
Analysis of the story of a blizzard. Analysis "Blizzard" Pushkin. Artistic features of the Pushkin story

Pushkin arrived in Boldino in the fall of 1830 to resolve the issue of money for the wedding. He intended to stay there for no more than a month, but a terrible disease, cholera, was raging in the province, and no one was allowed out due to quarantine. Therefore, he stayed there almost all autumn. During this time he wrote more than forty works, among them "Belkin's Tale".

The cycle of stories has this name, since Pushkin attributed authorship to the provincial landowner Ivan Petrovich Belkin. Belkin's stories are told as entertaining stories about ordinary people of simple rank. And the author-collector is the same simple person from the same social environment. Through the heroes, Russia is visible, with its real worries, everyday life. When the narrator is from the same social background as his characters, it lends credibility to the work. Remember: you have already seen such works. For example, "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka", authorship of which N.V. Gogol attributed to the beekeeper Rudom Panku.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin's story "Snowstorm" is preceded by an epigraph from the ballad "Svetlana" by Vasily Andreyevich Zhukovsky. Let's remember what an epigraph is.

An epigraph is a small text that precedes a work, it can formulate a topic, concisely express the main idea or formulate a problem.
Below is an epigraph from the story "Snowstorm".

Horses race along the hillocks
They trample deep snow ...
Here, on the sidelines, is the temple of God
Seen alone.

Suddenly a blizzard is all around;
Snow falls in tufts;
Black lie, whistling with a wing,
Hovering over the sleigh;
The prophetic groan says sadness!
The horses are in a hurry
They are keenly looking into the distance,
Lifting manes ...

The main words that carry the main load are blizzard, lie, distance. All of them are symbols of tragic events that are somehow connected with a blizzard. The word "suddenly" is of great importance, since a lot in life happens by chance. Why is the story called "Blizzard"? Three heroes fall into a blizzard. A blizzard is the element that suddenly bursts into their lives and changes the fate of everyone.

The heroes of the story: Marya Gavrilovna is a rich bride, Vladimir is a poor army ensign, and Burmin is a hussar colonel. The author ironically refers to Maria Gavrilovna and Vladimir:

“Marya Gavrilovna was brought up on French novels and, therefore, was in love. Her chosen one was a poor army ensign who was on vacation in his village. It goes without saying that the young man was aflame with equal passion and that his amiable parents, noticing their mutual inclination, forbade their daughter to think about him, and he was received worse than a retired assessor.

Our lovers were in correspondence, and every day they saw each other alone in a pine grove or at the old chapel.(fig. 2). There they swore eternal love to each other, complained about fate and made various assumptions. Corresponding and talking in this way, they (which is quite natural) came to the following reasoning: if we cannot breathe without each other, and the will of cruel parents hinders our well-being, can we not do without it? It goes without saying that this happy thought first came to the young man's head and that she really liked the romantic imagination of Marya Gavrilovna.

Winter came and stopped their dates; but the correspondence became all the more lively. Vladimir Nikolaevich in each letter begged her to surrender to him, to marry secretly, to hide for a while, then throw herself at the feet of her parents, who, of course, will be touched at last by the heroic constancy and misfortune of lovers and will certainly say to them: “Children! come into our arms”».

Rice. 2. Shmarinov D.A. (1907-1999). Illustrations for the story "Snowstorm" ()

Marya Gavrilovna really wanted her relationship with Vladimir to develop, as in a French novel, where one is poor and the other is rich, and this hinders their love. Vladimir was very suitable for this role. It all looked like a game, but when does the game end and it becomes scary for the heroes? Of course, when Marya Gavrilovna has a prophetic dream, the death of Vladimir will become a reality.

“Having sealed both letters with a Tula seal, which showed two flaming hearts with a decent inscription, she threw herself on her bed just before dawn and dozed off; but here, too, terrible dreams aroused her every minute. It seemed to her that at the very minute she was getting into the sleigh to go to get married, her father stopped her, dragged her with agonizing speed through the snow and threw her into a dark, bottomless dungeon ... and she flew headlong with an inexplicable sinking of her heart; then she saw Vladimir lying on the grass, pale and bloody. He, dying, begged her in a piercing voice to hasten to marry him ... other ugly, senseless visions rushed before her one after another. "

It becomes scary for the heroes when Masha realizes that she is seeing her parents for the last time. She does not want to leave her father's house. Despite the prophetic dreams, pity for her parents and a feeling of guilt before them, Masha still goes to church. A blizzard description is a sad omen for a fugitive.

“They went into the garden. The snowstorm did not subside; the wind blew in the opposite direction, as if trying to stop the young criminal. They forcibly reached the end of the garden. On the road the sleighs were waiting for them. Horses, vegetated, did not stand still; Vladimir's coachman paced in front of the shafts, restraining the zealous. He helped the young lady and her girlfriend to sit down and pack the knots and the box, took the reins, and the horses flew away. "

Pushkin called Marya Gavrilovna a young criminal. Why? The fact is that Marya Gavrilovna violated the moral Christian law that commands respect for the will of parents. Vladimir's condition is similar to the feelings of the lyric hero of Pushkin's poem "Demons" (Fig. 3).


Clouds rush, clouds curl;

Invisible moon

Illuminates the flying snow;

The sky is cloudy, the night is cloudy.

Food, food in an open field;

Bell ding-ding-ding ...

Scary, scary inevitably

Among the unknown plains!

"Hey, go, coachman! ..." - "No urine

It's hard for horses, sir;

The blizzard is sticking to my eyes;

All roads are skidded;

For the life of me, no trace is visible;

We got lost. What should we do!

In the field, the devil leads us, it can be seen,

Let it go round and round.

Look: over there, over there playing,

Blowing, spitting on me;

Vaughn - now pushes into the ravine

A wild horse;

There an unprecedented mile

He stuck out in front of me;

There he flashed a small spark

And disappeared in the empty darkness. "

Clouds rush, clouds curl;

Invisible moon

Illuminates the flying snow;

The sky is cloudy, the night is cloudy.

We do not have the strength to whirl around;

The bell suddenly fell silent;

The horses began to ... "What's in the field?" -

“Who knows? stump or wolf? "

The blizzard is angry, the blizzard is crying;

Horses snore sensitive;

Now he gallops far away;

Only the eyes burn in the darkness;

The horses rushed again;

Bell ding-ding-ding ...

I see: the spirits have gathered

Among the white plains

Endless, ugly

In a muddy month game

The demons are different,

Like leaves in November ...

How many there are! where are they being driven?

Why are they singing so plaintively?

Do they bury the brownie,

Is a witch given out in marriage?

Clouds rush, clouds curl;

Invisible moon

Illuminates the flying snow;

The sky is cloudy, the night is cloudy.

Demons rush swarm after swarm

In the boundless heights

Squeal pitiful and howl

Breaking my heart ...

Rice. 3. Illustration for the poem "Demons". Artist: N. Karazin. 1898 ()

Where did the demons lead Vladimir when the blizzard died down? (on a beautiful plain, "covered with a white wavy carpet" - this is like a harbinger of the fate of a "poor army ensign" who will be mortally wounded near Borodino and will rest forever).

How will the abduction of Marya Gavrilovna end? In the morning she will get up and come to breakfast, and in the evening she will go to bed in a fever. Parents decide to give the young people the opportunity to get married, but Vladimir will send a half-crazy letter in which he asks to forget about him forever. (Here the author breaks the sequence of the narrative: we do not know what happened in the church. For what? The author creates intrigue to generate even more interest in the narrative.)

What historical events overshadow the story of Marya Gavrilovna and Vladimir? The war of 1812, the battle of Borodino, where Vladimir would be wounded and then die in Moscow on the eve of the entry of the French; the end of the war, the return from the campaign of our regiments, military officers, "hung with crosses."

Further, the author tells about the relationship between Marya Gavrilovna and the hussar colonel Burmin.
“We have already said that, despite her coldness, Marya Gavrilovna was still surrounded by seekers. But everyone had to retreat when the wounded hussar colonel Burmin appeared in her castle, with George in his buttonhole and with an interesting pallor, as the young ladies said there. He was about twenty-six years old. He came on vacation to his estates, which were in the vicinity of the village of Marya Gavrilovna. Marya Gavrilovna was very different from him. In his presence her usual pensiveness revived.

Burmin was indeed a very sweet young man. He had exactly the kind of mind that women like: a mind of decency and observation, without any pretensions and carelessly mocking. His behavior with Marya Gavrilovna was simple and free; but no matter what she said or did, his soul and his eyes followed her so. He seemed of a quiet and modest disposition, but rumor assured him that he had once been a terrible rake, and this did not harm him in the opinion of Marya Gavrilovna, who (like all young ladies in general) gladly excused pranks that showed courage and ardor of character. "

The heroes were drawn to each other, she saw that she was not indifferent to him, but did not understand what was holding him back from explaining. Soon Burmin himself revealed the secret, and we will find out what happened four years ago. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin kept the intrigue until the end of the work. Burmina was also surrounded by a blizzard, and he found himself in the very church where Marya Gavrilovna was waiting for Vladimir. Here's what he says:

“The storm did not abate; I saw a light and ordered me to go there. We arrived at the village; there was a fire in the wooden church. The church was open, and several sledges stood outside the fence; people walked along the porch. "Here! here!" cried several voices. I told the driver to drive up. “Have mercy, where are you lingering? - someone said to me, - the bride fainted; the pop doesn't know what to do; we were ready to go back. Come out soon. " I silently jumped out of the sleigh and entered the church, dimly lit by two or three candles. The girl was sitting on a bench in a dark corner of the church; the other rubbed her whiskey. “Thank God,” she said, “you have come by force. You almost killed the young lady. " An old priest approached me with a question: "Will you order me to start?" “Begin, begin, father,” I answered absently. The girl was lifted. She struck me as not bad ... An incomprehensible, unforgivable frivolity ... I stood beside her in front of the bank; the priest was in a hurry; three men and a maid supported the bride and were busy only with her. We were married. “Kiss,” we were told. My wife turned her pale face to me. I was about to kiss her ... She cried out: “Ay, not him! not him! " - and fell unconscious. The witnesses fixed their frightened eyes on me. I turned around, left the church without any obstacle, threw myself into the wagon and shouted: "Let's go!"».

Burmin could not hide this story from Marya Gavrilovna, since he sincerely loved her and wanted to be honest with her.

How does fate punish each of the heroes? Vladimir dies, Masha is punished by a series of trials that befell her (marriage to a stranger, the death of Vladimir, the death of her father, the inability to marry), Burmin, like Masha, is punished by fate for acting thoughtlessly - making a cruel joke. The heroes stumbled, but they repent, and for this they are forgiven by fate.

What role did the element (blizzard) play in the fate of all three heroes? Divorced Marya Gavrilovna with Vladimir, but connected with Burmin; helped to reveal the character of each of them; disposed of the lives of the heroes: she punished them for their frivolity, made them go through suffering and rewarded for everything they experienced. That is, a blizzard is also the main, if not the main, hero of the story.


  1. Varneke B.V. Construction of "Belkin's Tales" (Russian) // Varneke B.V. Pushkin and his contemporaries: Materials and research / Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. - L .: Publishing house of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1930. - Issue. 38/39. - S. 162-168.
  2. V.E. Vatsuro "The Tale of the Late Ivan Petrovich Belkin" // V. E. Vatsuro. Commentator's Notes. - SPb., 1994.
  3. V.P. Polukhina, V. Ya. Korovin, V.P. Zhuravlev and V.I. Korovin and other literature. 6th grade. Textbook in 2 parts. - M .: 2012. Part 1 - 304 p .; Part 2 - 288 p.
  1. ().
  2. ().
  3. ().


  • Write an essay on the topic “The role of fate in the story“ Snowstorm ”by A.S. Pushkin.
  • Answer the questions:

1. Who is the main character of the story "Snowstorm"?
2. What is the author's irony in relation to these young people?
3. When does the game end and it becomes scary for the heroes?
4. Why does the author begin a story about one hero, abandon him, and go to another?
5. How will the abduction of Marya Gavrilovna end?
6. What happened in the church, what happened?

  • Write a comparative description of the heroes - Burmin and Vladimir (character, appearance, attitude towards Marya Gavrilovna).

The 30s of the XIX century became the era of the real flourishing of Pushkin's prose. The first completed prose work of Pushkin was "Belkin's Tales", in which the writer described the life of representatives of different classes and estates. This cycle had a great influence on the development of Russian literature. We offer for review the analysis of the work according to the plan, which will be useful for 6th grade students when writing essays on this topic and preparing for a literature lesson.

Brief analysis

Year of writing- 1830.

History of creation- The cycle was written in the village of Boldino, along with many other works by Pushkin. He took the pseudonym Ivan Belkin to avoid possible problems with censorship or literary critics.

Composition- All stories are distinguished by the simplicity of the storyline, the absence of unnecessary details, reticence and intrigue of the plot.

genre- A story.

Direction- Romanticism ("Shot"), sentimentalism ("The Station Keeper", "Blizzard", "The Young Peasant Woman"), "The Undertaker" contains elements of a Gothic story.

History of creation

Alexander Sergeevich spent the autumn of 1830 in the village of Boldino, and due to an outbreak of cholera he was forced to stay here. The autumn time has always inspired the poet, gave a surge of creative powers. As he confessed, it was always best for him to write in the autumn in the village.

Pushkin's three months in Boldino turned out to be very fruitful: he finished the novel "Eugene Onegin", wrote the poem "House in Kolomna", several dramatic scenes, more than 30 poems. In the same period, Pushkin wrote a cycle called "Belkin's Tale", which included five small works: "Shot", "Snowstorm", "Station Keeper", "Undertaker", "The Young Lady-Peasant".

The material for the stories was the writer's memories, legends, everyday episodes, noticed by him from the lives of friends and complete strangers.

The meaning of the name The collection is quite simple - for his first prose work, Pushkin decided to take a pseudonym, choosing for this the image of the non-existent landowner Ivan Petrovich Belkin. Thanks to this decision, Alexander Sergeevich managed to avoid unnecessary trouble with criticism and censorship.


All five works from Pushkin's cycle "Belkin's Tale" are dedicated to one subject- the lives of ordinary people, with their big and small problems, hopes and dreams. This life is beautiful in its simplicity and artlessness, and fully reflects the realities of the surrounding world, infinitely far from the lofty ideals of romanticism.

In small works, the writer talentedly revealed issues the position in society of the "little man" ("The Station Keeper"), morality and social contradictions ("Shot"), love ("The Young Peasant Woman", "Snowstorm"), the desires and aspirations of ordinary artisans ("The Undertaker").

It is noteworthy that in all his works the writer refused to divide the heroes into sharply negative and positive characters. He shows each of them from all sides, in all the versatility and ambiguity of characters.

Main thought the cycle is to show without embellishment the life of representatives of various strata of Russian society, from the very bottom to the top. Pushkin does not explain the actions of his heroes, giving the right to readers to draw their own conclusions. To live according to your conscience, not to do harm to your neighbors, to rejoice in what you have - this is what the cycle "Belkin's Tale" teaches.


Analyzing the works in "Belkin's Tales", it should be noted that all of them, despite the variety of themes, have a similar compositional structure.

The writer focuses the reader's attention on key episodes without getting tired of secondary storylines, long digressions and overly detailed descriptions.

The general characteristic of all the stories included in the Pushkin cycle should include, first of all, an element of understatement. The writer, wherever possible, does not say anything, giving the reader the opportunity to connect his own imagination.

There are other similar motives in the construction of stories. So, they are united by changes in storytellers, unexpected turns in the fate of the main characters, a change in attention to one, current to another hero. Such techniques give the works of tension, impetuosity, keeping the intrigue to the end. At the same time, the stories remain clear and simple in plot.

main characters


The cycle consists of five stories, following one after another. They are united by internal motives, and perfectly complement each other.

Each story is characterized by its own literary direction. Thus, "Shot" represents romanticism, "The Young Lady", "Blizzard" and "The Stationmaster" - sentimentalism, and "The Undertaker" - Gothic prose.

Product test

Analysis rating

Average rating: 4.5. Total ratings received: 85.

In Boldino, when the "disgraced poet" was in exile. It is known that this work, written by Alexander Sergeevich in 1830, was the last one, the final one in the cycle "Tales of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin". The sentimental story was immediately liked by the readers and received critical acclaim.

In contact with

The history of the creation of the story

Alexander Pushkin's story "Snowstorm" was published in 1831. In its plot and writing concept, this work is in many ways similar to Zhukovsky's ballads. So, the following common features can be distinguished in Zhukovsky's ballads and in Pushkin's story:

  1. Mystical character.
  2. The denouement is the interpretation.

In addition, it is known that for his work Alexander Pushkin took the epigraph from the ballad "Svetlana" by Vasily Zhukovsky.

Belkin cycle

"Blizzard" is part of a cycle of stories that were allegedly written not by Pushkin, but by a certain Ivan Petrovich Belkin. The author points out that this story was "told" to Belkin by one girl, but does not name her.

Pushkin finished his work in October 1830, and the next year Pushkin's cycle was published. And only only in 1964, the film adaptation of the short story "Snowstorm"... The cycle includes five pieces, which are arranged in the following order:

  1. "Blizzard";
  2. "Undertaker";

There is also a small introduction to the whole cycle of stories, where the reader can get acquainted with the narrator. Undoubtedly, Belkin is a fictional character, which arose in the artistic fantasy of Pushkin. But from the introduction, the reader learns that Ivan Petrovich is young and rich. This landowner preferred to write at his leisure, and he died suddenly in 1828.

From the introduction, the reader learns that Ivan Belkin wrote not only this work, but he is also the author of The History of the Village of Goryukhino. The introduction also included a letter from Belkin himself, which was written with humor, but it had to be proof that this fictional character existed and the authorship belonged to him.

Artistic features of the Pushkin story

Alexander Pushkin wrote his entire cycle of stories in one of the directions of Russian literature that already existed in the 19th century:

  • Sentimentalism - "Blizzard" and "Station Keeper".
  • Realism - "Shot".
  • Vaudeville - "The Young Lady-Peasant".
  • Gothic tale - "The Undertaker".

Chronological order of events in the work

Alexander Pushkin precisely established a certain chronological order, which makes it possible to make a short retelling of "Blizzard". You can use the following work plan:

The meaning of the epigraph

The epigraph is taken from Zhukovsky's ballad. An abbreviated text of Pushkin's story "Snowstorm" can be read in this article as well. Several horses are racing quickly through the deep snow. And now, far from the villages, a small church appeared, standing alone. But the bad weather continues to rage.

And only a black raven, as if heralding trouble, flies over the sleigh and flaps its wings. His groan is sad. Horses, frightened by the bad weather, have already raised their manes and are looking into the distance, hoping to see some kind of dwelling of people.

This happened in 1811, when the kind and decent landowner Gavrila Gavrilovich R. lived in the small estate of Nenaradov. He was known to all the neighbors who loved to visit him every day. He was famous for his hospitality and cordiality. Guests came to his house with several goals:

  1. Eat and drink.
  2. Play five kopecks with the landlord's wife in Boston.
  3. Look at the landowner's daughter.

Marya Gavrilovna, slim and pale, recently celebrated her birthday. She was already 17 years old, and since her father was very rich, she was an enviable bride and many neighbors predicted her to be their wife or their sons.

But Masha was already in love. Like many girls of that time, she was brought up on French novels and therefore idealized the image of her lover. Her chosen one was the son of a neighboring landowner. Vladimir was a warrant officer in the army, but during his vacation he came to his father. The young man reciprocated the girl, often visited their house, and this passion was noticed by the parents.

Immediately, the parents became worried, but they could not refuse that Vladimir came. They forbade their daughter to communicate with him, and they themselves began to receive him worse than all other guests, showing how much they were not happy with his visits.

Realizing that parents are against their love, young people looked for other ways of communication:

At each meeting, they confessed their love and thought about how they could live further, because they could no longer imagine life without each other. Suddenly, Vladimir came up with a happy thought about how to do without parents. The romantically inclined Marya Gavrilovna immediately supported this idea.

When winter came, the meetings of the young people were interrupted, but the correspondence became even livelier. And the more time passed, the more insistently Vladimir Nikolaevich became, trying to persuade his bride to secretly get married. He believed that after waiting for a while after the wedding, it would be possible to rush to the feet of the parents, who would gladly meet the unfortunate, and then they would live well and joyfully.

A daring decision and a prophetic dream

For a long time the girl could not agree to this, but she liked one of the plans and Vladimir received her consent. According to the plan, she was not supposed to have dinner, but to go to her room, citing a headache. Her maid knew about the impending escape and had to help her mistress.

Behind the garden, a ready-made sleigh was already waiting for the young girl, which was to take Marya Gavrilovna to Zhadrino, which is 5 versts from the village of Nenaradova. Vladimir will be waiting for her in the church.

On the eve of all this incident, Masha could not sleep in any way, therefore she was doing other things:

  1. I was packing my things.
  2. Tied linen and dress.
  3. I wrote two letters - to a friend and parents.

She tried in her letters to apologize for her act, talking about her strong love and that she dreamed of throwing herself at the feet of her parents after a secret wedding so that they would forgive her and accept this forbidden love.

Marya Gavrilovna dozed off just before dawn, but the dream was disturbing and restless. She dreamed of a sleigh in which she had to sit in order to go to her secret wedding and her father, who, trying to stop her, dragged her somewhere in the snow and threw her into a dark and terrible dungeon. Then all of a sudden she dreamed of Vladimir, who was already dead and was lying bloody on the grass. But at the same time, he continued to still beg her to marry him.

When the girl woke up, she was much paler than usual and she was tormented by a severe headache. The parents immediately noticed this unhealthy condition of their daughter. But their questions and concerns about her health only upset Marya Gavrilovna more. To calm them down, the girl tried to seem cheerful, but she did not succeed well. And then the evening came. In the depths of her soul, she said goodbye to everything that surrounded her, and it was tearing her soul apart.

When dinner was already served, the girl, having said goodbye to her parents, retired to her room. There she already began to cry, but after half an hour she had to leave her parental home.

Failed escape

In the meantime, a strong blizzard has risen on the street. And this seemed to the unfortunate girl a sad omen. When everyone in the house fell asleep, dressed warmer, and went out onto the back porch. The maid carried two bundles, which the girl had collected. With difficulty, the girls reached the end of the garden, since the wind blew so hard that it did not allow even a step to step, as if trying to stop Marya Gavrilovna.

A sleigh was already on the road. As soon as the girls packed their things and sat down themselves, the horses flew off. Vladimir, relying on his servant Tereshka, was engaged in other matters. He was on the road in the morning:

  1. At the priest, whom he tried to persuade to marry them secretly.
  2. At the landlord neighbors, trying to find witnesses among them.

And only after that Vladimir went to his home to get ready for the wedding. His secret wedding with Marya Gavrilovna was to be witnessed by young landowner neighbors:

  1. Dravin, cornet. He is already 40 years old. While in retirement, he found entertainment in hunting.
  2. Schmitt, land surveyor.
  3. The son of a police captain, a 16-year-old boy. He recently entered the lancers.

Having sent the best sleighs for the bride, Vladimir ordered to lay himself a small sleigh with only one horse, and without a coachman he decided to go to Zhadrino himself. It was not far away, because usually the road took no more than 20 minutes. Vladimir was calm, because he knew the road along which he was now going.

But as soon as Vladimir Nikolayevich left the outskirts, such a strong blizzard with the wind began that he could no longer see anything. The road quickly skidded, and the whole neighborhood simply disappeared into some kind of unclear darkness. It seemed that this sky began to merge with the earth. The horses brought Vladimir into the field, and no matter how he tried to get onto the road, nothing worked. The sledges were constantly overturning, time passed, and the grove of the neighboring village was still not approaching.

Soon Vladimir, who was driving in the field, nevertheless realized that he was going in the wrong direction. He stopped and began to reason. Having decided that he needed to go to the right, he was on the road for about an hour, but Zhadrino did not appear, but the end of the field was not visible. Vladimir Nikolaevich was already beginning to worry.

Suddenly something began to blacken in the distance. When he approached, he immediately saw a grove. It seemed that the village of Zhadrino should already be very close, and the young man calmed down. But even an hour later the grove was not visible, but the young man found himself in some completely unfamiliar forest.

Desperately he tried to find his way to Zhadrino, all the same he could not leave the unfamiliar forest. But soon the trees began to thin out, and Vladimir was able to leave the forest. It was already about midnight. He burst into tears and drove off at random. Soon the weather calmed down, and even a village appeared. Asking in the first house if it was still far to go to Zhadrino, Vladimir found out that he still had ten miles left. An even greater despair seized the young lover.

The old man immediately gave him a guide, but the time was already approaching dawn. When Vladimir finally got to Zhadrino, it was already light, and even the roosters were singing. Sad news awaited him in the priest's house.

Masha's illness and the death of Vladimir

In the morning the servant reported to Marya Gavrilovna's parents that she was sleeping badly. Despite the fact that the day passed calmly, Masha nevertheless fell ill in the evening. When the doctor arrived, the young girl was already delirious. For two weeks she was so sick that she could even die.

No one in her house ever found out about the escape, since the maid was silent, fearing the wrath of her masters, and all the letters had been burned the day before. The witnesses of the secret wedding were silent, as they were rather modest. Despite the fact that a large number of people knew about her, the secret still remained. And only Masha, being delirious, herself told about her secret. However, the parents did not really understand anything. Deciding that the daughter was madly in love with Vladimir, they agreed to marry them.

But Vladimir responded to the invitation of Masha's parents with an angry letter, in which he reported that his legs would no longer be in the house. And soon he left for the army. All this happened in 1812. For a long time, both Gavrila Gavrilovich and Praskovya Petrovna did not dare to tell Masha about this. But the girl herself did not start a conversation about Vladimir. And only a few months later, she accidentally found his name in the list of those who distinguished themselves in the battles of Borodino and were seriously wounded, fainted.

Soon the father of Marya Gavrilovna also died, and she remained the heiress of the entire estate. But this did not in the least console her. To forget a little, mother and daughter left their estate in Nenarodovo and moved to another estate. Some grooms were constantly circling around Masha, because she was a sweet and enviable bride. But Masha did not pay any special attention to any of them. Mother persuaded to find a husband, but the girl only shook her head.

And Vladimir has already died in Moscow. But the girl sacredly took care of the books, poems and other things of her beloved. The neighbors waited and wondered what should be the one who can win the heart of an unapproachable beauty.

Acquaintance with Burmin

Meanwhile, the war had already ended in victory. Many officers and soldiers began to return to their homes. Soon the hussar Burmin also settled in the neighborhood of the young and rich bride. The colonel was about 26 years old, and young ladies were interested in him.

When Burmin appeared, Masha also noticeably revived. Burmin behaved calmly and measuredly, although rumors claimed that he was a rake in his youth. Looking thoughtfully at Masha, the young man did not try to explain to her, and the girl's mother, and the neighbors, discussed the news that the bridegroom had already been found for the girl.

Once he found Masha in the garden reading a book. The girl deliberately tried to bring him to an explanation so that Burmin would open his heart to her. Then the hussar told the girl that he loved her, but he had a secret that was an obstacle to their happiness. But the girl interrupted him, saying that she also had a secret that prevents her from becoming a wife.

Burmin told the girl a story that happened to him at the beginning of 1812, when he hurried into a blizzard to his regiment stationed in Vilna. The driver got lost and they accidentally ended up in the church. So he was married. When the bride saw that it was not her beloved, she fainted, and Burmin hastened to leave. He didn't even remember the name of the place where it happened. And then Masha grabbed his hands and asked if he recognized her. Burmin turned pale and rushed to her.

The story "Snowstorm" came from the pen of Alexander Pushkin in the first half of the 19th century and turned out to be the most poetic of those included in the collection. The conflict situation depicted in the work arises between a natural phenomenon (blizzard) and a person. With the help of nature, the writer brings to his reader the idea that punishment for bad deeds is inevitable.

The writer managed to raise the problems of the moral component in society. The story reveals selfishness, frivolity, and disrespect for the older generation. Each of the heroes bears some kind of, personally, guilt. Vladimir, pursuing purely personal interests, is trying to kidnap someone else's daughter, who was the only one with her parents. And Masha, being reckless, is going to get married against the will of her parents.

As a result, fate gives everyone what they deserve. Vladimir even loses his life for unrepentance in committing an offense.

A blizzard is, as it were, sent from above to remind of conscience and playing an important role tries to save the heroes from rash actions. Makes attempts to stop Masha and restricts Vladimir's path to the church.

The attitude of the blizzard to all the heroes is different. She simply does not let Masha out of the house, and she punishes Vladimir, as the most selfish one, and makes him wander through the snow-covered forest.

The composition of the story is a sequential statement of facts.

The intrigue of the narrative appears due to some discrepancy between the plot and the plot.

As an epigraph, Pushkin chooses an excerpt from the work of Zhukovsky. These lines lead the reader to the idea of ​​a natural phenomenon, which is destined to play a role in the fate of the heroes, the veracity of Masha's dreams, a hidden church wedding.

The compositional structure of the story contrasts two sides: romanticism and reality. Romanticism can be attributed to the love of Masha and Vladimir, arising from Masha's interest in love novels. And realism is full of everyday life and is present in every day of the heroes' lives. The story is written in the direction of sentimentalism. The quintessence of personality and destiny becomes the key theme.

Pushkin set out to write such prose, which, in his words, should speak, not sing. Proceeding from this, there are practically no means of artistic expression in the narration.

Option 2

In a work written in the style of sentimentalism, in the form of a romantic story, the author turns to the theme of fate and contingencies.

The main character is a young girl named Maria Gavrilovna from a noble family falls in love with a young officer Vladimir Nikolaevich. At first, the action of the story develops quite in the spirit of the novels popular at that time. Maria's parents, wealthy people, do not give their daughter permission to marry a poor warrant officer, and a seventeen-year-old girl, brought up on French romance novels, decides to marry in secret. The image of Maria Gavrilovna, created by the author, is quite typical. Pushkin described a young, romantic-minded person like many of her real peers. The author, as it were, shows that his heroine acts like an ordinary young lady, without emphasizing her individuality.

On the way, the lovers face a natural phenomenon - a blizzard and an absurd combination of circumstances. The groom goes astray and his role is played for fun by another officer - Burmin, who happened to be in the church.

His frivolous act, however, has very serious consequences. Dissolution of a marriage during the time of Pushkin was a very difficult matter, in some cases, impossible in practice.

It would seem that an absurd combination of circumstances and Burmin's joke turn the story into a tragedy with a sad ending. In addition, Ensign Vladimir dies in the war with Napoleon, and Maria does not want to marry, although, having received the inheritance, she is not deprived of offers to marry.

However, the author, not wanting to create a story with a tragic end, makes the denouement unexpected. Maria and Burmin met and liked each other. At first, they did not remember that they were already married, since they had seen each other for a long time and could not capture the details of the meeting in their memory. However, the hussar colonel acts like an honest man and tells the girl about an incident that happened in the church during a severe blizzard. Thanks to this, the lovers understand that they are already married.

The denouement, with a chance encounter described by Pushkin, could hardly have taken place in reality. Fate, according to the author, is stronger than human will. However, unlike the Greek tragedies, where the heroes are doomed to survive what was destined for them by fate, it does not break their fate, but helps the victory of love.

Analysis 3

The work is one of the constituent parts of the cycle, published by the writer in the form of a collection called "Belkin's Tales".

The story is created in the form of a sentimental literary movement, the key theme of which is the disclosure of human destiny, subject to the power of fatal circumstances, presented in the form of a natural element.

A peculiar feature of the story is its linear composition, which has characteristic features in the form of a discrepancy between the plot and the plot line, the absence of literary parts, such as a prologue and an epilogue, as well as the use of an excerpt from Zhukovsky's poem as an epigraph.

In addition, the structural composition of the work consists of two parts, which the author presents in the romantic (love line of the heroes) and real (description of everyday life and the circumstances surrounding the characters) sides of human life. At the same time, the story demonstrates strict completeness and proportionality, consisting in clear mathematical calculations of laconic compositional elements.

Means of artistic expression are presented in the story very sparingly and rarely, which is manifested in the absence of portrait characteristics of the heroes of the work, as well as the author's refusal to psychoanalysis of the character's state of mind, inviting readers to independently draw conclusions about the heroes in accordance with their actions and speeches. However, a few epithets and metaphors are used in the story, but with the utmost economy, and the dynamism of the development of the narrative is often given by the use of verb forms.

The basis of the storyline is a chance meeting of the main characters, Maria Gavrilovna and Vladimir, which ended in a curious marriage, illustrated by the key symbol of the story in the form of a snowstorm, reflecting youthful serenity, passion devoid of reason.

The author's intention of the work is to reveal the conflict that arises between man and the natural element in the form of a snowstorm, which is described by the writer as the irreversibility of punishment, while an illustration of this is the description of the events taking place against the background of a raging blizzard.

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    Analysis of the work

    The story "Snowstorm" was written by A. Pushkin in 1830 and was included in the cycle "The Stories of the Late Ivan Petrovich Belkin". This is one of the most poetic stories of the cycle. In its plot lies a curious incident of an unforeseen marriage of a young military man and a girl from the provinces.

    However, if for a military man this is just a fun adventure, for a girl it is the collapse of her first love.

    The main character of the story, Marya Gavrilovna, is in love with poor warrant officer Vladimir, who was staying in their village. She understands that parents

    She will never be given for a poor man and agrees to a risky act - a secret wedding. Throughout the entire work, two storylines can be traced: Marya and Vladimir, Marya and Burmin.

    A large role in the story was played by a sudden blizzard that swept the roads in many villages at the beginning of 1812. It was because of her that Marya was married to another person in the Zhadrino church, and Vladimir got lost and found the church only in the morning. On the one hand, this is an unfortunate combination of circumstances, but on the other, after reading the work to the end, it becomes clear that this is inevitable fate.

    There is no prologue or epilogue in the story. From the

    The beginning describes life in one ordinary county estate. Immediately there is an acquaintance with the main character, who was brought up on French novels.

    This circumstance explains both the character of both Marya Gavrilovna herself and the further development of the plot.

    Thus, a loving county lady from a wealthy family agrees to marry a poor warrant officer who was visiting in the neighborhood. However, they are not destined to be together. The line connected with Vladimir ends abruptly in the middle of the piece. Upon learning that Marya was married to another, he leaves back to the regiment.

    Soon the news comes that he died in the battle of Borodino.

    Meanwhile, Marya's father dies, leaving her a rich inheritance. Grooms often woo a girl, but she always refuses. It would seem that she is still devoted to the memory of her former lover.

    But no one knows that she was accidentally married to another military man, whose name she did not even know.

    At the end of the war, Colonel Burmin comes to their village to stay. Marya likes him, and he likes her, but there is some awkwardness between them. Then Burmin decides to explain himself first and talk about the ridiculous situation in which he found himself at the beginning of 1812 during a severe blizzard.

    As it turned out, due to his frivolity, he was accidentally married to a young girl in a church unknown to them. Now he does not know either the name of his wife or her place of residence.

    Thus, at the end of the second storyline, the heroes will have a happy ending. The young people who were once accidentally married in the Zhadrino church are Marya Gavrilovna and Burmin. It's hard to say whether the author originally intended it or not, but the theme of fateful rock was fully disclosed.

    And the main role in this combination of circumstances was played by a blizzard.

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