
Lev Gunin. Biography of Mozart Son Mozart Biography

The name of Mozart has long become synonymous with absolute musical genius: the Austrian composer went down in history thanks to the talent of an unprecedented scale and extremely dramatic fate.

In four years, he was already quite skillfully played on the key, in five began to compose music, and in seven years a miracle boy actively concert. In the mature age, his talent star did not leave the skyskle, which, however, did not save him from poverty and disease. But first things first.

Mozart Wunderkind

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born on January 27, 1756 in Salzburg, in a family of the Court Capella Leopold Mozart and his wife Anna Mary. Seven children appeared at the pair, but only two survived - Wolfgang and his sister Maria Anna (in the family just Nannerl). The girl was five years older, and it was her clause on the clasiesin that brother had an interest in music - the kid, who was not three, was glad to know the tool; After a year, Wolfgang Amadentially, wonderful for his age performed various musical works, and the violin took possession of almost independently.

Leopold Mozart quickly realized that Nannerl, and especially Wolfgang - very gifted children, and therefore they need to show the world, in order to consecite the life of children in art developed successfully. From an early age, Wolfgang and sister began to concert successfully, admiring the royal and princely courtyards of Europe with their talents. They applauded in Vienna, Munich, Paris, Milan, Bologna ...

But Maria Anna gradually moved to the background, because young Wolfgang not only virtuoso performed music, but also composed her. By 20 years, Mozart has already written a few operas, composed many symphony, ensembles, concerts, church hymns and other musical forms.

The formation of the genius of Mozart

It became quite early it became clear that Mozart was not just a very gifted musician, but a genius. Travel and permanent training from the best teachers made it a deep and extraordinary person, however, the older he became, the less the aristocrats who had previously adored an extraordinary child were interested. In 1769, Wolfgang received the position of the court accompanist Native Salzburg, but Archbishop Jeronim, the head of the church principality, constantly made him, limiting creative freedom. Finding another fate and inspiration Mozart went to Vienna. However, and there he did not find a "bread" place, although she gained something more - beloved, wife and faithful girlfriend, the Constance of Weber. This woman gave birth to a composer of six children and remained near in wealth and poverty.

In the 80s of the XVIII century, the composer actively teaches, his writings are much and often published, the works are very in demand. During these years, the legendary opera "Wedding Figaro" and "Don Juan", Symphony No. 39, 40 and 41. But if at the beginning of the 80s the composer's family can afford an expensive apartment and servant, then by the end of the decade of Mozart on the ears in He never received good posts, he did not receive fees from concerts, there are no major orders. Constance seriously ills, large sums go to her treatment - the family turns out to be completely on the mel.

Mozart writes a lot, one of his last operas - "Magic Flute" - very successful, but in the financial position of the composer it does not affect.

Death of Mozart in Poverty

At the age of 35, Mozart himself seriously falls: the musician is weak, his arms and legs scatter, the fainting is constantly happening to him. At this time, it works hard at the requiem, which does not have time to complete. The great composer leaves life hard and painfully, help him can not be the best doctors of that time. The funeral of genius pass more than modestly: Mozart was stubborn in one grave with five other poor. However, it was still not the "Nishchenskoye" burial that in his position could well happen.

After the death of her husband, the constancy with two children (four others died small) was in a distress: without a breadwinner and with numerous debts. In order to bring ends with the ends, it is forced to sell the manuscript of the Great Composer. After a few years, the widow re-married, and after the death of the second spouse he writes the biography of Mozart. True, researchers do not consider it reliable, as the Constance seems to be silent about unpleasant moments for her. The widow of the genius lived to a deep old age.

The younger son of Wolfgang Amadeu Mozart, Franz Ksaver Wolfgang Mozart, went in the footsteps of the Father, but, of course, could not even approach his success.



Mozart was born on January 27, 1756 in Salzburg, then the capital of Salzburg Archbishopia then, now this city is located in Austria. On the second day after birth, he was baptized in the Cathedral of St. Rupert. Recording in the baptism book gives his name on Latin as Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus (Gottlieb) Mozart. In these names, the first two words are the name of St. John of Zlatoust, not used in everyday lifeAnd the fourth during the life of Mozart varied: lat. Amadeus, it. Gottlieb, Ital. Amadeo, which means "beloved by God." Mozart himself preferred to be called Wolfgang.

Mozart's musical abilities manifested itself at a very early age when he was about three years old. His father Leopold was one of the leading European music teachers. His book "The Experience of a Ground School School" (Him. Versuch Einer Grundlichen Violinschule) was published in 1756 - in the year of Mozart, withstanding many publications and was translated into many languages, including Russian. Father trained Wolfgang basic basin, violin and organ.

In London, the juvenile Mozart was the subject of scientific research, and in Holland, where the music was strictly expelled during the posts, an exception was made for Mozart, since in his extraordinary giving the clergy sucked the finger of God.

In 1762, Mozart's father took with his son and daughter Anna, also a wonderful executive on Clavesis, an artistic journey to Munich and Vienna, and then in many other cities in Germany, Paris, London, Holland, Switzerland. Everywhere Mozart excited surprise and delight, leaving the winner of the most difficult tests that he was offered by people as knowledgeable in music and amateurs. In 1763, the first Mozart Sonats for Harpsichord and Violin were published in Paris. From 1766 to 1769, living in Salzburg and Vienna, Mozart studied the work of Handel, Studella, Carissi, Durant and other great masters. On the command of the emperor Joseph II Mozart wrote in a few weeks by the opera "Imaginary Cook" (ITAL. LA Finta Semplice), but members of the Italian troupe, in the hands of which this work of the 12-year-old composer got into the hands, did not want to fulfill the music of the boy, and their intrigues were so Strong that his father did not decide to insist on the execution of the opera.

1770-1774 Mozart spent in Italy. In 1771, in Milan, again, when counteracting theatrical impresario, the Mitridate, King Pontic Mitridate (ITR. Mitridate, Re Di Ponto) was delivered, which was adopted by the public with great enthusiasm. With the same success, the second opera, "Lucio Sulla" (Lucius Sulla) (1772 years). For Salzburg, Mozart wrote Satzipion's Sleep (Ial. Il Sogno Di Scipione), about the election of the new Archbishop, 1772, for Munich - Opera "La Bella Finta Giardiniera", 2 Mass, Offertorias (1774). When he passed 17 years, there were already 4 operas among his works, several spiritual poems, 13 symphonies, 24 sonates, not to mention the mass of smaller compositions.

In 1775-1780, despite the concerns about material security, a barren trip to Munich, Mannheim and Paris, the loss of mother, Mozart wrote, among other things, 6 key sonatas, a concert for flute and harp, a large symphony number 31 D-DUR, nicknamed Paris, several spiritual choirs, 12 ballet rooms.

In 1779, Mozart received the place of the court organist in Salzburg (collaborated with Michael Haydn). On January 26, 1781, the Ideomay opera was put in Munich with great success. The reform of lyric-dramatic art begins with "Idomena". In this Opera, more traces of Staretalian Opera Seria are visible (a large number of Colutive Aria, the Idamanta party, written for castration), but in recipatatives and especially in the choiring there is a new trend. A big step forward is noticed in the instrumentation. During his stay in Munich, Mozart wrote for Munich Capelli "Misericordias Domini" - one of the best samples of church music of the late XVIII century. With each new opera, the creative strength and novelty of the techniques of Mozart manifested themselves brighter and brighter. Opera "Abduction from Seryal" (Die Entfuhrung Aus Dem Serail), written on behalf of Emperor Joseph II in 1782, was adopted with enthusiasm and soon got a big distribution in Germany, where they began to be considered the first national German opera. She was written during the romantic relationship of Mozart with Constanta Weber, who later became his wife.

Despite the success of Mozart, his financial situation was not brilliant. Leaving the place of an organist in Salzburg and taking advantage of the scarce generosities of the Viennese yard, Mozart to ensure her family had to give lessons, compose countersders, waltzes and even plays for wall clocks with music, playing in the evenings of the Vienna Aristocracy (hence his numerous concerts for piano). Opera "L'OCA Del Cairo" (1783) and "Lo Sposo Deluso" (1784) remained unfinished.

In 1783-1785, 6 famous strings of quartets were created, which Mozart dedicated Josef Hayidn, master of this genre, and which he accepted with the greatest reverence. By the same time his oratorio "Davide Penitente" (repentant David) belongs.

Since 1786, the unusually prolonged and tireless activities of Mozart, which was the main reason for his health disorder. An example of the incredible speed of the essay can be the Opera "Marriage Figaro", written in 1786 in 6 weeks and, nevertheless, striking the skill of the form, the perfection of the musical characteristics, inexhaustible inspiration. In Vienna, "Marriage Figaro" passed almost unnoticed, but in Prague she called an extraordinary delight. No co-author of Mozart Lorenzo da Ponte finish the libretto "Figaro's marriage", as he had to attend the composer to hurry from the Libretto "Don Juan", which Mozart wrote for Prague. This great work that has no analogues in music art, saw the light in 1787 in Prague and had even greater success than "Figaro's marriage".

A much smaller success fell to the share of this opera in Vienna, in general, in general, which was colder than other centers of musical culture. The title of court composer with a content of 800 florins (1787) was a very modest award for all the works of Mozart. Nevertheless, he was tied to Vienna, and when in 1789, visiting Berlin, he received an invitation to be headed by the court chapel of Friedrich-Wilhelm II with a content of 3 thousand talers, he still did not decide to leave Vienna.

However, many researchers of the life of Mozart argue that he was not suggested a place at the Prussian courtyard. Friedrich Wilhelm II only made an order for six simple piano sonatas for her daughter and six string quartets for himself. Mozart did not want to admit that the trip to Prussia failed, and pretended to be a Friedrich Wilhelm II invited him to the service, but from respect for Joseph II, he refused. The order received in Prussia gave it the words of the truth. There was little money taken away during the trip. They were barely enough for the payment of debt in 100 Guldenov, who were taken from the brother of Mason Gofmedel on road spending.

After "Don-Juan", Mozart composes 3 most famous symphonies: No. 39 Mi-B Flat Major (KV 543), No. 40 Sol Minor (KV 550) and No. 41 to Major "Jupiter" (KV 551), written within one and a half months in 1788; Of these, the two are most famous. In 1789, Mozart dedicated a string quartet to the Prussian king with a party of the concert cello (re major).

After the death of Emperor Joseph II (1790), the financial situation of Mozart turned out to be so hopeless that he had to leave Vienna from the persecution of creditors and the artistic journey at least a little to fix his affairs. The latest Operators of Mozart were "Cosi Fan Tutte" (1790), "Mercy of Titus" (1791), which encloses wonderful pages, despite the fact that he was written in 18 days for the coronation of Emperor Leopold II, and finally, "Magic Flute "(1791), having tremendous success, extremely rapidly spread. This opera, in old editions modestly called the operetta, together with the "abduction from Seryral" served as the basis for the independent development of the National German Opera. In the extensive and diverse activities of the Mozart Opera takes the most prominent place. In May 1791, Mozart entered the unpaid position of the Assistant of the Kapel Mester of the Cathedral of St. Stephen, expecting to take the place of the Kappelmeister after the death of seriously ill leopold Hofman; Hofman, however, survived him.

Mystic in kind, Mozart worked a lot for the church, but he left the Great Samples in this area: except for Misericordias Domini - "Ave Verum Corpus" (KV 618), (1791) and Majestically, Soreland Requiem (KV 626), Over which Mozart is tirelessly, with special love, worked in the last days of life. Interesting the history of writing "Requiem". Shortly before the death of Mozart, a certain mysterious stranger visited in the whole black and ordered him "Requiem" (mourning clock mass). As the composer's biographers were installed, it was a Count Franz von Valshegg-melt, who decided to issue a purchased essay for his own. Mozart plunged into the work, but unkind premonitions did not leave him. The mysterious stranger in a black mask, "black man" stands relentlessly before his eyes. The composer begins to seem to appear that this funeral Mass writes for himself ... work on the unfinished "requiem", to date, the stunning listeners with mournful lyricism and tragic expressiveness, graduated from his student of Franz Ksaver Zyusmeyer, who had previously held some participation in the work of the Opera "Tita Mercy".

Mozart died on December 5th at 00-55 nights of 1791 from an unidentified illness. The body was found swollen, soft and elastic, as it happens during poisoning. This fact, as well as some other circumstances related to the last days of the life of the Great Composer, gave the basis of researchers to defend this version of the cause of his death. Mozart was buried in Vienna, at the cemetery of St. Mark in the general grave, so the burial place itself remained unknown. In memory of the composer for the ninth day after his death in Prague, with a huge set of people, 120 musicians were performed by "Requiem" Antonio Rosetti.


A distinctive feature of Mozart's creativity is an amazing combination of strict, clear forms with deep emotionality. The uniqueness of his creativity is that he not only wrote in all the forms and genres existing in his era, but also in each of them left the work of the irregular value. Mozart's music discovers a lot of ties with different national cultures (especially Italian), nevertheless, it belongs to national Vienna soil and is stamped by the creative personality of the Great Composer.

Mozart is one of the greatest meloders. His melody combines the features of the Austrian and German folk song with the singer of Italian cantilene. Despite the fact that his works are distinguished by poetry and subtle grace, there are often melodies of a courageous nature, with a large dramatic pathos and contrast elements.

The special meaning of Mozart gave the opera. His operas is a whole epoch in the development of this type of musical art. Along with the glitch, he was the greatest reformer of the Opera genre, but unlike him, the basis of the Opera considered music. Mozart created a completely different type of musical dramaturgy, where opera music is in complete unity with the development of stage action. As a result - there is no definitely positive and negative charactersThe characters of living and multifaceted, show the relationship between people, their feelings and aspirations. The most popular operas "Wedding Figaro", "Don Juan" and "Magic Flute".

Mozzart paid great attention to symphonic music. Due to the fact that throughout his life he worked in parallel over operas and symphony, his instrumental music It is distinguished by singers of opera aria and dramatic conflict. Three last symphonies were the most popular - No. 39, No. 40 and No. 41 ("Jupiter"). Mozart also became one of the creators of the genre of a classic concert.

The chamber-instrumental creativity of Mozart is represented by a variety of ensembles (from duets to quintets) and works for piano (sonates, variations, fantasies). Mozart abandoned the clusses and a keycorder with a weaker sound compared to piano. The piano manner of Mozart is distinguished by elegance, deigning, careful trim of melody and accompaniment.

Many spiritual works were created by the composer: Mass, Cantata, Osra, as well as the famous Requiem.

The thematic catalog of Mozart, with notes, composed by Köhel ("Chronologisch-Thematischehes Verzeichniss Sammtlicher Tonwerke W. A. \u200b\u200bMozart? S", Leipzig, 1862), represents a volume of 550 pages. According to the calculus of Khele, Mozart wrote 68 spiritual works (mass, offering, hymns, etc.), 23 works for theater, 22 Sonats for Harpsichord, 45 Sonatas and Violin Villages and Clausing, 32 String Quartet, about 50 symphony, 55 concerts and Ave., a total of 626 works.

About Mozart

Perhaps there is no name in music, in front of which humanity is so favorably inclined, so rejoiced and died. Mozart is a symbol of music itself.
- Boris Asafiev

Incredible genius elevated him over all the masters of all arts and all centuries.
- Richard Wagner

Mozart has no donkey, because it is above the oversight.
- Joseph Brodsky

His music is definitely not just entertainment, the whole tragedy of human being sounds in it.
- Benedict XVI

Works about Mozart

The drama of the life and creativity of Mozart, as well as the mystery of his death became a fruitful theme for artists of all types of arts. Mozart became the hero of numerous works of literature, drama and cinema. All of them is not possible - the most famous of them are below:

Dramas. Pieces. Books.

* "Little tragedies. Mozart and Salieri. " - 1830, A. S. Pushkin, Drama
* "Mozart on the way to Prague." - Eduard Merika, story
* "Amadeus". - Peter Shefficient, Piece.
* "Several meetings with the late Mr. Mozart." - 2002, E. Radzinsky, historical essay.
* "Murder Mozart." - 1970 Weiss, David, Roman
* "Elevated and earthly". - 1967 Weiss, David, Roman
* "Old cook." - K. G. Powest
* "Mozart: Sociology of one genius" - 1991, Norbert Elias, a sociological study on the life and work of Mozart in the conditions of the modern society. Original title: "Mozart. Zur Sociologie Eines Genies »


* Mozart and Salieri - 1962, dir. V. Gorikker, as Mozart I. Smoktunovsky
* Little tragedies. Mozart and Salieri - 1979, dir. M. Schweitzer in the role of Mozart V. Zolukhin, I.Smoktunovsky as Salieri
* Amadeus - 1984, dir. Milos Foreman, as Mozart T. Hals
* Flared Mozart - 2005 Documentary, Canada, ZDF, Arte, 52 min. Dir. Thomas Walner and Larry Weinstein
* Famous art critic Mikhail Casinik about Mozart, film "AD LIBITUM"
* "Mozart" - a two-particle documentary. Translated on 21.09.08 on the channel "Russia".
* "Little Mozart" - a children's animated series, based on the real biography of Mozart.

Musicals. Rock Operas

* Mozart! - 1999, Music: Sylvester Levai, Libretto: Michael Kunze
* Mozart L "Opera Rock - 2009, Creators: Albert Cohen / Dove Attia, in Mozart: Mikelangelo Loconte

Computer games

* Mozart: Le Dernier Secret (The Last Secret) - 2008, Developer: Game Consulting, Publisher: Micro Application



* "Demand of the first commandment" (Die Schuldigkeit Des Ersten Gebotes), 1767. Theatrical Oratoria
* "Apollo and Hyacinthus" (Apollo et Hyacinthus), 1767 - student musical drama on the Latin text
* "Bastient and Bastienne" (Bastien und Bastienne), 1768. Another student thing, Zingspil. German version of the famous comic opera J.-Zh-Rousseau - "Rustic sorcerer"
* "Finta Semplice" (La Finta Semplice), 1768 - Exercise in the Opera Buff Genre on Libretto Goldoni
* "Mithridate, Tsar Pontic" (Mitridate, Re Di Ponto), 1770 - in the traditions of the Italian opera series, on the tragedy of Rasin
* "Ascania in Alba" (Ascanio in Alba), 1771. Opera Serenade (Pastoral)
* Betulia Liberata, 1771 - Oratoria. To the story of the history of Judith and Oolferna
* "Sleep Szipion" (IL Sogno Di Scipione), 1772. Opera Serenade (Pastoral)
* "Sulla Lucii" (Lucio Silla), 1772. Opera Seria
* "Tamos, King of Egypt" (THAMOS, KONIG IN AGYPTEN), 1773, 1775. Music to the drama GEBLEAR
* "Imaging Saddeniniera" (La Finta Giardiniera), 1774-5 - Return to the traditions of opera-buff
* "Tsar-shepherd" (IL RE PASTORE), 1775. Opera Serenade (Pastoral)
* "Zaid" (Zaide), 1779 (reconstructed H. Chernovin, 2006)
* "Idomena, Kretsky king" (Idomeneo), 1781
* "Single of Seryal" (Die Entfuhrung Aus Dem Serail), 1782. ZingChpil
* "Cairo Goose" (L'OCA Del Cairo), 1783
* "Deceived spouse" (Lo Sposo Deluso)
* "Director of the Theater" (Der Schauspieldirektor), 1786. Music comedy
* "Figaro's marriage" (Le Nozze di Figaro), 1786. The first of the 3 Great Opera. In the Opera Buff Genre.
* "Don Juan" (Don Giovanni), 1787
* "Everyone is doing" (Cosi Fan Tutte), 1789
* "Titz Mercy" (La Clemenza di Tito), 1791
* "Magic Flute" (Die Zauberflote), 1791. Singchpil

Other works

* 17 MESS, among which:
* "Coronation", KV 317 (1779)
* "Large Mass" C-Moll, KV 427 (1782)

* "Requiem", KV 626 (1791)

* About 50 symphony, including:
* "Parisian" (1778)
* No. 35, KV 385 "Haffner" (1782)
* No. 36, KV 425 Linzskaya (1783)
* No. 38, KV 504 "Prague" (1786)
* № 39, KV 543 (1788)
* No. 40, KV 550 (1788)
* No. 41, KV 551 "Jupiter" (1788)
* 27 concerts for piano with orchestra
* 6 concerts for violin with orchestra
* Concert for two violins with orchestra (1774)
* Concerto for violin and viola and orchestra (1779)
* 2 Concert for Flute with Orchestra (1778)
* No. 1 Salt Major K. 313 (1778)
* No. 2 re major K. 314
* Concert for oboe with orchestra Re major K. 314 (1777)
* Concerto for clarinet with orchestra La Major K. 622 (1791)
* Concert for Fagota with Orchestra Si-Bfoli Major K. 191 (1774)
* 4 concert for horn with orchestra:
* No. 1 re Major K. 412 (1791)
* No. 2 Mi-B Flat Major K. 417 (1783)
* No. 3 mi-bf Major K. 447 (between 1784 and 1787)
* No. 4 Mi-Bembol Major K. 495 (1786) 10 serenad for string orchestra, including:
* "Little Night Serenade" (1787)
* 7 orchestra divertiments
* Various ensembles of wind instruments
* Sonata for various tools, trio, duets
* 19 Sonatas for Piano
* 15 cycles of variations for piano
* Rondo, Fantasy, Plays
* Over 50 Aria
* Ensembles choirs, songs


1 All About Oscar
2 D.Ves. The "sublime and earthly" is a historic novel. M., 1992. p.674.
3 Lev Gunin
4 Left B. V. "Music literature of foreign countries", vol. 2. - M.: Music, 1979 - p.162-276
5 Mozart: Catholic, Master Mason, Favorite of The Pope (English)


* Abert G. Motsart: Per. with it. M., 1978-85. T. 1-4. Part 1-2.
* Weiss D. Elevated and Earth: Historical Roman about the life of Mozart and his time. M., 1997.
* Chigarev E. Opera Mozart in the context of the culture of his time. M.: URSS. 2000.
* Chicherin Mozart: Research etude. 5th ed. L., 1987.
* Steinpress B. S. Last pages of Mozart biography // Steinpress B. S. Essays and etudes. M., 1980.
* Shuler D. If Mozart was conducted by a diary ... Translation from Weng. L. Balova. Publishing House of Kovrina. Type Ateneum, Budapest. 1962.
* Einstein A. Mozart: Personality. Creativity: Per. with it. M., 1977.


Mozart was born on January 27, 1756 in Salzburg, in Austria, and when baptized received the names of Johann Chrysito Wolfgang Teofil. Mother - Maria Anna, nee Perrthl, Father Leopold Mozart, composer and theoretics, from 1743 - violinist in the court orchestra of the Salzburg Archbishop. From the seven children of Mozarts survived two: Wolfgang and his older sister Maria Anna. Both brother and sister had brilliant musical data: Leopold began to give daughters of the lessons of playing Clavesis, when she was eight years old, and an articulated father in 1759 for Nannerl, a notebook with lightweight feathers was then useful when teaching little Wolfgang. At the age of three years, Mozart was chosen in the Clayssee of the Terration and Seks, at the age of five began to compose simple menuets. In January 1762, Leopold took his wonderful children to Munich, where they played in the presence of the Bavarian Kurfürst, and in September - in Linz and Passau, from there on the Danube - to Vienna, where they were accepted at the court, in Schönbrunn Palace, and twice Awarded to the Empress Mary Terezia. This journey marked the beginning of a number of concert trips that continued for ten years.

From Vienna, Leopold with the children moved along the Danube to the press, where they stayed from 11 to 24 December, and then returned to the Vienna to the Christmas Christmas tree. In June 1763, Leopold, Nannerl and Wolfgang began the longest of their concert trips: they returned home to Salzburg only by the end of November 1766. Leopold led Diary Traveling: Munich, Ludwigsburg, Augsburg and Schwestzingen, Summer Residence of the Palatinate Kurfürst. On August 18, Wolfgang gave a concert in Frankfurt. By this time, he mastered the violin and played freely on it, although not with such a phenomenal gloss, like on keyboard tools. In Frankfurt, he performed his violin concert, among those present in the hall there was a 14-year-old Goethe. Then the Brussels and Paris followed, in which the family spent the whole winter in the period from 1763 to 1764. Mozarts were accepted at the court of Louis XV during the Christmas holidays in Versailles and throughout the winter enjoyed great attention of aristocratic circles. At the same time, the writings of Wolfgang were first published in Paris - four violin sonats.

In April 1764, the family went to London and lived there for more than a year. A few days after arrival, Mozart was solemnly accepted by King Georg III. As in Paris, the children gave public concerts, during which Wolfgang demonstrated its amazing abilities. Composer Johann Christian Bach, London Society's favorite, immediately appreciated the huge talent of the child. Often, putting Wolfgang to his knees, he performed with him on the Klauside Sonatas: they played in turn, each several clocks, and did it with such an accuracy that the impression was created as if one musician was played. In London, Mozart composed his first symphonies. They followed the samples of the gallant, vibrant and energetic music of Johann Christian, who became a boy teacher, and demonstrated an innate sense of form and instrumental color. In July 1765, the family left London and headed for Holland, in September in the Hague Wolfgang and Nannerl suffered heavy inflammation of the lungs, after which the boy recovered only by February. Then they continued their tour: from Belgium to Paris, further to Lyon, Geneva, Bern, Zurich, Donaushingen, Augsburg and, finally, in Munich, where Kurfürst listened to the game of a wonderful child again and was amazed by the successes. As soon as they returned to Salzburg, November 30, 1766, Leopold began to build plans for the next trip. She began in September 1767. The whole family arrived in Vienna, where at this time the epidemic of smallpox was raging. The disease overtook both children in Olmyu, where they had to stay until December. In January 1768, they got to Vienna and were accepted again at the courtyard. Wolfgang at that time wrote his first opera - "Monsuping Cook", but its production did not take place due to the intrigue of some Viennese musicians. At the same time, his first big mass for choir with an orchestra appeared, which was performed at the opening of the Church at the orphan home in front of a large and friendly audience. By request, a concert for a pipe was written, unfortunately not survived. On the way home to Salzburg Wolfgang performed his new symphony, "K. 45a, "in the Benedictine Monastery in Lambah.

The goal of the next leopard leopold was the trips became Italy - the country of the opera and, of course, the country of music at all. After 11 months of classes and preparations for the trip conducted in Salzburg, Leopold and Wolfgang began the first of three travel through the Alps. They were absent for more than a year, from December 1769 to March 1771. The first Italian journey turned into a chain of solid triumphs - in Pope and Duke, at the King Ferdinand IV Napletinsky and the Cardinal and most importantly, musicians. Mozart met with Niccolo Piccchini and Giovanni Battist Sammartini in Milan, with the Neapolitan Opera School of Nikcolo Yomelly and Giovanni Phazzielo in Naples. In Milan, Wolfgang received an order for a new opera series for presentation during the carnival. In Rome, he heard the famous Movierer Gregorio Allegri, which later recorded in memory. Pope Clement XIV accepted Mozart on July 8, 1770 and complained to him the Order of the Golden Spur. Pursuing in Bologna by counterpoint with the famous teacher Padre Martini, Mozart began work on the new Opera "Mithridate, King Pontic". At the insistence of Martini, he was subjected to the exam in the famous Bologna Philharmonic Academy and was adopted by the Academy. Opera was successfully shown for Christmas in Milan. Spring and the beginning of the summer of 1771 Wolfgang spent in Salzburg, but in August, his father and son went to Milan to prepare the premiere of the new Opera "Askany in Albe", which was successfully held on October 17. Leopold hoped to convince Ersgerteog Ferdinand, to whose wedding in Milan, the festival was organized, to take Wolfgang to his service, but by a strange coincidence of the circumstances of Empress Maria Teresia sent a letter from Vienna, where in strong expressions he stated their dissatisfaction with Mozarts, in particular, she called their "useless family." Leopold and Wolfgang were forced to return to Salzburg, not finding for Wolfgang a suitable service place in Italy. On the very day of their return, on December 16, 1771, Prince-Archbishop Sigismund, who treated Mozarts benevolently. His successor was the Count Jeronim Colloretedo, and for his inaugural celebrations in April 1772, Mozart composed a "dramatic serenade" "Sleep of Scipion". Colloredo received a young composer to serve with an annual salary in 150 Guldenov and gave permission to travel to Milan, Mozart took up to write a new opera for this city, but the new archbishop, unlike his predecessor, did not tolerate long-lasting reasons of Mozarts and was not inclined to admire their art. The third Italian journey continued since October 1772 to March 1773. The new Opera Mozart, "Lucius Sulla" was executed the day after Christmas 1772, and the composer did not receive further opera orders. Leopold was in vain tried to enlist the patronage of the Great Duke of the Florentine Leopold. Embeding a few more attempts to arrange a son in Italy, Leopold realized his defeat, and Mozart had left this country to no longer return. For the third time, Leopold and Wolfgang tried to settle in the Austrian capital; They remained in Vienna from mid-July to the end of September 1773. Wolfgang got the opportunity to get acquainted with new symphony works vienna School, especially with dramatic symphony in minor tonalities Yang Wanhal and Josef Haydna, the fruits of this dating are obvious in his symphony in Sol Minor, "K. 183. Forced to stay in Salzburg, Mozart was completely given the composition: at this time symphonies, divertisters, essays of church genres appear, as well as the first string quartet - this music soon provided the author of the reputation of one of the most talented composers of Austria. Symphones created in late 1773 - early 1774, "K. 183 "," K. 200 "," K. 201 ", differ in high dramatic wholeness. A short rest from the Salzburg provincialism hated by him provided Mozart from Munich an order for a new opera for the carnival of 1775: the premiere of "Mimnaya Gardened" was successful in January. But the musician almost did not leave Salzburg. A happy family life compensated to some extent to boredom of Salzburg everyday life, but Wolfgang, who compared its current position with a lively atmosphere of foreign capitals, gradually lost patience. In the summer of 1777, Mozart was dismissed from the service from the Archbishop and decided to look for happiness abroad. In September, Wolfgang went to Mother in Germany to Paris. In Munich, Kurfürst refused his services; On the way, they stopped in Mannheim, where Mozart was friendly met by local orchestrants and singers. Although he did not receive a place at the courtyard of Karl Theodore, he stayed in Mannheim: the reason for his love in the singer Alozia Weber. In addition, Mozart was hoping to commit with Aloia, who had a magnificent coloratura soprano, a concert tour, he even went to the court of Princess Nassau-Wilburg, in January 1778 with her. Leopold originally believed that Wolfgang would go to Paris with Mannheim Musicians, letting him go back to Salzburg, but he having heard that Wolfgang was in love with no memory, strictly punished immediately go to Paris along with his mother.

Staying in Paris, lasting from March to September 1778, turned out to be extremely unsuccessful: on July 3, the mother of Wolfgang died, and Paris court circles have lost interest in the young composer. Although in Paris, Mozart successfully performed two new symphonies and Christian Bach came to Paris, Leopold ordered his son to return to Salzburg. Wolfgang delayed return as much as he could and especially stayed in Mannheim. Here he realized that the alcohol was completely indifferent to him. It was a terrible blow, and only terrible threats and prayers of the Father forced him to leave Germany. New Mozart Symphonies Salt Major, "K. 318 ", C-Bar Major," K. 319, "to major," K. 334 »And the instrumental serenades of re Major," K. 320 "is marked with crystal clarity of the form and orchestration, wealth and subtlety of emotional nuances and the special heartiness, which put Mozart above all Austrian composers, except for Josef Haidna. In January 1779, Mozart again began to fulfill the duties of the organist under the Archbishopian courtyard with the annual salary in 500 guilders. Church music that he had to compose for Sunday services, in depth and diversity much higher than what was written to them before in this genre. Especially the "coronation mass" and "Celebration Mass" to Major, "K. 337. But Mozart continued to experience hatred for Salzburg and to the archbishop, and therefore he was happy to accept the offer to write a opera for Munich. "Idomena, Kretsky king" was raised at the courtyard of Karl Teodore, in Munich, there was his winter residence in January 1781. Idomena came the magnificent result of the experience gained by the composer in the previous period, mainly in Paris and in Mannheim. Especially original and dramatically expressively choir. At that time, the Salzburg Archbishop was in Vienna and ordered Mozart to immediately go to the capital. Here, the personal conflict of Mozart and Calloredo gradually acquired a threatening scale, and after the loud public success of Wolfgang in a concert, this in favor of widows and orphans of Viennese musicians on April 3, 1781, his days in the service of the Archbishop were considered. In May, he filed a resignation, and on June 8 was put up for the door. Against the will of the father Mozart married Konstanz Weber, her sister his first beloved, and the Mother of the Bride managed to achieve very favorable conditions for a marriage contract from Wolfgang, to the anger and despair of Leopold, who threw out the Son with letters, begging to draw. Wolfgang and Constanta were crowned in the Viennese Cathedral of St. Stephen on August 4, 1782. And although the Constanta was as helpless in money matters, like her husband, their marriage, apparently, turned out to be happy. In July 1782, the Opera Mozart "Abduction from Seryra" was set in the Vienna Burgteatera, she had a significant success, and Mozart became a cumier of veins, and not only in court and aristocratic circles, but also among the visitors of concerts from the third estate. For several years, Mozart reached the vertices of glory; Life in Vienna encouraged him to diverse activities, composer and executive. He was gripping, tickets for his concerts (so-called academies), distributed by subscription, sold completely. For this case, Mozart composed a series of brilliant piano concerts. In 1784, Mozart gave a 22 concert within six weeks. In the summer of 1783, Wolfgang and his bride were visiting Leopold and Nannerl in Salzburg. On this occasion, Mozart wrote his last and best Mass to Minor, "K. 427 ", which was not completed. Mesa was executed on October 26 in Salzburg Peterkrche, and the Constance sang one of the solo parties soprano. Constanta, apparently, was a good professional singer, although her voice was in many ways to voice her sisters of aliasis. Returning to Vienna in October, the spouses stopped in Linz, where Lingz Symphony appeared, "K. 425. In February next year, Leopold put a visit to his son and daughter-in-law in their large Vienna apartment near the Cathedral. This beautiful house Preserved to our time, and although Leopold was never able to get rid of hostility to Constance, he admitted that his son's deeds as a composer and artist were very successful. By this time refers to the beginning of the many years of sincere friendship of Mozart and Josef Haidna. At the quarterly evening, Mozart in the presence of Leopold Gaidn, contacting his father, said: "Your son is the greatest composer from everyone who I know personally or someone I heard." Haydn and Mozart had a significant impact on each other; As for Mozart, the first fruits of such an influence are obvious in a cycle of six quartets, which Mozart dedicated to a friend in a famous letter in September 1785.

In 1784, Mozart became a massone, which imposed a deep imprint on his life philosophy. Masonic ideas are traced in a number of late Works of Mozart, especially in the magic flute. In those years, scientists, poets, writers, musicians who are known in the vein, were included in the Masonic lodges, and Haydn were also cultivated in the court circles. As a result of various opera-theatrical intrigues, Lorenzo da Ponte, a court librettist, the heir of the famous metastasio, decided to work with Mozart in opposition to the click of the court composer Antonio Salieri and the opponent da Ponte, the libretteist of Abbot Cast. Mozart and Da Ponte began with the Anti-Arabic Piece of Boualersch "Marriage Figaro", and by that time the ban was not yet removed from the German translation of the play. With the help of various tricks, they managed to get the necessary permitting censorship, and on May 1, 1786, the "Wedding Figaro" was first shown in the Burgteatera. Although later, this Mozarth Opera had a huge success, upon first stage, she was soon displaced by the new Opera Vicente Martin-I-Solera "rare thing." Meanwhile, in Prague, the wedding Figaro won exceptional popularity, the melodies from the opera sounded on the streets, under the Arias were dancing from it in ballrooms and coffee houses. Mozart was invited to encode several performances. In January 1787, he and Constanta spent about a month in Prague, and it was the happiest time in the life of the Great Composer. The director of the opera troupe Bondini ordered him a new opera. It can be assumed that Mozart himself chose the plot - the old legend of Don Juan, the libretto was supposed to prepare anyone else, as yes Ponte. The Opera "Don Juan" was first shown in Prague on October 29, 1787.

In May 1787, the father of the composer died. This year generally became the frontier in Mozart's life, as for its external flow and mental state of the composer. His reflections became increasingly painted deep pessimism; Forever in the past left the shine of success and the joy of young years. The peak of the composer's path was the triumph "Don Juan" in Prague. After returning to Vienna, at the end of 1787, Mozart began to pursue failures, and at the end of life - poverty. The production of Don Juan in Vienna in May 1788 ended with a failure: at the reception after the performance, Opera defended one Haydn. Mozart received the position of the court composer and the Kappelmister Emperor Joseph II, but with a relatively small complain of this post, 800 guilders per year. The emperor understood little in the music of both Hydena and Mozart. He spoke about the writings of Mozart, that they were not in the taste of the Ventains. " Mozart had to lend money from Michael Pukhberg, his fellow in the Masonic bed. Due to the hopelessness of the situation in Vienna, a strong impression produces documents confirming how soon the frivolous crowns forgot the former idol, Mozart decided to take a concert trip to Berlin, April - June 1789, where he hoped to find a place at the courtyard of the Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm II. The result was only new debts, and even the order for six string quartets for His Majesty, which was a decent fool's cellist, and six key sonatas for the princess Wilhelmin.

In 1789, the health of the Constanta was shaken, then the Wolfgang himself, and the financial situation of the family became just threatening. In February 1790, Joseph II died, and Mozart was not confident that he could maintain his post of the court composer at the new emperor. The Celebrations of the Coronation of the Emperor Leopold passed in Frankfurt in the fall of 1790, and Mozart went there for his own expense, hoping to attract the attention of the public. This performance was performed by the "coronational" keyway concert, "K. 537, "took place on October 15, but did not bring money. Returning to Vienna, Mozart met with Haydn; London Impresario The break came to invite Haidna to London, and Mozart received a similar invitation to the English capital for the next winter season. He cried bitterly, speaking Haydna and a break. "We will never see you again," he repeated. In the previous winter, he invited at the rehearsal of the opera "everything" all "just two friends - Gaidna and Pukberg.

In 1791, Emanuel Shicantyer, a writer, actor and impresario, a long-time friend Mozart, ordered him a new opera in German for his "Fryhausteater" in the Vienna suburb visible, and in the spring Mozart began working on the "magic flute". At the same time, he received an order from Prague to the coronational opera - "Mercy of Titus", for which the student of Mozart Franz Ksaver Zyussmayer helped write some conversational recyatatives. Together with the student and Constanta, Mozart went to Prague to prepare the performance, which was held without much success on September 6, later this opera enjoyed great popularity. Then Mozart rush went to Vienna to complete the magic flute. Opera was executed on September 30, and even at the same time he finished his last instrumental essay - a concert for clarinet with the orchestra of a la major, "K. 622. " Mozart was already sick, when a stranger appeared in the mysterious circumstances and ordered Requiem. It was the control graph of the Valzhegg-destination. The count ordered an essay in memory of the deceased wife, intending to fulfill him under his name. Mozart, confident that he composes the requiem for himself, worked feverishly on score, until the strength left him. On November 15, 1791, he graduated from a small Masonic Cantat. Constanta was treated in Baden at that time and rushed home hastily when she understood how serious her husband's disease was serious. On November 20, Mozart runs and after a few days felt such weakness that he accepted the communion. On the night of 4 to December 5, he fell into a delusional state and in a half-conscious state imagined himself playing on the piludes in the "Day of Anger" from his own unfinished requiem. There was almost an hour of the night when he turned away to the wall and stopped breathing. Constanta, broken by grief and did not have any funds, should have agreed to the cheapest fan in the chapel of the Cathedral of St. Stephen. She was too weak to accompany her husband's body in a distant path in the cemetery of St. Mark, where he was buried without any witnesses, except for the graveters, in the tomb for the poor, the location of which was soon hopelessly forgotten. Zyussmayer finished Requiem and orchestrated Large-friendly text fragments left by the author. If, in the life of Mozart, his creative power was realized only by a relatively small number of students, then in the first decade after the college of the composer, the recognition of his genius spread throughout Europe. This was facilitated by the success, which had a wide audience a magic flute. The German publisher Andre acquired the rights to most of the unnecessary writings of Mozart, including his wonderful piano concerts and all the late symphonies, none of them was printed during the sob of the composer.

In 1862, Ludwig von Köhel issued a catalog of Mozart's writings in chronological order. Since that, the names of the composer's compositions typically include a number of Köhel - just as the writings of other authors usually contain the designation of the Opus. For example, the full name of the piano concert No. 20 will be: concert No. 20 re minor for piano with orchestra or "K. 466. Köhel pointer was revised six times six times. In 1964, Brightkopf and Jertel publisher, Wiesbaden, Germany, published a deeply recycled and augmented Köhel pointer. It includes a lot of works for which the authorship of Mozart has been proven and which were not mentioned in earlier editions. Works are also clarified in accordance with scientific research data. In the 1964 edition, changes and chronology were made, and therefore new numbers appeared in the catalog, however, the compositions of Mozart continue to extend under the old numbers of the Köhel catalog.


The biography of the Great Composer confirms the famous truth: the facts are absolutely meaningless. Having facts, you can prove any unprecedencing. What makes peace with the life and death of Mozart. Everything is described, read, published. And they still say: "He died not with his death - poisoned."

Divine Dar

Tsar Midas from the ancient myth received from God Dionisa a wonderful gift - everything he did not touch, turned into gold. Another thing is that the gift was with a trigger: the unfortunate almost died with the hunger and, accordingly, pleading about mercy. The mad gift was returned to God - in myth easily. But if a real person is given no less spectacular gift, only musical, what then?

Here Mozart received the chosen gift from the Lord - all the notes, which they told, turned into a musical gold. The desire to criticize his work in advance is doomed to failure: after all it does not come to the head to declare that Shakespeare did not take place as a playwright. Music standing above all critics is written without a single fake note! In the composition of Mozart, any genres and forms were available: operas, symphonies, concerts, chamber music, spiritual writings, sonata (all came more than 600). Once at the composer asked how he could always write such perfect music. "I don't know how in a different way," he replied.

However, he was also an excellent "golden" performer. How not to remember that his concert career began on a "stool" - at six years old Wolfgang played his own essays on a tiny violin. On the tour organized by the Father in Europe, admired the public with a joint game in four hands with a sister Nannerl on the Clavesis - then it was in a novelty. Based on the tunes proposed by the public, he composed immediately on the place of having fun. People could not believe that this miracle happens without any preparation, and all sorts of tricks arranged to the baby, for example, covered the keyboard with a piece of fabric, waited for it when he would be asked. No problems - a golden child solved any musical rebuses.

Saving before the death of my cheerful temper of the improvisator, he often surprised contemporaries with his musical jokes. I will give an example only one famous anecdote. Once, on a dinner dinner, Mozart offered to a friend Hayid Pave that he would not play an etude composed of them. If you do not play, then put half a dozen champagne. Having found the subject of light, Gaidn agreed. But suddenly, already playing, Gaidn exclaimed: "How can I play it? Both of my hands are busy with the execution of passages at different ends of the piano, and meanwhile, at the same time I have to take notes in the middle keyboard - it is impossible! " "Let me," said Mozart, "I will play." Having reached, it would seem technically impossible place, he bent and pressed the right keys with his nose. Haydn was drunken, and Mozart - long-term. Those present "sobbed" from laughter, and Mozart won champagne.

At the age of 12, Mozart composed the first opera and by this time became also an excellent conductory. Growth The boy was small and, probably, it was funny to watch how he found mutual language With orchestrants whose age was superior to his own three and more times. He again stood on the "stool", but the professionals were obeyed by him, understanding - in front of them a miracle! In fact, it will always be: the musical people did not hide their delight, the divine gift was recognized. Was the life of Mozart from this easier? Born the genius is wonderful, but his life would probably be much easier, he is born like that. But ours - no! Because we would not have His Divine Music.

Body Peripetia

The little musical "phenomenon" was deprived of normal childhood, endless travels, conjugate with terrible inconveniences, stunned his health. All further musical work required the highest voltage: he had to play and write at any time of the day and night. More often at night, although the music sounded in his head apparently always, and it was noticeable about how he was scattered in communication, and often did not respond to conversations around him. But, despite the glory and adoration of the public, Mozart constantly needed money and became debt. As the composer, he earned well, however, did not know how to save. Partly because he was distinguished by love for entertainment. It was suitable at home (in Vienna) luxury dance evenings, bought a horse, a billiard table (he was a very good player). Fashionable and expensive dressed. Family life also demanded large expenses.

The last eight years of life have become generally a solid "monetary nightmare". The wife of Constanta was pregnant six times. Children were dying. Only two boys survived. But the health of the woman herself, who was married to Mozart in 18 years, was seriously shaken. He was forced to pay her treatment on expensive resorts. At the same time, no concerns did not allow me, although they were necessary. He worked all tense, and the last four years became the time to create the most ingenious works, the most joyful, light and philosophical: Opera "Don Juan", "Magic Flute", "Mercy of Titus". The last one wrote in 18 days. Most musicians twice the most time would go to rewrite these notes! It seemed that all the strikes of fate he instantly responds to the wondrous beauty of the music: Concert No. 26 - Coronation; 40th symphony (undoubtedly, the most famous), 41th "Jupiter" - with a victorious sounding finals - a gem of life; "Little Night Serenade" (last number 13) and still dozens of works.

And all this, against the background of the depressed and paranoia who mastered the background: it seemed to him that he was trapped by a slowly acting poison. Hence the emergence of the legend of poisoning - he himself launched it into the light.

And then they still ordered "Requiem". Mozart saw some kind of omen in this and hardly worked on him until death. He graduated from only 50% and did not consider the main thing his life at all. The work has completed his student, but this irregularity of the plan is heard in the work. Therefore, Requiem is not included in the list of the best creations of Mozart, although passionately love listeners.

Truth and slander

His death was terrible! At the age of only 35, his kidney refused. The body swelled him and began to stumble terribly. He suffered insanely, understanding that he leaves his wife and two crumbs-children with debts. On the day of death, they tell, the Constanta lay down in bed next to the late, hoping to catch the infectious disease and die with him. Did not work out. Another day the unfortunate woman rushed with a razor and coughed one person whose wife allegedly was pregnant from Mozart. It was not true, but all sorts of gossip crawled in Vienna, and this man committed suicide. They remembered Salieri, which intrigued around the appointment of Mozart for a good position at the court. Many years later, Salieri died in a crazy house, tormented by accusations of murder of Mozart.

It is clear that Constance could not attend the funeral, and later it became the main accusation in all her sins and dislike for Wolfgangu. Rehabilitation Constance Mozart occurred quite recently. The slander that she was an incredible rastchitsy, was removed. Numerous documents report, on the contrary, about the prudence of a business woman, ready to selflessly defend the work of her husband.

The slander is indifferent to insignificases, and, together, gossip become legends and myths. Moreover, when the biographies are taken no less great. Genius against genius - Pushkin against Mozart. Grabbed the gossip, romantically rethought and made the most beautiful artistic myth, worst on quotes: "Genius and villainism are incomprehensible," "I am not ridiculous when the painter is unsuitable / I am dirty Madonna Rafael," "You, Mozart, God and you yourself do not know" and so on. Mozart became a recognizable hero of literature, theater, and later the cinema, eternal and modern, not tamed by the Society "Man Nowhere", who was unpriner chosen one ...


Mozart (Mozart) Wolfgang Amadeus (27.1.1756, Salzburg, - 5.12.1791, Vienna), Austrian composer. Among the greatest masters of music M. allocated to the early flourishing and comprehensive dating, the unusual of life fate - from the triumphs of Wunderkind to the hard struggle for the existence and recognition in adulthood, the unparalleled courage of the artist, who preferred the unsecured life of an independent master of the humiliating service from despot-Velmazby, and Finally, a comprehensive value of creativity, covering almost all genres of music.

Game on musical instruments And the essay of M. taught his father - violinist and composer L. Mozart. From the 4th age of M. played on Clavesis, since 5-6 years began to compose (in 8-9 years old, created the first symphonies, and in 10-11 - the first works for the musical theater). In 1762, touring M. and his sisters were the pianists of Maria Anna in Austria, then in England, Switzerland. M. acted as a pianist, violinist, an organist, singer. In 1769-77, he served as a concertmester, in 1779-81 by an organist at the court of Salzburg Prince-Archbishop. Between 1769 and 1774 committed three trips to Italy; In 1770, he was elected a member of the Philharmonic Academy in Bologna (the head of the Academy of Padre Martini took the composition lessons), received the order of Spur in Rome from Pope. In Milan M. conducted by his opera "Mithridate, King Pontic". By 19 years, the composer was the author of 10 musical scenic works: the theater oratorious "Demand of the first commandment" (1st part, 1767, Salzburg), Latin Comedy "Apollo and Hyacinth" (1767, Salzburg University), German Zingspil "Bastient and Bastienna "(1768, Vienna), Italian opera-buff" Pointed Cook "(1769, Salzburg) and" Monshadia "(1775, Munich), Italian operas" Mitridat "and" Lucius Sulla "(1772, Milan), Opera-serenad (pastoral) "Askaniy in Alba" (1771, Milan), "Sleep of Szipion" (1772, Salzburg) and "Tsar Pastuh" (1775, Salzburg); 2 Cantat, many symphony, concerts, quartets, sonatas, etc. Attempts to settle in a significant music center or Paris were not crowned with success. In Paris, M. wrote music to Pantomimim Zh. Zh. Novuer "Trunk" (1778). After the opera, "Idomena, King Cretan" in Munich (1781), M. broke with the archbishop and settled in Vienna, the livelihood mined lessons and academies (concerts). The milestone in the development of the National Music Theater was ZingChpil M. "Abduction from Seraral" (1782, Vienna). In 1786, the premieres of a small musical comedy M. "Director of the Theater" and the opera "Wedding Figaro" by Comedy Bomumasche. After the Vienna "Wedding Figaro" was set in Prague, where he met the enthusiastic reception, like the next opera M. "Punished Libele, or Don Juan" (1787). From the end of 1787 M. - a chamber musician at the court of Emperor Joseph with a duty to compose dances for masquerades. how opera composer M. did not succeed in Vienna; Only once succeeded M. Write music for the Vienna Imperial Theater - the fun and elegant opera "they are all those, or a school of lovers" (otherwise "all women do", 1790). The Opera "Mercy Titus" on the ancient plot dedicated to coronation celebrations in Prague (1791) was accepted cold. Last Opera M. - "Magic Flute" (Vienna Suburban Theater, 1791) found recognition from a democratic public. Life, the need, the disease was brought to the tragic end of the life of the composer, he died without reaching 36 years old, and was buried in the general grave.

M. - Representative of the Vienna Classical School, His Creativity is a musical vertex of 18 century, the brainchild of the Epoch of Enlightenment. The rationalistic principles of classicism were connected in it with the effects of the aesthetics of sentimentalism, the movement of the "storm and onslaught". Emotions and passionality are also characteristic of M. Music, as well as excerpt, will, high organizedness. In M. M. The elegance and tenderness of the gallant style are preserved, but overcome, especially in mature works, the manners of this style. The creative thought of M. is concentrated on the in-depth expression of the mental world, on the truthful display of the diversity of real reality. With the same force in M. M.'s music, the feeling of the completeness of life, the joy of being - and the suffering of a man who experiences the oppression of an unfair social system and passionately aspiring to happiness, to joy. Sorrow often reaches the tragedy, but the clear, harmonious, life-affirming system prevails.

Opera M. - Synthesis and update of the preceding genres and forms. The primacy in opera M. gives music to the vocal start, an ensemble of votes and Simphonism. At the same time, he freely and flexibly subordinates the musical composition of the logic of dramatic action, the individual and group characteristics of the characters. In its own way, I developed M. Some techniques of musical drama K.V. Glitka (in particular, in "Idemon"). Based on the comic and partly the "serious" Italian opera M. created opera-comedy "Wedding Figaro", in which the lyrics and fun, the liveliness of action and completeness in the outfit character are connected; The idea of \u200b\u200bthis social opera is the superiority of people from the people over the aristocracy. Opera Drama ("Merry Drama") "Don Juan" combines comedy and tragedy, fantastic convention and domestic reality; The hero of the ancient legend, the Seville seducer embodies in the opera vitality, youth, freedom of feeling, but the solid principles of morality oppose the person and personality. The National Opera Fairy Tale "Magic Flute" continues the traditions of Austro-German Singchpil. Like the "abduction of Seralya", it combines musical forms with a conversational dialogue and relies on the German text (most of the other operas M. is written in Italian libretto). But it is enriched with various genres - from opera aria in the style of the opera-buff and opera-series to Choral and Fugue, from a simplicity of songs to Masonic musical symbols (plot inspired by Masonic literature). In this work M. glorified the brotherhood, love and moral resistance.

Pulling out of the Symphonic and Chamber Music developed by I. Haydn, M. improved the structure of symphonies, quintet, quartet, sonata, deepened and individualized their ideological-shaped content, introduced dramatic tensions into them, aggravated the internal contrasts and strengthened the style unity of the sonate-symphonic Cycle (later Gaidn perceived much from M.). The essential principle of Mozartovsky instrumentalism is an expressive Cantability (singer). Among the symphony M. (about 50) are the most significant three last (1788) - cheerful, combining elevated and household images Symphony Mi-Bembol Major, pathetic, filled with sorrow, tenderness and courage Symphony Salt Minor and majestic, emotional multifaceted symphony to major, which Later, the name "Jupiter" was assigned. Among the strings of quintes (7), quintes are allocated to Major and Sol Minor (1787); Among the string quartets (23) - six on "Father, mentor and a friend" I. Gaidnu (1782-1785), and three so-called Prussian quartets (1789-90). Chamber music M. includes ensembles for different compositions, including with the participation of piano and wind instruments.

M. - Creator classic form Concert for soling tools with orchestra. Saving a wide accessibility inherent inherent in this genre, concerts M. acquired a symphonic scope and a variety of individual expression. In concerts for piano with the orchestra (21), brilliant craftsmanship and inspirational, singeling manner of the composer himself, as well as his high art of improvisation, were reflected. M. wrote at one concert for 2 and for 3 piano with the orchestra, 5 (6?) Concerts for violin with the orchestra and a number of concerts for various wind instruments, including a concert symphony with 4 soling wind instruments (1788). For his speeches, and partly for students and familiar M. composed piano Sonata (19), Rondo, fantasies, variations, works for piano in 4 hands and for 2 piano, Sonata for piano and violin.

Household (entertainment) orchestral-ensemble music M. - divertisters, serenada, cassation, nocturons, and marches and dances have a large aesthetic value. The special group makes up its Masonic compositions for the orchestra ("Masonic mourning music", 1785) and the choir with the orchestra (including the "Little Masonic Cantata", 1791), related to the "magic flute". Church choirs and church sonats with the organ M. wrote mainly in Salzburg. The Vienna period includes two unfinished major works - Mass to Minor (written parts are used in Cantate "Quick David", 1785) and the famous requiem, one of the deepest creatures of M. (ordered anonymously in 1791 Count F. Valzhegg-destiner; Completed by a student M . - Composer F. K. Zyusmire).

M. was among the first who created classic samples of the chamber song in Austria. Many arias and vocal ensembles with the orchestra (almost everything in Italian), comic vocal canons, 30 songs for voting with piano, including "Violet" on the words I. V. Goethe (1785).

Genuine glory came to M. after his death. The name M. became a symbol of the highest musical gifting, creative genius, the unity of beauty and vitality. The incredit value of Mozarttsky creations and their huge role in the spiritual life of humanity emphasize the statements of musicians, writers, philosophers, scientists, starting with I. Gaidna, L. Beethoven, I. V. Goethe, E. T. A. Gofman and ending A. Einstein, G.V. Chicherin and modern masters Culture. "What depth! What courage and what kind of harmony!" - This tag and capacious characteristic belongs to A. S. Pushkin ("Mozart and Salieri"). The worship before the "light genius" expressed P. I. Tchaikovsky in a number of their musical writings, including in Orchestral Medita "Mozartiana". Motozartic societies exist in many countries. M. M., in Salzburg, created a network of Mozartov, memorial, educational, research and educational institutions led by the international agency "Mozartum" (founded in 1880).

Writing catalog M.: Ochel L. v. (As amended by A. Einstein), Chronologischthematisches verzeichnis samtlicher Tonwerke. A. Mozarts, 6. AUFL., LPZ., 1969; In other, more complete and corrected edition - 6. AUFL., HRSG. von. Giegling, A. Weinmann und G. Sievers, Wiesbaden, 1964 (7 aufl., 1965).

Op.: Briefe und Aufzeichnungen. Gesamtausgabe. Gesammelt von. A. Bauer und. E. Deutsch, AUF GRUND DEREN VORARBEITEN ERLAUTERT VON J. EIBL, BD 1-6, Kassel, 1962-71.

Lit.: Smileyzhev A. D., New Biography of Mozart, Per. with Franz., Vol. 1-3, M., 1890-92; Corganov V. D., Mozart. Biographical etude, spb, 1900; Livanova T. N., Mozart and Russian musical culture, M., 1956; Black E. S., Mozart. Life and creativity, (2 ed.), M., 1966; Chicherin G. V., Mozart, 3 ed., L., 1973; Wyzewa. DE ET Saint-Foix G. DE ,. A. Mozart, t. 1-2,., 1912; Continued: Saint-Foix G. DE ,. A. Mozart, t. 3-5,., 1937-46; Abert.,. A. Mozart, 7 AUFL., TI 1-2, LPZ., 1955-56 (Register, LPZ., 1966); Deutsch. E., Mozart. Die Dokumente Seines Lebens, Kassel, 1961; Einstein A., Mozart. Sein Charakter, Sein Werk, ./m., 1968.

B. S. Steinpress.

National Pride of Austria, the greatest mystery of the Creator, the symbol of genius - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. His life and death left more questions than answers. His story overtook legends and myths. Hundreds of books are written about him. But it is unlikely that we will ever get closer to the randering of this phenomenon. Tyne near the brilliant composer is really a lot and one of them is the so-called "Mozart effect". Scientists break their heads, trying to find the answer to the question, why exactly the music of genius so beneficially affects human health? Why, listening to his works, we calm down and start thinking better? How much patients suffering from heavy diseases, from Mozart music becomes easier? One hundred thousand why, even after hundreds of years, no one can give an intelligible answer.

Brief biography Wolfgang Amadeu Mozarta And a lot of interesting facts about the composer read on our page.

short biography

Usually, in the biography of well-known people, children's years are described by casual, mention some funny or tragic cases that influenced the formation of character. But in the case of Mozart, the story about his children's years is a story about the concert and composer activity of a full-fledged musician and a virtuoso performer, the author of instrumental writings.

He was born on January 27, 1756 in the Scripper and Teacher of Leopold Mozart. Father had a huge influence on the formation of a son as a person and a musician. All his life they associated the gentle attachment, even a well-known phrase of Wolfgang: "After the Pope - only the Lord." Wolfgang and his older sister Maria Anna, which houses called Nannerl, never visited public school, all education, including not only music, but also an account, a letter, reading, they gave them a father. He was a born teacher, his toolkit on learning a game on violin Tens of times have been published and for a long time considered the best.

Since the birth of little Wolfgang surrounded the atmosphere of creativity, musical sounds and permanent employment. Father was engaged in Nanner clavesis And the violin, 3-year-old Wolf observed them with jealousy and delight: Well, when will the dad allow him to practice? For him, it was all a game - to pick up a ringtone, consonance. So, playing, and began his music, which he was completely given.

According to the biography of Mozart for already at 4 years old, he draws a doodle on tank paper, which leads to the fury of the father, however, anger is quickly replaced by amazement - the notes have a chaotic note on paper, which are simple, but competent from the point of view of harmony play. Leopold immediately understands the highest giftedness, which the God of His Son was awarded.

In those days, the musician could count on quite good lifeIf a patron will find and get a permanent job. For example, by taking the position of the Kappelmister at the courtyard or the house of noble venomazby. Then the music was an integral part of social and secular life. And Leopold makes the decision to go with the speeches in the cities of Europe in order to save the glory of the Son in order to later he be able to best of Fate. He expected to enlist his attention to the extraordinary talent of the child.

In the first journey, Mozart (father, son and daughter) went in early 1762, when Wolfgangu was 6 years old, and his sister was 10. Miracle children everywhere met the most enthusiastic welcome, they hit the listeners with their performing skills and skills. Father sought to give them to performances as much effect possible. Maria Anna performed the most complex technically musical plays, subject to not every experienced Clavesician. Wolfgang also played at all virtuoso - his eyes tied, covered the keyboard with a handkerchief, he played from the leaf, improvised. All the forces were thrown to make a sensation and smelly to the memory of listeners. And they were really invited a lot and often. Mostly it was houses of aristocrats and even crowned persons.

But there was another one interesting moment. During all these travels from London to Naples, Wolfgang not only demonstrated to the public his generous talent - he also absorbed all cultural and musical achievementsWho could provide him with a particular city. Then Europe was scattered, the cultural foci flared in different cities - and each had their own trends, musical styles, genres, preferences. Little Wolfgang could all listen, absorb, recycle by his ingenious mind. And as a result, the synthesis of all these musical layers gave impetus to that powerful movement, which was the work of Mozart.

Salzburg and Vienna

Alas, Leopold plans were not destined to come true. Children grew up and no longer produced such a vivid impression. Wolfgang turned into a low young man, "the same as everything", and the past popularity rather interfered. Neither his membership in the Bologna Academy, which he received in 12 years, brilliantly coping with the task, nor the Order of the Golden Spur, handed over the Catholic dad himself, neither all-European fame did an easy career growth of a young composer.

For some time, he consisted of dropletaster at the Archbishop in Salzburg. A difficult relationship with this arrogant person forced Wolfgang to take place for orders from Vienna, Prague, London. He sought independence, disrespectful treatment hurt him. Frequent connectors led to the desired goal - once Archbishop Colloretedo fired Mozart, accompanied by a dismissal gesture.

Ultimately, he moved to Vienna in 1781. Here he will hold the last 10 years of life. At this period, the flourishing of his creativity will have to make a marriage at Constance Weber, here he will write the most significant works. The crowns did not immediately accepted it, and in general, after success Weddings Figaro"In 1786, the remaining premieres passed calmly.A much warmer was always taken in Prague.

At that time, Vienna was the musical capital of Europe, the inhabitants of it were spoiled by the abundance of musical events, musicians from all over the world were flown. Competition among composers was very high. But it does not correspond to reality, the confrontation between Mozart and Antonio Salieri, which we can see in the famous film "Amadeus" Milos Forman, and even earlier - Pushkin. On the contrary, they treated each other with great respect.

Also close and touching friendship he drove with Josef Gaidndevoted to him beautiful string quartets. Haydn, in turn, infinitely admired the talent and the subtle musical taste of Wolfgang, his extraordinary ability to feel and transmit feelings as a true artist.

Despite the fact that the posts at the court of Mozart never managed to achieve, his work gradually began to bring him a considerable income. He was an independent person, above all the honors and dignity of man. I did not lie in a pocket for a sharp word, and in general it was directly said everything he thinks. Such an attitude could not leave anyone indifferent, envious appeared, ill-wishers.

Disease and death

A small creative recession was occurring in 1789-90, at the beginning of the 91st quickly replaced by active work. At the end of winter, he made changes to symphony number 40.. In the spring, it was written and then in the summer of the Opera "Mercy of Titus" commissioned by the Czech yard on the day of Coronation Leopold II. In September, a joint project was completed with Emanuel Shicanheder, a comrade for the Masonic bed - Zingspil " magical flute" In July of this year, he received an order for a funeral Mass from the mysterious envoy ...

At the beginning of autumn, Wolfgang begins to complain about malaise. Gradually, they are enhanced. The last speech of Mozart dated November 18 - on the opening day of the next lodge of the secret society. After that, he was running and did not get up. Until now, scientists doctors conduct disputes about the causes of the disease, the diagnosis. Most often, the poisoning version is rejected, but they do not exclude completely. Over the past century, authentic documents no longer become, on the contrary, more and less confidence cause many approval of Constanta and other witnesses.

He treated the composer the best doctor of Vienna at that time, many of his methods are now presented as aggravated patient's condition, but then they were widely used in medicine. On the night of 4 to 5 December, he dies ...

During his lifetime, it was a silent mod, leading a somewhat more free lifestyle than he could afford. Many notes are preserved in which he addressed his friends with a request to hire money - under the next music project. But it did not have learned reasonably money. And when the question arose about the funeral, it turned out that the family had no money for it.

Fully paid the funeral of Baron Wang Sadiat, he gave an amount sufficient for the burial of the 3rd category - in a separate coffin, but in the general grave. Then it was a common practice, there was nothing strange in this. In addition to one - even the place of the burial of the greatest Son of Human has not been preserved. Then the burial monuments were set by the cemetery fence.

Interesting facts about Mozart

  • Half from the total number of symphony Mozart wrote aged 8 to 19 years.
  • In 2002, on the anniversary of September 11, the choirs have performed throughout the planet "Requiem" Mozart During the day, in order to honor the memory of the dead.
  • In the largest record of records dedicated to solitude, Philips Classic in 1991 released 180 CDs containing a complete set of authentic works of Mozart. It includes more than 200 hours of music.
  • Mozart wrote more music in his short career than many other composers who lived much longer.
  • Relations with Archbishop Salzburg ended when his secretary gave Mozart Pink in his back.
  • From the biography of Mozart, we learn that in traveling the brilliant composer spent a total of 14 out of 35 years.
  • Leopold Mozart described the birth of a son as a "miracle from God," because he seemed too small and weak to survive.
  • The term "Mozart Ear" describes the ear defect. The researchers believe that Mozart and his son, Franz, had an innate ear defect.
  • The composer had a phenomenal hearing and memory, even in childhood he could remember the work difficult in shape and harmony, and then write it without a single error.
  • In the 1950s, the French Phoniatra Alfred Tomatis conducted scientific experiments, during which he proved that listening to Mozart's music can improve the IQ of a person, he owns the term "Mozart Effect"; It was also recognized by the therapeutic effects in cerebral palsy, epilepsy, autism and many neurological diseases, this is scientifically proven.
  • The second name of Wolfgang Mozart, Ferofil, means "God beloved" in Greek.
  • The influence of Mozart on Western Music Deep. Joseph Hadon noted that "the offspring does not see such talent even after 100 years."
  • Mozart wrote his first symphony when he was only 8 years old, and opera - at 12.
  • Father forbade Wolfgangu to marry Constanta Weber, suspecting the mercenary interest of her family to the first confident steps in Vienna Mozart. But he did not obey for the first time in his life, and despite the will of the Father married in August 1782. Some scientists depict it as non-permanent, others look at her with greater sympathy. After eighteen years after the death of Wolfgang, she married again and helped his new husband to write a book about Mozart.

  • The well-known partnership of Mozart with Lorenzo da Ponte led to the creation of the Opera "Wedding Figaro" based on the play of Bomaouxche. Their collaboration is one of the most famous music in the history;
  • Once in Vienna, Little Wolfgang performed in the Palace for Empress Mary Teresia. After the speech, he played with her daughters, one of which treated him especially gently. Wolfgang began to seriously ask her hands. It was Maria Antoinette, the future Queen of France.
  • Mozart consisted of a Masonic bed, it was a secret society that unites the most progressive people of their time. Over time, Wolfgang began to move away from the ideas of brothers, mainly due to religious contradictions.

  • The last word composer Gustav Maleer (1860-1911) Before his death was "Mozart".
  • In 1801, the tagger Joseph Rothmeyer allegedly dug Mozart skull from the cemetery in Vienna. Nevertheless, even after various tests, it remains unknown, whether the skull belonged, in fact, Mozart. Currently, he is locked in the Mozartum Foundation in Salzburg, Austria;
  • Baron Van Sadiat gave on the funeral of Mozart 8 florms of 56 cruisers - this is exactly the amount once spent Wolfgang for the humorial funeral of his starvant.
  • Mozart was buried in the "fraternal grave" on the cemetery of St. Marx. "The total grave" is not the same as the grave of the beggar or the fraternal grave, but the grave for people who were not aristocracy. One of the main differences is that after 10 years, the general graves were excavated, and the graves of aristocrats - no.
  • Researchers have put forward at least 118 reasons for the death of Mozart, including rheumatic fever, flu, trichinosis, mercury poisoning, renal failure and streptococcal infection.
  • According to several biographers, Mozart was a small man with severe eyes. In childhood, Wolfgang got a piece of smallpox, which left the scars on the face. He was thin and pale with wonderful hair and loved elegant clothes.
  • According to the statements of the wife of Mozart, Constanta, at the end of the life of Mozart believed that he was poisoned, and that he composed his "Requiem" for himself.
  • It is believed that in "Requiem" he managed to write only the first 7 parts, and the rest addressed his student Franz Ksaver Zyusmayr. But there is a version in which Wolfgang could complete the "Requiem" a few years earlier. Scientists are still arguing about what parts Mozart really wrote.
  • Mozart and his wife had six children, of whom only two survived infancy. Both sons did not have families and children.
  • Mozart was becoming increasingly popular after death. In fact, as the biographer of the 20th century, Mainard Solomon notes, his music really rated posthumously.
  • The composer was born Catholic and remained all his life.
  • Mozart was tenor. During chamber concerts in the ensemble, he usually played alte. And also was left.
  • Albert Einstein's famous physicist loved music. He studied the game on the violin, but truly managed to penetrate it only after "Mozart Sonatas" fell in love.
  • Einstein believed that Mozart's music demanded technical perfection from him, and then began to practice hard.
  • Constanta, the spouse of Mozart, destroyed many of his sketches and drawings after the collapse of the composer.
  • Mozart had several pets, including a dog, starling, canary and horse.

Mozart. Letters

The time retained a lot of portraits of Mozart made by different artists, but all of them vary greatly, it is difficult to determine whether among them the closest to the original were among them. But perfectly preserved letters of the composer, which he wrote all his life, being in permanent traffic - the letters of the mother, sister, "Dajaya Dad", Kuzin, a spouse, Constanta.

Reading them, you can make a genuine psychological image of a genius, he seems to be alive appear before us. Here is a 9-year-old boy sincerely rejoices a comfortable BRICH and the fact that the cab driver is fast. So he passes the flame hello and a low bow to everyone who knows. It was the gallant century, but Mozart is able to show respect without excessive pompous, without losing dignity. Letters addressed to the native, full of sincerity and confidence, emotionality and free circulation of the syntax, because they were not written for history. This is their true value.

In mature years, Wolfgang has its own epistolary style. Obviously, the literary gift to him is not inherent to a lesser extent as musical. Owning superficially multiple languages \u200b\u200b(German, French, Italian, Latin), it is easily of them new words, with humor plays words, edit, rhymet. His idea slips easily and easily.

It should be noted that since the writing of letters, the German language has passed a big way of development from local dialects to the national language. Therefore, much contemporaries will seem not completely understandable. For example, then the problems of digestion were publicly discussed. There was nothing that knocks out. The same with grammar and spelling - Mozart followed its rules, and perhaps he did not even think about it. In one paragraph, it could write a name for some person three times - and all 3 times in different ways.

In Russia, in the Soviet times, Mozartovyed only partially quoted some of his letters - carefully edited. In 2000, the full edition of the correspondence of the Mozart family came out.

Personal quotes

  • "I write like a pig" (about how much writes).
  • "I do not pay attention to whose praise or guilt. I just follow my own feelings ";
  • "Because death, when we approached its consideration, is the true goal of our existence, I developed such close relationships over the past few years with this best and the most faithful friend of humanity that his image is not only no longer scares me, but really very soothes And comforts! And I thank my God for the fact that he kindly gave me the opportunity to know that death is the key that opens the door to our true happiness. "
  • "Whether I go to bed, I remember that it was possible (as if young I was), I would not be destined to see tomorrow. And yet no one of all who knows me will not say that I am in communication with gloom or segregated ... "(April 4, 1787).
  • "People are mistaken, considering that my art easily comes to me. I assure you, no one dedicated so much time and thinking about the composition like me. "

Creative heritage

Researchers and biographers affect the monstrous performance of Mozart. Given his employment in the service, rehearsals, concerts, tour, private lessons, he managed to write - to order and on his own denant soul. He composed of music in all the genre that existed then. Some writings, especially early, orphanage, lost. In just 36 years old, he wrote more than 600 works. Almost all of them are absolute gems of symphonic, concert, chamber, opera and choral music. Over the past 2nd centuries, interest in them is only enhanced. Many genres, he developed significantly and transformed, asking a new bar and landmarks in art.

So, for example, in his Operators "Wedding Figaro", " Don Juan"," Magic Flute "dramaturgy stepped far beyond traditional time musical performances. A stronger semantic load acquires the plot, often the composer is taking the hottest participation in the development of a libretto, gives recommendations on building a fabul. Each image of the actors receives a more detailed psychological drawing, becomes "alive" not only with the help of texts, but through expressive musical means.

Also, strong dramaturgical development receives symphony. In many of them, it is possible to see similarity with the opera principle of construction - a support for conflict, confrontation, through development. On the other hand, overture to " Wedding Figaro"So perfect in the form that it is performed separately in concerts as an orchestral product.

Simphonism as the highest type of musical thinking in the work of Mozart claims the canons of classic style. However, in general, all his creative way It was evolution from Rococo (mainly in children's writings), then through Vienna classicism to the prerequisites for early romantics. It remains only to assume whatever the music of this genius, such an emotional, enthusiastic, sincere, if he had a chance to live to the era of a romantic heyday.

Among musical works Mozart 41 Symphony, 27 piano concerts, 5 violin concerts, 27 concert arias, 23 string quartets and 22 operas.

The image of Mozart in the theater, cinema, television and other media projects

The music of the brilliant composer can be heard everywhere. According to the biography of Mozart, hundreds of artistic and documentaries, television projects and a theatrical play are removed from his work. The most significant works are considered:

  • "Little tragedies" A.S. Pushkin (short plays cycle);
  • AMADEADS (1979) Peter Schaffer's play, which was based on the script of the famous film Milos Forman
  • Amadeus - 8 Oscar Awards and many awards and nominations in the field of cinema, Tom Hals (Mozart) and F. Murray Abraham (Salieri) were starred.

Here is just an incomplete list of telecoms about Mozart:

  • t / s "Mozart in the jungle" - USA (original name);
  • t / s "Avventura Romantica" (2016), performed by Lorenzo Zingon (as a young Mozart);
  • t / s "Now I will sing" (2016), performed by Lorenzo Zinkon;
  • t / s "La FIMMA" (2016), executed Lorenzo Zingon;
  • "Stern Pope (2015)" TV episode, performed by Chris Marketta (as Mozart);
  • "Mr. Pibody and Sherman Show";
  • "Mozart" (2016), executed by Avner Perez (adult V. Mozart);
  • "Fiction" (2015);
  • "Mozart against Scrolllex (2013) television episode, performed by Nice Peter (Mozart);
  • Mozart L "Opéra Rock 3D (2011) (TV) performed by Michelangelo Locking;
  • "Mozart sister" (2010), performed by David Moro;
  • "Etida" (2010), Luka Hrgovich as Mozart;
  • "Mozart" (2008) television series;
  • "In search of Mozart" (2006);
  • "Mozart Genius" performed by Jack Tarlton ";
  • t / s "Simpsons";
  • t / c "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart" (2002);
  • "Wolfgang A. Mozart" (1991);
  • "Mozart and Salieri" (1986) television episode;
  • "Mozart is his life with music" d / f.

One day, having acquainted with this great destiny, it is no longer possible to forget about it. This is what helps to raise the soul, retreat from the ordinary and tune in to contemplation of eternity ... Mozart is the greatest gift of the creator of mankind.

Video: watch a movie about Mozart

Of all representatives of the Vienna Classical School, Mozart is the most unique. His gifts manifested itself in early childhood and developed up to an unexpected death. The Austrian composer created more than 600 works, playfully played, worked in various musical forms. His ability to play from four years old and early death became the subject of numerous disputes and hooked myths. Mozart's biography, summary The life and creativity of which is divided into sections, presented in the article.

early years

He was born on 01/27/1756 in the Scripple family and composer Leopold Mozart. His hometown was Salzburg, in which his parents considered the most beautiful married couple. Mother, Anna Maria Mozart, gave birth to seven children, who survived two - daughter Maria Anna and Wolfgang.

The ability to music manifested itself from a boy from three years. He loved to play the clasine and could pick up a conservation for a long time. Father began to study with a boy from four years, because he had a pronounced ability to memorize the heard melodies and reproduce them on Clavesis. So began the musical biography of Mozart, briefly about which it is difficult to write, is so rich in events.

By five years, Mozart could compose small plays. On paper, their father was recorded, setting the date of creation on the fields. In addition to Claus, Wolfgang learned to play the violin. The only tool that brought horror on the young musician was a pipe. He could not listen to her sound without maintaining other tools.

Not only Wolfgang in the Mozart family playfully played. His sister was no less talented. They gave the first concerts together and caused delight among the listeners. In Vienna, they were represented by Empress Mary Terezia, who listened to their concert for several hours.

With his father, they traveled in Europe, giving concerts with noble nobles. Only for a short time they returned home.


After misunderstanding with your employer, Archbishop Salzburg, Amadeus Mozart, short biography which is presented in this article, decides to change your life and go to Vienna. He arrived in the city 03/16/1781. To start a career in Vienna, the time was chosen unsuccessfully. Most aristocrats left for the summer for the city, and concerts were practically not carried out.

Mozart hoped to become a teacher of Princess Elizabeth, whose education was engaged in Joseph II. But all attempts ended in failure. Instead, Joseph II chose Salieri and Zummer. However, Wolfgang had enough student, albeit less noble. One of them was Teresa von Trattner, which he believes his beloved. The composer dedicated her sonate to Minor and fantasy to Minor.

After long expectations and obstacles, Mozart married the Weber Constance. They had six children, but only two of them survived. It is the connection with the Constance spoiled the relationship of the musician with the Father, whom he loved from birth. The biography of Mozart, briefly outlined, is impossible without the version of his death.

The last year of life

In 1791, Mozart ordered "Requiem", which he did not have to complete. Made it his student Franz Ksaver Zyusmeyer. In November, the composer became very bad, he could not walk, the help of doctors took.

They stated he had an acute projected fever. From her at the time, many veins inhabitants died. The disease was complicated by the general weakening of the body.

By December 4, the state of the composer became critical. On December 5, Mozart died. Biography (brief) composer, who left the descendants many wonderful works, ends on this.

The funeral took place on December 6, 1791 in the presence of only close friends. Then his body was taken to the cemetery for burial. Where it is, it is unknown, but allegedly at that place over time was the monument to "Crying Angel".

Legend of Mozart Poison

Many works describe the myth on the poisoning of Wolfgang with his friend and the famous composer of Salieri. Some musicians still support this version of death. However, convincing evidence does not exist. At the end of the last century, an exclusive verdict Antonio Salieri was made in the Palace of Justice (Milan) on charges of the murder of Wolfgang Mozart.

Mozart's biography: briefly about creativity

The creations of Mozart are combined with strict and clear forms with deep emotionality. His works are poetic and carry a subtle grace, while they are not devoid of masculinity, dramaticness, contrast.

He is famous for his reform approach to the opera. It is their novelty to take care of both the opera and the biography of Mozart, the short content of which begins with a three-year-old age. There are no clearly negative or well-pronounced negative or positive characters. Their characters are multifaceted. The most famous operas:

  • "Don Juan";
  • "Wedding Figaro";
  • "Magical flute".

In the symphonic music of Mozart (biography, brief, but meaningful, probably allowed you to learn a lot about this composer) distinguished himself by the presence of singers in opera arias and dramatic conflict. Symphones are considered popular at the numbers 39, 40, 41.

According to the thematic catalog of Khele, Mozart created:

  • spiritual creations - 68;
  • string quartets - 32;
  • sonatata (variations) for harpsichord and violin - 45;
  • theatrical works - 23;
  • sonatas for harpsile - 22;
  • symphony - 50;
  • concerts - 55.

Hobbies Mozart

Most of all the composer loved to stay in a merry society. He gladly visited balls, masquerades, arranged techniques. On the bala, he often danced.

Like its other peers, Wolfgang Mozart, the brief biography of which we are described, well played billiards. His house was his own table, which was a special luxury at the time. He often played with friends and his wife.

He liked the Canary and Skvorts, whom he wouldingly kept holding himself as pets. In addition, he had dogs and even horses. On the recommendation of the doctor, he made early walks on horseback every day.

The Biography of Mozart briefly told about the fate of the genius who had lived long, but who had made an invaluable contribution to the musical art of the whole world.

Mozart. Born on January 27, 1756 in Salzburg, who was then the capital of independent archbishopia, now this city is located in Austria. On the second day after birth, he was baptized in the Cathedral of St. Rupert. Record in the baptism book gives his name to Latin as Johannes ChrySostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus (Gottlieb) Mozart. In these names, the first two are the names of the saints that are not used in everyday life, and the fourth during the life of Mozart varied: LAT. Amadeus., it. Gottlieb., Amade (Amatery). Mozart himself preferred to be called Wolfgang.

Mozart's musical abilities manifested itself at a very early age when he was about three years old. His father Leopold was one of the leading European teachers who teach music, his book "Versuch Einer Grundlichen Violinschule" (essay on the basics of the game on a violin) was published in 1756, in the year of Mozart. Father trained Wolfgang basic basin, violin and organ.

In London, the juvenile Mozart was the subject of scientific research, and in Holland, where the music was strictly expelled during the posts, an exception was made for Mozart, since in his extraordinary giving the clergy sucked the finger of God.

In 1762, Mozart's father, formerly his teacher, took with his son and daughter Anna, also a wonderful performer on Clavesis, artistic journey to Munich and Vienna, and then in many other cities in Germany, Paris, London, Holland, Switzerland. Everywhere Mozart excited surprise and delight, leaving the winner of the most difficult tasks that he was offered by experts. In 1763, the first Mozart Sonatas from 1766 to 1769 was published in Paris, living in Salzburg and Vienna, Mozart studied Baha, Handel, Studella, Carissi, Durant and other great masters. At the request of Emperor Joseph II Mozart wrote in a few weeks the opera "La Finta Semplice", but members of the Italian troupe, in the hands of which this work of the 12-year-old composer got into the hands, did not want to fulfill the music of the boy, and their intrigue turned out to be so strong that his father is not Decided to insist on the execution of the opera.

1770-74 Mozart spent in Italy. In Milan, despite different intrigues, Mozart Opera "Mitridate, RE Di Ponto" (Mithridate, Tsar Pontic), put in 1771, was adopted by the public with enthusiasm. The second opera, "Lucio Sulla" (Lucius Sulla) (1772) was also given with the same success. For Salzburg, Mozart wrote "Il Sogno Di Scipione" (about the election of the new Archbishop, 1772), for Munich - Opera "La Bella Finta Giardiniera", 2 Mass, Offertorias (1774). When he passed 17 years, there are already four operas between his works, several spiritual poems, 13 symphonies, 24 sonates, not to mention the mass of smaller compositions.

In 1775-1780, despite the concerns about material security, a barren trip to Munich, Mannheim and Paris, the loss of mother, Mozart wrote, by the way, 6 sonatas, a play for harp, a big symphony in Re, nicknamed Paris, a few spiritual choirs 12 ballet rooms.

In 1779, Mozart received a court of court organist in Salzburg. On January 26, 1781, it was presented in Munich, with tremendous success, the Operaine Opera, which the author himself appreciated extremely high, putting to the level with Don Juan. The reform of lyric and dramatic art begins with "Idomena". In this Opera, there are still traces of Staretalian Opera Seria (a large number of Colutive Aria, the party of the ideomanta, written for castration), but in recitatives and especially in the choiring there is a new trend. A big step forward is noticed in the instrumentation. During his stay in Munich, Mozart wrote for Munich Chapels the Offertoria "Misericordias Domini" - one of the best samples of church music of the end of the XVIII century. With each new opera, the creative strength and novelty of the techniques of M. were all brighter and brighter. Opera "Entfuhrung Aus Dem Serail"), written on behalf of the IMP. Joseph II in 1782, was adopted with enthusiasm and soon gained a lot of distribution in Germany, where it, in the spirit of music, began to consider the first German opera. She was written during the romantic love of Mozart, who kidnapped his bride, the Constance of Weber, and secretly married her.

Despite the success of Mozart, his financial situation was not brilliant. Leaving the place of an organist in Salzburg and taking advantage of the scarce generosities of the Viennese court, Mozart, to ensure their family, should have given lessons, compose countersders, waltzes and even play for wall clocks with music, play in the evenings of the Vienna Aristocracy (hence his numerous concerts for piano) . Operas "L" OCA Del Cairo "(178D) and" Lo Sposo Deluso "(1784) remained unfinished.

In 1783-85 Six string quartets have been created, which he, in dedication to Hyidn, has been created by the fruits of long and grave labor. By the same time his oratorio "Davide Penitente" belongs.

Since 1786, the unusually prolific and tireless activities of Mozart begins, which was the main reason for the disorder of his health. An example of an incredible frequency of writing can serve as the opera "Wedding Figaro", written in 1786 at six weeks and nevertheless struck by the skill of the form, the perfection of the musical characteristics, inexhaustible inspiration. In Vienna, the success of the "Wedding Figaro" was dubious, but in Prague she was excited delight. I did not have time to do Ponte to finish the libretto "Weddings of Figaro", as he had to, at the request of Mozart, hurry from the Libretto "Don Juan", whom Mozart wrote for Prague. This great work that has a deep meaning in music art appeared for the first time in 1787 and had even greater success in Prague than "Figaro Wedding".

A much smaller success fell to the share of this opera in Vienna, in general, referring to Mozart colder than other musical centers. The title of court composer, with a content of 800 florins (1787), was a very modest reward for all the works of Mozart. Still, he was tied to Vienna, and when in 1789, visiting Berlin, received an invitation to become the head of the court chapel of Friedrich-Wilhelm II, with a content of 3 thousand talers, it did not dare to exchange vein on Berlin. After DON-Zhuan, Mozart composes the three most wonderful symphonies: No. 39 Mi-B Flat Major (KV 543), No. 40 Salt Minor (KV 550) and No. 41 to Major (KV 551), written within one and a half in 1788 ; Of these, the latter, called "Jupiter", especially famous. In 1789, Mozart dedicated to the Prussian king stringed quartet with the party of the concert cello (re major).

After the death of Joseph II (1790), the financial situation of Mozart turned out to be so hopeless that he had to leave Vienna from the persecution of creditors and the artistic journey at least fix his affairs. The latest Operators of Mozart were "COSI Fan Tutte" (1790), the wonderful music of which harms a weak libretto, "Titz Mercy" (1791), which encloses wonderful pages, despite the fact that he was written in 18 days, for the coronation of Emperor Leopold II Finally, the "magic flute" (1791), having success a colossal, extremely rapidly spread. This opera, in the old editions, modestly called the operetta, together with the "abduction of Seraral" served as the basis for the independent development of the National German Opera. In the extensive and diverse activities of the Mozart Opera takes the most prominent place. Mystic in kind, he worked a lot for the church, but he left the great samples in this area: except for "Misericordias Domini" - "Ave Verum Corpus" (KV618), (1791) and the majestic-burning Requiem (KV 626), over which Mozart in the last days of life worked tirelessly, with special love. The assistant of Mozart in the composition of Requiem was his student of his Zyussmeyer, and had previously taken some participation in the work of the Opera "Mercy of Tita". Mozart died on December 5, 1791. From the disease caused by a renal infection (although there are still disputes to death, including the version of poisoning by another Austrian composer - Antonio Salieri). He was buried in Vienna, in the cemetery of St. Mark in the unknown grave, so the burial place itself was not preserved to this day.