
Project "Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits" project on the world around (senior, preparatory group) on the topic. Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits: On the symbolism of color Everyone should know where the pheasant sits

This is how children are taught to memorize the colors of the rainbow: everyone is red, the hunter is orange, wants to be yellow, to know is green, where is blue, sitting is blue, pheasant is purple.

Each color has a certain meaning, interpretation: some special feelings, traditions, ideas are associated with it.

There are not so many basic colors not to tell about them. At least the most interesting. Anyway, what seems interesting to me.

About the symbolism of color in various cultures, religion and heraldry.

The parade opens ...

1. White

Light, transparent glowing, colorless (in contrast to blue - dark, opaque). Clean as opposed to dirty.

Uncertainty and openness: the heroes of fairy tales want to see, to see the "white light". "White space" represented tax-free land, "white iron" - free from impurities, pure iron.

In divine language, white is the color of divine wisdom. In the mundane language, it symbolizes purity, chastity, peace, virginity, light, and since it “does not hide another color”, innocence and truth. According to the symbolism adopted by Catholics, it means innocence, joy and simplicity.

In the language of Catholic symbolism, transparent (cristalline) expresses the idea of \u200b\u200bimmaculate purity and clarity.

White magic is magic that uses its power for good, often for healing, or against evil and black magic.

White is most often associated with religious practices. Sacred horses in Greece, Rome, the Celts and Germans were white. In some areas of Southeast Asia, white elephants are considered sacred. The expression "white elephant" refers to large and imposing but useless acquisitions and comes from ancient Siam (Thailand). To get rid of the unwanted courtier, the king of Siam gave him a white elephant. The cost of feeding an elephant quickly ruined the courtier.

The white lily stands for purity and is a symbol of the Virgin Mary. The white rose also symbolizes virginity. In the ancient Roman temples of Vesta, the goddess of the hearth and the fire that burned in it, the Vestal priestesses who served there took a vow of virginity and wore white robes.

In the Christian church, white robes were worn for the consecration of churches. This is the color of baptism and communion, the holidays of Christmas, Easter and Ascension, as well as holidays in honor of saints who are not martyrs.

In the Orthodox Church, it is used in all divine services from Easter to Trinity Day, even at funerals.

The white flag is synonymous with surrender, truce, and in a broader sense - peace and goodwill. This custom is believed to come from ancient times, when, to demonstrate peaceful intentions and thus avoid attack, a white scroll or its symbolic representation - a white matter on a pole - was carried.

It also means blindness and absolute silence. In the East, it is the color of mourning. It was believed that if you wear black clothes, then the soul of the deceased will not see anything, hence it follows that white in mourning is light, vision, life (after life). Ghosts, disembodied creatures are usually depicted as whitish.

It also means cowardice. During wartime, in particular during the First World War, French people who avoided military service were sometimes given or sent white feathers.

It has been noticed that in cockfights the best fighting qualities are shown by roosters with scarlet and black colors. They pluck the feathers from the tails of their more cowardly white relatives, and these feathers have come to represent cowardice.

In heraldry, silver, called argent (agd), is depicted in black and white images in white.

2. Purple

Thin decay is thinning.
Purple tapestry.
To our waters and forests
The skies are falling.

O. Mandelstam

The color of the spiritual worlds, the worlds of creativity. In the symbolism accepted by Catholics, purple is silence or contemplation. The angel, dressed in a purple robe, represented the ordinance of the priesthood.

In the symbolism of early Christianity, it meant humiliation, deep affection and sadness.

3. Blue

The word “blue” comes from “glow,” but unlike white, it is a dark, opaque, gloomy glow.

As the color of the clear sky and sea, it represents both height and depth. It also means constancy, devotion, justice, excellence, contemplation and peace. Ancient Egyptians blue was the same as truth. According to Hegel, it corresponds to meekness, the expression of a full mind and spiritual silence.

The Order of the Garter, the highest knightly order awarded by the British Crown, has a wide dark blue ribbon (it was established in 1348 by King Edward III).

The expression "blue stocking" in relation to the learned lady dates back to the 15th century, when a society of men and women engaged in the study of sciences gathered in Venice: blue stockings were a distinctive attribute of their costume. Parisian intellectuals borrowed this custom in the 1590s. The term originated in England in the 1750s, when a gentleman named Benjamin Stillingfleet began attending the evenings of the writer and social activist Mrs. Elizabeth Montague (she was dubbed the queen of the blue), donning blue stockings instead of the then fashionable silk black.

Blue symbolizes doubt and depression. Blues (blues, from English blue, - "blue") - predominantly melancholic slow tempo music that appeared in the American South in the late 19th century.

In Christian art, blue symbolizes piety, sincerity, prudence. It was originally adopted for worship, but is currently not required. It is sometimes used in Spain in masses and some other religious services.

In the angelic hierarchy, the cherub, since he is always immersed in godly thoughts, is represented in blue. In his book Dynamic Dissonance, Louis Danz writes that blue is most expressive for the Arabs, it is "the color of the material heavens that support the stars in their places."

In heraldry, blue is called azure (from the Arabic "azure"). Sometimes marked as "az" or marked with horizontal lines.

4. Blue

Father Pavel Florensky considers the symbolism of blue from the standpoint of the fact that there are three languages: divine, sacred and worldly.

In the divine language, blue is air, azure as a shade of the sky, the Holy Spirit and the eternal Divine truth, the heavenly world.

In cosmogonies, the world is created by Divine Wisdom, and therefore God the creator is always blue. Vishnu was born out of blue. Krishna is portrayed with a blue body. Just like the Supreme deity of Egypt, Knef.

Amun, the divine word of the Egyptians, was represented by the color blue, and as such it is represented in the Egyptian drawings. This color accompanied Zeus (Jupiter) and Hera (Juno) - the Greek and Roman deities of the heavens, who were believed to live above the clouds. Agni, the god of fire, sat on a red-horned blue ram.

In Exodus, blue, like the tone of a cloudless sky, symbolizes revelation. According to the book of Numbers, the Israelites were commanded to have a blue border on the edges of their dresses, which would remind them of God.

In the sacred language, it becomes a symbol of immortality, which means human, physical death, sadness and mourning. Blue robes were worn by priests during Great Lent, in China and other countries of the East it is the color of the dead, in Egyptian burial grounds there are a large number of blue figurines.

Azure represents rebirth, spiritual education of a person. Indicates the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

In mundane language, blue is equivalent to fidelity. Blue scarabs adorned the rings of Egyptian warriors. The angel in the sacrament of marriage was depicted in blue vestments, meaning trust and fidelity.

According to Goethe, this is the thinnest haze. He always brings the dark with him.

Symbolizes valor and excellence. The Blue Ribbon is awarded for excellence in a variety of fields: the Atlantic Blue Ribbon is awarded to the passenger liner that crossed the ocean fastest in both directions (owned by Queen Mary in 1935-1952, since 1952 owned by United States ). Likewise, the Cordon bleu (Blue Ribbon) was once the highest knightly award in France, the ancient Order of St Esprit (Holy Spirit).

Blue is associated with royalty and noble birth. The expression "blue blood" for people of high birth comes from the belief that the veins of the Spanish aristocrats are "bluer" than those of those who came from "mixed" marriages. Likewise, "true blue" emphasizes loyalty, perhaps on the basis that it was believed that true loyalty could only be shown by a person of aristocratic background.

For a newborn boy, they usually buy blue ribbons and a stroller, suits of blue color and its shades.

In the modern world, homosexuals are called "gay".

5. Green

The color of spring, new growth, fertility, nature, joy. Green very often signifies continuity and even immortality when, for example, we say "evergreen". In the symbolism of Catholic art, green was the color of hope, imperishable youth, and contemplative life. The angel in the sacrament of blessing (chrismation) was depicted in a green robe.

In cosmogonic symbolism, green indicates the world that is born in the bosom of primitive waters, and the first degree of initiation: baptism with water. It is a mixture of blue and yellow, green is a mystical color that makes a connection between the natural and the supernatural.

Green means abundance, prosperity, stability, because it is not for nothing that many states have chosen green shades for their money. But, on the other hand, green indicates a lack of money. In some European countries, bankrupts were required to wear a green hat.

At sea, a green flag signals a shipwreck. On the ground, this signal more often means "Movement allowed"; as a road signal green - "The way is clear", yellow or amber say: "Attention! “, And red -“ Stop! ". This value was standardized in Britain in 1893. Prior to that, green served as a warning, white allowed movement, and red prohibited.

Green is a sign of decay and mold. Osiris, god of dying and resurrecting nature, patron and judge of the dead, was depicted in green. In folklore, it is the color of the elves, hence the color of disobedience and leprosy. It also symbolizes envy and jealousy. As a symbol of youth, green is tantamount to immaturity, underage, inexperience, naivety.

In Christian churches, green is prescribed for worship in the period between Baptism and Trinity. Green is sacred in Islam.

On national flags, green is usually placed to emphasize the role of agriculture or the abundance of forests.

In heraldry, green is called "vert" (short for "vt"). With a monochrome image of the coat of arms, it was drawn with diagonal lines from the upper left corner to the lower right.

6. Yellow

The color of the sun and summer. In alchemy, gold was considered frozen sunlight.

It symbolizes glory and Divine power (in connection with "solar" associations: light, warmth, power), the revelation of God's love and wisdom.

In the triad of solar colors, yellow corresponds to reason. It is a revitalizing and cleansing color scheme. In Greek mythology, it is an attribute of Apollo, the sun god, as well as the sacred color of Zeus, the ruler of earth and heaven.

In China, the color of saffron is the color of the emperor: during the Qing dynasty, the last ruling dynasty (1644-1911), only the emperor had the right to wear yellow dresses. It is also the shade of the Taoist monk's hats.

In India, a newlywed woman covers her hands in yellow to show the happiness of union she is waiting for. According to Goethe, yellow is the closest to light, the first phenomenon of light in matter.

In the symbolism of early Christianity, yellow (gold) means glory, fertility, kindness. This corresponds to the earth.

It also has the opposite interpretation - as the color of betrayal, jealousy, lies and cowardice. According to the symbolism accepted by Catholics, it is a test of suffering or envy. In church art, Cain and Judas Iscariot were usually painted with yellow beards. In some Christian countries, Jews were portrayed in yellow robes because they "betrayed Jesus."

During World War II, in countries occupied by the Nazis, Jews were ordered to wear headbands with a yellow star, "headbands of shame." In medieval Europe until the 16th century, in some places the doors of houses of criminals and traitors were smeared with yellow paint.

Heretics, condemned by the Spanish Inquisition, were burned dressed in yellow, as a sign that they had betrayed God. Cowards were called "yellow-bellied" because it was believed that the coward's liver was devoid of blood and had a yellow (or white) color.

Also the color of the disease.

In the International Signaling System, yellow stands for the letter Q. Upon arrival at a port of a foreign country, this flag is raised to convey the message: "Everyone is healthy on my ship, and I ask to be released from quarantine" (quarantine is provided for by international health regulations).

Yellow is an internationally recognized color used for safety measures - it is used for rescue helicopters, and in some countries - firefighting equipment, formerly red. In traffic rules, yellow is a warning signal, in football, a yellow card represents a "warning".

The terms "yellow press" and "yellow journalist" are used in relation to those who supply distorted information and sensations to increase the circulation of their publications. In China, "yellow literature" and "yellow films" refer to pornographic products, but on the other hand, according to the Book of Chinese Symbols, a "yellow woman" is a woman who preserves her virginity.

In heraldry, gold is designated yellow, which is called "op", on a non-color image it is marked with dots.

7. Pink

Pink is the color of a love affair
and one friend told me
that only a girl in a pink dress is required
will be invited to every dance.

A. K. Hottes

It is a flesh color, a shade of sensitivity, and, according to experts, is one of the tones that cause the greatest appetite.

During World War II, gay men were required to wear a pink triangle armband in Nazi-occupied countries. The pink and sometimes pink triangle has been used ever since by organizations such as Blue Pride.

8. Red

In Russian, red and beautiful are the same root words. That is why Red Square is a beautiful square, the red maiden is a beauty.

Red is associated with light, with fire: our ancestors called the solstice "kres", and the verb "krestat" meant "to cut down the fire."

As the color of love, it goes back to fire that carries warmth. The emblem with a heart can be seen on greeting cards, in inscriptions like "I love ...", where the word "love" is replaced with a heart, and the heart is depicted with red paint (environmental organizations paint the heart green in slogans like: "I love nature that is not contaminated with lead" ).

The most aggressive, associated with live, flowing blood. These are fire, feelings, war, sacrifice, revolution, strength, courage, suffering, power, justice. Primitive man sprinkled blood on any object that he wanted to bring back to life. In the divine language of symbols, red is Divine love.

In the Far East, it is a paint of joy and wealth.

The red gates in China marked the houses of the first-class officials, noble and wealthy people. In marriage rites, it prevails on all objects surrounding the bride and groom. When evaluating essays, successful places are outlined in red. In Mongolia, Korea, scarlet dots are sewn on New Year's outfits as amulets.

As a color symbolizing blood, red has often been used for military purposes for centuries. For example, when the Roman generals were victorious, they painted their faces with crimson paint in honor of the god of war Mars. In the British Navy, the red flag as a "challenge to battle" has existed since the 17th century.

It has been the color of anarchy for the last two centuries.

The red flag is the banner of international socialism and the left wing in politics in general. The flag was used by the Communards of the Paris Commune of 1871. In Russia, during the uprising of 1905 and the October Revolution of 1917, the symbolism of the French Revolution was adopted, including the color red. The army of the revolution was called the "Red Army", those supporting the revolution - the "Reds".

In medieval Christian art, it was considered the color of mercy, Divine love. Seraphim, who occupy the highest position in the hierarchy of angels, are located above all to God and "abide in the Divine heat", are usually depicted in red.

Serves as the color of services during Holy Week, Palm Sunday and the Cross Movement (September 14). In Roger von der Weygen's The Seven Sacraments, the Angel of the Sacrament of Repentance is depicted in a fiery tunic. On the day of the Holy Trinity, he served as the personification of the Holy Spirit, who descended from heaven like tongues of flame. He also recalls the martyrs who shed blood for their faith.


- The "red day of the calendar" comes from the custom of marking church holidays and dates with red ink.

- "red" in the sense of "debit", comes from the past custom of bank employees to write down losses in red ink.

- The "red thread" comes from the 17th century rule of tying up official legal or government papers with a red ribbon.

Red hair is often associated with a hot temperament. It is also the color of magic, as fairies' hats are always red. It is used universally for warning of danger and as a stop signal.

Red is shame and dishonor. Mark Twain wrote that man is "the only creature that blushes, or at least should blush."

In puritanical New England in the 17th and 18th centuries, women caught in illicit relationships were required to wear a red A on their dresses. He also defined "moths", recalling that John in "Revelation" (17: 1-6) saw a harlot in crimson "... sitting on a crimson beast, full of blasphemous names ... filled with the blood of saints."

The area where the brothels are located is called the “red light district”, since these are the lights that used to hang in front of such establishments.

In the heraldic language, it is designated as "use" (abbreviated - di). In a black and white drawing, it is indicated by vertical lines.

9. Magenta

Indicates power, glory, honor, greatness, power.

As a combination of red and blue, it symbolizes the union of love and truthfulness. Since purple paint was the most expensive, purple represented gold. Among the ancient Romans and Greeks, only emperors, kings, generals, judges wore purple togas. Since then, purple has been associated with the throne and power. The expression "born in purple" in relation to all who belong to the upper class dates back to the days of the Byzantine Empire, where the rule was that a future emperor should only be born in a room with purple bedspreads on the walls.

The literary turnover "purple prose" is applied to scriptures that are overly intricate and pretentious. This saying was first used by the Roman poet Horace in The Science of Poetry, written around 20 BC.

In Christian churches, purple is the remission of sins, repentance, sorrow and mourning. Toilets of purple tones are worn during Lent for ceremonies associated with the "crucifixion".

In heraldry, magenta, called “purple,” in black and white is represented by diagonal lines from the top right edge to the bottom left.

10. Gray

In the symbolism adopted by Catholics, brown or gray meant humility. A gray mouse, grayness is a symbol of an inconspicuous, not talented person.

11. Black

Night, death, decay, sin, evil and destructive forces, silence and emptiness. Since black absorbs all other colors, it expresses denial and despair, is the opposition to white, and denotes a negative beginning. The symbol of the otherworldly, infernality.

Black and dark blue were symbols of the attributes of God and the rebirth of man (raised from the dust). This color depicted Saturn, Osiris, Knef-Ammon, Krishna, Buddha.

The opposition of black and blue - night and day - represents the struggle between life and death, the activity of the spirit and the activity of the body; in the material state, this struggle is symbolized by time. Saturn is a symbol of time. The temple and statue of Mercury were made of blue stone. One of the hands of this God was white, the other black.

In Chinese philosophy, it is Yin, water.

In "Apocalypse" a black, black horse is a symbol of hunger.

According to Catholic symbolism, black is the paint of sorrow, death or peace.

Black was one of the five colors prescribed in 1200 by Pope Innocent III by 176 to mark the seasons in the Christian calendar. Black was used in masses for the departed in services on Good Friday. More recently, the church has begun to take into account national characteristics (for example, black in Japan means joy), and the use of black has ceased to be mandatory. In medieval art, it symbolized repentance.

As the color of death, it was a symbol of refusal from worldly vanity, giving oneself up to spiritual service. This is the color of the vestments of monks - both Orthodox and Buddhist.

Black as the color of night and earth is a symbol of the birth of all life, and therefore a symbol of alchemy as a spiritual Work. In alchemy it corresponds to decay, the emblem of this color and process is the raven.

As a sign of death, black was used by many: it was on the flag of the anarchists, on the flags of pirates.

In a British court, when pronouncing the death sentence, the judge tore apart the squares of black matter.

The bubonic plague, which killed almost 25 million people in Europe alone in 1348, was called the "Black Death" because the body of the plague sufferer turned black.

The secret sciences, which were engaged in witches and sorcerers, and all others who dealt with the "prince of darkness" (the devil), were called "black magic" (in this case, "associated with the devil").

In heraldry, black is called "mourning". On the coat of arms, it is marked with the letters "s" or "sa", or the lower part of the drawing is shaded with horizontal or vertical lines, and when printed, it is covered with solid black.

We are all familiar from childhood with mnemonic rules - ways to memorize some facts with the help of seemingly completely unrelated phrases. The most striking example is, of course, “ TOevery ABOUThotnik Fwants Znat, Dde FROMwalking Fazan ”, a mnemonic for the arrangement of colors in a rainbow. In fact, mnemonics are widely used to memorize scientific facts and even medical procedures. Before you is a set of such mnemonics (sometimes in English), guess what areas of knowledge they relate to?

1. Oh Be A Fine Girl, Kiss Me (or in Russian: One Shaved Englishman Dates Chewed Like Carrots)
2. How I want a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy lectures involving quantum mechanics
3. Everything Now Understandable It Has Become, Physicist Zhamuchen Nauki Died (or more classic Good Physicists Have Studied Under Very Fine Teachers)
4. Whole Pineapple And Slice Of Souffle Today Is Actually My Lunch


This phrase helps you remember the acids involved in the Krebs cycle, a key step in cellular respiration. It allows the body to obtain energy from the oxidation of organic matter. The letters correspond to the gradual oxidation of tricarboxylic acids in the cycle: citrate, cis- andconitat, andzocitrate, alpha toetoglutarate, fromuccinil-CoA, fromuccinat, fumarat, malat, aboutxaloacetate.

There are not so many people in the world who easily remember everything and never complain about memory.
We have to remember something. We use pieces of paper, notebooks, mobile phones, computers, etc. But often you can use mnemonic techniques to memorize information.
Mnemonics or mnemonics is the art of memorization, a set of special techniques that facilitate memorization.
Special phrases or verses are used - memos.
Below is a collection of memos collected on the Internet. Memories from various fields of knowledge: physics, chemistry, mathematics, astronomy, Russian.

The most famous memos are about the colors of the rainbow. Let's start with them.
To memorize the sequence of rainbow colors, there are mnemonic phrases, the first letters of each word in which correspond to the first letters of the color name. Looking down the rainbow, from outside to inside the arc:
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, Purple.
The most famous memory of this kind is the phrase:
Every Hunter Wants To Know Where The Pheasant Sits.

How Once Jacques-Bell-ringer Head (City) Broke the Lantern.

And more modern, Internet options :))
Every Decorator Wants To Know Where To Download Photoshop!
Every Odmin Wants To Know Where The System File Is
Every Educated Zhzhist Knows Where To Watch A Friend

And like this:
Cat Donkey Giraffe Bunny Blue Sewed Sweatshirts
Carlson Again Cheerfully Conceived Nasty Things With Meatballs.
Every Educated Woman Eats Hot Raw Meatballs for Breakfast.
Autumn creeps. Heat Eclipsed by the Depth. Fujiyama turns blue.
(hokku style)
As you can see, many new options have been invented))

In English:
Roygbiv - an acronym in English used to memorize the primary colors of the spectrum of light radiation.
This is the name of a fictional character, each letter of whose name corresponds to the first letter of each color of the rainbow:
Roy G. Biv (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet)
Red - Red, Orange - Orange, Yellow - Yellow, Green - Green, Blue - Cyan, Indigo - Indigo, Violet - Purple.

For better memorization, English-speaking children memorize the decoding of this acronym:
"Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain".
Translation: "Richard of York gave battle (battle) in vain."
Mnemonic phrases are also known in astronomy, mathematics, biology ...

For memorization star classes: One Shaved Englishman Dates Chews Like Carrots.
In order from hot to cold (O, B, A, F, G, K, M).
English version: "O Be A Fine Girl, Kiss Me".
When the classes R, N and S were later added, the phrase turned into "O Be A Fine Girl, Kiss Me Right Now ... Smack".
The order of the planets of the solar system-
We Know, Yulia's Mom Sat On The Pills In The Morning!
(M-Mercury B-Venus Z-Earth M-Mars Jupiter C-Saturn U-Uranus N-Neptune P-Pluto)
Frosty Evening Climbed Jung's Mast Eager to See Unfamiliar Port

Masha Broom Chalk Land, AND Yura Sitting At The Spider's Burrow. Added: A-belt of Asteroids.

Periods-era in the development of the living world of the Earth

In their student years, the order of the geological periods was remembered by some by learning the phrase. "Every excellent student should smoke cigarettes; you, Yura, mal - drink tea at night".
Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Paleogene, Neogene, Quaternaryperiods.


There have always been many memos for the number P.
If you try very hard, you can read it right away: Three, fourteen, fifteen, Ninety two and six. 3, 1415926

I know and remember this perfectly - and many signs are superfluous to me, in vain -
3, 14159265358
Or: What do I know about circles - 3,1416.
The number of letters in each word corresponds to the value of the number "pi"
How I am swollen and thirsty to kick the hell out of these stupid reports, leading to severe depression. 3, 14159265358979

Memory for the number "e" up to the 15th decimal place (e \u003d 2.718281828459045 ...)
Two commas seven miles is not a hook (2,7) + two Leo Tolstoy (Year of birth of Tolstoy 1828 ) + rectangular isosceles triangle (angles of an isosceles right triangle - 45, 90, 45). It's hard to remember, but it's possible ...
Square root of two is equal to 1.4142135624 ... You can remember its value using the following memory:
I'm Katya, I'm a fool, but I've found the root of two))
Product differentiation
: d (UV) \u003d U ∙ dV + V ∙ dU - "Strangle - and into the water."

Bisector Is a rat that runs around corners and divides corners in half.
Median- a monkey, it walks on the sides and divides the sides in half.
Heightis a cat without a tail, which, like a crowbar, falls from the top to the side at right angles.

Sine angledefined as attitude opposite to this corner leg to hypotenuse
Cosine- attitude adjacentleg to the hypotenuse.

To avoid confusion, you can use the following association:
Cosine - KOSYAK -a door attached(adjacentcathetus) to the jamb. Those. Cosine angle-ratio adjacent leg to the hypotenuse.
well and oppositegets sinus.

Sine and cosine derivatives are found by the formulas:
(sin a) "\u003d cos a and (cos a) "\u003d -sin a.
It is necessary to replace sine with cosine, cosine with sine and take into account the sign. It can be written like this:
Blue joint andJamb - blue

Roman numerals

Ms 1000 Daem 500 Cadvice 100 Lsee 50 Xgood 10 Vmalnourished 5 Individam
We 1000 Give 500 Juicy 100 Limes 50 Enough 10 V total 5 Iх
average speedthermal motion of a particle v \u003d sqrt (3kT / m) remembered as "three cats for meat" (m is the mass of a Brownian particle, v is its velocity, k is the Boltzmann constant, T is the temperature, sqrt - square root).
I cannot find a century of work without strength and path.

Three of Newton's laws:
1) if you don't kick, it won't fly
2) as you kick, it will fly
3) as you kick, you get it
Indicator litmus red - indicates acid clear!
Indicator litmus blue - alkali here, do not stand idiot! Phenolphthaleinnew in alkalis crimson.
About sulfur
Sulfur, sulfur, letter S, 32 - specific gravity.
Sulfur burns in the air - We get anhydride.
Anhydride yes plus water - This is acid.
Ethyl alcohol formula
H2O is not our motto, ours is C2H5OH.

Organic chemistry
Let's remember, friend, and me, and you, How are they different alcohols -
In them carbon and hydroxide, And each alcohol burns easily.

Smells good aldehydes, But the group C (H) O will give them out.
IN ketones group is CO, But this is also nothing ...

We speak calmly: fat... And by the way, he - ether,
He is from acids and glycerin.
This is our picture ...
OVAL - to memorize the four largest rivers in Russia - Ob, Volga, Amur and Lena.
Holland cities

Amsterdam, Haarlem, Sardam
The Hague, Leiden, Rotterdam

Danube tributaries:
"Sava, Drava and Morava,
Tisa, Drysa, Seret, Prut -
They all flow into the Danube! "

Toponymy is an interesting topic!
In Petersburg,behind the Vitebsk railway station, there are a number of parallel streets - Ruzovskaya, Mozhaiskaya, Vereiskaya, Podolskaya, Serpukhovskaya, Bronnitskaya and Batayskiy lane. You can remember their order if you use the taxi driver's code phrase: "Timeve we canbut faithgo underscrap graydtsu brochildish balerins? "or Timeve we canbut faithgo empty words balerins?
And here are some more phrases invented by taxi drivers:
Squirrel Will Just Dry Loaf(Belcity, Budapeshtskaya, Booarrest, Etcazhskaya and FROMofiyskaya - Kupchin streets, south of St. Petersburg).
Fedya Kushal Sweetly, Thinking How to Give Dunya a Gift - st. Fucik, st. Bela Kuna, avenue of Glory, st. Dimitrova, Kashtanovaya Alley (now Plovdivskaya), Dunayskiy pr., St. Yaroslav Hasek, st. Oleko Dundich.
Brochures- Science, North, Lunacharsky, Enlightenment, Suzdal (in the north of St. Petersburg) gave rise to an unforgettable phrase: On Northe Moonand Prosthen Susit was ".
In the same area:
BrochuresCulture, Rudnev, Artists, Yesenin, Engels - Every Innovator Wants to Experiment Daily.
Maybe someone will come up with a phrase for the streets of the Petrogradskaya side crossing Bolshoy Prospekt?
(Ordinary, Plutalova, Barmaleeva, Podrezova, Podkovyrova, Polozova, Lenin. And - Lakhtinskaya, Gatchinskaya, Oranienbaumskaya, Kolpinskaya, Rybatskaya, Ropshinskaya ...)

"Wake up, Sinister Undertaker, - The Tone of the Body is Raging, Depriving Your Own Language of the Immeasurable Share of Pessimism"- a phrase used by medical students to memorize the sequence of cranial nerves (olfactory, visual, oculomotor, block, trigeminal, abductor, facial, auditory, glossopharyngeal, vagus, accessory, sublingual).
Like this fibula (fibula)
Dvin on the mandible (lower jaw)
To hear the cerebrum (brain)
how the cranium rings (skull).
Myocardial infarction treatment(first aid) MONAor NONA
M - morphine H - drug i / v
ABOUT - oxygen (oxygen)
H - nitroglycerin under the tongue
AND - chew and swallow aspirin
Frequent cause of atrial fibrillationthere are three OZ:
cardiosclerosis, thyrotoxicosis, mitral stenosis
For cardiogram - overlay standard leads starting from the right arm Every Woman is Angrier (red yellow green black)

Russian language
Memories with Diploma

Phenomenon calls on wednesdays, having accepted the contract for the years,
He gave the escort experts the airport application.
The dancer with the dancer love to pamper their little ones.
On the kitchen table on the dishes Let the kittens dance.
The chauffeur and I set off on the dirt And, skidding for a long time in the mud,
Broke through to the post office - the typographer sent us a blind.

Vowel alternationfundamentally
If after the root - A, the root will be AND always.
Here's an example, remember: Feet wiped? - Wipe it up!
Collect, erase, bully - Take a closer look: If the name is in the word Ira,
So, at the root, the letter I.
Eeyore donkey rule(for roots with alternating vowels): if behind the root A, write I. For example, blIST.
Either, something, something, something, - That, the same don't forget to hyphenate,
As a preposition with the word from. (from behind, from under)
Put on and dress
ABOUTdo (who?) Onhope Ondo (what?) abouthope.
Socks and stockings
Short socks - word long: socks, long stockings - short word: stocking.
The gypsy stood on tiptoe and poked at the chicken: Chick! "- words where after" c "is written" y "

And here is an old rhyme for memorizing words where instead of "e" it was necessary to write "yat":
B (f) liy, b (f) dny, b (f) d b (f) c
Ub (e) sting b (e) denag in l (e) s,
L (e) shim by l (e) su he b (e) gal,
P (e) dkoy with xp (e) nom poob (e) gave ...

The word DAAMAN (da-am-an) indicates which syllable is stressed in threecomplex verse sizes: DActyl - 1st syllable, AM fibrachy - 2nd syllable, an pestle - 3rd syllable.
Henry VIII was married six times. The fate of his spouse is learned by English schoolchildren with the help of the mnemonic phrase: "divorced - executed - died - divorced - executed - survived."

Official languages \u200b\u200bof the United Nations

The United Nations Organization (UN) unites almost two hundred countries of the world. In what language to communicate during work and publish official documents? Six languages \u200b\u200bhave been selected for this purpose. You can remember them using a simple memo:
AFRICA- English, French, Russian, Spanish, Chinese and Arabic.

Sequence of latin letters on a chessboard (ABCDEFGH), (or the beginning of the Latin alphabet) - the phrase is used: "Artist Bimu Give a Compass, His Surname - Zhe-Ash".

The chess knight problem
It is necessary to go around the whole board with the knight in such a way as to visit each field exactly once. Both the solution itself and the memorization of the answer are a rather difficult task. To memorize the moves Grandmaster Vasily Panov composed a poem.
In each pair of words, a checkerboard field is encrypted: the first word is a column, the second is a row. For example: Scarlet Autumn - a1, Valuable Gifts - c2
Autumn is scarlet with Valuable Gifts,

Another Life-Giving Day.

Bread Chervonyat Yellow Cords,

Crystal Waters Philosophical Sen ...

Completely - here:

Russian flag colors
You can use the memos below to memorize the colors of the flag.
Each word of the phrase begins with the same letter as the corresponding flag color:
White blue red.

Bullshit. Hippopotamus Ate Crocodile. The White Tsar in the Blue Sea defeated the Red Turks.
BoSyaK or BaysiK - the order of the stripes of the Russian flag gives the consonants of these words.
And if from bottom to top: The KGB... Red, blue, white

To those who change the time
Time "Spring - Forward, Autumn - Back"
And in conclusion, let's see how foreigners remember Russian words:

English memos for Russian words
"I love you!" - "Yellow Blue Bus!"
"Serve Coffee" - "church"
Horror Show - good
"My On Ass" - "mayonnaise"
"Chess Knock" - "garlic"
"True Bar" - "pipe"
"Our device is Korea" - "dress soon"
"PaleMan" - "pelmeni"

The artists of the world famous "Circus of the Sun", or Cirque du Soleil, had to learn Russian words during their tour in Moscow. This is how they did it.


In order to remember some meaningless sequence or composition of something, people have long been using mnemonic phrases or memos. So I decided to make a complete list of such phrases. So:

  1. TOevery ABOUThotnik Fwants Z nat, D de FROM walking F adhan (the first letters correspond to the colors of the spectrum).
    Another variant: "How One Day Jacques the Bell-ringer City Broke the Lantern".

  2. What do I know about circles (the number of letters in each word corresponds to the value of Pi - 3.1416).
    Another variant: "This I know and remember perfectly -" pi "many signs are superfluous to me, in vain" (respectively 3.14159265358).
    And here is the pre-revolutionary phrase: "Whoever jokingly wants to know the number soon, Pi already knows" (3,1415926536).

  3. OVAL - a hint for memorizing the four largest rivers in Russia - ABOUTbi, INolgi, ANDmura and Leny.

  4. In St. Petersburg, behind the Vitebsk railway station, there are a number of parallel streets - Ruzovskaya, Mozhaiskaya, Vereiskaya, Podolskaya, Serpukhovskaya, Bronnitskaya and Bataysky lane. It is impossible to remember their order if you do not use the taxi driver's code phrase: "Timeve we canbut faithgo underscrap graydtsu brochildish balerins? "
    And here are some more phrases invented by taxi drivers:

    • "Squirrel Will Just Dry Loaf" (Belcity, Budapeshtskaya, Booarrest, Etcazhskaya and FROMofiysk).

    • Prospectuses - Science, North, Lunacharsky, Enlightenment, Suzdal gave birth to an unforgettable phrase: On Northe Moonand Prosthen Susit was ".

    • Prospectuses of Culture, Rudnev, Artists, Yesenin, Engels - "Every Innovator Wants to Experiment Daily".

  5. In order for children to be able to remember the sequence of Latin letters on the chessboard (ABCDEFGH), the phrase is used: "Artist Bimu Give a Compass, His Surname - Zhe-Ash".

  6. "Ivan gave birth to a girl, ordered to drag the diaper" phrase for memorizing Russian cases.
    Another variant: "Ivan Rodionovich Give Your Pipe a Smoke".

  7. Memory for the number "e" to the 15th decimal place (e \u003d 2.718281828459045 ...)
    Two commas seven miles is not a hook (2,7) + two Leo Tolstoy (Year of birth of Tolstoy 1828) + rectangular isosceles (the angles of an isosceles right-angled triangle are 45, 90, 45).

  8. "The gypsy stood on tiptoe and poked at the chicken: Chick!" phrase for memorizing words, where after "c" is written "s".

  9. And here is an old rhyme for memorizing where instead of "e" it was necessary to write "yat":
    B (f) liy, b (f) dny, b (f) d b (f) c
    Ub (e) sting b (e) denag in l (e) s,
    L (e) shim by l (e) su he b (e) gal,
    P (e) dkoy with xp (e) nom poob (e) gave ...

  10. The average speed of the thermal motion of a particle v \u003d sqrt (3kT / m) is remembered as "three cats for meat" (m is the mass of a Brownian particle, v is its velocity, k is the Boltzmann constant, T is the temperature, sqrt is the square root).

  11. Phrase "One shaved Englishman chewed dates like carrots" helps astronomers memorize the spectral types of stars in order from hot to cold (O, B, A, F, G, K, M).
    English version: "O Be A Fine Girl, Kiss Me"since then the classes R, N and S were added, then the phrase turned into "O Be A Fine Girl, Kiss Me Right Now ... Smack".

What mnemonic phrases do you know? Complement!

P.S. And finally, an old tale about party mnemonics:
Even during Soviet times, in one of the military schools, at lectures on the History of the CPSU, a lecturer colonel dictated a mnemonic rule for memorizing the composition of the first Marxist group in Russia: "Plekhanov, Ignatov, Zasulich, Deutsch, Axelrod - take the first letters of the surnames, add them up for life remember what happened. "

P.P.S. Update: Continued in