
Flowers for every letter of the alphabet. Names of flowers, photo of flowers. What does aster, bros, periwinkle, cornflower, cloves, gladiolus, jasmine, lily of the valley, water lily, lily, daffodil, forget-me-not, chamomile, rose, tulip, violet, chrysanthemum look like. Language of flowers, simple alphabet

Yes, it is they who speak when we are silent. It seems that the soft petals and delicate aroma of each flower tells about everything that can not even be expressed in words.

Especially popular language of flowers   was in the East. There he received the name - villages. Anyone who knows this language knows the secret, the symbolic meaning of each flower. These values \u200b\u200bare not just invented, they are collected on the basis of long observations, detailed study and immersion in nature.

Here you can find most common color valuesthat we give to our mothers, sisters, grandmothers and simply dear people.


Aster  considered a sad flower. It symbolizes sadness, thoughtfulness. Legend has it that the aster grew in the place where the star fell. And as if late at night, if you listen carefully, you can hear the whisper of asters with stars ...


Periwinkle  Suitable for people with a strong character. The name itself comes from the Greek word - winner. It is believed that this flower brings happiness and true love.


Brother(better known as "pansies") Symbolize fidelity, devotion and wisdom.


knapweedcarries trust, fun, loyalty, beauty. But some people tend to consider cornflower as a symbol of instability and variability, despite its ability to change color.


A symbol of purity and love, grace and freedom, honor and courage is considered clove. But it is not so simple. Of great importance is the color of cloves. So, white symbolizes life for the sake of love, yellow - disbelief, contempt, spotted, striped - failure, red - courage.


What is the meaning gladiolus? First of all, it is victory, nobility, memory, and sometimes indifference, isolation. Interestingly, in ancient Rome, this flower was a symbol of gladiators.


Most people probably jasmine  associated with Japan and its culture. And not without reason, there this flower is a symbol of congratulation, sympathy and pleasant memories.

Lily of the valley

Lily of the valleyis a favorite flower of many girls. This is not surprising, because the presented lily of the valley means tenderness, fidelity, happiness, love, affection and purity.

Water lily

Water lily, or water lily, has not only an interesting symbolism, but also an amazing legend. It tells that a lily has grown from the body of a beautiful nymph. The girl was hopelessly in love with Hercules, but he did not answer her true feelings. Lily symbolizes cold, calm, beauty, eloquence, purity.


Lily  means feminine perfection, pure soul, preciousness, freedom, reliability and peace.


It’s not hard to guess what narcissus  speaks of pride, selfishness, narcissism, but this does not prevent him from symbolizing love, a happy marriage, courage and strength.


No other flower expresses fidelity, memory, love and devotion more than forget-me-not.


Chamomile-   I think no one will object that this flower carries tenderness, fidelity, good mood. One legend says that once daisies were umbrellas, and the little dwarves hid under them from the rain.

rose flower

Rose flower -a classic symbol of love, big, boundless, eternal ... But in different countries and religions it has significant shades of meaning. In ancient Rome - sadness, courage; in Japan, the color of the rose matters: red - love, pink - shyness, white - spiritual purity, respect; among the ancient eastern peoples - a sacred flower that symbolized a divine mystery; in Christian mythology - mercy, forgiveness, divine love, victory and martyrdom. Symbolic are also leaves (joy), thorns (sadness), flower (glory) of a rose.


A symbol of pride, grandeur, pleasure and nobility is tulip. And there is an opinion that this flower brings good luck.


If you are going to give to someone violet, you should know that it means modesty, attractiveness, good memories, shyness and loyalty.


Chrysanthemum-   favorite flower of the Chinese and Japanese, a symbol of the sun, immortality, courage. In Japan, it is considered a sacred flower. For a long time, only representatives of the imperial family could wear clothes with the image of a chrysanthemum.

Flower numbers

The number of flowers in a bouquet also matters. One flower, three or five carry positive energy and harmony, and thirteen means hatred. So be careful when choosing the number of colors.

1 flower - you are all that I have;
3 flowers - with you to the ends of the world;
5 flowers - love;
7 flowers - give on the day of betrothal;
9 flowers - respect;
10 flowers - I want to do something for you;
11 flowers - friendship;
12 flowers - everything will be fine;
13 flowers - hatred;
14 flowers - you are all that I have;
15 flowers - gratitude and respect.

Bouquet color

Now you know what each flower individually and the number of flowers in a bouquet mean. But the color of the bouquet also has its own meaning. And, sometimes, a bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums can be much more eloquent than you.

  • White color  the bouquet symbolizes innocence;
  • yellow - the origin of love;
  • pink, red - love;
  • blue is devotion;
  • purple is peace and trust.

Now, knowing the meaning of flowers and the number of flowers in a bouquet, you can easily express your feelings without words.

“Tell me and I will forget.

Show me - and I will remember.

Engage me and I will learn. ”

(Chinese proverb)

This game is far from new, but the name that strengthened after it was invented much later - in 1928. This is a quiz - a game of answering questions (oral or written) from different fields of knowledge.

Composer I. Kadomtsev composed the song “Quiz - this is the game!” To the words of A. Dietrich

Games love kids

But I’ll tell you honestly

Quiz is the game

Very interesting.

So that the answer hits the target,

Put the effort.

“Yes” to say il “No”

Knowledge will help you.

The very word “quiz” of Latin origin, derived from “Victoria” and is often translated as “small victory”. So this game is to answer questions about plants.


the development of cognitive interest among students and its direction to study the plant world of the Earth.


    Motivation of students to self-education, the study of natural disciplines.

    Contributing to the formation, expansion and deepening of knowledge about nature, life features of the representatives of the Earth's flora.

    The development of ecological thinking, attention, and the ability to solve puzzles designed for quick wit.

    The education of an environmentally competent person, capable of responsible behavior in nature.

The participants:

Students of middle and older age.


Stopwatch, 4 pencils (pens), handouts for competitions, referee list, 4 tables (desks) for teams.

Preparing for the game:

The game involves 4 teams of 6 people, teams are completed in advance, the team captain is selected.

Before the participants in the game posted the Russian alphabet, consisting of 33 letters. You must answer 33 questions. Each question implies an answer that begins with the next letter of the alphabet. The correct answer is estimated at 1 point.

On the letters: E, E, Y, Y, U, U, B, S, B, Y- ask questions on topics.

in this letter riddles about poisonous plants are set.

excerpts from verses are read in this letter, after which the name of the flower should be given in meaning.

this letter asks questions about plants listed in the Red Book

in this letter one name of the flower is given, it is necessary to give another.

in this letter the name of the flower is given, it is necessary to name the family to which it belongs.

in this letter are given popular names  flowers, you have to give botanical.

this letter asks questions about famous people related to botany and floriculture.

this letter asks questions related to the layout of flower beds.

this letter asks questions used in botany and floriculture


Team name

Team name

Team name

Team name


What is the name of the country in which the Scarlet and White Rose War was? (ENGLAND).

What does pelargonium mean in Greek? (AIST - “PELARGOS”).

Flower of Jupiter and Valentine's Day? (PANSIES).

Which plant in ancient times was considered a remedy for the bite of rabid dogs, and now we use it for landscaping flower beds? (ALISSUM).

The name of this flower comes from France, from the French word “immorteli”. What do we call him? (IMMORTELLE).

What is snowdrop called in Spain? (WHITE).

Call it in one word, of French origin, “a beautifully assembled group of flowers” \u200b\u200b(BOUQUET).

What was terry rose called in the 15th century? (VELVET).

Weed decorating rye? (KNAPWEED).

Residents of the desert drink from this plant called yantak. What is the name of this plant? (CAMEL-THORN).

What is a giant water lily? (VICTORIA - REGIA).

This plant is loved by cats, translated from Latin means - to be healthy? (VALERIAN).

Give the Latin name for the snowdrop? (GALANTUS. “GALLA” - “MILK” and “ANTUS” - “FLOWER”).

In Russia, this flower came in the nineteenth century, the people called it in their own way - Georgina, Egoriev flowers. What flower are you talking about? (DAHLIA).

What did Persian poets call their country? (GULISTAN - GARDEN OF ROSES).

Which bulb flower has a monument in Holland in Liss? (Hyacinth).

I’ll go to the dam, cut off an umbrella - a pipe. I’ll run an umbrella into the river, I’ll whistle loudly into the pipe. (Angelica forest).

Grass - cheating, leaf - carrot. And the spine - babies - to take out and throw! (SMOKE).

That grass grows on the slopes and on the green mounds. The smell is strong and fragrant, and its green leaf goes to us for tea, what kind of grass, answer! (SHOWER).

We have a wonderful plant, a lot of healing powers are hidden in it, and from generation to generation it bears the name ... (TIN).

Grow in the forest under a bush

on a long stalk.

Around four leaves

and in the very depths

blacker than night is a berry

yes strong poison in me.


There is a slut by the path -

she has a sticky shirt;

patterned jug on the shoulder

to the brim with black poison.

A flower - a straw,

with a white skirt.

And the fruit is crafty:

with spikes, with poison.

In shady forests, in flood meadows

we meet him in the midst of spring.

When it blooms - beautiful in appearance.

But be careful: the flower is poisonous.

I just love that flower, which is rooted in the ground, I love it and accept it as our northern ... Continue the poem by S. Yesenin? (KNAPWEED).

“The king of forest animals is a tiger, the king of sea animals is a dragon, and the king of forest plants ...” Continue this saying? (GINSENG).

Here - here it will blow winter, fresh. Everything dies ... Only one burns with a rebellious flame - the heir to the rose - ... Continue the poem by N. Rubtsov. (DAHLIA).

In the green grass new everywhere, no matter where you look, a lilac flower blooms, his name is ... (GERANIUM).

Which plant is so affectionately called: “divine grass”, “gift of immortality” “salt of the earth” and “miracle of the world”? (GINSENG).

This flower was called delphinium in ancient Greece, but what is it called in Russia? (LARKSPUR).

What does “daisy” mean in Greek? (PEARL).

What does geranium mean in Greek? (CRANE).

What does aster mean in Russian? (STAR).

They say about it, grass from 99 diseases? (ANIMALS).

Spice or otherwise ... (STAR \u200b\u200bMEDIUM).

The radiola is pink or otherwise ... (GOLDEN ROOT).

A fire or in another way ... (IVAN - TEA).

Emerald, cockerel, iris. What flower are you talking about? (IRIS).

What can I call “the art of flower arranging” in one word? (IKEBANA).

Mariannik, or in another way ... (IVAN - YES - MARIA).

This flower, listed in the Red Book, is popularly called the adonis. Give it a botanical name? (ADONIS SPRING).

This flower is listed in the Red Book known as forest anemone. Give it a botanical name? (ANEMON SELVESTRIS).

Is this flower listed in the Red Book called women's shoes? Give it a botanical name? (VENERIN SHOES).

This flower, listed in the Red Book, is popularly called night violet or forest orchid. Give it a botanical name? (LUBE DOUBLE).

In Latin this flower is “Candida nymph”, but how does it sound in Russian? (WATER LILY).

In which city of France is Mimosa Day celebrated annually in February? (CANNES).

What is the name of snapdragon in England? (BITING DRAGON).

What forest flower, translated from Latin, is called a troll flower? (SWIMMING POOL).

May forest flower? (LILY OF THE VALLEY).

Is it a flower and a woman’s name? (LUBA).

A flower doing yoga? (LOTUS).

The professional language of nerds? (LATIN).

Criminal flower? (POPPY).

What does the word “gladiolus” mean in Latin? (SWORD).

A flower of knights, love and fortune-telling? (DAISY).

The meadow is overgrown with grass - a chilly. (MINT).

The nails are short, but passed through the ground - they found a hat of gold. (MARIGOLD).

The clergyman, or in another way ... (LEVEL).

A flower, judging by its name, with a “good memory”? (Forget-me-not).

The stems are melon, thin long. And under the green shield - flowers, like satin: yellow, red. (NASTURTIUM).

What does the word arrangement mean? (REVIVAL FLOWERS).

The Latin name for this flower is tarahakum. What flower are you talking about? (DANDELION).

What flowers are called the family of "aristocrats" among plants? (ORCHID).

What does astilba mean in Greek? (VERY BRILLIANT, “a” - very, and “stilbe” - brilliance).

What flower is called snow? (SNOWDROP).

It blooms without color. (FERN).

Roadside doctor - self-taught. (PLANTAIN).

What does “phlox” mean in Greek? (FLAME).

What does the word daisy mean in Latin? (ROMAN).

What is delphinium called in Ukraine? (HORNY VASILYK).

What is the name of the dicenter in Russia? (BROKEN HEART).

In Persian this flower is called "gul". What do we call him? (ROSE FLOWER).

Rainbow flower with wish-fulfilling petals. (SEVEN).

In which city of Russia is a monument called "the life-set" standing?

(ST. PETERSBURG, in memory of the children who died during the blockade. On the white petals opened on a 15-meter stalk, in capital letters  it is written: “May there always be sunshine).

The language of flowers, or Persian ... (CELAM).

What does the word “gulistan” mean in a Persian translation? (GARDEN ROSE, "gul" - rose, "stan" - garden).

A plant along which bare feet walk “along the dew”? (GRASS).

This flower in Persia was known as “dulbash” or “turban” - Turkish turban. What do we call him? (TULIP).

What medicinal plant in Russia was called "soldier grass"? (MILLENNIUM).

What plant is hiding under the “tuberous sunflower”? (TOPINAMBUR).

Viola, or in another way ... (Pansies).

The catchment, or in another way ... (AQUILEGIA).

Snapdragon, or in another way ... (ANTIRRINUM).

Aconite or according to another ... (Wrestler).

It was this flower that was loved by the Russian writer Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev? (VIOLET).

The whole plant world, in a word? (FLORA).

People call this flower a “strainer”. And what is it called nerds? (PHLOX).

The branches are barren, the leaves are unfit, and the grass is tenacious, they tortured everyone in the field. (Horsetail).

Our ancestors considered Yarilo the god of fertility. And Yarilo’s magic grass was precisely this plant. Which one? (HOP).

What flower in Japan is called “kiku” - the sun? (CHRYSANTHEMUM).

What plant is hiding under the “horse radish”? (HORSERADISH).

What does the translation from the Greek “hyacinth” mean? (FLOWER OF RAINS).

What a fabulous carpet in the meadow bloomed in the spring? (FLOWER).

What is the name of the monument erected near St. Petersburg for children who died during the blockade? (FLOWER OF LIFE).

What can be called in two words the rules for the delivery and reception of bouquets, the selection of flowers and colors in each case? (FLOWER DECAL).

What does “ginseng" mean when translated from Chinese? (MAN - ROOT: “zhen” - “man”, “shen” - root).

At the full path, he stands openly. A strong stalk and spikes - that’s his defense ... If you grab a fellow, he will fight to the end. (THISTLE).

Under which king did most of the exotic exotic plants come to us from Europe? (PETER 1).

Who is considered the “father” of botany? (THEOFRAST, III – IV century BC. The main work of his life is “The Natural History of Plants”).

What is the name of narrow continuous strips with a width of 10 to 40 cm, bordering lawns, garden beds, flower beds, platforms or individual details of the flower garden? (BORDER).

What are they called small flower beds of various geometric shapes? (CLUBS).

What are the names of mixed planting of beautifully flowering and decorative - deciduous plants? (MIXBORDER).

What is the name of a single planting of flower or deciduous crops? (TAPEWORM).

"Beautifully assembled group of flowers" in one word. (BOUQUET).

* Cuckoo tears, or in another way ... (ORTHOF).

* What is the country that has long been famous for the art of arranging? (JAPAN).

* What plant is hiding under “deaf nettle”? (BLARK WHITE).

* What is deer moss called? (Reindeer moss).

1. Volina V. Riddles from A to Z. Publishing house “Oma - press”. Moscow. 1999

2. Verzilin N. Traveling with house plants. Pedagogy - press.

Moscow. 1995

3. Golovkin B.N. What are the names of the plants. Ear. Moscow. 1992

4. Golovkin B.N. Stories about plants - immigrants. Education. Moscow.

5. Krasnov S. Legends of flowers and gems. Publishing house “Inform print”.

6. Rokhlov V., Tereshev A., Petrosov R. Entertaining botany. Publishing house

“Ast - Press”. Moscow. 1998

7. Roshal IV ABC of flowers. Crystal Tertia Publishing House. Saint Peters burg.

8. Semenova A. Indoor plants: friends and enemies. Publishing house "Nesky Prospect". St. Petersburg. 2001

9. Fried M.E. 1000 and one riddle. LLC Publishing House “Pilgrim”. Yaroslavl


ABC of flowers

Flower alphabet - the secret language of flowers

ABC of flowers. In detail floral etiquette will devote the alphabet of flowers. Over the years, people have tried to unravel the mystery of the symbolism of flowers, studying the myths and legends that have developed about them. As a rule, flowers are associated with certain qualities of a person.

Azalea is a symbol of femininity, devotion, but at the same time sadness and loneliness; "Take care of yourself for me"; “I am lonely and pale from sorrow” means sadness caused by loneliness.

Acacia blossoming - secret love, chastity, loneliness.

White acacia - platonic love; "Why is my love not mutual?"

Acacia yellow - love is gone

Acacia pink - elegance, charm

Akant (Bear Paw) - art

Aloe - bitterness, mourning

Amaranth - undying love

Amariliss - pride, restrained beauty

Pineapple - Perfection

Anemone - parting, sincerity, hope; renunciation, illness

Anturim is passion

Pansies - happiness, fun, tenderness; "I will charm you!"

Tri-color pansies are rightfully considered a symbol of a living nature. The snow has not yet fallen, and they are crafty winking at us. White color of their corolla represents hope, yellow petals - surprise, purple - sadness.

Astra - love and tenderness; deeply hidden feeling, secret intention; symbol of love and elegance

Inflorescences - baskets with many petals have become a symbol of farewell to the summer. Not without reason in the language of flowers aster means outgoing beauty and elegance.

White Astra - "I love you more than you love me"; "Not convinced of your love"

Balsam - impatience

Basil - disgust, hatred

Begonia - be careful, danger.

Bouquet of Dried Flowers - Rejected Love

Cornflower - “I dare not express my feelings to you”, “hope remains”; symbolizes trust, grace, simplicity, ingenuity, as well as gaiety and fidelity.

Verbena - Sensitivity

Heather - the joy of fulfilling wishes

Grape Leaves - Let's Get Alone?

Water lily (water lily) - eloquence, persuasiveness, sincerity; "You should never lie to me."

Bindweed - Beauty "Won't You Leave Me?"

Carnation - passion, first love, charm, fidelity

Red Carnation - Charm, Hot Love, Admiration

White carnation - innocence, pure and tender love "I agree!"

Yellow carnation - failure "You are avoiding me"; "You disappointed me"

Pink carnation - a symbol of maternal love "I will never forget you"

Striped clove - “No”, “I will not be with you” - denial

Purple cloves - inconstancy, caprice, antipathy

Purple Carnation - Wayward

Heliotrope - devotion, passion

Dahlia - inconstancy, whim; sophistication, self-esteem; warning of cooling senses; "I'm still free (a)"

Geranium - symbolizes stupidity, recklessness; nobility

Geranium in a pot (like a grandmother's in a window) - this may not be completely romantic, however, accept this gift of love favorably, without a skeptical smirk, for it testifies to the most serious intentions of the giver regarding your person.

Gerbera - secret, smile, flirt

Normal hyacinth - achievements, games, sports "I am dying of your coldness!"

White hyacinth - “I will pray for you”, “You are a beauty” - symbolizes charm, charm.

Hyacinth Blue - Consistency, Integrity

Hyacinth yellow - jealousy, envy

Red or pink hyacinth - game

Scarlet hyacinth - repentance, regret.

Hyacinth blue - constancy

Hibiscus - a rare, elegant beauty

Gladiolus - a flower of gladiators, recognition of sincerity, constancy; "I'm really sincere," "Give me a break"

Gloxinia - love at first sight

Hydrangea - coldness, indifference, changeable heart

Oak Leaves - Friendship

Datura - cheating

Sweet peas - "Goodbye", "Thank you for a great time" - departure, departure with thanks

Willow weeping - rejected love

Jasmine - sensuality, femininity, elegance

Jasmine is considered a flower of lovers, also symbolizes sex and passion.

Jasmine White - Friendliness

Jasmine yellow - modesty, timidity

Jasmine Red - Stupidity, Fun

Iris - the emblem of France, symbolizes faith, hope, promise for the future, wisdom,

"I really value your friendship"

Cactus - perseverance, stamina

Calendula (marigolds) - victory, grace, "I am subdued" - jealousy, anxiety

Kalina - “If you leave me, my heart will break”

Calla - beauty, poise; the highest degree of admiration, respect, admiration; the donor kneels before you; "You are wonderful!"

Japanese camellia - modest superiority

Camellia - Admiration

Camellia white - "You are amazing"

Camellia pink - "Missing You"

Chestnut - independence, injustice

Cypress - sorrow

Bell - humility, humility, constancy; talkativeness; "Thinking of you";

"Why are you torturing me with vagaries"

Irish bells - good luck

The Reed - Submission

Spikes - The Secret

Nettle - slander, jealousy, I see right through you

Crocus - cheerfulness, fun, joy, affection

Water lilies - you look like a mermaid

Corn is Abundance

Lavender - admiration, loneliness

White lavender - fulfillment of desires, protection

Laurel Wreath - Triumph

Laminaria - sadness

Flax - a symbol of home, homeliness, life

Lily of the valley - the innocence "You made my life complete" Many peoples revered the lily of the valley as a symbol of spring

Lily - a symbol of fidelity, purity and innocence

White Lily - purity, virginity "It is divine to be near you"

Lily yellow - cheating, fun "I fly in the clouds"

Lily (calla) - beauty

Lily orange - hate, disgust

Holy Lily - Girl's Enchantment

Tiger Lily - pride, wealth, abundance, prosperity

Palm Leaves - Victory, Success

Lotus - happiness, health, long life

Snapdragon - you staggered (a) my good intentions

Magnolia - "I want to love you" - nobility, perseverance, perseverance

Poppy - an eternal dream, oblivion, fantasy "My dreams are only about you"

Seductively - red large flowers - a bridge combining good and bad, a symbol of contrasting momentary joys and moral principles.

White Poppy - Consolation

Poppy yellow - wealth, success

Red poppy - pleasure

Field Poppy - "I Dream of You"

Poppy garden - "Let's love each other, while there is time"

Mallow - you are cold (cold) like ice

Her flowers are so colorful and beautiful that it is unlikely to surprise anyone that they symbolize forgiveness.

Daisy - purity of intentions, innocence, true love. "I'm wondering about your love (or the male version: I'm your knight)"

Coltsfoot - maternal love, care

Mimosa - sensitivity, shyness; distrust, caution. "I hide my feelings"

Monstera - Purposefulness

Peppermint - Chastity

Myrtle - love, fun, joy

Narcissus - selfishness, vanity "You are conceited (conceited)"

Daffodil yellow - respect "You are the only one"

Nasturtium - "You are hiding something"

Forget-me-not - Forget Me Not True Love

Sky blue symbol of the pursuit of fidelity and constancy.

Marigolds - mind, jealousy

This flower gives a good mood and cheerfulness, it is also called the "bride of the sun", as it turns behind the sun.

Dandelion - happiness and devotion; coquetry;

"Tell me the truth"

Olive branch - world

Orchid - perfection, refinement, love; "You are beautiful (beautiful)!"

Orchid: a flower of fragrant prairies. Refined and capricious plant. A beautiful orchid is a symbol of harmony, an emblem of spiritual perfection, and is also a symbol of fertility. Such a gift is a choice of natures somewhat chilly, rational, striving to achieve the ideal in everything.

Palm Branch - Victory


Be sincere

Nightshade is true

Umbrella pepper - indifference

Petunia - anger and bitterness

Peony - wealth and glory, fiery love

Snowdrops - Consolation, Hope

Sunflower - tremendous wealth

A bright sunflower is a symbol of the sun.

The most popular yellow flowers include sunflower. Yellow color symbolizes warmth, well-being and a sense of peace.

Ivy - Fidelity

Primrose - "I need you"; "I want to marry you"

Wheat - wealth, abundance

Rhododendron - caution, prudence

Chamomile - youth, innocence, romance

"I can only guess about your love"

Rose is the most popular gift. These flowers are usually chosen by confident people. They stand firmly on their feet and value comfort and stability. The color of this amazing flower has its own associations:

Red roses are a symbol of passion and desire; true love

White rose symbolizes love, harmony, purity, innocence, fidelity

Scarlet rose is considered a symbol of romantic love and passion.

Pink rose - politeness, courtesy, courtesy

Rose without thorns

Love at first sight

Rose red (bud)


Tea rose - constancy

Yellow rose - friendship, happiness, joy; a flower expressing the most positive emotions;

According to the language of flowers, yellow roses have nothing to do with treason and jealousy (although such an interpretation of their symbolic meaning is very common)

Maroon Rose - Sorrow or Condolence

Pale pink rose - tenderness

Coral Rose - Desire, Passion

Dark pink rose - thanks

Pink rose stem - ambition

The blue rose - the sacrament, the achievement of the impossible

Black rose - death, hatred, farewell; rejuvenation and rebirth

Lilac - Beauty

"You are also faithful (true) ?;" Guess about my feelings "

Thuja east - eternal friendship

Tulip Tree - Glory

Tulip - declaration of love "You are very dear to me (a)"

The tulip symbolizes ideal love: sensual, mutual, serene.

White tulip - purity, innocence

Red Tulip - Good Luck

Yellow tulip - a wish of love, joy, friendship, wealth, prosperity

Violet - loyalty and virtue "Think of you"

In all the peoples of the world, violet is considered a symbol of a living nature.

Violet blue - modesty, pride, sincerity

Hops (flowers) - "I'm not as simple as you think"

Chrysanthemum - forgiveness, favor "You are a wonderful friend";

personification of fidelity

Chrysanthemum red - love

White Chrysanthemum - true

Yellow chrysanthemum is a sad and elegant flower of late autumn, one of the favorite symbols of the decadents. Perhaps the one who presented you with a bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums has nothing to do with the decadents, however, most likely this is a romantic person, reserved, with a tendency to dig himself and a strong belief that no one in this world is able to understand him.

Cyclamen - Farewell

Thistle - "It's Dangerous to Deal With Me"

Eucalyptus - memory

Edelweiss - "You are amazingly beautiful ..."

Apple trees in bloom - magnificence, "I admire you"

Sakura Flower is a good education; transience of life (in Japan); female beauty (in China)

Rosehip Flower - Heal Wounds

Flowers and hints

Flowers can tell us a lot. The language of flowers helps people understand each other and express their feelings.

To give flowers means to express to man his love and respect.

Flowers at all times were considered and are considered the best gift for any holiday. A large bouquet of bright beautiful flowers can create a real miracle and cheer up everyone ...

Now, many of us, choosing flowers, are not satisfied with a few carnations or roses, but try to make a bouquet of different colorsguided by their own ideas about beauty.

Skillfully picked up bouquet can replace the whole message. Everything was important in the selected bouquet - how many flowers, what color and proximity to other flowers ... and how to present it correctly.

In the East there is a special language of flowers. Each flower carries a certain meaning: Azalea means sadness, loneliness; carnation symbolizes passion; forget-me-not - memory; violet - modesty; cornflowers - trust, tenderness; chamomile - youth, romance; lily - purity; a rose represents love; white rose, white lily, callas - a symbol of purity, the nobility of the soul and actions; the red rose is an open expression of feelings, a symbol of passion and desire, and the scarlet rose is a symbol of romantic love and passion.

We mentioned the bouquets "with meaning", "with a hint." What does this mean? First of all, we mean the generally accepted symbolism of color. This symbolism has developed over the centuries and it is well-known by connoisseurs of flower business and aesthetes. So, the pink color symbolizes the tender feelings of the giver, he can even express a declaration of love. The active red color is the love of life, freedom, an active position, while the purple color suggests a tendency to humility. Blue and blue flowers "speak" of longing, fidelity, and it is customary to give them away to those who leave for the army. Yellow is treason. Orange color symbolizes strength, power, pride. White color, a symbol of purity, carries the most beautiful aspirations and wishes for an object of gift, in some countries they are an expression of sadness and mourning. Purple flowers can be presented to each other by men - the purple color represents friendship, support, and selfless service. Green is the expectation of calm and peace. In the time of Catherine II, the "Flower Register" was even developed, where red means love, green means hope, blue means fidelity, black means sadness, yellow means treason. And in the culture of Japan, for example, yellow is a symbol of light and the sun, and they give yellow flowers people who want light and good. In the culture of the Ancient East, each season had its own color: black for winter, white for autumn, blue for spring and red for summer. There are customs and prejudices regarding the coloring of the petals. A special attitude, of course, to yellow, the color of betrayal and infidelity. One of the eastern legends says that red roses exposed the unfaithful wife of a certain sultan, turning yellow in her hands. As for giving flowers, the “ban” on yellow has long been lifted, and you can give these flowers in any situation. But still, if you are afraid to make a mistake with the color, choose the universal color of the petals - white. It goes well with any other shades and is suitable for all occasions. Pink color is usually associated with youth and modesty. The red color of all nations is considered the color of love and passion. In the bouquet, it goes well with white, yellow, and with pink and purple is not recommended. Blue color in garden plants is quite rare, although there are many wildflowers of blue color. Saturated blue color in combination with bright yellow or dazzling white will charm the eye of any person. Children are presented with small and delicate flowers of bright, joyful tones arranged in small bouquets. For older women, avoid giving dark and fast-withering flowers. It is not customary for a young girl to give bright red flowers. Men are usually given long flowers, because a small bouquet of lilies of the valley will look in the male hand, at least, strange. A bouquet intended for a man is vertically stretched, it must necessarily be felt the tension of forms and lines. Women's bouquets, on the contrary, have a more rounded shape, including medium-sized flowers of pastel colors. Men do not give each other violets. It is not accepted that a woman would give flowers to a man, with the exception of cases when a man is much older than her and is a birthday man or a jubilee. Flower pots are given only if it is known that the addressee loves them very much and does not mind receiving them as a gift. It is believed that the number of flowers in a bouquet has a certain meaning: one flower is a sign of attention, three is respect, five is recognition, seven is love ... Perhaps in the modern extravagant world there is no place for such trifles, but psychologists say that such little things create a mood, even at a subconscious level. But the most important thing to be guided by when choosing flowers is, of course, the tastes of the person to whom you select a bouquet. How to recognize them? Give flowers more often, and sooner or later, you In addition to the symbolism of color, each particular flower carries a certain symbol. If now many have forgotten about this, it should be recalled. Some sources claim that the language of flowers was born in the era of romanticism and for more than a hundred years has been an integral part of the sentimental games of lovers. Flowers helped lovers to maintain a silent dialogue, express a complex range of experiences. Sometimes flowers were sent instead of letters. For example, hyacinth by the number of buds "appointed" the day of the meeting, and the bell by the number of flowers "specified" even the hour of the meeting. The language of flowers in the East made up the whole science of "villages", where azalea denoted sadness caused by loneliness. A white carnation spoke of trust, and a red one spoke of warm feelings. The yellow rose "doubted" the sincerity of love, the red rose secretly "confessed" to ardent feelings. Lily denoted purity, aster - sadness, and modest nails whispered about the secret, at the same time reminding the owner of the bouquet about her eternal charm. The British give their beloved women pansies. And even if feelings were hidden until this day, they can be expressed only with the help of these wonderful flowers. Many European nations still consider white acacia flowers to represent pure and bright love. And in ancient Germany, lilies of the valley were considered the key to love and happiness in family life. Hydrangeas in Japan express sorrow, while in other countries they are endowed with the ability to ward off illness and misfortune. And here are the advice of the Bulgarian culturologist M. Todorova. Hyacinths, carnations, chrysanthemums are given to a married woman to emphasize respect for her. To remind you of a purely personal, yellow flowers are interspersed in the bouquet. If a dahlia is presented to a girl, this is a sign of sad, unrequited love. Daisies are the flowers of young, unmarried girls. White flowers prevail in the bride's bouquet, and a bouquet of white callas is the wish of a successful marriage (in any other cases, a color accent is preferable). There is a belief that gerberas in a bouquet (a large scarlet flower with two white ones) bring happiness. Before a long trip or separation, it is customary to present a bouquet with a predominance of red. Red gladioluses should be given at the birth of a son, and colorful if the daughter was born (according to other sources, congratulating the girls on the birth, it is customary to give pink or red flowers, representing the dawn of life, and the boy - blue or purple). For example, a cornflower expresses tenderness, nasturtium - love, aster - a deeply hidden feeling, secret intention, lily of the valley - a feeling hidden from everyone, buttercup - a request for a date, white rose, white lily, feces - the nobility of soul and deed, red rose - an open expression of feeling, a demonstration of support, a lilac - a rebuke in oblivion, a reminder of oneself, daisy - rejection of anyone, even hatred, although daisy on the other hand is an ally in fortune-telling, conspiracy, reflection, cornflower - simplicity and ingenuity, a tulip - waiting for a response chu of society, chrysanthemum - forgiveness, favor, dahlia - a warning about the cooling of relations, mimosa - distrust, caution.

The number of flowers in a bouquet has a certain meaning: it is customary to give an odd number of flowers: one, three, five, seven ...

one flower is a sign of attention; three flowers - a sign of respect; five are confessions; seven - love ...

If there are more than twelve flowers, then the score is half a dozen, that is, the number of flowers in a bouquet should be divided by six.