For home

Remote lighting control: the comfort and functionality of intelligent systems. Remote lighting control

Each of us dreams that his home would be convenient and comfortable. And here modern technologies come to our aid, which becomes more and more every year. They allow you to automate some home processes, including those related to lighting.
  One of the latest developments in this spirit is a radio switch for light.

This is a modern device, which is one of the elements of the "smart home" technology. With it, you can automate the work of lighting in the house, since such a radio switch is equipped with a remote control. Our article will tell you what you need to know about this device and what benefits it will bring to your home.

Device Details

Device structure

In equipping your home with modern technologies, automation of the process of turning on the light in the room is not the last.
  The radio switch with the control panel has a simple structure. It consists of two blocks:

  • remote controller;
  • power unit, which includes a radio deceptor and radio relay.

Radio light switches can work not only from the remote control, but also from other types of devices.   For example, you can connect a wall-mounted wireless switch or a motion sensor to it, which will further give your home comfort and practicality.
  As you can see, the structure diagram of the power block is not complicated. Moreover, in order to simplify the search for the remote control in the open spaces of an apartment or house, the switch itself has a special search button, as well as a button for control. With its help, the device can be operated as a standard switch.
  The circuit breaker operation is based on receiving a signal from the control panel. An information package consisting of a code and a command is supplied to the switch device from the remote control. On it, the switch recognizes the purpose of the command and executes it.
  Note! For reliable transmission, an information packet is transmitted several times.
  It should be noted that the console itself has its own address. Therefore, the switch will operate only from the stored remote control.
As you can see, with its simple device, this device will be an excellent addition to the lighting system of your home.

Device purpose

The radio switch for the light, whose work is controlled by the remote control, can perform the following functions in the house:

  • turn on and off the lighting;
  • adjust the brightness level of the light coming from the fixtures;

Note! In order to gain control over the brightness level of lighting devices, the switch must have a dimmer.

  • memorization of the light level using special settings. This function is available only in modern complex devices. Thanks to it, the device saves the settings after turning off the network and subsequently can play them.

By connecting a similar switch, you get the following advantages:

Also, all devices of this kind have a universal modern design, so they are applicable in rooms made in a wide variety of styles.
  Another important point of using radio switches in your home is that a person with disabilities can handle them. As a result, the installation of such a device will allow such people to feel much more comfortable in the house.

Variety available

At the moment, the radio light switches controlled by the remote control can be of the most diverse shapes and sizes, and also work with a different number of control channels.
  By their nature, remote lighting can be of two types:

  • wired;
  • wireless.

In addition, depending on the type of signal received, radio switches are:

Such products can be used both in the house and on the street. Accordingly, they are of the following types:

  • street;
  • domestic.

Also, these devices can vary in the number of keys. They are:

  • single-key;
  • two-key;
  • three keys.

Separately, it is worth noting that the external design of detailed switches can be very diverse. Most often you can find such options for their execution:

  • white;
  • the black;
  • pink;
  • gold;
  • silver;
  • ivory.

With such a variety, a suitable model should be carefully selected in appearance so that it can ideally fit into the interior of the room.


Like any electric device, radio switches differ in technical characteristics. The prevailing majority of devices are characterized by the following technical parameters:

  • the power consumed by the device is not more than 10 mW;
  • the range of the radio signal is in a fairly wide range and, depending on the model, varies from 30 to 500 m;
  • the product’s operating frequency is often 433 MHz. In rare cases, this figure is 868 MHz;
  • the parameter of switched power varies from 200 W to 5 kW.

Note! When choosing a device, the most important parameter is the switching power. You need to know that the power of the lamp working with this radio switch should not exceed its maximum permissible switched power.

Specifications are always indicated on the packaging.

Depending on the power ratio, using the radio switch on the controller’s remote control, you can control the light coming from individual lighting devices as well as general lighting for entire complexes. But the division of an apartment or house into separate food groups is considered more rational.

Instrument Features

Circuit breaker installation

When you install a radio type switch that works from a remote control, you get many advantages, which were discussed a little above. All of them are based on the features of such devices, which include the following points:

  • during the installation of this kind of switch there is no need to use additional wiring;
  • there is the possibility of combining home lighting control devices in a single system;
  • the installation of such equipment is quick and easy. Any person, more or less significant with the work and structure of electrical appliances, can cope with it;
  • the installed switch can be easily dismantled as well as the existing light control system in the house can be upgraded.

It is worth noting separately that due to the simple device and design features, such products significantly increase the fire and electrical safety of the rooms in which they were installed.

A bit about the flaws

With such a huge number of advantages, the installation of radio switches on the remote control has its drawbacks. These include:

  • like all modern innovative technologies, such devices have a fairly high cost;
  • limited indoor operation;
  • effects on communication lines that are located in close proximity to metal structures.

As you can see, the list of shortcomings is not very large, but you should know and remember them when installing a radio switch in your home. Otherwise, you will not be able to level out some aspects.

How to install

Instead of a switch

When installing this type of circuit breaker, you first need to focus on installing the power unit. Its installation is possible in two ways:

Installing a radio switch in the general circuit involves the following manipulations:

Device connection

  • first of all, you need to make sure that the connected load does not exceed the permissible switched power parameter for the power unit in its power;
  • turn off the power supply in the room;
  • we install the device by analogy with connecting a standard switch. We connect the network phase to the phase terminal (L) on the power unit, and the neutral wire to the neutral (N) terminal of the power unit;
  • then connect the load to the terminals (output) of the power unit (OUT).

After that, turn on the power in the room and activate the mode. It is turned on with a simple click of a button. Then, when the LED blinked, we send a signal to it from the control panel to memorize its address on the switch receiver. It remains only to configure the device according to the criteria that are included in its functional responsibilities. The more complicated and more expensive the switch will be, the more options for controlling the level of illumination in the room you get.


Installing radio switches operating on the control panel will bring a lot of positive aspects to your home, and will make your home modern and more comfortable to live in. In addition, this device will fit perfectly into any interior, which eliminates the need to replace it during repair or decoration activities, as well as after a monumental change of one style to another.
  Be sure to remember that when choosing a device, you need to correlate the power of the lighting device with the switched power of the power block of the radio switch. This is the most important criterion for choosing such products.

  • Saving.   Since the lighting of the space occurs only when it is necessary, as a result, the savings in electricity bills are up to 50%. The payback period for the installation of equipment and the cost of paying for electricity is 6 months.
  • Convenience. No need to look for a switch in the dark. The automatic light switch will relieve you of worries about the light forgotten by the included light. You can set the light on and off as you wish.
  • Security.   The automatic lighting control system eliminates the appearance of unexpected obstacles in your way. For example, if you walk along the street or ride a bicycle - because of the lights turned off or burned out, you did not see a cobblestone in front, the result is abrasions on your hands, feet and a spoiled mood. Or your hands are busy, and you go into an unlit room - to stumble over the threshold will be very painful and offensive.
  • Detection of unwanted guests   -automatic lighting not only informs you about the appearance of an uninvited guest, but can also scare him away. Since he has already been seen, this may affect his intentions.

What blocks can an automatic lighting control system consist of:

  • Motion Sensor. Automatic lighting control systemequipped with such a sensitive element turns on the light when a person appears in the sensitivity zone of the sensor and turns off some time after the person leaves it or does not show activity.
  • Volume sensor It acts in a similar way, but does not turn off if a person is stationary. It is used both to turn on / off the light, and for other electrical appliances.
  • Presence sensor. It keeps the light on as long as the person is in the zone of sensitivity of the element. The device picks up even minor movements such as nodding your head or swaying your legs.
  • Remote control. Depending on the complexity of the remote control, an impact is made on a group of devices. For example, main lighting, auxiliary, decorative. In addition, you can change the light intensity.

Sensors can be microwave or infrared, the latter more common. The range of sensors varies - usually it is 8, 12 and 20 meters, the coverage area is 180 or 360 degrees. They can be built-in and external, some models are made in a moisture-proof case.

Automatic lighting is applicable in rooms of any purpose, you just need to decide on the type of control. So, for living rooms, bedrooms and children's rooms, systems that can be controlled remotely by the remote control are preferable. This will allow you to adjust the level of illumination, turning off unnecessary devices. Special purpose premises - toilet rooms, corridors, cellars, garages - it is better to equip with sensors of movement, volume or presence. For outdoor lighting, street lamps with a light sensor are good, turning on the light when dusk sets in and turning it off as soon as it is sufficiently dawn on the street. Manual control of street lighting devices by remote control is possible.

In one lighting control system, you can combine a variety of lighting devices, each of which will be configured as necessary.

Safe-Video online store is an excellent choice for those buyers who were looking for where to buy motion sensors, volume sensors, presence sensors, light sensors, light fixtures with sensors and other products of automatic lighting.

Suppose you needed to install somewhere a new lamp, in a place where there is no special wiring for it, and this happens quite often. In such cases, it is enough to connect this lamp to the nearest outlet and install a compact remote control unit connected to the remote control. Then you can use the lamp, controlling its operation with this same remote control.

In addition, using the remote light control system, you can divide the existing lighting groups into several, change the operating modes of lighting devices and much more.

For greater clarity and confirmation of my words, let's.

I will try to describe the installation of controlling the light from the remote control as detailed as possible, point by point, with the connection diagrams, so that you can use this instruction as a step-by-step installation guide.

DIY do-it-yourself light control installation

DANO: in a standard, standard three-room apartment, redevelopment is done - the partition between the hall and the kitchen is demolished. At the same time, repairs and finishing have already been completed, only the installation of a stretch ceiling remains. At the last moment, the customer asked for LED illumination of a niche for curtains in the hall, which stretches along the entire external wall.

All electrical wiring has been replaced, and cable lines run through the ceiling, and junction boxes are hidden in the walls.

An important requirement for this backlight was the ability to separately turn it on from the other lighting groups. In other words, under normal conditions, this backlight should turn on with its switch button.

Since all the wiring to the circuit breakers was done, and all the walls were already glued with wallpaper, it was not possible to run another line to the circuit breaker without serious damage.

Right here the remote control lighting system came to the rescue, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe implementation of which led the customer to delight, this was exactly what he wanted. Moreover, a cable to the outlet group passes near the installation site, and it was decided to be powered from it.

So, we bought this kit - Remote control of fixtures Uniel UCH-P001.

The delivery system includes:

1. Controller - radio receiver with built-in relay

2. The remote control

3. Remote control holder, with two types of fasteners, double-sided tape and screws

4. Battery for remote control type A23

5. Instruction

Key features of the remote control light control system:

Type: Remote Control Switch

Number of connected devices (groups): 2

Range, m: 30

Receiver size, mm: 90 * 45 * 22

If to speak simple language   it turns out that the Uniel UCH-P001 remote control can simultaneously control two different lighting groups or other electrical appliances, the maximum power consumption of each group is not more than 1000W or 1kW.

In this case, there are three operating modes, the same number of control buttons, “1” and “2” turn off and turn off the corresponding groups, and the “3” button turns on and off all groups at the same time. The radius of reliable signal reception, in an open area, is not more than 30 meters.

This set of remote control lighting was purchased in one of the electrical stores in Yekaterinburg for 859r. In general, price monitoring showed that, depending on the region and a specific city, the price of a similar control panel varies in the region of 750-1000r.

In addition to the light control system from the remote control, we also bought - an LED strip and a power supply for it, according to the task. In general, as you may have guessed, the remote control can control any lamp and even an electrical appliance with a capacity of up to 1000W.
The power supply from the LED backlight and the remote control receiver, it was decided to place on the ceiling, next to the power cable going to a group of outlets.

The receiver is compact enough, which is very useful for various installation methods. It can be hidden behind a suspended ceiling made of gypsum plaster or even in the chandelier body.

So, when all the preparations are finished, you can proceed to the most crucial step - connecting the light control from the remote control to the power supply of the LED strip.

as follows

In the diagram, the colors of the conductors correspond to the color marking of the wires of the UNIEL receiver.

In our case, to implement remote control of the LED strip from the remote, the connection diagram looks like this:

We proceed to connect the wires according to this scheme.

First of all we connect all the necessary wires to the power supply of the LED strip.

From receiver remote control, take the black end wire marked “common line” and connect it to the “N” terminal - zero on the power supply, and the white wire marked “Group A”, connect it to the phase terminal - “L”.

Read more about the meaning of these markings in my article - ""

Now we proceed to connecting the power cable. As you remember, we decided to connect to a cable that goes to a group of outlets. Turn off the voltage in the electrical panel and proceed with installation.

Remove the protective external insulation from the cable   just enough to make the connection convenient. For greater reliability, it was decided not to break the cable, but to remove the insulation and prepare the cores as follows:

Let me remind you that the power cable consists of three cores:

White - Phase

White and Blue - Zero

Yellow Green - Grounding

If you are not sure of the color coding of the wires on the cable, you can independently identify the phase, zero and ground according to the following instructions -.

The white core is the phase, we connect it to the red wire marked “off” of the remote lighting control receiver, and the white and blue core is zero with the remaining black wire.

For reliable connections, cable lugs were put on this pair of wires. After which, the connections are crimped by a press.

Besides   connections were tightened with test screw terminals.

Then everything is securely insulated.

ABOUTit became possible to connect the yellow-green ground wire to the corresponding terminal of the LED strip power supply. We also do this without a break.

The benefit of a screw clamp on the power supply allows this.

Now you can check how the light control from the remote control works. If instead of the power supply of the LED strip we connected a lamp - a chandelier or sconce, they would already have fully worked. In the meantime, turning on the power supply, we can only monitor the operation of the power supply by the green LED indicator.

You will find detailed instructions for installing LED illumination in a niche for curtains. Now, I will briefly describe the general procedure for connecting and installing an LED strip.

To connect the LED strip to the power supply, lay a two-wire cable to the place of installation of the tape. We connect one of the cores to the “V +” terminal of the power supply, and the other to the “V-” terminal. In our case, we used a ШВВП 2х0.5 cable, the blue core of which is connected to the minus “V-” and the brown to the plus “V +”. Then, in the same order, the led strip is connected from the other end.

All equipment after connection looks something like this:

Now the installation is fully completed and you can check how the light control from the remote control works. The “A” button on the remote control is our backlight, by pressing once the lighting lights up, pressing again - it goes out.

The customer basically refused to install the holder for the remote control, decided that it would be more convenient for him if the control panel simply lay on the coffee table.

On this connection is completed, Now you can control the LED illumination of a niche for curtains from the remote control, turning it on or off when necessary. At the same time, the operating modes of other lighting groups, as well as the rest of the electricity network of the apartment, have not changed. And this is only 859 wheels (the cost of a remote control light kit).

Agree, a very good solution and this is far from the only possible way to use remote control light control systems. If you wish, you can make the control with the remote control all the light in the apartment, and in addition you can close the curtains or blinds, turn on the music or ventilation, and much more, the benefit of the mass of remote control systems, with various capabilities and characteristics.

In general, the topic of lighting control in an apartment with the remote control is quite interesting and large, so do not be shy, write your questions, suggestions or experience using remote light control in the comments to the article, I think that it will be useful to many.

To adjust the lighting parameters at a distance using a light switch with a remote control, specialized signal transmitters are built into the electrical network. The latter exchange data packets with the remote control, which includes codes responsible for a specific command. To increase the reliability and responsiveness of the remote medium, information is transmitted sequentially several times.

Each remote light switch with remote control has its own unique address. In other words, individual signal transmitters only respond to commands sent from a fixed control.


The basic skills that a remote light switch with a remote control possesses include the activation and deactivation of chandeliers from a distance. Thus, to control the main lighting, the user does not have to get out of bed or get up from the workplace.

Modern electronics is able to control individual segments of the chandelier. Such an opportunity becomes useful, for example, when it is necessary to dim the light while going to bed or when there is a need to create too bright lighting.

A remote light switch with a remote control is able to weaken or increase the brightness level of all light sources that are connected to the electric circuit of the chandelier. That is, the user gets the opportunity at any time to change the saturation of lighting in the room of his own free will.

What other capabilities besides shorting and opening the electrical circuit of lighting devices does the wireless remote control have? The light switch with a built-in dimmer allows you to remember all kinds of settings, which contributes to the creation of a particular atmosphere in the room at the touch of a button.

To save the user from the need to find a lost remote control, most devices have light and sound alarms that can be activated by contact with a wall-mounted radio transmitter.


The standard remote light switch with a 220V remote control has the following technical characteristics:

  • power - about 10 mW;
  • frequency - from 430 to 870 MHz;
  • operating range - from 30 to 500 m;
  • switched power - from 200 W to 5 kW.

When choosing the appropriate tool for remote control of lighting parameters, it is extremely important to pay attention to the ratio of the power of the transmitter and receiver of the signal. The performance and responsiveness of the system depends on this characteristic.


Applying a remote light switch with a remote control, the photo of which is presented in this material, the user receives the following advantages:

  1. There is the possibility of combining all the lighting elements into a single system.
  2. When connecting, there is no need to install additional wiring.
  3. Increases the overall comfort of controlling light sources, in particular for people with disabilities.
  4. Installation is not particularly difficult.
  5. If necessary, you can upgrade the installed system.
  6. The safety of operation of lighting devices in the room is increased.


Along with the obvious advantages, the use of remote controls has some disadvantages. First of all, it is worth noting the rather high cost of most functional systems.

Using a remote light switch with a street remote control, you have to put up with the limited possibilities of its use inside the house. Ultimately, the radio signals that come from the remote control negatively affect the functioning of communication lines that are located close to the object.

Smartphone Control

There are remote lighting control systems that allow you to synchronize data transmitters with mobile devices. In this case, the smartphone will play the same role as the remote. However, by controlling the functions from the display, the overall usability of the system will increase significantly.

Special applications can be downloaded to your mobile phone. Thus, relying on a regular smartphone, the user gets the opportunity not only to turn off and on the lighting, but also to adjust the intensity of individual light sources. Typically, the transmission of commands occurs by sending a signal to the radio in the form of encoded text messages.


The principle of connecting a remote lighting control element differs based on the type of light source for which it is intended. If you have to work with a system that interacts with standard incandescent lamps, installation will occur similarly to connecting a conventional switch.

The bulk of the remote lighting controls work with LED and energy-saving lamps. Connection here has its own nuances. To ensure safe, correct operation of the system, the organization of proper nutrition will be required. A mandatory requirement is the presence of phase and zero. Such remote switches are mounted in close proximity to the light source.

For the yard and garden, the most powerful radio-controlled remote means are used, which make it possible to control lighting at a distance of about 100 m. The latter, most often, support work with various types of lamps. To control the LED lighting elements in the controllers, the output stages must be made in the form of semiconductor transistors.

If we talk about remote systems, where control takes place not only with the remote control, but also with voice commands, their connection is possible on the site of the old standard switches with an additional power cable.

Do-it-yourself remote light switch with remote control

The task of organizing the lighting control system with a hand-held device both from the switch and via the radio channel is feasible, but rather complicated. To implement the project, you will need the following:

  • set of radio transmitters MP325M;
  • pW1245 brand power supplies;
  • single-button switch without locking contact closure.

For starters, the section of the circuit on which the modification will be de-energized is de-energized. The first step is to remove the standard switch. interconnected, after which they are isolated.

Understands one of the radio transmitters. Pieces of wire are soldered to. The received contacts are cleaned and connected to the contacts of the switch.

If the housing is equipped with suspended ceilings, designed modules can be hidden in the space between the panels. In the absence of such an opportunity, the system units should be placed in the niche of the lampshade after preliminary isolation of the power supply and the receiver module.

After implementing the above tasks, you can switch to lighting control from a wireless remote control or use the standard manual switch. If after some time the system ceases to function, do not panic. To restore operability, it will be sufficient to replace the transmitter battery.


Remote control lighting sources - this is primarily practicality, convenience and tribute to the present. It is enough to install the simplest system for adjusting the light, and the problem of changing it, turning it on and off at a distance will forever cease to worry the homeowners.

The most rational installation of a remote lighting control system looks when arranging country houses, which differ in an impressive number of rooms, utility rooms, and the presence of a spacious garden.

Only a small controller makes it possible to control large-scale lighting systems. Therefore, it is not surprising that remote switches are increasingly used in enterprises where there is a need to control light sources in vast areas under control.

In modern apartments, it is rather difficult to control the light with one switch, especially if the lamps are divided into large groups. To solve such problems, remote lighting control is used, which works through the use of radio waves or infrared radiation.

Types of control systems

To control the lighting can be used various devices that operate by receiving pulses from the remote control. They can be divided into:

  1. Infrared
  2. Radio waves;
  3. Impulse.

These wireless technologies will help you control indoor and outdoor lighting from one specific point. The panel is connected to the wires of the fixtures and provides a smooth switching between light sources.

Photo - circuit design with motion sensors

To control outdoor lighting (parking lots, city squares, warehouses), it is most convenient to use infrared systems. The IR remote control for lamps is a prototype of a standard remote control for television equipment. They are affordable and easy to use, but at the same time they are not without drawbacks. In particular, IR lighting control systems will only work if the light sources are within sight (up to 10 meters from the console, depending on the power of the signal transmitter). This is not always convenient, in particular, if lighting control is required in another part of the yard or warehouse. Therefore, now many companies produce remote control for equipment that significantly enhances the momentum, giving it additional power.

Photo - the principle of the IR system

After this module receives an infrared signal, it converts it into a radio wave and redirects it to the next controller. Such dispatching wireless control of indoor and street lighting helps to control the operation of lamps from two places or more.

Infrared walk-through switches   have been widely used in the control of corridors and landings. Often a device schematic diagram includes a motion sensor based on the principle of heat recognition human body. Such intelligent control allows you to turn off the light if there is no one in the room or passage and immediately light it when a person appears there. Sometimes they are also complemented by ultrasonic indicators that help increase work efficiency.

Photo - switches on the control panel

Radio Lighting Control   It is used quite often due to its wide scope. Such a system consists of a signal receiver (aka controller) and a remote control for automatic lighting control. The remote sends a pulse to the receiver’s sensor, with which the device turns off or, conversely, turns on the light. The advantage of the technology is a wide range of actions, it is possible to control switches from different rooms, but at the same time, they have a rather high cost. They have great power, so they can be operated in large spaces.

Most often, various lighting controls impulse relay. This device can be mounted in a panel or directly in the switch. This is ideal for a large residential building, where there are many stairs or vestibules, because many modern models are available with a timer.

Photo - three-point remote control for the Smart Home system

The timer provides control of the time that the lamp shines. For example, for the entrance you need the light bulb to glow for about 8 hours in the evening, but often they just forget to turn it off, as a result - too much energy is consumed. A starter configured for a specific interval of operation will automatically break the circuit.

Photo - control of work with the tablet

Any lighting control will help provide a box like YaUO, which is used for manual and remote (from the remote control, from a computer or even a phone) control over electric lighting. Such a prefabricated contactor can be used in the apartment, but then it will be necessary to allocate space for the installation of the box. What are the technical characteristics of home nuclear weapons:

The main advantage of using a ready-made collection box is the ability to control LED, fluorescent and other types of lamps. It is also easy to install with your own hands.

Photo - standard nuclear weapons

You can buy such a shield or ASUNO-GSM, AVR or PIC unit for controlling street or house lighting in special electrical stores. The price depends on the type of system and its capabilities, in principle, radio-wave devices are more expensive than infrared. Before buying, it is advisable to develop a project for the location of groups of lamps, so it will be possible to choose a scheme for your own needs.

Photo - using ASUNO-GSM

Advantages of Wireless Control

Initially, touch control of lighting, for example, DALI, was used only with the concept of "Smart Home", but now even in a rather mediocre apartment you can find a photo relay.

Automated lighting makes life easier for its owners. A 1-, 2- or even 5-channel shield will help from one point to control the lighting of the yard, corridors, bedroom hall and other rooms. Advantages of the system:

  1. Radio control increases the safety of the room. Lighting can be controlled not only from a personal stationary computer, but also using a telephone or even setting a timer. This will help protect your home from intrusion if you want to leave (offenders will not enter the house with the lights on);
  2. Saving consumables. A large amount of cable is required to pull the wires to the switches. In addition, its periodic will have to be changed in any case. Electronic control uses the minimum number of wires;
  3. You are not affected by power outages. A touch-sensitive cabinet and an automatic machine with switches are connected by radio waves; home and street lighting are controlled without connecting to a local circuit;
  4. Such an electrical control circuit is more convenient if you need to control lighting at two, three or more points. It can also be paired with a dimmer, providing in accordance with the location of these points a softer or, conversely, bright light.