
Invitation to open day at school. Invitation letter. Sample document: letter of invitation

A business invitation letter is an invitation to some event: a conference, work, interview, exhibition, meeting, concert, charity evening, seminar, meeting, etc.


Like other types of official letters, an invitation letter is drawn up according to the following template:

[phone, email, etc.]
Dear ladies and gentlemen.

You are invited to participate in [event name and/or description], which will take place at [address/name of institution, etc.].
Organizers of [event name]: [list of organizers].
Presenters [event name]: [list of presenters].
During [event name]: [what is dedicated, list of issues discussed, etc.].
[Some additional information]

For additional information about [event name], please contact [phone, email, address, etc.].

General Director of such and such an office, signature V.M. Batkovich

Mandatory details of the invitation letter: name of the organization, organization code, reference data about the organization, OGRN, INN, date, registration number, addressee, signature of the head, note about the performer.

The text of the invitation letter should be short, concise, correct and should not allow for different interpretations. The invitation letter should be devoted to only one issue (event, event), except in cases of their close relationship and location in one structural unit sending organization. The letter is drawn up in two copies (the second copy is endorsed by the originator, the head of the sending unit and remains with the sending organization).

To the event

On our website you can download a sample of an official invitation to an event (concert):

For an interview

Invitation to an interview. Sample.

There is a specific template for invitations to interviews.

Example 1.
Dear Petrenko Alexander Alexandrovich (your full name).
Thank you for sending your resume for the position ***. We have reviewed your resume and are interested in your candidacy. We invite you to an interview, which will take place on July 10 at 10:00. You will be met by the manager of the *** department - Vasiliev Yuri Valerievich. Best regards, company ***.

Example 2.
Dear Petrenko Alexander Alexandrovich (your full name). The company "***" invites you to undergo an interview for the position of administrator, which will take place on October 25, 2013 at 11.00. Best regards, company ***.

Letter 3.
Dear Petrenko Alexander Alexandrovich (your full name). I recently received your resume for the vacancy ***. We have already found a candidate for this position, but we have another open position that may be of interest to you. Please call me at [number] and we will discuss the details with you. Sincerely, Anasov Pyotr Nikolaevich.

To the conference

Letter #1:
Dear Colleagues!

We invite you to become participants in the scientific conference [name].

The topic [title] has long attracted the attention of specialists. At the conference we would like to talk about […]. And, of course, we will talk about […].

The conference is planned to be accompanied by an exhibition of objects illustrating the topics under consideration. It is planned to publish the texts of the reports and the exhibition catalogue.

The conference will take place on August 12, 2013 in the business center “” (Moscow, Lev Tolstoy St., 15).

Applications must be sent by August 10, 2013.

Petr Petrov

Letter #2:
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

We invite you to the international conference [name].

Main objectives of the conference:
task 1
task 2
task 3

In the conference program:
event 1
event 2
event 3

The registration fee for participation in the conference is 37,000 rubles, incl. VAT 18% (transfer, lunches, coffee breaks, stationery).

Conference schedule:
Registration from 8.00 to 9.00 hours.
The conference starts at 9.00.

Conference location:

Applications for participation in the conference are accepted until August 15, 2013 using the form sent to the following email addresses: [email protected] or [mail address] or by fax: [number].

For organizational questions, please contact: [last name, first name of contact person], tel.: [number], email address: [mail address].

Petr Petrov

To the exhibition

Letter of invitation to a product exhibition

Dear partners!

On December 20, 2015, the largest exhibition of construction equipment will be held in Moscow.

For the past five years, this event has annually brought together consumers, distributors and manufacturers of unmanned construction droids.

The Robostroy exhibition is a wonderful opportunity to establish business contacts, attract new clients, and find reliable partners. As before, the exhibition will feature stands of participants from Germany, the USA, Japan and the Netherlands, offering the most modern technical solutions.

To visit the Robostroy exhibition, you need to register on the website robostroy.rf. The procedure for issuing an electronic invitation is simple and will not take you more than two minutes.

Venue: Moscow, st. Pushkin, village Kolotushkina. Starts on December 20 at 13:00. We will be glad to see you!

An invitation letter is a way to invite the addressee to attend a certain event or to be present at some event. An invitation can be expressed orally, but in business relations it is the written form that is most common, which has a number of advantages. In this article we offer several sample invitation letters for participation in an event, conference, or exhibition. There is also an example of a written invitation to an interview with an employer and an invitation to cooperate.

In business relationships, an invitation letter is an important element in building trust and respect between the two parties. A written invitation to take part, visit, watch is a sign of special attention, in addition, it allows the recipient not to forget about the important event awaiting him.

Why is it necessary? invitation letter:

  • confirms that the recipient is really invited, allows you to avoid mistakes;
  • reminds of the time and place of the meeting, event to which the recipient is invited.

Why written invitation better than oral:

  • allows you to notify a specific person about any important event or event;
  • reminds the recipient of plans and will not allow them to forget an important event;
  • acts as an additional sign of attention and respect - the sender took the time to communicate the invitation information to the recipient in writing;
  • It is possible to send even to those people with whom it is not possible to talk by phone or in person.

How to send invitation:

  • transfer personally from hand to hand - bring it to the addressee and hand it over, this method allows you not only in writing, but also orally to invite the addressee to an event - a meeting, interview, conference, exhibition, conference, reception or other event;
  • send by Russian Post, if the event is particularly important, then you can send it by a valuable letter with a list of the attachment, but the sending must be done in advance, taking into account the delivery time of the letter to the invitee;
  • sending by e-mail is a very simple and convenient method, if the addressee’s e-mail is known; this method is often used by recruiters when sending a letter inviting them to come for a job interview.

In order for this document to perform its function correctly, it must contain a sufficient amount of information. The information must be of such volume that the addressee has no questions regarding the planned event, place and time of its holding.

In order for the address to make sure that the invitation is sent to him, you need to provide information about the recipient. Typically, this information is located in the upper right corner of the letter form in the dative case. If this is an organization, then write its name and location, full name and position of the head. If this is an individual, then his full name and residential address.

Next, indicate from whom the letter was sent. It is important to indicate not only the name of the organization or the full name of the originator and sender, but also contact information, which allows you to ask the author of the invitation letter if you have questions regarding the planned event.

The text of the letter begins with an appeal. The polite form is used. If this is a specific person, then be sure to indicate him full name or first name, patronymic. For example, “Dear Olga Vladimirovna!” or “Dear Alexander!” The appeal depends on the type of event, the degree of acquaintance between the originator and the recipient. If these persons are not close acquaintances, it is enough to limit themselves to the neutral “dear.”

How to invite to an event

  • the date of the event - meeting, conference, interview, exhibition, meeting, official reception, indicate not only the date, but also the exact time;
  • venue – the information in the letter should be sufficient so that the invitee has no questions about where to go. It is important to indicate not only the address (street, house), but also additional information - where to go, where is the entrance, what floor, what office, hall. It is also possible to attach a traffic diagram to the letter. If necessary, they also indicate the type of transport that can be used to get to the event venue. That is, the information should be as complete as possible so that the person invited to participate in the event does not wander through the corridors in search of the venue of the event, does not waste time, or is late. Inaccurate information regarding this detail is disrespectful towards the invitee; he will have to clarify exactly how to get there and what to drive;
  • type of event, its name - it is also important to indicate in the invitation letter what type of event awaits the invitee; if it has a name, then it is written in exact accordance;
  • directly the word “we invite”, it also specifies what exactly the invitee should do at the specified event - participate, watch, observe, for example, you can invite to give a report at a conference, or you can invite to watch the speeches of other speakers at the conference;

Examples of invitation letter:

“Dear Anna Dmitrievna!

We invite you to take part in the celebration of the Day national unity November 4, 2018 at the Golden Alley restaurant at Novosibirsk, st. Dekabristov 34, entrance from the end of the building.”

“Dear Daniil Mikhailovich!

We invite you to attend the all-Russian conference “Changes in accounting and tax legislation in 2018”, which will take place on November 22, 2017 in the small conference hall of the Zheleznodorozhnik Palace of Culture, Ekaterinburg at the address Ekaterinburg, st. Zheleznodorozhnaya 23 (main entrance, 2nd floor).”

  • content of the event - if this is a conference, you can attach to the letter a list of speakers, who will participate in it, and topics of speeches; if this is a celebration of an event, then short program events". This information will allow the recipient to assess the degree of interest in the planned event and prepare for it correctly;
  • please let us know if you plan to attend the event. If you want to find out the exact desire of the addressee to attend an event, then you need to clarify at the end of the invitation letter whether the person will come on the specified day at the place of invitation. You should indicate exactly how you want to send your response - by email, postal letter, telephone call, or other means.

The completed letter is signed by the addressee indicating the date of composition. If necessary, the completed document can be packed in a beautiful envelope and sent to its destination.

It is important to make sure that the text contains Contact Information for feedback.

Sample invitation letters to the exhibition:

How to invite for an interview

Candidates for a vacant position are usually invited for an interview either by telephone or by email.