
Stories of someone who learned to play the button accordion. Peeking to the keyboard. Left button accordion

Do-it-yourself learning to play the button accordion  will require high organization and discipline from you. It is impossible to learn to play any instrument while doing this from case to case, with long breaks. Only daily activities with a clearly defined goal will help you master the tool.

In my articles on learning to play the button accordion  You will find a large number of practical tips for organizing self-study. These tips and tricks were not taken from heaven. This is a personal experience, the experience of my colleagues and students.

In contrast to this material wealth, a notation-oriented doctrine often boils down to judgments about right or wrong. However, music as a language of emotions remains an unattainable goal. Eckart Altenmüller was also able to give us a hint about what good support would look like based on his experience as a specialist in the diseases of musicians. Namely, he quoted from the writings of Mr. Vick, the father of Clara Schumann, who you, if you still do not know, as the pianist and wife of Robert Schumann, possibly from my blog on the topic of good mood.

The value of the first piano teacher

Mr. Vick, as the promoter of his daughter's talents, demanded that she spend an hour with books and an hour in nature for every hour on the piano. In other words, he did not want to breed a specialist, but wanted to develop a healthy personality. However, in order to motivate yourself on a long learning path, first you need a teacher who arouses enthusiasm, which makes you learn naturally and easily. According to Professor Altenmüller, this teacher is an important building block of future success for beginners.

Here are some simple rules that are important for beginners to follow.   accordionists:

  Warm up

Before starting the exercises, knead the joints of the hands and muscles of the hands. This is done with simple exercises. There are hundreds of options. It is important not to tire the muscles and joints, but simply to warm up.

  Hand hygiene

Take care of your hand hygiene. Do not sit down on the button accordion with unwashed hands. Remember that greasy plaque from the button on the button of the button accordion is almost very difficult, and sometimes impossible.

On the way to the championship, other teachers follow who take different emphasis in training. But these teachers follow only if at first the right teacher could lay the foundation of enthusiasm and, thus, the joy of music through a positive emotional relationship with the student.

Two other blocks of success. This phenomenon is called self-efficacy and elementary for children - and, strictly speaking, remains vital for a healthy person throughout life! For adults starting to play the piano, this is support, as well as interest from a personal environment.

  • Developing the ability to improve and experience such improvement.
  • Parents who support and are interested in music.
Thus, these are the building blocks of a successful and, above all, modern music education.


A lot has already been said about the landing. I add that you do not have to lean on the body of the button accordion with the chin. If you are tired, better get up and do a light workout. Constant Butting button accordion  can cause a violation of posture, and the quality of the game is out of the question.

  Shoulder straps

Always wear shoulder straps when playing. They were not invented for beauty and convenience. Bayan's shoulder straps are a prerequisite for a full game. Calculate the length of the belts for you. They should not be too long or too short. After several experiments on choosing the length of the belts, you will definitely find your length at which accordion  will be in your hands in a natural and comfortable position for the game.

Because, accordingly, an emotional and positive connection causes changes in the brain, which create optimal conditions for learning. As already explained, the combination of oxytocin with a binding hormone and premium messengers consisting of endogenous opioids causes an increased plasticity of the parts of the brain that are necessary for training. At the same time, a positive relationship determines whether the teacher is able to sow and grow a small plant of joy in the student’s music! You do not need to recreate the seed.

Because children are already born musically. If this were not so, the children could not structure and learn the language. For this process, analyzing the language spoken, and then practicing it by imitation, it is based on the fact that children break the language into musical elements such as speech rhythm, speech melody and one word, toning. When the children start talking, we adults stand in front of them to exchange with the little ones in the form of singing. Music was the forerunner of human language in evolution.

  Peeping to the keyboard

Wean yourself from constant peering into the keyboard, get used to working with the buttons by touch.

  Finger position

Some newbies incorrectly press the keyboard buttons. Some try with all their dope to slap their fingers on them, while others diligently try to push the buttons into the neck. Both that, and another, of course, are incorrect. The buttons should be pressed gently, delicately. A very important point: do not lift your fingers high above the buttons - this will lose the speed of the game, coordination, and many misses. The game becomes nervous, fussy. It is unlikely that you want to be such a convulsive button accordion player.

Therefore, we just need to connect this innate musicality in order to simplify learning. In principle, learning succeeds only if the new can connect to an existing one or if an existing one expands with a new one. Thus, a meaningful approach to learning would be to expand an existing linguistic talent for creating music. This, in turn, would mean that we sing first before we learn the instrument. Singing, in turn, will have the advantage of being able to practice without any theory of music and not to learn any other skills.


Be sure to take breaks in class. It will be useful during these pauses to walk around the room, stand by the open window, do light gymnastics.


And, of course, listen more to records of accordion music, analyze what you hear, imagine exactly how accordionist  loses certain works.

How much does the subconscious affect piano?

Back in the scientific discussion, various models of consciousness appear and disappear again when the following theory is being discussed. Accordingly, we cannot even know what the subconscious mind is. However, some basic data has already been fixed in our heads and is considered irrefutable. Thus, we have determined that the work of consciousness is extremely uneconomical: it consumes a lot of energy. Anyone who works in a concentrated manner will accordingly be exhausted in a relatively short time. It is true that as intelligent beings we are proud of our consciousness.

Want to find a tutor for playing the accordion, button accordion in Moscow? There are 54 of them in our database!

If you don’t have time to look for a tutor to play the button accordion, accordion yourself, looking through all the profiles, you can write which tutor is needed, and the administrator is free  will make the selection of a tutor in accordance with your requirements.

However, we see the limits of our sustainability. As a result, we accept the theory that we tend to perform actions subconsciously. This has the advantage of saving valuable energy. The very conscious aspect of energy conservation makes sense for learning.

When we learn something new, we must consciously address the topic. It costs energy, as well as exhausting, as it causes stress when we need to integrate new ones into already known structures. The reward for learning is skill. Then we find the activity easy, because it is classified as known and thus works without stress. We also save energy when we can do what we have learned so well that we can subconsciously do it. The field of activity that we subconsciously perform in everyday life goes terribly far.

Tutors for button accordion, accordion

A private tutor for playing the accordion invites you to private lessons in playing the accordion, button accordion.
Piano class, accordion, synthesizer and music class.
An experienced teacher with experience ped. For more than 33 years, he has been teaching children and adults from 13 to 65 years old in Moscow.
Lessons from "0": development of musical hearing and sense of rhythm, sense of artistic and aesthetic taste, coordination of hearing and voice, study musical notation, fluent reading of notes, setting hands, development of finger fluency, amateur music playing, individual approach.
Developed his methodology for quick, high-quality and effective training. The program of muses. schools (7 years) for 1.5 - 2 years. I help in the successful development ...

Because it even includes dangerous activities such as driving a car. Even when playing the piano, the subconscious mind meets us as an important factor in strength. When we learned a piece, it more or less unconsciously unwinds. Motor skills, such as organizing finger movements, are subconsciously organized, controlled, and executed. This frees the mind from the higher tasks of playing the piano, namely for expressive and soulful playing. At this stage, we would also like to distinguish beginners from experts, since the latter can play not only technically, but also emotionally expressively.

  • Cost of classes:  60 min. / 1500 rub. with departure to the student. The price of classes is negotiable, depending on the subject, the size of the time and the number of lessons, goals and objectives of education and training, and other factors that I discuss ...
  • Items:  Piano, Accordion, Button accordion, Synthesizer, Music
  • Town:  Moscow
  • Nearest underground station:  Slavic Boulevard
  • Departure to the house:  available
  • Status:  Private teacher
  • Education:  2 Universities with Honors.

Individual learning to play the button accordion, accordion in Moscow.
Music, button accordion, accordion, accordion, balalaika, guitar, solfeggio.
I teach playing the folk instruments (button accordion, accordion, accordion, balalaika, guitar) of any age from 5 years and any genres, and I also give lessons in solfeggio, elementary theory of music and harmony.
My achievements: as a performer, laureate of all-Russian and international competitions, twice winner of the World Cup in the category soloist and ensemble; as a teacher - 12th grade, 2nd category, students laureates and holders of 1 place in regional and international competitions.

A deep idiom is hiding from the newcomers to the rules, as they are mainly occupied with motor tasks. Let me make a small digression: in my opinion, playing the piano is very difficult, especially in the field of classical music. That is, the training effort for the corresponding finger skills is relatively high. This is what we are taught mainly in piano lessons. What the piano is actually looking for on the piano is the ability to express its emotions while playing the piano.

Behind this desire are different desires and needs. For a long time, we had to reduce high voltage daily. Otherwise, we will be sick, which is already happening. Our longing refers to our own emotions, whose value is the study of the brain, for example, consciously consciously in recent years, but which we have subconsciously long ago realized! To give more room for one’s own feelings regarding the active creation of music, this is the main driving force for people to learn a musical instrument.

  • Cost of classes:  Remote: 1000 rub. / 60 min.
    At the teacher: 1500 rub. / 60 min.
    The student: from 1500 rubles. and above - 60 minutes, depending on the range.
  • Items:  Music, Accordion, Button accordion, Solfeggio
  • Town:  Moscow
  • Nearest metro stations:  Trade Union, University
  • Departure to the house:  available
  • Status:  School teacher
  • Education:  RAM them. Gnesins, faculty of folk instruments (button accordion), 2011

  I spend the first lesson for free.
Private teacher of accordion, button accordion in Moscow.
I teach the game on the accordion according to the author’s methodology, based on my own research and methodological developments. The program includes: learning to play the accordion, learning musical notation.
Learning to play a musical instrument unlocks creativity.

To be continued. As a rule, only very few people are aware of the performance that the subconscious performs when playing the piano as part of the orientation of a two-handed 10-finger keyboard playback. The orientation aspect concerns the perception of the immediate environment through our senses. Now you can argue that this is only a beginner’s task until he is aware of the key separation system in repeating octaves. In fact, this is the part that is aware of us. However, we are only aware of the orientation in the complex ways of the game, since we are simply overloaded with a certain complexity, especially new models of actions.

Private teacher of the accordion in Moscow.
In addition to a special subject - an accordion, I can assist in the development of solfeggio, harmony, and piano. Help applicants to music college and students with any level of ability.
I love my profession and will gladly share my skills. It’s a great joy for me when people start playing and understanding music. In addition to teaching, I conduct an active concert, I am a laureate of international competitions, I work in a children's theater, I have my own band.
The main thing is the desire to play, the initial level of ability and knowledge is not important for me.

Then we need to reduce complexity, for example, dealing with one hand at a time, before trying to perform this task sequentially, but still trying to cope with a slower pace for cognitive processing. If the instrument hardware and software are disabled, the hardware is called the main keyboard. The software is usually broader, namely a digital audio workstation. The surface is made of silicone. On these keys, in combination with the settings of special software, you can still see a unique game with a keyboard in 5 sizes.

  • Cost of classes:  if the lesson takes place at my place, the cost will be 1700 p.
  • Items:  Accordion, Bayan, Piano
  • Town:  Moscow
  • Nearest metro stations:  Smolensk, Arbat
  • Departure to the house:  available
  • Status:  Graduate student
  • Education:  She graduated from the Gnesins Russian Academy of Music, assistant, all with an excellent diploma.

Private lessons in playing the button accordion at home with a tutor.
I conduct classes with students of different ages and levels of training. If you have a desire to learn how to play the button accordion or accordion, then I will certainly help you with this!
- learning from scratch
- music school program for all years of study
- help in homework
- preparation for concert performances
- preparation for admission to a music college and university
About me: Laureate of all-Russian and international competitions. Assistant Trainee RAM them. Gnesins. Teacher of music school.
Laureate of All-Russian and International competitions, teacher of children's music school.

  • Side glide causes tonality.
  • Pressing a button by length \u003d toggle between two patterns.
  • UI release.
Whenever something can do more, it also offers users great value. This added value is an attractive task for music-sensitive people who are interested in the maximum expressive capabilities of their emotional states. Because my way of making a piano leads me through music.

Understanding this topic made me even more aware of the limits of the piano, as it was already subconsciously based on the experience of guitarist Jimi Hendrix, who crossed keys due to previous impressions of my youth. It was exciting and exciting at the same time. Because my error rate when I pressed the keys correctly was surprisingly high. These subconscious side benefits are the foundation of success on a traditional keyboard. This keyboard model, which is the same for all analog keyboard instruments, has been adopted the same way with electronic keyboard instruments.

  • Lesson cost:  1500 rub. / 60 min
  • Items:  Accordion, Bayan
  • Town:  Moscow
  • Nearest underground station:  Polezhaevskaya
  • Departure to the house:  available
  • Status:  Private teacher
  • Education:  Gnesins Russian Academy of Music, 2015

Private lessons in playing the button accordion in Moscow with an experienced tutor in button accordion, accordion.
If you or your children have a desire to learn how to play a musical instrument, to develop an aesthetic taste, memory and ear for music, then I can help you easily and visually master one of the musical instruments - button accordion, accordion or piano. With your great desire, together with my experience (13 years of work in a children's music school), together we can achieve great success. Education "from scratch", age - from 6 years, adults.

Thus, the color contrast between halftones and tonal keys of the entire tone is limited only by shading and a thin white line on the halftone keyboard waves. Structurally, we optically recognize octaves and typical chromatic fission. But for tactile perception, i.e. for the differences and associated keyboard orientation characteristics, the structural differences in height between half and whole tonal keys are too small. Firstly, only on the basis of comparative experience does a person realize this aspect!

This is partly due to the fact that demonstrations are limited to short sequences, as well as reduced complexity structures. This has become so common among keyboardists, because you can play separately on the left and right keys on different tracks. On the other hand, then the second hand was free to work with new functions, namely, for example, to change pitches in the game at the so-called step. In addition, you will find only videos demonstrating mastery. No one shows you failure.

  • Cost of classes:  1 lesson (60 minutes) - 1500 rubles;
    1 lesson (90 minutes) - 2000 rubles.
  • Items:  Accordion, Bayan, Piano, Solfeggio
  • Cities:  Moscow, Odintsovo, Moscow
  • Nearest metro stations:  Southwest, Salaryevo
  • Departure to the house:  available
  • Status:  School teacher
  • Education: Gnesins State College of Music, Institute of Music, Moscow State University of Cinematography, 2010

Individual learning to play the button accordion at home with a tutor.
All comers. An individual approach to each student. Lessons are built according to your wishes. The age of students is unlimited. You have a tool and a desire to learn. From me professionalism and friendliness.

  • Cost of classes:  1500 rubles / 60 minutes with departure to the student.
    1200 rubles / 60 minutes at home.
  • Items:  Accordion, Bayan, Solfeggio, Music, Piano
  • Cities:  Moscow, Zelenograd, Gangway, Khimki, Andreevka
  • Nearest metro stations:  Butyrskaya, Riga
  • Departure to the house:  available
  • Status:  Private teacher
  • Education:  School of Music - 1987 Bayan. Pedagogical Institute - 1993. Music department.
  • Lesson cost:  1500 rub. / 60 min
  • Items:  Accordion, Bayan
  • Town:  Moscow
  • Nearest metro stations:  Aircraft, Prague
  • Departure to the house:  available
  • Status:  Private teacher
  • Education:  TKI them. Dargomyzhsky - average; MGIM them Schnittke - the highest.

  I spend the first lesson for free.
Private tutor for playing the accordion in Moscow.
General musical development. An individual approach to each student, taking into account wishes (selection by ear, learning your favorite tunes). A comprehensive, systematic lesson. Creative atmosphere. There are no age restrictions, the main desire!

Individual tutor for button accordion in Moscow.
Training from the initial stage of playing the accordion, guitar, synthesizer. Tutoring in these specialties, as well as in piano and solfeggio. Help with homework on solfeggio, an affordable, understandable explanation of the theory, dictations - and you will not have problems with this subject. Activities with children and adults. Help in writing songs (notes, lyrics). Editing poetic texts, help in creating minuses.

  • Lesson cost:  1000 rub / 60 min
  • Items:  Accordion, Bayan, Guitar, Solfeggio, Piano
  • Town:  Moscow
  • Nearest metro stations:  Printers, Textile Workers
  • Departure to the house:  available
  • Status:  School teacher
  • Education:  RUI - 1980, Moscow Institute of Culture - 1987

Many parents choose an accordion for their children as a musical instrument, a tutor for the game on which helps the kid to master all the necessary moments of the game. It is very important that the first accordion teacher has not only professional playing skills, but also good pedagogical data. Elementary lessons playing the accordion either makes the child fall in love with this instrument, or repels him from the music forever. It is necessary that the tutor of the accordion be able to find the right approach to their students. Our teachers are distinguished by good knowledge, excellent practical and pedagogical skills. Proper seating and arm positioning is of great importance, so close attention is paid to this when you first get acquainted with the accordion, when the child first attends accordion courses. The tutors we offer for learning to play the accordion know how to find an individual approach to their students and are able to interest kids. Our teachers are able to instill a little student a love of music and help him develop his creative abilities. Accordion courses for the smallest begin with an introduction to the instrument. At the same time, each of our accordion tutors knows how to conduct the first lesson correctly, so that in the future the student will engage with genuine interest and zeal. Learning to play the accordion includes both practical skills in mastering this musical instrument and theoretical lessons that help you get deeper into the musical culture. A tutor on playing the accordion teaches everything you need to know or be able to masterly play, both classical pieces and fun folk tunes. Many people believe that there is no difference between an accordion and a button accordion. But in reality, accordion courses are very different from accordion classes. Of course, there are similar points, such as a proper fit, ways to work with furs and others, but in general, learning to accordion is fundamentally different. If you have not yet decided which of the two indicated tools to choose for your child, then no one will tell you about this button accordion teacher. But I would like to note that nevertheless, learning to play the button accordion is considered simpler than playing the accordion. If you have chosen button accordion lessons for your baby, we will help you choose a good teacher. No one except the parents knows better which button accordion his child needs. All children differ in character, manner of communication and many other signs. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a person who will conduct lessons on the button accordion based on the personal qualities of the future student. We will give you the opportunity to communicate with the candidates in person and independently determine which of them will conduct accordion courses for your child. When children learn music from childhood, they grow kinder, more responsible and smarter. Their creative development begins earlier than that of their peers. It should be noted that each of our teacher of the button accordion has professional pedagogical skills, which allows us to make the lessons as interesting and fruitful as possible.

If you need a solfeggio tutor in Moscow, then leave a request in the "Find a Tutor" section.