
Birthday in the old style. Old and new style

January 13 is the last day of the year according to the Julian calendar. With what we congratulate you! It's time to deal with the causes of temporary cretinism, which the inhabitants of Russia have been "ailing" for centuries.

How it all began

The ancient Roman Julian calendar was introduced in Rome as a result of a reform carried out on the initiative of Julius Caesar in 46 BC. In Kievan Rus, the Julian calendar appeared during the time of Vladimir Svyatoslavovich almost immediately with the beginning of the introduction of Christianity. So, in the "Tale of Bygone Years" uses the Julian calendar with the Roman names of the months and the Byzantine era. The chronology was conducted from the Creation of the World, taking 5508 BC as a basis. - Byzantine version of this date. And the beginning of the new year was decided to be counted from March 1 - in accordance with the ancient Slavic calendar.

A very handy meta-list of digitized chancellors. Most articles are written in english language. A little clumsy, but very powerful, this aggregator is the main tool for the study of archeology. It offers access to thematic catalogs of publications on the history of art and classical archeology. Diabola also includes historical historical databases: “Database of Attic grave reliefs,” “Census of ancient art and architecture known to the Renaissance,” and “Corps of ancient monuments known to Winkelmann.”


The people, to put it mildly, did not experience a clear delight from the innovation, managing to live on two calendars. A sufficient number of samples of wooden folk calendars has been preserved, on which you can find the simultaneous designation of church holidays according to the Julian calendar, and local events based on a pagan folk calendar.

Huge digitization project covering manuscripts, printed books and magazines. Use as an illustrious index for books and wildcard searches, as well as a great place to search for old scholarships. If you have access to Harvard, here you can identify, find, and connect to the collection of electronic resources and electronic magazines at Harvard.

You can also use new tools that allow you to simultaneously search for multiple resources and save sets of electronic resources, electronic journals and quotes. This is the gateway to many of the university’s most powerful online resources and paper resources for medieval history.

Julian calendar  used primarily in cases where it was necessary to find out about the date of church holidays.

The old calendar, based on the lunar phases, the solar cycle and the changing seasons, reported on the dates of vital matters, first of all, on the beginning or completion of field work. In modern life, for example, pagan holidays such as Shrovetide associated with the lunar cycle, or “solar” celebrations - Kolyada and Kupala - have been preserved.

Europeans love their acronyms. Prosopography of Anglo-Saxon England is a database whose purpose is to provide information about people in Anglo-Saxon England from the sixth to eleventh century. He uses "factoids" from narrative sources, hagiography, charters, manuscripts, inscriptions, the Last Judgment book and numismatic evidence.

A very important linguistic tool for those who work in the languages \u200b\u200bof the Indo-Germanic languages. Bibliographies give you an exhaustion of the basic resources for the Syrian, but the site provides much more than the resources of the Syrians, and is a useful port of call in the field of any investigation of the ancient and late ancient Middle East. The Society for the Study of Medieval Military History publishes translated primary sources, articles, curricula, and even some dissertations related to medieval military history.

Attempt - Torture

For almost 500 years, Russia tried to live according to the Julian calendar. In addition to a large number of discrepancies, the problem was also the confusion that arose in the annals: Russian chroniclers relied on dating by slavic calendar, and the invited Greeks used the dates of the new calendar.

No prohibitions of the old calendar, up to the executions of his especially zealous adherents, helped.

The coverage is extensive, from the late Roman period to the early modern period. A very useful source for anyone who teaches military history. It can be useful when searching for articles and reviews, getting a rude sense of the impact of individual books and articles, as well as in creating a bibliography.

A constantly expanding archive of magazines and now books in several languages. Includes some of the many magazines that publish articles on ancient, medieval, and early modern history. In particular, for those who are interested in medieval Latvia, the magazine of medieval Latin is full of wonderful articles about the fate of Latin in the Middle Ages.

The reigning Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan III tried to "settle" the discrepancies. In the Summer of 7000 from the Creation of the World, that is, in 1492, the Moscow Church Council approved the postponement of the beginning of the year from March 1 to September 1 (a decision that is valid in the Russian Orthodox Church to this day).

Shortest year

Another attempt to transform the reckoning was made by Peter I. By his decree of 1699, he postponed the beginning of the year from September 1 to January 1. Thus, 1699 lasted only 4 months: September, October, November and December. The year was shortened by the Soviet government, which on January 24, 1918 corrected the error of the Julian calendar in 13 days by introducing gregorian calendaraccording to which Catholic Europe lived since 1582. After January 31, 1918, it was not February 1, but immediately 14.

Stuart Jenks developed the Table of Contents tool for historical magazines, a rather useful tool for perceiving the historical content of major historical magazines. Perce is a national project for digitizing French academic journals in the humanities and social sciences.

It also includes several whole books. His leadership style is a variation of the Chicago style, focused on a light quote from medieval sources. A good option for medieval history instructors who want their students to stick to the Chicago style, but who are looking for a more medieval bibliographic style. A Toronto site that collects table of contents for classics, Middle Eastern studies, and religion magazines.

All walk!

Fearing to be misunderstood once again, Peter I attempted to “mask” the introduction of the new reckoning with grandiose festivities.

The "reigning city" was ordered to decorate "from the trees and branches of pine, spruce and juniper" and organize "fire fun": the launch of "rockets, how many will happen" and firing from cannons, muskets and "other small guns."

Medieval people did not count dates like they do today. The digital atlas of Roman and medieval civilization, developed at Harvard by Professor Michael McCormick and other Harvard teachers and students, is a tool that allows you to use the approach of geographic information systems to the mapping and spatial analysis of the Roman and medieval world.

This allows users to add and transmit geographic and historical information about Greco-Roman antiquity in digital form. Currently, there are tens of thousands of names, places, and places to explore. Graiss has compiled a list of Latin languages \u200b\u200band their modern equivalents.

On New Year's Eve, the king personally gave the signal for the start of the festivities. In addition to the spectacles, Peter offered the people "various evstv and vats with wine and beer" - refreshments were organized in front of the palace and at three triumphal gates. According to the tsar’s decree, honest people walked for a week, and when he came to his senses after a noisy undertaking, “a rather considerable murmur rose in Moscow”. Many were surprised: “How could the king change the solar current?”

Please note that the online version is convenient, but significantly less complete than the hard copy. Search by keyword, phrase, place of issue, register number or date. Currently there are several rows and subseries. Interactive maps associated with sources for an amazing variety of places and events during the Carolingian period.

Mapping the Republic of Letters is a Stanford network visualization tool designed to represent the relationships between major early modern intellectual figures. Polytecs are reserves that list the resources of the great estates, especially monasteries, in the early Middle Ages. These documents provide insight into rural life and demography during the Carolingian period. This website, running from the University of Leicester by the mediaevalists Joanna Storey and James Palmer, translates into English large sections of 10 polyps, selected to provide a geographical and chronological cross-section.

Many of those who were firmly convinced that “God created the light in the month of September” still lived according to the old calendar.

Peter decided not to captivate the people, making a reservation in the decree: “But if anyone wants to write both of those summers, from the creation of the world and from the birth of Christ, I’ll be free.”

old style

Today, according to the Julian calendar, only four Orthodox churches live: Russian, Jerusalem, Georgian and Serbian. An attempt to replace the calendar was made by Patriarch Tikhon on October 15, 1923.

Old translations of the early church fathers. Useful for students, although in many cases these translations have been canceled. A large collection of translated medieval texts undergoing a large redirect to remove dead links. A very useful source of translations for untranslated Latin Latin texts. Especially the Carolinges section. Another large database of translated patristic sources is the late antique Christian texts, which are largely read by medieval intellectuals.

Useful as a quick resource for students, but in most cases the best translations are generally available for most of these texts. The Perseus project is an electronic collection of texts, one of the great early projects in the field of the humanities. It offers a huge body of Latin and Greek texts for antiquity and very useful linguistic tools for Greek and Latin.

True, he lived new style"In the Church only 24 days, since already on November 8, 1923, the patriarch ordered to" temporarily postpone the widespread and mandatory introduction of a new style in church use ".

The modern Orthodox church calendar (Easter) consists of two parts: the motionless Mesyatseslov associated with the solar cycle, and the movable Easter, based on the Lunar calendar. The Julian calendar, which differs from the Gregorian calendar at 13 days, forms the basis of the fixed part - it includes the enduring Orthodox holidays and the days of remembrance of the saints. Easter determines the date of Easter changing annually, and with it the rolling holidays depending on it.

At Fitz in Cambridge, there is one of the largest collections in the world of early medieval coins. Their website contains a very good early medieval corps, which you can search by date, kingdom, ruler, mint and finds. Their site also has a cool UK coin finds checklist. A very useful tool for beginner numismatists.

The online catalog of the numismatic resources of the national museums of Berlin can be found in English and also provides good images and good information about its Caroling coins. Jean Mabillon is usually considered the founder of paleography. This website has been available for many years. It is intended to familiarize visitors with the basics of paleography. This is one of many such sites, but for beginners it is one of the best. Learn the basics with index scripts.

You have already noticed: the modern dates of the holidays mentioned by Nekrasov Matrena Timofeevna are given according to the old and new style, that is, the calendar. What is their difference?
  In the Julian calendar, introduced by the Roman emperor Julius Caesar in 45 AD, the year (that is, the time of the complete revolution of the Earth around the Sun) was not calculated exactly, with an excess of 11 minutes 14 seconds. Over a thousand and a half years, despite the three-day amendment made in the 13th century, this difference was ten days. Therefore, in 1582, Pope Gregory XIII ordered that these ten days be thrown out of the calendar; the Gregorian calendar (“new style”) was introduced in most countries of Western Europe, and then America. However, Russia did not agree with the amendment made by the head of the Catholic Church and continued to adhere to the Julian calendar. The Soviet regime introduced a new style in Russia in February 1918, when the difference in calendars reached 13 days. Thus, the chronology of the country was attached to the pan-European and American. The Russian Orthodox Church did not recognize the reform and still continues to live according to the Julian calendar.
  So, the difference between calendars in the XX and XXI centuries is 13 days, in the XIX century it was 12 days, in the XVIII - 11. From March 1, 2100 the difference between the old and the new style will reach 14 days.
  When reading old Russian literature, the difference between officially accepted in Russia gregorian calendar  and old, Julian, useful to consider. Otherwise, we will not quite accurately perceive the time when the events described by our classics occur. Here are some examples.
Today, often when they hear the thunder in the first days of May, people cite the beginning of the famous poem by F.I. Tyutcheva's “Spring Thunderstorm”: “I love a thunderstorm in early May ...” However, few people think that the poem was written in the 19th century, when May in Russia began on May 13 according to the current calendar (12 days difference) and a thunderstorm in the middle lane countries are not uncommon. Therefore, Tyutchev, describing the first thunderstorm at the beginning (and in our opinion in the middle) of May, is not at all surprised by her, but only rejoices.
  In the story of I.S. Turgenev's “Knocking!” We read: “... it was in the tenth of July and the heat was terrible ...” Now it is clear to us that in the present day we are talking about the twentieth of July. In another work of Turgenev, the novel "Fathers and Sons", it says: "The best days of the year have come - the first days of June." By adding 12 days, the reader will easily understand what time of the year Turgenev considered the best according to the modern calendar.
  In the further presentation of the dates of the old and new style we will give through a fraction.

The venerable online resource launched in Brown provided a basic introduction to ancient books. The focus is on the Greek Bible, but there is a lot to help you understand the ancient codology and paleography. This resource mainly relates to diplomatic paleography in England. Explains how to use it. A useful introduction to the basics of paleography, which tells the story of scenarios in Europe with numerous examples.

A very useful introduction in French to paleography from the ninth century to the sixteenth century. This instrument presents the digitized early modern Spanish manuscripts with transcriptions and sample alphabets. Enter letters that you can decrypt, with letters you cannot decrypt, represented by periods, and the tool will provide possible words. An early modern guide to the "secret" paleography of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. It is very convenient for anyone who has studied Scottish documents from this period, but also a useful introduction to the widely used writing style.

  •   - The system of calculating time, introduced by Julius Caesar, consisting of three years of 365 days and the fourth, in Russian called "leap", in 366 days ...

    Russia. Linguistic and Regional Dictionary

  •   - see: Julian calendar ...

    Astronomical Dictionary

  •   - see Calendar ...

    Marine dictionary

  •   - see Calendar ...

    Marine dictionary

    The advent period, which begins on December 1, is the time of accumulation and joyful expectation. Especially the holidays are waiting for the little ones who patiently consider the rest of the days until the most beautiful holidays - Christmas Eve and St. Most often, the expectation of the arrival calendar is symbolized by small gifts or dinners contained in it, which can be eaten only one at a time - this helps children to look forward to their expectations .

    Currently, we offer our customers a range of up to 12 different types of calendars: prices start at 0, 99 euro cents, which means that everyone can invite their holiday reception to their homes. We notice that this holiday symbol is very popular among our customers, so we try to offer different options at different prices - this year the most popular arrival calendar costs less than one euro, and more than half of the proposed calendar costs up to 5 euros.

  •   - the same as the Gregorian calendar ...
  •   - the same as the Julian calendar ...

    Natural History. encyclopedic Dictionary

  •   - see Calendar ...
  •   - see Calendar ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  •   - see Calendar ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  •   - “sweet new style”, Italian poetry school of the late 13th century .; see Dolce Nuovo Style ...
  •   - Gregorian calendar, a calendar system put into use instead of the insufficiently accurate old style ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    True, as Maxim’s sales figures show, buyers are in no hurry to monitor their calendars in advance, and most of them are bought on the last day of November, and on December 1 last year, more than 24.5 thousand were sold in two days. units From December 1 to December 24, a special campaign “Christmas Gift Calendar” will be held - every day, “Thank you” loyalty card holders will join their “Thank you” account online and receive new discounts on various products.

    And the list of discounts is very diverse - these are exclusive offers for holiday decorations, confectionery, various food products and many others, especially those that are needed before the holidays at a very low price. Discounts and special offers are subject to change every day and will be valid only on that day. Each day of the holiday period, by checking their account, gift recipients can receive up to 24 different discounts that can be redeemed using the “Thank you” loyalty card.

  •   - Julian calendar, a calendar system introduced by Julius Caesar in 46 BC. e. In S. p. the average length of the year was set at 365 1/4 days ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - "" - see "Dolce nuovo style" ...
  •   - Gregorian calendar; see calendar ...

    Great Encyclopedic Dictionary

  •   - see art. The calendar...

    Great Encyclopedic Dictionary

  •   - See FORMER -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

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Old and new style

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You have already noticed the old and new style: the modern dates of the holidays mentioned by Nekrasov Matrena Timofeevna are given in the old and new style, that is, the calendar. What is their difference? In the Julian calendar, introduced by the Roman emperor Julius Caesar in 45 AD,

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