Other dances

Children's side dishes. Chapter VII. Dishes and side dishes from vegetables. Control questions and tasks

From 7 months.

It will take: 2 potatoes, 4 tablespoons of milk (breast or mixture), 1 teaspoon of butter.

Wash the potatoes well. Peel it off. Wash again. Steam the potatoes or bake in the oven until soft. Strain the still hot potatoes through a sieve or puree in a blender. While whisking the potatoes, gradually pour in the hot milk. Put the resulting puree on fire and boil for another 2-3 minutes. Remove from heat and add butter. Cool down.

Cauliflower and zucchini puree

From 6 months.

It will take: 50 g cauliflower, 60 g zucchini, 2 tablespoons of milk (breast or mixture), half a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Rinse vegetables well under running water. Clean the cabbage. Divide it into small inflorescences. Cut the zucchini into small pieces. Put the vegetables in an enamel pot. Pour boiling water over everything so that the water completely covers the vegetables. Close the lid and cook until fully cooked. Rub the still hot vegetables with the broth through a sieve until a homogeneous mass is obtained. You can use a blender. Add hot milk to puree. Boil for 1-2 more minutes. Add vegetable oil to the finished puree and mix.

Carrot and potato puree

From 7 months.

You will need: 2 potatoes, 1 carrot, 4 tablespoons of milk (breast or mixture), 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Wash carrots and potatoes well. Clean and wash again. Cut vegetables into cubes. Put them in an enamel pot. Pour boiling water over so that the water covers the vegetables. Simmer the vegetables over low heat, covered, until tender. Pass hot vegetables through a sieve until smooth. You can use a blender. Add milk, salt, vegetable oil to the puree. Bring to a boil, remove from heat and set aside.

carrot puree

From 7 months

You will need: 1 medium carrot, hot water, 2 tablespoons milk (breast milk or formula), 2 teaspoons butter.

Wash the carrots well, peel them, wash them again. Cut the washed carrot into cubes, transfer it to an enamel pan, pour boiling water over it so that the water covers the carrots. Steam or simmer the carrots, covered, until the carrots are soft and the water is boiled away. Rub hot carrots through a sieve until smooth. You can grind carrots in a blender. Add butter, hot milk and mix everything. Boil for another 2-3 minutes. Refrigerate before serving.

Zucchini and chicken puree

From 9 months.
You will need: 150 - 200 g of zucchini pulp, 50 g of boiled white chicken or turkey meat, ½ cup of milk, 1 tablespoon of butter.

Wash the zucchini well. Remove the skin from it and cut into small pieces. Steam until fully cooked. Hot, grind the zucchini through a sieve until smooth. Mix with chopped poultry meat until smooth. Pour in hot milk, salt and boil for another 2-3 minutes. Add butter to the puree.

Cauliflower puree with milk

From 6 months.
You will need: 100 g of cauliflower, 2 tablespoons of milk (breast or mixture), half a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Wash the cauliflower well. Cut it into florets. Remove green leaves. Put the small cauliflower florets in an enamel pot. Pour boiling water over it so that the cabbage is completely in the water. Close the lid and simmer until the cabbage is cooked and the water has completely evaporated. Rub the hot cabbage through a sieve until smooth. You can use a blender. Add hot milk to the puree and boil for another 1-2 minutes. Add vegetable oil to the finished hot puree.

Apple-pumpkin puree

From 6 months.

You will need: 100 g of pumpkin pulp, 1 apple, 1 teaspoon of butter.

Rinse the pumpkin and apple well. Peel off the skin, remove the seeds. Cut the fruit into pieces. Fill the pumpkin with water and cook over low heat under a lid until the pulp. Add an apple. Boil for 10 more minutes. Grate the still hot fruits on a fine grater together with the broth until smooth. You can use a blender. Boil puree for another 102 minutes. Cool, add butter and serve.

Puree from potatoes, carrots, cabbage, beets and pumpkin

From 8 months.
You will need: 1/5 potatoes, 30 g of carrots, pumpkins, beets, white cabbage, 2 tablespoons of milk (breast or mixture), half a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Wash vegetables thoroughly. Peel them, cut into small pieces. Put the chopped vegetables in an enamel pan, add water, close the lid and simmer over low heat. Complete evaporation of water must not be allowed. When the vegetables are soft, rub them hot through a sieve until smooth. You can use a blender. Add hot milk to puree and bring everything to a boil. Add vegetable oil.

Starting from the age of three, children can already be fed almost the same as adults eat. The only exceptions are spicy, fried or smoked and overly salty dishes. At the same time, children sometimes begin to refuse to eat, saying that they are tired of rice, pasta or boiled potatoes. What should parents do in this case, how to diversify the child's menu? Below are five unusual vitamin side dishes.
Vegetable fruit with prunes
Instead of plain boiled rice that doesn't have a special taste, prepare a delicious, sweet, but at the same time vegetable pilaf for your child. But, for starters, carefully select the rice, it will need long-grain so that it does not turn into porridge.
Ingredients: a glass of rice, 200 g prunes, a small onion, one carrot and bell pepper, two tomatoes and a head of garlic, vegetable oil.
Carrots are rubbed, and onions are cut and fried in oil. Then add pepper and tomatoes. Prunes are pre-cut, the pit is removed, the rice is washed and put all together in a pan, salted. Pour in 1.5 cups of water and cover the pilaf with a lid. Simmer for 10 minutes under the lid until the rice absorbs water, add garlic for flavor. Turning off the stove, let the pilaf brew. Stir before serving.
Boiled Brussels sprouts with sauce
Boil 500 g of cabbage for 10 minutes and spread on plates. Next, boil eggs (2 pcs) hard boiled and peeled. 2 tablespoons of butter in a small saucepan are boiled so that foam appears, add a teaspoon of lemon juice and finely chopped parsley, boil the sauce for a minute. After that, the cabbage is poured with sauce and sprinkled with chopped or grated egg.
Baked potatoes with parmesan and herbs
Ingredients: 1 kg potatoes, 300 ml chicken broth, 50 ml butter, 300 ml cream, 120 ml parmesan and herbs.
Potatoes are peeled and, cut into thick pieces, boiled in salted water, but make sure that they do not fall apart. Parsley and onion should be chopped. The oil is heated until foam appears in the pan and flour (50 ml) is added, boiled for 2 minutes. It is necessary after pouring the cream and broth, stirring, to achieve thickening. Parmesan and herbs are also put in the sauce, kept for 2 minutes. The potatoes need to be laid out, alternating with the sauce in a dish and put in the oven for half an hour.
Baby stew with corn
You will need two corn, which you need to boil and pick the grains. Carrots and 0.5 zucchini are peeled and cut into cubes, after which they are boiled until half cooked. The medium onion is cut and sautéed until golden brown, then a tablespoon of tomato paste is added and stewed for 2 minutes. All together with corn is salted to taste and stewed until tender over low heat.
Braised zucchini with white sauce
Peel the zucchini (1 kg), remove the seeds, cut into cubes. Pass them through a meat grinder with 2 tablespoons of olive oil. The mass is put in a saucepan, salted and sugar is added to taste, poured with sour cream sauce. The sauce can be prepared from sour cream (150 g), but first you need to fry the flour, cool it, pour in 1 tbsp of chicken broth and sour cream. Boil zucchini with sauce for 2 minutes, then keep on low heat until tender.

4 meals a day

A child of this age should eat 4 times a day - this will allow him to form the right eating habits and follow the daily routine.

For breakfast, the baby should receive 25% of the total daily diet, for lunch - 35%, for dinner - 25%, and for afternoon tea - 15%. This distribution will teach him to continue to eat right.

food structure

Now that the child has much more teeth, it is not necessary to wipe or grind food in a blender, it will be enough to knead it with a fork or rub it on a coarse grater.

Soft foods such as bananas, berries, soft bread can be given whole, cut into slices.

Meat can now be offered not only in the form of mashed potatoes or soufflés, but cutlets, meatballs and meatballs.

heat treatment

Fried foods in the diet are still unacceptable. It doesn't matter what we are talking about, meat, cereals or vegetables, we steam them.

So, let's look at specific examples of how breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner should look like for children at 1.5 years old.


As we remember, it should be sufficiently high-calorie, protein-carbohydrate. It is best to cook porridge with milk or water.

In the children's menu from 1.5 years old, there may be oatmeal, wheat porridge, buckwheat and millet. Those are the most useful. As for rice, it is better to cook it less often, since unpolished, that is, brown for the baby’s gastrointestinal tract is still rough, and white is less useful.

We offer you some sample breakfast options.

Option I - porridge


Let's prepare milk millet porridge. A serving should be approximately 150 - 170 ml.

To prepare the most useful porridge, it should be cooked as little as possible, and for this it is enough just to soak the cereal for several hours or overnight. Millet is the densest and most difficult to boil, so it makes sense to soak it in the evening.

  • Pour 2 tbsp. cereals and leave overnight.
  • In the morning, we wash the cereal, pour it with clean water so that it covers the millet by less than half a finger, salt it and put it on fire.
  • As soon as the porridge boils, add 2 tbsp. milk, add 1 tsp. sugar and cook for another 5-7 minutes.
  • We turn off the finished porridge, let it stand under the lid for 5-10 minutes and serve. You can add 1 tsp to a serving. butter.

Instead of sugar, you can use jam or jam as a sweetener, but it is better to avoid honey for the time being - it is too allergenic.


Buckwheat is the most uncomplicated side dish that first comes to the mind of every housewife. And it is still relevant for baby food! After all, buckwheat contains a complete protein in terms of amino acid composition. And also a large number of vitamins and useful trace elements (for example, in terms of iron content, it is not inferior to fish or red meat).


Another popular side dish of all time is potatoes. There are a lot of options for dishes from it: mashed potatoes, boiled potatoes with greens, jacket potatoes, baked potatoes. It is rich in potassium and good for children's health. Taboo only on fried potatoes and french fries!


As you know, any kind of cabbage (white, kohlrabi, cauliflower) is a wonderful side dish for meat. But broccoli is a real health record holder. If you persuade a child to try a new dish once (alas, for some reason, the appearance of broccoli often repels kids!), He will ask him again and again.


To make side dishes for children as diverse as possible, do not be afraid to experiment with exotic vegetables. For example, with swede (which under Peter the Great was not exotic at all!). This vegetable is rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C, which is not destroyed in it even during heat treatment! The turnip sate or casserole should please the child.

Vegetable stew

In the summer, when there are a lot of fresh vegetables, it is better not to limit yourself to a mono-garnish, but to cook it from several vegetables. Vegetable stew made from eggplant, zucchini, onions, bell peppers, tomatoes and carrots not only looks beautiful and bright on a plate, but also has a pleasant taste.

beet caviar

Another very healthy vegetable for baby food is beets. But not raw, but boiled or stewed. Simply boiling beetroot is not enough to whet a child's appetite. But beetroot caviar (stewed beetroot slices with carrots, onions and tomatoes) will wonderfully complement a cutlet or chop.

Green pea

In classic English literature, green peas are often offered as a side dish to little lords for dinner. Firstly, like other members of the legume family, this is a very satisfying side dish. Secondly, useful vitamins and minerals are stored in it even in canned form.

sea ​​kale

For children living in regions poor in iodine content, seaweed will be an excellent side dish for both meat and fish. Salad from it can be purchased today ready-made. Or you can make your own by adding chopped onions, carrots and olive oil dressing.

The diet of a one and a half year old child

The diet of children after one and a half years includes 5 meals. Three of them are main and two are snacks. Some kids refuse the second breakfast, switch to 4 meals a day with a break between meals at 4 hours. Whatever the habits of the baby, the main thing is to invite him to the table at the strictly allotted time. This will develop a food reflex and create favorable conditions for the digestion of food.

The diet of the child after a year

When choosing food for a child after a year, light dietary products should be preferred. The children's menu must include cereals, light soups, sour-milk dishes, fish and meat cutlets. For dressing dishes, you should use vegetable oil, low-fat sour cream. It is allowed to add salt, herbs, ground pepper.

Porridge, vegetables, meat on the menu

Kashi can be served every day, at any time. The most valuable of them are oatmeal and buckwheat, which contain many useful trace elements. Rice is well digested, but it should be limited if there is a tendency to constipation. Less popular corn and millet porridge is a source of silicon, calcium and phosphorus. You can also offer barley groats, which contain iron and potassium, and barley is introduced after three years.

Vegetables and fruits can be given every day, in any form. They contain fiber, which prevents constipation and promotes easy digestion. Summer is the best time for light salads. Baked vegetables, mashed potatoes are suitable as a side dish at any time of the year.

The children's menu should be not only varied, but interesting and beautiful.

For cutlets and meatballs, it is worth using lean meats - turkey, beef, veal. A blender, a double boiler and a slow cooker will help to prepare it. Low-fat fish dishes should be in the diet at least 2 times a week. A piece of baked fish will give the body important amino acids, iodine, potassium, lecithin, magnesium, phospholipids. However, it should be remembered that fish is a strong allergen.

Potato garnish “Pears”



Prescription appointments

For children:
For lunch
/ For dinner

For lunch:
For the second

For the holiday table
For dinner:
For hot


  • 38357

Potatoes baked with seeds “Fragrant”

My family loves baked potatoes very much, I constantly collect different recipes and experiment.
The idea of ​​this recipe belongs entirely to me and, as they say: all coincidences are random.


Potato Sunflower oil Garlic Soy sauce Salt Seasoning Sunflower seeds

Prescription appointments

Competition Recipes:
Competition "From the bottom of my heart!"

For lunch:
For the second

For dinner:
For hot

Special meals:
Lenten food


  • 34733

PotatoSunflower oilGarlicSoy sauceSaltSeasoningSunflower seeds

Potato “Delicious”

Lots of potato dishes! This is one of the options for diversifying your daily lunch or dinner, as an option for serving a side dish on the festive table. Too bad the photos can't capture the flavor! The recipe was spied on in “Good morning” on channel 1. Elena Chekalova proposed it as “Warm Potato Salad”.


Potatoes Olive oil Greens Garlic Salt

Prescription appointments

For children:
For lunch
/ For dinner

For lunch:
For the second

For the holiday table:

For dinner:
For hot

Unexpected guests:
For hot


  • 48451

PotatoesOlive oilGreensGarlicSalt

Potato baked with ginger and garlic

Delicious baked potatoes, from which it is simply impossible to break away! Fragrant, with a crust. It's very easy to prepare. In our family, it was just a hit of the past winter, I cooked such potatoes once or even twice a week for sure. And it doesn't come! Suitable for meat, chicken and fish. Finally, I hasten to show you.


Potatoes Ginger Garlic Vegetable oil Honey Salt Black pepper

Prescription appointments

For lunch:
For the second

On nature
For dinner:
For hot

Unexpected guests:
For hot


  • 38238

PotatoGingerGarlicVegetable oilHoneySaltBlack pepper

Potato with cream cheese sauce

Lick your fingers with such deliciousness ... Especially for potato lovers


Potato Bulb onion Sour cream Suluguni cheese Pepperoni pepper Black pepper Vegetable oil Green onion

Prescription appointments

For children
For lunch
unexpected guests


  • 57585

PotatoesOnionSour creamSuluguni cheesePepperoni pepperBlack pepperVegetable oilGreen onion

Fried potatoes "From dad"

We all love fried potatoes. And every family has its own secret of cooking this simple and very tasty dish. When I first came to visit my future husband's parents, my dad cooked us a huge frying pan of potatoes. I still remember that taste! And I do this very often now. I was surprised when I did not find such a recipe on the site. And I remembered Yura's comment (xmxm) “Now I will check everything, even how I fry potatoes.” So with this recipe I want to thank Yura for reminding me of my favorite potato. Help yourself!


Potato White cabbage Onion Sunflower oil Salt

Prescription appointments

For lunch:
For the second

For dinner:
For hot

unexpected guests


  • 23118

PotatoWhite cabbageOnionSunflower oilSalt

Country style potatoes

This is my 50th dish on the site. For the "anniversary" it is supposed to cook a cake, but I'm not a sweet tooth. I prefer salty, spicy, sour and barbecue. But I will post my original barbecue when we go to it this year, and today I treat you with potatoes from my favorite Spice program. Maybe there is one on the site, but I honestly searched and did not find it. With such potatoes you need to tinker, but the result is worth it. In general, girls, boys, I ask you to love and favor: village potatoes!


Corn flour Dill Wheat flour Sunflower oil Water Garlic Chicken egg Salt Potato Black pepper

Prescription appointments

Competition Recipes:
Competition “Recipe for the perfect picnic”

For breakfast:
hearty breakfast

For lunch:
For the second

For the holiday table
On nature
For dinner:
For hot


  • 76436

Corn flourDillWheat flourSunflower oilWaterGarlicChicken eggSaltPotatoBlack pepper

Potatoes in a fur coat with curd sauce


Potato Breadcrumbs Sweet paprika Salt Allspice Pepper Red hot pepper Cumin Olive oil Curd cheese Green onion Garlic Thyme

Prescription appointments

For children:
For lunch
/ For dinner

For lunch:
For the second

For dinner:
For hot

Unexpected guests:
For hot


  • 15544

PotatoesBreadcrumbsSweet paprikaSaltAllspicePeppers Red hot pepperCuminOlive oilCurd cheeseGreen onionGarlicThyme

ducal potatoes

15 years ago I was presented with a book by Elvira Medzhitova “Russian Cuisine”, in which I first saw potatoes served in this form, and recently I learned that these potato things are so beautifully called. Delicious, favorite mashed potatoes in “evening make-up”, so dressy that they are worthy of the table of the duke. And delicious, because it is prepared according to a special recipe.
From a collection of cooking video recipes.


Potato Butter Chicken egg Salt Nutmeg

Prescription appointments

For children:
For lunch
/ For dinner

For breakfast:
hearty breakfast

For lunch:
For the second
/ For a snack

For the holiday table:
February 23
/ March 8
/ Valentine's Day
/ Birthday
/ New Year
/ Easter
/ Christmas

For dinner:
For hot
/ For a snack

Unexpected guests:
For hot
/ For a snack

Special meals:
For pregnant and lactating


  • 27582

Potatoes Butter Chicken Egg Salt Nutmeg

Potato fans with cheese

Great side dish for various dishes


Potatoes Butter Salt White pepper Hard cheese Dill

Prescription appointments

For children:
For lunch
/ For dinner

For lunch:
For the second

For dinner:
For hot

Unexpected guests:
For hot


  • 54508

PotatoesButter SaltWhite pepperHard cheeseDill

His Majesty garnish

Hello! I want to dedicate the first day of Starry Week to side dishes. I bring to your attention a variety of their options, which are an integral part of a full dinner. Choose to your taste!


Butter Vegetable oil Greens Sun-dried tomatoes Potatoes Beans Corn Bell pepper Garlic Red onion Eggplant Beet Sugar Water Salt Chili pepper Vinegar

Prescription appointments

star recipes
For lunch:
For the second

For dinner:
For a snack


  • 32816

ButterVegetable oilGreensDried tomatoesPotatoBeansCornBulgarian pepperGarlicRed onionEggplantBeetrootSugarWaterSaltChili pepperVinegar

Potatoes with cheese

Do you guys like potatoes? We can't live without cheese! The recipe is for us! Everything will be super, just class! I know for sure, tender, juicy, creamy and cheesy! Let's get the food ready! Delicious obviously! It will melt on the lips, everyone should like it! Dear ones, I assure you that they will stay in K. K.!


Potato Brynza Butter Wheat flour Chicken egg Spices

Prescription appointments

For children:
For breakfast
/ For lunch
/ For dinner

For breakfast:
hearty breakfast

For lunch:
For the second
/ For a snack

For an afternoon snack
For dinner:
For hot
/ For a snack

Unexpected guests:
For hot
/ For a snack


  • 27497

PotatoCheese cheeseButterwheat flourChicken eggSpices

Knight's sausages

If you, like me, love lard, then this recipe is for you. Fragrant potato sausages with bacon and sauerkraut - once you try one, it's impossible to stop.


Potato White onion Salo Sauerkraut Egg yolk Cream Black pepper Nutmeg Salt Potato starch Butter

Prescription appointments

For breakfast:
hearty breakfast

For lunch:
For the second
/ For a snack

For dinner:
For hot
/ For a snack


  • 26467

PotatoesWhite onionSaloSauerkrautEgg yolkCreamBlack pepperNutmegSaltPotato starchButter

Potato "Accordion"

There are only potato lovers in my family. Therefore, when they see a new dish with her beloved, their hands themselves reach out to cook. The idea of ​​cooking this dish is taken from the November issue of the magazine “Blik. Cooking".


Potato Brisket Onion Garlic Vegetable oil Salt Seasoning

Prescription appointments

For lunch:
For the second

For the holiday table
For dinner:
For hot


  • 36760

PotatoBreast OnionGarlicVegetable oilSaltSeasoning

Crumbly garnished rice “Rice to Rice”

I bring to your attention an unusual way, thanks to which it is quick and easy to cook friable white rice of any kind, namely “rice to rice”. Only three minutes of active boiling, salt, butter, and then your pan will do everything by itself. You will only have to serve this wonderful side dish to the table, each grain of which is wrapped in oil and shimmers like a pearl. This is delicious. Our family has been making rice according to this recipe for many years. Try it too.


Rice Water Butter Salt

Prescription appointments

Competition Recipes:
Competition “The basics of cooking”

For lunch:
For the second

For dinner:
For hot


  • 68310


cabbage for garnish


Sweet paprika Thyme Vegetable oil Onion White cabbage Basil Salt

Prescription appointments

For lunch:
For the second

For dinner:
For hot

Special meals:
Lenten food


  • 110027

Sweet paprikaThymeVegetable oilOnionCabbageBasilSalt

Stunning pearl barley garnish

Traditionally, the side dish is not given much importance - they cook it faster and easier ... so as not to bother. I propose to diversify your diet a little and prepare an amazingly tasty and healthy side dish. Dedicated to everyone who takes care of their health and figure.


Salt Vegetable oil Carrot Onion Water Pearl barley Tomato

Prescription appointments

For lunch:
For the second

For dinner:
For hot

Special meals:
For pregnant and lactating
/ For diet
/ Fast food


  • 226590

SaltVegetable oilCarrotOnionWaterPearl groatsTomato

Stuffed cauliflower with vegetables

The cauliflower had already been lying for a week and could not wait in the wings. And finally, she found a place on our table and in the stomach)))
Cauliflower is a very tasty side dish for any meat and fish dishes, and if you connect a little imagination, it will not only be very tasty, but also delight the eye on the table.
Cabbage baked with meat, and as a side dish - vegetables with mushrooms in sour cream.


Cauliflower Minced meat Onion Garlic Potato Cream Vegetable oil Salt Sweet paprika Seasoning Mixture of peppers Parsley Butter pepper Bulgarian pepper Carrot Tomato Mushrooms Sour cream Spices Chicken egg Milk Parmesan Breadcrumbs

Prescription appointments

For lunch:
For the second

For the holiday table
For dinner:
For hot


  • 95506

Cauliflower Minced meatOnionGarlicPotatoCreamVegetable oilSaltSweet paprikaSeasoningMixed peppersParsleyButtercreamBulgarian pepperCarrotTomatoChampignonsSour creamSpicesChicken eggMilkParmesanBreadcrumbs

Side dish “Tomato rice with cheese”

I want to bring to your attention a very tasty, easy to prepare, but at the same time very unusual side dish! In addition, it has a beautiful appearance! I invite you!


Rice Butter Tomato paste Hard cheese Salt Black pepper

Prescription appointments

For children:
For breakfast
/ For lunch
/ For dinner

For breakfast:
Quick breakfast
/ Hearty breakfast

For lunch:
/ On the second
/ For a snack

For an afternoon snack
For the holiday table:
February 23
/ March 8
/ Valentine's Day
/ Birthday
/ New Year
/ Easter
/ Christmas

For dinner:
For hot
/ For a snack

Unexpected guests:
For hot


  • 30223

RiceButter ButterTomato PasteHard CheeseSaltBlack Pepper

Fried rice for garnish

Rice turns out crumbly, one to one. It always turns out! If you want fragrant rice with oriental notes, add spices (which I will write in the recipe). This time I cooked without adding spices, as this side dish was served with curry chicken, and it is already spicy in itself.
The source of the recipe is Aunt Masha (Miriam) from the Culinary Club.


Rice Water Salt Vegetable oil Spices

Prescription appointments

For lunch:
For the second

For the holiday table
For dinner:
For hot

unexpected guests


Delicious and tender dish for the weekend! A side dish of white rice and champignons, stewed in cream, covered with a delicate trout blanket! Real jam!


Rice Mushrooms Cream Onion Trout Salt Vegetable oil

Prescription appointments

For lunch:
For the second

For the holiday table
For dinner:
For hot


  • 104171

RiceChampignonsCreamOnionTroutSaltVegetable oil

Potato garnish “Pears”

One of the options for a side dish of potatoes))) .. Easy to prepare .. and will decorate your dish very much .. and the table)) ... And again, I think about the kids ... they will really like potatoes in this form)))


Chicken egg Bay leaf Breadcrumbs Salt Potato

Prescription appointments

For children:
For lunch
/ For dinner

For lunch:
For the second

For the holiday table
For dinner:
For hot


  • 38357

Chicken egg Bay leaf Breadcrumbs Salt Potato

Festive potato side dish

I offer you an interesting, tasty, very effective and simple potato side dish. To salad, chicken and any of your favorite dishes! Look and try on health, dear cooks.


Potatoes Mozzarella Garlic Thyme Butter Salt Black pepper

Prescription appointments

For children:
For lunch
/ For dinner

For lunch:
For the second
/ For a snack

For an afternoon snack
For dinner:
For hot
/ For a snack

Unexpected guests:
For hot
/ For a snack


  • 22837

PotatoMozzarellaGarlicThymeButter SaltBlack Pepper


  • https://tvoi-povarenok.ru/detskoe-menyu-after-goda.html
  • https://maminclub.kz/articles/12859-poleznye-detskie-garniry/
  • https://VseProRebenka.ru/pitanie/po-vozrastu/pitanie-rebenka-after-goda.html
  • https://www.povarenok.ru/recipes/category/54/~7/
  • https://www.povarenok.ru/recipes/dishes/main/?searchid=975

In the first years of a baby's life, his taste habits and preferences are formed. Therefore, the children's meat menu should be not only tasty and healthy, but also varied.

Meat and fish are a source of complete protein, iron and other useful substances, they are indispensable products in a child's daily menu. Small children are prepared dishes from minced meat and fish - due to their shape and texture, they instill in the baby the first chewing skills. These dishes include cutlets for children, meatballs and meatballs. How are they different?

Baby meatballs- minced meat or fish dishes, rolled into small balls (usually the size of an apricot or plum). In different interpretations, they exist in the national cuisines of almost the whole world. Groats are necessarily added to minced meat, most often rice, bread, sometimes onions, spices and an egg are put. Meatballs for babies are stewed with sauce, steamed or baked. Fried meatballs should not be given to children.

Meatballs. This dish gets its name from the Italian word frittatella (fried). Meatballs for kids- small balls the size of a cherry or walnut from minced meat, chicken or fish. They are usually boiled in broth, soup or, more rarely, cooked in second courses. Finely chopped onions, spices and herbs are added to the minced meat. Very rarely, bread soaked in milk or water is put into minced meat.

Cutlets for children. In modern Russian cuisine, cutlets are flat cakes made from minced meat, chicken, fish or vegetable. Children are usually served with various side dishes - cereals, vegetables, as well as with sauce or broth.

With the advent of the first chewing teeth in a child (i.e., from about 1-1.5 years old) children's menu filled with meat dishes. These are cutlets, meatballs and meatballs prepared according to special recipes. At this age, the baby needs about 70-80 g of meat products per day, 1-2 times a week they can be replaced with fish. Chopped minced meat dishes are very suitable in shape and consistency for a baby who is just learning to chew at this age.

Minced meat recipes for children

IN children's cooking the following types of meat are used:

  • beef;
  • veal;
  • lean pork;
  • rabbit.

Lamb, horse meat and venison are not used in the diet of children under 3 years of age.

Of the birds, only:

  • chicken;
  • turkey.

Goose and duck are very fatty, difficult to digest and are not suitable for children under 3 years old.

For minced fish, sea fish of low-fat and white varieties is used:

  • halibut;
  • sole;
  • pollock.

From river fish, only:

  • pike;

Minced meat for children's meals prepared only from fresh or chilled meat, frozen meat is not recommended, since it is impossible to control the quality and shelf life of such a product, this is fraught with the development of infections.

Carbonade, shoulder blade or thigh are best. The meat must be thoroughly cleaned of films and fat, rinsed, dried with a napkin to remove excess fat and moisture, and then cut into pieces and passed through a meat grinder twice. For older children, from 2 years old, you can skip the meat through a meat grinder once.

From the white bread added to minced meat, you need to remove the crust, and then soak the pulp in water or milk. Bread mass in minced meat should be no more than 25%.

In poultry, breast, thighs and drumsticks are suitable for preparing minced meat dishes. The meat is carefully separated from the bones and skin and passed through a meat grinder.

For the preparation of fish dishes, fillets are used, cleaned of bones and scales.

Cooking minced meat is a laborious process. Therefore, it is permissible to immediately prepare a sufficiently large volume of it, to make stocks for the future - to freeze portioned semi-finished products. However, they must be stored at a constant temperature in the depth of the freezer, repeated defrosting-freezing is unacceptable for them.

In minced meat for baby food before freezing, only vegetables or cereals are added, but do not salt and do not add spices, milk and eggs, this is done immediately before cooking after defrosting the minced meat.

Cooking methods

The most traditional way of cooking meat dishes is frying. However, fried foods are not recommended for children under 3 years of age. In the process of frying, a crust is formed, which contains substances harmful to the child that irritate the digestive tract. Therefore, in the children's kitchen, the following cooking methods are used:

  • extinguishing;
  • baking in the oven;
  • steam cooking.

For children from 2 years old, it is permissible to lightly fry the cutlets, and then bring them to readiness by stewing in the sauce. Meatballs are prepared in the same way. But the traditional type of cooking for meatballs is steaming, in salted water or soup with vegetables. Sometimes meatballs are stewed with cabbage or other vegetables in a little gravy or sauce.

Cutlets for children

The first cutlets can be offered to a child at 1–1.5 years old, if he already has something to chew on. Consider several options for cooking cutlets from meat, poultry and fish, so that there is something to diversify the baby's diet.

Beef steam cutlets (from 1 year old)


  • 100 g of beef;
  • 20 g of white bread;
  • 20 ml of milk;
  • 5 g butter;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

Skip the prepared meat together with bread soaked in milk without a crust through a meat grinder, add butter and salt to taste, mix well until smooth, form cutlets and steam for 20–25 minutes.

Meat cutlets (from 1.5 years old)


  • 40 g pork without fat;
  • 50 g of beef;
  • 10 g of white bread;
  • 5 g of onions;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

Soak the bread in water, pass the meat twice through a meat grinder. Mix meat, bread, finely chopped onion, salt. Form small patties with wet hands, then steam them or in a deep frying pan in the oven for 25-30 minutes.
Meat cutlets stuffed with vegetables (from 2 years old)


  • 90 g minced meat;
  • 10 g carrots;
  • 10 g cabbage;
  • 10 g of onion;
  • 1 / 4 boiled eggs;
  • 7 g butter.

Cooking method:

Skip the meat through a meat grinder. Divide the minced meat into small cakes with wet hands, put finely chopped carrots, onions, cabbage and chopped boiled egg in the center of each. Wrap the edges of the cakes and pinch, flatten the resulting cutlets. Melt the butter in a frying pan and lightly fry the patties. Then place them in the oven or steam until ready for 10-15 minutes.

Meat zrazy with rice (from 2-3 years old)


  • 90 g of meat (pork or beef);
  • 20 g of white bread;
  • 30 g of cereals (buckwheat or rice);
  • 10 g of onion;
  • 1 / 3 boiled egg.
  • For sauce:
  • 50 g of broth;
  • 10 g sour cream;
  • 5 g flour.

Cooking method:

Boil rice (or buckwheat). Pass the meat through a meat grinder along with white bread soaked in water and squeezed out. From the resulting minced meat, form cakes and put the filling in the center of each: boiled rice (or buckwheat porridge), mixed with finely chopped onion and egg. Bend and pinch the edges, form cutlets. For the sauce, mix the broth, sour cream and flour. Fry the cutlets for 2-3 minutes on each side, then pour over the sauce and put in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

Chicken steam cutlets (from 1-1.5 years old)


  • 90 g of chicken meat from the thigh or breast;
  • 10 g of onion;
  • 10 g of white bread;
  • 10 ml of milk;
  • 5 g butter;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

Skip the meat with onions through a meat grinder, add bread soaked in milk and once again pass the resulting mass through a meat grinder. Add slightly melted butter to the minced meat, salt. Form cutlets with wet hands, steam for 15 minutes. You can stew them in milk in the oven for 20-25 minutes.

Cutlets from turkey meat (from 1.5-2 years old)


  • 100 g of turkey meat (breast or legs);
  • 1 st. a spoonful of boiled rice;
  • 1 / 2 eggs;
  • 10 ml of milk;
  • salt;
  • greenery.

Cooking method:

Pass the turkey meat through a meat grinder, mix the cooked rice with minced meat, salt, add the egg, milk and mix thoroughly until smooth. Form cutlets and steam them for 20-25 minutes.

Fish cutlets (from 1-1.5 years old)


  • 100 g fillet of pike perch (or cod, or sole);
  • 10 g of white bread;
  • 20 ml of milk;
  • 5 g butter;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

Pass the fillet through a meat grinder along with bread soaked in milk, salt, add butter, mix, form cutlets. Place the cutlets in the oven, fill with 1 / 3 water, or steam for 10-15 minutes.

Fish cakes with cheese (2-3 years)


  • 10 g of white bread;
  • 20 ml of milk;
  • 1 small onion;
  • 30 g of hard cheese;
  • 1 / 2 eggs;
  • salt;
  • 5 g flour.

Cooking method:

Skip the fish fillet through a meat grinder along with bread and onions soaked in milk, add finely grated cheese, egg, salt. Thoroughly mix the mass. Then form cutlets, roll them in flour, lightly fry on each side and simmer until tender in white sauce (see sauce recipe below).

Bilip fish cakes (2–3 years)


  • 300 g of pike perch (or cod, or sole);
  • 10 g of white bread;
  • 20 ml of milk;
  • 1 small onion;
  • 30-40 g of cottage cheese;
  • 1 / 2 eggs;
  • salt;
  • 5 g flour.

Cooking method:

Skip the fish fillet through a meat grinder with bread and onions soaked in milk, add cottage cheese, egg, salt. Thoroughly mix the mass. Form cutlets, roll them in flour, lightly fry on each side and simmer until tender in white sauce.

Meatballs for kids

Meatballs can be made from many types of meat, poultry, and fish. They are small in size, have a delicate taste and are convenient because the baby can hold them in his hand and eat, training the skill of independence. They appear in the diet of a child from the age of one in the first and second courses.

Meatballs for children (from 1–1.5 years old)


  • 40 g lean pork;
  • 50 g of beef;
  • 10 g of white bread;
  • 1 egg white;
  • salt;
  • greenery.

Cooking method:

Pass the meat twice through a meat grinder and mix with bread soaked in water. Beat the egg white thoroughly and mix with minced meat. Form small balls and boil them in lightly salted water with herbs.

Steam meatballs in Polish (from 1.5 years old)


  • 100 g lean pork;
  • 50 g chicken fillet;
  • 1 / 2 egg white;
  • dill;
  • salt;
  • a little butter.

Cooking method:

Pass pork and chicken fillet through a meat grinder, add beaten egg white, salt, butter and finely chopped dill to the minced meat. Mix the minced meat, form small balls. Place the meatballs by a teaspoon into the simmering broth or soup and cook until tender, 15 minutes. They can be boiled and steamed, and then put on a plate with a side dish.

Chicken meatballs (1–1.5 years)


  • 90 g chicken fillet;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of boiled rice or rice flakes;
  • 1 / 2 eggs;
  • salt;
  • greens to taste.

Cooking method:

Clean the fillet from the skin and films, pass through a meat grinder. Salt the boiled rice and grind in a blender along with herbs, and then mix with meat. Add in the beaten egg and mix again. Roll minced meat into balls and cook in vegetable broth (or steam) for 15-20 minutes.

Children's chicken meatballs (from 1.5 years old)


  • 100 g chicken breast;
  • 50 g potatoes;
  • 30 ml of milk;
  • 200 ml chicken broth;
  • salt;
  • Bay leaf;
  • greenery.

Cooking method:

Pass the chicken breast through a meat grinder or chop in a blender along with milk. Boil potatoes. Mix minced meat with potatoes, form small balls and boil them in chicken broth, salt it, and also put bay leaves and herbs in it.

Broth with fish meatballs (from 1.5 years old)


  • 60 g of pollock fillet (or hake, or pike perch);
  • 10 g of white bread;
  • 10 ml of milk;
  • 5 g butter;
  • 1/4 eggs;
  • dill;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

Pass the fillet with bread soaked in milk through a meat grinder, beat the egg with herbs in a blender. Combine everything, add butter, knead minced meat. Form small balls. Boil meatballs in vegetable broth for 10-15 minutes.

Cod meatballs with herbs (from 1.5 years old)


  • 100 g cod;
  • 15 g of white bread;
  • 5 g of onions;
  • 8 g spinach;
  • parsley;
  • 10 g of lettuce;
  • 1 teaspoon of butter;
  • 1 egg;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

Cod fillet, along with onion, spinach, lettuce and parsley, pass through a meat grinder, and then mix with bread soaked in water. Add butter and egg to the mass, salt, mix the minced meat thoroughly. Form meatballs and boil them in vegetable broth or steam them.

Meatballs for children

Meatballs are similar in composition to meatballs, but also contain a lot of rice and vegetables. The combination of meat, cereals and vegetables contributes to better absorption of meat proteins. Meatballs are often served with sauces.

Meatballs in a special way (1.5–2 years)


  • 100 g pork or ground beef;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of finely chopped vegetables: bell peppers, carrots, onions, zucchini, tomatoes;
  • 1/4 eggs;
  • 1 teaspoon of flour;
  • salt;
  • greenery.

Cooking method:

Minced mince together with vegetables through a meat grinder or chop in a blender, mix with egg and flour, salt, add herbs, knead. Form balls, put them in a deep frying pan and, pouring 1 / 3 water, simmer for 10 minutes. Then add red or white sauce and simmer until cooked for another 15 minutes under the lid.

Classic Meatballs (2-3 years old)


  • 50 g pork or beef;
  • 10 g of bread;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of milk;
  • 10 g carrots;
  • 10 g of onion;
  • 1 st. a spoon with a slide of rice;
  • 1/4 eggs;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

Pass the meat with onions and carrots through a meat grinder, add bread pre-soaked in milk and pre-cooked rice to the minced meat, add the egg and salt. Mix the minced meat and form meatballs, fry lightly in oil, pour red sauce and simmer in the oven or on the stove under the lid for 30 minutes.

Cottage cheese and fish meatballs (2–3 years)


  • 60 g cod fillet;
  • 30 g of white bread;
  • 150 ml of milk;
  • 30 g of cottage cheese;
  • 10 g of onion;
  • 1 / 2 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream;
  • greenery;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

Soak the bread in milk and pass through a meat grinder along with the fish fillet, mix the resulting minced meat with cottage cheese and finely chopped onions. Beat the egg and mix it with minced meat, salt, add herbs. Pour into a baking dish or skillet and bake in the oven for 15 minutes. Mix milk with sour cream until the consistency of the sauce, pour the meatballs with the mixture and simmer for another 10 minutes.

Fish meatballs (1.5–2 years)


  • 80 g fish fillet (cod, pollock or hake);
  • 10 g of white bread;
  • 1 / 4 egg yolks;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of vegetable oil;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

Pass the fillet together with the bread soaked in water through a meat grinder, add the yolk, butter and salt, knead the minced meat. Form meatballs and place them in a deep bowl, filling with white sauce for 2 / 3. Put the stew on a very small fire for 25-30 minutes.

Baby sauces

Sauces that complement children's meat dishes¸ not only enrich their taste, but also contribute to better assimilation of the product and expand the taste preferences of the baby. Especially often sauces are used in the preparation of meatballs.

Milk sauce (from 1.5 years old)


  • 5 g (1 tablespoon) flour;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of sour cream 10% fat;
  • 20 ml of milk;
  • 20–25 ml of water.

Cooking method:

Fry the flour in a pan so that it is slightly browned, pour in milk and water and bring to a boil, wait until the mixture thickens, add sour cream, wait for it to boil again and turn off the heat.

White sauce (from 2 years old)


  • 1 / 2 tsp flour;
  • 80 g low-fat broth;
  • 1 / 2 tsp butter or heavy cream;
  • lemon juice;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

Fry the flour in a pan so that it is slightly browned, pour in the broth, bring to a boil, wait until the mixture thickens, add butter or cream, lemon juice, wait until the sauce boils, and turn off the heat.

Red sauce (from 2–3 years old)


  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • Bay leaf;
  • 1 /2 cups of water;
  • 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots, put them in a pan and lightly fry in vegetable oil, then pour water into it and put the tomato, chopped in a blender until smooth. Add bay leaf and salt and cook for 10 minutes.

Children's side dishes

What to cook for a baby as a side dish for meat dishes? For meatballs and meatballs, boiled or stewed vegetables will be the best addition; fish cakes are good served with rice or vegetable stew; buckwheat, rice, pasta or potatoes are suitable for meatballs, and green peas, cauliflower and rice with vegetables go well with poultry.

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invent new side dishes for kids it's a whole science. It is necessary that the side dish is not only good for health, but also so that the child does not get bored. Ideally, every day of the week should be presented with a new side dish, while a meat or fish dish for the second can be prepared at the rate of 2-3 days. But what should be guided by when choosing a side dish: its calorie content or composition? ..


Buckwheat is the most uncomplicated side dish that first comes to the mind of every housewife. And it is still relevant for baby food! After all, buckwheat contains a complete protein in terms of amino acid composition. And also a large number of vitamins and useful trace elements (for example, in terms of iron content, it is not inferior to fish or red meat).


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Green pea

In classic English literature, green peas are often offered as a side dish to little lords for dinner. Firstly, like other members of the legume family, this is a very satisfying side dish. Secondly, useful vitamins and minerals are stored in it even in canned form.

sea ​​kale

For children living in regions poor in iodine content, seaweed will be an excellent side dish for both meat and fish. Salad from it can be purchased today ready-made. Or you can make your own by adding chopped onions, carrots and olive oil dressing.

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