
Holy Pomander. Main properties of the sacred incense "cardinal" Lineage 2 sacred incense cardinal

I wanted to make the title of the post "Skill Link", but still it will be better, since a player who does not know the essence of what is happening will most likely have a question after receiving Holy Blessings.

To the point. Holy Incense can be received by healers who completed the quest (added automatically to inventory). This item is required to bind skills. The system allows healers (Cardinal, Eva Priest and Shilen Priest) to gain the skills of two other classes. For example, the Cardinal will be able to learn the “Return of the Group” skill or the Shilen Priest the “Mass Resurrection” skill.

You can learn skills from regular class mentors (priests, Grand Masters, Masters, etc.). To learn 1 skill, you need 1 special item (Sacred Incense - Cardinal, Sacred Incense - Priest of Eve, Sacred Incense - Priest of Shilen). These incense can be obtained after completing the third profession quest. Healer class characters who already have a 3rd profession will also receive incense in their inventory.

If you decide that you took the wrong skill, then you can pay 10k adena and return everything to its place. The Holy Incense will return to your inventory.

The subclass can also use the ability skill bindings.

There is one peculiarity - the dark elves were the luckiest. They are given 4 pendants at once, and the rest only 1.

Priest of Eve Priest of Shilen Cardinal
Blessing Level 1 Great Martial Treatment Level 33 Inspiration Level 3 Group Primary Treatment Level 5 Incarnation of the Body Level 6 Magical Backfire Level 10 Mass Resurrection Level 6 Prayer Level 3 Guidance Level 3 Heavenly Shield Level 1 Stop the Undead Level 12 Cleansing Level 3 Reconciliation Level 15 Awaken Life Level 4 Requiem Level 14 Wind Resistance Level 3 Stigma of Shilen Level 4 Repose Level 13 Holy Resistance Level 3 Focusing Level 3 The whisper of death Level 3 Mana Storm Level 5 Vampire's Rage Level 4 Blessing Level 1 Blessed Shield Level 6 Great Martial Treatment Level 33 Return Level 2 The return of the group Level 2 Group Primary Treatment Level 5 Incarnation of the Body Level 6 Scare the Undead Level 10 Ease Level 3 Magical Backfire Level 10 Mass Resurrection Level 6 Prayer Level 3 Heavenly Shield Level 1 Revival Level 27 Basic Treatment Level 11 Stop the Undead Level 12 Reconciliation Level 15 Awaken Life Level 4 Agility Level 3 Regeneration Level 3 Requiem Level 14 Holy Weapon Level 1 Eve's Serenade Level 13 Power of Heaven Level 19 Stun Resistance Level 4 Poison Resistance Level 3 Trance Level 10 Repose Level 13 Enhanced Lock Level 3 Resistance to Darkness Level 3 Purity Level 3 Mana Storm Level 5 Blessing of Blood Level 7 Blessed Shield Level 6 Return Level 2 The return of the group Level 2 Inspiration Level 3 Recovery Level 32 Wild Magic Level 2 Ease Level 3 Guidance Level 3 Agility Level 3 Eve's Serenade Level 13 Wind Resistance Level 3 Stun Resistance Level 4 Poison Resistance Level 3 Stigma of Shilen Level 4 Enhanced Lock Level 3 Holy Resistance Level 3 Resistance to Darkness Level 3 Purity Level 3 The whisper of death Level 3 Vampire's Rage Level 4

, Priest of Eva, Priest of Shilen) learn each other’s skills. For example, a Cardinal can learn the skill Recharge , and the Priest of Shilen - Mass Resurrection . This cannot be accomplished simply by learning a skill. You will need a special item Sacred Incense - 1 PC.

How to bind a skill

A healer who has reached level 76 and has completed the third change of profession (Cardinal, Priest of Eve, Priest of Shilen) can bind a skill. After completing the quest for the third profession change, the healer will receive Sacred Incense - 7 pcs. For subclasses, the skill binding system is also fully available.

ClassNumber of incense
CardinalSacred Incense - Cardinal- 7 pcs.
Priest of EveSacred Incense - Priest of Eve- 7 pcs.
Priest of ShilenSacred Incense - Priest of Shilen- 7 pcs.

You can bind skills from an NPC mentor (Priest or Master). In the dialog, select Find out about the skill shortcut, and then select the one you need from the list that appears.

Bound skills can also be changed by an NPC mentor (Priest or Master). In the dialog, select - Reset Skill Shortcut settings. Attention! Skills are not unlinked for free, the cost of the procedure is 10,000,000 adena, all learned skills are unlinked at once, even if you want to cancel only one.

Depending on the situation, the character may need to cancel the bound skill, and if the skill has already been upgraded, this will result in the loss of a significant amount of SP. Before unbinding skills, use Code of Giants - Oblivion to return the SP spent on improving it.

To begin with, the player should remember that only such types of characters as healers who can study certain professions can bind sacred incense to a character. These in the game Lineage 2 include two priests: Eva and Shilen, as well as the Cardinal. Only healers can use the sacred cardinal incense in combination with other items.

In order to bind skills, each character class must have incense, the properties of which correspond to the character class, that is, this item must be of a certain type. It is very easy to understand who needs which incense since it is called the same as the character class. For example, a Cardinal must use sacred incense - cardinal.

Binding incense helps the player learn other people's skills from characters in this category. So, for example, a Cardinal, with the help of sacred incense, can learn the “Return of the Group” skill, and a Priest can learn “Mass Resurrection”. These two skills are very useful and necessary for further improvement and development of the character. After all, each of the characters has its own special properties and skills, and in order to study them you will need the sacred cardinal incense. How to use it is the most important question players ask themselves.

In order to attach certain skills of another type of healer to a character, the character himself must first reach level 76. If the character's level is less than this figure, he simply will not be able to use the sacred incense. Also, to link skills, the healer character simply needs to study the third change of professions. After the player successfully completes the third shift of these professions, he will receive seven sacred incense as a reward; thanks to these items, the healer will be able to bind and learn new skills. To do this, the player needs to turn to his mentor for help; depending on the class and type of character, he can be a Priest or a Master. In order to bind a skill using sacred incense, the player must seek help from the NPC - the priest of Ross, although he is a mentor of a certain class. In order for the player to understand who exactly he needs to approach to bind the skill, it is enough to simply read the completed quest task again, it says who the character should contact. In order to bind skills, each character class must have at least one sacred incense of a certain type; there are three types in the game.

If the player did everything correctly during the quest and received the incense, then during the dialogue with the mentor the item “learn about the skill shortcut” will appear, where the character selects the necessary skill that he wants to bind. The player should carefully consider what exactly he will attach to his character, this is due to the fact that the further development of his healer will depend entirely on this action. But, if a player makes a mistake, do not be upset, since any mentor can also reset all skills, although this action costs a fairly decent amount - 10,000,000 adena, and all the skills previously assigned to him will be immediately removed from the player character, including As a result, the player will have to make the binding again. In addition, a player who has linked a skill using sacred incense can improve and improve it, but it is worth remembering that when unbinding and re-binding skills, the player will have to spend SP.

To prevent these manipulations from becoming very problematic for the character, he needs to stock up on the “Code of Giants - Oblivion”; this particular item helps to cancel the modification of a skill, without the character having to spend SP. In addition, improved skills can be enchanted in the future; for this you just need to find all the necessary resources

In addition, you must remember that when studying and linking various skills to the healer character, sacred incense is spent, but there is no need to be upset about this, since this item can be purchased from some players. In addition, sacred incense can be obtained in some game quests, so a character of the Cardinal class, in order to obtain the sacred incense of a cardinal, must complete the quest “SagaoftheCardinal”, this quest is the main one, it cannot be skipped or completed again.

In general, fans of the game Lineage should be prepared for the fact that in order to improve their character and learn new skills, he will always need certain items, as well as money. From which it follows that the player must accumulate them.

That is why, in addition to completing the main and auxiliary quests, the player should not forget that he needs to collect resources, as well as take part in the auction in order to obtain rare items necessary to improve the game character.

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