, a young man with a good education, who served as a cornet in the guard. Having learned about the illegal deprivation of his father's family estate, he becomes a robber, but even here Dubrovsky shows nobility, not a single murder was on Dubrovsky's account. Despite the fact that Vladimir Andreevich decided to take revenge on Troekurov, he never (unlike his opponent) stooped to such meanness as to harm his offender. This is a noble, generous young man who knows how to love. He refuses “bloody” revenge, having fallen in love with the daughter of his enemy - Masha: “I understood that the house where you live is sacred, that not a single creature tied to you by the bonds of blood is subject to my curse. I gave up revenge as if it were madness. "
From all this, we can conclude that he was a vulnerable, sincere, kind, caring person. I liked this hero with his hot temper.

Answer from Amira Hashan[newbie]
Dubrovsky god, and troekurov ***

Answer from Ivan momat[newbie]
Troekurov Kirila Petrovich - a rich tyrant nobleman, Masha's father.
T. is a spoiled and licentious person, intoxicated with the consciousness of his strength. Wealth, family, connections - everything provides him with a free life. T. spends time in gluttony, drunkenness, voluptuousness. Humiliation of the weak, like baiting a gaping guest with a bear, is his pleasure.
With all this, T. is not a born villain. He was friends with Dubrovsky's father for a very long time. Having quarreled with him at the kennel, T. takes revenge on his friend with all the force of his tyranny. With the help of bribes, he sued the estate from the Dubrovskys, drove his former friend to insanity and death. But tyrant T. feels he has gone too far. Immediately after the trial, he goes to make peace with a friend. But he is late: father Dubrovsky is dying, and his son drives him out. The image of T. Pushkin shows that the trouble is not in the landowner himself, but in the social structure of Russian life (serfdom, the omnipotence of the nobles). It develops in an unenlightened nobleman a belief in his own impunity and unlimited possibilities (“That’s the power to take away property without any right”). Even love for children is distorted in T. to the limit. He adores his Masha, but makes her unhappy, passing off as a rich, but unloved old man by her. The tyranny of T. is also reflected in his serfs. They are as arrogant as their master. The Troyekurovsky hound is insolent to Dubrovsky the elder - and thus quarrels with old friends.
Dubrovsky Vladimir Andreevich - the protagonist of the unfinished novel, “the noble robber”.
He was brought up in the cadet corps of St. Petersburg. Later, after becoming an officer, D. gets into debt. In this regard, the hero dreams of a rich bride.
While in St. Petersburg, 23-year-old D. receives sad news from home: about his father's illness and about the illegal seizure of their Kistenevka estate in favor of a wealthy neighbor, Kirill Troekurov. The hero goes home. Driving past Troekurov's estate, D. fondly recalls his childhood friendship with his daughter, Marya Kirillovna.
At home, D. finds his father dying. He takes matters into his own hands. He breaks off all relations with Troekurov, after the death of his father he orders to burn down his house, which, according to the court, went to the enemy. The hero, together with the peasants loyal to him, become robbers, robbing the unjust landowners.
But D. cannot forget Masha Troekurova - he is still in love with her. For Masha's sake, the hero even forgave his enemy, Troekurov.
But Troekurov married his daughter to a rich old prince Vereisky. Masha asks D. to kidnap her. D. is very worried, because his beloved will be the wife of a robber, although she deserves much more. With all this, in D.'s soul, there is no feeling of revenge for Troekurov. He forgave him long ago as a noble and noble man. Here are just social conditions, fate in relation to D. is dishonorable. D.'s true tragedy lies in the fact that an honest Russian nobleman, tied to his home, to the idea of \u200b\u200ba family, is put in a hopeless position. There is no way for him where he could be happy. In the final, D. loses Masha - the robbers were late, and the girl was married to Vereisky. In the fight with the government troops, which had long been looking for D. and his gang, the hero is wounded. He dismisses his peasants, and he himself "hides abroad." His departure is a sign not only of his personal defeat, but also of the defeat of all of Russia. All the best disappears from the country, the culprits of their persecution remain

Comparison of Troekurov and Dubrovsky (senior)

    They both belonged to an old noble family, were rich, received an education, served in the army, married for love, and early widowed. All this was in the distant past. By the beginning of the story, the heroes are in different positions, and there is nothing in common between them.

    Dubrovsky is a retired lieutenant, a poor nobleman, 70 serf souls, the village of Kistenevka. With a frustrated state, Dubrovsky was forced to retire and settle in the rest of his village. What made him do it? Assumptions: There may be a son's illness. After the death of his father, when Vladimir was sorting through the papers, he found a letter in which his mother wrote to the army about her son's illness. Or maybe Dubrovsky was forced to return to the village, because his wife died, because he was widowed early. Dubrovsky, as an honest and direct person, did not want to serve in the tsarist army and serve someone.
    Troekurov-General in Chief, a wealthy landowner, 3000 souls, estates in several provinces. Troekurov went up the hill after participating in the Catherine's coup. He made himself a brilliant career, received a high rank.
    Troekurov was very rich, always got everything he could want and was, moreover, poorly educated. This wayward Russian master did not bother himself with the sciences. A cruel despot and does not recognize the need to be an intelligent and educated person, he says: The main wealth is not the mind, but money. The lordly idleness and ignorance are the sources of his inhuman amusements; when the guest was locked in the same room with the bear, reprisals against the disobedient and insane drinking parties. Troekurov showed all the vices of an uneducated person, and the amusement of the tyrant with the ventures of a rather limited mind. No one dared to object to him, refuse his invitation or condemn his addictions, only Dubrovsky senior could argue with the formidable feudal lord, he challenged him with his disobedience and thereby ruined himself.
    Troekurov was distinguished by an ardent disposition and Dubrovsky was unbridledly arrogant and hot-tempered.
    Dubrovsky and Troyekurov are irreconcilable opponents, antagonists.
    2 years ago

  • Troekurov was rich, and Dubrovsky was poor.
    Both are widowers, each has a child.
    Troekurov is a rich and proud man who thinks only of himself and his daughter. All the people except Dubrovsky are afraid of him. they were friends. Troekurov was always amazed at Dubrovsky's persistence, courage and brutality.
    Dubrovsky is poor in finances, but rich in soul. he gets everything he wants. people have always loved him. he was never afraid of Troyekurov.
    It seems to me that Troyekurov and Dubrovsky are two opposite personalities.

Dubrovsky and Troekurov are two personalities, two human destinies, who have a lot in common. For example, the fact that they belong to the noble family and the pre-revolutionary era of the nineteenth century.

Dubrovsky and Troekurov, when they were young, served with the tsar, after which they were awarded with honor, and, as a result, received an officer rank.

Married, Andrei Gavrilovich and Kirill Petrovich for love, but, unfortunately, quickly became widowers.
Children were left from marriages. Dubrovsky had a son named Volodya. Troekurov had a daughter, Maria.
After serving the tsar, Dubrovsky and Troekurov resigned. They settled in their estates.

In the work of Pushkin, the main characters have the same powers, the right to dispose of rights and privileges, but by virtue of their lifestyle and character, they use them in the completely opposite way.
The strong temperament of the two landowners helped not only create a position in society, but also make friends with each other.

The imperious, arrogant Troekurov loves to always be in the spotlight. Before the guests he is boastful, showing his rich mansions. With his subordinates, he is especially demanding and strict. He keeps everything under control and does not allow outsiders familiar, impudent communication, which he forgives Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky.
Dubrovsky himself is a closed, hidden person who does not like to be in society, in plain sight. Not so rich, but who won the sympathy of the arrogant and arrogant friend Troyekurov.

Kirill Petrovich saw in Dubrovsky: independence, decisiveness, courage, straightforwardness of statements. These main features attracted Troekurov to Andrei Gavrilovich.

Friendship between neighbors cracks during the next daily conversation. In it, Andrei Dubrovsky touches upon the pride of his comrade, and he, as a hot-tempered person, cannot forgive him for this.
The provoked conflict on the part of Dubrovsky has an unpleasant turn of the situation.

Troekurov threatens to take revenge on his comrade for such insolence, promising to deprive him of everything he has.
Kirill Petrovich hoped to disgrace Dubrovsky so that he would come to him with an apology, and in the future, obey him.

An ordinary conflict worsens the life of Andrei Gavrilovich and destroys friendship between the landowners.
The novel contains revenge, cruelty that affect the fate of two people. Morality and morality, in the novel, fade into the background.

Comparison of Andrey Dubrovsky and Kirila Troekurov

We cannot imagine Russian literature without the poet and prose writer Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, the founder of the realistic trend. Each person, having familiarized himself with the work of the writer, does not remain indifferent to his creations. One of the masterpieces of the classic is the novel "Dubrovsky". When writing, Pushkin was guided by the truthful story of Pavel Voinovich Nashchokin, who was a close friend of the writer.

In this novel, Pushkin touched upon topics that worried many in those years: the lack of rights of serfs, the permissiveness of rich landowners, the injustice of the tsarist court and robbery as a protest of the common people.

The essence of the plot of the novel is about how a conflict arises between two landowners Kirill Troyekurov and Andrei Dubrovsky after years of friendship. The wealthy landowner Troyekurov allowed a free expression to his kennel, in which he hurt the honor and dignity of his friend Dubrovsky. The case comes to trial. Due to the false testimony of the legislator Spitsyn, Kirill Petrovich was given the estate of Andrey Gavrilovich Kistenevka. Dubrovsky didn’t live on a grand scale anyway, he led a modest lifestyle in comparison with Troyekurov. And then such a misfortune - the best friend takes all the property. A strong nervous shock affects the health of Andrei Gavrilovich. He is struck by an illness that leads to death. Vladimir, the son of Andrei Dubrovsky, leaves military service due to his father's illness and returns home. Having learned all the circumstances that have developed with his father's estate, he can not stand it and sets fire to his house. In this case, clerks die. He becomes a robber with one desire to take revenge on his father's former friend.

Kirill Troekurov is one of the main characters of the novel. Very rich. Strong, strong man. Despite his lack of education, he has a great influence in secular circles, which allows him to do whatever he wants. To achieve his goals, he shamelessly allows himself to lie. Respects only wealthy people, and expresses obvious disdain for the poor.

Andrey Dubrovsky is not a rich man, but with a sense of his own dignity. By origin, it belongs to the noble family. Proud, independent. It doesn't matter to him whether he has a fat wallet in dealing with people. Honest, straightforward. Not afraid to speak up. Believes that justice will always prevail. But, unfortunately, Russia at that time lived according to Troekurov's laws. And all his positive qualities do not keep him alive.

6th grade. Characteristics and comparison

The friendship that ended never really started.

Pushkin A.S. - a person to be proud of. We should be grateful to him that we can enjoy the great works of this unique writer. He is the property of our Motherland. Dubrovsky is one of the many novels by A.S. Pushkin. The novel's plot is based on real events, which makes it more exciting and moving.

In the center of the work are two people, Kirila Troekurov and Andrei Dubrovsky. With the help of these heroes, A.S. Pushkin showed the problems of the noble society and the human qualities inherent in the noble class of that time.

Kirila Petrovich Troekurov and Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky are characters of the same age, belonging to the nobility, and therefore received the same upbringing. They had little similarity in character and inclinations. Fate, at the beginning of life, also developed the same way. They both have a love marriage, early widowhood and small children in their arms. But despite this, these characters are completely different in temperament and goals in life.

Troekurov is a character of a "rather limited mind". A.S. Pushkin has collected in one person all the terrible vices of humanity. Kirila Petrovich considers himself to be the center of the universe, he is used to being afraid of everyone. He doesn't know what rejection is. Possesses the power that can open all doors for him. His passionate disposition extends to everyone. He does not understand who is in front of him. His name alone terrifies people. They experience an overwhelming fear, people do not even have a thought to contradict it. Everyone, on the contrary, tries to please him even if it goes against the law. He is the law itself. His one word can destroy a person. Troyekurov is a tyrant. His cruel attitude extends to his servants, despite their loyalty to him. His hobbies are primitive: gluttony and drunkenness. Kirila Petrovich does not spare his only daughter, he does not marry her out of love.

Troyekurov respected only one person. It was Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky. Once they were united by service in the guard. Then the paths of friends parted and they met years later. Dubrovsky was ruined and forced to leave the service. Andrey Gavrilovich settled not far from Kiril Petrovich, who "offered him his protection." But Dubrovsky chose to remain poor and independent. Pride took over the fear of launching into the world.

Dubrovsky, the only one who could express his opinion under Troyekurov. This killed him. Andrei Gavrilovich did not tolerate insults from the kennel worker in his address. Pride and hot temper took over. Andrei silently left the estate. Troekurov and did not return after a serf was sent for him. After another mistake was made, Dubrovsky demanded that Troekurov send him the employee who had offended him. For which his already former friend, decided to take away the Dubrovsky estate. Troekurov wanted unconditional power over Dubrovsky.

The tragedy of this novel lies in the fact that Troekurov later realized his mistake. He decides to make peace with his friend and return the estate to him, but it was already too late. Dubrovsky dies.

A.S. With his novel, Pushkin showed how easy it is to destroy another person. For this you need to have money and be a dishonest person. Unfortunately, nothing has changed and nowadays you can meet a person with the same vices as the character of this novel has.

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Dubrovsky is a novel about a clash of ideals. At the very beginning of the novel, the views of the two characters collide. It is on this conflict that the whole plot of the work is born. Why did the conflict arise between the heroes? Perhaps because of the difference in hackers and outlooks on the life of these characters. The characteristic of Dubrovsky and Troekurov will help to understand the issues of clash of views.

Characteristic of Dubrovsky

Andrei Dubrovsky is a descendant of an old noble family, but at the same time he is rather poor. The estate is all that he has. But man is not rich in this. The main advantage of Dubrovsky is his honesty, straightforwardness and courage. He did not drop his honor in a conflict situation. He is proud and independent. But at the same time he is a little hot-tempered, hot, imprudent.

According to the novel, Andrei Dubrovsky is a widower. He has a son, for whom he does not regret anything, is ready to do anything for him. Although he and Vladimir know each other little, the relationship between them is very good.

The situation of a quarrel with Troekurov undermines him, squeezes the strength out of him. When Troekurov seized the estate from him, the old man's health completely let down. He falls ill and dies.

Characteristic of Troekurov

Troekurov is a tyrant and a dissolute person. He is intoxicated with the consciousness of his own greatness, power. He is completely disrespectful to people whose class is below his status. He spends his life in drunkenness, gluttony, idleness. He has features of cruelty. For example, one of the favorite pastimes is the Bear baiting a gaping guest. For him, it really is fun and funny entertainment, although we are talking about people's lives.

Having quarreled with a friend, he not only stops communicating with him, he does everything to destroy him. He sues his estate, and does it in a completely dishonest way, just to take revenge, because as such, this estate does not belong to him by law and there is no special need for it.

Comparative characteristics in the table

The table describing Dubrovsky and Troyekurov allows you to clearly see the similarities and differences of the characters. Comparison table makes it possible to compare the traits of characters,

Comparisons of the two characters let the reader understand how important it is to be honest with oneself, to maintain honor and dignity in any situation. Dubrovsky dies, but his life continues to his son. He is ready to avenge his father's ruined life, since honor and dignity should always be the winner. For Vladimir, honor and love are above all, and this is reflected in his father's upbringing.

This article will help to competently write an essay for grade 6 on the topic "Characteristics of Dubrovsky and Troyekurov", describe the similar and different features in their life, worldview, views.

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Troekurov Dubrovsky
Character quality Negative hero The main positive hero
Character Spoiled, selfish, licentious. Noble, generous, determined. Has a hot temper. A person who knows how to love not for money, but for the beauty of the soul.
Occupation A wealthy nobleman, spends his time in gluttony, drunkenness, leads a dissolute life. Humiliation of the weak brings him great pleasure. Has a good education, served as a cornet in the guard. After Troyekurov illegally took the estate from the elder Dubrovsky, he becomes a robber.
Position in society A wealthy nobleman with great connections and money. A noble robber, a former nobleman.
Attitude to a quarrel with Dubrovsky's father I could not forgive my friend and begins to take revenge with full force. Having money, he managed to sue the Dubrovsky estate with the help of bribes. He considers harming his abuser an extreme baseness. Having fallen in love with Troekurov's daughter Maria, he refuses "bloody" revenge.
Purpose of visiting Andrey Dubrovsky before his death The desire to apologize for what you have done and make amends. Say goodbye to father and send on the last journey.
Attitude to Masha Troekurov adores his daughter, but makes her unhappy by marrying a rich old man, Prince Vereisky. Despite the fact that Masha is the daughter of Troyekurov, the worst enemy of the Dubrovskys, Andrei falls in love with her and decides to marry her.
Attitude to the possible union of Vladimir with Masha Extremely negative. Dubrovsky is very worried. He loves Maria, but she will become the wife of a robber. And such a husband is not worthy of her.
Attitude towards serfs He considers them only slaves, a material object that is easy to trade. To understand that serfs are people too. In the end, he sets his peasants free.
Life streak Troekurov all gets away with it. This is not surprising, because with great connections and wealth, you can move mountains. Evil conquers good. Noble Dubrovsky loses the "fight" because of a stronger enemy. Dubrovsky cannot find such a place in this life where he would be happy.
Attitude towards Misha the bear After the murder of Misha, he does not regret his death at all. Even admires young Dubrovsky. Does not express particular sympathy for the beast. As a result, he sneaks into T.'s house and kills Misha.
The ending Masha is married to a wealthy nobleman, Troekurov's life goes well. His departure means not only his loss, but also symbolizes the defeat of all of Russia. All good qualities of people disappear from Russia, only the worst remains and continues to live happily ever after.
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    • Introduction Love lyrics occupy one of the main places in the work of poets, but the degree of their knowledge is small. There are no monographic works on this topic; it is partially revealed in the works of V. Sakharov, Yu.N. Tynianova, D.E. Maksimova, they talk about her as a necessary component of creativity. Some authors (D.D. Blagoy and others) compare the love theme in the work of several poets at once, describing some common features. A. Lukyanov examines the love theme in the lyrics of A.S. Pushkin through the prism [...]
    • For Pushkin, the feeling of friendship is a tremendous value, for which only love, creativity and inner freedom are equal. The theme of friendship goes through the entire work of the poet, from the Lyceum period to the end of his life. As a lyceum student, Pushkin writes about friendship in the light of the "light poetry" of the French poet Parny. The poet's friendly lyceum lyrics are largely imitative and opposed to classicism. In the poem "To the Students" a merry feast is poeticized, wine and the joy of a friendly, carefree [...]
    • The theme of the poet and poetry excites all poets, since a person needs to understand who he is, what place he occupies in society, and what his purpose is. Therefore, in the work of A.S. Pushkin and M.Yu. Lermontov, this topic is one of the leading. In order to consider the images of the poet in the two great Russian classics, one must first find out how they define the purpose of their work. Pushkin writes in his poem "The Song of the Prophetic Oleg": Magi are not afraid of mighty rulers, And they do not need a princely gift; True and [...]
    • A.S. Pushkin and M.Yu. Lermontov are outstanding poets of the first half of the 19th century. The main type of creativity of both poets is the lyrics. In their poems, each of them described many topics, for example, the theme of love of freedom, the theme of the Motherland, nature, love and friendship, poet and poetry. All of Pushkin's poems are filled with optimism, faith in the existence of beauty on earth, bright colors in the depiction of nature, and Mikhail Yuryevich has the theme of loneliness everywhere. Lermontov's hero is lonely, he is trying to find something in a foreign land. What […]
    • Writing about Pushkin is a fascinating activity. This name in Russian literature has acquired many cultural layers (for example, take literary jokes by Daniil Kharms or the animated film director Andrei Yuryevich Khrzhanovsky's “Trilogy” based on Pushkin’s drawings or the opera The Queen of Spades by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky). However, our task is more modest, but no less interesting: to characterize the theme of the poet and poetry in his work. The poet’s place in modern life is much less significant than in the nineteenth century. Poetry is [...]
    • Pushkin’s landscape lyrics are rich and diverse. She occupies an important place in the poet's work. Pushkin saw nature as a soul, enjoyed its eternal beauty and wisdom, drew inspiration and strength from it. He was one of the first Russian poets who discovered the beauty of nature and taught his readers to admire it. In merging with natural wisdom, Pushkin saw the harmony of the world. It is no accident that the poet’s landscape poetry is imbued with philosophical moods and reflections; one can trace its evolution throughout the course of creative activity [...]
    • After going through many works of A.S. Pushkin, I accidentally stumbled upon the poem "God forbid I lose my mind ...", and I was immediately attracted by a bright and emotional beginning that attracted the attention of the reader. In this poem, which seems simple and clear and understandable, like many other creations of the great classic, one can easily see the experiences of the creator, the true, free-minded poet - the experiences and dreams of freedom. And at the time of writing this poem, freedom of thought and speech was severely punished [...]