
Making a portfolio of a musical director with notes. Portfolio of the music director of the autonomous preschool institution of the municipal formation zavodoukovsky urban district “development center. Diagnostics of the musical education of children

VISIT CARD FULL NAME Savelyeva Elena Vasilievna Date of birth: August 8, 1967. Education: specialized secondary, Graduated from Petrozavodsk Pedagogical School 2 in 1986. By the decision of the qualification commission in 1986, he was assigned the specialty “Kindergarten teacher. Teaching experience: 23 years. In this institution: 21 years. In this position: 6 years. Qualification category: first category. Date of assignment: 02 December 2011

Universal teacher! ... Not solid? Who said? Twenty chairs against the wall are your Column Hall. Here and the "lady" and Bach, glee and fear, And movement, and a word and a smile on the lips! The world is changing around your musical hands Takt, another - and a summer meadow blooms on the parquet. Outside the window, the cold is fierce, in the kindergarten - comfort, Twenty "birds" are dancing the polka, waving their "wings", singing! Twenty devoted birdies are the closest circle of Kind, gentle, like your mother's, patient hands. Make a fox costume, show the flight of a wasp, Calm the dissatisfied, wiping their noses, -An abyss of necessary good deeds! This is the lot of your hands! May God give them Love and Strength, so that the world does not become impoverished! (author unknown)

MY AWARDS Diploma of the administration of the kindergarten "Rodnichok" MDOU. Diploma of the administration of the ANO kindergarten "Rodnichok". Letter of thanks from the administration of the Zavodoukovsky urban district of the education committee. 2010 Letter of thanks from the administration of Zavodoukovsky urban district, 2011. Gratitude of the Education Committee of the Administration of the Zavodoukovsky Urban District 2012, 2013 Diploma of the Education Committee of the Administration of the Zavodoukovsky Urban District, 2013.

Selection of various types of materials for classes and for group design using Internet resources, office equipment; Registration of materials in various areas of activity, using Microsoft Office, Word, Excel programs, including when developing plans and notes of nodes, various types of holidays and entertainment, consultations for parents; Using multimedia presentations in Microsoft Office, PowerPoint programs to improve the effectiveness of educational activities with children; The use of the Internet in pedagogical activities for the purpose of information, scientific and pedagogical support of the educational process in the work of a musical director, the design of booklets and a business card; Search for additional information for classes, familiarity with periodicals, communication with colleagues, exchange of experience, posting of their own developments on the network. Use of video and photo equipment. USE OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES.

FORMS OF WORK OF A MUSIC LEADER WITH FAMILIES OF PUPILS Holding joint holidays, entertainment, Holding joint holidays, entertainment, family living rooms, contests. family living rooms, competitions. Making together with parents of nontraditional musical instruments Making together with parents of nontraditional musical instruments. (workshop) musical instruments. (workshop) Organization of creative meetings. Organization of creative meetings. Organization of joint projects for children and parents. Organization of joint projects for children and parents. Involvement of parents in the participation of children in the district. Involvement of parents in the participation of children in the district activities. events. Inviting students of a music school Invitation of students from a music school who graduated from a kindergarten. kindergarten graduate schools. Speeches at the parent meeting. Speeches at the parent meeting. Parents' questioning. Parents' questioning. 23

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  1. Business card.
  2. Self-education.
  3. Design work.
  4. Materials posted on Internet resources.
  5. Consulting.
  6. We live merrily.
  7. Diagnostics of musical education.
  8. Creative work.
  9. Health-saving and gaming technologies.
  10. Photo report.
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    Velichko Lilia Viktorovna

    • Education - secondary specialized.
    • The total work experience is 30 years.
    • Teaching experience - 30 years.
    • In 1983 she graduated from the Artyomovsk State Music School.
    • Place of work: from 1983 to 1987 Music school Ukraine.
    • from 1987 to 2013 children's music school in Kropotkin (in 2013 the first qualification category was awarded)
    • I have been working in kindergarten since 2006, part-time, since 2013 - in my main job.

    MDOU kindergarten number 16 "Alenushka" Kropotkin village, Zarechnaya st., 2.

    Email [email protected]

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    Refresher courses:

    Participation in seminars.

    OGAOU DPO Irkutsk Institute for Advanced Studies, the program "The use of information technology in teaching."

    "The role of speech development in preschoolers in the formation of communication skills."

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    My pedagogical principles

    See everything, understand everything, know everything, experience everything,
    All forms, all colors to absorb with your eyes,
    Walk across the land with burning feet
    To accept everything and incarnate again.

    It is very important to be able to understand the child, to assess his condition, to be sincere with him.

    VA Sukhamlinsky wrote: “... if a child lives in enmity, he learns aggression; if a child is constantly criticized, he learns to hate; if a child is ridiculed, he strives for isolation; if a child grows up in reproach, he learns to live with guilt, but at the same time, if a child grows up in tolerance, he learns to understand others; if the child is encouraged, he learns to believe in himself; if the child is praised, he learns to be grateful; if a child grows up safe, he learns to believe in people; if a child lives in understanding and friendliness, he learns to find love in this world. "

    These words became my main guideline in educational activities. I always try to assess how comfortable my pupils are in class, create a cozy atmosphere in the music hall, trust their pupils and the children respond to me with gratitude.

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    1. Report Forms
    2. Timing
    3. Forms of work
    4. The content of the work

    A complex lesson as one of the conditions for the development of an emotionally holistic perception of art.

    Revealing a specific topic through various types of children's activities: musical, visual, artistic - speech, theatrical.

    Formation in children of ideas about the types, genres and means of artistic expression, to develop artistic perception and children's creativity in productive activities (drawing, modeling, application, artistic work), to foster an aesthetic attitude to the world around them.

    1. Integrated lesson.
    2. Entertainment.
    3. Performances at matinees.

    • Self-education
    • Introspection.
    • Acquaintance with new materials, assessment of the possibility of their application in the educational process.
    • Entertainment.
    • Integrated classes.
    • Leisure activities.
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    Integrated classes on the topic of self-education:

    1. "Omnipresent rhythm" - the world around and music. Purpose: to develop and hear patterns; to form the idea that everything in nature is subject to a certain rhythm; translate ideas about rhythm in nature and life into rhythmic sensations: auditory, visual, tactile.

    2. "Journey to the Winter Forest" - art reading, painting, music. Purpose: to evoke an emotional response to the artistic image of a winter landscape, to develop the ability to express judgments, correlate according to mood, teach to distinguish shades of mood in singing, in movement, in dance; enrich the vocabulary of children.

    3. "With a brush and music in the palm" - drawing and music. Purpose: to teach children to determine the nature of the music, to hear the expressive intonations of the melody. Develop the ability to convey the character of music in a drawing.

    4 "Flower Girl" - literary reading and music. Purpose: to develop intersubject connections: music and literature, emotionally transmit musical images through movement. Entertainment: “Mom is in the house, like the sun is in the sky” - application and music. Purpose: development of singing skills; teaching the use of color as a means of conveying mood; Strengthening the skills of working with scissors, self-selection of paper of the desired color.

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    The topic that interests me is LOGORITHMICS

    A complex methodology that includes speech therapy, music-rhythmic and physical education. The three whales on which the logo rhythm stands are movement, music and speech.

    • development of general, fine and articulatory motor skills;
    • formation of correct breathing;
    • development of the ability to navigate in space;
    • the development of clear coordinated movements in conjunction with speech;
    • development of phonemic hearing;
    • the formation of relaxation skills;
    • development and correction of musical rhythmic movements.
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    Logorhythmic lesson includes the following elements:

    • speech therapy (articulatory) gymnastics - a set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the organs of the articulatory apparatus;
    • finger gymnastics for the development of fine motor skills, since speech is formed under the influence of impulses coming from the hands;
    • exercises to music for the development of general motor skills, corresponding to the age characteristics of children, for musculoskeletal and coordination training;
    • vocal-articulation exercises for the development of singing skills and breathing with and without musical accompaniment;
    • phonopedic exercises to strengthen the larynx and instill speech breathing;
    • songs and poems, accompanied by hand movements, for the development of fluency and expressiveness of speech, speech hearing and speech memory, coordination training;
    • musical rhythmic games with musical instruments that develop a sense of rhythm;
    • musical games that contribute to the development of speech, attention, the ability to navigate in space;
    • exercises for the development of facial muscles for the development of the emotional sphere, imagination and associative-figurative thinking;
    • communicative games and dances for the development of the dynamic side of communication, emotionality and expressiveness of non-verbal means of communication, positive self-awareness;
    • exercises for the development of word creation, expansion of the active vocabulary of children.
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    Project goal: Introducing preschoolers to classical music. The senior participants in the process are the preparatory group. Terms of implementation - 2011 - 2013.

    The musical director is designed to help children enter the world of music, understand its laws, and join its mysteries.

    “I consider music not as the art of amusing the ear, but also as one of the greatest means to touch the soul and arouse feelings” (K. Gluck)

    Project objectives:

    • Development of the emotional sphere of the child.
    • Formation of aesthetic perception of the world around children in children.
    • Introduction to musical culture.
    • Form the need for the perception of music.
    • To enrich the musical experience of children and contribute to the formation of musical taste, musical memory and musicality in general.
    • Development of cognitive and creative abilities.
    • Promote the development of mental activity, memory, hearing, fantasy.
    • Enrichment of the vocabulary.
    • Develop a desire to use specialized terminology.
    • Master various forms of gaining experience.

    1. Introduction of preschoolers to classical music.
    2. Formation of the ability to classify music.
    3. Acquaintance with the orchestra.
    4. Formation of the ability to classify orchestras.
    5. Acquaintance with the symphony orchestra and its leader.
    6. Formation of the ability to classify the instruments of a symphony orchestra into groups.
    7. Acquire the basics of musical and historical knowledge. Stories and legends of the origin of musical instruments.

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    "Sound is a magician" (2013-2014). Project participants: senior - preparatory group.

    Objective of the project:

    • to develop an interest in the aesthetic side of reality, the need for children for creative self-expression, initiative and independence in the embodiment of an artistic conception.

    Project objectives:

    • Expand the horizons of children through acquaintance with musical culture and musical instruments;
    • Contribute to the creation of conditions for creative self-expression of the child, taking into account his individual capabilities;
    • To involve children in different types of artistic and aesthetic activities, helping them to master various means, materials and methods of making musical toy-instruments;
    • Support the initiative and desire of children to improvise when playing homemade musical toys - instruments.

    Stage 1: study of non-musical sounds of the environment;
    Stage 2: the creation of the simplest instruments according to the sample and, together with the teacher, reproduce the rhythmic pattern of various children's songs, tunes;
    Stage 3: "Musical instruments", "The orchestra of merry instruments sounds merrily", "Our world is reflected in the sounds."
    Stage 4: final lesson "Rainbow of sounds"

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    Materials posted on Internet resources. is an international Russian-language social Educational Internet project.

    1. Scenario of the New Year's holiday "How the Snow Maiden Wanted to Become a Star."

    2. Scenario of the summer holiday "Sorceress Water".

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    For educators.

    1. "The role of the educator in the development of independent musical activity of children."
    2. "Child development in musical activity".
    3. "Development of the creative abilities of children through theatrical activities."

    For parents.

    1. "Musical education of children".
    2. Recommendations for parents.
    3. "Memo for parents".
    4. "How to teach a child to listen to music at home."
    5. "Recommendations for parents when attending holidays and matinees in kindergarten."
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    Diagnostics of the musical education of children

    According to the results of the diagnosis, it can be concluded that the children have increased self-esteem, they strive for active musical activity and dance and play creativity.

    Children are emotionally responsive, inquisitive, able to solve intellectual problems and problem situations, and are adequate for their age.

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    Creative works

    Holiday presentations:

    • “How we live in kindergarten” - at the graduation party.
    • Droplets group.
    • The Solnyshko Group.
    • Mothers Day.
    • Children draw mom (March 8).

    For music lessons:

    • Nature and music.
    • Musical instruments.
    • Lullabies.
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    My achievements

    My achievements.

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    System of musical and health-improving work

    System of musical and health-improving work

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    Health-saving and gaming technologies

    • logo rhythmics (a method of overcoming speech disorders by developing the motor sphere in combination with words and music);
    • finger gymnastics (development of fine motor skills);
    • psycho-gymnastics (mimic exercises; relaxation; communicative games and dances; studies for the development of expressive movements, staging; music therapy, studies, games and exercises aimed at developing and correcting various aspects of the child's psyche, both cognitive and emotional-personal);
    • breathing and articulatory gymnastics (breathing affects sound production, articulation and voice development);
    • When to become a beautiful flower
      A person's personality can do it.
      And we are obliged to create
      Despising all worldly hardships,
      To lay down the light truths
      The rudiments of the soul are young.
      To show them the right way,
      Help not to dissolve in the crowd.
      It is not given to us to predict
      But we must strive!
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    Thank you for the attention!

    Thank you for the attention!

    View all slides


    Work with children

    Working with teachers

    Interaction with parents

    Use ready-made and develop their own methods of testing, questioning, observing the development of musical and creative abilities of children, their physical and spiritual improvement.

    Organization of a subject-developing environment for musical education and health improvement of children. Collections of complexes of health-saving technologies. Summaries of musical studies. Leisure and entertainment scenarios. Consulting material for parents. Consulting material for teachers. Creation of a set of CDs "Musicotherapy". Creation of a CD "To help the music director". Generalization and dissemination of work experience.

    Constant replenishment of the music hall and music corners in the group with new, including home-made equipment.

    Morning exercises with music, music lessons, individual work, leisure and entertainment. Diagnostics of the development of musical abilities. Children visiting the theater. Acquaintance with new speech, articulation, health-improving games. Conducting music therapy. Participation in city events. Open music lessons, performances in front of parents.

    Speech at pedagogical councils of preschool educational institutions, city methodological associations of musical leaders. Consultations for teachers. Joint planning of independent musical activities for children. Collaboration with a physical education instructor for musical and recreational work. Collaboration with a Kalmyk language teacher.

    Conversations (individual) with parents about musical education at parents' meetings. Questioning. Joint work of children and parents in the priority area of ​​preschool educational institutions. Participation in holidays, entertainment, leisure time Consultations, speeches at parents' meetings. Theatrical performances for parents. Meeting interesting people.

    Marina Kukushkina
    Music Director Portfolio

    General information about the teacher

    My family

    Pedagogical credo

    My profession

    Self-analysis of pedagogical work

    Education documents

    Refresher courses

    Self-development work “Teaching children to play for children musical instruments».

    GMO "Children's music making"

    Photo report GMO:

    "Organization of children's music-making at traditional musical instruments».

    "Ways to create unconventional musical instruments, their implementation in musical activity of children».

    11. Participation in professional competitions for the period 2015-2017.

    12. Achievements of pupils

    The use of modern educational technologies:

    Game technology

    Design technology

    14. Information and communication technologies

    15. Working with teachers

    16. Working with parents

    17. Feedback from parents about the events held

    18. Social activities

    Pedagogical credo

    There are many different professions in the world

    And each has its own charm.

    But there is no nobler, more necessary and more wonderful

    Than the one I work for!

    « Music like a book makes us

    better, smarter and kinder " (D. Kabalevsky)

    Self-development work

    Theme: "Teaching children to play on children musical instruments».

    Relevance of the topic: Children's music making expands the scope musical activities

    preschoolers, increases interest in music pursuits, contributes to the development

    musical memory, attention, helps to overcome excessive shyness, stiffness.

    In the course of the game, the individual traits of each are clearly manifested performer: Availability

    will, emotionality, concentration, develop and improve musical


    The work plan on the topic "Teaching children to play for children musical instruments».

    Selection musical repertoire.

    Development of lecture notes.

    Selection of illustrations, creation of a card index musical instruments.

    Consultations for parents on the design of a home music corner.

    Cycle of master classes "Children's music making". (GMO)

    Competition for teachers for the best music corner.

    Exhibition of homemade musical instruments.

    Performance of children at children's matinees.

    Performance of the children's orchestra at the concerts of the children's philharmonic society of the Children's Music School in Zarechny.

    City methodological association "Children's music making"

    Since September 2016 I am the head working group of the City Methodological

    amalgamations "Children's music making".

    The target audience: educators and specialists of the preschool educational institution.

    Target: to help improve the competence of teachers in the organization of independent

    Musical creative activities of children.

    Working group tasks:

    To increase the level of competence of teachers in the use of games for children musical instruments;

    To contribute to the improvement of the practical skills of teachers' skills in playing for children musical instruments;

    To modernize the developing subject-spatial environment of groups and kindergarten;

    Broadcast and dissemination of innovative experience.

    Working group work plan

    1. Organization of children's music-making on traditional musical instruments.

    2. Ways to create unconventional musical instruments, their implementation in

    3. Children's music-making as a way of integrating educational areas.

    4. Virtual concert of children's orchestras of DOE GO Zarechny. Exhibition musical

    Participation in professional competitions for the period 2015-2017

    III degree diploma in the all-Russian competition of the information and methodological center "Scarlet Sails"... Holiday script "Victory Day". (June, 2015).

    Laureate diploma in the all-Russian competition « Musical drops» ... Holiday script "Victory Day". (February, 2016).

    Winner's diploma I place in the all-Russian competition « Musical drops» ... March 8 holiday script "Little Miss". (June, 2016).

    I degree laureate diploma in the international competition Talent 2016 in the nomination - an ensemble of violinists. (February, 2016)

    5. Diploma of the laureate of the II degree in the international competition Talent 2016 in the nomination "Instrumental performance"- an ensemble of violinists. (February, 2016)

    III degree diploma in the competition "The best didactic manual with your own hands" from kindergarten "Firefly". (December, 2016)

    Achievements of pupils

    Diploma for participation in the city festival of the urban district Zarechny "April drops". (April, 2015).

    Diploma for participation in the city festival of the urban district Zarechny "April drops". (April, 2016).

    Winner's diploma II place in the All-Russian competition « Musical drops» ... Dance composition "Children of war". (June, 2016).

    Achievements of pupils

    musical and artistic creativity of preschool children "Creative Kaleidoscope"... Nomination - choreography (choreographic ensemble). Organizer: UrGPU. Ekaterinburg. (2016) .

    Diploma for participation in the All-Russian competition musical "Creative Kaleidoscope"... Nomination - instrumental performance (Children's orchestra). Organizer: UrGPU. Ekaterinburg. (2016) .

    III degree laureate diploma for participation in the All-Russian competition musical and artistic creativity of preschool children "Creative Kaleidoscope"... Nomination - choreography (choreographic ensemble). Organizer: UrGPU. Ekaterinburg. (2016) ... Diploma for participation in the All-Russian competition musical

    Use of modern educational technologies

    In my work I widely use traditional and innovative technologies aimed at the formation of cognitive interest in musical activities.

    Health-saving technologies

    Establishment in musical hall of a comfortable and safe developing environment.

    Dosing load and a differentiated approach in the educational process.

    Inclusion in the organized educational activity of rhythmoplasty, logo rhythmics, respiratory, articulatory, finger gymnastics.

    A system of outdoor games has been developed, including the protection of voice and hearing, the development of speech breathing, musically-rhythmic exercises for posture correction.

    Classes, entertainment and holidays in the summer, as well as Maslenitsa, are held outside. (To support this idea, the kindergarten purchased a synthesizer and portable audio system).

    Game technology

    The use of gaming technologies enriches children with new impressions, knowledge, skills, develops interest in literature, theater, forms dialogical, emotionally rich speech, activates vocabulary, and contributes to the moral and aesthetic education of each child.

    Building an integrative musically-game environment in group rooms and in kindergarten music hall.

    Development of card files for didactic games, theatrical games, creative, role-playing games, dramatization games, cognitive and developmental games.

    Design technology

    The use of design technology in GCD enriches preschool children musical impressions and contribute to the formation musical taste, musical memory and musicality

    Development and implementation projects:

    "Children's Album" P. I. Tchaikovsky ",

    "Fairy tale in music e... Grieg ",

    "Playing for children musical instruments» ,


    The basis for presenting the results of the implemented projects is the Children's Music School in Zarechny.

    The children of our kindergarten are actively involved in concert activities within the walls musical

    schools, participate in children's concerts musical philharmonic.

    Integrative learning technology

    The integration of different types of art and a variety of children's activities contributes to

    the formation of links between all educational areas. This will boost development

    visual-effective, visual-figurative, logical thinking; forms in children more

    deep, versatile knowledge, a holistic view of the world and the relationship of all of it

    components. Integrative learning technology is widely used in project


    Information and communication technologies

    I actively use Internet resources when planning educational activities for musical development of children, I am studying the pedagogical experience of other teachers- musicians on the site - Social network of workers education:

    I conduct classes that require a visual presentation of the material using computer presentations.

    For cooperation with parents and exchange of experience with colleagues in musical education

    I am working on creating my blog on the Internet - address: http: //

    Working with teachers

    I interact with kindergarten teachers on the following directions:

    Individual consultations

    Discussion of scenarios for entertainment and holidays

    Group workshops on musical education

    Active participation of teachers in entertainment and celebrations

    The participation of teachers in the design music hall

    Teachers prepare costumes and attributes for events

    Working with parents

    Success in developing children's creativity can be achieved

    only with close interaction with the parents of the pupils, since the knowledge

    which the child receives in kindergarten should be supported in a family setting.

    Solution: properly organize work with parents on musical

    raising children in a family.

    Social activity

    For more than 10 years I have been actively cooperating with teachers of the children's music school

    Zarechny. I am a member of the violin ensemble, under leadership of T... P. Razina. Ensemble

    takes part in competitions of various levels, in all kinds of school and municipal


    In March 2016, a concert was successfully organized and held for pensioners of children's

    educational institutions of our city. The concert was attended by children and

    employees of the structural unit of the kindergarten "Firefly"... In gratitude,

    guests of our concert left a pleasant

    review in the city newspaper "Fair".

    In April 2016, I organized and

    the city's annual festival was held

    "April drops"... I want to note,

    that the festival was first organized in

    Theater for Young Spectators in Zarechny

    In December 2015, I represented Zarechny at the beauty contest “Mrs.

    Eurasia 2015 ", where she was awarded two nomination:

    Nomination "Mrs. Naturalness"

    Winner of the competition "Mrs. Eurasia 2015".

    Eremeeva Daria
    Portfolio for certification of a musical director

    Stefanova Tatiana Vladimirovna.

    music director

    MBDOU number 75 "Ivushka"

    Higher education

    Pedagogical experience 37 years

    The main tasks musical upbringing are development musicality and musical thinking of the child. Music has the ability to influence not only adults, but also young children. It has been proven that even the prenatal period is extremely important for subsequent development. human: music, which the expectant mother listens to, has a positive effect on the well-being of the developing child. Music is art affecting the child in the first months of his life. Its direct influence on the emotional sphere contributes to the emergence of initial response actions, in which one can see the prerequisites for the formation of the main musical ability.

    For the development of children in this direction to be successful, it is necessary to organize work on musical tailored education music and the age capabilities of children.

    The teacher organizing the communication of children with music, accumulating their experience of listening to the simplest melodies (sung or performed on children's musical instruments, encourages you to respond to them with voice or movement, creates the prerequisites for an active musical the child's activities at subsequent stages of development.

    It is important to note that only by developing the emotions, interests, tastes of children can they be attached to musical culture, lay the foundations. Preschool age is important for the subsequent mastery of a person musical culture... If in the process musical activities of children will be developed by their musically- aesthetic consciousness, it will not pass without a trace for the subsequent development of a person, his general spiritual formation.

    Related publications:

    Music director's report on the joint work of the music director and educator Our teaching staff considers musical activity as one of the sides of the harmonious development of preschool children.

    Consultation for preschool educational institutions "Interaction in the pedagogical process of the musical director with the teacher" Interaction in the pedagogical process of the musical director with the educator General and musical-aesthetic development of preschoolers.

    Master - class for parents "Musical instruments with their own hands" - Good afternoon, dear parents! I am glad to see you in this hall.

    Material for teachers of educational organizations. Description of the music director's work system Description of the work system of the musical director of the 1st category MBDOU kindergarten "Firefly" of the Mariinsko-Posad region of the Chuvash Republic.

    Teacher's portfolio for attestation for the first qualification category Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of supervision and health improvement No. 30" Malyshok "of the urban district" city.

    Music Director Portfolio Portfolio of the Music Director of MBDOU No. 162 "Fairy Tale" Tronko Svetlana Georgievna Education: Secondary, graduated from Arkhangelsk.

    Presentation "Portfolio of the Music Director" I'm professional. I work in a kindergarten. I love my work very much. Communication with children, their affection and trust in me creates a blessed one.