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Who is Vaenga. Biography of Elena Vaenga: the singer's personal life, husband, children, photo. Chanson star photo

Many will probably be surprised that Elena Vaenga, whose biography will be the topic for consideration in this article, found the love of millions of listeners without the help of any producers and fabulous sums invested in development. In order to become popular, and perhaps in the near future and the second after Alla Borisovna, Elena needed only one thing - talent. The biography of Elena Vaenga is full of interesting facts and unexpected turns of fate. Fans will certainly be interested to learn about the life of their idol.

Biography of Elena Vaenga: from birth, not like everyone else

Even the singer was born in special romantic conditions: on a deep dark night, in a small town for five thousand inhabitants, located on the shores of the Arctic Ocean. It happened in 1977, January 27. Elena's parents were at that time shipbuilding engineers, but very early they realized that the child would not follow in their footsteps. The girl showed her talent for music at an early age. Once my father played a simple melody on the piano. But she was such for a person who knows the notes and at least somehow plays a musical instrument, and Elena, being a three-year-old girl, easily repeated it. At the age of six, Lena began attending a music school, and since then music has become her life - she gave her 12 hours of her time every day. The talented girl wrote her first music at the age of nine, and at eleven the first author's song appeared. As a teenager, she began to create her own works "in one gulp", participated in various competitions, which, according to her, did not help her in any way in terms of promotion, but gave an invaluable experience of being on stage.

Biography of Elena Vaenga:

first steps towards the dream

When Elena was a high school student, her parents seriously thought about her higher musical education and decided to send her daughter to St.Petersburg, to her grandmother, to enter the music school. Rimsky-Korsakov. But, as it turned out, Elena's preparation was very weak for such an educational institution, and she failed the solfeggio exam. I stayed for one more year in my native music school, re-learned the most difficult subject - solfeggio, and in 1994 I finally became a student.

Elena Vaenga's biography describes another side of her talent. After graduating from the music school, the singer decided to make another childhood dream come true - to become an actress. And she entered the theater academy in St. Petersburg. But after three months she dropped out of school and went to Moscow, where she was invited to record an album. She could not refuse such a tempting offer, but when she saw the world of Russian show business from the inside, she was very disappointed. As it turned out, Moscow producers did not need Vaenga, her songs were needed, which they gave to other performers.

Biography of Elena Vaenga: gaining fame

The singer returned to St. Petersburg and decided to continue "becoming an actress", entered the acting department of the Baltic Institute of Economics, Law and Politics. Having plunged into the world of theater, she unnoticed for herself established a musical career. She recorded her first album, went on her first tour of the country. And here they are - national love and recognition!

Elena Vaenga: biography. Husband, children

The singer got married early, at the age of 18. Her life partner is Ivan Matvienko, who accidentally gave her a lift when Elena was in a hurry. For full-fledged female happiness, Elena lacks only the baby, whom she has long dreamed of.

Elena Khruleva (stage name Vaenga) was born in the city of Severomorsk, in 1977. Dad is an engineer, mom is a chemist. Elena has two sisters - the younger Tatiana and the half-step Inna. Elena Vaenga and her family adhered to a strict daily routine, such was the discipline.

Elena's creative inclinations appeared at the age of three, when she played the piano, repeating after her father, and learns to dance. At that moment, the girl's parents realized that an asterisk was growing. The first song was written by Lena at the age of 9.

Vaenga began studying at a music school, and also went in for sports. Having moved to St. Petersburg, the girl graduated from the Music College named after. ON THE. Rimsky-Korsakov. The training was not easy for a girl from a small town, but she did her best.

In her heart, young Vaenga wanted to become an actress, so she decided to continue her studies at the theater school, where she was enrolled, and then left because of a tempting offer to record her first solo album in the capital. Just at this time, the girl's mother suggested that she use the old name of her hometown for her stage name - Vaenga. Unfortunately, the recorded album never went on sale.

Biography and personal life of Elena Vaenga

Upon returning to St. Petersburg, Elena receives a higher theatrical education. But, the dream of acting was never destined to come true, since Vaenga returned to music again.

In Moscow, the trouble with the recording of the album is repeated, the young and inexperienced Elena was deceived. As soon as the aspiring performer left the capital, her songs were immediately used for sale to such performers as A. Marshal, the Strelki group and others. Elena was upset, but did not defend her rights to these songs.

Thanks to her common-law husband Ivan Matvienko, with whom she lived since the age of 19, she did not give up music. He persuaded her to stay and fight, develop.

Finally, in 2003, the first album is released. To support the family and for this recording, Elena's husband Ivan went to work. The girl's parents did not approve of the union of young people, in particular due to the fact that Ivan Matvienko is partly gypsy. Vaenge's first disc did not bring great popularity, but thanks to her, they finally paid attention to Elena's talent.

When Elena Vaenga's album "White Bird" was released, she became very famous and acquired fans. Most of the songs on the album were extremely popular. The press talked about Elena as a miracle, for the disclosure of which no connections and eminent producers were needed. The highlight of Vaenga's songs is that they differ from the rest of pop. The performer was known as the "Queen of Chanson". Thanks to the song "I smoke", Elena Vaenga in 2009 for the first time became the owner of the Golden Gramophone.

Two years later, the singer toured the countries of the former USSR and beyond.

Elena Vaenga's talent admires many, she received recognition at a more mature age, but what recognition! Now, the biography and personal life of Elena Vaenga is the number one subject of conversation in the press.

Elena Vaenga's husband

Elena lived with her first husband, Ivan Matvienko, who later began to produce her, for 17 years. They had many life difficulties on the way, many obstacles, but they were happy. Unfortunately, the couple broke up in 2011.

For a long time, Elena hid her new relationship, but in 2016 she married a new lover, Roman Sadyrbaev. The man is 6 years younger than Elena, and has been working for her for a long time as a musician. The wedding was gorgeous. Elena was irresistible. At the ceremony and at the festive evening, the bride was in different, but incredibly beautiful outfits. Red became the thematic complementary color at the wedding. The bow on Elena's dress and a beautiful huge red cake were of the same color. A lot of Russian pop singers gathered to congratulate the famous singer. Among them is Alexander Rosenbaun. The first photographs from the wedding appeared on the network. Prior to that, the singer took a selfie in a wedding dress and posted it on her social network page. Also, a little later, Elena Vaenga posted a video of the first wedding dance with her husband.

Now the legal husband of Elena Vaenga is Roman Sadyrbaev, and with Ivan Matvienko Elena Vaenga remained friends.

Son of Elena Vaenga

Back in 2012, the singer gave birth to a boy from Roman Sadyrbaev. Then they were not yet married, and Elena and Roman carefully concealed the relationship. Therefore, the press was full of headlines about who is the father of the child. The son of Elena Vaenga is Ivan. Elena went on tour even in late pregnancy. Vaenga's late child is a great happiness for her. But, at home, she does not sit up, but leads a stormy concert activity.

Elena Vaenga is a girl who has dreamed of a career as an actress since childhood, who more than once tried to follow a different path, still came to music. Fate did not allow Elena to leave her destiny. Her talent is admired by millions of fans, and the songs are pinching for the soul. The path to fame of Elena Vaenga was thorny, but successful. The star pleases all admirers of her work with soulful songs, the texts of which she writes herself. Unique, touching, magical Elena Vaenga, we wish her creative success!

Elena Vaenga is one of the brightest stars of Russian show business today. Many argue about the secret of her phenomenon. Why did she become so popular? Why do people like her music and performance? Why do people cry at her concerts? It seems that her songs fall under the category of "chanson", and this genre of songwriting has never been so loved by the general public. However, Vaenga is adored, there are no empty seats at her concerts, she always has a full house with not low ticket prices at all.


Elena was born in the far north, in the city of Severomorsk, in a naval hospital. Her real name is Khruleva. The family was simple, but the parents raised their children in strictness, taking care of their discipline. Together with Lena, the younger sister Tanya and the half-sister Nina from the father's first marriage were growing up. My father was an engineer, and my mother was a chemist, but they worked at the same secret shipyard "Nerpa", which serves nuclear submarines. It was located in the village of Vyuzhny for 15 thousand inhabitants on the shores of the Barents Sea (now the city of Snezhnogorsk), so the whole family lived there. Lenin spent his childhood in this village.

Elena's grandfather, Rear Admiral Zhuravel Vasily Stepanovich, is mentioned in the book "Famous People of the Northern Fleet" and in encyclopedias. He went through the whole war, fought near Leningrad, and his grandmother survived the blockade, worked in a hospital.

Lena studied a lot in various circles, her morning began invariably with exercises, after school she went to additional classes. The girl studied at a music school, was engaged in drawing and went downhill skiing, attending classes at a sports school. From the age of three she learned to dance. On the piano, she easily picked up any melody by ear, so even then it became clear to her parents that a musician would come out of Lena. She wrote her first song "Doves" at the age of 9. This song made her the winner of the competition for young composers on the Kola Peninsula.

She generally tried to participate in all possible competitions. This did not affect her promotion in any way, but it gave an invaluable stage experience.

Lena studied at the five and even went to the gold medal. But in high school it was like a demon possessed her. She ran away from home in the evenings, turned around in some suspicious companies, drank vodka in basements. So she took a guess that she was expelled from school, however, this happened not because of the evening parties, but because of the scandal at the school disco.

Lena, having drunk a lot, quarreled with a philosophy teacher who expressed anti-Semitic views. The girl stood up for all Jews in the most impartial form and even got into a fight, for which she was expelled from school and even ended up in the children's room of the police. The literature teacher helped then, pulled her out.

Carier start

After receiving secondary education, Elena went to enter St. Petersburg at a music university, but it turned out that one more class needed to be completed. This was due to the confusion in the education system at the time.

Go straight to the music college named after She did not succeed in Rimsky-Korsakov, she lacked knowledge of musical literacy, so she had to study solfeggio for another year in order to catch up with those children who graduated from Leningrad music schools. It was difficult to study at the school in the piano class, I had to study 10 hours a day. The first two years she studied at a paid department, then switched to a free one.

After graduating from college, she unexpectedly entered the Theater Academy, but after studying there for only 2 months, she left, thus letting her teachers down. Lena was invited to Moscow by the composer Yuri Chernavsky, accidentally once listening to her songs on a cassette. He wanted to open her talent to people, but his connections in Moscow were not enough to promote the young singer. He often went abroad, worked there, so he did not have the necessary authority in Moscow.

But the time spent in Moscow, Elena was able to plunge headlong into the capital's show business, find out all its dirt and unsightly side. The negative experience she received was also useful to her. The producers failed to break her, she was wayward. But Lena signed an extremely unfavorable contract for her with Stepan Razin, according to the terms of which she subsequently could not perform under her real name, which is why she had to take a pseudonym. In addition, Razin received the right to manage many of her songs. By the way, these songs later entered the repertoires of some famous performers.

Intars Busulis and Elena Vaenga at the performance:

In the end, one famous and influential person told her that so smart from Peter should be in it and return. In general, Lena returned to St. Petersburg "to the broken trough." Hard times came, I had to sleep on the floor, eat fried flour without salt, mixed with water. There was not even money for travel, I had to walk a lot.

Gathering her strength, she decided to enter the theater again, only in another. Then the course was typed by Peter Velyaminov, and she went to him. He taught the young artist a lot and, above all, to love the world of theater and drama. She studied avidly to such an extent that she even forgot about music. She graduated from this institute with honors and wanted to work in the theater. But her then husband persuaded not to give up music, especially since by this time she had written many songs. It was he who instilled confidence in her and became her producer himself, leaving his car business.

Alexander Malinin and Elena Vaenga in the video "Two Souls"

The pseudonym Vaenga was invented by my mother, that was the name of the river near Severomorsk. And this is how Severomorsk itself was called before.

In 2003, Lena recorded her first album, "Portrait". The young performer gained popularity among the St. Petersburg public, after which they began to invite her to various competitions. But the true fame came to her only in 2005 after the release of the album "White Bird", many of which became hits.

Jan Marty and Elena Vaenga

It turned out that Elena's songs and manner of performance were very different from everything that show business, diligently promoted by eminent producers, could offer at that time. It was a new breath, music that was not expected. Elena began to receive one award after another. She began collecting full houses, touring the country and abroad, and even entered the Forbes list as one of the most successful stars of the domestic show business.

Personal life

For the first time, Lena got married at the age of 18 for a man with whom she spent 16 years together and who did literally everything for her. In defiance of her parents, she left home for him, after which she did not communicate with mom and dad for almost 3 years. It was an unofficial civil marriage. Ivan Matvienko, a Roma by nationality, had his own small business of ferrying cars from abroad. For Elena's sake, he left him and started producing his beloved woman. And everything worked out thanks to the perseverance of both.

Elena Vaenga with her ex-husband Ivan Matvienko

Peace and harmony reigned in the family. Despite the fact that Elena has a tough disposition and a difficult character, in family life she always found compromises, there were no scandals between the spouses. One thing was missing - a common child. In the end, Elena and Ivan decided to leave, but they remained best friends and even live in the neighborhood.

Elena Vaenga with her second husband, Roman Sadyrbaev

The drummer from her band Roman Sadyrbaev became the new chosen one of the singer. The couple had a son, Ivan, in the summer of 2012, and more recently, at the end of September 2016, the couple officially registered their relationship.

Read biographies of other musicians

For a long time, Elena Vaenga was considered a purely niche singer

Leading music critics spoke excellently about her, she regularly gave triumphal concerts in St. Petersburg (where she now lives), but the mass listener knew absolutely nothing about her.

This was until January 7, 2011, when on the First Channel in prime time the concert of Elena Vaenga in the Kremlin "White Bird" was shown. The singer's ratings in Internet search engines have increased tenfold - Vaenga in this regard began to compete with Zemfira herself. The singer's audience was divided into two "factions".

Some (of those who listened to Vaenga before) began to habitually shout that "she is not the same." Others, on the contrary, aspirated about the new star, which finally replaced Alla Borisovna Pugacheva. The intrigue was fueled by constantly emerging spicy facts about Elena Vaenga. Today we decided to remind you of the ten most striking of them.

1. Elena Vaenga is a native of the city of Severomorsk. Her real name is Khruleva. 10 years ago, this surname was heard, since Elena Khruleva gained fame as the author of the most poignant songs of Alexander Marshal - "The Bride" and others. But the machinations of her then producer led to the fact that she lost her rights ... to her own surname. In a panic, Elena turned to her mother for advice, and she recommended her to become the namesake of the northern Vaenga river. The view of this reservoir came out of the windows of the maternity hospital in which the future artist was born.

2. Elena wrote her first song at the age of 9. “Mom recently told me that I wrote the song“ Pigeons ”not at 9, but at 11 years old,” Vaenga told in an interview with the newspaper “Vecherniy Petersburg”. - But the first music I wrote was exactly 9 years old. Then I started writing songs to the words of Yesenin, sending them to some contests. Then she wrote "classical music" under the influence of a composition teacher. But what kind of classical music is this when the girl is 10 years old? "

3. Now in the arsenal of Elena Vaenga - more than 800 songs. It is clear that many of them are either written on the verses of famous poets (Sergei Yesenin, Nikolai Gumilyov, etc.), or are considered examples of folklore. These borrowings at some point played a cruel joke with the singer. It turned out that the song to the verses of Marina Tsvetaeva "Rain is knocking at my window" was once composed by the famous rock singer Umka (Anna Gerasimova). After public clarifications, in which PR people and journalists were more adept than the artists themselves, Umka allowed her colleague to continue performing this romance.

4. Elena Vaenga was quickly noticed by Alla Borisovna Pugacheva, who even conducted an interview with her! The ladies slowly discussed their ups, downs and hobbies, not hiding from each other.

5. Alas, Elena Vaenga did not have such a rosy relationship with all her “colleagues”. After watching the White Bird concert on TV, Evgeniy Grishkovets hastened to accuse Vaenga of bad taste in his blog. “Last night, looking up from work on the text, I looked at the TV and was dumbfounded: on Channel One there was a concert of some singer who sang some absolutely tavern songs and read disgusting rhymes of her own composition. The poems, the performance and the performer were equally vulgar, - said Evgeny Grishkovets. - The songs were not Christmas, but the most that neither is tavern bottling. The hall was full of respectable people. I looked fascinated at this orgy, asked who it was, and learned that it was a certain Elena Vaenga. Something needs to be done. Necessarily! It is necessary to create at least some kind of resistance, at least some air density and at least some signs of an environment in which vulgarity would not be so free and not so comfortable to flourish with the magnificent color that it now flourishes. It is necessary that at least sometimes someone feels ashamed. "

6. Elena Vaenga did not remain in debt to Grishkovets. After a while, she dedicated her most thrash song "Absinthe" to the playwright at a concert in St. Petersburg. Until now, she offended in an interview about Evgeny Grishkovets's demarche.

7. In general, at his concerts, Vaenga is not shy in expressions. Performing this summer in Vitebsk at the Slavianski Bazaar festival, she immediately announced that she was going to sing twice as long instead of the planned one and a half hours. Thus, the concert of the Pyatnitsky choir, which was supposed to go on stage after the wayward singer, was threatened. Along the way, Vaenga got the photojournalists who tried to photograph her when she got tangled in the hem of her long dress.

8. The June concert of Elena Vaenga in the elite metropolitan hall “Barvikha Luxury Village” turned out to be even more extreme. The singer drove out of the VIP places the oligarchs who publicly consumed alcohol and behaved, in her opinion, defiantly. She stopped the concert, proceeded to the box and said that such a "cattle" had no place in such a decent establishment.

9. Alas, Vaenga's uncompromising attitude turned out to be exaggerated. When the singer learned that among the “cattle” expelled from “Barvikha” was the organizer of corporate events, Edik Yakut, her press service apologized to the offended businessman and invited him to the next concert.

10. Today Elena Vaenga's personal life is covered with a veil of secrecy. For a long time, the singer was in a civil marriage with her administrator Ivan Matvienko, but now rumors about their breakup are becoming more persistent. In part, the artist herself confirms them, sadly declaring that she now has no personal life. According to Elena Vaenga, her main family secret has not yet been revealed by journalists ...

Elena Vladimirovna Vaenga is a famous singer, composer and author of more than eight hundred compositions that invariably become real hits. Each musical composition is dedicated to a separate page in the book of a woman's life.

Vaenga is a catchy pseudonym that the girl took in honor of her native northern places, since this means the old name of her hometown of Severomorsk. This beautiful pseudonym for Lena was invented by her mother, who wanted to emphasize the singer's northern origin and remind her of her home.

There is another variant of the appearance of a beautiful pseudonym: it means the name of a river flowing near the singer's hometown, or the Sami word for "deer".

Elena not only realized herself in creativity, but was also able to establish her personal life, since she married a loved one and bore him a beautiful son.

Height, weight, age. How old is Elena Vaenga

Fans of the singer's talent have been trying for several years to find out about Vaenga's height, weight, age. How old is Elena Vaenga is not a very difficult question, since the date of her birth is known to everyone.

Elena was born in 1977, that is, she was already forty-one years old. The zodiac circle gave the woman the sign of Aquarius, endowing her with such character traits as dreaminess, creativity, independence, and talent.

The eastern horoscope claims that a woman was born under the sign of a wise, cunning, charming, charismatic, strong-willed Snake.

Vaenga's height was one meter and seventy-six centimeters, while the beauty weighs only sixty-three kilograms.

Biography of Elena Vaenga

The biography of Elena Vaenga is the story of how a talented girl from the North was able to conquer the whole world, thanks to her efficiency and ability to easily converge with the right people.

Lena was an active girl, but her parents brought her up in severity, demanding discipline and obedience. She started every morning with gymnastics, and then, like a courier train, rushed from school to numerous circles.

At the age of three, the baby was distinguished by a delicate ear for music, she sang and danced beautifully.

Already at the age of nine, an ordinary girl from the province was able to conquer the entire Kola Peninsula, having won the all-Union competition with her own composition "Doves". In addition to studying in a regular school, Lena attended music and sports schools.

After graduating from the tenth grade, Vaenga moved to St. Petersburg, but she was not accepted at the university, advising her to return to the eleventh grade of the school. Since 1994, Lena was a student at the Rimsky-Korsakov School of Music, and then taught music at school and studied vocals.

Vaenga decided to enter the theater department of LGITMiK, but quickly realized that theater was not her future, so she dropped out and went to the capital to record her own disc.

However, she still received her theater education at the Baltic Institute, but still returned to music. Elena was disappointed in Russian show business, since all the compositions from the debut disc were sold out by Stepan Razin, with whom the aspiring singer did not want to argue.

Since the age of nineteen, Vaenga has been actively touring and writing musical compositions. She constantly becomes a laureate of music competitions, including "Song of the Year", "Nevsky Breeze", "Golden Gramophone", "Chanson of the Year", "Slavianski Bazaar".

In 2010, Elena gave her first solo concert at the State Kremlin Palace, while touring in many countries around the world.

In addition to active touring, Vaenga takes part in theatrical performances, writes books and is a permanent member of the jury of the television project "Just the same".

Personal life of Elena Vaenga

The personal life of Elena Vaenga was never hidden by a woman, since this way she gives rise to less ridiculous rumors around her person. The fact is that a bright and beautiful girl has always been in the center of attention among male fans. Even in her school years, girls did not like her, but the boys simply adored her, since Lena was a real daredevil, she smoked openly and was not afraid of anyone.

By the way, such openness does not save from gossip, for example, everyone knew about Lena's beloved man - Ivan Matvienko, but few people suspected that she met with two gentlemen at the same time.

Photos appeared on the Internet in which Vaenga in 2011 posed with the driver of the minibus Mikhail Blinov. This event took place just on the eve of the New Year, so the photos got into the press and nearly brought Matvienko to a heart attack.

However, now Ivan says that he knew everything about Mikhail, since he is a childhood friend and classmate of Elena, with whom she sometimes goes on vacation. Now it became known that the romance of Lena and the bully Misha began at school, all classmates were sure that after the tenth grade they would get married, but the guys broke up.

When Vaenga became famous, she actually lived with two men - Ivan Matvienko and Mikhail Blinov. The latter did not allow fans and boyfriends to approach her, went with her on vacation and on tour, diving and traveled the world.

However, Matvienko's nephew, a young gypsy Ruslan Sulimovsky, claims that his uncle knows about everything, so gossip should not be spread. Although many in show business say that the guy is simply trying to put a good face on a bad game, so as not to lose royalties and disrupt scheduled concerts.

In addition, Elena was credited with novels with many pop stars, including Mikhail Yatsevich and the young talent Intars Busulis, but the woman claimed that these were just her colleagues and friends.

Elena Vaenga's family

Elena Vaenga's family was the most ordinary, working class, there were no creative or rich people in it.

Father - Vladimir Khrulev - worked as an engineer at a ship repair plant, and her mother - Irina Khruleva - worked at the same plant in the chemical department. Elena dearly loves her parents, for the winter she sends them to Cyprus so that they look after their granddaughter and relax themselves.

Sister - Tatyana Khruleva - is younger than her famous sister, who devotes poetry and songs to her, the girl left home early, having received the profession of an international journalist. Tanya is not married, she has no children, but she constantly helps Lena to babysit her son. She speaks two foreign languages \u200b\u200band is the first to criticize her sister's new songs.

Sister - Inna Khruleva - is a stepbaby, since her mother was the first wife of her father, she is a non-public person, so there is no information about her.

The Khrulev sisters had many famous relatives, for example, their grandfather Vasily Zhuravel rose to the rank of Rear Admiral in the Northern Fleet, and their grandmother Nadezhda was a native Petersburg woman who survived the blockade.

My paternal grandmother was a doctor in besieged Leningrad during the Great Patriotic War, and my grandfather went through the war as an anti-aircraft gunner.

Children of Elena Vaenga

The children of Elena Vaenga in large numbers have not yet been born, but the woman can boast of her beloved son, born of a loved one.

They say that Lena was already disappointed in men, because they could not give her children, although her sisters Inna and Tanya still have no children. Vaenga claimed that she broke up with her husband Ivan Matvienko precisely because they did not have a common baby, and the years were rapidly passing away.

After little Vanya was born, the singer carefully concealed the identity of his real father, so there was a lot of gossip and speculation around this.

Currently, Vaenga often says that she will not be able to give birth anymore, because her health has weakened, and the team cannot sit out without work while its leader is on maternity leave. Although the singer claims that she is not afraid of bad heredity, so she wants to become a mother to a girl and a boy from an orphanage.

Son of Elena Vaenga - Ivan Sadyrbaev

The son of Elena Vaenga - Ivan Sadyrbaev - was born in 2012, his father was Roman Sadyrbaev, who performed in the team of his future wife. The boy was born in the St. Petersburg maternity hospital, so he continued the dynasty of indigenous Petrograd.

Vanechka is an active and cheerful kid, who is raised by her grandmother, grandfather, aunt Tanya and a nanny, since her mother is too busy with her musical career and cannot pay much attention to her son.

The boy often lives in St. Petersburg and Cyprus, he goes in for swimming, music and prepares to go to school. Many fans say that the boy was named after the singer's ex-husband, but she denies this information, claiming that she just likes this primordially Russian name, which gives strength, courage and dexterity.

Former husband of Elena Vaenga - Ivan Ivanovich Matvienko

The ex-husband of Elena Vaenga - Ivan Ivanovich Matvienko - appeared in her life back in 1995, when the man was still married and raised a daughter, who was practically the same age as Lena. The first meeting took place spectacularly, when a gypsy on a pitch black convertible stopped in front of a girl who was catching a ride.

Lena's parents did not like Ivan, since he was nineteen years older than the chosen one, was married and was engaged in the sale of cars, which he drove from abroad. However, nothing could stop Vaenga, she quarreled with her family and left after her husband.

Lena sang and danced beautifully, studied gypsy customs, she even made her husband her producer. Ivan was ready for a lot so that his beauty did not need anything, he even went to work in order to get money for costumes and recording discs.

In 2011, the marriage broke up, because Matvienko was unable to give Lena a child, which she longed for. He did not want to put up with Vaenga's novels on the side, so he simply let go of his ex-wife.

Ivan and Elena parted as friends, they live in neighboring apartments and often visit each other. By the way, the former spouses denied the terrible rumors that Vaenga had left the family, since Matvienko was diagnosed with cancer. This is not true, since Ivan underwent stomach surgery in 2014, but a benign tumor was removed.

Elena, after rumors about her ex-spouse's oncology on social networks, angrily advised not to get involved in her personal life.

Elena Vaenga's husband - Roman Sadyrbaev

Elena Vaenga's husband, Roman Sadyrbaev, was six years younger than his chosen one, he was a member of her team. The couple's romance began back in 2011, but young people tried to keep their relationship secret.

The fact is that Elena was afraid that the guy would be called a lovebird, because of which the family of the singer and her producer broke up. However, everything changed in 2016, since Roman and Lena decided to get married and did it.

Now Lena does not hide that the talented drummer is her love and the father of little Vanya. Young people constantly appear together at concerts, social events and travels, showing with their whole appearance how much they feel good.

Currently, Roman has left the musical group and became the producer of his wife, so that the money for the concerts does not flow away from the family.

Photo by Elena Vaenga before and after plastic surgery

Photos of Elena Vaenga before and after plastic surgery often appear on the Internet, since the singer's fans simply do not believe that at forty you can look so luxurious. The thing is that Lena lost a lot of weight after giving birth, which gave rise to rumors that the singer underwent liposuction and laser body resurfacing.

At the same time, Vaenga herself fueled interest in her own person, saying that she is excellent for plastic surgeons and would not once become their patient. On the Internet, gossip immediately appeared that the singer had done a facelift and correction of all figure flaws.

Lena simply laughs at journalists and fans, saying that her secret is simple - a sea of \u200b\u200blove, because this feeling pushes you to exploits. Currently, Vaenga began to look ten years younger, she went in for sports and began to eat rationally.

Instagram and Wikipedia Elena Vaenga

Elena Vaenga's Instagram and Wikipedia have existed for a long time, so only information posted in these official sources can be vouched for. The fact is that Vaenga is not responsible for the information that is posted on her behalf on other resources.

From a detailed article on Wikipedia, you can learn not only about childhood, parents, family, the appearance of a pseudonym, education, musical creativity, spouses, son, but also about Elena's political views and criticism of her from show business stars.

More than 214,000 people have subscribed to the singer's Instagram, who can be the first to evaluate photos and videos from family and creative archives in order to try to understand what is going on in her soul.