
Is it possible to carry a block of cigarettes in hand luggage. German Customs: Customs rules that can be transported.

How many cigarettes can I spend on an airplane? Can I take an electronic cigarette into the cabin? What restrictions apply to the transport of tobacco products? We’ll talk about this today.

The number of cigarettes that can be carried in checked baggage is not limited. The main thing is not to exceed the limits established by the customs service of the country to which you are heading.

On the territory of Russia, one passenger 18 years of age or older is prohibited from importing more than:

  • \u003e 200 cigarettes - one block (in one block 10 packs of 20 cigarettes each), or
  • 50 cigars, or
  • 250 grams of tobacco

Cigarettes are not allowed for minors.

Similar restrictions apply in countries within the European Union. In the USA, the limits are a little more - you can spend up to 2 kg of tobacco (leaf), but only if you have 21 years or more.

It must be added that when traveling from one EU country to another, all the above customs rules are preserved.

In other countries, customs rules can vary greatly, so it’s difficult to unequivocally answer the question “how many cigarettes can be transported on an airplane” - specify the restrictions before your train. In the vast majority of cases, if you bring one block of cigarettes with you, then there will be no problems at customs.

Hand luggage

There is no difference between the transport of cigarettes in checked baggage or cabin baggage. All the same customs restrictions apply to the transportation of tobacco products in the cabin, and only they.

The main thing to remember is that smoking on board an airplane is strictly forbidden! If you are caught in this occupation, then a fine, and in some countries communication with the police, cannot be avoided. Saudi Arabia and the UAE are particularly stringent. Smoking is prohibited by law on board and in the United States.

So do not risk it - you will not succeed in smoking unnoticed in the toilet of the aircraft, smoke detectors will give you a probability of 100%.

Special mention deserves the transport of lighters in the cabin. You are allowed to take one lighter with you on board, but in no case gasoline - it is considered to be a flammable object and will be seized during the pre-flight inspection.

Electronic cigarettes on the plane

Recently, so-called. electronic cigarettes or electronic vaporizers, which many smokers have switched to instead of regular cigarettes. Therefore, many passengers have questions whether it is possible to bring an electronic cigarette with them on an airplane. We answer - yes, you can. There are no restrictions on the transport of electronic cigarettes and smoking liquids for them. An electronic cigarette is equivalent to conventional electronic devices, such as a telephone or tablet computer.

But when traveling on an airplane with an electronic cigarette, it is important to remember the following points:

  • The amount of cigarettes and liquids transported to them must be in a reasonable amount. If you take with you, for example, a box of liquids, then it can be recognized by the customs as a commercial party with the corresponding obligation to declare it and pay duties.
  • For hand luggage, there is a limitation on the volume of transported liquid in a volume of not more than 100 ml in one container and 1 liter in total. That is, you cannot hold more than 10 containers of 100 ml each.
  • In checked baggage, it is forbidden to carry lithium batteries, which are just used in electronic cigarettes. Therefore, take them with you to the cabin.

Can I smoke electronic cigarettes on an airplane?

The policy of most airlines suggests that smoking on board is strictly prohibited. Some of them especially emphasize that this applies not only to regular cigarettes, but also to electronic ones. However, there are no legislative prohibitions on smoking electronic cigarettes on board an airplane, therefore the ban is established only by the rules of a particular airline.

Aeroflot, Continental, American, Japan, KLM, Japan Airlines, Airtran, Delta, Southwest, United, Northwest, US Airways, British Airways, Quantas, Iberia, Korean Air, American West Airlines have banned the smoking of electronic cigarettes on board aircraft. Air China, Air Canada, SAS, KLM, Emirates, EasyJet, China Southern, Alaska / Horizon Air, Saudi Airlines, Virgin Atlantic, Malaysia Airlines, Lufthansa and Thai Airlines.

The main reason airlines forbid smoking electronic cigarettes on board, even though the smoke from them is generally harmless, is not to provoke other smokers who remain faithful to regular cigarettes.

In any case, it is always important to remain a cultured person: you can ask a flight attendant for permission to smoke an electronic cigarette in the cabin, often they can be allowed to do this, but carefully. Or you can smoke in the toilet - so you will not create inconvenience to others. Smoke detectors in an airplane do not respond to vapor from electronic cigarettes.

Many travelers who plan to fly by plane do not know anything about whether it is possible to carry cigarettes in hand luggage. Let's study this issue in detail and analyze all the intricacies of transporting tobacco on aircraft.

The rules for baggage and cigarette luggage are exactly the same. Absolutely all carriers are allowed to take a certain stock. Its quantity is regulated only by customs regulations of the country of departure and arrival. For example, the Russian Federation is allowed to import no more than:

  1. 200 standard cigarettes (1 block of 10 packs).
  2. 250 grams of tobacco.
  3. 50 cigars.

The standard block contains 200 cigarettes in 10 packs

This amount can be transported by any passenger who is over 18 years old. The same rule applies in most European countries. But in the United States, a passenger can bring with him up to two kilograms of leaf tobacco, but only if he is 21 years old.

Note:it is possible to import just as many products as indicated above into the EU, but inside the EU countries you can carry 4 blocks of cigarettes, 200 cigars and up to a kilogram of tobacco.

Can I smoke on board?

Despite permission to carry cigarettes on the plane, all airlines prohibit smoking on board. Do not think that it will be possible to smoke in the toilet - in all modern aircraft there is a smoke detector. If it works, then you may be fined or even handed over to the police for further proceedings.  Especially strict rules regarding smoking in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates - a fine can exceed the cost of a plane ticket many times over, and upon arrival you will be additionally checked for the content of narcotic substances in the blood. Therefore, it’s not worth the risk. Together with cigarettes, a passenger can take one disposable lighter with him.

Note:some carriers prohibit the use of disposable lighters in the cabin. Check your company’s policies. But gas lighters are banned everywhere - they belong to the category of flammable objects.

Smoking on board is strictly prohibited, but you can carry cigarettes and even a lighter


Recently, electronic cigarettes have become very popular - almost a fifth of smokers use them. Can I bring such cigarettes on the plane? No carrier prohibits passengers from transporting these devices, since officially they are considered electronics.

Note:  the bubble with the “smoke” to electronic cigarettes should not be more than one hundred milliliters - it is transported in a plastic bag with other liquids.

The following restrictions may apply to the transport of such devices:

  1. The total number of electronic cigarettes and smoke to them should not exceed reasonable limits. It is unlikely that you will prove to customs officials that you need 10 devices and 10 liters of liquid for them for personal use. Your cargo is recognized as commercial and tax will be charged for its import.
  2. Lithium batteries for devices must be transported only in the cabin. In most countries of the world they are forbidden to check in their luggage.
  3. Remember the restriction on the transport of liquids. You should not take bubbles with a capacity of more than one hundred milliliters, the “smoke” should be in the original packaging, and the total amount should not exceed one liter per person.

Are electronic cigarettes allowed?

There is no specific ban on smoking devices, but in many aircraft the process itself is prohibited. Practice has shown that if one person lights an e-cigarette in the cabin, it will immediately provoke other smokers who start to “smoke” for real. Therefore, most carriers do not allow smoking at all.

Note:you can smoke an electronic cigarette in the toilet - it is odorless and does not leave puffs of smoke. At the moment, only one fact of the operation of the smoke sensor on smoking is recorded.

Electronic cigarettes can be smoked secretly in the toilet

A rather original approach to the problem of smokers was the Irish low-cost airline Ryanair. He permits smoking electronic devices on board, but only those that were purchased from a flight attendant. All other companies prohibit smoking on aircraft. This is all the information on whether it is possible to take cigarettes in hand luggage. We hope that it will help you not to get into an unpleasant situation!

Import-export of currency

German customs regulations allow the free export of currency. But you can import into Germany no more than 10 thousand euros - such rules apply to citizens of all countries outside the European Union.

Duty Free Import

Tourists over 17 years old can import into Germany (at choice) 200 cigarettes, 100 cigarillos, 50 cigars or 250 gr. tobacco. If you enter the territory of Germany of their countries that are members of the European Union, all persons over the age of 17 can import without a fee (optional) 800 cigarettes, 400 cigarillos, 200 cigars or 1 kg of tobacco.

From alcohol to all persons over 17 years of age you can import (optionally) 1 liter of strong alcohol (more than 22%) or 2 liters of liquor (less than 22%) and wine. If you enter the territory of Germany of their countries that are members of the European Union, you can import free of charge (optional) 10 liters of strong alcohol, 20 liters of fortified wine or liquor (less than 22%), 90 liters of wine or 110 liters of beer, up to 800 cigarettes or 400 cigarillos, or 200 cigars and up to 1 kg of tobacco.

Tea can be imported in an amount of 100 g. (or 40 gr. tea extract), coffee - in the amount of 500 gr. (or 200 gr. coffee extract).

German Customs allows you to import up to 50 ml of perfume and 250 ml of toilet water. Toiletries and cosmetics can be no more than 430 euros (for an adult) and 150 euros (for a child under 15 years old).

Gold and jewelry can be imported into Germany for free weighing up to 500 g. (It is assumed that these are things for personal use). Similar items in excess of this amount must be declared at customs.

Duty Free

Alcohol can be exported from Germany in an amount of not more than 3 liters per person over 18 years of age (regardless of degree - beer is also meant). For the export of alcohol in an amount of more than 3 liters, you need to pay a customs duty (10 euros for each extra liter). You can export from Germany any drugs in any quantities. When exporting CDs and DVDs, you need to remember that they should be officially submitted for inspection to special departments of the customs (however, in practice this rule is rarely applied). You can export clothes, souvenirs, confectionery in any quantity.

Prohibitions and restrictions

It is officially forbidden to import meat and dairy products into Germany (and other EU countries), including sausages, canned food, lard, and also chocolate. The exception is baby food and nutrition for people with specific chronic diseases: such products should be packed and weigh no more than 2 kilograms. For the transportation of meat and dairy products are fined.

The import of narcotic and narcotic substances and drugs, pornography, firearms (except for hunting, for which there are separate rules), ammunition, explosives, fireworks, cold weapons, rare and endangered plants, animals and birds, various products from rare and endangered are completely prohibited. species of plants and animals.

Hunting weapons are subject to declaration. The transport of such weapons must be accompanied by a special permit from the German mission. Objects and items of historical or artistic value cannot be exported from Germany.

Plants and animals

All plants and animals must be quarantined. Pets can be brought to Austria if they have a vaccination certificate and a medical certificate received 10 or less days before departure.

Due to the entry into force of the anti-tobacco law and the adoption of a number of stringent restrictions, the smoking of regular cigarettes was banned in public places. These areas include airports, as well as aircraft cabins. No smoking there.

And what to do with electronic smoking steam generators? They are very popular and are still approved for use. Inveterate vagabonds wonder if it is possible to transport electronic cigarettes on an airplane, in particular, replaceable cartridges with aroma fluid.

The avid sweaters, often flying long and short distances, are worried about how to transport electronic cigarettes on the plane. Do you have to leave your favorite gadget outside the airport? The popularity of this device is growing simply exponentially.

According to statistics, already a fifth of heavy smokers smoothly switched to using an electronic steam generator.

Naturally, while traveling, the vapers do not want to part with a piece of their image and decide to transport an electronic cigarette on an airplane. But as? Check in as baggage or can I bring along hand luggage?

  When traveling electronic cigarettes are allowed to take with you in hand luggage

We hasten to reassure hobbyists that, since ES refers to electronic devices, there is no law prohibiting the transportation of this device on airbuses. So the answer to the question of whether it is possible to take an electronic cigarette on an airplane is the unequivocal "yes, it can."

Current regulations

But, it should be remembered and the current statutory regulations for the transport of liquids in aircraft. This regulation also applies to cartridges filled with aroma bags. What the regulation says:

  1. Hand luggage can transport any containers with liquid in a volume of up to 100 ml of one unit.
  2. The total amount of liquid that an air traveler can take with him with his hand luggage should not exceed one liter.

That is, you can carry an electronic cigarette in an airplane in your hand luggage only on condition that the cartridge volume attached to the gadget does not exceed the 100 ml established by the regulations. Remember that in this case, the steam generator should be packed in a dense, transparent bag.

  Recall that it is forbidden to carry as air baggage with you when flying

But this condition applies only to Russian carriers. Representatives of airlines of other countries have their own established laws.   Therefore, when purchasing a ticket for a flight, specify in advance what to do with an electronic cigarette.

The number of transported ES

Having dealt with the volume of aromatic fluid, let's talk about the number of transported electronic cigarettes. Remember that everything should be within reasonable limits. Otherwise, you will have to face the interest of customs services and generally remain at the airport, proving that this is not smuggling, but personal items.

  The total amount of luggage carried with you depends on the class of ticket

So, in order to go through customs without difficulties and obstacles, experienced travelers vapors recommend taking with them no more than 6-9 electronic cigarettes. In another (best) case, you will have to pay large taxes on the import of products, and in the worst prove your non-involvement in smuggling.

Special nuances

Let's remember how an electronic smoking gadget works. The steam generator is activated with the help of a battery or batteries. According to the current regulations of air carriers, the transport of batteries (especially lithium) by baggage is strictly prohibited. Therefore, the best way out of the situation is to take the steam generator with you to the salon, in the form of hand luggage, not forgetting to clarify the possible nuances of transporting this device.

Can I use ES on board the liner

There is no official prohibition order from the Russian authorities on the use of electronic cigarettes on board an airplane. This prohibition may be imposed by the forces of one or another carrier.

Many Arab countries strictly prohibit the use of electronic cigarettes on board their air buses.

They also taboo soaring devices and most Russian airlines. The reason lies in a possible violation of safety regulations, when at the same time they will smoke, emitting fragrant puffs of smoke at once by several vapers.

  Electronic cigarettes and aroma liquids should be packed in a tight transparent bag

Employees of the air services made an interesting observation: out of 100 smoking gadgets in the process of vaporizing and producing saturated steam, the smoke detector worked only in one case. This is due to the absence of smoke and a peculiar smell of burning in the pair.

At the moment, there are airlines whose management has met the avid sweaters and allows the use of ES on board the liners. Such tolerance is famous, for example, the Irish airline Ryanair. On board his flights, you can not only soar for your pleasure, but also purchase a smoking accessory from the flight attendant.

In any case, before packing your favorite electronic cigarette, we strongly recommend that you get all the information about transporting the gadget already at the stage of purchasing a ticket. Prudence will help to avoid many unpleasant moments and turn the flight into a calm and interesting occupation. Successful flight!

I, as the moderator of a large forum about electronic cigarettes, are often asked whether it is possible to smoke on an airplane, and whether I smoke on an airplane. The answer is yes, I smoke, electronic cigarettes, of course.

We all read scary stories about how electronic cigarettes are confiscated during landing by security guards, how at the airport there are problems with the police; several airlines today officially prohibit the use of electronic cigarettes on board aircraft - this is due to the fact that steam can accidentally make sensitive smoke traps work, and then you can’t get off with an apology.

First things first, remember: on the way to the plane you need to take a small and inexpensive electronic cigarette. Just in case - so it’s not too bad if they confiscate. You can also take your favorite and expensive cigarette - just do not forget to hand it in your luggage. If the flight is long, then, of course, you can risk a big cigarette - a small one is simply not enough. In this case, put it in your hand luggage. Here I will try to give a couple of tips on how to minimize the risks associated with using an electronic cigarette when flying.

At registration, be sure to ask for a place at the porthole (exhale steam into the porthole - no one sees, everyone thinks you're just looking out).

We use PG-based liquid - the vapor will be less (there is a special liquid that practically does not create visible vapor at all - I have not tried it, I'm not even sure if it is safe / what it consists of).

We use a mini cigarette so that you can hide it in the palm of your hand. I prefer the model KR808D. There, by the way, there is a good blow to the throat, and steam is not enough.

Always stock up for future use! What if your flight is delayed? What will you smoke? At the airport kiosk, tobacco cigarettes are always sold ... but it’s better, of course, to bring along a recharged cigarette and spare cigarettes / cartridges ... we put them in pockets, bags or a suitcase (see so that it is easy to get them later).

Order hot coffee or tea! To let steam come from him! Just exhale the steam from the mouth directly into the cup, and everyone thinks that the steam comes not from your mouth, but from the drink.

Never ask permission to smoke an electronic cigarette - most likely, they will refuse (for no apparent reason - people simply suffer from conformism).

If you are caught, in no case use the words “smoke”, “cigarette” or “electronic”. Say that this is a new generation nicotine inhaler - like Nicorette, only on the battery ... and that the doctor has prescribed it for you, of course.

For short flights and in the absence of baggage, we disassemble the cigarette into parts, and thoroughly mix it with all kinds of electronic rubbish in your hand luggage (mobile phone, camera, laptop, computer components, etc. - we need to divert attention), liquid for electronic while cigarettes should be in small bottles without any identification marks, it will be easier for women here - just throw them along with all sorts of lotions and shampoos.

We do not use bottles with a volume of more than 10 ml (i.e. it is better to take 3 bottles of 10 ml than one per 30 ml - again, this is necessary to distract attention).

If the flight plans to be long, you will most likely need to take a large and high-quality model of electronic cigarettes. Before packaging, we completely disassemble it and throw it along with all kinds of electronic trash in order to pass the test without attracting attention. There were cases when electronic cigarettes were passed for inspection, even when they were discovered - but it also happened that they were confiscated. When using on board an airplane, it is better to do this directly in the cabin, and at the same time try to attract as little attention as possible from other passengers and maintenance personnel. The fluid should be based on PG, steam blowing down - on your chest. It’s good if the flight is at night, and the lights are turned off in the cabin.

These are the pies, it seems that when you smoke electronic cigarettes you break the law - you have to hide. Unfortunately, some carriers today ban electronic cigarettes and confiscate them for inspection when boarding an airplane. So it’s better to hide. Steam has not harmed anyone yet, and I have never heard that smoke traps really react to it. Be careful!