
Characters from Harry Potter: Descriptions, pictures and interesting moments from their lives. Harry Potter (biography) Dumbledore is Ron Weasley from the future

In the tale of Bard Beadl, Death tricked the lives of the wizard brothers, asking them to choose one gift at a time. The elder asked for a powerful wand, the middle one for the resurrection stone, and the younger asked for the Invisibility Cloak. Thus, the gifts of death were born.

Fans believe that Voldemort, Severus Snape and Harry Potter are the embodiment of the three brothers, and Dumbledore is Death. It all fits together: The Dark Lord was selfish and greedy for power. Having obtained an elderberry wand, he lost his life. Snape grieved for Lily Potter and dreamed of reuniting with her. Harry had an invisibility cloak, which helped him out more than once.

What does Dumbledore have to do with it? And despite the fact that the director of Hogwarts was the owner of all the deathly gifts. Moreover, it was he who gave them to the wizards. Some will argue that the Dark Lord stole the elder wand from Dumbledore. This is not entirely true. Do you think that the greatest director of Hogwarts would have allowed Voldemort to take possession of a powerful artifact?

Also, all three died due to Dumbledore's fault. The Dark Lord was killed by Harry, but he would not have succeeded without a teacher. Snape sacrificed his life by trusting the professor. And Potter accepted death consciously, having met Death as an old friend.

The theory is slightly spoiled by the fact that Harry Potter received both the Invisibility Cloak and the Resurrection Stone. But who are we to destroy such a beautiful metaphor for the tale of Death. Moreover, this is one of loved ones J.K. Rowling's theories.

2. Professor McGonagall - Death Eater

This is definitely a crazy theory. It's hard to believe that the strict but fair McGonagall is a Death Eater. Nevertheless, the user miss DW considers the professor a traitor and treats her with distrust.

To begin with, McGonagall was rude about Muggles in Philosopher's Stone. She called them "not entirely stupid." Quite a sharp remark for a wise old sorceress. We know that the professor is teaching the ideal art for a double agent - Transfiguration. This craft is based on changing matter and hiding one's own self.

The most interesting thing is that the professor is not very concerned about the safety of Harry Potter. Sending a child to the Forbidden Forest inhabited by terrible creatures is a very radical punishment.

But most of all questions are caused by details that lie in completely unremarkable things. Think back to the troll scene in the Philosopher's Stone. Snape and Quirrell appeared in the closet, which makes sense, as well as McGonagall. How did she know where to look for Harry? Take a look at the joint photo of all members of the Order of the Phoenix. Someone is missing on it. But McGonagall was close to Dumbledore, by at least after the war with Voldemort.

Many books and films can be found small partsconfirming this theory, but we will not pay attention to them. Yet Minerva McGonagall does not look like a vicious Death Eater. Moreover, in the battle for Hogwarts, she did not hesitate to fight with all the minions of the Dark Lord.

3. Harry Potter made it all up

The saddest and creepiest theory worthy of a separate Martin Scorsese movie. Her supporters are sure that Harry Potter never left the dark closet under the stairs, did not receive a letter from Hogwarts and did not fight Voldemort. Some fans believe that he just fell asleep and did not wake up, remaining in the wizarding world forever.

J.K. Rowling herself knows about Harry's theory of madness. In an interview, the writer admitted that the wizard is in many ways like her. They had an equally unhappy past. It can be assumed that the world of magic and wizardry is a rethinking of J.K. Rowling's childhood. This is probably why she did not deny the idea.

4. Harry Potter became immortal

One of the pillars of the conflict between Harry and Voldemort is prophecy. It reads: "One of them must perish at the hands of the other, for no one can live peacefully while the other is alive." In Rowling's interpretation, Harry must kill the Dark Lord or die by his hand. But the words of the prophecy can be understood in another way: the one who remains will never die, because there will be no person capable of killing him.

Voldemort confirms this theory with an endless search for immortality. If you remember, he divided his soul into several parts. This allowed him to stay alive when his physical body was destroyed. Perhaps Harry will live forever, watching his family and friends one by one.

5. Dumbledore is Ron Weasley from the future

Is this redhead guy with a stupid hairstyle a Hogwarts teacher? Hard to believe, but there are some similarities between the two heroes. They are both red-haired, adore chocolate frogs, and Dumbledore confessed his love for Bertie Botts candy, although in his youth they were not yet. In addition, the professor's dream of knitted socks as a gift is very similar to Ron's attempt to apologize to his mother for being so dismissive of her handmade gifts.

But how could this happen? Very simple. In the world of Harry Potter, they are not considered to be anything unusual. Remember the flywheel of time from "The Prisoner of Azkaban".

Fans believe that there is a parallel timeline in which Voldemort defeated, killed Harry and Dumbledore and made hell for humanity.

In a parallel universe, there are separate cells of resistance, in one of which Ron is. Presumably, he found an unusual flywheel of time and traveled back in time to become Dumbledore.

If you think a little, there will be many questions for the director of Hogwarts. He was certainly a shrewd man, but throughout history it seems that Albus knows everything in advance. It is unlikely that Dumbledore could have sent Harry to certain death to the Basilisk if he was not sure about the boy.

Another good idea for a film adaptation. Relying on this theory, you can look at all the actions of the director from the other side. That's just J.K. Rowling refuted it in 2005, which is a pity.

6. The Dursleys didn't like Harry because of the Horcrux

The Dursleys are definitely unpleasant people. But what if there is another explanation for their disgusting behavior? It is known that one of the Horcruxes was in Harry. We all know how this artifact affects others. Ron almost went mad because of him, and the Weasley was a wizard. It is unknown how the artifact affects ordinary people.

It turns out that the Dursleys lived next to the Horcrux for 11 years. No wonder they treated Harry so badly. This theory does not exclude the fact that the Dursleys disliked the Potters, but even the most heartless adoptive parents could not have mocked a child like that. Perhaps the action of the artifact fueled their dislike for the family of wizards and aroused real hatred.

7. Wizards lost the war with humans

J.K. Rowling described in detail modern world magic and magic. Sometimes she turned to his historical past, but we never learned about many events. For example, why wizards hide from Muggles. The fans had to find the answer themselves. Reddit user Celeritas365 has come to the conclusion that the wizards fought the Muggles and lost.

The Ministry of Magic is more like a department than a full-fledged government. Remember how the Minister of Magic in the "Goblet of Fire" said that he had to inform the Prime Minister of England about the dragon. Although the wizards never let ordinary people know about their affairs and secrets.

Dumbledore did not like the Ministry quite rightly, because it is thoroughly imbued with the spirit of bureaucracy.

Ministers keep silent about high-profile cases, deny negative consequences and hide behind the law, like ordinary officials. The ministry building also raises some questions: why are there so many elements from the Muggle world in its architecture? Why would wizards need elevators at all when they have a teleporter?

The answer is simple. Long ago, there was a conflict between wizards and Muggles, in which the latter emerged victorious. In this case, the desire of Voldemort to destroy the human race seems quite justified. The Dark Lord hated people because he knew the truth and wanted to save pureblood wizards from slavery.

On the one hand, it takes place in the same reality - with wizards and their miracles, on the other - the plot has moved to a new continent, at another time, and in the film there is not a single familiar hero. And we have not even seen such creatures. The only thing we know is that Newt Scamander wrote a book about fantastic animals, according to which Harry and his friends studied at school.

Everything is new, but there are subtle connections between the new film and the old story that promise to spill over into a new mythology. The closest analogue that comes to mind is the second and first trilogy " Star Wars».

And be careful - here the spoiler is on the spoiler and the spoiler drives.


Warner Bros. Queenie Goldstein says Ilvermorny is the best school of wizardry in the world. Salamander objected that in fact the best - Hogwarts... But he was so delicate that he did not insist, and the name of the British school of wizardry sounded only in passing.


Warner Bros. At Hogwarts, Newt Scamander studied at the Hufflepuff faculty. We understand this when he opens his suitcase at customs, and there is a neatly folded Hufflepuff scarf in yellow and black colors. Diligence, perseverance, loyalty and honesty are considered the distinctive features of the students of this faculty.

Albus Dumbledore

Dumbledore and Grindelwald in Warner Bros. Youth Only in one phase did the name of Albus Dumbledore sounded, when Graves wondered at Newt, "What did Albus Dumbledore find in you?" And much later, at the very end, when Graves takes on his true guise of Gellert Grindelwald, we understand that he and Albus were well acquainted.

Gellert Grindelwald

Warner Bros. Gellert Grindelwald and Albus Dumbledore have been good friends for a while. They even looked for the Deathly Hallows together, but the future director of Hogwarts gave up this idea in time. And we know from the book “ Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"That in 1945, after 19 years, a duel will take place between them, as a result of which the dark magician will be defeated, go to prison, where Voldemort will finish him off, and Dumbledore will get an elder wand - one of the Deathly Hallows.

Lita Lestrange

Bellatrix Lestrange Warner Bros. Lita is a mysterious girl with whom Newt studied at Hogwarts and to whom he was clearly not indifferent. So far, it is only known that the magozoologist was expelled through her fault. But it is important that her surname is rather sinister, in the "Potterian" she belonged to the villainess Bellatrix Lestrange - from her husband Rudolphus Lestrange. Voldemort considered them his most loyal allies. In general, so-so little family. But in those years, no one had a clue about their "devouring" future.


Warner Bros. These charms did not appear in the Potter films, but Rowling described them in the book “ Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire". Hagrid showed these animals to his students in class, and then some pranksters used them to annoy Dolores Umbridge.

Deathly Hallows

Warner Bros. Graves in the first film gave Credence a chain with the symbols we know well: a triangle, a circle and a straight line. This is a sign of the Deathly Hallows that Harry collected in the last episodes of his story: the invisibility cloak, the resurrection stone and the elder wand.

1926 year

Tom Riddle is 11 years old Warner Bros. And this is perhaps the most interesting: the action of the first film about “ Fantastic beasts"Takes place in 1926. This is the year of birth of Tom Riddle, better known to us as Voldemort. What does this non-coincidence coincidence mean, we will find out in the sequels.

Marauders' Map

Still from "Harry Potter" Warner Bros. By the way, Newt Scamander visited Hogwarts when Harry studied there. On the Marauder's Map in the movie " Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban»Attentive viewers noticed the name of Newt, who was walking into Dumbledore's office - apparently, he had arrived on a visit to an old friend.


Warner Bros. The apple flying in front of the boy, which eats itself, hints at the scene when Harry used the invisibility cloak to enter Hogsmeade and walked around with the same candy.

  • Parents: Animagus James Potter and Muggleborn Sorceress Lily Potter (Evans).
  • Body type: thin, short.
  • Special signs: Wears round glasses a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead, a scar on his left hand in the form of the words “I mustn’t tell lies”, received after Dolores Umbridge's illegal punishments ( Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix), an oval-shaped chest scar from a Horcrux medallion ( Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows), a scar on his arm from the bite of the snake Nagini in the house of the sorceress Bathilda Bagshot ( Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows).
  • Eyes: bright green, almond-shaped, like his mother's Lily Potter (Evans).
  • Unusual abilities: wizard; snaketongue (before the destruction of the Horcrux that existed in Harry), one of the best catchers at Hogwarts, also the youngest catcher in 100 years. Apparently, he got his talent from his father.
  • Faculty: Gryffindor (Sorting hat offered to go to Slytherin)
  • Patronus: deer
  • Quidditch: Seeker, Team Captain from 6th year (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince). In the fourth year, trainings and matches were canceled due to the Tournament of Three Wizards, in the fifth year he practically did not participate in school competitions due to the ban of Dolores Umbridge.
  • A family: James Potter (father), Lily Potter (mother), Sirius Black (godfather), Petunia (aunt), Vernon (uncle), Dudley (cousin), Ginny Weasley (wife), James Potter Jr. (son), Albus Severus Potter (son), Lily Potter Jr. (daughter).
  • Wand: 11 inches, holly and phoenix feather. Broken by Hermione Granger in part 7 ( Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows). From the seventh part, he is also the owner of the Elder Wand, with the help of which he repaired his first wand, as well as the wands of Draco Malfoy, taken from him at the Malfoy estate.
  • Love: Ginny Weasley, from the fourth to the middle of the fifth year, liked Zhou Chang (Ravenclaw Team Seeker).
  • Brooms: 1) Toy broom, given by Sirius Black on his first birthday, 2) Nimbus 2000, given by Minerva McGonagall, 3) Lightning, given by Sirius Black, 4) Small "Lightning" figurine, given by Nymphadora Tonks for Christmas (Harry Potter and Order of the Phoenix).
  • Children: elder - James Sirius Potter (named after Harry's father, James Potter and the godfather Sirius Black), middle - Albus Severus Potter (named after two directors of the Hogwarts school: Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape), the youngest - Lily Luna Potter (in honor of Harry's mother Lily (Evans) Potter and a friend of the Luna Lovegood family).
  • Unusual abilities and qualities

    Magic protection

    Harry Potter was protected by powerful magic, thanks to his mother, who managed to cast an ancient spell of protection during the attack of the Dark Lord. His mom sacrificed her life to save Harry, and this protection was passed on to her closest relative, her sister. Ancient magic ceased to work only in two cases: when he came of age (for wizards, this is 17 years old), or if he left his aunt's house forever. In the seventh part of the book, he leaves the house on Privet Drive for good, a few days before his majority.


    Harry Potter was Voldemort's unplanned Horcrux. He became him at the time of Voldemort's murder of his mother in Godric's Hollow (Harry himself was then 3 months more than one year old). This led to several consequences:

    • Harry Potter repeatedly entered the consciousness of Voldemort and, in one case, his snake Nagini, which is also a Horcrux. With the exception of recent cases, this happened against his will, usually in a dream, when Voldemort himself experienced strong emotions.
    • Voldemort, in turn, could also enter Harry's mind. He did this at the end of Book 5 to lure Potter into the Department of Mysteries in the Ministry of Magic, resulting in the death of Sirius Black in a fight from behind Belatrissa Lestrange.
    • Voldemort could not die until Harry Potter was rendered harmless as a Horcrux. In this respect, Harry Potter was no different from other Voldemort Horcruxes.
    • Harry Potter was a wyrmtongue before he stopped being a Horcrux.
    • One of the many attacks Voldemort made in the Forbidden Forest, during the Battle of Hogwarts. This led to the fact that part of the soul of the Dark Lord left Harry, and he ceased to be a Horcrux.

    Other abilities and qualities

    Harry Potter possesses great powers in the area of \u200b\u200bDefense Against the Dark Arts. Already in his third year, he learned to summon a Patronus.

    Harry Potter was a brilliant Quidditch player. Already in his first year, he played for his faculty as a catcher, becoming the youngest catcher in the last 100 years. In total, he caught the Snitch and brought victory to his team in 7 out of 9 games (see the Quidditch article for more details). His ability to fly on a broomstick was useful not only in Quidditch: in the first book, Harry caught the bird-key, in the fourth he defeated the dragon in the Tournament of Three Wizards, in the seventh he saved Draco Malfoy from Hellfire.

    Harry Potter knew the snake tongue or Parseltongue (eng. Parseltongue). This ability, which the boy had not previously suspected, manifested itself in him even before studying at Hogwarts, in the terrarium (although he himself did not understand that he was hissing, and did not speak), when the Dursleys, seeing no other way out, were forced to take him to the trip to the zoo they took on their birthday cousin Harry - Dudley Dursley.


    Harry grew up in a difficult emotional environment, but this did not affect his character badly. In addition to kindness and courage, Harry is endowed with qualities such as mercy, compassion and the ability to self-sacrifice. Harry is a good friend and companion, does not like to lie, always tries to help those who need help. Along with this, Harry knows how to stand up for himself, which is explained by the strength of character. Harry is often plagued by controversy over the fact that he was Voldemort's Horcrux, but his bright side always prevailed. Along with the loss of his godfather, Harry gains some grim determination. The disadvantages of Harry include some secrecy and isolation, he often believes that he can only act alone.

    Character in the books

    Philosopher's Stone

    The parents of Harry Potter, who is a descendant of the Peverell brothers, are wizards - the Aurors Lily (Evans) Potter and James Potter. James Potter's best friend and classmate, the animagus Sirius Black, became Harry's godfather.

    Before Harry was born in 1980, the seer Sibyl Trelawney prophesied in an interview with the head of Hogwarts Dumbledore that a boy would be born at the end of July, whose parents three times challenged the former Hogwarts student Voldemort, who had entered the path of evil, and who either could defeat the Dark Lord, or die at his hands. Under the terms of the prophecy, Harry Potter and the son of the Aurors Frank and Alice Neville Longbottom, who was born a day earlier, were suitable. Lord Voldemort, having learned about the prophecy from his supporter Severus Snape, decided to destroy the child by choosing Harry. Lily and James Potter used a spell of trust, making Sirius Black the Keeper of the Secret, but at the last moment, Black managed to persuade the couple to pass on the secret of Lily, James and Harry's hiding place to another Animagus, Peter Pettigrew, who betrayed them.

    The following year, on the evening of October 31, the Dark Lord, upon learning of Harry's location, appeared in Godric's Hollow and attacked the family. James tried to protect the family, but died from the spell of Avada Kedavra. At Severus Snape's request, the Dark Lord was about to spare Lily, but she stood in his way, protecting the child. Then he killed her too. When Voldemort tried to kill Harry, Lily's Ancient Protection Spell deflected the spell, leaving only a scar on Harry's forehead and hitting Voldemort.This neutralized him for many years, and as a result formed the last Horcrux that Harry became. received a lightning scar on his forehead. This was the first attempt to kill Harry Potter. The child was taken from the scene of the tragedy by Rubeus Hagrid and left him on the doorstep of the house of relatives - the Dursley family.

    For the first 10 years of his life, Harry lived unaware of the existence of magic. The Dursleys kept him in subjection and oppression, hoping in this way to neutralize the powers of magic, which they considered abnormal. However, despite this, Harry sometimes displayed magical abilities, for which he was punished each time.

    On his eleventh birthday, letters from Hogwarts began to arrive, but the Dursleys destroyed them, preventing Harry from reading them. Because of this, letters came again. It ended with the fact that the Dursleys and Harry, who tried to hide from the letters in a hut on an island in the middle of the sea, were visited by a half-man - half-giant Hagrid, who told the boy everything about his past and about the world of wizards. Together with him, Harry visited Diagon Alley to buy everything he needed for the school, and at the same time he met Ollivander, the master of chopsticks. In addition to shopping, in Diagon Alley, Hagrid and Harry visited a Gringotts branch, and Harry was surprised to learn that he was rich. There, Hagrid took the Philosopher's Stone created by Nicholas Flamel. A month later, Harry boarded the Hogwarts Express and arrived at Hogwarts.

    On the train to Hogwarts, Harry Potter met Ron, Fred and George Weasley and Hermione Granger. The Death Eater Lucius Malfoy's son Draco Malfoy also offered him friendship (they had met before in Madame Malkin's shop in Diagon Alley), but Harry did not like his advice not to be friends with Ron and his contempt for Hagrid. Harry and Draco had a falling out and since then Draco has become his enemy.

    Before Ron said that all evil sorcerers and wizards go to Slytherin, the Sorting Hat suggested that Harry go to Slytherin, but he refused. Then she sent him to Gryffindor, where Ron and Hermione also got.

    In their freshman year, Harry and Ron became friends with Hermione Granger. Potions professor Severus Snape came to hate Harry due to a difficult relationship with his father James, with whom he previously attended a school of witchcraft. In his freshman year, Harry did not know the reasons for this hatred.

    Harry showed an outstanding talent for flying on a broomstick. He was recruited into the Gryffindor Quidditch team as a Seeker, becoming the youngest Seeker in 100 years. In the future, Harry turned out to be an excellent player (see the Quidditch article for more details).

    During the first of the games, the broomstick began to throw off Harry as a result of the sorcery of the weak and naive Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor Quirrell, who served Voldemort. Snape protected Harry with his magic. Thanks to Hermione, who set Snape's mantle on fire and because of the strong haste to do it, she accidentally knocked Quirrell off his feet, the curse ceased to work and the broom stopped throwing Potter. So the second attempt to kill Harry ended in failure.

    The third such attempt occurred after Harry, with the support of friends, made his way into the room where the philosopher's stone was. It turned out that Quirrell, who was possessed by Voldemort, wants to steal him. The purpose of the theft is the revival of Voldemort. Harry managed to prevent Quirrell from stealing the stone and, thanks to magical protection, hold out in the battle against Quirrell until the arrival of Albus Dumbledore, who saved Harry. With the help of the Einalezh mirror, Harry obtained the Philosopher's Stone, which was then destroyed. Quirrell died, and Voldemort was unable to revive. So the third attempt to kill Harry Potter failed.

    During the outbreak of the battle for Hogwarts, during which Remus Lupine dies, Harry reached the Shrieking Hut, where Voldemort, who had taken possession of the Elder Wand by that time, with a snake, was located. There he was present at the death of Severus Snape, whom the Dark Lord mistakenly recognized as the master of the Elder Wand. The professor, dying, managed to convey his memories to Harry. From the memory, Harry learned that another Horcrux is himself, and Snape, being a supporter of the Dark Lord in his youth, went over to Dumbledore's side because of his love for Lily Potter. Harry decided, having passed the duty to kill the snake to Neville, to come to Voldemort to be killed.

    Harry went to the Forbidden Forest, where with the help of the Resurrection Stone found in the Snitch, he met with his parents and friends Lupine and Black. Then he came to Voldemort, and he attacked him with the Avad Kedavra spell. When he woke up in a place that seemed to him similar to the train station "King's Cross", Harry met with Dumbledore. After talking with him, he realized that by sacrificing himself, he did the right thing, and part of Voldemort's soul, which was imprisoned in him as in a bastard, was destroyed. Potter was able to come back to life, but he had to pretend to be dead. His body was taken to Hogwarts, after which, by the will of circumstances (during which Neville killed Nagini, who was the last Horcrux), Harry met Voldemort one on one in the Great Hall. After a short dialogue, Harry and Voldemort simultaneously fired spells at each other: Voldemort with the Avada Kedavra spell, and Harry Potter with the Expelliarmus spell. Thanks to the Elder Wand, which is at Voldemort, but who considered Harry to be its master, both spells fired at the first. Thus, Voldemort was defeated.

    Further destiny

    After defeating Voldemort, Harry married Ginny Weasley. They had three children: James Sirius (eldest; named after Harry's father - James Potter and Harry's godfather - Sirius Black), Albus Severus (middle; named after the two directors of Hogwarts - Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape) and Lily Polumna ( younger; named after Harry's mother, Lily Potter and Luna Lovegood). According to the prediction of Sibyl Trelawney in the book "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix", Harry will live to old age and become the Minister of Magic and the father of twelve children. Harry is the godfather of Teddy Lupine (the son of Remus Lupine and Nymphadora Tonks, who died in the Deathly Hallows), with whom he has an excellent relationship: Teddy has practically become a member of the Potter family. He headed the Office of the Aurors. Harry also got the portrait of Professor Snape to be hung in the director's office….


    In many ways, Harry's image is collective. Rowling's appearance was partly borrowed from his old friend Ian Potter, with whom she played wizards at the age of 2-7 when she lived in Winterbourne. Like Harry, Ian wore round glasses as a child. According to the press, it was from him that Joan took the surname Potter, which she really liked, because for some reason she did not like her own - Rowling. After the book was published, Ian Ruby's mother, who during their childhood was close friends with JK Rowling's mother, wrote Joan congratulations on her creative success. IN reply letter Joan thanked Ruby while reassuring her that Ian wasn't Harry's prototype at all. Although Rowling herself does not deny the fact that Harry got his last name from Ian Potter, Sean Smith, who wrote a biography of the writer in 2002, suggests that Joan's last name could have been taken from the writer Dennis Potter, who lives in Dean Forest, where the Rowling family moved. in 1974

    Interesting facts about the Harry Potter movies that you might not know:

    24. The actress who played Crybaby Myrtle in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets was 37 years old at the time of filming. She was the oldest actress to ever play Hogwarts students.

    23. Ron Weasley in the original idea of \u200b\u200bRowling often used profanity, but later the writer felt that this would be unacceptable for young readers.

    22. Rowling's publisher suggested that she use her initials instead of her full name in order to attract the attention of a male audience. The writer chose J.K., borrowing the letter K from her grandmother, Kathleen. Thus, neither "K" nor "Kathleen" is in any way connected with the official name of the writer.

    21. Only Alan Rickman (the actor who played Severus Snape) knew about the further fate of his character before the last book was written. Rowling personally shared this secret with him.

    20. According to Rowling, the name for Harry's school comes from a plant that the writer saw in Kew Gardens in New York.

    19. Rupert Grint came to the audition dressed as a drama teacher and rapped about his character. The first lines of his text began like this: “Hi, my name is Rupert Grint and I hope you don’t think I stink.”

    18. Contrary to popular belief, the letter "t" at the end of the word "Voldemort" is not pronounced. This name comes from the French word meaning flight of death.

    17. Rowling created the image of 11-year-old Hermione, starting from herself at the same age. Even Hermione's Patronus is an otter, Rowling's favorite animal.

    16. During the filming of the movie "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", among the children there was an outbreak of head lice

    15. Tom Felton originally auditioned for the roles of Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, but was eventually cast as Draco Malfoy

    14. The idea of \u200b\u200bSirius Black's tattoos was based on those tattoos used in Russian prisons. Usually they serve to ensure that others respect and fear this person.

    13. A mini-hairdryer and a small fruit bat got stuck in the beard of Robbie Coltrane (the actor who played Hagrid) during filming.

    12. The Dementors, the deadly phantoms guarding Azkaban, were the epitome of the depression Rowling struggled with for a while.

    11. Since 2008, 400 million Harry Potter books have been sold worldwide, which have been translated into 67 languages.

    10. Perhaps the most impressive fact is that J.K. Rowling became the world's first writer to make billions from her writing.

    9. During the filming of the kissing scene between Harry and Hermione, Rupert Grint had to be kicked out of the set because he laughed too much

    8. During the filming of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Tom Felton's pockets had to be sewn up as he constantly tried to smuggle food to the set

    7. One of the flying cars that participated in the filming of the movie "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" was stolen. Seven months later, she was found thanks to an anonymous phone call to the police.

    6. McGonagall's name was engraved on one of the Quidditch trophies in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. It is very likely that the professor was an excellent player in her day, which would explain her interest in the sport.

    5. Since many people had problems in pronouncing Hermione's name, Rowling voiced him in the film "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" with the direct participation of Victor Krum.

    4. It took forty copies of the infamous Salazar Slytherin medallion for Harry and Ron to finally be able to destroy it, according to the plot

    3. When the book "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" was released in the UK, the publisher asked not to sell it until the beginning of the holidays, so that schoolchildren would not skip classes

    2. In order for the actors to better understand their characters, director Alfonso Cuarón got all three main characters to write an essay about their character. In the best tradition, Emma Watson wrote a 16-page essay, Daniel Radcliffe got off with a small piece of paper, and Rupert Grint did not do it at all.

    1. The least successful Harry Potter film made $ 90 million more in revenue than the most successful Twilight film.

      The Harry Potter series was written by English writer J.K. Rowling from 1997 to 2007. This list contains all the main characters in the series of novels (to a significant extent influencing the plot of the works), as well as characters ... ... Wikipedia

      This article is about the series literary works... For the character see Harry Potter; for the film series, see Harry Potter (film series). Harry Potter Harry Potter ... Wikipedia

      List of characters in the book series by Dmitry Yemets "Tanya Grotter". Tanya Grotter Bab Yagun Ivan Valyalkin Grobynya Sklepova Aunt Nasturtium One of Gury Pupper's two aunts, aunt hates Tanya Grotter because Gury almost died due to alleged fault ... Wikipedia

      This article or section needs revision. Please improve the article according to the rules for writing articles ... Wikipedia

      This term has other meanings, see Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (disambiguation). The storyline description in the article or section is too long or detailed in comparison with the rest of the article text. Please ... Wikipedia

      This article is about a series of literary works. For the character, see Harry Potter. Harry Potter Harry Potter A collection of seven Harry Potter books on ... Wikipedia

      This article is about literary character... For the book series, see Harry Potter Series. There are articles on Wikipedia about other people with this last name, see Potter. Character of the world of Harry Potter ... Wikipedia

      This term has other meanings, see Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (disambiguation). Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets ... Wikipedia

      This term has other meanings, see Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (disambiguation). Soundtracks to the movie "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban Motion Picture Soundtrack ... Wikipedia

      This term has other meanings, see Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (meanings). Harry Potter and the Philosopher s Stone Original Motion Picture Soundtrack ... Wikipedia